Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Yikes...I skimmed through a bit of that thread before I felt like I should just leave it. How could this person have affected Michael though? I thought they were just making threats to people here on the board. Either wrong. :no: You know I wonder...even with all the crap still going on about Michael...ugh...I wonder if he is still bothered by it...or if he's able to just bypass all that crap now so that he can "rest in peace". I hope that it's only the love he feels and is affected by now.

I just remember hearing from Gaz that Michael was really upset about it.
I guess that person was pretending to be Michael on skype and they were also using extortion and taking alot of fans money. really bad :no: I feel so bad this kind of thing happened.
I think in the end he did feel the love from all his fans, he knew that we loved him. I read about a fan giving him the curls for my girls shirt. :) Little things like that makes me feel alot better.
Thank you all for sharing its great to read!

I havent really had anything Michael related for a while now..i am not really sure why. The last thing was a dream where I was really angry at people for talking bad about michael referring to the '93 and '05 cases and I was shouting he was not a 'f***ing P****' etc. I just remember being really angry and swearing a lot in my dream. I dont really know what it means but I just now hope for something positive
When I think back about that night it was when he sang "but I have not the WORDS here to explain"... just bam...pow... WHOA. When did it hit you? I mean his voice is just so ooooohhhhh right there, I wonder if it's the same point. And I immediately had tears running down my face with this massive blast of emotion and then I realized.... ummm, is someone touching me or something??? It was like a pressure sensation about the size of a couple of fingers along my shoulder/upper back area on the right. I ended up paying attention then to that and stopped crying, lol. It was pretty amazing because I get energy sensations and sometimes a warmth (like radiating heat), but it's really rare to feel like someone's physically touching me! (Ok, found original post. It's #1505 here

Oh gosh, yes.
It hit me at "to tell you how I feel" in my case (right at the word "tell"). And then again at the end - "I love you".
I have a really difficult time listening to this song without getting emotional since that happened, but at the same time I feel like it resonates with me on a completely different level now.

Oh and I just read your original post about your experience with the song and OMG:

"His voice was like a laser beam going straight through me, like vibrating me to the core. Whoaaaa. I instantly started crying, just tears rolling off my face. By the time the music part started I became aware of a strange pressure sensation on my bare upper back/shoulder area. (I was lying on my side.) It was as if someone had their hand (or their fingers at least) pressed against me, but I felt no temperature sensation like warm or cold, just the pressure. It felt so real. It stayed for the first verse or so. By then I wasn't crying anymore because I was more interested in the physical sensation on my shoulder, lol. Then it faded away. Hmmm..."

This is EXACTLY how I felt too.
Only, in my case as I said, the pressure was on my right hand, but nevertheless, this is literally exactly what happened to me.

UGH, I'm so glad this thread exists. Seriously.


You know, along the lines with that blast of emotion thing, last night we were watching the live stream of the AMAs and when Jermaine went up to accept the award for MJ the second time he said some nice words about love and then said "We love you, Michael". I was already happy, you know, because Michael won and I said out loud, "Yes, we love you michael" and I kissed my fingers and pointed up to the ceiling. Right then... bam... the emotion, almost tears and the presence sensation really intensely for a couple of seconds! :) So I think we all connected for a moment in joy and with the same sentiment all over the world... and Michael felt it! :wub:

That's beautiful :cry:.

Talking about these emotional "blasts" - over the summer I was having a problem with listening to his music alone in the car. I posted about it ages ago, and I remember some others had the same experience as I did -- I'd be driving alone and for some reason, this overwhelming wave of emotion would just hit me like a ton of bricks. I wasn't even feeling particularly sad at the moment this would happen either.

I mean, it got so bad that I had to pull the car over on more than once occasion.

Another instance over the summer that I just absolutely loved:
I was home with my parents between semesters, sitting on the front porch (we live on a main road), and it was a few days after the 25th.

I was just sitting outside, staring at the road and thinking about MJ.
After a little while, the thought popped into my head "I wonder why the road is so quiet today?", because it had been about ten minutes since a single car had passed.
Right as I thought that, a car went speeding by (waaaay over the speed limit of 30mph, haha), and whoever was driving was BLASTING "Earth Song".

It was right at the "ah ahhh ahhhhh" part.

I just had the biggest smile on my face! I actually started to get up out of my seat, haha. I think my body was like "MJ music - MUST FOLLOW". :lol:

(anyway, sorry for this super long post :( )

EDIT: just as I posted this, the "Earth Song" demo came on shuffle on my itunes. Win! :lol:
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I just remember hearing from Gaz that Michael was really upset about it.
I guess that person was pretending to be Michael on skype and they were also using extortion and taking alot of fans money. really bad :no: I feel so bad this kind of thing happened.
I think in the end he did feel the love from all his fans, he knew that we loved him. I read about a fan giving him the curls for my girls shirt. :) Little things like that makes me feel alot better.

Oh wow....that's just....I can't even understand that.
People are can be so crooked.
Another instance over the summer that I just absolutely loved:
I was home with my parents between semesters, sitting on the front porch (we live on a main road), and it was a few days after the 25th.

I was just sitting outside, staring at the road and thinking about MJ.
After a little while, the thought popped into my head "I wonder why the road is so quiet today?", because it had been about ten minutes since a single car had passed.
Right as I thought that, a car went speeding by (waaaay over the speed limit of 30mph, haha), and whoever was driving was BLASTING "Earth Song".

It was right at the "ah ahhh ahhhhh" part.

I just had the biggest smile on my face! I actually started to get up out of my seat, haha. I think my body was like "MJ music - MUST FOLLOW". :lol:

EDIT: just as I posted this, the "Earth Song" demo came on shuffle on my itunes. Win!
Haha...loved reading this! How awesome.
And the "must follow" part cracked me up lol...I feel the same way. When I hear MJ being talked about or I hear his music being played somewhere...I'm like a dog that smells food or something... must follow the scent :lol:
@littlesparrow.: Hahahah that is so cute! Remember, coincidences don't exist! :lol:
Oh every time there's like these energyfull songs playing on my iPod when I'm on my way in the train or anything I just feel like throw my hands in the air and wave along and scream and sing on the top of my lungs.
Like for Earth Song, sitting on my knees pretending to grab sand and be hysterical, and Black Or White...hopping with one feet to the can grab and take you in that flow so badly.
Actually I sometimes just let myself go a bit when it's dark and no ones around in the train...*cough*. :hysterical:
@littlesparrow.: Hahahah that is so cute! Remember, coincidences don't exist! :lol:
Oh every time there's like these energyfull songs playing on my iPod when I'm on my way in the train or anything I just feel like throw my hands in the air and wave along and scream and sing on the top of my lungs.
Like for Earth Song, sitting on my knees pretending to grab sand and be hysterical, and Black Or White...hopping with one feet to the can grab and take you in that flow so badly.
Actually I sometimes just let myself go a bit when it's dark and no ones around in the train...*cough*. :hysterical:

Haha, I sooo know what you mean! :lol:
@littlesparrow.: Hahahah that is so cute! Remember, coincidences don't exist! :lol:
Oh every time there's like these energyfull songs playing on my iPod when I'm on my way in the train or anything I just feel like throw my hands in the air and wave along and scream and sing on the top of my lungs.
Like for Earth Song, sitting on my knees pretending to grab sand and be hysterical, and Black Or White...hopping with one feet to the can grab and take you in that flow so badly.
Actually I sometimes just let myself go a bit when it's dark and no ones around in the train...*cough*. :hysterical:

Or "Who is it".. When "Who is it" comes on i start bobbing my head the way Michael bobbed his head in that Oprah interview... haha :)
LOL, you guys crack me up :lmao: It's like when hubby and I are underground waiting for an U-Bahn and each time one goes by there's the wind that comes through the tunnel and if there's anything paper or packaging lying around it sort of blows around. We "HO-OOooOoOooOOO!" to ourselves and joke about what we think people would do if we did it for real, lol. And they have these signs here, like "no one allowed past this point" and there's a little guy on it with his arms out to his sides that we always joke it's MJ:

Yikes...I skimmed through a bit of that thread before I felt like I should just leave it. How could this person have affected Michael though? I thought they were just making threats to people here on the board. Either wrong. :no: You know I wonder...even with all the crap still going on about Michael...ugh...I wonder if he is still bothered by it...or if he's able to just bypass all that crap now so that he can "rest in peace". I hope that it's only the love he feels and is affected by now.

Oh gee, I don't think I want to visit that thread. :( I really hope Michael isn't still aware or still affected by all the negativity. I'd hate to think that he is. :(
Re: Psychic channels Michael

True, but its kinda half the truth cuz when we go to our spirit world, we're all souls with no Body and we wont know who's who there. We Will know what we did on earth and there is our spiritual guide(Which has a higher spirit than us) will walk us through our life. The more spiritual you are the more dark color you become. for example, a baby is white...then a more mature(In a spiritual way) soul is yellow...and it goes up until the Most Spirutual souls, (i think they are purple).

So I guess, Michael must be wayyy up there.

agrees :yes:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

agrees :yes:
That's a question. When you think of MJ (forgetting what was written in the response above about colors meaning something -- so that doesn't have an influence on your choice), which color do you think of? Is there one? More than one? For some reason I always think of a mid-shade of blue. Don't know why, really. And now the golden light because of a dream I had. Oh, and his white sparkly jacket from a meditation in July :wub:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

That's a question. When you think of MJ (forgetting what was written in the response above about colors meaning something -- so that doesn't have an influence on your choice), which color do you think of? Is there one? More than one? For some reason I always think of a mid-shade of blue. Don't know why, really. And now the golden light because of a dream I had. Oh, and his white sparkly jacket from a meditation in July :wub:

I haven't experineced a color,but I believe that it is possible and could/ will happen.
You can look back at one of my expereinces post #541

interesting the color you see and jacket. I think perhaps there may be a certain high color..but perhaps everyone has their own unique huge..
How regularly do you guys have an mj dream?

My last one was a few weeks ago. I really miss him. :cry:
Wow, so many new posts!! Wonderful!! :) I'm gonna repeat what everyone's been saying but this thread means SO MUCH to me, things would be SO much harder without it... So thank you everyone for sharing your experiences and for keeping Michael alive!! I love that there's no judging here, people can share things really openly and the feeling of love & support is overwhelming and so beautiful. Ha, I'm getting a bit emotional here, sorry lol ;) Love you guys!!! :)

Ok now bare with me 'cause I got quite a few posts to reply to :p

The voice began to be louder and louder and repeating one thing over and over again. It was so loud in my ear that I comepletely woke up and sat in my bed. It was definetly Michaels and he said "Keep dancing".
After a time I was facing that someone, I could see him walking straight up to me. I turned around and there was Michael in comeplete white and light, he opened his arms, we hugged and this nightmare disappeared.

Such beautiful dreams, thank you so much for sharing, FunkeyJay! :)

I'm laying in bed. I'm listening to "Speechless" (both times this happened, it was during this song). I'm wondering why it is that I never have any of these lovely experiences that you all have. Am I not open enough? What am I doing wrong?
As soon as I start to think that way, my right hand (laying across my chest) feels weird.
Like something is pulling on it. My forefinger moves, but it just feels exactly like a muscle-twitch, you know?

The first time it happened, I felt odd. Something felt different for sure, but I tried to rationalize it and just went to sleep.
The second time it happened was last night, when I wasn't even thinking about it.
I don't know. The second time, I felt like someone was looking at me.

I could easily write it off as my finger twitching because of, I don't know, nutrient deficiency - whatever. But both times it happened, it was under the exact same circumstances. Sort of odd.

I hope I don't sound like a lunatic.
I am surely not imagining it either. :no:

That's so cool! :) Thanks for sharing :) Let us know if it happens again ;) And you certainly don't sound like a lunatic btw lol ;)

I just wanna add something about Speechless. Last night, right before I went to bed, I went to check this thread (and decided I would reply in the morning cause there were soooo many new posts lol ;)) and felt the need to listen to Speechless too, after hearing so many of you talk about your experiences while listening to the song. And also for the reason that Speechless always makes me feel really close to Michael (same with "The Lost Children". God, that song breaks my heart everytime :( ). So, I put Speechless on. And, OMG, all through the song, I cried SO intensely, I could feel Michael's love so much, almost like I could touch it... And I cried and I cried so so much, could barely breathe, overwhelmed by love... As if Michael's love was permeating the room or something... It was SO intense. I felt like I was one with him, one with his love for the world, one with his pain and everything he had to endure... Just thinking about it, I get teary-eyed again... Speechless & The Lost Children really do that to me. :cry:

That's not lunatic at all. It's just those little things that happen to me as well, and I've experienced that I can sense more when I open up at the moment. Like, try to focus on it, be calm...don't judge what it is but try to follow your intuition and true feelings when you experience it.

Exactly. You gotta really open to the moment, like nothing else matters. Feel it, let you get overwhelmed by it, really feel the energy around you.

I had an intense dream on June 20th that I was sort of going through a life review with Michael and it ended with me against his chest listening to his heart and saying to it, I love you soooo much, please keep beating, keep beating strong, please never stop. It was pretty upsetting five days later :cry:

OMG that is so heartbreaking :cry:

You know, along the lines with that blast of emotion thing, last night we were watching the live stream of the AMAs and when Jermaine went up to accept the award for MJ the second time he said some nice words about love and then said "We love you, Michael". I was already happy, you know, because Michael won and I said out loud, "Yes, we love you michael" and I kissed my fingers and pointed up to the ceiling. Right then... bam... the emotion, almost tears and the presence sensation really intensely for a couple of seconds! :) So I think we all connected for a moment in joy and with the same sentiment all over the world... and Michael felt it! :wub:

Wow, that's wonderful!! Couldn't watch the AMAs live unfortunately. It makes sense really, cause so many people at that particular moment must have indeed been thinking about Michael. Beautiful.... Hopefully that's the kind of thing we'll all feel tonight during the love prayer! :)

Whoaaa.....I just woke up, and yesterday evening when I wanted to go to sleep I was between awake/sleep and I remember walkin' to something very flashy and white, and 'it' turned around and it was Michael!
Like, straight from heaven or something in the lightness.....he opened his arms and I ran towards him to hug him. It was SO amazingly clear to see..I can still picture it.:eek:
But then I felt as if my bed was shaking from an earthquake or sth, so I opened my eyes but it was just my body that felt like as if it was know those feelings, you have when you almost fall asleep? Like as if you fall down of something and you wake of that 'fall-feeling'. Well, I was shaking...but it didn't stop when I had my eyes wide open for a minute.
I fell asleep again afterwards and dreamt I was at Neverland.

OMG Amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing! That's just... WOW, so beautiful and touching :)

On June 24th I remember I had this sense of anger over me and fear. I was angry reading a particular thread here about a member, (now banned) who betrayed Michael.
This is the thread
This was someone who had like 12,000 posts here and who I thought was a loyal fan. I was so upset about what this person did and it broke my heart to hear Michael was upset about it too. I was so worried this added to unwanted stress.

OMG I'd never heard about that story before, ugh. Pretending to be Michael & scamming fans??? Just horrible. So sick.

As for the feeling he should stay in Ireland and not go back to the US and just knowing something is wrong, I had the don't-go-back-to-the-US thing a bit as well, but back in 2007 to 2008. I've posted it before, so just quickly... in Sep 2007 I dreamt we saw on CNN that MJ died. I know he was in the US when it happened and that it was shocking and unexpected (it seemed like he was in the South somewhere). Well, they were talking about how extra tragic that it was the day before his birthday. Hubby says I told him at the time that in the dream MJ was 50 or turning 50. So I was freaked out about Aug 28th the next year, 2008, but thankfully nothing happened. And then this year we ended up with TII tickets for... Aug 28th. It was a few days later when I fully realized what day we'd got. I said on more than one occasion, "Oh God, you remember my dream, right? And now we get ticks for the day before & the day after his birthday? Hope that doesn't 'mean' something..." :cry: One could also interpret 'birthday' as the time right before the big 'comeback', I suppose. How do I take this? Either a coincidence that I got ticks for Aug 28 in the year MJ would die at 50, or otherwise it would mean this course of action was set clear back in 2007???

Damn, that's quite a coincidence indeed. Definitely makes you think, especially the 2007 part...

I think free will is a part of life and can change things, but that some things are just going to happen whatever you's just been "written in the stars" that way.

That's what I believe too.

I just had the biggest smile on my face! I actually started to get up out of my seat, haha. I think my body was like "MJ music - MUST FOLLOW". :lol:

LOL So sweet :) I know the feeling too ;) Just like amygrace said, "must follow the scent" lol I'm exactly the same ;)

And they have these signs here, like "no one allowed past this point" and there's a little guy on it with his arms out to his sides that we always joke it's MJ:


Haha, cute :)

the most beautifull thing happend to me.
i tought it deserved it,s own thread, but also want to share it here...

Wow your butterfly story is breathtakingly beautiful. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G ! Thank you so much for sharing AND for taking pictures!! What an incredible experience!!!

That's a question. When you think of MJ (forgetting what was written in the response above about colors meaning something -- so that doesn't have an influence on your choice), which color do you think of? Is there one? More than one? For some reason I always think of a mid-shade of blue. Don't know why, really. And now the golden light because of a dream I had. Oh, and his white sparkly jacket from a meditation in July :wub:

Wow same here!! Blue mixed with golden light, yes!!! Those were exactly the main colors from my most vivid dream about Michael (the one I told a few pages back, the "Michael on stage" dream)!

How regularly do you guys have an mj dream?

My last one was a few weeks ago. I really miss him. :cry:

Same here :cry: But I think we will all connect with Michael tonight :)
the most beautifull thing happend to me.
i tought it deserved it,s own thread, but also want to share it here...
The same thing happened to me two months ago.. I was listening to heal the world , the suddenly this beautiful white butterfly was flying around me . I was in my bedroom, so I found it a bit weird that a butterfly was flying around in my room .. It was gone after ten minutes .. That brought comfort to me :)
Oh , btw .. Everytime I dream of him , there's always something gold in the dreams ..
The same thing happened to me two months ago.. I was listening to heal the world , the suddenly this beautiful white butterfly was flying around me . I was in my bedroom, so I found it a bit weird that a butterfly was flying around in my room .. It was gone after ten minutes .. That brought comfort to me :)

Aww, wonderful :)

Oh , btw .. Everytime I dream of him , there's always something gold in the dreams ..

Very interesting, so many of us have had dreams with gold in them!
I just wanna add something about Speechless. Last night, right before I went to bed, I went to check this thread (and decided I would reply in the morning cause there were soooo many new posts lol ;)) and felt the need to listen to Speechless too, after hearing so many of you talk about your experiences while listening to the song. And also for the reason that Speechless always makes me feel really close to Michael (same with "The Lost Children". God, that song breaks my heart everytime :( ). So, I put Speechless on. And, OMG, all through the song, I cried SO intensely, I could feel Michael's love so much, almost like I could touch it... And I cried and I cried so so much, could barely breathe, overwhelmed by love... As if Michael's love was permeating the room or something... It was SO intense. I felt like I was one with him, one with his love for the world, one with his pain and everything he had to endure... Just thinking about it, I get teary-eyed again... Speechless & The Lost Children really do that to me. :cry:
Speechless did that to me the first time I ever heard it. Beautiful, beautiful. I had a dream last year about being on a bus and they were blasting The Lost Children over the speakers, lol. That song always gets stuck in my head. And I agree about those being soooo, well, Michael. Out of all of Invincible, those songs are two that seem more 'him' than some others.

Wow, that's wonderful!! Couldn't watch the AMAs live unfortunately. It makes sense really, cause so many people at that particular moment must have indeed been thinking about Michael. Beautiful.... Hopefully that's the kind of thing we'll all feel tonight during the love prayer! :)

Wow same here!! Blue mixed with golden light, yes!!! Those were exactly the main colors from my most vivid dream about Michael (the one I told a few pages back, the "Michael on stage" dream)!

Same here :cry: But I think we will all connect with Michael tonight :)
Yay, the big prayer/meditation/intention is only 8 hours from now! :) Btw, there's a countdown running on the site ( at the top of the main post as long as you have javascript enabled on your browser. I'm really anticipating what we'll feel. I'm actually kind of sleepy today, lol. Here's the main thread about it I hope everyone shares their experiences afterward

Neat about the blue with golden light! And Tinkerbell seeing gold in dreams as well. That makes lots of us :sun:
How regularly do you guys have an mj dream?

My last one was a few weeks ago. I really miss him. :cry:
I don't dream of Michael that often at all...unless I'm just not remembering them. My last dream was...when I dreamt about him at my old Elementary school. I shared it here but can't remember when that was...a few weeks ago maybe? But that was after a looong strike. (sigh) I really miss him too :cry:

Looking forward to the global prayer today! :angel:
MUCH LOVE to you guys!! :heart:
I don't dream of Michael that often at all...unless I'm just not remembering them. My last dream was...when I dreamt about him at my old Elementary school. I shared it here but can't remember when that was...a few weeks ago maybe? But that was after a looong strike. (sigh) I really miss him too :cry:

Looking forward to the global prayer today! :angel:
MUCH LOVE to you guys!! :heart:
Dreams for me have generally become less often and vague, except for the occasional amazing one. Like I was dreaming something about MJ this morning, something weird like he was around and people were trying to duplicate his dance steps on a stage, like in a pathway behind him or something. But I don't recall specifically seeing him, so not one of the amazing ones.

Less than 5 hours now before the prayer! :)
:heart::heart::heart::rollingpeace::give_flowers: :group: :heart::heart::heart:
Oh the prayer...yeah...I'll be doing it too. :cry: Ugh I felt so miserable today.
Can't even think of what Christmas will be like.

Thinking of you guys! :hug:
Oh the prayer...yeah...I'll be doing it too. :cry: Ugh I felt so miserable today.
Can't even think of what Christmas will be like.

Thinking of you guys! :hug:

Me too girl. :hug:
Feeling really down today.
And the weather is totally reflecting my mood. It's all drizzly, foggy and grey.

I'm excited for the prayer though. :heart:
the most beautifull thing happend to me.
i tought it deserved it,s own thread, but also want to share it here...

Oh wow, this made me smile so much, cause I've experienced something so similar to that! Basically, it was halloween, and I'd just got back from seeing TII. I'd left my room to go and get something, and when I came back, I noticed something on my wall. Looking closer, I realised it was a butterfly! Remember, this is October so it's pretty chilly, and also, I never have my windows open in Winter, it's way too cold! It just made me smile so much, cause obviously on halloween, you expect ghosts, devils etc, and a butterfly appeared in my room, such a contrast. :) The way it appeared baffled me though, cause I swear, before I left my room, it wasn't there, and when I returned, it had just appeared on my wall! The minute I saw it, I immediatley thought of a particular person, especially as I had just returned from seeing TII. :wub:

It was one of these. :wub:

I'm really sorry for going off topic guys, I just really wanted to share. :) many fans with butterfly experiences..and not just that, but the same kind of butterfly...and in chilly weather?! Amazing.
How regularly do you guys have an mj dream?

My last one was a few weeks ago. I really miss him. :cry:

I dream about him almost every night, but they're usually very vague and he's usually not even in them. Most of the time it will just be something associated with him, like one of his songs or something. I had one last night that was really weird and random. I've never noticed any colors that really stand out in these dreams though. Never seen the gold color that I can recall.

Looking forward to the love prayer. :angel: I hope Michael joins in and we can feel his and everyone else's energy. :)
Oh wow, this made me smile so much, cause I've experienced something so similar to that! Basically, it was halloween, and I'd just got back from seeing TII. I'd left my room to go and get something, and when I came back, I noticed something on my wall. Looking closer, I realised it was a butterfly! Remember, this is October so it's pretty chilly, and also, I never have my windows open in Winter, it's way too cold! It just made me smile so much, cause obviously on halloween, you expect ghosts, devils etc, and a butterfly appeared in my room, such a contrast. :) The way it appeared baffled me though, cause I swear, before I left my room, it wasn't there, and when I returned, it had just appeared on my wall! The minute I saw it, I immediatley thought of a particular person, especially as I had just returned from seeing TII. :wub:

It was one of these. :wub:

I'm really sorry for going off topic guys, I just really wanted to share. :)

Wow, I love all of these butterfly stories!
Just amazing!

Could there be a more lovely sign? So beautiful.