Merged: Psychics channel Michael would be hard for me to be friends with people that didn't like Michael. I mean, if I met some good people who were just too close minded about him - hey that's their problem not mine...I'd still accept and respect them as people. But - they'd have to respect me in return. For friends to sit and talk smack about Michael in my just the same as them talking down about my own Father or something...that's how much he means to me. Maybe if you explained your feelings about Michael to your friends in these terms...they'd understand. If might as well sit there and rant about how their fathers are gay freaks every time you guys hang out. I mean hey, if they can sit and spread lies about someone you care about so can you right? Maybe they'll get the picture then. :doh:

Same here.. Im not close minded but if they cant respect that part of me then it hurts me. If people talk bad about MJ I feel they are putting down my best friend. Its something I just cant stand for.
@Court.ney.x: I understand how u must's really hard. My friends know I love MJ, but they never told me how they think about it actually. Though the majority just accepted it cuz I loved him since I was little, and many like or respect him as well. They know I'm not gonna change it. Sometimes I do see faces when I'm wearing an MJ shirt or anything that says enough.
But your friends may not hurt you like they did! Everyone has their own interests, maybe you can try to use an argument like 'what would you think if I laughed really hard about your (fill in interest)?'. Try to keep it a bit funny...most of the times that works for me and it is still clear to them they should shut up.
Anyways, I hope you're ok....if u ever need a talk, let me know. :hug:
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First: I love this thread.

I decided to read it before I post - actually I'm still reading. I wanted to share my expierences about Michael and my general thoughts on this subject. I'll do later.

I'm on page 131 - And I want to read it ALL :)

Anyway - which makes me post here is that I expierenced something - which is for me - totally amazing and I need to share.

Yesterday I was meditating seriously for the first time. I wanted to connect my archangel - which was told to be Michael in april. So - I saw one video on YouTube yesterday and somehow I tried to call him to ask if he could connect me with Michael somehow (in a dream, etc.)

Then the name Raphael popped into my head and I saw a little part of a landscape which was slowly getting bigger. After a time it ended, the whole meditation and I decided to sleep. I was very confused about Raphael - I didn't even know if this is an archangel, because I swear that I don't know nothing about it.

Right now, I just looked it up - and he exists!! Gosh, I freaked out, because I was happy and scared at the same time. On german Wikipeda there are pictures like that aswell

The definition of him on a german side I found is that he help to communicate as well as healths....

I needed to share that :)

I also have expierences with Michael, I will post them asap :)

Welcome, FunkeyJay!! :) Looking forward to reading more about your Michael experiences!! Your meditation story got me real interested!! Thanks for sharing :)
Thanks so much for all the welcomes :) I already feel at home :)

I tried to meditate yesterday again - but unfortunatley I felt kind of blocked. So I remember what someone said here, to not push and not try to hard. So I stopped, although I really want to improve to get somehow a sign of Michael.

Actually I thought I'd start my first posting here with talking about BV lol
About her - I think she's real. I had goose bumps watching her and it felt like it was Mike. I just hope she would update us a bit more :(

About me:
I was always interested in the paranormal. I spend a lot of time analysing dreams in my past but when I really discovered spirits was between 2002-04. I talked with my penpal and she told me a bit of the feeling beeing watched etc. I knew the feeling and she told me what I could do to make them go away. I tried a bit of tarot but I always thought I'm not talented enough. So that I have been doing the past years till a few weeks ago.

I also had dreams. The first one I had in april. Maybe it's not that meaningful I don't know. To me it became a strange dream after June 25. To that time I spend more time on the forum of Michaels official site and many people were writing about their dreams of the upcoming concerts. And I was like "Mh, why don't I have any?". This night I dreamt that I met Michael. We had so much fun and got along perfectly. Then he told me he had to go. I had so much fun with him, so I asked him to take me with him, but he replied that it doesn't work. I don't know how it happened, but he dissappeared. I was looking for him, saiyng his name, but I couldn't find him. When I woke up I was like "And what has that to do with 'This Is It'"?
Anyway, when I think back I have the feeling that I was 'a very little bit' prepared. Because I listened to Left Eye again, I'm a fan of TLC aswell (...but not as big as I am of Michael ... faaar away lol)... and Lisa is a very spiritual person and I read more about it. The sentence I have under my siggy is by her aswell. To that time I discovered that the actor who played Michael in American Dreams died a long time ago and I was so sad about, really really sad. After a few days I had to tell me that I'm just associating him with Michael and I told myself "Michael is not dead, Michael is not dead"... and then I wondered, if it's going to feel like this when it's his time... I never expected that it hurted times million...

After June 25 I had 3 expierences, or maybe 4
About feeling him, I don't know what it was, but Jun 28 I was travelling around in train to meet fans. On my way back I felt so peaceful and I looked at the nature and had the thought that Michael is everywhere...
In July I had my first dream about Michael. I don't remember what was around us. But he was walking around, he was about to turn away, saw me and walked to me. He stood there, right in front me and thanked me. I woke up, and I was so damn confused... REALLY. I had to pull myself together and tried to remember if I really met him once. It felt so real, that I was so confused when I woke up. That was a strange one...
After that - I don't know when it happened - I almost felt asleep. I was hearing something - I was half asleep, half awake. The voice began to be louder and louder and repeating one thing over and over again. It was so loud in my ear that I comepletely woke up and sat in my bed. It was definetly Michaels and he said "Keep dancing". You have to know I love to dance. I started about when I was 12 and my first one was "Thriller". I kinda gave it up, became lazy but I love dancing.
The last dream I had was - maybe august - I don't remember. I have to say, before I went to sleep, I was very sad, I cried my eyes out. To the dream: It was a nightmare. Someone was hunting me. After a time I was facing that someone, I could see him walking straight up to me. I turned around and there was Michael in comeplete white and light, he opened his arms, we hugged and this nightmare disappeared.

Gosh - I'm so sorry that it is soooooo long. I like to write lol and I rather write everything now before I forget something :)
^ Wow.....amazing! :cry: Don't know what to say anymore. Feelin' a bit bluh at the moment, sorry.

Thanks for sharing. :hug:
This night I dreamt that I met Michael. We had so much fun and got along perfectly. Then he told me he had to go. I had so much fun with him, so I asked him to take me with him, but he replied that it doesn't work. I don't know how it happened, but he dissappeared.
I was hearing something - I was half asleep, half awake. The voice began to be louder and louder and repeating one thing over and over again. It was so loud in my ear that I comepletely woke up and sat in my bed. It was definetly Michaels and he said "Keep dancing".
I turned around and there was Michael in comeplete white and light, he opened his arms, we hugged and this nightmare disappeared.
These were touching :cry: Thanks so much for sharing.
Thanks so much for all the welcomes :) I already feel at home :)

I tried to meditate yesterday again - but unfortunatley I felt kind of blocked. So I remember what someone said here, to not push and not try to hard. So I stopped, although I really want to improve to get somehow a sign of Michael.

Actually I thought I'd start my first posting here with talking about BV lol
About her - I think she's real. I had goose bumps watching her and it felt like it was Mike. I just hope she would update us a bit more :(

About me:
I was always interested in the paranormal. I spend a lot of time analysing dreams in my past but when I really discovered spirits was between 2002-04. I talked with my penpal and she told me a bit of the feeling beeing watched etc. I knew the feeling and she told me what I could do to make them go away. I tried a bit of tarot but I always thought I'm not talented enough. So that I have been doing the past years till a few weeks ago.

I also had dreams. The first one I had in april. Maybe it's not that meaningful I don't know. To me it became a strange dream after June 25. To that time I spend more time on the forum of Michaels official site and many people were writing about their dreams of the upcoming concerts. And I was like "Mh, why don't I have any?". This night I dreamt that I met Michael. We had so much fun and got along perfectly. Then he told me he had to go. I had so much fun with him, so I asked him to take me with him, but he replied that it doesn't work. I don't know how it happened, but he dissappeared. I was looking for him, saiyng his name, but I couldn't find him. When I woke up I was like "And what has that to do with 'This Is It'"?
Anyway, when I think back I have the feeling that I was 'a very little bit' prepared. Because I listened to Left Eye again, I'm a fan of TLC aswell (...but not as big as I am of Michael ... faaar away lol)... and Lisa is a very spiritual person and I read more about it. The sentence I have under my siggy is by her aswell. To that time I discovered that the actor who played Michael in American Dreams died a long time ago and I was so sad about, really really sad. After a few days I had to tell me that I'm just associating him with Michael and I told myself "Michael is not dead, Michael is not dead"... and then I wondered, if it's going to feel like this when it's his time... I never expected that it hurted times million...

After June 25 I had 3 expierences, or maybe 4
About feeling him, I don't know what it was, but Jun 28 I was travelling around in train to meet fans. On my way back I felt so peaceful and I looked at the nature and had the thought that Michael is everywhere...
In July I had my first dream about Michael. I don't remember what was around us. But he was walking around, he was about to turn away, saw me and walked to me. He stood there, right in front me and thanked me. I woke up, and I was so damn confused... REALLY. I had to pull myself together and tried to remember if I really met him once. It felt so real, that I was so confused when I woke up. That was a strange one...
After that - I don't know when it happened - I almost felt asleep. I was hearing something - I was half asleep, half awake. The voice began to be louder and louder and repeating one thing over and over again. It was so loud in my ear that I comepletely woke up and sat in my bed. It was definetly Michaels and he said "Keep dancing". You have to know I love to dance. I started about when I was 12 and my first one was "Thriller". I kinda gave it up, became lazy but I love dancing.
The last dream I had was - maybe august - I don't remember. I have to say, before I went to sleep, I was very sad, I cried my eyes out. To the dream: It was a nightmare. Someone was hunting me. After a time I was facing that someone, I could see him walking straight up to me. I turned around and there was Michael in comeplete white and light, he opened his arms, we hugged and this nightmare disappeared.

Gosh - I'm so sorry that it is soooooo long. I like to write lol and I rather write everything now before I forget something :)

Wow. Thanks for sharing your experiences. :)
You're welcome, glad I could :hug:

The only sad thing is that to that time I was pretty confused and didn't know what to believe. I didn't even know that these kind of visitation exist. So unfortunatly it wasn't the big comfort for me. I wish I could expierence it once more :(
Yesterday I was meditating seriously for the first time. I wanted to connect my archangel - which was told to be Michael in april. So - I saw one video on YouTube yesterday and somehow I tried to call him to ask if he could connect me with Michael somehow (in a dream, etc.)

Then the name Raphael popped into my head and I saw a little part of a landscape which was slowly getting bigger. After a time it ended, the whole meditation and I decided to sleep. I was very confused about Raphael - I didn't even know if this is an archangel, because I swear that I don't know nothing about it.

Right now, I just looked it up - and he exists!! Gosh, I freaked out, because I was happy and scared at the same time. On german Wikipeda there are pictures like that aswell

The definition of him on a german side I found is that he help to communicate as well as healths....
Okay...this is weird, I just did a quiz on Facebook to found out who's your arch angel, and I got Raphael as well.
I remembered you mentioning this. Now I don't know if Facebook is such a reliable source... :lol:...but it got a nice description.

"Healing power of God", "The Divine has healed", "God heals" Hebrew word rapha means "doctor" or "healer". Raphael is a powerful healer and assists with all forms of healing - humans and animals. He helps to rapidly heal body, mind and spirit. The chummiest and funniest of all Angels, Raphael is often pictured chatting merrily with mortal beings. He's very sweet, loving, kind and gentle and you know that he's around when you see sparkles or flashes of green light. Part of Raphael's healing work involves spirit releasement and space clearing. He often works with Michael to exorcise discarnate entities and escort away lower energies from people and places. As well as a healer, Raphael is known as the "Patron of Travelers" because of his help with Tobias and his travels. He assures that all your transportation, lodging and luggage details go miraculously well. Raphael also helps with inward spiritual journeys, assisting in searches for truth and guidance. Raphael is protecting and helping healers such as doctors, therapist and surgeons. Raphael not only helps you to heal from physical, emotional and mental pain, he also heals wounds from past lives. He is a Keeper of Holy Grail the highest spiritual energy of unconditional love that heals everything.

Anyone knows where you can find out more about who is your arch angel?
Thanks so much for all the welcomes :) I already feel at home :)

I tried to meditate yesterday again - but unfortunatley I felt kind of blocked. So I remember what someone said here, to not push and not try to hard. So I stopped, although I really want to improve to get somehow a sign of Michael.

Actually I thought I'd start my first posting here with talking about BV lol
About her - I think she's real. I had goose bumps watching her and it felt like it was Mike. I just hope she would update us a bit more :(

About me:
I was always interested in the paranormal. I spend a lot of time analysing dreams in my past but when I really discovered spirits was between 2002-04. I talked with my penpal and she told me a bit of the feeling beeing watched etc. I knew the feeling and she told me what I could do to make them go away. I tried a bit of tarot but I always thought I'm not talented enough. So that I have been doing the past years till a few weeks ago.

I also had dreams. The first one I had in april. Maybe it's not that meaningful I don't know. To me it became a strange dream after June 25. To that time I spend more time on the forum of Michaels official site and many people were writing about their dreams of the upcoming concerts. And I was like "Mh, why don't I have any?". This night I dreamt that I met Michael. We had so much fun and got along perfectly. Then he told me he had to go. I had so much fun with him, so I asked him to take me with him, but he replied that it doesn't work. I don't know how it happened, but he dissappeared. I was looking for him, saiyng his name, but I couldn't find him. When I woke up I was like "And what has that to do with 'This Is It'"?
Anyway, when I think back I have the feeling that I was 'a very little bit' prepared. Because I listened to Left Eye again, I'm a fan of TLC aswell (...but not as big as I am of Michael ... faaar away lol)... and Lisa is a very spiritual person and I read more about it. The sentence I have under my siggy is by her aswell. To that time I discovered that the actor who played Michael in American Dreams died a long time ago and I was so sad about, really really sad. After a few days I had to tell me that I'm just associating him with Michael and I told myself "Michael is not dead, Michael is not dead"... and then I wondered, if it's going to feel like this when it's his time... I never expected that it hurted times million...

After June 25 I had 3 expierences, or maybe 4
About feeling him, I don't know what it was, but Jun 28 I was travelling around in train to meet fans. On my way back I felt so peaceful and I looked at the nature and had the thought that Michael is everywhere...
In July I had my first dream about Michael. I don't remember what was around us. But he was walking around, he was about to turn away, saw me and walked to me. He stood there, right in front me and thanked me. I woke up, and I was so damn confused... REALLY. I had to pull myself together and tried to remember if I really met him once. It felt so real, that I was so confused when I woke up. That was a strange one...
After that - I don't know when it happened - I almost felt asleep. I was hearing something - I was half asleep, half awake. The voice began to be louder and louder and repeating one thing over and over again. It was so loud in my ear that I comepletely woke up and sat in my bed. It was definetly Michaels and he said "Keep dancing". You have to know I love to dance. I started about when I was 12 and my first one was "Thriller". I kinda gave it up, became lazy but I love dancing.
The last dream I had was - maybe august - I don't remember. I have to say, before I went to sleep, I was very sad, I cried my eyes out. To the dream: It was a nightmare. Someone was hunting me. After a time I was facing that someone, I could see him walking straight up to me. I turned around and there was Michael in comeplete white and light, he opened his arms, we hugged and this nightmare disappeared.

Gosh - I'm so sorry that it is soooooo long. I like to write lol and I rather write everything now before I forget something :)

Thank you so much for sharing these :cry:
Really lovely.

I hope you do keep dancing!

I have something to share, but I'm feeling sort of hesitant about it because it sounds quite weird. But here goes.

So, this has happened to me twice so far:

I'm laying in bed. I'm listening to "Speechless" (both times this happened, it was during this song). I'm wondering why it is that I never have any of these lovely experiences that you all have. Am I not open enough? What am I doing wrong?
As soon as I start to think that way, my right hand (laying across my chest) feels weird.
Like something is pulling on it. My forefinger moves, but it just feels exactly like a muscle-twitch, you know?

The first time it happened, I felt odd. Something felt different for sure, but I tried to rationalize it and just went to sleep.
The second time it happened was last night, when I wasn't even thinking about it.
I don't know. The second time, I felt like someone was looking at me.

I could easily write it off as my finger twitching because of, I don't know, nutrient deficiency - whatever. But both times it happened, it was under the exact same circumstances. Sort of odd.

I hope I don't sound like a lunatic.
I am surely not imagining it either. :no:
Mrs. Music said:
Anyone knows where you can find out more about who is your arch angel?
I don't think Archangels are assigned to people like Guardian Angels are... Archangels are like "ascended masters" that come to you when you need them... whereas Guardian Angels are with you always. Finding out who is with you and assisting you at the time though is as easy as tapping into your intuition. Take a silent moment to meditate on it and see what name comes up. Or, you can consult some Oracle cards...particularly Doreen Virtues Archangel card deck! I love that deck. She also has one called "Messages from your Angels" which is wonderful too. If anyone is looking to get some insights and comfort from the angels, and even regarding Michael...I'd recommend these. :)

I'm laying in bed. I'm listening to "Speechless" (both times this happened, it was during this song). I'm wondering why it is that I never have any of these lovely experiences that you all have. Am I not open enough? What am I doing wrong?
As soon as I start to think that way, my right hand (laying across my chest) feels weird.
Like something is pulling on it. My forefinger moves, but it just feels exactly like a muscle-twitch, you know?
As always our brains start to rationalize these kinds of things...but considering the circumstances, that they happened at the same 2 times you were thinking about Michael...AND you felt like someone was watching you...I think it's obvious. Try flowing with it if it happens instead of immediately questioning it, start to feel out the energy in the room and open yourself even more. Who knows what you might experience then.
As always our brains start to rationalize these kinds of things...but considering the circumstances, that they happened at the same 2 times you were thinking about Michael...AND you felt like someone was watching you...I think it's obvious. Try flowing with it if it happens instead of immediately questioning it, start to feel out the energy in the room and open yourself even more. Who knows what you might experience then.

Yes, thanks for the advice. I'll definitely do that.

It's kind of sad, actually. I used to have a lot of experiences like this as a child, but as I got older I developed this tendency to rationalize everything away, no matter how much I wanted to believe.

I have been trying to break out of this for the past year. I kind of hope this is a sign that I'm getting somewhere.

I just can't tell anyone about these things without scaring them away, hah.
It's nice to have this thread as an outlet. :heart:
I have something to share, but I'm feeling sort of hesitant about it because it sounds quite weird. But here goes.

So, this has happened to me twice so far:

I'm laying in bed. I'm listening to "Speechless" (both times this happened, it was during this song). I'm wondering why it is that I never have any of these lovely experiences that you all have. Am I not open enough? What am I doing wrong?
As soon as I start to think that way, my right hand (laying across my chest) feels weird.
Like something is pulling on it. My forefinger moves, but it just feels exactly like a muscle-twitch, you know?

The first time it happened, I felt odd. Something felt different for sure, but I tried to rationalize it and just went to sleep.
The second time it happened was last night, when I wasn't even thinking about it.
I don't know. The second time, I felt like someone was looking at me.

I could easily write it off as my finger twitching because of, I don't know, nutrient deficiency - whatever. But both times it happened, it was under the exact same circumstances. Sort of odd.

I hope I don't sound like a lunatic.
I am surely not imagining it either. :no:
That's not lunatic at all. It's just those little things that happen to me as well, and I've experienced that I can sense more when I open up at the moment. Like, try to focus on it, be calm...don't judge what it is but try to follow your intuition and true feelings when you experience it.
I thought about Michael...he was such a mysterical man, why wouldn't he be in dead...can totally picture him doing this kind of stuff and let us crack our brains for some time. LOL.

I don't think Archangels are assigned to people like Guardian Angels are... Archangels are like "ascended masters" that come to you when you need them... whereas Guardian Angels are with you always. Finding out who is with you and assisting you at the time though is as easy as tapping into your intuition. Take a silent moment to meditate on it and see what name comes up. Or, you can consult some Oracle cards...particularly Doreen Virtues Archangel card deck! I love that deck. She also has one called "Messages from your Angels" which is wonderful too. If anyone is looking to get some insights and comfort from the angels, and even regarding Michael...I'd recommend these. :)
Oh oops, that quiz was actually about guardian them mixed up.
Thanks for the info dear!
To that time I discovered that the actor who played Michael in American Dreams died a long time ago and I was so sad about, really really sad. ................... It was definetly Michaels and he said "Keep dancing". You have to know I love to dance. I started about when I was 12 and my first one was "Thriller". I kinda gave it up, became lazy but I love dancing. .....................
The last dream I had was - maybe august - I don't remember. I turned around and there was Michael in comeplete white and light, he opened his arms, we hugged and this nightmare disappeared.
Wow, I must've been out of it because I didn't even realize that Wylie Draper (adult MJ in The Jacksons An American Dream) had died. He was only 24, back in 1993, of leukemia. Well that sucks :(

Thanks for sharing your dreams and experiences. I loved "keep dancing"! In regard to dreams this past spring, before June 25th, there were quite a few that people posted in the Dreams thread here that the concerts wouldn't happen, something going wrong or Michael wasn't actually the person on stage, he didn't look or sound like himself, etc. Not all dreams were negative. Some were positive, but especially that last week people had commented like "I hope it's not an omen". I had an intense dream on June 20th that I was sort of going through a life review with Michael and it ended with me against his chest listening to his heart and saying to it, I love you soooo much, please keep beating, keep beating strong, please never stop. It was pretty upsetting five days later :cry:

So, this has happened to me twice so far:

I'm laying in bed. I'm listening to "Speechless" (both times this happened, it was during this song). ........I hope I don't sound like a lunatic.
I am surely not imagining it either. :no:
Well, I had an experience of someone touching my shoulder/back when I was listening to Speechless (very emotionally listening) a while back too. I posted it here (it was the night with the cell phone mysteriously being open and across the floor by the door when I woke up). Maybe it's like when people feel something when listening to Beyonce's 'Halo'? For me it was his voice just went straight through me at the beginning of Speechless that night. I think it's the emotional connection and then... whatever that is that happens :angel: I don't think it's our imagination...
As always our brains start to rationalize these kinds of things...but considering the circumstances, that they happened at the same 2 times you were thinking about Michael...AND you felt like someone was watching you...I think it's obvious. Try flowing with it if it happens instead of immediately questioning it, start to feel out the energy in the room and open yourself even more. Who knows what you might experience then.
Oh yeah, rationalize big time. If something happens once, then maybe you could pretend it was your imagination. It if happens more than once it starts to be like 'duh!':doh: But nevertheless we still rationalize, right? LOL Reminds me of the Matrix, when Neo goes to see the Oracle and she says something like 'Don't worry. I promise as soon as you leave here you'll remember that you don't believe any of this fate crap...' Meaning you believe it when it's happening, but then later it's like your brain caves in and you're back to doubting. :cheeky: I've had soooo many experiences (unexpected experiences!) since Michael died that you'd think I wouldn't have a doubt left and yet and if you asked me I'd say I believe in it all 50% to 100%, depending on the moment, lolol. Good grief :smilerolleyes:
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Thanks for sharing your dreams and experiences. I loved "keep dancing"! In regard to dreams this past spring, before June 25th, there were quite a few that people posted in the Dreams thread here that the concerts wouldn't happen, something going wrong or Michael wasn't actually the person on stage, he didn't look or sound like himself, etc. Not all dreams were negative. Some were positive, but especially that last week people had commented like "I hope it's not an omen". I had an intense dream on June 20th that I was sort of going through a life review with Michael and it ended with me against his chest listening to his heart and saying to it, I love you soooo much, please keep beating, keep beating strong, please never stop. It was pretty upsetting five days later :cry:

Wow, that is intense.
I can imagine how upsetting it must have been! :(

Well, I had an experience of someone touching my shoulder/back when I was listening to Speechless (very emotionally listening) a while back too. I posted it here (it was the night with the cell phone mysteriously being open and across the floor by the door when I woke up). Maybe it's like when people feel something when listening to Beyonce's 'Halo'? For me it was his voice just went straight through me at the beginning of Speechless that night. I think it's the emotional connection and then... whatever that is that happens :angel: I don't think it's our imagination...
Oh yeah, rationalize big time. If something happens once, then maybe you could pretend it was your imagination. It if happens more than once it starts to be like 'duh!':doh: But nevertheless we still rationalize, right? LOL Reminds me of the Matrix, when Neo goes to see the Oracle and she says something like 'Don't worry. I promise as soon as you leave here you'll remember that you don't believe any of this fate crap...' Meaning you believe it when it's happening, but then later it's like your brain caves in and you're back to doubting. :cheeky: I've had soooo many experiences (unexpected experiences!) since Michael died that you'd think I wouldn't have a doubt left and yet and if you asked me I'd say I believe in it all 50% to 100%, depending on the moment, lolol. Good grief :smilerolleyes:

Yes, EXACTLY the same for me too.
It's been a while since I have had that emotional a response to his music.

I'm so glad to hear about your experience too. :) I must have missed it when you posted it.
I have seen a few others talk about a warm or tingling sensation as well, so that makes me feel a little better.
I was sort of going through a life review with Michael and it ended with me against his chest listening to his heart and saying to it, I love you soooo much, please keep beating, keep beating strong, please never stop.
That is the most heartbreaking thing ever...:cry:...reading that just...ugh there are no words. Why didn't he keep beating...why?! :boohoo:

Reminds me of the Matrix, when Neo goes to see the Oracle and she says something like 'Don't worry. I promise as soon as you leave here you'll remember that you don't believe any of this fate crap...' Meaning you believe it when it's happening, but then later it's like your brain caves in and you're back to doubting. :cheeky: I've had soooo many experiences (unexpected experiences!) since Michael died that you'd think I wouldn't have a doubt left and yet and if you asked me I'd say I believe in it all 50% to 100%, depending on the moment, lolol. Good grief :smilerolleyes:
I know exactly what you mean! I guess it's just Human Nature to be so That was one thing I was told in my latest reading...she said my angels were telling me that I don't trust myself enough. :doh:
Wow, that is intense.
I can imagine how upsetting it must have been! :(
Yes, EXACTLY the same for me too.
It's been a while since I have had that emotional a response to his music.

I'm so glad to hear about your experience too. :) I must have missed it when you posted it.
I have seen a few others talk about a warm or tingling sensation as well, so that makes me feel a little better.
When I think back about that night it was when he sang "but I have not the WORDS here to explain"... just bam...pow... WHOA. When did it hit you? I mean his voice is just so ooooohhhhh right there, I wonder if it's the same point. And I immediately had tears running down my face with this massive blast of emotion and then I realized.... ummm, is someone touching me or something??? It was like a pressure sensation about the size of a couple of fingers along my shoulder/upper back area on the right. I ended up paying attention then to that and stopped crying, lol. It was pretty amazing because I get energy sensations and sometimes a warmth (like radiating heat), but it's really rare to feel like someone's physically touching me! (Ok, found original post. It's #1505 here

You know, along the lines with that blast of emotion thing, last night we were watching the live stream of the AMAs and when Jermaine went up to accept the award for MJ the second time he said some nice words about love and then said "We love you, Michael". I was already happy, you know, because Michael won and I said out loud, "Yes, we love you michael" and I kissed my fingers and pointed up to the ceiling. Right then... bam... the emotion, almost tears and the presence sensation really intensely for a couple of seconds! :) So I think we all connected for a moment in joy and with the same sentiment all over the world... and Michael felt it! :wub:
Yeah, I think there is something to the song "Speechless" because I've had experiences with that song, where it just came into my head at the right time, or like the one time I heard a muzak version on the radio when I was at a pharmacy. Never heard a muzak version of Speechless before. And this is just too funny because as I'm typing up this post, the song just came on on my iTunes. Michael saying hello? :lol: :D

I've also had this happen with "You Are Not Alone" too sometimes.
Whoaaa.....I just woke up, and yesterday evening when I wanted to go to sleep I was between awake/sleep and I remember walkin' to something very flashy and white, and 'it' turned around and it was Michael!
Like, straight from heaven or something in the lightness.....he opened his arms and I ran towards him to hug him. It was SO amazingly clear to see..I can still picture it.:eek:
But then I felt as if my bed was shaking from an earthquake or sth, so I opened my eyes but it was just my body that felt like as if it was know those feelings, you have when you almost fall asleep? Like as if you fall down of something and you wake of that 'fall-feeling'. Well, I was shaking...but it didn't stop when I had my eyes wide open for a minute.
I fell asleep again afterwards and dreamt I was at Neverland.

Sorry, I sound a bit hysterical. Michael felt so far away for a long time.
But now I felt 2 things in 1 week! Ohmygod... :cry:
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Whoaaa.....I just woke up, and yesterday evening when I wanted to go to sleep I was between awake/sleep and I remember walkin' to something very flashy and white, and 'it' turned around and it was Michael!
Like, straight from heaven or something in the lightness.....he opened his arms and I ran towards him to hug him. It was SO amazingly clear to see..I can still picture it.:eek:
But then I felt as if my bed was shaking from an earthquake or sth, so I opened my eyes but it was just my body that felt like as if it was know those feelings, you have when you almost fall asleep? Like as if you fall down of something and you wake of that 'fall-feeling'. Well, I was shaking...but it didn't stop when I had my eyes wide open for a minute.
I fell asleep again afterwards and dreamt I was at Neverland.

Sorry, I sound a bit hysterical. Michael felt so far away for a long time.
But now I felt 2 things in 1 week! Ohmygod... :cry:

awwww you saw him :yes: I had a similar experience about 2 weeks ago. Its hard to really explain what I saw but it was really surreal. I think he really does watch over his fans. He really does care about us!!
mjbunny I didnt have any bad dreams before June 25th but I was pretty hysterical about these concerts. I had a bad feeling in the gut of my stomach. I kept telling my mom I fear Michael is in trouble. I dont know if he could go through with this tour. I also remember telling my mom that I think Michael should stay in Ireland and not come to the US.

On June 24th I remember I had this sense of anger over me and fear. I was angry reading a particular thread here about a member, (now banned) who betrayed Michael.
This is the thread
This was someone who had like 12,000 posts here and who I thought was a loyal fan. I was so upset about what this person did and it broke my heart to hear Michael was upset about it too. I was so worried this added to unwanted stress.

When I heard he was doing 50 shows I was just so worried about him. It didnt feel right. If I would have known exactly what was to come I would have done everything in my power to stop it :cry:

Also your heart beating dream is really sad. It reminds me of hearing Michaels heart beat in the smooth criminal clip, that is still hard to watch :cry:
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I just read through that thread about that former member/con artist
I feel sick to my stomach now.
Whoaaa.....I just woke up, and yesterday evening when I wanted to go to sleep I was between awake/sleep and I remember walkin' to something very flashy and white, and 'it' turned around and it was Michael!
Like, straight from heaven or something in the lightness.....he opened his arms and I ran towards him to hug him. It was SO amazingly clear to see..I can still picture it.
:angel:So beautiful. THIS is exactly the type of experience I wish for so much...:cry: I hope I get one someday. Thanks for sharing! Even without any real experiences to share just feels like he's very close lately.
This was someone who had like 12,000 posts here and who I thought was a loyal fan. I was so upset about what this person did and it broke my heart to hear Michael was upset about it too. I was so worried this added to unwanted stress.
Yikes...I skimmed through a bit of that thread before I felt like I should just leave it. How could this person have affected Michael though? I thought they were just making threats to people here on the board. Either wrong. :no: You know I wonder...even with all the crap still going on about Michael...ugh...I wonder if he is still bothered by it...or if he's able to just bypass all that crap now so that he can "rest in peace". I hope that it's only the love he feels and is affected by now.
:angel:So beautiful. THIS is exactly the type of experience I wish for so much...:cry: I hope I get one someday. Thanks for sharing! Even without any real experiences to share just feels like he's very close lately.
Aww...I bet you will. It really came by surprise for me as well, I didn't even think about him at that moment or did like, meditation or anything. He really is close now huh. Whoa. :heart:
I was between awake/sleep and I remember walkin' to something very flashy and white, and 'it' turned around and it was Michael!
LOL, love it :D He wasn't by chance wearing a sparkly white jacket, was he? That's what I thought first when you wrote "flashy and white". Way cool experience, btw. I get that 'earthquake' feeling sometimes too, or I feel like I'm swaying side to side or the bed is bouncing when I'm doing my little pre-sleep meditations. I guess it's when we're partly out of body in that in-between state.

Yeah, I think there is something to the song "Speechless" because I've had experiences with that song, where it just came into my head at the right time, or like the one time I heard a muzak version on the radio when I was at a pharmacy. Never heard a muzak version of Speechless before. And this is just too funny because as I'm typing up this post, the song just came on on my iTunes. Michael saying hello? :lol: :DI've also had this happen with "You Are Not Alone" too sometimes.
Aw, that's just coincidence.

Not! :D

MJStarlight - Yeah, I remember the imposter. That was so crazy and just soooo wrong. But you've been on MJJC for way longer than me, so it must've been particularly shocking to find out it was her. :no:

As for the feeling he should stay in Ireland and not go back to the US and just knowing something is wrong, I had the don't-go-back-to-the-US thing a bit as well, but back in 2007 to 2008. I've posted it before, so just quickly... in Sep 2007 I dreamt we saw on CNN that MJ died. I know he was in the US when it happened and that it was shocking and unexpected (it seemed like he was in the South somewhere). Well, they were talking about how extra tragic that it was the day before his birthday. Hubby says I told him at the time that in the dream MJ was 50 or turning 50. So I was freaked out about Aug 28th the next year, 2008, but thankfully nothing happened. And then this year we ended up with TII tickets for... Aug 28th. It was a few days later when I fully realized what day we'd got. I said on more than one occasion, "Oh God, you remember my dream, right? And now we get ticks for the day before & the day after his birthday? Hope that doesn't 'mean' something..." :cry: One could also interpret 'birthday' as the time right before the big 'comeback', I suppose. How do I take this? Either a coincidence that I got ticks for Aug 28 in the year MJ would die at 50, or otherwise it would mean this course of action was set clear back in 2007???
How do I take this? Either a coincidence that I got ticks for Aug 28 in the year MJ would die at 50, or otherwise it would mean this course of action was set clear back in 2007???
Wow that's pretty crazy. I don't know how you can take THAT one as "just a coincidence" obviously get very in tune with things on more than one occasion. I really do think that many events that happen in our lives have been planned out. I think free will is a part of life and can change things, but that some things are just going to happen whatever you's just been "written in the stars" that way.