Merged: Psychics channel Michael

So many new replies I need to read. I love this thread and all your dreams & expierences :)

By the way , I haven't tried to meditate again. I currently have some trouble falling asleep and that give me a feeling like I'm kind of blocked and before I push too much - I'll wait till I feel better.

Thank you amygrace for telling about the difference about archangels & guardian angels. Didn't know that :)

Thanks for sharing your dreams and experiences. I loved "keep dancing"! In regard to dreams this past spring, before June 25th, there were quite a few that people posted in the Dreams thread here that the concerts wouldn't happen, something going wrong or Michael wasn't actually the person on stage, he didn't look or sound like himself, etc. Not all dreams were negative. Some were positive, but especially that last week people had commented like "I hope it's not an omen". I had an intense dream on June 20th that I was sort of going through a life review with Michael and it ended with me against his chest listening to his heart and saying to it, I love you soooo much, please keep beating, keep beating strong, please never stop. It was pretty upsetting five days later :cry:

I read some dreams where people dreamt about it. It's kind of scary. Who thought it would be more than a dream ? :cry:
Your dream would have freaked me out so much... and that so close to June 25th :cry:

Whoaaa.....I just woke up, and yesterday evening when I wanted to go to sleep I was between awake/sleep and I remember walkin' to something very flashy and white, and 'it' turned around and it was Michael!
Like, straight from heaven or something in the lightness.....he opened his arms and I ran towards him to hug him. It was SO amazingly clear to see..I can still picture it.:eek:
But then I felt as if my bed was shaking from an earthquake or sth, so I opened my eyes but it was just my body that felt like as if it was know those feelings, you have when you almost fall asleep? Like as if you fall down of something and you wake of that 'fall-feeling'. Well, I was shaking...but it didn't stop when I had my eyes wide open for a minute.
I fell asleep again afterwards and dreamt I was at Neverland.

Sorry, I sound a bit hysterical. Michael felt so far away for a long time.
But now I felt 2 things in 1 week! Ohmygod... :cry:

OMG! That was beautiful! :cry:
I dream about him almost every night, but they're usually very vague and he's usually not even in them. Most of the time it will just be something associated with him, like one of his songs or something. I had one last night that was really weird and random. I've never noticed any colors that really stand out in these dreams though. Never seen the gold color that I can recall.

Looking forward to the love prayer. :angel: I hope Michael joins in and we can feel his and everyone else's energy. :)

Same but I mean my last VIVID one was a few weeks ago. Ya know? that ones that feel like or are a visitation? I miss them. :no::cry:
Why has nothing happened to me? I am willing it all the time, especially at night, but nothing??? :-(
Why has nothing happened to me? I am willing it all the time, especially at night, but nothing??? :-(

I feel the same way. I have had nothing "major" happen to me. I just feel him sometimes and it is usually very brief. However, I have this feeling that he's trying to come to me in my dreams but my mind is not open enough. I usually wake up thinking about him or have certain parts of his songs playing in my head. I'm trying really hard though. I just want to see him. :cry:

These butterfly stories are so beautiful. Michael found such a beautiful way to show that he is here. :heart:
I just woke up about 20 minutes ago.
He was in my dreams, but they are already faded quite a bit from my memory.
I do remember one thing - he was about 50, and we were sitting in a bedroom somewhere in a huge house. I think he was crying. I was holding his face in my hands and telling him he was always beautiful. He didn't say anything, but his expression was sort of saying "yeah, right...", so I kept telling him "no, honestly - I'm not just giving you lip service here. You have to know you are beautiful."
Something interesting about this part - he looked exactly as he did at age 50, but his nose looked like the nose he had around age 21 or so. I don't know why, but that stood out to me.

I also remember being outside the courtroom during the trial in a huge mob of people. He was wearing a white suit.

Jermaine was in another part of the dream, which was actually kind of hilarious and weird, but that's sort of unimportant.

Anyway, I wish I could remember the rest, but I'm glad I remembered that at least.
I just woke up about 20 minutes ago.
He was in my dreams, but they are already faded quite a bit from my memory.
I do remember one thing - he was about 50, and we were sitting in a bedroom somewhere in a huge house. I think he was crying. I was holding his face in my hands and telling him he was always beautiful. He didn't say anything, but his expression was sort of saying "yeah, right...", so I kept telling him "no, honestly - I'm not just giving you lip service here. You have to know you are beautiful."
Something interesting about this part - he looked exactly as he did at age 50, but his nose looked like the nose he had around age 21 or so. I don't know why, but that stood out to me.
Aww :cry: That's so sweet and so sad at the same time.
The part about him being 50 but still having his old nose...that kind of symbolizes to me, how his insecurity about his nose always remained no matter how he changed it. That's how those things work...when something affected you that much when you were a child. It kind of makes me think of Anorexic people. They could be bone skinny...but everytime they look in the mirror, they think they look fat. I think since Michael's passing, even though it may not matter anymore as he doesn't have a body...he was finally able to see how TRULY beautiful we thought he was...through all his years. And I think that helped to heal him in some way. :heart:

HAPPY THANKSGIVING, everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful and bright day. Love you all so much. xo
Same but I mean my last VIVID one was a few weeks ago. Ya know? that ones that feel like or are a visitation? I miss them. :no::cry:
The last really vivid one I had was the golden light in his eyes dream back on the 8th of November, so that's now almost two weeks ago. You'll probably have one again at some point :hug:

Oh, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you back home. Here in Europe it's just another Thursday. We'll just have some chicken, mashed potatoes and green bean casserole, lol. (God, I miss pumpkin pie!) But I'm thinking of all of you with your turkey or tofurky or whatever your persuasion, lol. Gonna watch the Macy's parade streaming online ;)

No dreams with MJ after the prayer last night. However, in one this morning I was looking through some boxes for a book where a poem of mine was published some years ago. In the boxes I also found other 'books', like magazine sized ones that were about 2-3cm (.5 to 1 inch) thick, with plain black covers. They had the type of semi-professional binding you'd get if you personally took something to a local print shop. In one I found that all the pages were all about MJ. It was like a calendar or day planner, each page containing about 10 days, each day having it's own row. There was a little thumbnail pic of Michael for each day and then a short printed quote after it. I turned forward to Jun 25, 2009 and the quote next to that day said something about completing things, like "When I complete what I'm working on..." Something like that. It had the words "complete" and "completion" both in it. It was just a quote from a past interview or something, but it seemed obvious to me that it was not there by chance, like it was all part of a plan.

The pages looked kind of like this:
I have posted this in the Love Prayer thread too; yesterday when i prayed, i just felt this energy of love build up inside me , it was very uplifting .. But after the prayer , it felt like someone was tickling the back of my neck (i am very ticklish) , and someone was stroking my hair.. Maybe it was Michael? well, i hope so ...:) how did you guys feel yesterday? :)
I just woke up about 20 minutes ago.
He was in my dreams, but they are already faded quite a bit from my memory.
I do remember one thing - he was about 50, and we were sitting in a bedroom somewhere in a huge house. I think he was crying. I was holding his face in my hands and telling him he was always beautiful. He didn't say anything, but his expression was sort of saying "yeah, right...", so I kept telling him "no, honestly - I'm not just giving you lip service here. You have to know you are beautiful."
Something interesting about this part - he looked exactly as he did at age 50, but his nose looked like the nose he had around age 21 or so. I don't know why, but that stood out to me.

I also remember being outside the courtroom during the trial in a huge mob of people. He was wearing a white suit.
Oh wow...that's quite impressive. How sad but also adorable...glad you've got that dream, girl!:)
No dreams with MJ after the prayer last night. However, in one this morning I was looking through some boxes for a book where a poem of mine was published some years ago. In the boxes I also found other 'books', like magazine sized ones that were about 2-3cm (.5 to 1 inch) thick, with plain black covers. They had the type of semi-professional binding you'd get if you personally took something to a local print shop. In one I found that all the pages were all about MJ. It was like a calendar or day planner, each page containing about 10 days, each day having it's own row. There was a little thumbnail pic of Michael for each day and then a short printed quote after it. I turned forward to Jun 25, 2009 and the quote next to that day said something about completing things, like "When I complete what I'm working on..." Something like that. It had the words "complete" and "completion" both in it. It was just a quote from a past interview or something, but it seemed obvious to me that it was not there by chance, like it was all part of a plan.
WOW! That is such a strange coincidence. So the book is basically made up of comments he said and just placed under every day?
Jee...very strange. And typical that you just found that book while you weren't even looking for it or something....what else is there on days after June 25th? Maybe you find more interesting things.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING, everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful and bright day. Love you all so much. xo
Happy Thanksgiving for all you Americans!

I'm so glad we got this thread to just be able to share some experiences and feelings.
There's always love to be found here! Thanks guys! :hug:
I have posted this in the Love Prayer thread too; yesterday when i prayed, i just felt this energy of love build up inside me , it was very uplifting .. But after the prayer , it felt like someone was tickling the back of my neck (i am very ticklish) , and someone was stroking my hair.. Maybe it was Michael? well, i hope so ... how did you guys feel yesterday?
Cool! I wouldn't doubt one bit that it could've been Michael, yes :yes: Last night I wrote about all my weird prayer-time experiences (seeing light through my eyelids, ears buzzing, face tinglies) in this post. Didn't want to repost here because it's pretty long (as usual from me, lol)

WOW! That is such a strange coincidence. So the book is basically made up of comments he said and just placed under every day? Jee...very strange. And typical that you just found that book while you weren't even looking for it or something....what else is there on days after June 25th? Maybe you find more interesting things.
Nah, it was just a dream book. I found it in a dream this morning, lol. Sorry, maybe that wasn't clear enough ;)

Hey, anyone out there know how to teleport a pumpkin pie to another continent?
I just woke up about 20 minutes ago.
He was in my dreams, but they are already faded quite a bit from my memory.
I do remember one thing - he was about 50, and we were sitting in a bedroom somewhere in a huge house. I think he was crying. I was holding his face in my hands and telling him he was always beautiful. He didn't say anything, but his expression was sort of saying "yeah, right...", so I kept telling him "no, honestly - I'm not just giving you lip service here. You have to know you are beautiful."
Something interesting about this part - he looked exactly as he did at age 50, but his nose looked like the nose he had around age 21 or so. I don't know why, but that stood out to me.

I also remember being outside the courtroom during the trial in a huge mob of people. He was wearing a white suit.

Jermaine was in another part of the dream, which was actually kind of hilarious and weird, but that's sort of unimportant.

Anyway, I wish I could remember the rest, but I'm glad I remembered that at least.

You know, I've had a very similar dream to yours. Like your dream, Michael was in a bedroom, but I'm not sure where exactly. Again, like in your dream, he was 50, and I can remember he was just really crying, and I was hugging him. :(
maybe the butterfly represents that michael is free to be himself now without being trapped in the cacoon (earth).
I just heard his laughing! I dont know if it was just my imagination (I have a very over-active one!) but it made me hit "stop" on my music, to see if i could hear it more. Then i asked mum and my brother but they said they hadnt said anything or laughed.

I hope it wasnt just in my head :(
Same but I mean my last VIVID one was a few weeks ago. Ya know? that ones that feel like or are a visitation? I miss them. :no::cry:

Yeah, I haven't had one like that since September I think.

I dreamed this morning that Michael was in a store with children giving a speech. I guess it was kind of like the Oxford speech. He was about 50 feet away from me, yet I don't know why I didn't go run up to him. I just sat there away from it all. I hate my dream self sometimes. :(

About the prayer, yeah I could feel the energy. Like a buzz on my arms, back, and head. I actually felt like Michael was coming in close 20 minutes before. Also had iTunes on shuffle like I always do and the songs "Gone Too Soon," "Will You Be There," and "Heaven Can Wait" all came on in a row. I thought it was really appropriate that those three just happened to come on.

Happy Turkey Day to all who celebrate! :)
I had a mj dream last night.

We were walking and talking... (maybe hugging? :scratch:) He basically chatting away (like he always does! :lol: )

When I woke up I remembered some things that he said but now..nope, I don't remember a WORD he said! :angry:

I really gotta start taking notes of my dreams!!
I am really enjoying reading about everyones dreams and things.

I hope you don't mind if I share my dream?
I have had one dream when Michael was in it. It was the night before I was supposed to see him at the O2.
All I can remember was that he was crying and I didn't know why. I woke up the next day feeling sad.
I am really enjoying reading about everyones dreams and things.

I hope you don't mind if I share my dream?
I have had one dream when Michael was in it. It was the night before I was supposed to see him at the O2.
All I can remember was that he was crying and I didn't know why. I woke up the next day feeling sad.

Aw, of course it's ok to share your dream! It seems like quite a few of us here, inlcuding me, have had similar dreams to yours. :cry:
I had a really sad mj dream a few weeks ago, he said something heartbreaking which I choose not to share. I woke up thinking "wtf" then... :(.

It rings in my ears...
maybe the butterfly represents that michael is free to be himself now without being trapped in the cacoon (earth).

That's so beautiful. :cry:

I hope you don't mind if I share my dream?
I have had one dream when Michael was in it. It was the night before I was supposed to see him at the O2.
All I can remember was that he was crying and I didn't know why. I woke up the next day feeling sad.

He was crying? :( I hope they were tears of happiness. The love he's getting must feel amazing. He's getting so much of it.

As for me, I've been a mess all day. My emotions have triggered and I've been crying over Michael all day. Randomly I'll be thinking about him and I'll start to burst into tears. I really wish I could feel him with me right now. I've asked him every night to visit me in my dreams but so far, nothing. You are all very lucky and these dreams and butterfly experiences are so lovely. :wub:
As for me, I've been a mess all day. My emotions have triggered and I've been crying over Michael all day. Randomly I'll be thinking about him and I'll start to burst into tears. I really wish I could feel him with me right now. I've asked him every night to visit me in my dreams but so far, nothing. You are all very lucky and these dreams and butterfly experiences are so lovely. :wub:
Aww hun!:( I'm so sorry for you. The night after the prayer last week was really hard for me, I cried like a baby and hadn't cried like that since seein' the end of TII.'s so not imagine this is not just temporary. :cry:

But you will get these experiences as well, I've had times where I was asking for them and hadn't anything and a week later all of a sudden something happens.
Just never lose the faith...he's there for each and every one of us, okay? :hug:
Aww hun!:( I'm so sorry for you. The night after the prayer last week was really hard for me, I cried like a baby and hadn't cried like that since seein' the end of TII.'s so not imagine this is not just temporary. :cry:

But you will get these experiences as well, I've had times where I was asking for them and hadn't anything and a week later all of a sudden something happens.
Just never lose the faith...he's there for each and every one of us, okay? :hug:

So true. :hug: :heart:
Aww hun!:( I'm so sorry for you. The night after the prayer last week was really hard for me, I cried like a baby and hadn't cried like that since seein' the end of TII.'s so not imagine this is not just temporary. :cry:

But you will get these experiences as well, I've had times where I was asking for them and hadn't anything and a week later all of a sudden something happens.
Just never lose the faith...he's there for each and every one of us, okay? :hug:

Thank you. I know what you mean. Ever since Wednesday (five months) I've been this way. It is definitely something that not many people understand. We all have to hang in there though. Us fans have to stick together. :hug:

I definitely believe Michael is here for each of us. He's never going away. :wub:
That's so beautiful. :cry:

He was crying? :( I hope they were tears of happiness. The love he's getting must feel amazing. He's getting so much of it.

As for me, I've been a mess all day. My emotions have triggered and I've been crying over Michael all day. Randomly I'll be thinking about him and I'll start to burst into tears. I really wish I could feel him with me right now. I've asked him every night to visit me in my dreams but so far, nothing. You are all very lucky and these dreams and butterfly experiences are so lovely. :wub:

I don't think they were, which is what made me feel really sad when I woke up. :(

Don't worry, just like Mrs.Music says, you know sometimes things happen when you least expect them to :)
Thank you. I know what you mean. Ever since Wednesday (five months) I've been this way. It is definitely something that not many people understand. We all have to hang in there though. Us fans have to stick together. :hug:

I definitely believe Michael is here for each of us. He's never going away. :wub:

Yep. I truely believe this. I don't care what nay-sayers talk.. I know.
I saw those little light things again flying around this morning. This time I tried to reach out and touch them, but I couldn't. I still don't know what they are, but it made me happy to see them. :)