Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Have you guys ever had a dream like that where you are dreaming of something different and MJ just pops into your dream out of nowhere?
Interesting...thanks for sharing! I've had people just show up out of nowhere before...I think they do for a reason. Sometimes it can be symbolism and sometimes it can just be your mind doin' weird things :p but usually when this happens for me, it feels like the person's spirit actually wants to communicate with me...or just see what's goin' on haha. Maybe if you were hoping to dream of Michael, he showed up when he could and it happened to be in the middle of your other dream :lol: who knows.

yeah, it doesnt really phase me though lol.. Alot of weird stuff has happened to me so im used to it

Well that was definitely WEIRD!! Amazing, really...

I made a visit recently...
I appeared in a large hotel lobby and was standing in this lobby and I could hear Mike singing somewhere so I went to look for him and I walked into a room and there he was standing in a purple suit, a tie, boots and he was smiling very wide.
Then suddenly I was pulled from behind and thrown back into my body and was gasping for air. It took several minutes and I had to get up and walk around.

Wow, pretty cool :)

Hah, I went to bed hoping for a dream with him in it, and I put my dream journal open by my bedside with a pen ready so I could write it down as soon as I woke up.

I don't even remember writing this, but I wrote:

MJ (I circled this word, like I was excited by it)
trees falling ---> axe ---> on a plane
up against wall

And then I drew a little diagram of an arrow coming around in a circle, clockwise.

Hmm, definitely interesting!! And that dream journal idea is great!!! I need to buy one too :)

I don't know what this is, but I keep on getting the sensation that someone or something is holding onto my arm lightly. :mello: Michael?

Awww :)

Have you guys ever had a dream like that where you are dreaming of something different and MJ just pops into your dream out of nowhere?

Maybe if you were hoping to dream of Michael, he showed up when he could and it happened to be in the middle of your other dream :lol: who knows.

In the the "Destiny of Souls" book that was mentioned a few pages back, there's several examples of spirits trying to communicate with their loved ones by appearing in random dreams like that so that's definitely not too far-fetched! ;) Thanks for sharing, tarah86 :)

First the young man was trying to guess at what Michael's hair color was. He guessed it as being light brown, and Michael laughed and told him it was black.

About his friends and relationships

“I had very few close friends and relationships in my life, such as Lisa Marie Presley and Brooke Shields (interesting he mentioned Brooke Shields), but Elizabeth Taylor was really the only one I could tell anything to. She was like a mother figure to me, much like Diana Ross was.”

Referring to his fans

“I'm glad you've done all these tributes to me, and that my music has brought everyone together.”

Just felt really obligated to share this. :)

Wow, very interesting! It rings so true... Thanks a lot for sharing! :)
i'd love to write up my dreams but usually my kids wake me up, i dont think i'll be able to write much.
I had this dream, which I really don't think was a dream at all because there were no visual pictures, just thoughts. A young man had channeled Michael, but I don't think he had ever seen what Michael looked like before, just listened to his music. Michael gave detailed responses to the man's questions, but most of it wasn't anything new that we hadn't heard before. However, there is a small part from the conversations that I can recall. I'm not saying this is true, just what I heard from the messages

First the young man was trying to guess at what Michael's hair color was. He guessed it as being light brown, and Michael laughed and told him it was black.

About his friends and relationships

“I had very few close friends and relationships in my life, such as Lisa Marie Presley and Brooke Shields (interesting he mentioned Brooke Shields), but Elizabeth Taylor was really the only one I could tell anything to. She was like a mother figure to me, much like Diana Ross was.”

Referring to his fans

“I'm glad you've done all these tributes to me, and that my music has brought everyone together.”

Just felt really obligated to share this. :)
Felt like a dream, but maybe it wasn't... now that's interesting. Were you trying to sleep at the time, daydreaming, etc? Just wondering. Thanks for sharing.
I really really want to watch this but my internet is too slow atm to handle the video. I feel such anticipation! Thanks for sharing this.
Felt like a dream, but maybe it wasn't... now that's interesting. Were you trying to sleep at the time, daydreaming, etc? Just wondering. Thanks for sharing.

I was in the process of waking up, but conscious of what was coming into my thoughts. My eyes were still closed and I knew if I opened them to wake up, the dream or whatever it was would disappear.
Something just happened to me.

Today, I've been around some "anti-Michael people" I guess you could say. And they basically brought the rest of my night down because of their bashing and I've been wanting to cry so bad. I have to let it out but I just can't. I just came up to my room a few minutes ago and was about to turn on "Keep The Faith." I'm feeling a mixture of anger and sadness right now because I just can't get the horrible things they were saying about Michael out of my head, and how I couldn't defend him because I was being outnumbered. Anyway, as I was turning on the song, I felt a very heavy sensation on my right shoulder. Like somebody was leaning on it with their head or hand. I tried to ignore it at first, but I couldn't. It made me a bit more emotional because I really do think it was Michael comforting me.

I want to tell him that I'm sorry though. Sorry that I couldn't defend him and all I did was sit there and let my emotions bottle up. I hope he hears me and forgives me. :pray:

Sorry, thought I'd share that. It's a little bit of a vent too.

However, thank you, Michael. I love you.
^ We are blessed to understand him...we got a higher meaning in life. So now stop feeling guilty! :hug:
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We are blessed to understand him...we got a higher meaning in life and he is proud of each and everyone one of us! I'm sure!
So now stop feeling guilty! :hug:

So true!!!!!

Awww ((((Court.ney))))) I wanna give you a big hug, sweetie!! Don't feel guilty! Some people are just plain ignorant and hurtful. Makes me sick to think they kept on bashing Michael knowing that it hurt you to hear those things. Sorry but what kind of friends are these?! Well sorry, you didn't say they were friends actually. ;)

Anyway, Michael loves YOU, just know that!! :hug: And he knows you love him too!! :)
Something just happened to me.

Today, I've been around some "anti-Michael people" I guess you could say. And they basically brought the rest of my night down because of their bashing and I've been wanting to cry so bad. I have to let it out but I just can't. I just came up to my room a few minutes ago and was about to turn on "Keep The Faith." I'm feeling a mixture of anger and sadness right now because I just can't get the horrible things they were saying about Michael out of my head, and how I couldn't defend him because I was being outnumbered. Anyway, as I was turning on the song, I felt a very heavy sensation on my right shoulder. Like somebody was leaning on it with their head or hand. I tried to ignore it at first, but I couldn't. It made me a bit more emotional because I really do think it was Michael comforting me.

I want to tell him that I'm sorry though. Sorry that I couldn't defend him and all I did was sit there and let my emotions bottle up. I hope he hears me and forgives me. :pray:

Sorry, thought I'd share that. It's a little bit of a vent too.

However, thank you, Michael. I love you.
Like Mrs Music said, I don't think you have anything to feel guilty about, ok? We all have to deal with those kind of folks sometimes. We can either let them twist us up inside or just try to take a deep breath and brush it off. Especially with 'haters' in numbers, you're not going to get them to admit they're wrong anyway, or they'd lose face in front of the others. It very may well have been Michael, that sensation you had, comforting you, telling you it's all ok. With all the crap he's had to deal with it, I'm sure he understands. Thanks for sharing your experience :angel:
I read on google about religious things and it was saying that religion doesn't believe dead people can visit.

It broke my heart and left me in a flood of tears.
I read on google about religious things and it was saying that religion doesn't believe dead people can visit.

It broke my heart and left me in a flood of tears.

It doesn't matter what religion, dogma or whatever, says. What MATTERS is what your heart and your soul tell you. :hug:
^ Aw....:cry: You know hun, some people just don't get it....ever. All you can do is bring them the message, but if they're not willing to listen or open up, then they'll always stay ignorant and missing out.
Michael knows those kind of people damn well, I mean...they're all around on this planet and have hurt him for so long.
But he could NEVER ever judge his fans for not being able to get through them.

We are blessed to understand him...we got a higher meaning in life and he is proud of each and everyone one of us! I'm sure!
So now stop feeling guilty! :hug:

So true!!!!!

Awww ((((Court.ney))))) I wanna give you a big hug, sweetie!! Don't feel guilty! Some people are just plain ignorant and hurtful. Makes me sick to think they kept on bashing Michael knowing that it hurt you to hear those things. Sorry but what kind of friends are these?! Well sorry, you didn't say they were friends actually. ;)

Anyway, Michael loves YOU, just know that!! :hug: And he knows you love him too!! :)

Like Mrs Music said, I don't think you have anything to feel guilty about, ok? We all have to deal with those kind of folks sometimes. We can either let them twist us up inside or just try to take a deep breath and brush it off. Especially with 'haters' in numbers, you're not going to get them to admit they're wrong anyway, or they'd lose face in front of the others. It very may well have been Michael, that sensation you had, comforting you, telling you it's all ok. With all the crap he's had to deal with it, I'm sure he understands. Thanks for sharing your experience :angel:

Thanks for much for the support guys. :hug: Yes, they are my friends though. Actually, one of them actually told them to stop so I had at least one person backing me up. It hurt very much though and I do agree that Michael would understand. I just felt like I should have done something. I think I actually got a small taste of how Michael felt when hearing that disgusting stuff about himself. After I posted my message in this thread last night, I cried. But you know, all that matters is that I know the truth...WE know the truth. That small percent of ignorance won't matter. Michael's legacy and heart are too big for them. I hated feeling that way last night, though. They don't even see the real Michael.

I truly hope it was him last night. I feel it was. I "talked" to him for about 10 minutes before I went to bed. I just wish there was someway to bring him back here so all of us fans all around the world can surround him with our love for him.
I pray for justice for Michael.
It doesn't matter what religion, dogma or whatever, says. What MATTERS is what your heart and your soul tell you. :hug:

I know but it kinda shakes you a bit.

I was just thinking : It's funny how people believe a religion based on a book but ignore the spiritual experiences that they experience.

P.S. I do come from a religious background but I don't believe everything every religion says.
Thanks for much for the support guys. :hug: Yes, they are my friends though. Actually, one of them actually told them to stop so I had at least one person backing me up. It hurt very much though and I do agree that Michael would understand. I just felt like I should have done something. I think I actually got a small taste of how Michael felt when hearing that disgusting stuff about himself. After I posted my message in this thread last night, I cried. But you know, all that matters is that I know the truth...WE know the truth. That small percent of ignorance won't matter. Michael's legacy and heart are too big for them. I hated feeling that way last night, though. They don't even see the real Michael.

I truly hope it was him last night. I feel it was. I "talked" to him for about 10 minutes before I went to bed. I just wish there was someway to bring him back here so all of us fans all around the world can surround him with our love for him.
I pray for justice for Michael.
Well you've already gotten a great amount of support here but I'm adding more! Don't feel guilty hun...Michael knows in your heart how much you love him, and sometimes we just don't have the energy to "fight back" against the people that say bad stuff about him. So often there's just no point because these people don't want to change their mind. I know it just hurts heart can hardly stand hearing people talk negative about Michael. It not only hurts for Michael's sake but it's also just so sad that these people are missing out on one of the worlds greatest treasures. I'm sorry that these were your FRIENDS saying these things too...ugh. Do they not know how much you love and respect Michael? I don't care what their opinions are, you don't openly disrespect someone's feelings like that...especially if you are friends. Anyway, I hope you take comfort in knowing that you have this place here, where there is a whole family of people who really get it...who really see the truth, and feel the same way as you do. And I think Michael was definitely by your side that night. Much love dahling :better:

DanceOfZenab1994 said:
I was just thinking : It's funny how people believe a religion based on a book but ignore the spiritual experiences that they experience.

P.S. I do come from a religious background but I don't believe everything every religion says.
Oh man...I know exactly what you mean all too well. I was brought up Mormon (LDS) and they preach the Bible and the "Book of Mormon" like crazy, which were all about spiritual experiences...and yet when people actually HAD them...if it was anywhere outside the lines of what they taught - they outcasted you. It was TOTAL and utter hypocrisy. With no disprespect intended to any religion, I don't believe anyone should blindly follow what an organization, leaders, or some ancient book says...I think it's good to question turn INSIDE and follow your own heart based off of your own intuition.
Just coming back to this thread shortly to say that I was reading some other psychics yesterday including Cherokee Billie . All of it feels fake to me just like ppl's own imagination or something. It just didn’t’ feel real to me. Others just want attention or business because they “channeling” Michael Jackson.. None of them show straight communication like Bonnie does.
First: I love this thread.

I decided to read it before I post - actually I'm still reading. I wanted to share my expierences about Michael and my general thoughts on this subject. I'll do later.

I'm on page 131 - And I want to read it ALL :)

Anyway - which makes me post here is that I expierenced something - which is for me - totally amazing and I need to share.

Yesterday I was meditating seriously for the first time. I wanted to connect my archangel - which was told to be Michael in april. So - I saw one video on YouTube yesterday and somehow I tried to call him to ask if he could connect me with Michael somehow (in a dream, etc.)

Then the name Raphael popped into my head and I saw a little part of a landscape which was slowly getting bigger. After a time it ended, the whole meditation and I decided to sleep. I was very confused about Raphael - I didn't even know if this is an archangel, because I swear that I don't know nothing about it.

Right now, I just looked it up - and he exists!! Gosh, I freaked out, because I was happy and scared at the same time. On german Wikipeda there are pictures like that aswell

The definition of him on a german side I found is that he help to communicate as well as healths....

I needed to share that :)

I also have expierences with Michael, I will post them asap :)
First: I love this thread.

I decided to read it before I post - actually I'm still reading. I wanted to share my expierences about Michael and my general thoughts on this subject. I'll do later.

I'm on page 131 - And I want to read it ALL :)

Anyway - which makes me post here is that I expierenced something - which is for me - totally amazing and I need to share.

Yesterday I was meditating seriously for the first time. I wanted to connect my archangel - which was told to be Michael in april. So - I saw one video on YouTube yesterday and somehow I tried to call him to ask if he could connect me with Michael somehow (in a dream, etc.)

Then the name Raphael popped into my head and I saw a little part of a landscape which was slowly getting bigger. After a time it ended, the whole meditation and I decided to sleep. I was very confused about Raphael - I didn't even know if this is an archangel, because I swear that I don't know nothing about it.

Right now, I just looked it up - and he exists!! Gosh, I freaked out, because I was happy and scared at the same time. On german Wikipeda there are pictures like that aswell

The definition of him on a german side I found is that he help to communicate as well as healths....

I needed to share that :)

I also have expierences with Michael, I will post them asap :)

how do you meditate? and what is an archangel? :)
how do you meditate? and what is an archangel? :)

I don't know as much as some do in this thread but as I know archangel can help and protect you. There are also guardian angels. But I really don't know much about them. Maybe someone else can answer?

I'm just a beginner at meditating. I found a comfortable position to sit, I slowed down, relaxed and tried to think about 'nothing', which really worked (a lot of people already gave advise in this thread how to meditate and I tried as they said). I let myself go as well as I tried to follow a video which instruction 'how to'.

Hope I could help you a bit :)
I don't know as much as some do in this thread but as I know archangel can help and protect you. There are also guardian angels. But I really don't know much about them. Maybe someone else can answer?

I'm just a beginner at meditating. I found a comfortable position to sit, I slowed down, relaxed and tried to think about 'nothing', which really worked (a lot of people already gave advise in this thread how to meditate and I tried as they said). I let myself go as well as I tried to follow a video which instruction 'how to'.

Hope I could help you a bit :)

oh ok , thank you for explaining :)
Welcome to the thread FunkeyJay! :hug:

Awesome story about your meditation! Wow...I've never actually had something like that.
But I guess we all have our own ways of experiencing things.
Lookin' forward to hear your other stories!
Well you've already gotten a great amount of support here but I'm adding more! Don't feel guilty hun...Michael knows in your heart how much you love him, and sometimes we just don't have the energy to "fight back" against the people that say bad stuff about him. So often there's just no point because these people don't want to change their mind. I know it just hurts heart can hardly stand hearing people talk negative about Michael. It not only hurts for Michael's sake but it's also just so sad that these people are missing out on one of the worlds greatest treasures. I'm sorry that these were your FRIENDS saying these things too...ugh. Do they not know how much you love and respect Michael? I don't care what their opinions are, you don't openly disrespect someone's feelings like that...especially if you are friends. Anyway, I hope you take comfort in knowing that you have this place here, where there is a whole family of people who really get it...who really see the truth, and feel the same way as you do. And I think Michael was definitely by your side that night. Much love dahling :better:

Thank you so much, Amy. Yes, my friends know how I feel about Michael. They think it is a big joke. :( One of the hardest things in the world is being a Michael Jackson fan. But that's what this place is for. Where we can all unite and stay strong. :hug:

Anyway - which makes me post here is that I expierenced something - which is for me - totally amazing and I need to share.

Yesterday I was meditating seriously for the first time. I wanted to connect my archangel - which was told to be Michael in april. So - I saw one video on YouTube yesterday and somehow I tried to call him to ask if he could connect me with Michael somehow (in a dream, etc.)

Then the name Raphael popped into my head and I saw a little part of a landscape which was slowly getting bigger. After a time it ended, the whole meditation and I decided to sleep. I was very confused about Raphael - I didn't even know if this is an archangel, because I swear that I don't know nothing about it.

Right now, I just looked it up - and he exists!! Gosh, I freaked out, because I was happy and scared at the same time. On german Wikipeda there are pictures like that aswell

The definition of him on a german side I found is that he help to communicate as well as healths....

I needed to share that :)

I also have expierences with Michael, I will post them asap :)

Wow FunkeyJay, very interesting! Thanks for posting and welcome to the thread. I'm excited to read about your experiences with Michael.

He's still here with us. :wub:
Thank you so much, Amy. Yes, my friends know how I feel about Michael. They think it is a big joke. :( One of the hardest things in the world is being a Michael Jackson fan. But that's what this place is for. Where we can all unite and stay strong. :hug:

Big hugs to you, I know just how you feel. My friends think exactly the same thing. They still go on about him in front of me, even though they know I'm a fan. Now though, I just think, so what? If they wanna carry on being ignorant then so be it. I'm proud to be a Michael Jackson fan, and nothing's gonna change that. :heart:
FunkeyJay, welcome to the club. I'm looking forward to hearing more of your experiences. :)

Courtney, I'm sorry your friends made such cruel remarks about Michael. That's terrible. :( I can understand the difficulty sometimes about feeling like you can't really defend Michael. It's hard, when I get in a situation like that I feel like running. I'm glad though it seems like Michael was there to comfort you. I'm sure he understands and no need to feel guilty. :huggy:
Thank you so much, Amy. Yes, my friends know how I feel about Michael. They think it is a big joke. :( would be hard for me to be friends with people that didn't like Michael. I mean, if I met some good people who were just too close minded about him - hey that's their problem not mine...I'd still accept and respect them as people. But - they'd have to respect me in return. For friends to sit and talk smack about Michael in my just the same as them talking down about my own Father or something...that's how much he means to me. Maybe if you explained your feelings about Michael to your friends in these terms...they'd understand. If might as well sit there and rant about how their fathers are gay freaks every time you guys hang out. I mean hey, if they can sit and spread lies about someone you care about so can you right? Maybe they'll get the picture then. :doh:
Louise, CaptainEoLove, thank you. :heart: I'm very proud to be a Michael Jackson fan also. If I wasn't, I wouldn't tell those friends. But they know that I love Michael and I'm not ever afraid to say it.
Yes, I really did feel like running at that point. I almost did walk out of the room because I was almost in tears but my friend stopped me.

Amy, wow very good point. However, I'm afraid if I told them that Michael is THAT special to me, they'll think I'm insane. I will definitely try though. I don't think they see it as being disrespectful. They just look at him as Michael Jackson and that's it. They don't see what we see. They see what they want to see or what is being thrown at them by the media. But I will try the "father" thing, pretty interesting way of looking at it.

Thanks again for the support, all. I appreciate the L.O.V.E. :heart: