Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Today in my drama class, whilst NOT thinking of Michael, I randomly got that tingly feeling I've been getting every time I pray for him. :wub:

A tingly feeling in my right shoulder and lower head/upper neck (that place mj used to put his hand when he hugged girls - remember?)
Today in my drama class, whilst NOT thinking of Michael, I randomly got that tingly feeling I've been getting every time I pray for him. :wub:

A tingly feeling in my right shoulder and lower head/upper neck (that place mj used to put his hand when he hugged girls - remember?)

Today in my drama class, whilst NOT thinking of Michael, I randomly got that tingly feeling I've been getting every time I pray for him. :wub:

A tingly feeling in my right shoulder and lower head/upper neck (that place mj used to put his hand when he hugged girls - remember?)
LOL, sweet. I think that was really him. :wub: That's where I feel the energy as well ... right shoulder, right side of the neck, right ear. But that's where I've felt things like this way before MJ. I'd like to think of it like that (above), though, lol :blush:
I think we should have a rule to not post Cherokee's stuff anymore. :p Crapitty crap crap is all that comes out of her.

Hey Amygrace, I love all your posts, and your siggy is ADORABLE :blushing:

I just wondered why you say not to post Cherokee Billie's stuff? I read all her channelled messages and really find them uplifting and they ring true with many people. Is there something I don't know?


P.S Please join in the global prayer all fans united for L.O.V.E (see siggy)
Today in my drama class, whilst NOT thinking of Michael, I randomly got that tingly feeling I've been getting every time I pray for him. :wub:

A tingly feeling in my right shoulder and lower head/upper neck (that place mj used to put his hand when he hugged girls - remember?)

Aww that's sweet. Spirit hugs. :wub:
Hey Amygrace, I love all your posts, and your siggy is ADORABLE :blushing:

I just wondered why you say not to post Cherokee Billie's stuff? I read all her channelled messages and really find them uplifting and they ring true with many people. Is there something I don't know?


P.S Please join in the global prayer all fans united for L.O.V.E (see siggy)

Since Amy is offline and I know what she would say to this, I will go ahead and answer :)

Cherokee Billy has a lot of fluff and frills in her writing. She has a lot of very generic statements that anyone could make up, and has even gotten a lot of VERY basic information about Michael and his family incorrect; such as saying he only had 2 children and he got Paris' name wrong once. Her information comes about too often as well. If you believe in Bonnie Vent (like many of us do) then you will know that Michael doesn't like to communicate through people who try to make everything he says fluffy and nice, he doesn't want a filter. He wants someone who will write down and communicate exactly what he says. I feel that even if Cherokee Billy IS channeling Michael (which she may be, who knows!) she is definetly filtering it and putting her own spin on it. But then again, most of it is just opinion! Like Amy says, you have to take in what feels right to you and believe what feels correct to yourself. There is really no write or wrong with any of this kind of information :)
Hey Amygrace, I love all your posts, and your siggy is ADORABLE :blushing:

I just wondered why you say not to post Cherokee Billie's stuff? I read all her channelled messages and really find them uplifting and they ring true with many people. Is there something I don't know?

Aw thanks for the sweet compliment! :wub:

As for Cherokee Billie...strawberrypie999 did know what I would say on the subject. lol. I can't say I know that Cherokee isn't channeling Michael, because I don't. I don't know Bonnie is either. What I do know, is that Cherokee is all fluff, very general, has gotten obvious information wrong, and just doesn't FEEL right to me. She may say stuff that is lovely to hear, but it just doesn't feel like Michael to me. It feels like she is feeding the crowd. Bonnie on the other hand is very down to earth and real in her just feels right. Her channels feel like Michael the human being...the same person he was here, with real thoughts and concerns. And like in Bonnie's latest channel - he touched on the subject of discerning the psychics that are really connecting with him, and those that aren't. Ultimately it comes down to your own intuition, but the main point is, she's gotten information wrong and many of us here can feel her bull. lol.
Aw thanks for the sweet compliment! :wub:

As for Cherokee Billie...strawberrypie999 did know what I would say on the subject. lol. I can't say I know that Cherokee isn't channeling Michael, because I don't. I don't know Bonnie is either. What I do know, is that Cherokee is all fluff, very general, has gotten obvious information wrong, and just doesn't FEEL right to me. She may say stuff that is lovely to hear, but it just doesn't feel like Michael to me. It feels like she is feeding the crowd. Bonnie on the other hand is very down to earth and real in her just feels right. Her channels feel like Michael the human being...the same person he was here, with real thoughts and concerns. And like in Bonnie's latest channel - he touched on the subject of discerning the psychics that are really connecting with him, and those that aren't. Ultimately it comes down to your own intuition, but the main point is, she's gotten information wrong and many of us here can feel her bull. lol.

Totally agree.
Aw...lovely. :wub:
That's amazing :wub:
Aww that's sweet. Spirit hugs. :wub:

I know! :wub: :wub: I love you forever and ever Mike :wub:

LOL, sweet. I think that was really him. :wub: That's where I feel the energy as well ... right shoulder, right side of the neck, right ear. But that's where I've felt things like this way before MJ. I'd like to think of it like that (above), though, lol :blush:

I truly believe it's him because I've never had any kind of spiritual experience before he was gone. However, just because you've felt it before doesn't mean it can't be him.
Today in my drama class, whilst NOT thinking of Michael, I randomly got that tingly feeling I've been getting every time I pray for him. :wub:

A tingly feeling in my right shoulder and lower head/upper neck (that place mj used to put his hand when he hugged girls - remember?)

awwww that has happened to me before too :wub:
As far as Evan Chandler goes, I don't know how I feel about the communication that may occur between him and Michael now. I feel like if there were to be any it would not be for a long time. I don't know much about the after-life process but I am assuming that Evan will have to have time to 'deal' with what he had done wrong in his life.

I wonder if this will throw Michael for a loop? Do you think he will make 'efforts' to communicate with Evan, or will he simply not even care or bother to worry about it? What do you think?

As far as this goes. I still find it very bizarre. :bugeyed My own personal opinion I think the guilt of what he did got to him. It sort reminds me of the The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe.
I had a weird 'dream' early this morning. I wish I could remember more! I woke up abruptly from it right after I got some kind of a big 'screen' that popped up over my whole field of vision in dreamland. It was like an instant message/pm/tweet/sms and was a message from Michael.:wub: I know I'd been dreaming about him and it didn't seem mundane from what I remember, like maybe being somewhere else. I remember vivid colors, at least. And then it was like... bam... you've got mail! Of course, there's not a trace of what this message actually was that's left in my conscious mind. :doh: But I guess it got through on some level. I do remember having IJCSLY stuck in my mind, but now I can't remember if that was last night before I went to bed or when I woke up for a few minutes after that dream, lol.

(Btw, does anyone else get computer-esque dreams? I started having these back in the 90's, like the symbols of the computer and internet became the best way for my subconscious to convey the idea of connections and messages, lol. I get computer symbolism a lot... websites, social networks, downloading files, etc.)
I think we should have a rule to not post Cherokee's stuff anymore. :p Crapitty crap crap is all that comes out of her.

You're right, sorry for posting the link ;)

I think Cherokee's posts are meant to uplift (and obviously attract) readers so they're pretty harmless but the content is too fluffy/generic and yes, way too frequent, to be considered credible.

Ok guys, dunno if you've read this thread yet:

I just did and let's just say I am NOT doing well at all right now. I am absolutely devastated, I've been crying non-stop since I read these lyrics from Michael. My heart, as if it wasn't already, is utterly and completely broken into a million pieces... It just hurts so f***ing much.

. I remember vivid colors, at least. And then it was like... bam... you've got mail!
Quite interesting. I've never had dreams with computer symbolism or anything myself...though I think I may have had some before with phones.
Wish you could remember what the message was :p don't you just hate it when that happens?
I think Cherokee's posts are meant to uplift (and obviously attract) readers so they're pretty harmless but the content is too fluffy/generic and yes, way too frequent, to be considered credible.

Ok guys, dunno if you've read this thread yet:
It just hurts so f***ing much.

Though Cherokee's stuff may be uplifting, I really feel it's not true...and so that's just wrong to mislead people like that. But I know, none of us really know that any of these psychics are really connecting to Michael.

I hadn't read that thread yet...ugh. I'm with just hurts. :cry:
I had a weird 'dream' early this morning. I wish I could remember more! I woke up abruptly from it right after I got some kind of a big 'screen' that popped up over my whole field of vision in dreamland. It was like an instant message/pm/tweet/sms and was a message from Michael.:wub: I know I'd been dreaming about him and it didn't seem mundane from what I remember, like maybe being somewhere else. I remember vivid colors, at least. And then it was like... bam... you've got mail! Of course, there's not a trace of what this message actually was that's left in my conscious mind. :doh: But I guess it got through on some level. I do remember having IJCSLY stuck in my mind, but now I can't remember if that was last night before I went to bed or when I woke up for a few minutes after that dream, lol.

(Btw, does anyone else get computer-esque dreams? I started having these back in the 90's, like the symbols of the computer and internet became the best way for my subconscious to convey the idea of connections and messages, lol. I get computer symbolism a lot... websites, social networks, downloading files, etc.)
Wow...awesome dream!
I really haven't dreamed about Michael for more than a week. I miss it...bluh.:(
Dreams where I'm using computers, phones or that kind of stuff I actually have very often. I also had some with MJ in it, but not that much. One I know I was texting with him, but that was a while ago...can't remember it exactly.
Most of the times phones I 'use' in my dreams are not letting me do what I want, like when I search for a name I can't get it or something. Very strange. Can't find what that's supposed to mean.:scratch:
Though Cherokee's stuff may be uplifting, I really feel it's not true...and so that's just wrong to mislead people like that. But I know, none of us really know that any of these psychics are really connecting to Michael.

Oh yeah, I totally agree with you, sorry my message maybe wasn't clear enough ;) What I meant was that at least she wasn't putting down Michael or anything like that you know. But yeah it's definitely wrong to mislead so many people like that. How can people do that and live with themselves?? I'll never understand that.

I hadn't read that thread yet...ugh. I'm with just hurts. :cry:

It kills me inside, it really does...
It kills me inside, it really does...
It makes me wish that all of his fans all over the world could gather together with Michael at the same time and have a huge group that he could feel the power and comfort of how supported and loved he really is...and can see how our love overpowers the nasty people that attacked him and were against him on Earth...and know that he was never really alone...and he still isn't. I hope he knows and feels this now and forever.
It makes me wish that all of his fans all over the world could gather together with Michael at the same time and have a huge group that he could feel the power and comfort of how supported and loved he really is...and can see how our love overpowers the nasty people that attacked him and were against him on Earth...and know that he was never really alone...and he still isn't. I hope he knows and feels this now and forever.
It makes me wish that all of his fans all over the world could gather together with Michael at the same time and have a huge group that he could feel the power and comfort of how supported and loved he really is...and can see how our love overpowers the nasty people that attacked him and were against him on Earth...and know that he was never really alone...and he still isn't. I hope he knows and feels this now and forever.

:yes: :cry:
Though Cherokee's stuff may be uplifting, I really feel it's not true...and so that's just wrong to mislead people like that. But I know, none of us really know that any of these psychics are really connecting to Michael.
I also consider the possibility of someone deluding themselves and therefore not intentionally misleading people, but doing so nonetheless. I mean, I think it's probably possible for someone to believe they're channeling when they're actually not. I don't know this, of course, but it's always something in the back of my mind that makes me doubt my own experiences from time to time.

Btw, I think it's interesting that you don't have computer dreams, lol. We use them all the time, so I figured a lot of people would say "oh yeah, I do!" But then my husband says he doesn't either, so go figure :cheeky: I think the internet is a lot like consciousness, actually. The farther we go into the future the more true this will get as phones, television and computers merge. More and more it will be instant communication no matter where you are, everyone is connected, all information is accessible in microseconds. That's how I imagine the pure consciousness of the other side. We're multi-dimensional beings so this is how a child can be in an accident on the other side of the world and the mother knows somehow instantaneously. Instant messaging through an always-on UWW (universal wide web, lol). Just most of the time we're not paying any attention to it, or it's just so much information that our brains can't take it.

Dreams where I'm using computers, phones or that kind of stuff I actually have very often. I also had some with MJ in it, but not that much. One I know I was texting with him, but that was a while ago...can't remember it exactly. Most of the times phones I 'use' in my dreams are not letting me do what I want, like when I search for a name I can't get it or something. Very strange. Can't find what that's supposed to mean.:scratch:
Yay, another computer dreamer, lol! About the phones, that happens to me a lot as well. Like you keep dialing but it won't go through (especially if I'm calling 911, the police, fire dept, etc) or you push "3" and "7" shows up on the screen instead, etc. I visit a non-MJ dreams & visions msg board and I've read that so many times in posts there too. Seems pretty common.

It makes me wish that all of his fans all over the world could gather together with Michael at the same time and have a huge group that he could feel the power and comfort of how supported and loved he really is...and can see how our love overpowers the nasty people that attacked him and were against him on Earth...and know that he was never really alone...and he still isn't. I hope he knows and feels this now and forever.
I know how you feel. That was one thing that comforted me that first awful week or so, thinking that he'll now learn with certainty just how much we really have loved him. And your post also made me think of the prayer thing on the 25th. I hope Michael participates:angel: I'm pretty sure he will. That's kind of like a big group hug in a way :group: Just wish he could be here in person for it :cry:
I also consider the possibility of someone deluding themselves and therefore not intentionally misleading people, but doing so nonetheless. I mean, I think it's probably possible for someone to believe they're channeling when they're actually not. I don't know this, of course, but it's always something in the back of my mind that makes me doubt my own experiences from time to time.
True...I do think that Cherokee may just believe she is connecting when she isn't. So it may not be that she is acting out of integrity...she just thinks the messages are real. Perhaps she is just not being "smart" about the situation by having a healthy skepticism of her own gifts...enough to scope them out further. That was one thing that got me with Bonnie, was she openly admitted that she couldn't be sure the spirit she was connecting with was even Michael...she simply got confirmations on things he would say later. I'm the same way, I doubt my own experiences as well at times...that's why when I share my experiences, it's always a "I feel this" rather than "I know this".

I think the internet is a lot like consciousness, actually. The farther we go into the future the more true this will get as phones, television and computers merge. More and more it will be instant communication no matter where you are, everyone is connected, all information is accessible in microseconds.
I completely agree. I think part of the "spiritual revolution" that is going to start to really take motion in 2012 will be an uprising of people really recognizing and working with the spiritual and energetic side of things. I think the world will get to a point where there is no need for internet, phones etc...because all communication will be done energetically.

That was one thing that comforted me that first awful week or so, thinking that he'll now learn with certainty just how much we really have loved him. And your post also made me think of the prayer thing on the 25th. I hope Michael participates:angel: I'm pretty sure he will. That's kind of like a big group hug in a way :group: Just wish he could be here in person for it :cry:
Definitely...that's what I thought about too after he died, that at least now he could truly see and feel how supported and loved he was. I hope Michael participates in the prayer too...I'm sure he's very touched by how he has brought people together in this way...and to continue working toward what he was. I'm looking forward to what we all feel during these prayers too.
You're right, sorry for posting the link ;)

I think Cherokee's posts are meant to uplift (and obviously attract) readers so they're pretty harmless but the content is too fluffy/generic and yes, way too frequent, to be considered credible.

Ok guys, dunno if you've read this thread yet:

I just did and let's just say I am NOT doing well at all right now. I am absolutely devastated, I've been crying non-stop since I read these lyrics from Michael. My heart, as if it wasn't already, is utterly and completely broken into a million pieces... It just hurts so f***ing much.


Me too.
I've been thinking about those lyrics non-stop since I read them.

He was such a beautiful soul, and the lyrics are so heartbreaking.

mjbunny, that sounds like a really interesting dream! I can't say my dreams really ever have computer imagery in them.
Definitely...that's what I thought about too after he died, that at least now he could truly see and feel how supported and loved he was. I hope Michael participates in the prayer too...I'm sure he's very touched by how he has brought people together in this way...and to continue working toward what he was. I'm looking forward to what we all feel during these prayers too.
Me too! My hubby found the info about it last month on a German forum about 5 minutes before it was supposed to start. I was in the middle of something and not focused at all. Sometimes if I'm stressy it takes a while to calm down and get in the mood for that type of thing. I therefore didn't feel that much because I wasn't ready, wasn't in the proper mindset. (I think he had a more intense feeling that I did.)

There are similar things, though, that we've participated in, like The Intention Experiment. It has huge numbers of participants and everyone focuses at the same time on something that can be measured scientifically, like trying to change the energy signature of a dish of water (using a control as well, of course). The experiments are done in conjunction with Dr. Gary Schwartz (of the VERITAS Research Program at the University of Arizona). Really cool stuff. When I've participated in these I've definitely felt a difference than when meditating alone. However, the best experience was with a worldwide online prayer for world peace on Easter Sunday a few years ago. Now THAT was cool. Considering MJ fans and how we already feel connected and united in common purposes and how intensely we can feel Michael's energy sometimes (and how intense the love can be in relation to him)... this could be amazing. But at the same time I don't think it's worth it for someone to get upset if they don't 'feel' anything special. It's tough to put expectations on it.
God, this thread really makes me smile. I haven't been on in a while and I've really been missing Michael.

Just wanted to share that I "talk" to Michael every night during my prayers and I can't help but truly feel him with me. It's like, he knows exactly what time I talk to him and he's always here listening. I feel him so much with me at that time and it always makes me miss talking to him.

Don't forget the L.O.V.E. :heart:
You're right, sorry for posting the link ;)

I think Cherokee's posts are meant to uplift (and obviously attract) readers so they're pretty harmless but the content is too fluffy/generic and yes, way too frequent, to be considered credible.

Ok guys, dunno if you've read this thread yet:

I just did and let's just say I am NOT doing well at all right now. I am absolutely devastated, I've been crying non-stop since I read these lyrics from Michael. My heart, as if it wasn't already, is utterly and completely broken into a million pieces... It just hurts so f***ing much.


:( He sounds so desperate and afraid in those lyrics.

mjbunny, I've dreamed about being on the internet before. I did have one about Michael and Janet. It was their birthdays and I was leaving comments, wishing a Happy Birthday to them on their Myspace pages lol. I was also thinking how I couldn't believe a year had passed (it seemed like it was a year since Michael passed away so I don't know if he was alive in the timeline of the dream or not.)

I also had a dream about Michael last night. I was walking and talking quite a bit with him (I almost never talk to him in my dreams nor does he talk to me), but I really don't remember any details. I think we were in a mall and I can remember him smiling. I wish I could remember more because it was so nice. :(
Today in my drama class, whilst NOT thinking of Michael, I randomly got that tingly feeling I've been getting every time I pray for him. :wub:

A tingly feeling in my right shoulder and lower head/upper neck (that place mj used to put his hand when he hugged girls - remember?)

Aww, that's so sweet :)

I had a weird 'dream' early this morning. I wish I could remember more! I woke up abruptly from it right after I got some kind of a big 'screen' that popped up over my whole field of vision in dreamland. It was like an instant message/pm/tweet/sms and was a message from Michael.:wub: I know I'd been dreaming about him and it didn't seem mundane from what I remember, like maybe being somewhere else. I remember vivid colors, at least. And then it was like... bam... you've got mail! Of course, there's not a trace of what this message actually was that's left in my conscious mind. :doh: But I guess it got through on some level. I do remember having IJCSLY stuck in my mind, but now I can't remember if that was last night before I went to bed or when I woke up for a few minutes after that dream, lol.

Oh that's an uncommon dream lol Cute :) So frustrating about the message though, damn!

It makes me wish that all of his fans all over the world could gather together with Michael at the same time and have a huge group that he could feel the power and comfort of how supported and loved he really is...and can see how our love overpowers the nasty people that attacked him and were against him on Earth...and know that he was never really alone...and he still isn't. I hope he knows and feels this now and forever.

Amen to that. :cry:

mjbunny said:
I also consider the possibility of someone deluding themselves and therefore not intentionally misleading people, but doing so nonetheless. I mean, I think it's probably possible for someone to believe they're channeling when they're actually not.

Right. I agree that's what's probably happening with Cherokee. She probably believes what she's writing...

Definitely...that's what I thought about too after he died, that at least now he could truly see and feel how supported and loved he was. I hope Michael participates in the prayer too...I'm sure he's very touched by how he has brought people together in this way...and to continue working toward what he was. I'm looking forward to what we all feel during these prayers too.

Oh me too, I'm looking forward to it. I think it's such a beautiful idea. The love and the unity among all of us Michael fans is such an amazing thing to see. It warms my heart...

I also had a dream about Michael last night. I was walking and talking quite a bit with him (I almost never talk to him in my dreams nor does he talk to me), but I really don't remember any details. I think we were in a mall and I can remember him smiling. I wish I could remember more because it was so nice. :(

Oh that's wonderful you got to talk to him and see him SMILE in your dream! :) Would love to experience such a dream...