Merged: Psychics channel Michael

True...there are mediums of all kinds with different types of gifts. Some work exclusively with those in the process, while some connect with deceased family members or guardian angels and guides. The more I think about it, I remember many times where psychics I've known, or even my Dad who channels...have connected with those who went into the light years and years ago. So I guess it is definitely possible to connect with those who have fully transitioned - the main concern about Michael for me I guess is the question of just having him "around" - and being able to easily connect with him without being a medium of sorts. I guess that's just a selfish thing if his life revolves around us. :p It's just - right now feels the same as when he was alive in a sense. I don't ever see him but I know he's always around. If he goes onto another life or mission of sorts after he transitions...where he doesn't hang around Earth will feel very empty and lonely here.

Yeah, I do think it's defintely possible to connect with those who have moved into the light.
I know what you mean though, it's so comforting to feel him. But you know, when he does finally transition, I have no doubt that he will still visit us.
yeah, that's similar to the idea in the Ghost Whisperer...I mean, I know the storylines aren't real, but the main character is based on a real medium and she also only sees them until they go into the light. Interesting!
That's a show I actually watched a couple of times. James Van Praagh is a consultant to Ghost Whisperer, btw. He generally communicates with those that have already gone to the light, but I guess he can do both.

I have another thing to share that happened yesterday, but I didn't know about it all until hours later. We saw TII two times yesterday (our 5th and 6th time overall). During Earth Song I really got quite emotional, like Michael was talking right to my soul :cry: and I felt very touched after that point. We had a half hour break then went back in to see the film again. At some point in the first third or so of this showing I began to feel strong energy around me, the usual presence sensation and the warmth. I was like, "Oh, hi Michael!", however feeling skeptical still like usual. I mean, I know what I feel, but I always wonder if it's really MJ or something happening just with my own energy. I didn't say anything to my husband because I have 'weird' things happen to me so often that he probably doesn't care anymore, lolol.

Then, late last night as we were lying in bed, he told me that there was one point during the second showing from the day where he got like a message somehow, like suddenly he just knew something. He said it was striking in his mind, like receiving a big mental sms or tweet, lol. He said the message was that he was supposed to tell me, "Michael is here!" He wasn't sure how I'd take it or why it had happened, so he'd just kept quiet. I was like... WHOA. Then I told him what I'd felt and we were both like... WHOA, lol. Because he also said it was in the first third of the movie. So we both knew MJ was 'there'. It was like confirmation for both of us, that we both felt it. And not in the first showing, or a week ago when we saw TII, but the same day during the second showing specifically. I always knew he's a lot more psychic than he gives himself credit for. He didn't feel anything physically like me, but he knew in his mind :)

I wanted to post because it's a great example how we all get messages or visits, but may experience them differently! (And maybe even differently at different times, who knows). Ah, and it's just more confirmation to me on a whole other level that Michael is around -- however that works :wub:
That's a show I actually watched a couple of times. James Van Praagh is a consultant to Ghost Whisperer, btw. He generally communicates with those that have already gone to the light, but I guess he can do both.

I have another thing to share that happened yesterday, but I didn't know about it all until hours later. We saw TII two times yesterday (our 5th and 6th time overall). During Earth Song I really got quite emotional, like Michael was talking right to my soul :cry: and I felt very touched after that point. We had a half hour break then went back in to see the film again. At some point in the first third or so of this showing I began to feel strong energy around me, the usual presence sensation and the warmth. I was like, "Oh, hi Michael!", however feeling skeptical still like usual. I mean, I know what I feel, but I always wonder if it's really MJ or something happening just with my own energy. I didn't say anything to my husband because I have 'weird' things happen to me so often that he probably doesn't care anymore, lolol.

Then, late last night as we were lying in bed, he told me that there was one point during the second showing from the day where he got like a message somehow, like suddenly he just knew something. He said it was striking in his mind, like receiving a big mental sms or tweet, lol. He said the message was that he was supposed to tell me, "Michael is here!" He wasn't sure how I'd take it or why it had happened, so he'd just kept quiet. I was like... WHOA. Then I told him what I'd felt and we were both like... WHOA, lol. Because he also said it was in the first third of the movie. So we both knew MJ was 'there'. It was like confirmation for both of us, that we both felt it. And not in the first showing, or a week ago when we saw TII, but the same day during the second showing specifically. I always knew he's a lot more psychic than he gives himself credit for. He didn't feel anything physically like me, but he knew in his mind :)

I wanted to post because it's a great example how we all get messages or visits, but may experience them differently! (And maybe even differently at different times, who knows). Ah, and it's just more confirmation to me on a whole other level that Michael is around -- however that works :wub:

Yeah, I heard that. I love the show!

Wowowowowow, that's an amazing experience!!! Really touching :) Thanks for sharing!

OK sorry I have to run to class, lol
Have a great eveing everyone
Then, late last night as we were lying in bed, he told me that there was one point during the second showing from the day where he got like a message somehow, like suddenly he just knew something. He said it was striking in his mind, like receiving a big mental sms or tweet, lol. He said the message was that he was supposed to tell me, "Michael is here!" He wasn't sure how I'd take it or why it had happened, so he'd just kept quiet. I was like... WHOA. Then I told him what I'd felt and we were both like... WHOA, lol. Because he also said it was in the first third of the movie. So we both knew MJ was 'there'. It was like confirmation for both of us, that we both felt it. And not in the first showing, or a week ago when we saw TII, but the same day during the second showing specifically. I always knew he's a lot more psychic than he gives himself credit for. He didn't feel anything physically like me, but he knew in his mind :)
That's so awesome! :wub: I have to say you are really blessed to not only be able to sense things the way you do - but have a husband who has the same kind of gift...just in a different way. And for both of you to love MJ so much...dang, I hope I get as lucky with whoever I end up with.
That's so awesome! :wub: I have to say you are really blessed to not only be able to sense things the way you do - but have a husband who has the same kind of gift...just in a different way. And for both of you to love MJ so much...dang, I hope I get as lucky with whoever I end up with.
LOL, I hope so for you too! MJ, the matchmaker! :cheers: Maybe someone should start an MJ fans dating service, to hook up fans with fans! (I'm being totally serious here.) I know we were lucky to get another fan as a spouse. Really. Of course it was after years of bad relationships with guys I loved tremendously, but with whom it didn't work out :mello:. In the end, though, I don't think I ever could have married a guy who didn't like MJ. I'd consider that a serious character flaw! In our case we were both almost 30 yrs old and on two different continents when we ran across each other on a fan forum :wub: It was like "Ohhhh, now all those years of loving MJ are starting to make even more sense!" It's strange, like MJ was a had-to-be part of my life from the start, because so much of my life has (and probably will) be directly tied to him in some way.

Just an fyi... my hubby doesn't usually have experiences like that, but I think he's quite intuitive. On occasion we've felt the same thing at the same time regarding energy. Back in the US I lived in an occasionally haunted apartment. (I say 'occasionally' because sometimes it was fine for days, then the ghost would show up again.) I never told would-be-hubby about this. He came to America for 3 wks and one day I was at work & he called me from my apt and told me that something weird had happened, that all of a sudden it was like some dark Twilight Zone feeling descended on the whole place and he felt almost scared for some reason. He then went to take a shower and.... I interrupted with, "Let me guess. You felt like there was some guy standing in the hallway at the door to the bathroom watching you." He said yes, it was exactly like that! A man at the doorway! :eek: I replied, "Oh yeah, that's just the ghost. He comes and goes sometimes. My mom and sister have felt him before too." LOLOL Luckily he didn't run out the door screaming:tease:
LOL, I hope so for you too! MJ, the matchmaker! :cheers: Maybe someone should start an MJ fans dating service, to hook up fans with fans! (I'm being totally serious here.) I know we were lucky to get another fan as a spouse. Really. Of course it was after years of bad relationships with guys I loved tremendously, but with whom it didn't work out :mello:. In the end, though, I don't think I ever could have married a guy who didn't like MJ. I'd consider that a serious character flaw!
An MJ fan dating site is BRILLIANT. Seriously. I couldn't date someone who didn't like MJ...I really couldn't. I mean, if his music wasn't their taste...I might be able to overlook that - (though it would really suck not having a rock out buddy :punk:) but if they don't have respect for who he was...if they aren't able to see the man he really was...then it's BUH BYE.

He then went to take a shower and.... I interrupted with, "Let me guess. You felt like there was some guy standing in the hallway at the door to the bathroom watching you." He said yes, it was exactly like that! A man at the doorway! :eek: I replied, "Oh yeah, that's just the ghost. He comes and goes sometimes. My mom and sister have felt him before too." LOLOL Luckily he didn't run out the door screaming:tease:
True...there are mediums of all kinds with different types of gifts. Some work exclusively with those in the process, while some connect with deceased family members or guardian angels and guides. The more I think about it, I remember many times where psychics I've known, or even my Dad who channels...have connected with those who went into the light years and years ago.

Wow, your dad is able to channel, amygrace??! You're so lucky to have someone you know you can absolutely trust on these things! So I guess you must have no doubt whatsoever about the fact that channeling spirits IS indeed possible, right?? I mean you probably witnessed your dad's own channeling sessions. Wow, that must be fascinating. And probably a little scary too...

Then, late last night as we were lying in bed, he told me that there was one point during the second showing from the day where he got like a message somehow, like suddenly he just knew something. He said it was striking in his mind, like receiving a big mental sms or tweet, lol. He said the message was that he was supposed to tell me, "Michael is here!" He wasn't sure how I'd take it or why it had happened, so he'd just kept quiet. I was like... WHOA. Then I told him what I'd felt and we were both like... WHOA, lol. Because he also said it was in the first third of the movie. So we both knew MJ was 'there'. It was like confirmation for both of us, that we both felt it. And not in the first showing, or a week ago when we saw TII, but the same day during the second showing specifically. I always knew he's a lot more psychic than he gives himself credit for. He didn't feel anything physically like me, but he knew in his mind :)

WHOA indeed!! You two are so lucky to have each other. The wole dating site for MJ fans idea is the absolute BEST idea ever lol Seriously. I know what you mean, amygrace, about not being able to be with a man who wouldn't respect Michael. Same for me. I mean he wouldn't necessarily have to be crazy about Michael but he would have to 1) respect Michael and 2) respect the love I have for Michael. But damn, if I could find a man who was a true MJ fan too, wow, that would be amazing *sigh*

mjbunny said:
He then went to take a shower and.... I interrupted with, "Let me guess. You felt like there was some guy standing in the hallway at the door to the bathroom watching you." He said yes, it was exactly like that! A man at the doorway! I replied, "Oh yeah, that's just the ghost. He comes and goes sometimes. My mom and sister have felt him before too." LOLOL Luckily he didn't run out the door screaming

LMAO!!! You got a good one there ;)

BTW I started reading the chapter from the book "Destiny of Souls" by Dr Michael Newton that you told us about, mjbunny ;). It's quite interesting indeed. Lots of testimonials/sessions from the guy's patients and yes they basically all match. It was quite touching to read the stories of all these people trying to comfort and get in touch with their grief-stricken loved ones. For those who don't wanna buy the book or won't be able to read that specific chapter in the library, the book is easy to find as a pdf online, for free, ahem :innocent: But you didn't hear it from me lol ;)
New session from Bonnie! This is a great one...because he addresses his thoughts on mediums and psychics. I was wondering if Bonnie was going to bring that subject up to him...about what he thought of the "fakes" out there. Man...every session with Bonnie just feels more and more like Michael.
WOW! truly feels like Michael. I don't know what it is but it just does something what makes me really believe it's him. The way she's talking, the words she's emphasizing....the certain words she chooses. I'm really blown away, again.
I really hope too that we, being not really a medium, can still feel and sense him when he transitioned. It might indeed be a bit selfish, but I'm really afraid for it as well... :cry:
The past weeks I already felt like 'losing' him. He doesn't feel close anymore for some reason, maybe because I've been so busy lately. Only when I'm reading Moonwalk for instance, I can feel it a bit more. Maybe it's just because I'm focusing on it that way. Difficult!

LOL, I hope so for you too! MJ, the matchmaker! :cheers: Maybe someone should start an MJ fans dating service, to hook up fans with fans! (I'm being totally serious here.) I know we were lucky to get another fan as a spouse. Really. Of course it was after years of bad relationships with guys I loved tremendously, but with whom it didn't work out :mello:. In the end, though, I don't think I ever could have married a guy who didn't like MJ. I'd consider that a serious character flaw! In our case we were both almost 30 yrs old and on two different continents when we ran across each other on a fan forum :wub: It was like "Ohhhh, now all those years of loving MJ are starting to make even more sense!" It's strange, like MJ was a had-to-be part of my life from the start, because so much of my life has (and probably will) be directly tied to him in some way.
Ooooh I'd totally love that, a dating thing for us fans! :lol:
I seriously can't date a guy who doesn't share my music interest, not even to begin about MJ. Hahah!
How cute that you met your hubby on a fan forum....aaaww! You guys sound like an adorable couple.
Now I am curious for a picture, hahah! :cheeky:
Wow, your dad is able to channel, amygrace??! You're so lucky to have someone you know you can absolutely trust on these things! So I guess you must have no doubt whatsoever about the fact that channeling spirits IS indeed possible, right?? I mean you probably witnessed your dad's own channeling sessions. Wow, that must be fascinating. And probably a little scary too...
It's an amazing gift that my Dad can channel. He does it in a different way than most though. What happens is my Mom puts him under (kind of like deep mediation/hypnotizing) and then my Dad's guides come in to speak through him. We can ask questions and sometimes speak to other people's guides and stuff...VERY interesting to say the least. Sometimes the people we talk to have accents and it's crazy listening to my Dad speak like that. My Dad never remembers a thing when he wakes up we record each session and then my Mom types it up and we discuss it. I have been DYING to do a session about Michael with my Dad, but he only goes under with the assistance of my Mom and my Mom has been in CA for the past few months working on healing herself. So I'm waiting for us all to get together again...when the time is right.

he wouldn't necessarily have to be crazy about Michael but he would have to 1) respect Michael and 2) respect the love I have for Michael. But damn, if I could find a man who was a true MJ fan too, wow, that would be amazing *sigh*
Oh wow, Bonnie's last sounds SO much like him.
I believe her more with every session.

I am so emotionally and physically exhausted today, and I want to comment on a million things in the last couple pages, but I have to drag myself over to the library and set up camp there all night, so I don't really have the time -- but I just wanted to say I love this thread, and I hope you're all doing well.

For some reason I just feel like telling everyone I know that I love them, and that goes for fellow fans on MJJC. :)
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Nice try, but uh... NO.

I am glad who ever she's communicating with someone who saw the movie though. Oh and they remembered to use the famous phrase, I love you more... How Michaelesque of them.

I suppose we'll get another channelled session now that EC is gone?

Yeah, anyway, That ain't Michael. You can take that to the bank!

Hey Bonnie, ask yourself, if this ain't Michael, WHO IS IT? (no pun intended)
It's an amazing gift that my Dad can channel. He does it in a different way than most though. What happens is my Mom puts him under (kind of like deep mediation/hypnotizing) and then my Dad's guides come in to speak through him. We can ask questions and sometimes speak to other people's guides and stuff...VERY interesting to say the least. Sometimes the people we talk to have accents and it's crazy listening to my Dad speak like that. My Dad never remembers a thing when he wakes up we record each session and then my Mom types it up and we discuss it. I have been DYING to do a session about Michael with my Dad, but he only goes under with the assistance of my Mom and my Mom has been in CA for the past few months working on healing herself. So I'm waiting for us all to get together again...when the time is right.

WOW! Amazing.

Yeah I was gonna ask you if your dad ever tried to contact Michael in some way but I wasn't sure it'd be appropriate to ask... I can totally imagine you're very anxious to have your dad try such a session. So that means he's been able to channel people he didn't know personally? If you don't mind my asking, is it just random people or is there some special kind of connection between those "spirits" and your father/your family? Of course you don't have to answer if you don't want to, I'd totally understand. It's a very personal subject and probably a very sensitive one too. Either way, it's truly fascinating. You're lucky! :)

BTW all the best to your mom, I hope she's ok/gets well soon (you said she was going through a healing process) :heart:
i want to believe all this. i really do.

I can only remain to hope Bonnie is real and her communication channeling is real as well.

Who knows what happens when one dies. Who knows...

We'll all find out soon enough.
So that means he's been able to channel people he didn't know personally? If you don't mind my asking, is it just random people or is there some special kind of connection between those "spirits" and your father/your family? Of course you don't have to answer if you don't want to, I'd totally understand. It's a very personal subject and probably a very sensitive one too. Either way, it's truly fascinating. You're lucky! :)
BTW all the best to your mom, I hope she's ok/gets well soon (you said she was going through a healing process) :heart:
Well we've generally only contacted the different guides and angels within our family, and people we knew from past lives. We haven't really asked for anyone outside of that - because when we do sessions we want information regarding our personal lives. But usually when we have an intent to speak with someone specific, we are able to get through to them. Like one time, I kept having these dreams about my ex and my childhood best buddy...and in the dreams they were always the same person. It was really weird. So I was curious about it and asked that we do a session so I could see if there was some meaning behind it. So we started the session and suddenly my Dad was getting overwhelmed with a hoard of spirits trying to come in and speak through him at the same time. His body just kept shaking for like 5 or 10 minutes until finally my Dad's guide came in to speak and said he had to escort everyone out because it was getting out of control. Apparently, there was a past life /karma connection between me and my ex and best bud...some drama that went down in a past life I guess and since I was bringing up the issue again, everyone that was involved in this drama was coming forth to talk about it as if it had happened yesterday. lol. I never did find out the exact details of all that.
I'd go on more about this process but it's pretty personal.

Thanks for the kind wishes for my Mom.
Oh another thing...anyone else curious as to whether Evan Chandler and Michael will talk on the other side? With his death it just got me thinking about karma, unfinished business and forgiveness. I know that karma is often played out in our Earth often times we reincarnate over again with people that have done us wrong in another life or vice versa that we can work out our karma together. But I wonder if some people are able to forgive and work things out without have to reincarnate together. Then again if they were to ever talk on the other side, it would probably be a long time from now...while they both go through their own individual processes of working out any unfinished business here and healing themselves. Hmmm
Amy, that is all so cool!!! Wow! Thank you for opening up and sharing.

I don't know what will happen with Evan and Michael...but I think what's more important than them meeting/talking is that Evan will truly see how his actions affected Michael...I believe that's what happens...that you feel all the good and bad emotions that you caused in other people.
I think what's more important than them meeting/talking is that Evan will truly see how his actions affected Michael...I believe that's what happens...that you feel all the good and bad emotions that you caused in other people.
True that. The more I think about this subject the more I think it was a silly idea to think they'd talk....because just cause Evan dies that doesn't mean he will suddenly be a different person. And that doesn't mean that suddenly Michael will even be willing to talk to him. You are right that what is most important is that Evan really realizes what he put Michael through...and I hope he feels it like you said. And for Michael it's important that he just heals himself over all that happened. I hope his heart (or I guess I should say "soul" now) becomes whole again.
Wow I didn't know that about Evan. I've literally just learned this now. :mello: I'd imagine he'd be facing his own personal demons on the other side, and I also hope that he would come to realize what he had done to Michael. From what I've heard, supposedly you go through a life review when you cross over. So you really see how you affected the people around you while you were living on earth.
I have 777 subscribers on youtube!! :D

Michael wore 777 on his jacket

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I went looking for more photos of Michael at the awards and they happen to be right on the front page of today. That was really cool
OMG, I did not know that Evan chandler recently passed!! Wow, that would be a interesting question to ask MJ how he feels about it, but then again I wouldn't want to bring that experience back up for him.

I've noticed that mjbunny and amygrace have family members that experience psychic/paranormal abilities. My mom sees things dreams. I really think it's her guides/ her parents and/ or brother telling her things in her dreams.
I remember one time when I had this big crush on this guy at my college, he liked me(most likely for the wrong reasons) and I liked him. I never told my mom his name or anything about him and she told me of a dream she had where I was pregnant by a guy with the same name as the crush I had(I'm not pregnant) and she told me to stay away from him.

My mom also had two dreams recently: one where I would recieve a phone call from a relative I haven't talked to in five years; they called within a week. The other was when she had a dream my brother was in a car accident, that was true as well(my brother was not injured and the car is dented a little in the back).

My mom is the main reason my brother and I are big fans of MJ. She had a crush on him when she was a little girl(she is three years younger than him) and has loved him and his music ever since. She once she ran home from school to watch MJ on the Dating Game and was sad when her mother told her that it had just went off. She has taken his passing hard like me and I really hope that MJ will visit her in her dreams. I'll try to ask if she has already had an MJ dream.
As far as Evan Chandler goes, I don't know how I feel about the communication that may occur between him and Michael now. I feel like if there were to be any it would not be for a long time. I don't know much about the after-life process but I am assuming that Evan will have to have time to 'deal' with what he had done wrong in his life.

I wonder if this will throw Michael for a loop? Do you think he will make 'efforts' to communicate with Evan, or will he simply not even care or bother to worry about it? What do you think?
As far as Evan Chandler goes, I don't know how I feel about the communication that may occur between him and Michael now. I feel like if there were to be any it would not be for a long time. I don't know much about the after-life process but I am assuming that Evan will have to have time to 'deal' with what he had done wrong in his life.

I wonder if this will throw Michael for a loop? Do you think he will make 'efforts' to communicate with Evan, or will he simply not even care or bother to worry about it? What do you think?

I remember hoping Jordan would speak up, now he does not have anyone to stop him from speaking up, except for himself. Maybe MJ might try to talk to Evan, I don't know. I wonder if MJ will communicate with Jordan.
So we started the session and suddenly my Dad was getting overwhelmed with a hoard of spirits trying to come in and speak through him at the same time. His body just kept shaking for like 5 or 10 minutes until finally my Dad's guide came in to speak and said he had to escort everyone out because it was getting out of control. Apparently, there was a past life /karma connection between me and my ex and best bud...some drama that went down in a past life I guess and since I was bringing up the issue again, everyone that was involved in this drama was coming forth to talk about it as if it had happened yesterday. lol.

WHOA again!! Incredible stuff. Thank you so much amygrace for sharing all this with us, I truly appreciate it :)

Btw, anyone else wish we had a private place to discuss this stuff? I kinda wish we had a way that we could invite only people that really believed in this stuff and were open to it, so that we could all feel more comfortable sharing personal things and not have to worry about trolls.

My thoughts exactly. Unfortunately I don't think it's possible to restrict access to certain threads... I know you can restrict access to certain forums/sections but not to specific threads I think...

anyone else curious as to whether Evan Chandler and Michael will talk on the other side? With his death it just got me thinking about karma, unfinished business and forgiveness.

Oh yeah, definitely. I mean the fact that he died so soon after Michael... Makes you think, right? Sorry if this sounds really harsh, I don't wish for anybody's death and I'm sorry for Chandler's family & friends but all I can say is... KARMA.

mjbunny said:
Hey you guys, I made a thread about the 'sending out a major love' prayer, just fyi. Goodnight for now

Thanks mjbunny! :)

tarah86 said:
I've noticed that mjbunny and amygrace have family members that experience psychic/paranormal abilities. My mom sees things dreams. I really think it's her guides/ her parents and/ or brother telling her things in her dreams.

Wow, very interesting! Thanks for sharing :)
I have 777 subscribers on youtube!! :D
Michael wore 777 on his jacket
I went looking for more photos of Michael at the awards and they happen to be right on the front page of today. That was really cool!

tarah86 said:
My mom sees things dreams. I really think it's her guides/ her parents and/ or brother telling her things in her dreams.
That's a great gift to have too! Thanks for sharing the stories! I hope she gets a visit from MJ in her dreams too.