Merged: Psychics channel Michael

P.S. Here's what I've been working on all day. It's now 5am (omg!) and I'm finally off to bed. Not finished with it, but it's going so far -- My husband and I joined in this prayer in October. I didn't know about it until a few minutes before, or I would've posted it here. There's a huge thread about it over on :wub:

That's great! :heart: I'm absolutely going to do that on 25th - or actually it's already 26th here in Finland at that time. Thank you so much for the link!

Since I haven't got a chance to visit this thread for a while, I have been going through several pages today. It seems that you have really had some wonderful experiences of Michael's love and presence - thank you for sharing those! There are times when I just don't feel Michael around and I miss him terribly:( But when I come here and see all these experiences that you've been having, it makes me so happy! :wub: It just proves that Michael is still here and visits us -even we are not able to feel him every time we wish to.

I have had only couple of dreams lately about Michael during last weeks, the first one was really wonderful and I felt so good after seeing it - but the second one made me miss him even more.

Here is the first one, I saw it couple of weeks ago and maybe a week before I got the chance to go to see TII (at that time I was actually pretty sure and depressed over that I'm not going to see TII because it's not shoving in our tiny movie theater - but I eventually got a change to see it later).

In this dream I was in a beautiful castle which had large rooms and huge windows, and the most amazing thing in that castle was the light: all the rooms were filled by a light that came through the windows, the light was like a mixture of blue and white light, and it gave me kind of sense of joy and peace.
I was in this castle with Michael - he looked the same as in his 30s- and there were also a lot of other people too. Michael was really full of energy and at the same time really busy: it seems he was arranging things, giving orders and talking with people - like something huge was about to happen and everyone was buzzing around him. Then I realized that they were actually going to play TII in one huge room for the first time - that's why there were so lot of people and this kind of "party" feeling.
I also realized that Michael had invited me there - at one point he managed to have some time to talk with me and he apologized that he was so busy whole the time. I said I totally understand and I offered him some youghurt (??) I had with me as a snack (how a weird movie snack!) and he was glad to have some. I don't really remember how this dream ended, but Michael seemed really happy whole the time in this dream, also the athmosphere there was really full of joy.

My second dream I had only couple of days ago was not so happy... :( In this dream I was in a crocery store and I saw that every newspaper in that store had huge and screaming hedlines: Michael Jackson is alive and living in Luxenbourgh. (Why Luxenbourgh, I have no clue). I thought my heart just stopped when I saw that. I remember everyone in the store were talking about it, and that it really was official (like himself had given an press conference about it). Tears were streaming down my face as I bought the newspaper and the vendor was also really moved and kept talking to me about Michael. I was shocked but... really, really happy and crying of joy. And then I woke up and it took me a while to realize it was only a dream - it was not a nice awakening at all :no:
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amygrace said:
Aw sure
It's really not an awesome cover...I'm a beginner on the guitar and not an amazing singer - but I gotta practice and love to sing anyway so there ya have it.

Awww, that was beautiful, Amy!! You have a beautiful voice and I loved the whole setting of your performance: the backdrop, the cool guitar and you of course! It looked (and sounded!!) great! :) Michael would be proud! :)

Louise said:
Wow, amygrace, I've had the exact same thing happen to me the last few weeks! The latest one was that last weekend, I totally overslept. I had my mobile phone next to my bed, so looked at it to see what the time was. I look, and it says 11:11! It's been happening really quite a lot lately though. I went out to the cinema the other day, and when I looked at the ticket, guess what time the ticket had been issued? 11.11

Damn. Freaky stuff!! That's quite amazing, really.

littlesparrow said:
That night I had a dream that I stupidly did not write down and ended up forgetting.
The only thing I remember about the dream was that a) I had sneakily made my way backstage at some concert and no one noticed I was there; and b) Michael was there. He was young, maybe 20, and he had his afro. He was wearing a dark grey velvet suit.
I don't remember what we said or what he did.

Aww that's sweet :) But yeah, must be kinda frustrating not to remember it well... Well at least you remember Michael WAS in your dream, which is already nice in itself ;)

My second dream I had only couple of days ago was not so happy... :( In this dream I was in a crocery store and I saw that every newspaper in that store had huge and screaming hedlines: Michael Jackson is alive and living in Luxenbourgh. (Why Luxenbourgh, I have no clue). I thought my heart just stopped when I saw that. I remember everyone in the store were talking about it, and that it really was official (like himself had given an press conference about it). Tears were streaming down my face as I bought the newspaper and the vendor was also really moved and kept talking to me about Michael. I was shocked but... really, really happy and crying of joy. And then I woke up and it took me a while to realize it was only a dream - it was not a nice awakening at all :no:

OMG that must have been an awful awakening :( Oh God, I can totally imagine it, so painful... :(
Your first dream must have been very comforting though. :)

I went to see TII for the 6th time last night... Obviously I was a mess right after :( But I really needed to be with Michael last night... Anyway, I didn't really dream about Michael but I kinda dreamt about going to see TII I think LOL So I basically saw excerpts from the movie in my dream lol Well, not what I was hoping to dream about (I want just Michael & meeee) but hey, better than nothing I guess ;)

Love you guys, good night (well it is night time here lol)! :huggy:
I was in this castle with Michael - he looked the same as in his 30s- and there were also a lot of other people too. Michael was really full of energy and at the same time really busy: it seems he was arranging things, giving orders and talking with people - like something huge was about to happen and everyone was buzzing around him. Then I realized that they were actually going to play TII in one huge room for the first time - that's why there were so lot of people and this kind of "party" feeling.
I also realized that Michael had invited me there - at one point he managed to have some time to talk with me and he apologized that he was so busy whole the time. I said I totally understand and I offered him some youghurt (??) I had with me as a snack (how a weird movie snack!) and he was glad to have some. I don't really remember how this dream ended, but Michael seemed really happy whole the time in this dream, also the athmosphere there was really full of joy.

My second dream I had only couple of days ago was not so happy... :( In this dream I was in a crocery store and I saw that every newspaper in that store had huge and screaming hedlines: Michael Jackson is alive and living in Luxenbourgh. (Why Luxenbourgh, I have no clue). I thought my heart just stopped when I saw that. I remember everyone in the store were talking about it, and that it really was official (like himself had given an press conference about it). Tears were streaming down my face as I bought the newspaper and the vendor was also really moved and kept talking to me about Michael. I was shocked but... really, really happy and crying of joy. And then I woke up and it took me a while to realize it was only a dream - it was not a nice awakening at all :no:
Aw that first dream sounds wonderful. :heart: I truly hope that in some way, Michael's "This Is It" was still able to be performed and share with others on the other side. It's only right! I also hope that many if not all of us fans were able to see it too in dreams or something, even though we wouldn't remember in the morning.
Your second dream :cry: I hate those kinds... where you dream of something so wonderful and amazing and then wake up to find it isn't true. Agh it's awful. Been there done that. At least we can still take comfort in knowing that Michael's spirit is still alive and ok. :better:

Kira said:
Awww, that was beautiful, Amy!! You have a beautiful voice and I loved the whole setting of your performance: the backdrop, the cool guitar and you of course! It looked (and sounded!!) great! :) Michael would be proud! :)
Aw thank you dahling! :huggy:
So, I had an interesting night on Saturday.
I drove out to visit my father and stayed over in the guest room.
I was lying in bed listening to "Got To Be There" and I saw one of those odd twinkle things I mentioned a few posts back...this is the second time I've seen something like that.
This time though, the room was totally dark and whatever I saw looked sort of like those blips and scartches that appear on film screens at the movie theater -- only in the air.
I get those little light spots that appear in the air when I'm tired or open my eyes quickly - whatever. These things look totally different.

Ok, now I'm amazed because I saw a similar thing on the same night, which I posted here yesterday. :bugeyed
I truly hope that in some way, Michael's "This Is It" was still able to be performed and share with others on the other side. It's only right!

I hope it too! At least it seemed to me very much like it :D

Thank you guys for your comments! It's always so heartwarming athmosphere around here :hug:
But it's too late now and I shouldnt' be hanging here anymore, so sweet dreams everyone!
Man, I don't come here for a day and a half and end up with way to many things to comment on, lolol.

oceanborn, the first dream was real neat (I seem to remember many mentions here and in the Dreams thread of of castles or palace-like buildings - interesting!), and the second one, ugh. I had a dream like that too, whenever it was, a week or so ago, that MJ was back to life and doing the TII concerts and it was so wonderful. Talk about not wanting to wake up!!! I wonder why Luxembourg, though, lolol. Like why not Brazil or a small town in China? Heehee.

amygrace, nice HTW cover :) I added you as a friend on youtube, btw.
amygrace & louise - Trippy about the 1's. For me it's always hard to know if things like seeing that means anything because my birthday is the 11th, so I've always noticed consecutive 1's, lol. It's supposed to, though. Also the 11:11 thing is thought of as something spiritual, like transformation, ascension, etc. Btw, MJ was an "11" as well, born on the 29th (2+9=11 and 11 is a master number, so shouldn't be reduced further). When I got my souvenir ticket recently for what should have been the best day of my life (7th row on Aug 30th), guess what the seat number was? Yep, 11. And in section A1 (11). And on August 30th (8+3+0=11) and in the year 2009 (2+0+0+9=11). So may be I've had that weird 1's or 11's thing in regard to MJ a bit as well...:scratch:Wait... lol, we just saw TII twice today in theater "1" at the multiplex. 1 and then 1 again? Ah, maybe I'm just reaching now, lol.

littlesparrow - cool, a young MJ dream! I've had a couple of those lately, but maybe it's because we keep watching the 70's variety show, lol. He was always gorgeous, wasn't he?

mrs music - glad to hear your mom is ok! How scary! Mine casually told me last month that she lost the sight in one eye for about 5 minutes one afternoon. Eeeeek! All I could think was "ischemic stroke", but she doesn't have any money or health insurance and didn't go to the hospital, has no doctor, etc. Thankfully, nothing weird has happened since :angel:
Ok, I have something to share. I don't think it's psychic-related, but well, here goes. We went to another city today to watch TII in the nice theater again. Since it's a bit of a trip to make, we just stayed and watch the film two times in a row :) Well, on the way back I kind of asked the universe to experience something 'MJ' on the long way back home (like a car driving by blasting Billie Jean, you know, just something).

It was already mostly dark outside when we left. I was sitting on the left side in a tram/streetcar going down a major shopping street. We stopped at an intersection and sat there for a minute. As soon as we stopped I saw this distant reflection appear on my window that looked soooooo much like Michael it felt like I was seeing a ghost or something. What I was seeing was the reflection on my left-sided window from a lighted shop window clear over on the right side of the street. It was of a mannequin in a parka style coat with a fur-lined hood over its head. I could only see the head and hood. And the face... omg... the facial structure was like a spitting image of MJ during the TII rehearsals, but it was ghost white with closed eyes (since it was a mannequin). I couldn't even believe my eyes at first, but didn't want to turn to the right to see the shop's window directly (ppl sitting in the way). The rest of the way down the road I looked at every mannequin in every window just to see if my head was all messed up and if they'd all look like MJ to me, lol. But no. None looked anything like him or that one face I saw in the window. I wish I knew which shop it had been from because I'd like to stop there again someday to look at this closer!
Ok, I have something to share. I don't think it's psychic-related, but well, here goes. We went to another city today to watch TII in the nice theater again. Since it's a bit of a trip to make, we just stayed and watch the film two times in a row :) Well, on the way back I kind of asked the universe to experience something 'MJ' on the long way back home (like a car driving by blasting Billie Jean, you know, just something).

It was already mostly dark outside when we left. I was sitting on the left side in a tram/streetcar going down a major shopping street. We stopped at an intersection and sat there for a minute. As soon as we stopped I saw this distant reflection appear on my window that looked soooooo much like Michael it felt like I was seeing a ghost or something. What I was seeing was the reflection on my left-sided window from a lighted shop window clear over on the right side of the street. It was of a mannequin in a parka style coat with a fur-lined hood over its head. I could only see the head and hood. And the face... omg... the facial structure was like a spitting image of MJ during the TII rehearsals, but it was ghost white with closed eyes (since it was a mannequin). I couldn't even believe my eyes at first, but didn't want to turn to the right to see the shop's window directly (ppl sitting in the way). The rest of the way down the road I looked at every mannequin in every window just to see if my head was all messed up and if they'd all look like MJ to me, lol. But no. None looked anything like him or that one face I saw in the window. I wish I knew which shop it had been from because I'd like to stop there again someday to look at this closer!

Aw, I love when things like that happen.

Ok, now I'm amazed because I saw a similar thing on the same night, which I posted here yesterday. :bugeyed

Ah I just went back and read it, and yeah, that's like what I saw. Only what I saw was a single light. It sort of flickered and disappeard.
I didn't experience a tingling sensation though.

Although I was feeling kind of on edge, and I sat straight up in bed sort of waiting for something to happen when downstairs the dog knocked something over and I practically fainted, it startled me so badly! Haha.
hey everyone,
it's good to pop in and read about everyone's continuing experiences with Michael! I guess I haven't been as tuned in lately...I don't know, I think maybe I'm finding different way of incorporating what I've learned from Michael and this whole situation into my life, how I can make a difference.... but I do feel really close to him all the time.
And today, I was listening to the radio, and suddenyl Halo came on...and I felt it again...the goosebumps, the closeness to Michael. I don't know, maybe it's just my reaction to that song and what it now means to me, but I always feel him when I listen to it. :)
What's most interesting in that last session to me...was that Michael said he hasn't transitioned yet. I figured he would have by now...because as far as I know you can still transition and make contact with those here and see what's going on etc. Unless I don't fully understand transitioning. I just hope that once Michael does transition, that doesn't mean we lose connecting with him for good...:cry:
New session from Bonnie! This is a great one...because he addresses his thoughts on mediums and psychics. I was wondering if Bonnie was going to bring that subject up to him...about what he thought of the "fakes" out there. Man...every session with Bonnie just feels more and more like Michael.

you're right.........I can feel him.
What's most interesting in that last session to me...was that Michael said he hasn't transitioned yet. I figured he would have by now...because as far as I know you can still transition and make contact with those here and see what's going on etc. Unless I don't fully understand transitioning. I just hope that once Michael does transition, that doesn't mean we lose connecting with him for good...:cry:
Oh, I know!:(
New session from Bonnie! This is a great one...because he addresses his thoughts on mediums and psychics. I was wondering if Bonnie was going to bring that subject up to him...about what he thought of the "fakes" out there. Man...every session with Bonnie just feels more and more like Michael.

Thanks!! I always love to hear from Bonnie. Again sounds alot like Michael. The only thing im confused if he hasnt transitioned yet. But I understand that he has alot of unfinished business on earth :scratch:I hope he is ok. I miss him so much :cry:

Oceanborn, your 1st dreams sounds just like the dream I had.. Except it was a palace filled with gold and we were what appeared to be in an opera house watching this is it :D It was such an amazing dream I didnt want to wake up lol
Oceanborn, your 1st dreams sounds just like the dream I had.. Except it was a palace filled with gold and we were what appeared to be in an opera house watching this is it :D It was such an amazing dream I didnt want to wake up lol

Really?? Oh that's so cool! :D I didn't know you have had almost the same dream that I had! Amazing... I thought I was the only one watching TII in a castle / palace!
Like you, I didn't want to wake up, not at all :no:

I hope from the bottom of my heart that we won't be losing our connection with Michael as the time goes by... That's awful if we have to! What is the 'transitioning' that Bonnie talks about? Does anybody know?
Really?? Oh that's so cool! :D I didn't know you have had almost the same dream that I had! Amazing... I thought I was the only one watching TII in a castle / palace!
Like you, I didn't want to wake up, not at all :no:

I hope from the bottom of my heart that we won't be losing our connection with Michael as the time goes by... That's awful if we have to! What is the 'transitioning' that Bonnie talks about? Does anybody know?

I hope we keep having the spiritual connection, I dont want him to go so far away. The thing I was confused about how can there be a transition? Isnt Michael in heaven? *scratches head* :scratch:Maybe we are not meant to understand these things.
I hope we keep having the spiritual connection, I dont want him to go so far away. The thing I was confused about how can there be a transition? Isnt Michael in heaven? *scratches head* :scratch:Maybe we are not meant to understand these things.

I was thinking about that too. I always thought that with 'transition' they mean moving spiritually from our world to the other side...But maybe there's another meaning with that word too. Or maybe we just didn't get what Bonnie was saying... :scratch: I just don't want to loose him :( That would be so final.
Another great session from Bonnie. Maybe there are different levels to transitioning? I had thought he had already transitioned too. :scratch: Anyway, I don't think we should worry about losing that connection. I have hope that we will still be able to feel his presence if and when he does transition. :) :huggy:
New session from Bonnie! This is a great one...because he addresses his thoughts on mediums and psychics. I was wondering if Bonnie was going to bring that subject up to him...about what he thought of the "fakes" out there. Man...every session with Bonnie just feels more and more like Michael.

Thank you so much for the link, amygrace. Yes, it does sound like Michael once again. I always wish those sessions were longer... There is so much Bonnie could ask. But I understand it doesn't work like that and obviously we should already be so grateful for what we get. I know I definitely am grateful to Bonnie (and to Michael obviously), she could be "milking" this and it doesn't seem like she is. Just like she could pretend to have long fascinating sessions with Michael. She doesn't. I respect her (and trust her) for that.

I just hope that once Michael does transition, that doesn't mean we lose connecting with him for good...:cry:

Oh God, that would be awful :( Hopefully Bonnie will explain this whole transitioning thing someday. Or maybe there's more information about the whole process on her website, I don't know. What I sense is that Michael isn't at peace yet, I mean he still has work to do here, he's not ready to fully go yet...

I'm not sure how I feel right now, this is a bit overwhelming... God I miss him so much :cry:
Every time Bonnie channels Michael it seems that he really has something important to say. He is not just chatting about what he has been experiencing down there, but he is talking in a very rational way about things that are going on here and how he feels about it.

I love his opinion about these nonsense "televisioned channeling sessions with MJ" , it just proves again that Michael would never be involved anything with Derek Acorah the clown :D (wich I and most of us already knew)

It really feels like Michael, I'm very sure of that!

I love the end of the channeling... "I can bring you comfort, if you will allow it. I will always love you more, and I mean it".
Aww... :wub:
Hopefully Bonnie will explain this whole transitioning thing someday. Or maybe there's more information about the whole process on her website, I don't know. What I sense is that Michael isn't at peace yet, I mean he still has work to do here, he's not ready to fully go yet...
I know there is information out there on transitioning...but I asked Bonnie on her message board, if she could shine some light on the situation and let us know what will happen between us and Michael once he fully transitions. Hopefully she answers sometime - I'm sure she will get many of the same questions. I don't know if transitioning is different for maybe some start going straight into planning their next life while some others take time off to do other things...or what. But - I guess if Bonnie can still channel Marilyn Monroe...she should still be able to channel Michael years to come (should he want to participate anyway). Agh I don't even want to think that far ahead right now....

oceanborn said:
Every time Bonnie channels Michael it seems that he really has something important to say. He is not just chatting about what he has been experiencing down there, but he is talking in a very rational way about things that are going on here and how he feels about it.
Yeah definitely...that's what I really love about her channeling sessions. It's just Michael - no fluff.

I love the end of the channeling... "I can bring you comfort, if you will allow it. I will always love you more, and I mean it".
Aw I know...the best part. :wub::wub:
Well Bonnie already replied about transitioning...she directed me to the Spirit Advocate Television portion of her website... where there is channeled information from a higher level guidance regarding transitioning. When you get there, press the On Demand button and look for Conversations with the Dead. I'm going to do that now.
"Thank you soo much. When a spirit has completed the transition process, does this mean they can no longer visit us? I would hate that if it's true. I miss Michael so much and I love him endlessly, for all time. Please Bonnie, keep reminding him how much we love him. Thank you so much. "

^ That's the comment I left for Bonnie.
Well Bonnie already replied about transitioning...she directed me to the Spirit Advocate Television portion of her website... where there is channeled information from a higher level guidance regarding transitioning. When you get there, press the On Demand button and look for Conversations with the Dead. I'm going to do that now.

Thanks a lot amygrace! ;) Gonna check it out :) Didn't know Bonnie had a message board btw, gonna check that out as well, thanx!

But - I guess if Bonnie can still channel Marilyn Monroe...she should still be able to channel Michael years to come (should he want to participate anyway).

Oooh right! I had forgotten about that. Yup, very true, if she can still channel Marilyn then she shouldn't have any problem channeling Michael. That's comforting to know.

It was already mostly dark outside when we left. I was sitting on the left side in a tram/streetcar going down a major shopping street. We stopped at an intersection and sat there for a minute. As soon as we stopped I saw this distant reflection appear on my window that looked soooooo much like Michael it felt like I was seeing a ghost or something. What I was seeing was the reflection on my left-sided window from a lighted shop window clear over on the right side of the street. It was of a mannequin in a parka style coat with a fur-lined hood over its head. I could only see the head and hood. And the face... omg... the facial structure was like a spitting image of MJ during the TII rehearsals, but it was ghost white with closed eyes (since it was a mannequin). I couldn't even believe my eyes at first, but didn't want to turn to the right to see the shop's window directly (ppl sitting in the way).

Awww :) Thanks for sharing :)

A little something happened to me today too.

About an hour ago, I decided to go to the supermarket (fridge was kinda empty lol). I didn't really wanna go out, Michael had been on my mind a lot but anyway I had to so I went out and on the way to the store, I was thinking real hard about Michael, watching people go about their business while I was basically going through the motions... I was almost on the verge of tears as I was about to enter the supermarket. Then I entered the store and guess what song was playing? Thriller! I've been going to this supermarket once or twice every week for the past 2 years and this is the first time I've ever heard one of Michael's songs being played there. Well I definitely had to fight back the tears but it felt good to hear him.

I mean, obviously this is nothing big lol But it's the fact that I was thinking so much about Michael and that I was filled with so much sadness right before entering the store and then BAM, Thriller comes out of the speakers. I don't know, it was really weird. Anyway, i love those lil' signs ;)
Thanks for the link to Bonnie's update. I still like her. I'm a little confused about the transitioning thing as well, because we know how much the energy changed in August and up through the funeral, like he was suddenly much further away. Perhaps there are just different levels or stages of this. I'll listen to that link about transitioning on her site in a few minutes. One thing about the fear of losing contact; I think it's just like what you guys have said... if she can still talk with Marilyn, well then don't worry. About 10 years ago I was in a group of developing mediums, and I can tell you that there were times when people who'd been 'gone' for many years were able to communicate back. And these weren't spirits hanging around with 'unfinished business' like ghosts, but ones who'd gone to the Light long ago. But then I admit that there was the occasional spirit who was very hard to contact and would only come through weakly, like from a distance. I wondered if these are the ones who's gone to some other plane, simply didn't want us to bother them or who'd reincarnated already. In Michael Newton's books the regressed patients have said that a part of our energy always stays back home there, even though we're here in a body. I admit I have a bit of uneasiness as well about what will happen regarding contact with Michael over the coming years. I don't know what will happen, but I believe he'll always be there in some way and that we'll probably continue to have moments with him through our lives. Maybe few and far between, maybe often, I don't know, but he'll be 'around'. :angel:
this transitioning thing is interesting....I've often wondered if there is a point, past which spirits can't communicate with us. But I don't think that's true. My grandparents died years ago, and I still occasionally feel them near me, in a good way.
Also, I think maybe different mediums have different skills....some can only communicate with earthbound spirits, helping them with unfinished business, while some can contact those who are still in the process, and I'm sure others can communicate with those who have fully transitioned. Just a thought.
this transitioning thing is interesting....I've often wondered if there is a point, past which spirits can't communicate with us. But I don't think that's true. My grandparents died years ago, and I still occasionally feel them near me, in a good way.
Also, I think maybe different mediums have different skills....some can only communicate with earthbound spirits, helping them with unfinished business, while some can contact those who are still in the process, and I'm sure others can communicate with those who have fully transitioned. Just a thought.
Case in point: Mary Ann Winkowski, who consults for the show Medium (which I've never actually watched, lol, but I have one of her books from a few years ago). She sees spirits, like really sees them, but only until they go to the light, not after. Strange how that works.
Case in point: Mary Ann Winkowski, who consults for the show Medium (which I've never actually watched, lol, but I have one of her books from a few years ago). She sees spirits, like really sees them, but only until they go to the light, not after. Strange how that works.

yeah, that's similar to the idea in the Ghost Whisperer...I mean, I know the storylines aren't real, but the main character is based on a real medium and she also only sees them until they go into the light. Interesting!
love bonnies latest session with mike. its so comforting. i love hearing from Michael, and i am very glad she isn't taking advantage of Michael.
I think maybe different mediums have different skills....some can only communicate with earthbound spirits, helping them with unfinished business, while some can contact those who are still in the process, and I'm sure others can communicate with those who have fully transitioned. Just a thought.
True...there are mediums of all kinds with different types of gifts. Some work exclusively with those in the process, while some connect with deceased family members or guardian angels and guides. The more I think about it, I remember many times where psychics I've known, or even my Dad who channels...have connected with those who went into the light years and years ago. So I guess it is definitely possible to connect with those who have fully transitioned - the main concern about Michael for me I guess is the question of just having him "around" - and being able to easily connect with him without being a medium of sorts. I guess that's just a selfish thing if his life revolves around us. :p It's just - right now feels the same as when he was alive in a sense. I don't ever see him but I know he's always around. If he goes onto another life or mission of sorts after he transitions...where he doesn't hang around Earth will feel very empty and lonely here.