Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Hey my lovely peeps! I had a psychic reading today by a great friend of mine - and we touched on the subject of Michael. I was SO happy to finally connect with a trusted psychic about him because I've been aching to ever since Michael died. Anyway, I won't go into the details of the reading because it was very personal...but just as Bonnie assured, I will assure you all your feelings and impressions. Michael does visit us. :wub::wub:

mjbunny said:
I'd highly suggest starting with his first book, 'Journey of Souls', but the one chapter in 'Destiny...' would be good regarding MJ
Thanks a bunch! I'm definitely interested in this...will be checkin' it out

Kira said:
I'm just curious, did you ask that psychic if she ever tried to contact Michael's spirit? I would really love to have an acquaintance who's a real psychic just so I can be sure they're not faking it you know?
I actually haven't talked to this particular psychic in awhile...she is constantly traveling around holding conferences and classes and I haven't asked her anything about Michael. She's definitely proven to be genuine though...while at the same time, she proven to be human. As with all psychics, people need to understand that they aren't the all knowing, even with true gifts...and, as we've discussed here before...sometimes they can mistranslate information received. Cherokee Billie is a classic example for me. I'm not sure if she's consciously deceiving or not, she may have good intentions and thinks she's really connecting...I don't know. But her messages do NOT feel right to me. Plus she's gotten some very obvious things about Michael wrong. I wouldn't trust her.
Hey my lovely peeps! I had a psychic reading today by a great friend of mine - and we touched on the subject of Michael. I was SO happy to finally connect with a trusted psychic about him because I've been aching to ever since Michael died. Anyway, I won't go into the details of the reading because it was very personal...but just as Bonnie assured, I will assure you all your feelings and impressions. Michael does visit us.

This is comforting to know. Thanks. :wub: Glad to hear you finally got your Michael dream Amy. :)
i have been slacking in this thread :( i havent had any 'meetings' with michael in my dreams or i guess thats why i dont visit here much anymore :(
Amygrace, cool about the psychic :) Well, goodnight everyone in my favorite thread! Happy dreams of Michael...
Hey my lovely peeps! I had a psychic reading today by a great friend of mine - and we touched on the subject of Michael. I was SO happy to finally connect with a trusted psychic about him because I've been aching to ever since Michael died. Anyway, I won't go into the details of the reading because it was very personal...but just as Bonnie assured, I will assure you all your feelings and impressions. Michael does visit us. :wub::wub:

Thanks Amy.

I know that Michael does visit us. I've felt him numerous times and I talk to him all the time. I know he's listening and I know he pops up here and there. And no matter where I am, if I feel him, I make sure I always tell him I love him.

However, I think somebody, either Michael or a loved one of mine, has a tendency of leaving me sunflower seed shells. lol. I find them randomly in my bed or on my floor very often. :p I don't even eat them!

All of the posts I've been reading in this thread are beautiful. I'm glad to see this thread have some life again. It had been pretty inactive for a while. Michael's very very busy. :heart:
Aww, well hopefully you'll remember your Michael dreams soon! ;) I've been frustrated about not remembering my dreams either lately. I'm thinking about Michael all day so that should translate into Michael-related nights too! lol But so far it hasn't. Or maybe it has but since I haven't been remembering my dreams lately...

BTW littlesparrow, I've been wondering, who's that girl kissing Michael in your siggy??

Thanks! And you too! :)

And I don't know who she is. Unfortunately one else seems to know either!
There's gotta be some information out there on it somewhere though.
I think somebody, either Michael or a loved one of mine, has a tendency of leaving me sunflower seed shells. lol. I find them randomly in my bed or on my floor very often. :p I don't even eat them!

All of the posts I've been reading in this thread are beautiful. I'm glad to see this thread have some life again. It had been pretty inactive for a while. Michael's very very busy. :heart:
Hahaha...interesting about the sunflower seeds. :laugh:
Also...that was another thing I go in my reading today...that Michael was very busy...and gathering a lot of information at this time.

mjbunny - your new signature has me in a trance...:shock:
Hey everyone :)

Just wanna say I love this thread! Hehe ;) It's so warm and comforting, I just love it. So thank you all for contributing to it :)

Hey my lovely peeps! I had a psychic reading today by a great friend of mine - and we touched on the subject of Michael. I was SO happy to finally connect with a trusted psychic about him because I've been aching to ever since Michael died. Anyway, I won't go into the details of the reading because it was very personal...but just as Bonnie assured, I will assure you all your feelings and impressions. Michael does visit us. :wub::wub:

Thank you so much amygrace, that is SO comforting to hear, you just made my day lol :)

amygrace said:
Cherokee Billie is a classic example for me. I'm not sure if she's consciously deceiving or not, she may have good intentions and thinks she's really connecting...I don't know. But her messages do NOT feel right to me. Plus she's gotten some very obvious things about Michael wrong. I wouldn't trust her.

Yeah, that's what I thought too. I don't think she has bad intentions or is lying on purpose but yeah her so-called messages from Michael don't feel right. And there are just way too many of them. Bonnie on the other hand, when she posted on October 27, well we hadn't heard from her since July I think so that makes her more reliable in my eyes.

amygrace said:
Also...that was another thing I go in my reading today...that Michael was very busy...and gathering a lot of information at this time.

Hmm, very interesting!

littlesparrow said:
Thanks! And you too!
Aww, thankie :)

littlesparrow said:
And I don't know who she is. Unfortunately one else seems to know either!
There's gotta be some information out there on it somewhere though.

Well whoever she is, she sure is one lucky gal!!! ;)
Thank you Amycrace for sharing your experience about the reading! That's very, very comforting to know... I'm convinced now that we really have to trust our instincts.

Oh I'm so happy now :heart: All this is just amazing!!! :)
I am so pleased amygrace that your reading brought you some comfort :)
Michael was definitely around me last weekend!
I finally got down to London last Friday for a long weekend visit as I felt I was now ready to celebrate Michael than mourn him.I wanted to go on my concert date but it was too painful.
It was a typical MJ weekend checking out all his favourite places and where he stayed.
After arriving at the hotel it was a quick change (into our fedoras,MJ tshirts etc) and then into a taxi to the West End to see Thriller Live.
As we got into the taxi "wanna be started something" came on the radio!As we were making our way to the theatre another MJ song came on and straight after it my mums song "wind beneath my wings" came on the radio (we played this at my mums funeral) Straight after was another MJ song!! This was definitely a sign :yes: I haven't heard my mums song on a radio for years and to have another Michael song straight after was just amazing!!! We had the radio on for a few hours driving up to London and not one MJ song came on at all.
After leaving the theatre we had the same cab driver back to the hotel and again we got in the taxi and MJ was playing again!! I noticed that the taxi driver had a different station on now.As we were going back to the hotel a Wet Wet Wet song came on (my mums favourite band).It was such a lovely feeling to know that they were somehow sending me these signs,like they were with me :)

Later in the weekend we went into Harrods and again I was thinking of Michael and when we stepped into the store Black or White was playing!!!

On a different note I went to the Cenataph in London for the Remembrance parade and at 11'oclock when everyone did the 2 minute silence this group of birds appeared above everyones heads and circled around us.At the end of the silence the birds flew away.
Even my husband commented on this and how strange it was that they were directly above us and only stayed for the 2 minutes.

There are signs all around us,we just have to notice them :yes:
There are signs all around us,we just have to notice them :yes:

Wow, so many signs, that's truly amazing!! Thanks for sharing! :) Did you enjoy "Thriller Live"? I saw it this summer too when I went to London the week I was supposed to see Michael at the O2 (I had tickets to see him on August 10th :( ) and I loved it :) Especially the guy who did the "Dangerous" and "Smooth Criminal" routines, great dancer (nowhere near as good as Michael though obviously! ;) )!

amygrace said:
Just wanted to say I love you guys before I started work today... love love love!

Awww you're too sweet amygrace, lots of love right back at ya :) Have a great day! :)
Wow, so many signs, that's truly amazing!! Thanks for sharing! :) Did you enjoy "Thriller Live"? I saw it this summer too when I went to London the week I was supposed to see Michael at the O2 (I had tickets to see him on August 10th :( ) and I loved it :) Especially the guy who did the "Dangerous" and "Smooth Criminal" routines, great dancer (nowhere near as good as Michael though obviously! ;)

Loved it!! I saw it in Edinburgh back in March but the cast in London were so much better :)
We also went to the MJ exhibition at the o2,the energy in the Neverland room was amazing!
You could just feel Michael!
We ended our trip with a visit to see This Is It at the cinema in the o2.It really was an emotional weekend happy and sad moments so that is why I think I had so many signs to let me know that he is ok and that I shouldn't feel sad.
Loved it!! I saw it in Edinburgh back in March but the cast in London were so much better :)
We also went to the MJ exhibition at the o2,the energy in the Neverland room was amazing!
You could just feel Michael!
We ended our trip with a visit to see This Is It at the cinema in the o2.It really was an emotional weekend happy and sad moments so that is why I think I had so many signs to let me know that he is ok and that I shouldn't feel sad.

Wow, seeing TII at the O2's cinema :( Yes, that must have been quite an emotional week-end :( I'd love to go back to London soon cause the MJ Exhibition at the 02 hadn't opened yet back in August. It's wonderful you had all these signs, it must have been so comforting during such a difficult time. Thanx again for sharing :)
On a different note I went to the Cenataph in London for the Remembrance parade and at 11'oclock when everyone did the 2 minute silence this group of birds appeared above everyones heads and circled around us.At the end of the silence the birds flew away.
Even my husband commented on this and how strange it was that they were directly above us and only stayed for the 2 minutes.

There are signs all around us,we just have to notice them :yes:

That's so beautiful and poetic. Really lovely.
I love noticing little signs like that.

I had a nice moment today - not spiritual or "psychic"-related, but still nice.
I was getting some coffee in my college's student center, when "Bad" came on the sound system. I've been at this school for almost four years, and I've spent countless hours in that center, but this the the first time I've ever ever heard them play Michael Jackson!

Anyway, I was in the process of leaving, but when the song came on I sort of hung around to listen. It was sweet - I saw all these different people singing along and reminiscing about the first time they saw the Bad video.

It was really refreshing to hear people say positive things about MJ for once - especially people my age. I heard a few comments about how hot he was in the video too, which made me laugh.
The best thing ever was when this 76-year-old woman I have a biology class with was singing "Bad bad, really really bad" while putting sugar in her coffee. So cute.

I had to stop and thank MJ in my mind for continuing to bring people together even now with his music.
Wow, seeing TII at the O2's cinema :( Yes, that must have been quite an emotional week-end :( I'd love to go back to London soon cause the MJ Exhibition at the 02 hadn't opened yet back in August. It's wonderful you had all these signs, it must have been so comforting during such a difficult time. Thanx again for sharing :)

I had mixed feelings about the whole weekend before I went.I felt so sad,guilty about going to the exhibition as I didn't know if Michael would approve of it or not,excited,nervous it really was a rollercoaster of emotions.
Seeing the o2 for the first time I just burst into tears :cry:
It was like I'm here but its not how it was supposed to be.There was no excitement around the o2 like there should of been :(
Seeing This Is It at the o2 was heartbreaking really :( I cried more there than I did the first time I saw it.
I am so glad that I went though.I feel more at peace.The signs I had around me were amazing and were so much more than coincidence.
I bought a beautiful Tinkerbell ornament in the Disney store on Oxford street.I even started to tear up when I saw it on the shelf.Tink is sat on a little toadstool holding a fire fly.I immediatly thought of Michael and bought it.It now has pride of place in my lounge under my picture of Michael I have on my wall :)
The best thing ever was when this 76-year-old woman I have a biology class with was singing "Bad bad, really really bad" while putting sugar in her coffee. So cute.

I had to stop and thank MJ in my mind for continuing to bring people together even now with his music.

Haha, that's so sweet :) Yes it's amazing to see Michael's impact on people of so many different backgrounds, ages, etc. No one is more universal than Michael. And now there's this brand new generation of people who have been touched in a tremendous way by Michael since his passing. No doubt he will continue to inspire lots of generations to come :)

Pitcorthie said:
It was like I'm here but its not how it was supposed to be.There was no excitement around the o2 like there should of been

Oh I totally know what you mean... It was so heartbreaking for me too when I went there... I remember it was like 10 PM or something and we were saying stuff like "right now we should have been in the arena listening to Michael sing such and such song"... It was so hard. :cry: But at the same it was important to be there, you know? :(
Pitcorthie said:
It was such a lovely feeling to know that they were somehow sending me these signs,like they were with me (...)
Even my husband commented on this and how strange it was that they were directly above us and only stayed for the 2 minutes.
There are signs all around us,we just have to notice them
Aw, lovely for sure. And then the birds...I just love signs like this. True we just have to keep our eyes open to notice them...Michael is everywhere.
That's so beautiful and poetic. Really lovely.
I love noticing little signs like that.

I had a nice moment today - not spiritual or "psychic"-related, but still nice.
I was getting some coffee in my college's student center, when "Bad" came on the sound system. I've been at this school for almost four years, and I've spent countless hours in that center, but this the the first time I've ever ever heard them play Michael Jackson!

Anyway, I was in the process of leaving, but when the song came on I sort of hung around to listen. It was sweet - I saw all these different people singing along and reminiscing about the first time they saw the Bad video.

It was really refreshing to hear people say positive things about MJ for once - especially people my age. I heard a few comments about how hot he was in the video too, which made me laugh.
The best thing ever was when this 76-year-old woman I have a biology class with was singing "Bad bad, really really bad" while putting sugar in her coffee. So cute.

I had to stop and thank MJ in my mind for continuing to bring people together even now with his music.

Our posts must of crossed at the same time :)
How great is that! Even in spirit Michael is bringing people together and making them happy.I love reading these posts.So many people are only now realising how much Michael was such a big part of their lives.
Oh I totally know what you mean... It was so heartbreaking for me too when I went there... I remember it was like 10 PM or something and we were saying stuff like "right now we should have been in the arena listening to Michael sing such and such song"... It was so hard. :cry: But at the same it was important to be there, you know? :(

I felt exactly the same.I was dreading going but I knew I had to go and I am so glad I did because I really feel that I would of looked back in a few years and regretted it so much if I hadn't.
Ok, I have something to report! Last night I decided to watch HIStory Tour in Munich. I haven't watched a lot of MJ on television lately, since I've been online most of the time, lol. When it came to the end and Michael was there in his white, iridescent sparkly jacket for the last song, I was reminded of my first meditation experience with Michael back in July. I posted it somewhere back then, but don't know where now. The main point was that I had seen my guides and then the one that helps with spirit communication had made a hand motion like "introducing..." and I turned to see Michael walking toward me. It was one of the most amazing and vivid experiences! He was wearing a jacket very much like this HIStory one (maybe more white than it, without the color effect, but virtually the same). It felt like the first time I "met" him for "real". I cherish this experience and hope it wasn't all my imagination, lol, which I really don't believe it was. So anyway...


I saw him on TV last night in that jacket and I remembered my July experience fondly and suddenly.... I felt such strong energy around me. WOW. It was intense, like someone being right there with me and radiating this amazing warmth. My upper shoulder, neck, ear and side of my head (right side) were so warm and my heart just... ahhhh, L.O.V.E. I said in my mind (cuz my hubby was sleeping on the couch next to me, lol), "Hi, Michael!" and the energy sort of pulsed warmer. And then I felt the energy in like waves all the way behind me and over to my left side as well, although I didn't feel it as intensely there. It's impossible to feel sad while feeling this :wub: And it's darn near impossible to be skeptical at those moments. I mean, it's so 100% real and I know I'm not crazy. I've felt this exact thing before with others who've passed on, whether asking for them or just having them show up for others, to get a message through. I know that days later I always start questioning things like a dummy because I have this "prove it to me" logical mind, but then when it happens again it erases all doubt in those wonderful and totally real moments. Ahhhhh, thank you, Michael :angel:
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I felt such strong energy around me. WOW. It was intense, like someone being right there with me and radiating this amazing warmth. My upper shoulder, neck, ear and side of my head (right side) were so warm and my heart just... ahhhh, L.O.V.E. I said in my mind (cuz my hubby was sleeping on the couch next to me, lol), "Hi, Michael!" and the energy sort of pulsed warmer. And then I felt the energy in like waves all the way behind me and over to my left side as well, although I didn't feel it as intensely there. It's impossible to feel sad while feeling this :wub: And it's darn near impossible to be skeptical at those moments. I mean, it's so 100% real and I know I'm not crazy.
Aww...that's so beautiful. I wish my moments with him were more clear like this...I'm always left wondering. There's been only a few times when I've felt strongly that he was around but still couldn't know for sure. Well, I guess there were 2 times when I knew for sure because I drew some tarot to help and it was just undeniable. I guess I just need time to get to recognize these things more by really trust and sense fully with my intuition in regards to Michael.

It's kinda funny...ever since my reading with my psychic friend, I've been feeling all giddy about I can't stop thinking about him (well I'm always thinking about him throughout the day but now it's like...nonstop lol)...because even though I felt that he had visited me, having that really affirmed to me was just...:wub:...kind of like when you have a huge crush on someone and they talk to you for the first time or ask you out on a date. I just feel on top of the world and all excited like a little kid.

Also yesterday I was thinking about what my psychic friend told me about Michael being at a point of gathering a lot of information right now. I was wondering exactly what that meant and it hit me that she was saying that in regards to him visiting his fans. Like in Bonnie's latest channel...Michael had said that he comes to some fans to give them comfort, while other fans give HIM a piece of something he needed. I feel like in getting to know his fans personally he is gaining new insights and information. Maybe it's necessary for his growth..or I don't know. But aside from learning from the angels and doing his own thing, visiting a lot of people here is something he does often. Those are my thoughts anyway.
I said in my mind (cuz my hubby was sleeping on the couch next to me, lol), "Hi, Michael!" and the energy sort of pulsed warmer. And then I felt the energy in like waves all the way behind me and over to my left side as well, although I didn't feel it as intensely there. It's impossible to feel sad while feeling this :wub: And it's darn near impossible to be skeptical at those moments. I mean, it's so 100% real and I know I'm not crazy. I've felt this exact thing before with others who've passed on, whether asking for them or just having them show up for others, to get a message through. I know that days later I always start questioning things like a dummy because I have this "prove it to me" logical mind, but then when it happens again it erases all doubt in those wonderful and totally real moments. Ahhhhh, thank you, Michael :angel:

Awww thank you so much for sharing this, it really helps to read about those experiences :) I hope I'll soon be able to "feel" Michael like so many of you have here. It must be such a wonderful and comforting feeling. I hate that I haven't been remembering my dreams for the past week or so. I go to sleep thinking about Michael, talking to him and when I wake up, well he's the first thing on my mind again (especially since I got "Human Nature" set as my alarm clock song lol ;)) but I don't remember anything about my dreams. It's like... totally blank. I don't know, maybe it's because I haven't been sleeping enough lately and my mind's just too tired to remember anything lol ;)

amygrace said:
It's kinda funny...ever since my reading with my psychic friend, I've been feeling all giddy about I can't stop thinking about him (well I'm always thinking about him throughout the day but now it's like...nonstop lol)...because even though I felt that he had visited me, having that really affirmed to me was just......kind of like when you have a huge crush on someone and they talk to you for the first time or ask you out on a date. I just feel on top of the world and all excited like a little kid.

Awww that's so sweet, you must feel on top of the world indeed ;) I'm so happy for you! :)

amygrace said:
Also yesterday I was thinking about what my psychic friend told me about Michael being at a point of gathering a lot of information right now. I was wondering exactly what that meant and it hit me that she was saying that in regards to him visiting his fans. Like in Bonnie's latest channel...Michael had said that he comes to some fans to give them comfort, while other fans give HIM a piece of something he needed. I feel like in getting to know his fans personally he is gaining new insights and information. Maybe it's necessary for his growth..or I don't know. But aside from learning from the angels and doing his own thing, visiting a lot of people here is something he does often. Those are my thoughts anyway.

True, he must be in a big learning and "growing" place/phase. Gosh I wish I knew a reliable psychic somewhere! ;)

Good night guys! :) :huggy:
I remember i had party.. I had connected my ipod to the speakers, and turned on ´You are not alone´, throughout half of the song, the electricity went out!! The neighboor´s electricity didn´t went out.. So i felt comfort. I think Michael was there :)
Ok, I have something to report! Last night I decided to watch HIStory Tour in Munich. I haven't watched a lot of MJ on television lately, since I've been online most of the time, lol. When it came to the end and Michael was there in his white, iridescent sparkly jacket for the last song, I was reminded of my first meditation experience with Michael back in July. I posted it somewhere back then, but don't know where now. The main point was that I had seen my guides and then the one that helps with spirit communication had made a hand motion like "introducing..." and I turned to see Michael walking toward me. It was one of the most amazing and vivid experiences! He was wearing a jacket very much like this HIStory one (maybe more white than it, without the color effect, but virtually the same). It felt like the first time I "met" him for "real". I cherish this experience and hope it wasn't all my imagination, lol, which I really don't believe it was. So anyway...


I saw him on TV last night in that jacket and I remembered my July experience fondly and suddenly.... I felt such strong energy around me. WOW. It was intense, like someone being right there with me and radiating this amazing warmth. My upper shoulder, neck, ear and side of my head (right side) were so warm and my heart just... ahhhh, L.O.V.E. I said in my mind (cuz my hubby was sleeping on the couch next to me, lol), "Hi, Michael!" and the energy sort of pulsed warmer. And then I felt the energy in like waves all the way behind me and over to my left side as well, although I didn't feel it as intensely there. It's impossible to feel sad while feeling this :wub: And it's darn near impossible to be skeptical at those moments. I mean, it's so 100% real and I know I'm not crazy. I've felt this exact thing before with others who've passed on, whether asking for them or just having them show up for others, to get a message through. I know that days later I always start questioning things like a dummy because I have this "prove it to me" logical mind, but then when it happens again it erases all doubt in those wonderful and totally real moments. Ahhhhh, thank you, Michael :angel:

Ooh that sounds really amazing and nice. You really have to treasure these moments I think. :) I haven't been feeling him much lately. :( But I know he will return, it's really off and on. Sometimes he feels so close, other times so far away. My dreams have gotten pretty boring, but I know one day he will come back again.

I do feel his energy when I dance or sing sometimes, and I kind of get a little embarrassed thinking he might be watching me mess up on the lyrics. :mello:
I totally love this thread and I can't imagine how I would cope without it.

I've posted some of my dreams/experiences but recently my friends (who are spiritual and religious) told me that it's better if I keep some or all of the dreams/experiences to myself just in case I lose that "connection" with Michael. What do you guys think about this?

I wanna keep posting everything up.
I've posted some of my dreams/experiences but recently my friends (who are spiritual and religious) told me that it's better if I keep some or all of the dreams/experiences to myself just in case I lose that "connection" with Michael. What do you guys think about this?
I don't think sharing your experiences will cause you to lose that connection...however some things may feel too personal, like something that felt really special just between you and you might not want to share those...and that's ok. You just have to feel things out for yourself. If you feel it's ok to it! If not, don't. I've kind of battled with myself on some I've had some special stuff happen before and wanted to share but I really felt like sharing it would make it not as special. Plus I didn't want Michael to think that I was gonna go off and "brag" (hate to use that word) about experiences with him... then I really would lose that connection. Some things are just too personal...and that's understandable. Again it just comes down to your own intuition.
I don't think sharing your experiences will cause you to lose that connection...however some things may feel too personal, like something that felt really special just between you and you might not want to share those...and that's ok. You just have to feel things out for yourself. If you feel it's ok to it! If not, don't. I've kind of battled with myself on some I've had some special stuff happen before and wanted to share but I really felt like sharing it would make it not as special. Plus I didn't want Michael to think that I was gonna go off and "brag" (hate to use that word) about experiences with him... then I really would lose that connection. Some things are just too personal...and that's understandable. Again it just comes down to your own intuition.
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