Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Neeve dahling, much love to you!

I had a nice dream the other day. There was this big castle in the sky a beautiful palace. And I went inside. There was gold everywhere and a grand staircase. As I went up the staircase I noticed that the Dangerous Eyes symbol was engraved into the wood. There were alot of rooms on the upper floor. When I entered a room there was a gate and looking down was an opera house with angels singing so beautifully. I saw Michael singing on the stage. After that I woke up.. It was a short dream but was comforting a bit
Aw hearing about these kinds of dreams. :wub:
I just needed to post this beautiful tribute video here... Don't know if it's been already posted somewhere. But I find it really conforting, and I think it fits so perfectly in this thread!
I personally do believe that we can still feel Michael's embrace, and that it's something that we are surrounded by :heart:

Aww he feels so alive in that tribute, but it always makes me sad to hear him say he didn't want to ever be buried, he wanted to live forever. :cry: I'm glad that he now really can in a way, being free from the limits of a physical body. I'm glad that he's in such a happier place now. :)
I just needed to post this beautiful tribute video here... Don't know if it's been already posted somewhere. But I find it really conforting, and I think it fits so perfectly in this thread!
I personally do believe that we can still feel Michael's embrace, and that it's something that we are surrounded by :heart:

Thanks for the link. Its a great video. It made me cry a little :( :cry:
Thank you all for your thank yous :) I'm so glad you liked the video, I have to watch it several times every day...! Can't get enough of it. I think the video has managed to capture so well a part of Michael's charm, energy, sweetnes and devotion to his fans and all the people around. But I agree that at the same time it's very sad, my heart is breaking every time I see the end. But still I have to torture myself :cry:
So anyway, then I had this wonderful dream (link) in which he looked at me totally personally, and mouthed the words in such a beautiful way, "I love you". God, it was amazing. And in the dream he was going from one fan to the next like this. A few moments after I woke up I realized what I'd been thinking before I felt asleep and it was like... no way... sweet :wub: It felt like an answer to a deep part of me that asked a question I couldn't believe it actually asked. And that's pretty amazing. It was either some hardcore psychological stuff going on in dreamland or... you know what :angel: Sorry to ramble on so long, but for some reason I felt the need to share it.

That was truly beautiful, mjbunny ! Thank you so much for sharing :)

MJstarlight said:
I had a nice dream the other day. There was this big castle in the sky a beautiful palace. And I went inside. There was gold everywhere and a grand staircase. As I went up the staircase I noticed that the Dangerous Eyes symbol was engraved into the wood. There were alot of rooms on the upper floor. When I entered a room there was a gate and looking down was an opera house with angels singing so beautifully. I saw Michael singing on the stage. After that I woke up.. It was a short dream but was comforting a bit

Aww, gold everywhere just like in my dream :) That must have been so beautiful, Michael singing with the angels... Glad it comforted you. Thanks for sharing, MJstarlight :)

Neeve said:
hey guys, I haven't been on the forum in a while so I just wanted to check in and say hey. I kind of needed to get away from all the Michael stuff for a while and I just wanted to say that it comforts me to know that this thread and all of you are always here.
Hugs to everyone

Hi Neeve! :) Thanks, hugs right back at ya!! :) And good luck with your papers! ;)
Aww, gold everywhere just like in my dream. That must have been so beautiful, Michael singing with the angels... Glad it comforted you. Thanks for sharing, MJstarlight
When I read both of your dreams (Kira and MJstarlight) I also thought "whoa" because I had seen golden light in Michael's eyes in the dream of mine. So all three of us had gold MJ dreams in some way at about the same time (they were the same night or so, right?... will go back and check that now...) I love when that happens :)

Wow girl...that makes the dream even more amazing hearing that story. :cry:
And the part you explained about selflessly loving him his whole all of his fans have done, you worded beautifully. It really makes me feel good (yet a little self conscious) to know that he can genuinely get to know us now. I mean...he can personally visit all of his fans, and he can personally see the true spirit of each individual and feel our true feelings for a deeper more real way than he ever could here on Earth.
You know, back in the 80's, through the early 90's, I was the only MJ fan I knew. There were people around me that kind of liked him, or liked some songs, but not that loved him for all of that plus who he was, who'd taken the time to find out who he was, who felt something deeper. However, I always KNEW there were others. It sounds weird, but it's like I could FEEL you guys out there. I always had this feeling like there were untold numbers of others like me who, along with Michael, had somehow come here together for some purpose, that we were connected in a special way ... like a soul group or group with a mission. Even when everyone's bitching at each other (like lately in so many threads on this board, ahem), it's like we're a family and... I love you guys. (Even though sometimes I have to fight against my strong inner aversion to cheesiness to be able to say it, lol ;))
I mentioned this makes me feel a little self conscious though because I too have had the thought before - "I love Michael so much, but if he were to really visit me...which I think he has, what would he think of me as a person?"
I usually just think, OMG... he'd see our completely trashed house :bugeyed and think, "You guys! I know you love me and everything, but clean up this insane mess!!!" LOLOL :lmao:
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I always had this feeling like there were untold numbers of others like me who, along with Michael, had somehow come here together for some purpose, that we were connected in a special way ... like a soul group or group with a mission. Even when everyone's bitching at each other (like lately in so many threads on this board, ahem), it's like we're a family and... I love you guys.
Awe, I feel the same way! There's something incredibly special about Michael's fanbase...we are different than other fanbases because it's not just about adoring a man's talent and genius, but his soul purpose and message of love and connecting and helping each other and the planet we live on. Michael has brought forth a huge wave of people following in his footsteps in that way...which is amazing.

I usually just think, OMG... he'd see our completely trashed house :bugeyed and think, "You guys! I know you love me and everything, but clean up this insane mess!!!" LOLOL :lmao:
So he inspires us to be better people AND have cleaner homes. LOL
I found this meaning of seeing the color gold in dreams from Dream Moods (I love using that site to interpret dreams): Gold

The golden color reflects your spiritual rewards, richness, refinement and enhancement of your surroundings.

Cool eh?
I usually just think, OMG... he'd see our completely trashed house :bugeyed and think, "You guys! I know you love me and everything, but clean up this insane mess!!!" LOLOL :lmao:

Haha, I've had the same thought once or twice too. :lol:
Something sort of odd happened to me last night.
I'm not saying this has to do with MJ, I'm just sort of weirded out by it...

I was sitting on my bed talking on the phone when I saw a little white light, like a twinkle of light, about the size of a nickel - flicker about two feet from me over by the window to my left - which had a white, light-blocking shade drawn down - so it was definitely not a reflection or something from outdoors.

It actually startled me and I looked over, but it was gone.
Right after that, for the next hour or so, I had the distinct feeling that someone was watching me.

I even heard this strange noise I'd never heard before that sounded like it was coming out of a wall near my closet. Every time I'd look at it, it'd stop. Every time I'd turn away it'd happen again.

I don't know how to explain it.
There was no source for that light.
I made a sandwich today for lunch and as I was taking off the little tag that holds the bread packaging closed, I just happened to look at it. I never really bother to look at the little tag, but this time I looked at it, and I saw the letters "MJ" on the tag. I just laughed. I love little things like that. :)
well i dint want to post this becuse i dint know if i should post it but i had a dream of Mj where i was lying on his crypt but it dint look like his cript it look like a bed and there were a lot of pictures around me
I just wanted to say that one of my mj dreams was also in a golden mansion.

wow that is so cool that others have had dreams with gold in them too! This mansion was very beautiful. Gold was everywhere. Gold is a royal color, a color for kings!!
I was sitting on my bed talking on the phone when I saw a little white light, like a twinkle of light, about the size of a nickel - flicker about two feet from me over by the window to my left - which had a white, light-blocking shade drawn down - so it was definitely not a reflection or something from outdoors.
I've been having this type of thing happen a lot lately! I keep thinking it's in my head because I can only catch a glimpse in a half a second and then it goes away. :scratch:It's kind of annoying that

CaptainEoLove85 said:
I never really bother to look at the little tag, but this time I looked at it, and I saw the letters "MJ" on the tag. I just laughed. I love little things like that. :) that kinda stuff too. It's like the angels or whoever gives little pushes every now and then for you to take notice of the little signs that will make you smile or give you comfort.
I see sparkles like that sometimes too. I saw them a lot back in July, as did my husband, so I knew it wasn't just my eyes being wacky, lol. :angel:
well i dint want to post this becuse i dint know if i should post it but i had a dream of Mj where i was lying on his crypt but it dint look like his cript it look like a bed and there were a lot of pictures around me
Ok, your dream kind of freaked me out. And here's why... an excerpt from a similar dream I had on Sept 26th:
Then later it was like he was buried someplace sort of under my bed. Weird, I know. Like his casket was sealed up and my bedroom just happened to be one story/floor over this place. I thought there's no way I can ever even go in there again and others thought too that I'd have to move my room, but then I laid down in bed anyway and slept there. I had this horrible sadness as I pictured MJ downstairs lying there lifeless in his moonwalk shirt, once again I was unable to stop fate, unable to save him. My only comfort (not like it was comfort, just some weird feeling of connection) was to sleep there above where he was placed.... (link to the full dream)
Something sort of odd happened to me last night.
I'm not saying this has to do with MJ, I'm just sort of weirded out by it...

I was sitting on my bed talking on the phone when I saw a little white light, like a twinkle of light, about the size of a nickel - flicker about two feet from me over by the window to my left - which had a white, light-blocking shade drawn down - so it was definitely not a reflection or something from outdoors.

It actually startled me and I looked over, but it was gone.
Right after that, for the next hour or so, I had the distinct feeling that someone was watching me.

I even heard this strange noise I'd never heard before that sounded like it was coming out of a wall near my closet. Every time I'd look at it, it'd stop. Every time I'd turn away it'd happen again.

I don't know how to explain it.
There was no source for that light.

Wow, that is eerie. I probably would have had the tv on all night after that.
Wow, that is eerie. I probably would have had the tv on all night after that.

Actually, it's funny, now that you mention it -- I didn't feel scared.
I felt a little on edge I guess, but not scared or freaked out.

Which is sort of hilarious if you know me, because I am so easily spooked. Sometimes I keep myself awake at night because my imagination is so vivid I can freak myself out just thinking of things that scare me.

I actually kind of wondered if it could have been my grandmother, who has recently passed away.
I have the leaflet from her memorial service in that room (not as morbid as it sounds) and the sound was coming from that area.
Hey guys, I had a dream last night...or rather early this morning, about Michael...that finally wasn't just about him, but actually had him in it...and felt very real. (it's about time!) It was still kind of odd to me - but I wanted to share anyway.

The scene was set at my old Elementary school for some reason. Michael was there and was getting ready to do a concert on the were everywhere, people were cheering, and yet it also felt very laid back and personal. At one point while the band was setting up or doing some stuff, Michael was just walking around where the people were...up behind this fence that was behind the main crowd. I walked up to him as if he were a casual friend and we started talking. Michael felt like he was in his 30's at the beginning of our conversation...he looked like he did in the HIStory era...with bouncing beautiful curls and a red balmain jacket on. As we were talking, all I remember was him leaning his back up against the fence and looking out at the crowd...then he said to me, and I wish I could remember the exact words!! agh! But it was some lyric or quote from a famous singer that I didn't know much about...but it was to the effect of "do you ever just tire of the world?"... the way it was worded though I didn't quite understand at first so I stood there a moment thinking about it then said "yeah...I do..." then he asked me something about the band or person he was quoting and I just giggled and said I didn't know much about them. He smiled and walked away...this time feeling like he was 50.

Time went by and the bell rung (lol) so people were getting ready to leave. The concert was over and everyone was going home. I rushed into the school to my 1st grade teacher's room (odd?) where I supposedly had left my shoes. lol. I also had the idea that I wanted to grab something in there to give to Michael before he left. I was getting ready to go up the steps to enter the school when I saw Michael in the distance just walking around all alone waiting for his crew to gather everything, and he was smoking. (another really odd thing...) Anyway he glanced at me and I wanted to run up to him then but he looked agitated or something so I didn't. I ran into my teachers room, grabbed my shoes and I guess the blanket or toy or whatever it was that I was going to give him I couldn't find so I just went back out with nothing but a little paper with my phone number on it. I walked up to Michael with pure love, and told him that if he ever wanted to hang out or just needed someone to talk call me. I wanted him to understand that there were many fans who just loved him for who he was as a person...not for the fame or even talent. But just soul to soul selfless pure love. I wanted to hug him, but I woke up!! :no: Ah well.

After I woke up, I had a random Christmas song come up in my head. I often get songs just pop in my head for a reason I've found, so I went to put go play it and felt chills as I listened. Here are the lyrics: (bolding the parts that stood out to me)

When the mountain touches the valley
All the clouds are taught to fly
As our souls will leave this land most peacefully
Though our minds be filled with questions
In our hearts we'll understand

When the river meets the sea

Like a flower that has blossomed
In the dry & barren sand
We are born & born again most gracefully
Thus the winds of time will take us
With a sure and steady hand
When the river meets the sea

Patience, my brother and patience, my son
In that sweet and final hour
Truth and justice will be done

And here is the song if anyone wants to listen:
It's really a pretty song. :)

Anyway, just wanted to share that this morning. Hope all of you have a great day! :wub:
Wow, what a amazing deam Amycrace! I :) I got chills going down my spine as I was reading about your dream. It was amazing that Michael was in his 30's in the beginning of your dream, and then he was 50 when you ended your conversation with him. That's really interesting!

I have to also share something with you guys... I went to see TII for the very first time yesterday evening. The evening was really beautiful, because it had been snowing a lot the whole day, and it was still snowing as I was walking alone to the cinema. It took me about a half an hour to walk through the snowy landskape to the city, and everything was so quiet, peacefull and kinda magical... I was thinking about Mike as I walked and as the huge snowflakes fell down slowly - I just wished he could have been there and see how beautiful the evening was, it was almost like in Disney movies, I knew he wold have loved it. :cry:

I was also listening to Dancerous album with MP3 (the MP3 player that I have in my cell phone, with earplugs) at the same time I walked. And just during Black Or White my player went crazy!! I mean, it just stopped and started to make this weird buzzing sound, like it was stuck or something. And I tell you, it has never done that before, I have neve ever had any kind of problems with my MP3. I have had the phone for 1,5 years now and I listen to music with it every single day, and the phone is really high quality. I was really freightened and I stopped the player immediately. Then I put it on again, and it worked as fluently as always, like nothing wrong. And it has worked just fine since then.

It couldn't help it that it struck my mind immediately that maybe Michael was there...If he can blink the lights, so maybe one MP3 player is not a big deal either for him :D Maybe he was walking with me to the cinema to see his TII and saw that magical evening. I sure hope so :heart:
Amycrace, I'm also glad that you got a chance to tell him that there are so lots of fans who love him so much... :) I wish I would also have that kind of dream, I'd love to tell him that too. Thank you for sharing!
I found this meaning of seeing the color gold in dreams from Dream Moods (I love using that site to interpret dreams): Gold

The golden color reflects your spiritual rewards, richness, refinement and enhancement of your surroundings.

Cool eh?

Wow yeah, pretty cool :) YAY for gold, definitely Michael's color ;)

I love it that so many of us had those "golden" dreams!

amygrace said:
After I woke up, I had a random Christmas song come up in my head. I often get songs just pop in my head for a reason I've found, so I went to put go play it and felt chills as I listened. Here are the lyrics: (bolding the parts that stood out to me)

When the mountain touches the valley
All the clouds are taught to fly
As our souls will leave this land most peacefully
Though our minds be filled with questions
In our hearts we'll understand
When the river meets the sea

Like a flower that has blossomed
In the dry & barren sand
We are born & born again most gracefully
Thus the winds of time will take us
With a sure and steady hand
When the river meets the sea

Patience, my brother and patience, my son
In that sweet and final hour
Truth and justice will be done

And here is the song if anyone wants to listen:
It's really a pretty song.

Wow, thanks for sharing this beautiful dream! The part about the song really touched me. Truly makes you think.

oceanborn said:
I was also listening to Dancerous album with MP3 (the MP3 player that I have in my cell phone, with earplugs) at the same time I walked. And just during Black Or White my player went crazy!! I mean, it just stopped and started to make this weird buzzing sound, like it was stuck or something. And I tell you, it has never done that before, I have neve ever had any kind of problems with my MP3. I have had the phone for 1,5 years now and I listen to music with it every single day, and the phone is really high quality. I was really freightened and I stopped the player immediately. Then I put it on again, and it worked as fluently as always, like nothing wrong. And it has worked just fine since then.

It couldn't help it that it struck my mind immediately that maybe Michael was there...If he can blink the lights, so maybe one MP3 player is not a big deal either for him Maybe he was walking with me to the cinema to see his TII and saw that magical evening. I sure hope so

Aww, that's so sweet :) I'm sure it was him ;) Thanks for sharing :)

Just wanted to share this with you guys... It's not about dreams though.
2 days ago was a terribly low point for me. I spent almost the entire day crying, the pain was absolutely unbearable and I wasn't sure I even wanted to go through another day... The next day (that would be yesterday), I felt a bit better, in a more positive state of mind. Same with today. And... ok, this may sound silly but I feel like Michael saw how much pain I was in 2 days ago and that he worked his magic somehow to try and heal me, I don't know how to explain... It made me think of when some psychic (can't remember whether it was Bonnie Vent or Cherokee Billie) said that Michael had the angels work overtime to help Prince, Paris and Blanket heal... Again, I'm aware this sounds kinda cheesy but I've been having that feeling yesterday & today that someone's watching over me and trying to help me heal... Anyway lol Sorry, that wasn't very interesting ;)

amygrace said:
So he inspires us to be better people AND have cleaner homes. LOL

Haha yeah, definitely lol I've been feeling a little self-conscious lately too lol

Also, dunno about you guys but I've been having trouble going to bed early these days (well, I've never been one to be able to go to bed early but ever since Michael's passing, it's been even worse). The thing is, although I don't wanna go to bed early I guess to avoid the silence & the pain etc., at the same time I'm "happy" when I do go to bed cause that's when I feel closer to Michael and that's when I can hope I'll be dreaming about him. So that's soothing in a way. Anyway, better stop here cause I'm not making much sense LOL
It couldn't help it that it struck my mind immediately that maybe Michael was there...If he can blink the lights, so maybe one MP3 player is not a big deal either for him :D
I've definitely heard of spirits causing technical's definitely not a far fetched idea! Spirits can flicker lights, emit a smell, make things appear, make things move... and if the thought that it was Michael, was the first thing that came to mind...I bet it was. :wub: Thanks for sharing...sounded like a beautiful evening, I wish I had been there too!

Kira said:
I feel like Michael saw how much pain I was in 2 days ago and that he worked his magic somehow to try and heal me
Energy work...definitely possible. For instance, this psychic that I know...does distance energy healings. So at night through her own meditations, or during dream time...she will work with the energies of whoever is in need; move it around, move negative things out...etc, and create healing. I'm sure Michael can and does help to do this for some.
You also reminded me of how lately I've really had trouble sleeping too. For the past couple months I toss and turn all night and have creepy weird dreams. Well, last night I felt like me and my 4 year old daughter should sleep in the same bed for some reason. It just felt like we both needed eachother's energy close last night. And wouldn't you know it, last night I slept real well, had positive dreams, and dreamt of Michael. Kind of interesting.

That's so sweet. I'm happy you finally got to see him a dream. :)

I haven't been so lucky.
I don't know if it's because I've been so stressed out lately or what, but I have had a really difficult time remembering my dreams. I have always been able to dream really vividly and remember most of the details and tell it back as a (long!) story.
Lately though, I've only been able to remember little scenes.
Usually they've been pretty negative too, which is kind of upsetting since I look forward to dreaming as a kind of escape.

Sometimes though, I wake up not being able to remember what I dreamed about, but for some reason I have this weird, almost tense feeling inside when I wake up - sort of like that feeling you get when you're on the verge of remembering something, but it slips away.
Then later, I might see someone I know and all of a sudden, even though I couldn't remember my dream, I know as soon as I see them that it was them I dreamed about.

And that has happened a couple of times with Michael. It's just frustrating that I can't remember.
Hey guys, I had a dream last night...or rather early this morning, about Michael...that finally wasn't just about him, but actually had him in it...and felt very real. (it's about time!) It was still kind of odd to me - but I wanted to share anyway.
:wild: Yay!!! I'm happy for you. About time, lol.

It couldn't help it that it struck my mind immediately that maybe Michael was there...If he can blink the lights, so maybe one MP3 player is not a big deal either for him :D Maybe he was walking with me to the cinema to see his TII and saw that magical evening. I sure hope so :heart:
Hey, it's a possibility! I think it could have really been a sign from Michael :wub:, considering the circumstances and such (you thinking about him and wishing he could see the scene, plus just having seen TII)

Hey you guys, I want to recommend a chapter in a book for anyone interested (or if you want to just sit in Barnes & Noble and read it for free, lol). It's in the book 'Destiny of Souls' by Dr Michael Newton. I'd read his first book ('Journey of Souls') years ago and had bought 'Destiny...", but loaned it to someone and never got it back, lol. I just re-purchased it and bang, the first chapter is about grief and the mechanics of how spirits on the other side contact folks here and how all those subtle feelings are for real. This isn't a typical kind of book about like what mediums or psychics say. Dr Newton actually is a counselor and hypnotist. He let patients go into past lives because it helped them, but he didn't believe in them until he decided to ask what happened after they died in that past life, before they incarnated in this one. Surprise, surprise, the stories of what goes on after death basically matched up among hundreds of patients. So it's info from people in deep, deep hypnosis, remembering the other side before they were born into their current lives. (If you want to read more on the subject, I'd highly suggest starting with his first book, 'Journey of Souls', but the one chapter in 'Destiny...' would be good regarding MJ).
:wild: Yay!!! I'm happy for you. About time, lol.

Hey, it's a possibility. Kind of cool that it may have been a sign from Michael :wub:

Hey you guys, I want to recommend a chapter in a book for anyone interested (or if you want to just sit in Barnes & Noble and read it for free, lol). It's in the book 'Destiny of Souls' by Dr Michael Newton. I'd read his first book ('Journey of Souls') years ago and had bought 'Destiny...", but loaned it to someone and never got it back, lol. I just re-purchased it and bang, the first chapter is about grief and the mechanics of how spirits on the other side contact folks here and how all those subtle feelings are for real. This isn't a typical kind of book about like what mediums or psychics say. Dr Newton actually is a counselor and hypnotist. He let patients go into past lives because it helped them, but he didn't believe in them until he decided to ask what happened after they died in that past life, before they incarnated in this one. Surprise, surprise, the stories of what goes on after death basically matched up among hundreds of patients. So it's info from people in deep, deep hypnosis, remembering the other side before they were born into their current lives. (If you want to read more on the subject, I'd highly suggest starting with his first book, 'Journey of Souls', but the one chapter in 'Destiny...' would be good regarding MJ).

Oh cool, thanks for that, mjbunny. I'm really into those type of books, so I think I'll go and have look for the one you mentioned. :D :heart:
Energy work...definitely possible. For instance, this psychic that I know...does distance energy healings. So at night through her own meditations, or during dream time...she will work with the energies of whoever is in need; move it around, move negative things out...etc, and create healing. I'm sure Michael can and does help to do this for some.
Hey you guys, I want to recommend a chapter in a book for anyone interested (or if you want to just sit in Barnes & Noble and read it for free, lol). It's in the book 'Destiny of Souls' by Dr Michael Newton. I'd read his first book ('Journey of Souls') years ago and had bought 'Destiny...", but loaned it to someone and never got it back, lol. I just re-purchased it and bang, the first chapter is about grief and the mechanics of how spirits on the other side contact folks here and how all those subtle feelings are for real. This isn't a typical kind of book about like what mediums or psychics say. Dr Newton actually is a counselor and hypnotist. He let patients go into past lives because it helped them, but he didn't believe in them until he decided to ask what happened after they died in that past life, before they incarnated in this one. Surprise, surprise, the stories of what goes on after death basically matched up among hundreds of patients. So it's info from people in deep, deep hypnosis, remembering the other side before they were born into their current lives. (If you want to read more on the subject, I'd highly suggest starting with his first book, 'Journey of Souls', but the one chapter in 'Destiny...' would be good regarding MJ).

Wow, sounds real interesting! Thanks for the info, mjbunny :)