Merged: Psychics channel Michael

I firmly stand by what I said above. BV is not channeling Mike. The spirit she made contact with is a fraud. You would know that if you had a clear understanding of Mike was and what he stood for.

Notice, I never said BV was a fraud, because you are correct that mediums can and do make contact with the dead.

But unfortunately, the spirit that BV made contact with is NOT MJ. She herself has disclaimed that she cannot positively confirm it is Mike. Just read her disclaimers.

And you can take that to the bank.

If/when Mike does make contact (for real), you will know without a doubt it is him.
i dont feel its mj either do you think hed be badmothing a movie made because he was not here to finish the projectt and the lions share of the money goes to his kids i dont this mj doesnt feel right to me never has never will
i have a q.
Yesterday i was in the car and listened to michael,s music ( off course)
it was in the night and i was very emotional.
I started talking to michael in my head.
Telling him what his death did to me and how he,s missed.
All of a sudden, i didn,t expect anything to happen.
I felt like someone stroke my hair.
When i looked over my shoulder to where it came from i saw something like an orb.
It was not invincible, i could see it.
But it looked like a white substanced energyball and also dissapeared right away.
I really was shocked, it felt good..........but i really start thinking i,m losing my mind.
Do i need to find some help?
I,m losing my mind.
But it felt so good............
Thanks you guys for the compliments on my art piece...glad you guys liked it :huggy:

I started talking to michael in my head.
Telling him what his death did to me and how he,s missed.
All of a sudden, i didn,t expect anything to happen.
I felt like someone stroke my hair.
When i looked over my shoulder to where it came from i saw something like an orb.
It was not invincible, i could see it.
But it looked like a white substanced energyball and also dissapeared right away.
I've had this happen before...not the stroke of my hair but a feeling on my shoulder, and also a brief vision of an orb or "twinkle". Don't psych yourself out on're not crazy. It could have been your angels, or it could have been Michael...
On June 25th I was watching MTV and all of a sudden there was Earth Song! I've hadn't seen that for a while on I kept watching. I couldn't get my eyes off, literally. And that's when this popped up in my head 'what if he would die soon, before the shows and stuff...that would be a shock no one could ever bare'. Only a few hours later it was the painfull truth....
I used to have this type of thing happen all the time when I was little... where a random thought would pop into my head about something, just a few minutes before it would happen. Other times I'd just dream about future happenings. I think ultimately we all have this "knowing" on a subconscious level - about events that will happen around us - but some just have the "gift" to bring this wisdom into our conscious minds.
You definitely had one of those moments...wish it didn't come true :cry:
Guys, somethings bothering me lately....don't want to bring you down, but I'm wondering why this had happened to me and would like to know what u guys think.:scratch:
On June 25th I was watching MTV and all of a sudden there was Earth Song! I've hadn't seen that for a while on I kept watching. I couldn't get my eyes off, literally. And that's when this popped up in my head 'what if he would die soon, before the shows and stuff...that would be a shock no one could ever bare'. Only a few hours later it was the painfull truth....and ofcourse I immediatly thought of what popped up in my head a few hours before. I got scared as hell I can tell you.:bugeyed
Every time I see Earth Song on MTV now I think back of that moment and can sense how I felt that time when I was watching it.
I don't know why I came up with this......did I have a clairvoyant moment or some?:(

I share a pretty similar experience actually...
Guys, somethings bothering me lately....don't want to bring you down, but I'm wondering why this had happened to me and would like to know what u guys think.:scratch:
On June 25th I was watching MTV and all of a sudden there was Earth Song! I've hadn't seen that for a while on I kept watching. I couldn't get my eyes off, literally. And that's when this popped up in my head 'what if he would die soon, before the shows and stuff...that would be a shock no one could ever bare'. Only a few hours later it was the painfull truth....and ofcourse I immediatly thought of what popped up in my head a few hours before. I got scared as hell I can tell you.:bugeyed
Every time I see Earth Song on MTV now I think back of that moment and can sense how I felt that time when I was watching it.
I don't know why I came up with this......did I have a clairvoyant moment or some?:(
Possibly, who knows. The night before, so late at night on June 24th, I watched the TII press conference on YouTube. As soon as it started I just got totally overcome by this chill deep inside and a line from Romeo and Juliet flooded into my mind out of the blue: "O God, I have an ill-divining soul! Methinks I see thee, now thou art below, As one dead in the bottom of a tomb" (I didn't remember the quote completely word for word, but pretty close, especially the first line.) And this just creeped me out, like where the hell did that come from??? God, I wish I had a time machine :(
I used to have this type of thing happen all the time when I was little... where a random thought would pop into my head about something, just a few minutes before it would happen. Other times I'd just dream about future happenings. I think ultimately we all have this "knowing" on a subconscious level - about events that will happen around us - but some just have the "gift" to bring this wisdom into our conscious minds.
You definitely had one of those moments...wish it didn't come true :cry:
Yeah, you explained it well..that's what I meant and I think it was one of those. I have these things very often too, also in dreams indeed.
It's bothering me so much now that I just kind of felt it coming and couldn't do anything. :cry:

I share a pretty similar experience actually...
U wanna share? Would love to read. :)

Possibly, who knows. The night before, so late at night on June 24th, I watched the TII press conference on YouTube. As soon as it started I just got totally overcome by this chill deep inside and a line from Romeo and Juliet flooded into my mind out of the blue: "O God, I have an ill-divining soul! Methinks I see thee, now thou art below, As one dead in the bottom of a tomb" (I didn't remember the quote completely word for word, but pretty close, especially the first line.) And this just creeped me out, like where the hell did that come from??? God, I wish I had a time machine :(
Amen to the last line. That's some creepy stuff you had there too...:(
i have a q.
Yesterday i was in the car and listened to michael,s music ( off course)
it was in the night and i was very emotional.
I started talking to michael in my head.
Telling him what his death did to me and how he,s missed.
All of a sudden, i didn,t expect anything to happen.
I felt like someone stroke my hair.
When i looked over my shoulder to where it came from i saw something like an orb.
It was not invincible, i could see it.
But it looked like a white substanced energyball and also dissapeared right away.
I really was shocked, it felt good..........but i really start thinking i,m losing my mind.
Do i need to find some help?
I,m losing my mind.
But it felt so good............
WHOA. I say that because Wednesday night/early Thursday morning I had some weird stuff happen. I didn't connect it with MJ per se, but I saw the same thing!!!! I'll just tell everything. Here goes...

Hubby had gone to bed, I was still up at 2:30am and felt I wanted to read the chapter on MJ's religious views again from the fan version of 'The MJ Tapes' before bed (Boteach's book -- I had read the whole thing like 3 weeks ago). While reading, suddenly a huge freakin' bee appeared out of nowhere in my living room. A huge (did I mention it was HUGE?) angry bee flying around the lamp... in Germany in November in the middle of the night. :bugeyed Huh??? (I'd been in this room all evening with the light on, door and windows closed, and there had been no bee!) I'm afraid of bees so I quickly turned off the heater, opened the window (so it could find its way out when the sun came up) and left the room, closing the door behind me.

Then a bit later I'm lying in bed thinking about how weird this was and I realize I have this terrible anxiety feeling, like 80 cups of coffee in my stomach/solar plexus area. I tried to meditate to calm down, but I couldn't focus at all and the anxiety in my stomach was getting more and more intense. Honestly, the last time I felt this jittery thing for "no reason" was on June 25th around 7-8pm my time. So I'm starting to freak out, thinking "OMG, what's wrong????" Then I saw a small WHITE ORB float across the room near the ceiling. I mean, I really saw it. I was astonished. I turned onto my side and then saw it again, almost glowing for a second by the door. Ummmm... wth???

I got really worried about my family, wondering if someone was dying or something. I decided to get back up at 4am (which was evening back home in the US) and call my mom and my sister just to check! While on the phone with my sis, a hairspray can suddenly flew off a shelf in my bathroom. Ok, so it could have fallen, but it was really strange because it's never fallen before and I hadn't touched the shelving. Well, long story short... everyone is FINE. Everyone in my family is fine and I haven't heard of anything wrong with any friends. Hopefully won't.

No clue if any of that would have anything whatsoever to do with MJ... it just struck me as amazing that we both saw WHITE ORBS on Thursday!

Anyone else gonna watch the Sky1 live channeling of Michael tonight at 10?
We have freesat channels, but don't get Sky1, so we won't be watching. Sorry, but I expect it to be a bunch of bull. We used to get Most Haunted with Derek back in the US, so I know who this is. He never impressed me as the real thing, but who knows, right?
^Very interesting story! Thanks for sharing! Glad it wasn't a bad omen of sorts...

I just remembered I've been having frequent MJ dreams lately...I can't really remember them though...I just remember tossing and turning during the nights and recalling dreaming about him - but then of course when I wake up in the morning it's all a mist. I don't think they've been any real visitations...just dreams having to do with him, but last night...I wish I could remember what the dream was because it felt like I was working on something with him. Or working on something that had to do with him...I woke up a few times in the middle of the night feeling in deep concentration and my body would be rocking back n' forth like in rocking chair :p - I only remember there was a lot of organizing going on or something.
In know orbs show themselves on pictures.
But in real? I didn,t know!
it felt like a energy fll of love.
it felt so great.
Since michael died i feel more spiritual then ever before.
Weird things happen all the time.
I,m scared too talk about it too much, scared people think i lost my mind.
It makes me insecure, cause this is very new to me.
While meditating i get so much info that it,s almost overwhelming me.
Too much energy isn,t good either.
A friend told me to go to a reikimaster.
To help me with the energy,s how to handle too much energy.
Even too much positive energt isn,t good.
A few days ago, at around 6am, I lay awake in bed and I repeat - AWAKE.
Suddenly, I got a feeling (a good feeling) that something was going through me - kinda like I was a fax machine - and it felt like the peace and love you get when meditating. Then I realised I was going in deeper and deeper so I tried to move and guess what? I COULDN'T!!

Remember - I was awake! It was like sleep paralysis. I closed my eyes and had a vision, and it was a vision of me looking through our front door peep hole and Michael was standing behind the door. *freaked out* I opened my eyes and by this time I was dead scared then I closed it again and I had the same vision! After a while, it ended and he hasn't been in a dream since that night.
A few days ago, at around 6am, I lay awake in bed and I repeat - AWAKE.
Suddenly, I got a feeling (a good feeling) that something was going through me - kinda like I was a fax machine - and it felt like the peace and love you get when meditating. Then I realised I was going in deeper and deeper so I tried to move and guess what? I COULDN'T!!

Remember - I was awake! It was like sleep paralysis. I closed my eyes and had a vision, and it was a vision of me looking through our front door peep hole and Michael was standing behind the door. *freaked out* I opened my eyes and by this time I was dead scared then I closed it again and I had the same vision! After a while, it ended and he hasn't been in a dream since that night.
Ohmygod...that's really freaky indeed.:bugeyed Weren't you scared to go asleep?
Everytime I'm beginning to 'sense' something I feel like my fear is taking me from it and that I block it.

(By the way, I'm following you on Twitter..the one with the blue eye. ;D )
Hmm I didn't even know orbs could be visible to the human eye. That's interesting.

I have my own experience to share, but I realize it could be just my imagination as well. I'm not sure what to make of it. I was lying in bed last night, might have been awake, might have been half asleep. I'm not sure. But I swear I saw this figure floating above my bed and it looked like it was wearing the jacket from the HIStory tour, the one Michael wore when he performed Earth Song. I can't remember any other distinctive features other than that. It was strange, and now I'm wondering if I was actually seeing him.
Ohmygod...that's really freaky indeed.:bugeyed Weren't you scared to go asleep?
Everytime I'm beginning to 'sense' something I feel like my fear is taking me from it and that I block it.

(By the way, I'm following you on Twitter..the one with the blue eye. ;D )

Yeah, I was terrified :(

(Ok, I'll follow you on twitter next time I'm on)
I just remembered I've been having frequent MJ dreams lately...I can't really remember them though...I just remember tossing and turning during the nights and recalling dreaming about him - but then of course when I wake up in the morning it's all a mist.
I have had the same thing for about a month now. I usually have very vivid dreams and have no problem recalling them, but for weeks now it's been the opposite. Even the ones I've remembered were a lot more vague than usual. And I've had the exact same thing regarding MJ. I toss and turn and know I'm dreaming of him, but I can't remember hardly anything! Like the other night I was watching the Thriller performance from TII over and over and over with MJ and his kids, but that's all I know. I kept waking up, falling back to sleep, it was Thriller and Thriller and Thriller and then I'd wake up. But it was all so hazy that I forget nearly all of it as soon as I wake up. Agh! :scratch:

DanceOfZenab1994 and CaptainEoLove85 - Both of your experiences sound amazing, actually. :)

Seeing MJ out the peephole in your front door (DanceofZenab's experience) just made me think of something symbolic, like he's there, just outside the door. Not in a freaky way, lolol, but meaning he's still around, but on the other side... of the door, so to speak. On the other side of a real but not impenetrable barrier... a door, a window, in another room, on the other end of the phone line, etc. The few dreams I've remembered lately have had those symbols in them a lot (windows or doors open/closed, phones off the hook, MJ in a room next door), which to me always mean something about communication and openness to it. Anyway, that was a thought I had while reading. Don't know if it applies here, of course.

P.S. For those interested in discussing the Derek Acorah seance that was on Sky1 in the UK Friday night, there's a whole thread about it already --
if someone that has any information help me..

Last night while i was sleeping I felt someone sit at the edge of my bed. I do not think that its Michael more so my aunt...Im not crazy i really truly FELT my bed move while i was sleep and it was if someone sat down next to me while i was sleeping...someone please help if they have answers
Man...I don't get some of you guys! :p If I were to have an experience like that, or suddenly hear or see Michael...I'd be far from freaking out...I'd be EXCITED!! :D

Girl I was so scared. It felt and looked so darn real that I thought I was dying or something :mello:

In my head I was thinking *Please don't take me...please don't take me* I actually thought of opening the door in my vision and holding his hand but then I thought he might not let me I opened my eyes (I so regret that btw!!)

I hope he comes back again. :( I love seeing him and feeling his energy but it was just unexpected.

P.S. I just remembered what Bonnie said about what Michael said..."If we do meet in a dream or visitation - please embrace me" :cry: OMG, I'm so mad at myself!! He was at my door :cry: :cry: I still love you Mike...
I have had the same thing for about a month now. I usually have very vivid dreams and have no problem recalling them, but for weeks now it's been the opposite. Even the ones I've remembered were a lot more vague than usual. And I've had the exact same thing regarding MJ. I toss and turn and know I'm dreaming of him, but I can't remember hardly anything! Like the other night I was watching the Thriller performance from TII over and over and over with MJ and his kids, but that's all I know. I kept waking up, falling back to sleep, it was Thriller and Thriller and Thriller and then I'd wake up. But it was all so hazy that I forget nearly all of it as soon as I wake up. Agh! :scratch:

DanceOfZenab1994 and CaptainEoLove85 - Both of your experiences sound amazing, actually. :)

Seeing MJ out the peephole in your front door (DanceofZenab's experience) just made me think of something symbolic, like he's there, just outside the door. Not in a freaky way, lolol, but meaning he's still around, but on the other side... of the door, so to speak. On the other side of a real but not impenetrable barrier... a door, a window, in another room, on the other end of the phone line, etc. The few dreams I've remembered lately have had those symbols in them a lot (windows or doors open/closed, phones off the hook, MJ in a room next door), which to me always mean something about communication and openness to it. Anyway, that was a thought I had while reading. Don't know if it applies here, of course.

P.S. For those interested in discussing the Derek Acorah seance that was on Sky1 in the UK Friday night, there's a whole thread about it already --


I just thought of it as Michael wanting to come in my house and Michael being Michael, he just didn't wanna be rude and pop in. LMAO.
Man...I don't get some of you guys! :p If I were to have an experience like that, or suddenly hear or see Michael...I'd be far from freaking out...I'd be EXCITED!! :D
Me too, but most of the times I'm feeling 'something' when I'm awake it's something really strange and scary. It's not that it feels calming or anything. :cry:
Don't know why, but the only things that feel good are things that happen during the day or in dreams. For some reason going to bed and trying to do some meditation or focussing or something, most of the times makes me scared.
Could be some sort of trauma I created because when I was young I couldn't get to sleep and stuff, partly because I felt strange things were happening. Maybe that's why I don't like the dark and the time between going to sleep and falling asleep.:scratch:
...Remember - I was awake! It was like sleep paralysis. I closed my eyes and had a vision, and it was a vision of me looking through our front door peep hole and Michael was standing behind the door. *freaked out* I opened my eyes and by this time I was dead scared then I closed it again and I had the same vision! After a while, it ended and he hasn't been in a dream since that night.

I probably would have let MJ in the door. Then again, I probably would be scared too if I couldn't move and I was having that vision.

I had an instance this week where I was waking up and all of a sudden one of the Jacksons songs popped in my head. It was "Think Happy". It was crazy because it was as if music was playing on my alarm because I wasn't thinking about a song, it just started playing in my head(I know it sounds nutty lol), I didn't realize what was playing in my head until I thought about it. It reminded of what Bonnie was saying in her first video of when she was getting visits by MJ.

Also I've noticed a lot of people are saying that ever since MJ's passing they feel positive energy around or they have a more positive and hopeful outlook on things. I feel the same way. Since MJ's passing I've learned so many things about him and its rubbing off on me. I'm more motivated about things, I'm doing great in school and I'm more happy because I've learned how much MJ accomplish by believing in himself, working hard, and having hope.
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I was in my bathroom while I had a MJ cd on in the hall, and the lights in the bathroom started to blink with the rythm of the music. Maybe it was MJ affecting the lights to signal me that he was in the room?
Are you mocking us here? That's not nice.

No it really happened. I thought this all was BS, but after this I don't know anymore. Maybe Michael is floating around as a ghost. Maybe he wants to visit all fans before he go to heaven.
I probably would have let MJ in the door. Then again, I probably would be scared too if I couldn't move and I was having that vision.

I had an instance this week where I was waking up and all of a sudden one of the Jacksons songs popped in my head. It was "Think Happy". It was crazy because it was as if music was playing on my alarm because I wasn't thinking about a song, it just started playing in my head(I know it sounds nutty lol), I didn't realize what was playing in my head until I thought about it. It reminded of what Bonnie was saying in her first video of when she was getting visits by MJ.

Also I've noticed a lot of people are saying that ever since MJ's passing they feel positive energy around or they have a more positive and hopeful outlook on things. I feel the same way. Since MJ's passing I've learned so many things about him and its rubbing off on me. I'm more motivated about things, I'm doing great in school and I'm more happy because I've learned how much MJ accomplish by believing in himself, working hard, and having hope.

That's happened to me before with You Are Not Alone and Speechless.

I also feel happier and more positive myself. I mean I still get sad sometimes, but it's true that I was pretty blah and less happy before I took the time to learn about Michael. He makes me want to "keep moving forward" to borrow a quote from Walt Disney. He's become my main source of inspiration now. :) :wub:

Let's just say Michael's been...busy.

:lol: that he has

I also sometimes see my light flicker when I dance to his music at night. Perhaps something in the environment triggers it (I don't know what). I just hate that my back always seems to be turned when it happens, so I'm never witness to it.
No it really happened. I thought this all was BS, but after this I don't know anymore. Maybe Michael is floating around as a ghost. Maybe he wants to visit all fans before he go to heaven.

Well I'm glad you're finally opening your mind.
Maybe this will make you think twice about coming here and telling us that we need help like you have been.

Maybe that was Michael's way of trying to get you to understand that he is still here and that he is not going anywhere.
This isnt really a visitation, however on thursday when i was on the bus home from school i always play mj music on my ipod and look out the window...we were driving and i was looking up at the clouds, and some of you may think im weird after i say this but every cloud i saw somehow resembled MJ, like no joke...they all were shaped like him, his face i mean.. it was weird but i liked made me feel slightly somewhat at ease? :S
No it really happened. I thought this all was BS, but after this I don't know anymore. Maybe Michael is floating around as a ghost. Maybe he wants to visit all fans before he go to heaven.
Well good.
The only real way to open closed minds is through personal experience, really. Like what you had. Many of us have had the same kind of things happen, which is why we're here. There's no denying Michael is around, when you are open and aware. :angel: