Merged: Psychics channel Michael

OMG, I had a wonderful dream this morning. I posted the whole thing in the Dreams thread: It's pretty long, so I didn't want to re-post the whole thing here. In it I saw Michael with golden light deep in his eyes. It was so amazing. I tried to make a pic similar to it as an example and this is the best I could come up. It was more subtle in the dream and moving, shining, radiating out. We mouthed the words "I love you" to each other. It was so beautiful.

OMG, I had a wonderful dream this morning. I posted the whole thing in the Dreams thread: It's pretty long, so I didn't want to re-post the whole thing here. In it I saw Michael with golden light deep in his eyes. It was so amazing. I tried to make a pic similar to it as an example and this is the best I could come up. It was more subtle in the dream and moving, shining, radiating out. We mouthed the words "I love you" to each other. It was so beautiful.
OMG...this is the most beautiful dream ever...just reading it I could imagine being there and how wonderful it must have felt. You get the most amazing dreams...I'm so jealous, but grateful to hear about them!
And the light in his eyes...:angel: this makes me think of the song "Light in Your Eyes" by Blessid Union of Souls: ...I'm going to think of Michael every time I hear that song now.
Hey everyone! :)

This is my first post here on MJJC, I've been a silent reader for a while and I really wanted to say how much this place means to me, I truly feel at home here with you guys and thanks to you I feel like I'm a part of this wonderful family. We're all united by our love for Michael and his outlook on life & the world and it's such a beautiful thing. Sorry I'm getting a bit emotional here lol ;)

I chose this particular thread for my first post cause it does comfort me, in such a difficult time. I'm 29 years old and I've been an MJ fan since I was 11 or 12 years old. The past few weeks have been a real struggle for me, everyday is a struggle actually, I'm still trying to deal with Michael's passing and it doesn't get any easier. Well there are days better than others obviously. But personnally, the release of the movie has made things even more difficult.

Anyway, I love reading everyone's experiences here and I gotta admit I regularly check Bonnie Vent's website. She does seem genuine to me and I choose to believe her.

Unlike many of you, I haven't really had those Michael experiences in my dreams although I did have a dream about Michael a few days ago. It was like I was at one of his concerts (seemed like it was the HIStory Tour, he had the gold pants on lol), it was very short but it was so clear and full of light and, hmm, I don't know how to explain, the overall color was gold, there was a lot of light. Michael was performing in this golden light and it was beautiful... But way too short. I woke up because of my phone ringing, dammit!

And a few weeks ago, although I didn't immediately link this dream to Michael, I dreamt that someone was holding me really tightly, in a really soothing manner, it was a really long and intense hug but I couldn't see the face of the person holding me. OMG I'm crying as I write this, didn't think I'd be so overcome with emotion... So anyway it was pretty long and intense but I didn't think too much of it afterwards. And then I read some of your comments about Michael hugging you in your dreams and that's when I made the connection. Maybe it was Michael hugging me too but I didn't see his face. I keep hoping that I will dream of him again, especially since he's on my mind, in my heart and every cell of my body 24 hours a day but it hasn't happened (well not since the concert thing I mentioned above which about a week ago). God I miss him so much...

Sorry for rambling so much, I just wanted to say thank you for being here and for making it a little bit easier, love you guys :)
^ Welcome on the board, Kira! Glad you feel like home, you're welcome here. :hug:
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Thank you so much for your message and for making me feel welcome, Mrs Music :) Means a lot to me :)
I am sorry... but anyways... i accept everyone's believes... so it is natural i share mine : "bo-ring... whatever.." i don't believe it and anybody won't believe anything, just to still be close to him or whatever... so... an entity that speaks and communicates is a spirit that is not at peace...

but, i have listened to the videos and with all she says... 1) it's super boring, 2)it's whatever... no proof is given.
Guys, somethings bothering me lately....don't want to bring you down, but I'm wondering why this had happened to me and would like to know what u guys think.:scratch:
On June 25th I was watching MTV and all of a sudden there was Earth Song! I've hadn't seen that for a while on I kept watching. I couldn't get my eyes off, literally. And that's when this popped up in my head 'what if he would die soon, before the shows and stuff...that would be a shock no one could ever bare'. Only a few hours later it was the painfull truth....and ofcourse I immediatly thought of what popped up in my head a few hours before.

I dont know if this is relevant to the discussion or not but the night I found out Michael was rushed to the hospital (it was night european time) I looked at my TV screen and it said ''Michael Jackson rushed to hospital'' and then said ''Michael Jackson Suffers Heartfaliure''.

The one thing that came to my mind was ''He will not make it. He will not survive. He is going to die''.

I know this sounds very upsetting to some people, but this was my instinct and I couldnt help myself. I was with a friend when I heard the news and I was not shocked or sad or panicking. I was calm and collected and I kept repeating, shaking my head to my friend and I said: ''He is not going to make it. I have a feeling he will die. He is going to die''.

And 30 minutes later after reading the headlines that he suffered from what was believed to be a heartfaliure, he was pronounced dead.

All I kept thinking was ''I knew it. I was right, I had a feeling''.

I cant say what it was.. But my immediate instinct was that Michael was already gone and that this was gonna happen. I wasnt even praying or hoping. I already knew he was gone. I didnt even cry. I wasnt even in shock. What would make me think this way? I cant explain it but I wasnt being myself. Something took over me and I already knew he was gone. I felt it was pointless to even wish that he would make it. I know this sounds upsetting but this is how I reacted.

The next morning when everybody I knew texted me that Michael had died I just simply told everyone ''I already knew''. It didnt come as a shock... I didnt cry until the memorial service held on TV. Thats when all hell broke loose.
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I just needed to post this beautiful tribute video here... Don't know if it's been already posted somewhere. But I find it really conforting, and I think it fits so perfectly in this thread!
I personally do believe that we can still feel Michael's embrace, and that it's something that we are surrounded by :heart:
Welcome to the board Kira and thanks for sharing your dream! Hope we continue to hear from you and that you have more Michael experiences :wub:

I just needed to post this beautiful tribute video here... Don't know if it's been already posted somewhere. But I find it really conforting, and I think it fits so perfectly in this thread!
I personally do believe that we can still feel Michael's embrace, and that it's something that we are surrounded by :heart:
Thanks for sharing...made me tear up :cry: ..really well done vid.
I just needed to post this beautiful tribute video here... Don't know if it's been already posted somewhere. But I find it really conforting, and I think it fits so perfectly in this thread!
I personally do believe that we can still feel Michael's embrace, and that it's something that we are surrounded by :heart:

Oh God... Beautiful video, thanks for posting, couldn't get past the first few seconds though, with tears rolling down my face already ;(
I cant say what it was.. But my immediate instinct was that Michael was already gone and that this was gonna happen. I wasnt even praying or hoping. I already knew he was gone. I didnt even cry. I wasnt even in shock. What would make me think this way? I cant explain it but I wasnt being myself. Something took over me and I already knew he was gone. I felt it was pointless to even wish that he would make it. I know this sounds upsetting but this is how I reacted.

The next morning when everybody I knew texted me that Michael had died I just simply told everyone ''I already knew''. It didnt come as a shock... I didnt cry until the memorial service held on TV. Thats when all hell broke loose.

You're not alone. I felt the same way and have been feeling guilty ever since. I couldn't even cry at first. I guess it was too much of a shock, I was just paralyzed... But now, the smallest things set off the waterworks, I can't even watch tribute videos or songs (I couldn't listen to Judith Hill's tribute song for instance, the first few words - "They took the boxes off the stage" - KILLED me. I will listen to it entirely in time cause I want to and I know it's a beautiful song but right now I just can't). It's just so overwhelming right now.
I just needed to post this beautiful tribute video here... Don't know if it's been already posted somewhere. But I find it really conforting, and I think it fits so perfectly in this thread!
I personally do believe that we can still feel Michael's embrace, and that it's something that we are surrounded by :heart:
WOW :cry: Amazing. I usually try not to watch too many of these because they just make me sad all over again, but this one was totally worth it. Thanks.

OMG...this is the most beautiful dream ever...just reading it I could imagine being there and how wonderful it must have felt. You get the most amazing dreams...I'm so jealous, but grateful to hear about them!
And the light in his eyes...:angel: this makes me think of the song "Light in Your Eyes" by Blessid Union of Souls: ...I'm going to think of Michael every time I hear that song now.
It really was amazing. :wub: My husband always says he's jealous of my dreams, lol, but I don't understand why he doesn't have them. I think he does, but just doesn't remember. I mean, I don't have way cool dreams all the time. It would be nice, though. But I guess I'd try to just sleep 20 hours a day then, lol. (Btw, somehow I'd never heard that song before, so thanks for the link.)

One thing about this dream I didn't share in the Dreams thread was this: That night before falling asleep I had drifted off on a weird thought tangent I'd never quite had before in this exact way. I was thinking of who I am/was to MJ. I mean... he never knew me. He always said 'ILY more' to fans and he was always so sweet with us, but at the same time it was all impersonal, like I'd say I love all people of the world or something. I do, but I don't know everyone personally, of course, lol, so it's not the same way I love my family, for example (although coming from a spiritual level, it probably should be). I'm trying to get back onto what exactly it was I was thinking. It's hard to to remember and convey it now, and it's quite personal, so kind of weird to write it. So then I started crying and thinking again of how MUCH I have loved Michael for all these years, through the joy and the pain and how deeply I cared for him, how I prayed for him, always wished him well, not demanding anything in return, just happily accepting whatever he gave. Hoping for a next time, yeah, but never feeling for a moment that he owed me anything or that I had any claim on him. He didn't owe me love or attention or anything. It was just beautiful and sweet when he would give us that (and I realize this probably helped endear him even more to us). I guess I'm saying that I just wanted to give him love, freely and from the heart, for him to feel loved, to succeed, to be happy, to have what he needed and wanted. And a dear wish was for him to really know how much we (fans) really, truly love him... him, as a person. And I believe he does now. (I'm assuming you guys can relate to this :)) So then I suddenly got this feeling that came over me down inside, like it bubbled up and surprised the heck out of me. I suddenly thought... Does he know me now? In what way? How does he feel about me? He now knows how I feel about him now. (I say this surprised me, because I've never felt needy like that in regard to MJ, lol. It was like part of me down inside saying, "Do you love meeeee?" I was like, whoa, where did that come from?) This emotion made me uncomfortable, like being in some crazy intense 'inner child' therapy session, and then I feel asleep.

So anyway, then I had this wonderful dream (link) in which he looked at me totally personally, and mouthed the words in such a beautiful way, "I love you". God, it was amazing. And in the dream he was going from one fan to the next like this. A few moments after I woke up I realized what I'd been thinking before I felt asleep and it was like... no way... sweet :wub: It felt like an answer to a deep part of me that asked a question I couldn't believe it actually asked. And that's pretty amazing. It was either some hardcore psychological stuff going on in dreamland or... you know what :angel: Sorry to ramble on so long, but for some reason I felt the need to share it.
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I had my flash on so I could not capture the face but I did capture this picture of what appears to be an orb??

The clue is in the fact you were using a flash. This was almost certainly a particle on the camera lens or a dust particle in the air reflecting the flash. Certain lenses and camera types can amplify the effect even further. I get it in my photos all the time. Lots of information on this at this site:
OMG I saw this type of orb when I was in serious grievance after MJ passed. I would say I saw it in July. I never saw anything like it before(I'm not a astronomy buff). I thought it might be a plane but it didn't move. It was right next to the moon when I saw it as well.

That would be a planet, Tarah!
You're not alone. I felt the same way and have been feeling guilty ever since. I couldn't even cry at first. I guess it was too much of a shock, I was just paralyzed... But now, the smallest things set off the waterworks, I can't even watch tribute videos or songs (I couldn't listen to Judith Hill's tribute song for instance, the first few words - "They took the boxes off the stage" - KILLED me. I will listen to it entirely in time cause I want to and I know it's a beautiful song but right now I just can't). It's just so overwhelming right now.

I knoooooow. :(
It felt like an answer to a deep part of me that asked a question I couldn't believe it actually asked. And that's pretty amazing.
Wow girl...that makes the dream even more amazing hearing that story. :cry:
And the part you explained about selflessly loving him his whole all of his fans have done, you worded beautifully. It really makes me feel good (yet a little self conscious) to know that he can genuinely get to know us now. I mean...he can personally visit all of his fans, and he can personally see the true spirit of each individual and feel our true feelings for a deeper more real way than he ever could here on Earth. :wub:
I mentioned this makes me feel a little self conscious though because I too have had the thought before - "I love Michael so much, but if he were to really visit me...which I think he has, what would he think of me as a person?" Not that I need Michael's approval or anything from Michael at all, this still inspires me even more to make better of myself.
I just needed to post this beautiful tribute video here... Don't know if it's been already posted somewhere. But I find it really conforting, and I think it fits so perfectly in this thread!
I personally do believe that we can still feel Michael's embrace, and that it's something that we are surrounded by :heart:

Thank you very much for posting that video ... it's fantastic, albeit highly emotional, but just a beautiful tribute.
Beautiful, thank you. I was knocked flat by a clip of Beyonce performing this for Michael right after his death. So powerful. And oh were there tears...

There's tears right now I can tell you, watched it three times in a row now ... powerful stuff.
I had a nice dream the other day. There was this big castle in the sky a beautiful palace. And I went inside. There was gold everywhere and a grand staircase. As I went up the staircase I noticed that the Dangerous Eyes symbol was engraved into the wood. There were alot of rooms on the upper floor. When I entered a room there was a gate and looking down was an opera house with angels singing so beautifully. I saw Michael singing on the stage. After that I woke up.. It was a short dream but was comforting a bit
hey guys, I haven't been on the forum in a while so I just wanted to check in and say hey. I kind of needed to get away from all the Michael stuff for a while and I just wanted to say that it comforts me to know that this thread and all of you are always here.
Hugs to everyone
hey guys, I haven't been on the forum in a while so I just wanted to check in and say hey. I kind of needed to get away from all the Michael stuff for a while and I just wanted to say that it comforts me to know that this thread and all of you are always here.
Hugs to everyone

Aw, heya Neeve, It's lovely to see you back in the thread again. Hugs to you too. :hug: :heart:
hey guys, I haven't been on the forum in a while so I just wanted to check in and say hey. I kind of needed to get away from all the Michael stuff for a while and I just wanted to say that it comforts me to know that this thread and all of you are always here.
Hugs to everyone
Aww! Hug to you too Neeve, glad to see you're still here. :hug:
Goodluck with the papers. ;)