Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Yeah, I guess some things can be said and some things should be kept private.

Thanks for your advice, guys.

P.S. Here's what I've been working on all day. It's now 5am (omg!) and I'm finally off to bed. Not finished with it, but it's going so far -- My husband and I joined in this prayer in October. I didn't know about it until a few minutes before, or I would've posted it here. There's a huge thread about it over on :wub:
GASP! This is a WONDERFUL idea and something that really will help the planet I is everything. :angel: Thank you for sharing! I'm bookmarking it and putting a reminder on my calendar for the 25th of each month.
P.S. Here's what I've been working on all day. It's now 5am (omg!) and I'm finally off to bed. Not finished with it, but it's going so far -- My husband and I joined in this prayer in October. I didn't know about it until a few minutes before, or I would've posted it here. There's a huge thread about it over on

I'd love to participate in this too. What a great idea! :)
P.S. Here's what I've been working on all day. It's now 5am (omg!) and I'm finally off to bed. Not finished with it, but it's going so far -- My husband and I joined in this prayer in October. I didn't know about it until a few minutes before, or I would've posted it here. There's a huge thread about it over on :wub:

Wonderful idea! Thanks for sharing :) Gonna bookmark the site too.

DanceOfZenab1994 said:
I totally love this thread and I can't imagine how I would cope without it.

I know! Same here. This thread *really* helps. And regarding your question, I'd say just do whatever your heart tells you to do ;) And know that it helps a lot of people here to hear about those experiences so don't be afraid to share (if you want to of course) ;)

DanceOfZenab1994 said:

Aww, love you and everyone else here too! :)
I knew you guys here in this thread would love the prayer idea as much as I did :) It wasn't my idea, but I just felt like someone has to make a website, that this has to continue. You see, it began over on the other forum and they had so many posts in the thread last month (like hundreds of pages) and then it mysteriously got deleted and they had to start all over (wth?), and it's always one of the top threads (, so there are a LOT of fans over there that did it in October. I pm'd the thread originator and she was really sweet and said yeah, go ahead with the website. I'm hoping that we can spread the idea to all the other MJ boards as well. I'll make a thread here somewhere tomorrow (p.s. if you want to snag my siggy graphic or make your own about it, pls go ahead :))

On another note ... nothing MJ to report here. I've just had really crappy dreams the last two nights, about people dying, floods, weird stuff. Ugh :mello:
I have an MJ-related dream to share(trying to keep the thread alive)

I had a weird dream it my family and I lived in a mansion(I guess I was wealthy in the dream) and the place had a lot of amber lighting in it. Anyways, I left the mansion and I got on a railroad train(yes a choo choo train lol) to go somewhere, but I went too far from my destination and I asked my grandmother, who was the conductor, to stop the train( weird, I know). I got off the train and went back home to watch a PBS(public broadcasting channel on TV) special in my living room that came on about MJ. It showed so many clips of him. This special basically talked about young MJ(10-12) and as I was watching it I cried because I missed MJ. My mom came and consoled me and that's all I remember.

It was a crazy dream and I attribute most of the craziness to having the TV on while I was Now that I think about it, I wish I watched the special in my dream, instead of crying. I hate I can't remember all of the dream.
Great idea about the prayer. I am glad I am off that day. I pray for Michael every day but will take the advice and do it in a more special way

- Light up a candle (if you can)

- Close your eyes and tune into Michael's love for us..

- Focus on your heart and how this love feels ..

- Imagine/visualize all the other people who will do this prayer at the same time ..

- Imagine/visualize that the love we all feel in the moment spreads to the entire planet, going through all living forms, healing us all..

- In order to synchronize the start of the prayer, and to have the latest updates, we can all “meet” on the forum* one hour before.

great ideas
I just wanted to share this dream here :

I was in a big beautiful green garden, it was summer. The sky was totally blue., and my friends and i had waterballoon fight. Somehow i had a laptop on my lap in all sudden and was watching one of Michael´s "Dangerous-Performances". And when i was finished watching it, i told them that i would buy them icecream in the store, so went to the store, and the dream ended.

weird dream, i know :p
Thanks tarah86 and Tinkerbell2 for sharing your dreams :)

I knew you guys here in this thread would love the prayer idea as much as I did :) It wasn't my idea, but I just felt like someone has to make a website, that this has to continue.

Ooooh I didn't realize you were actually the person behind the website! You did a wonderful job, thank you! :)
I love this thread too! Don't post a lot but I read everything.
L.O.V.E. to all of you! :heart:

This morning I saw a thread about a book called 'Michael Jackson: The Afterlife Experiences - A Theology of Michael Jackson's Life and Lyrics', written by Marilynn Hughes.

You can download the PDF-file in the thread I mentioned. I'm reading it right now....dunnow what to think about it yet. It's a bit hard to understand it all since I'm not religious and she's talking a lot about God and so on...unfortunately I don't have much knowledge about that.

I'm now at chapter 2 and I must sounds very comforting for some reason. :cry:
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Ooooh I didn't realize you were actually the person behind the website! You did a wonderful job, thank you! :)
Oh, thank you. I kept seeing something like this in my mind along with the phrase "do something!", ever since I read about the prayer last month. Once I decided to just do it I kept thinking maybe MJ was helping with ideas (or I was just hoping) :wub: That's when I realized that "do something" came from Dancing the Dream. I love that. Either it was from the other side, the idea to repeat that phrase, or just so deep in my mind that the feeling of wanting to help kept bringing it up to the surface. Either way, thank you, Michael.
I wanted to change the world, so I got up one morning and looked in the mirror. That one looking back said, "there is not much time left. The earth is wracked with pain. Children are starving. Nations remain divided by mistrust and hatred. Everywhere the air and water have been fouled almost beyond help. Do something!" (from MJ's 'That One in the Mirror')

I love this thread too! Don't post a lot but I read everything.
L.O.V.E. to all of you! :heart:

This morning I saw a thread about a book called 'Michael Jackson: The Afterlife Experiences - A Theology of Michael Jackson's Life and Lyrics', written by Marilynn Hughes.

You can download the PDF-file in the thread I mentioned. I'm reading it right now....dunnow what to think about it yet. It's a bit hard to understand it all since I'm not religious and she's talking a lot about God and so on...unfortunately I don't have much knowledge about that.

I'm now at chapter 2 and I must sounds very comforting for some reason. :cry:
Interesting, thanks. Just downloaded it. Don't know if I'll have time tonight to read it much, but will certainly check it out in the next couple of days!
Ok, something really weird happened to me last night. I was just standing in my room and I saw what looked like little bugs or lights scattering in the air above my bed, like fireworks. I don't think my eyes were playing tricks on me. They were directly in my vision and I was wide awake, not tired or anything. It didn't frighten me. I just stared at it for several seconds, wondering what the heck I was seeing! I was trying to call out to it "what am I looking at?" It was really weird. I had been talking to Michael at the time, but I like to talk to him every night and I've never seen anything like that before. I was also feeling all tingly like in the back of my head and neck for a while afterward. Hmm...
I love this thread too! Don't post a lot but I read everything.
L.O.V.E. to all of you! :heart:

This morning I saw a thread about a book called 'Michael Jackson: The Afterlife Experiences - A Theology of Michael Jackson's Life and Lyrics', written by Marilynn Hughes.

You can download the PDF-file in the thread I mentioned. I'm reading it right

Thanks a lot for the link, Mrs Music! Gonna check this out :)

Ok, something really weird happened to me last night. I was just standing in my room and I saw what looked like little bugs or lights scattering in the air above my bed, like fireworks. I don't think my eyes were playing tricks on me. They were directly in my vision and I was wide awake, not tired or anything. It didn't frighten me. I just stared at it for several seconds, wondering what the heck I was seeing! I was trying to call out to it "what am I looking at?" It was really weird. I had been talking to Michael at the time, but I like to talk to him every night and I've never seen anything like that before. I was also feeling all tingly like in the back of my head and neck for a while afterward. Hmm...

Wow, that's freaky!! I think that would have frightened me LOL But yeah, definitely interesting!! Thanks for sharing ;)
Ok, something really weird happened to me last night. I was just standing in my room and I saw what looked like little bugs or lights scattering in the air above my bed, like fireworks. I don't think my eyes were playing tricks on me. They were directly in my vision and I was wide awake, not tired or anything. It didn't frighten me. I just stared at it for several seconds, wondering what the heck I was seeing! I was trying to call out to it "what am I looking at?" It was really weird. I had been talking to Michael at the time, but I like to talk to him every night and I've never seen anything like that before. I was also feeling all tingly like in the back of my head and neck for a while afterward. Hmm...

That is really cool :)
I had been talking to Michael at the time, but I like to talk to him every night and I've never seen anything like that before. I was also feeling all tingly like in the back of my head and neck for a while afterward. Hmm...
Neato! I've seen things like that before but not long enough for me to focus on them and always happens in a second. Since you were talking to Michael at the time, I wonder if it was him and some angels or something. Just 'cause it hasn't happened before doesn't mean it wasn't him...there's always gotta be a first time...
Hey guys, any of you into numerology? I've been very intrigued by numerology the past year or so...and anyway lately I've had obvious signs given to me through numerology (not Michael related though) I figured I'd bring it up here in case some of you aren't aware that if you are seeing certain patterns of numbers often, they can be messages/answers from your angels. :)

As I've learned - angels like to speak in you should be aware of numbers that cross you often! It's not a matter of looking for signs or trying to pull meaning from every number you see :p just being aware when certain patterns show up multiple times.

So for instance, lately I've been having the sequence 111 show up all the time. (111 indicates a new cycle of sorts...) The last time this sequence showed up for me (and I mean it was CONSTANTLY showing up) was exactly one year ago when I was going through an emotional detox. Anyways, it's been particularly interesting It started last night when I was looking all over my office for my cell phone and couldn't find it so I figured I left it in the fact I remembered sticking it in the cup holder and not taking it out. So I decided I'd just get it when I woke up in the morning. Well after I woke up today I got on my computer and was doing the usual routine, when I looked down and my cell phone was just laying there on my desk in front of me. :mello: I clicked the side button to see if I missed any calls, and when I do that it shows the time too... the time read 11:11. So then I'm on YouTube...and I'm going through my uploaded vids on there for some reason...just bored I guess. I get to my "Heal the World" guitar cover, and see that it has exactly 1,111 views. Then later when I check the time during the's 1:11. And then this evening I log onto YouTube again...and I view my own channel, only to see that the latest video I uploaded has 111 views. Hehe. That's the way I get signs a lot.

Anyway, I felt like bringing this up just to ensure that if any of you guys see the same numbers popping up often, you'll take notice rather than overlook them. :) Here's a site with some numerology meanings so if any of you see certain numbers come up - you can consult this
Interesting, thanks. Just downloaded it. Don't know if I'll have time tonight to read it much, but will certainly check it out in the next couple of days!
No thanks guys! ;) Yeah I'm stuck at chapter 2 now, but people in that thread who read further seem to dislike it. Hmmm.
Ok, something really weird happened to me last night. I was just standing in my room and I saw what looked like little bugs or lights scattering in the air above my bed, like fireworks. I don't think my eyes were playing tricks on me. They were directly in my vision and I was wide awake, not tired or anything. It didn't frighten me. I just stared at it for several seconds, wondering what the heck I was seeing! I was trying to call out to it "what am I looking at?" It was really weird. I had been talking to Michael at the time, but I like to talk to him every night and I've never seen anything like that before. I was also feeling all tingly like in the back of my head and neck for a while afterward. Hmm...
That sounds interesting! The fact that it was there at the same moment when you were talking to Michael..'coincidences don't exist'?
Hey guys, any of you into numerology? I've been very intrigued by numerology the past year or so...and anyway lately I've had obvious signs given to me through numerology (not Michael related though) I figured I'd bring it up here in case some of you aren't aware that if you are seeing certain patterns of numbers often, they can be messages/answers from your angels. :)
Anyway, I felt like bringing this up just to ensure that if any of you guys see the same numbers popping up often, you'll take notice rather than overlook them. :) Here's a site with some numerology meanings so if any of you see certain numbers come up - you can consult this

I'm really interested in numerology as well! Although those obvious things you had I haven't experienced, yet.
Man, that's some strange shit! :lol:
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I just realized something today.....a week ago I found my mom in bed being completely confused and stuff. So I rushed with her to the hospital, praying the whole ride to Michael (dunnow why to him...felt comforting for some reason) to please let my mom be saved. :angel:
Turned out she had a stroke in a place of her brains where she could've easily died. It scared the hell out of me....she got home after a few days, and no one can believe she is okay....she doesn't have ANY all.
I guess Michael was by my side that night.....:cry: He really is a guardian angel for us he? :heart:

Oh God, I'm glad your mom is okay!! Yes Michael was definitely by your side that night :) All my love to you and your mom! :heart:

Hey guys, any of you into numerology? I've been very intrigued by numerology the past year or so...and anyway lately I've had obvious signs given to me through numerology (not Michael related though) I figured I'd bring it up here in case some of you aren't aware that if you are seeing certain patterns of numbers often, they can be messages/answers from your angels. :)

Wow, all these 111 signs, that's amazing!!! Crazy actually! I'm gonna start paying more attention to numbers now lol But yeah I love reading about this type of stuff as well so thanx for the link ;)

BTW could you post the link to your Heal The Cover guitar cover? Would love to listen to it ;)
Hey guys, any of you into numerology? I've been very intrigued by numerology the past year or so...and anyway lately I've had obvious signs given to me through numerology (not Michael related though) I figured I'd bring it up here in case some of you aren't aware that if you are seeing certain patterns of numbers often, they can be messages/answers from your angels. :)

As I've learned - angels like to speak in you should be aware of numbers that cross you often! It's not a matter of looking for signs or trying to pull meaning from every number you see :p just being aware when certain patterns show up multiple times.

So for instance, lately I've been having the sequence 111 show up all the time. (111 indicates a new cycle of sorts...) The last time this sequence showed up for me (and I mean it was CONSTANTLY showing up) was exactly one year ago when I was going through an emotional detox. Anyways, it's been particularly interesting It started last night when I was looking all over my office for my cell phone and couldn't find it so I figured I left it in the fact I remembered sticking it in the cup holder and not taking it out. So I decided I'd just get it when I woke up in the morning. Well after I woke up today I got on my computer and was doing the usual routine, when I looked down and my cell phone was just laying there on my desk in front of me. :mello: I clicked the side button to see if I missed any calls, and when I do that it shows the time too... the time read 11:11. So then I'm on YouTube...and I'm going through my uploaded vids on there for some reason...just bored I guess. I get to my "Heal the World" guitar cover, and see that it has exactly 1,111 views. Then later when I check the time during the's 1:11. And then this evening I log onto YouTube again...and I view my own channel, only to see that the latest video I uploaded has 111 views. Hehe. That's the way I get signs a lot.

Anyway, I felt like bringing this up just to ensure that if any of you guys see the same numbers popping up often, you'll take notice rather than overlook them. :) Here's a site with some numerology meanings so if any of you see certain numbers come up - you can consult this

Wow, amygrace, I've had the exact same thing happen to me the last few weeks! The latest one was that last weekend, I totally overslept. I had my mobile phone next to my bed, so looked at it to see what the time was. I look, and it says 11:11! :bugeyed It's been happening really quite a lot lately though. I went out to the cinema the other day, and when I looked at the ticket, guess what time the ticket had been issued? 11.11 :)
she doesn't have ANY all.
I guess Michael was by my side that night.....:cry: He really is a guardian angel for us he? :heart:
Wow, no complications or problems after a stroke? Amazing. So glad that Michael or the angels looked after her.

Kira said:
could you post the link to your Heal The Cover guitar cover? Would love to listen to it
Aw sure
It's really not an awesome cover...I'm a beginner on the guitar and not an amazing singer - but I gotta practice and love to sing anyway so there ya have it. :)

Louise. said:
Wow, amygrace, I've had the exact same thing happen to me the last few weeks! The latest one was that last weekend, I totally overslept. I had my mobile phone next to my bed, so looked at it to see what the time was. I look, and it says 11:11! It's been happening really quite a lot lately though. I went out to the cinema the other day, and when I looked at the ticket, guess what time the ticket had been issued? 11.11
Awesome! It's totally those kind of "coincidences" with numbers that you have to look out for. Real interesting stuff!
Oh God, I'm glad your mom is okay!! Yes Michael was definitely by your side that night :) All my love to you and your mom! :heart:
Thank you Kira! :hug:
Wow, no complications or problems after a stroke? Amazing. So glad that Michael or the angels looked after her.
Just's really unbelieveable, even the doctors can't.:bugeyed
I'm so thankful. :cry:
I just realized something today.....a week ago I found my mom in bed being completely confused and stuff. So I rushed with her to the hospital, praying the whole ride to Michael (dunnow why to him...felt comforting for some reason) to please let my mom be saved.
Turned out she had a stroke in a place of her brains where she could've easily died. It scared the hell out of me....she got home after a few days, and no one can believe she is okay....she doesn't have ANY all.
I guess Michael was by my side that night..... He really is a guardian angel for us he?

Oh wow that's scary. Glad to hear your mom is ok and free from complications. I do believe Michael answered your prayers. :) I kind of see him as a guardian angel too. :angel:

I also find numerology fascinating, but I haven't looked extensively into it. I posted Michael's life path number some pages back. I know numbers can be prominent in people's lives for a reason. The number 11 is a common one for people. The number 7 was also obviously an important number for Michael. So many things were connected to that number in his life. Coincidences? I don't think so. The number 7 is also kind of in my life as well. My life path number is 7 and I was born on 7/17. But I haven't noticed anything other than that. However, since Michael's death I've become much more aware of symbols and patterns, and I put more stock into them than I used to.
I just realized something today.....a week ago I found my mom in bed being completely confused and stuff. So I rushed with her to the hospital, praying the whole ride to Michael (dunnow why to him...felt comforting for some reason) to please let my mom be saved. :angel:
Turned out she had a stroke in a place of her brains where she could've easily died. It scared the hell out of me....she got home after a few days, and no one can believe she is okay....she doesn't have ANY all.
I guess Michael was by my side that night.....:cry: He really is a guardian angel for us he? :heart:

Wow, my grandma had this a year ago and me and my mum found her like that, too. But she's also ok now.
Thank god your mom's ok. My husband and I joined in this prayer in October. I didn't know about it until a few minutes before, or I would've posted it here. There's a huge thread about it over on :wub:

Aw! I am writing this into my calendar and participating! So wonderful.

So, I had an interesting night on Saturday.
I drove out to visit my father and stayed over in the guest room.
I was lying in bed listening to "Got To Be There" and I saw one of those odd twinkle things I mentioned a few posts back...this is the second time I've seen something like that.
This time though, the room was totally dark and whatever I saw looked sort of like those blips and scartches that appear on film screens at the movie theater -- only in the air.
I get those little light spots that appear in the air when I'm tired or open my eyes quickly - whatever. These things look totally different.

That night I had a dream that I stupidly did not write down and ended up forgetting.
The only thing I remember about the dream was that a) I had sneakily made my way backstage at some concert and no one noticed I was there; and b) Michael was there. He was young, maybe 20, and he had his afro. He was wearing a dark grey velvet suit.
I don't remember what we said or what he did.

I distinctly remember waking up and thinking "oh! I need to write this down so I don't forget later!". Only instead of writing it down, I guess I decided to pass out in bed again. :lol:
Oh wow that's scary. Glad to hear your mom is ok and free from complications. I do believe Michael answered your prayers. :) I kind of see him as a guardian angel too. :angel:

I also find numerology fascinating, but I haven't looked extensively into it. I posted Michael's life path number some pages back. I know numbers can be prominent in people's lives for a reason. The number 11 is a common one for people. The number 7 was also obviously an important number for Michael. So many things were connected to that number in his life. Coincidences? I don't think so. The number 7 is also kind of in my life as well. My life path number is 7 and I was born on 7/17. But I haven't noticed anything other than that. However, since Michael's death I've become much more aware of symbols and patterns, and I put more stock into them than I used to.
Thankyou! I think so amazing. :heart:

I've been much more aware of symbols, numbers and that kind of stuff since his passing as well. I've got the lifepath number 3, and I found there's very much recognition in Michael in that number...interesting.:scratch:
Here's a good website:

Wow, my grandma had this a year ago and me and my mum found her like that, too. But she's also ok now.
Thank god your mom's ok.
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