Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Since Amy is offline and I know what she would say to this, I will go ahead and answer :)

Cherokee Billy has a lot of fluff and frills in her writing. She has a lot of very generic statements that anyone could make up, and has even gotten a lot of VERY basic information about Michael and his family incorrect; such as saying he only had 2 children and he got Paris' name wrong once. Her information comes about too often as well. If you believe in Bonnie Vent (like many of us do) then you will know that Michael doesn't like to communicate through people who try to make everything he says fluffy and nice, he doesn't want a filter. He wants someone who will write down and communicate exactly what he says. I feel that even if Cherokee Billy IS channeling Michael (which she may be, who knows!) she is definetly filtering it and putting her own spin on it. But then again, most of it is just opinion! Like Amy says, you have to take in what feels right to you and believe what feels correct to yourself. There is really no write or wrong with any of this kind of information :)

Aw thanks for the sweet compliment! :wub:

As for Cherokee Billie...strawberrypie999 did know what I would say on the subject. lol. I can't say I know that Cherokee isn't channeling Michael, because I don't. I don't know Bonnie is either. What I do know, is that Cherokee is all fluff, very general, has gotten obvious information wrong, and just doesn't FEEL right to me. She may say stuff that is lovely to hear, but it just doesn't feel like Michael to me. It feels like she is feeding the crowd. Bonnie on the other hand is very down to earth and real in her just feels right. Her channels feel like Michael the human being...the same person he was here, with real thoughts and concerns. And like in Bonnie's latest channel - he touched on the subject of discerning the psychics that are really connecting with him, and those that aren't. Ultimately it comes down to your own intuition, but the main point is, she's gotten information wrong and many of us here can feel her bull. lol.

Thank you both, I completley understand what you are saying. As with all channelling etc, ultimatley, if it resonates with you then that's good, but if someting doesn't FEEL right, then it usually isn't. I guess it's just a case of sharpening our intuition and listening to our gut instincts. I'm practicing! I haven't seen any of Bonnie's channellings, but I will check it out now! :yes:

Love this thread so much :wub:
I have had three MJ-related dreams in a row.

first dream; i was sitting in a train, and suddenly MJ walks in but walks out again , (weird huh ). He had his gold history outfit on.
Second dream; I was at this huge fabulous cinema to watch TII, after the movie, i saw his gold casket in the lobby. It was open :( I could see him just lying there. It was so painful to see.
Third dream; I met him at the mall or something, and we began talking and stuff. But, however i kept saying this to him; "You´re an awesome lookalike, oh you´re so handsome and stuff".. But it really looked like Michael in 82´
Second dream; I was at this huge fabulous cinema to watch TII, after the movie, i saw his gold casket in the lobby. It was open :( I could see him just lying there. It was so painful to see.
Ohmy...that's hard indeed. :(

Speaking of dreams...I just told yesterday I haven't had a dream since a couple of weeks. Well, I had one tonight...I just got up.

I was at his Holmby Hills house....reaally strange. I was picking up clothes for his kids, but the whole house was a mess. All the beds, closets, etc. were broken apart, like as if there had been a storm in the house. Further it was completely empty.:scratch:
So I walked on and found some clothes from was purple (I just found the meaning of purple in a dream 'purple brings the transformation of heaven and earth together' :mello:) with some text on it but I can't remember what exactly. But then this huge, lovely smell came toward me and my mind told me it was Michael's smell.
For some reason I searched for my phone, and went to his bedroom. I could smell it even better, and then saw the bed....empty and broken as well...with only a white mattress.
I just stood there for a couple of :(

And then I heard a bang....I woke up and it was my door that was shaking in its iron lock...guess it was the wind, but the timing was quite suspicious.:bugeyed The next sentence of On The Line immediatly afterwards floated through my thoughts:
"It's time you look to the future, it's all right there if you ask".

Sooo...I guess I need to open up more...that I don't have to be lookin' in the past to find him?
I don't know what to make of it. But it was strange.
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Second dream; I was at this huge fabulous cinema to watch TII, after the movie, i saw his gold casket in the lobby. It was open :( I could see him just lying there. It was so painful to see.

OMG :( That must have been horrible :(

Third dream; I met him at the mall or something, and we began talking and stuff. But, however i kept saying this to him; "You´re an awesome lookalike, oh you´re so handsome and stuff".. But it really looked like Michael in 82´

Oooh, CaptainEoLove85 also also told us about meeting Michael at the mall in a dream, that's funny ;)

Thanks for sharing! :)

I dreamt about Michael last night! It had been so long since the last time :) Only problem is, I can't remember anything from it :( Right when I woke up I remembered a few things, I should have written everything down but now I can't remember anything except for the fact that I dreamt about the "Invincible" era Michael... I'm not surprised I dreamt about him though cause it's like I could feel his presence last night in my room as I was trying to sleep. I had been crying about the whole "Innocent Man" lyrics, "talking" to Michael and I don't know, I just felt a kind of presence around me, in the dark... At one point I even saw a quick light flashing at the center of the room, I swear!! I was like WHOA, what was THAT?! Maybe it was a reflection from something in the street outside (although the blinds were closed), I don't know, it was really quick, but I've never experienced something like this before... Anyway, just thought I'd share this with you guys ;)

For some reason I searched for my phone, and went to his bedroom. I could smell it even better, and then saw the bed....empty and broken as well...with only a white mattress.
I just stood there for a couple of :(

Oh my... Heartbreaking :(

And then I heard a bang....I woke up and it was my door that was shaking in its iron lock...guess it was the wind, but the timing was quite suspicious.:bugeyed The next sentence of On The Line immediatly afterwards floated through my thoughts:
"It's time you look to the future, it's all right there if you ask".

Wow, very interesting. Thanks for sharing this beautiful dream!

BTW guys, sorry this is off topic but if you don't mind, I wanted to ask you a quick question regarding Michael's "Innocent Man" lyrics posted in the other thread. I'm not a native English speaker so I wanted to make sure I'm not misinterpreting one of Michael's lines (for a translation I've been working on).

As a reminder, here's the whole, absolutely heartbreaking, text :

If I sail to Acapulco or Cancun Mexico
There the law is waiting for me
and God knows that I’m innocent

If they wont take me in Cairo
then lord where will I go?

I’ll die a man without a country
and only God knew I was innocent now.

The line I'm wondering about is:
"If they won't take me in Cairo"

The way I understand it, it means "if they won't accept me there, if they don't want me there", am I right? Or do "they" = the police, meaning "if they won't arrest me in Cairo"? To me the first interpretation makes more sense because of the following line ("then Lord where will I go") but I wanna make sure I understand it right ;) Thanks in advance guys!! :)
And then I heard a bang....I woke up and it was my door that was shaking in its iron lock...guess it was the wind, but the timing was quite suspicious.:bugeyed The next sentence of On The Line immediatly afterwards floated through my thoughts:
"It's time you look to the future, it's all right there if you ask".

Sooo...I guess I need to open up more...that I don't have to be lookin' in the past to find him?
I don't know what to make of it. But it was strange.
Nice interpretation. Sounds about right to me too.

I dreamt about Michael last night! It had been so long since the last time :) Only problem is, I can't remember anything from it :( Right when I woke up I remembered a few things, I should have written everything down but now I can't remember anything except for the fact that I dreamt about the "Invincible" era Michael... I'm not surprised I dreamt about him though cause it's like I could feel his presence last night in my room as I was trying to sleep. I had been crying about the whole "Innocent Man" lyrics, "talking" to Michael and I don't know, I just felt a kind of presence around me, in the dark... At one point I even saw a quick light flashing at the center of the room, I swear!! I was like WHOA, what was THAT?! Maybe it was a reflection from something in the street outside (although the blinds were closed), I don't know, it was really quick, but I've never experienced something like this before... Anyway, just thought I'd share this with you guys ;)
:angel:Cool. I feel like I had a 'visit' last night as well :), talking with Michael in some way. Dreams about him, too, but couldn't remember anything specifically. Also, last night before bed I was putting some clothes away in the dresser and my husband was already lying in bed. The main ceiling light was on. He was talking about how he hopes MJ really knew how everyone loved and supported him. I said that if he didn't fully know that while down here, I think he does now... think about 'life reviews' that Near Death Experiencers go through. If that's all for real, then Michael knows. Hubby said again, "I hope so." And then I said, "Ah, Michael knows." And right then suddenly the light flickered bigtime, got brighter suddenly and stayed brighter, lol. The timing was perfect. And we were like 'whoa' (again, lol) because neither of us have ever seen the bedroom light flicker. Our living room and hall lights flicker all the time (poor wiring, I guess?), but never the bedroom light. We've been in there for long periods of time before with the light on. It never flickers. So either it was a nice coincidence, or.....
:beatit: lol

And I just thought of something else... last night (after midnight, when this happened) was the beginning of today, our 5th wedding anniversary. And we were brought together by MJ :pash: Thanks, Michael :wub: I always thought I'd marry you, but .... at least I got a fan, LOL

The line I'm wondering about is:
"If they won't take me in Cairo"

The way I understand it, it means "if they won't accept me there, if they don't want me there", am I right? Or do "they" = the police, meaning "if they won't arrest me in Cairo"? To me the first interpretation makes more sense because of the following line ("then Lord where will I go") but I wanna make sure I understand it right ;) Thanks in advance guys!! :)
I took it like if you're a fugitive who fled from the law another country's officials might be like, "Hey, you're not staying here!" They can refuse your entrance into their country. That's how I took it, anyway.
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Wow, seems like a lot of us are having MJ dreams!

And then I heard a bang....I woke up and it was my door that was shaking in its iron lock...guess it was the wind, but the timing was quite suspicious.:bugeyed The next sentence of On The Line immediatly afterwards floated through my thoughts:
"It's time you look to the future, it's all right there if you ask".

Sooo...I guess I need to open up more...that I don't have to be lookin' in the past to find him?
Interesting one...I think you got the interpretation there right on. :angel:

Kira said:
I had been crying about the whole "Innocent Man" lyrics, "talking" to Michael and I don't know, I just felt a kind of presence around me, in the dark... At one point I even saw a quick light flashing at the center of the room, I swear!!
Aw, I'm sure Michael was there to comfort you...the feeling was proof enough, but the light flashing just affirms that I think.

mjbunny said:
He was talking about how he hopes MJ really knew how everyone loved and supported him. I said that if he didn't fully know that while down here, I think he does now... think about 'life reviews' that Near Death Experiencers go through. If that's all for real, then Michael knows. Hubby said again, "I hope so." And then I said, "Ah, Michael knows." And right then suddenly the light flickered bigtime, got brighter suddenly and stayed brighter, lol. The timing was perfect. And we were like 'whoa' (again, lol) because neither of us have ever seen the bedroom light flicker.
Another awesome "coincidence" that's just too in sync to deny... haha love it. Comforts me a little too...I think Michael really does know and feel the depth of our love for him now. :heart:
:angel:Cool. I feel like I had a 'visit' last night as well :), talking with Michael in some way. Dreams about him, too, but couldn't remember anything specifically. Also, last night before bed I was putting some clothes away in the dresser and my husband was already lying in bed. The main ceiling light was on. He was talking about how he hopes MJ really knew how everyone loved and supported him. I said that if he didn't fully know that while down here, I think he does now... think about 'life reviews' that Near Death Experiencers go through. If that's all for real, then Michael knows. Hubby said again, "I hope so." And then I said, "Ah, Michael knows." And right then suddenly the light flickered bigtime, got brighter suddenly and stayed brighter, lol. The timing was perfect. And we were like 'whoa' (again, lol) because neither of us have ever seen the bedroom light flicker. Our living room and hall lights flicker all the time (poor wiring, I guess?), but never the bedroom light. We've been in there for long periods of time before with the light on. It never flickers. So either it was a nice coincidence, or.....
:beatit: lol

That's awesome!! I love this :) Yeah I believe he knows now too. :angel:

mjbunny said:
And I just thought of something else... last night (after midnight, when this happened) was the beginning of today, our 5th wedding anniversary. And we were brought together by MJ :pash: Thanks, Michael :wub: I always thought I'd marry you, but .... at least I got a fan, LOL

Awww, happy anniversary to you and your hubby!!! :) You're sooo lucky to be married to a fellow MJ fan, I'm jealous! lol ;) To be with someone who loves Michael as much as you do (albeit not exactly in the same way when it comes to certain, you know, things :p), who never gets tired of you talking about him/listening to him/watching him, ahhhhhh just dreamy!!!

mjbunny said:
I took it like if you're a fugitive who fled from the law another country's officials might be like, "Hey, you're not staying here!" They can refuse your entrance into their country. That's how I took it, anyway.

Oh right, right, that makes sense. Thanks a lot ;)
Awww, happy anniversary to you and your hubby!!! :) You're sooo lucky to be married to a fellow MJ fan, I'm jealous! lol ;) To be with someone who loves Michael as much as you do (albeit not exactly in the same way when it comes to certain, you know, things :p), who never gets tired of you talking about him/listening to him/watching him, ahhhhhh just dreamy!!!
Ah, thank you :) Yeah, not the same in certain ways, ahem :blush: :whistling-innocently: And never gets tired... I'll tell you, he never gets tired of MJ, lol. He was on MJ forums every day last year, the year before, and the year before, etc. When my old forum closed I didn't even bother joining another (this one) until this past March because... why bother. If anything important was going on, I heard it from hubby, lol. He was my one man MJ source. It's funny because I've been a fan since the mid-80's and he didn't 'find Michael' until the 90's.
Ah, thank you :) Yeah, not the same in certain ways, ahem :blush: :whistling-innocently: And never gets tired... I'll tell you, he never gets tired of MJ, lol. He was on MJ forums every day last year, the year before, and the year before, etc. When my old forum closed I didn't even bother joining another (this one) until this past March because... why bother. If anything important was going on, I heard it from hubby, lol. It's funny because I've been a fan since the mid-80's and he didn't 'find Michael' until the 90's.

Awww, that is so, so sweet :)
OMG :( That must have been horrible :(

Oooh, CaptainEoLove85 also also told us about meeting Michael at the mall in a dream, that's funny ;)

Thanks for sharing! :)

I dreamt about Michael last night! It had been so long since the last time :) Only problem is, I can't remember anything from it :( Right when I woke up I remembered a few things, I should have written everything down but now I can't remember anything except for the fact that I dreamt about the "Invincible" era Michael... I'm not surprised I dreamt about him though cause it's like I could feel his presence last night in my room as I was trying to sleep. I had been crying about the whole "Innocent Man" lyrics, "talking" to Michael and I don't know, I just felt a kind of presence around me, in the dark... At one point I even saw a quick light flashing at the center of the room, I swear!! I was like WHOA, what was THAT?! Maybe it was a reflection from something in the street outside (although the blinds were closed), I don't know, it was really quick, but I've never experienced something like this before... Anyway, just thought I'd share this with you guys ;)

Oh my... Heartbreaking :(

Wow, very interesting. Thanks for sharing this beautiful dream!

BTW guys, sorry this is off topic but if you don't mind, I wanted to ask you a quick question regarding Michael's "Innocent Man" lyrics posted in the other thread. I'm not a native English speaker so I wanted to make sure I'm not misinterpreting one of Michael's lines (for a translation I've been working on).

As a reminder, here's the whole, absolutely heartbreaking, text :

If I sail to Acapulco or Cancun Mexico
There the law is waiting for me
and God knows that I’m innocent

If they wont take me in Cairo
then lord where will I go?

I’ll die a man without a country
and only God knew I was innocent now.

The line I'm wondering about is:
"If they won't take me in Cairo"

The way I understand it, it means "if they won't accept me there, if they don't want me there", am I right? Or do "they" = the police, meaning "if they won't arrest me in Cairo"? To me the first interpretation makes more sense because of the following line ("then Lord where will I go") but I wanna make sure I understand it right ;) Thanks in advance guys!! :)

Yes, I interpret it the same way as you :)
I had a strange dream last night as well. That I was on a boat going to see Michael. Its the 2nd time I had this dream. Also while I was sitting here my lego Michael Jackson flew off the shelf at me. I have no idea how it happened.
I had a strange dream last night as well. That I was on a boat going to see Michael. Its the 2nd time I had this dream. Also while I was sitting here my lego Michael Jackson flew off the shelf at me. I have no idea how it happened.
Yes, interesting.
When I have that dream it feels like I am actually on that boat in Peter Pan going to see Michael. It looks like a lake in the sky. And I have some kind of map... I can never end up finding him though.. I wake up really sad :cry:

yeah, it doesnt really phase me though lol.. Alot of weird stuff has happened to me so im used to it
I have had three MJ-related dreams in a row.

first dream; i was sitting in a train, and suddenly MJ walks in but walks out again , (weird huh ). He had his gold history outfit on.
Second dream; I was at this huge fabulous cinema to watch TII, after the movie, i saw his gold casket in the lobby. It was open :( I could see him just lying there. It was so painful to see.
The second one indeed is an awful dream. I had a similar setting of getting on a train in one of the dreams I've posted. Was it a railroad train?

Ohmy...that's hard indeed. :(

Speaking of dreams...I just told yesterday I haven't had a dream since a couple of weeks. Well, I had one tonight...I just got up.

And then I heard a bang....I woke up and it was my door that was shaking in its iron lock...guess it was the wind, but the timing was quite suspicious.:bugeyed The next sentence of On The Line immediatly afterwards floated through my thoughts:
"It's time you look to the future, it's all right there if you ask".
The banging is indeed interesting...:yes:

I'm praying for more dreams. :cry:

I miss him so much. :(
Aww, I hope you have some MJ dreams as well.:better:

I'm noticing a lot of dreams and weird MJ-related incidences lately that a lot of people are posting....:punk:
I made a visit recently...
I appeared in a large hotel lobby and was standing in this lobby and I could hear Mike singing somewhere so I went to look for him and I walked into a room and there he was standing in a purple suit, a tie, boots and he was smiling very wide.
Then suddenly I was pulled from behind and thrown back into my body and was gasping for air. It took several minutes and I had to get up and walk around.
I made a visit recently...
I appeared in a large hotel lobby and was standing in this lobby and I could hear Mike singing somewhere so I went to look for him and I walked into a room and there he was standing in a purple suit, a tie, boots and he was smiling very wide.
Then suddenly I was pulled from behind and thrown back into my body and was gasping for air. It took several minutes and I had to get up and walk around.

wow that is really neat!!!
I made a visit recently...
I appeared in a large hotel lobby and was standing in this lobby and I could hear Mike singing somewhere so I went to look for him and I walked into a room and there he was standing in a purple suit, a tie, boots and he was smiling very wide.
Then suddenly I was pulled from behind and thrown back into my body and was gasping for air. It took several minutes and I had to get up and walk around.
that is awesome!!!
Hah, I went to bed hoping for a dream with him in it, and I put my dream journal open by my bedside with a pen ready so I could write it down as soon as I woke up.

I don't even remember writing this, but I wrote:

MJ (I circled this word, like I was excited by it)
trees falling ---> axe ---> on a plane
up against wall

And then I drew a little diagram of an arrow coming around in a circle, clockwise.

I'm so annoyed - I don't remember a single thing about MJ being there, yet I wrote it!

All I remember is the part about trees falling. I was in a field and the spot I was standing on was surrounded by a ring of huge, old trees. Someone decided to chop one down, but gave up because it was too thick. Later on, there was a picnic full of people in the center of the ring, when the tree that had been halfway-chopped into fell, knocking the others down like dominoes.

No idea where MJ, or "up against wall" or "on a plane" come into this though! Ugh.

Y'all are lucky you have such clear dreams when he's there! :lol:
I don't even remember writing this, but I wrote:

MJ (I circled this word, like I was excited by it)
trees falling ---> axe ---> on a plane
up against wall

And then I drew a little diagram of an arrow coming around in a circle, clockwise.'s like a riddle that dream...symbolism with no memory to back it up. Hmmmm. Just the words themselves denote chaos or trouble...maybe has to do with the shape the world is in now? Gah I dunno I'm takin' blind shots in the dark :p Interesting though.
When I have that dream it feels like I am actually on that boat in Peter Pan going to see Michael. It looks like a lake in the sky. And I have some kind of map... I can never end up finding him though.. I wake up really sad :cry:
Aaaw....that must feel so frustrating.:cry:
Hah, I went to bed hoping for a dream with him in it, and I put my dream journal open by my bedside with a pen ready so I could write it down as soon as I woke up...
That's a good idea, keeping a pen and pad nearby so when you wake up you write down your dreams. I’ll start doing that because whenever I have dreams with MJ I can't remember everything after 30 minutes.

I never told this dream before but I guess I'll tell it now. I was thinking about the Wayans bros for a while and that's why I had this dream had this setting, but it is MJ-related so stay with me. I dreamed I was watching TV and looking at the Keenan Ivory Wayans show (It was a short lived show in the '90s. I liked it). Anyway, it was odd because MJ popped into the dream, but no one noticed him. He was looking around observing things and then he just looked at me (a weird TV huh, people can seeing you from inside the screen). MJ had like a wavy white glow around him. He was a ghost (spirit) in my dream observing the setting of the show and then he looked at me. I was shocked when he popped in the dream and tried to ignore him and listen to the interview Keenan was doing with a celebrity because I thought it was odd for MJ to appear out of nowhere in the show. He kept looking at me and didn't know how to respond to him/what to say, I was nervous. It was like he popped into my dream out of nowhere. He was behind the couch Keenan was sitting on. This is how MJ looked in the dream:

Have you guys ever had a dream like that where you are dreaming of something different and MJ just pops into your dream out of nowhere?
I had this dream, which I really don't think was a dream at all because there were no visual pictures, just thoughts. A young man had channeled Michael, but I don't think he had ever seen what Michael looked like before, just listened to his music. Michael gave detailed responses to the man's questions, but most of it wasn't anything new that we hadn't heard before. However, there is a small part from the conversations that I can recall. I'm not saying this is true, just what I heard from the messages

First the young man was trying to guess at what Michael's hair color was. He guessed it as being light brown, and Michael laughed and told him it was black.

About his friends and relationships

“I had very few close friends and relationships in my life, such as Lisa Marie Presley and Brooke Shields (interesting he mentioned Brooke Shields), but Elizabeth Taylor was really the only one I could tell anything to. She was like a mother figure to me, much like Diana Ross was.”

Referring to his fans

“I'm glad you've done all these tributes to me, and that my music has brought everyone together.”

Just felt really obligated to share this. :)