Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Wow, thanks for posting those links Amy. :) You know, they just really make sense to me because for a few years now I've felt like something "big" is going to happen in the world. I can see it leading to two possible outcomes. Either total destruction of humanity or a global shift in consciousness for the good. I'd much rather see the latter happen than the former. And I was thinking about it before I even knew about the 2012 stuff. It also makes sense to me that Michael might be playing a part in this possible "shift." I think he was probably needed up there for the changes that are about to take place. I believe he has been helping to heighten people's spirituality as well. I can feel that because I noticed the change in myself spiritually since he left this earth. I also just feel a heightened awareness of what's going on in the world. A lot of it is all that's going wrong in the world unfortunately. But it's also about the beauty too. I appreciate the beauty in things like nature and I'm more sensitive to it than I used to be.
I think we are definitely headed for a global shift in consciousness. If we don't fully get there, I'm not sure what will happen...we will probably destroy ourselves. Like Michael said in the movie :)cry:) all starts with US. People really need to get this. Ain't nobody else gonna fix the problems...the world is in a downward spiral, and unless WE ourselves do something, we won't be able to pull it back up before long. People are really starting to wake up though. And Michael's death, though tragic, really aided in bringing up a huge wave of love in the world...which is what the world needs. And, it made a lot of people more conscious and curious about the spiritual side of things...which is all part of the world shifting process I think; people becoming more spiritually and self aware. It all comes down to love, really. Loving ourselves, loving others, loving the planet...taking good care of it all.

Court.ney.x said:
I can't believe this but it was bound to happen sooner or later. I'm really sick of people trying to profit off of Michael and hurting us fans. :no: I hope Michael is alright and I hope to hear good things from him soon through Bonnie. :angel:
No no...please no. Please no. Not more of people scamming off Michael...especially in this way. :no: Michael...ugh. I'm sorry.
Today though, I had an amazing little moment. It isn't necessarily related to Michael, but I just wanted to share --

I was walking downtown this morning and out of nowhere I just felt this sudden rush of emotion and it was like all my senses were heightened for just a few seconds: I could smell everything in the air - the leaves, the grass, the street, the air itself - everything. And the wind felt really special somehow, like it was touching me or saying "hello".
As cliche as it sounds, I thought "wow, I'm alive. The world is amazing, and I'm a part of it."

I have been dealing with depression for a couple of years and, although I have been feeling much better lately, this was the first time in a looong time I've felt something like that. It was really overwhelming. Even still, it only lasted about 10 seconds.

I had this moment too today, it wasn't quite as strong as what it can be for me sometimes, but it was still there. Sometimes I just feel so so aware of the environment around me and feel very inspired about little things such as rays of sunshine, leaves, etc. It seems to really correlate to a real happiness that I feel but don't often have because of depression. I hope you get more of these moments. xx


I can't stop thinking about this thread and where Michael is at and wondering and feeling confused too. I guess I just don't understand all that well what happens after death but because of the love I hold for Michael, my heart really wants to know and understand and believe... I think it could be such a key for many of us to find happiness again since he has moved to this place...
Don't know if you guys have heard yet but Cherokee Billie is asking for money from Michael Jackson fans. I saw this post that Bonnie posted on her message board. ..............
I can't believe this but it was bound to happen sooner or later. I'm really sick of people trying to profit off of Michael and hurting us fans. :no: I hope Michael is alright and I hope to hear good things from him soon through Bonnie. :angel:
I had to see it for myself:
"Being a one woman operation, by the way I am an ordained minister, makes it difficult for me to maintain all of the spiritual work that I do free of cost. This includes the blog which contains spiritual and motivational lessons, answering as many questions as possible on the blog, maintaining the website, as well as having time to channel messages from Michael, I provide prayer requests, which are time consuming, but greatly appreciated by those I pray with. All donations will be used to provide for the needy in the Dominican Republic and a minimal portion to maintain this ministry and other services mentioned free of cost to you."
Last night I have to say that I felt a slight bit more connected again, but also sad. I woke up too early this morning and realized that once again... no MJ dreams. I fell back to sleep saying please, I want to dream of Michael, even if it's just my own mind making something up, I just want to see him :( Then I had this dream:

We had a bunch of video equipment hooked up to record a special show. It was an awards show like the Grammy's. MJ was there and there were lots of little tributes to him. He looked a little weak and reminded me of how he looked in the Geraldo interview in 2005. He won more than one award, at one point being on stage with Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Later in the show they did one of those retrospective things which included lots of never before seen clips of the J5 hanging out, talking, etc. Then Michael came back on the stage again. I was soooo happy. I said something like, "You know, everytime I see him I think he still looks really great. And I'm not just saying that because of June. I felt this way before." (It was as if something terrible had happened in June but somehow he'd survived or had come back despite it.)

That's when I woke up and then I got really emotional and remembered the night we heard the news and how it felt and everything :cry: I cried quite a bit for several minutes, still lying there in bed. Damn, it sucked this morning. The school down the road was taking the kids somewhere on a field trip and I could hear all the childrens' voices going down my street and my cell phone alarm went off, playing Speechless at the same time. Man, just when you think you're doing better... :depressed:
That's when I woke up and then I got really emotional and remembered the night we heard the news and how it felt and everything :cry: I cried quite a bit for several minutes, still lying there in bed. Damn, it sucked this morning. The school down the road was taking the kids somewhere on a field trip and I could hear all the childrens' voices going down my street and my cell phone alarm went off, playing Speechless at the same time. Man, just when you think you're doing better... :depressed:
Aww, I'm sorry hun. :better: Sometimes the worst dreams are those where everything is some kind of alternate reality...and then you wake up, realizing it's not true. :cry: I hope you feel Michael around you soon...I hope we all do!

I'm really starting to feel more connected the past day or two...coming out of the rut. Something about me writing that song the other day really helped...maybe it was just the song or maybe it was Michael...but he felt really close. I'm sure everyone's energy will pick up soon...just keep hangin' in. Love to everyone! :heart:
I fell back to sleep saying please, I want to dream of Michael, even if it's just my own mind making something up, I just want to see him :(

I fell asleep feeling the same way.
Like you and amygrace have said, I am feeling a little more "connected" as well. I have just been noticing a change in something starting yesterday evening.

I actually ended up having a really nice dream about him last night.
I don't really want to share the entire thing, but there was one part that felt really special because I could actually feel it. I was looking at a photograph in my hand of him hugging someone and I said, as we all tend to say pretty often I think, "oh man, why can't that be me?" But then I realized it was me - like all of a sudden I was in the scene in the photograph and we were embracing and he was sort of carrying me? Almost like maybe I had done a running-leap-hug onto him :lol:.

The light was a golden-orange like it was sunset and we were on some outdoor patio type place made of stone.
We were both wearing white and his hair was short.

It was just really wonderful. And it felt REAL. Like my body is still recalling the sensation of the whole thing.

I also had a really brief moment of lucidity almost -- as we were embracing I remember thinking "WOW, this is real. This feels real. I can feel everything, even though I might be dreaming."

I know some of you have had dreams like that too, and I have always wanted to so badly, so I'm really happy about this one.
So happy, in fact, that I ended up being super late to class because I kept trying to go back to sleep to "get back there". :rolleyes2:
And once I got there I couldn't focus because that dream was all I could think about.

That's when I woke up and then I got really emotional and remembered the night we heard the news and how it felt and everything :cry: I cried quite a bit for several minutes, still lying there in bed. Damn, it sucked this morning. The school down the road was taking the kids somewhere on a field trip and I could hear all the childrens' voices going down my street and my cell phone alarm went off, playing Speechless at the same time. Man, just when you think you're doing better... :depressed:

Oh, that's heartbreaking. I'm sorry dear.
I really hope things look up soon.

I had to see it for myself:
"Being a one woman operation, by the way I am an ordained minister, makes it difficult for me to maintain all of the spiritual work that I do free of cost. This includes the blog which contains spiritual and motivational lessons, answering as many questions as possible on the blog, maintaining the website, as well as having time to channel messages from Michael, I provide prayer requests, which are time consuming, but greatly appreciated by those I pray with. All donations will be used to provide for the needy in the Dominican Republic and a minimal portion to maintain this ministry and other services mentioned free of cost to you."

Ugh....just so wrong.
All donations will go to the DR...except some of them...which will go to not all of them will go to the DR...

And she's a minister? :no:
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Cherokee Billie Donation requests

Cherokee Billie has recently asked for donations to her charity cause in MJ's name, now we don't object to that in itself but when she said he told her to do it, then we cross over to fraud and playing to the fans. She does not talk to MJ. He would not talk to those who take advantage of his fans. So I sent her this message. of course its a moderated blog so she did not put it up. But we will be contacting Wordpress as it is a Wordpress blog and they have rules.

Dear Ms. Billie

This is to inform you that you need to start showing written proof
that the money which you claim to be getting from MJ’s fans is going
to this place in the DR. You cannot claim to be getting the
information from Michael because I know for a fact that you don’t talk
to Michael.

If you want to donate in his name that is one thing but to say he told
you to do it is incorrect.

So we need to be clear on this.

Too damn much is said in Michael’s name and we are all sick of it.

Enough already. It is with great respect to you all that I have come forth to mention this. You are the heart. You must be the wisdom also.

Marta Jorgensen MJ2U
I fell asleep feeling the same way.
Like you and amygrace have said, I am feeling a little more "connected" as well. I have just been noticing a change in something starting yesterday evening.

I actually ended up having a really nice dream about him last night.
I don't really want to share the entire thing, but there was one part that felt really special because I could actually feel it. I was looking at a photograph in my hand of him hugging someone and I said, as we all tend to say pretty often I think, "oh man, why can't that be me?" But then I realized it was me - like all of a sudden I was in the scene in the photograph and we were embracing and he was sort of carrying me? Almost like maybe I had done a running-leap-hug onto him :lol:.
It was just really wonderful. And it felt REAL. Like my body is still recalling the sensation of the whole thing.

I also had a really brief moment of lucidity almost -- as we were embracing I remember thinking "WOW, this is real. This feels real. I can feel everything, even though I might be dreaming."
How wonderful! :wub: I'm so envious. I was thinking about that last night before I went to sleep...about how some of you had dreams where you could just FEEL it as if it were real. I found myself pleading with the angels and Michael again to PLEASE let me experience that....but then I started thinking, what if I have had this experience but just don't remember? If that was the case it would probably be really annoying to Michael for me to keep asking for something he already gave me :lol:... who knows though. I'm just letting go of the idea and remaining open....

Oh...and I've done the whole "try to get back to dreaming" thing too...hehe. Like the last dream I had with Michael, I was planning on hugging him near the end and then I woke up right before I was going to...I was so disappointed! I tried really hard for awhile to go back to sleep and finish it...but alas, no luck.
Re: Cherokee Billie Donation requests

MJ2U -Excellent post. And great idea about contacting Wordpress.

amy - AH Yes, that is exactly how I was feeling before! Particularly after hearing all the other amazing experiences in this thread.
Haha, I thought the same thing. "I hope I'm not becoming a nuisance asking for that every night if I've already had it and just didn't remember!" Especially given that I was having a really difficult time remembering any of my dreams for a while.

I just stopped asking and tried to keep myself open and it happened.

(My name is Amy too, by the way! I hardly ever meet other Amys. ;) )
aw, it seems like many of you have been getting hugs from michael in your dreams.. I haven´t got a hug yet :( and sometimes in my dreams, he just pops up from nowhere, but has to leave after two seconds or something :( I don´t know, but it feels like he has to go everytime he´s in my dreams.. I don´t get to hug him, or talk to him :( I hope one day he will :)
Re: Cherokee Billie Donation requests

I just stopped asking and tried to keep myself open and it happened.

(My name is Amy too, by the way! I hardly ever meet other Amys. ;) )
That's usually the way it goes...the second you let go of something, it comes to you. But, most of the time I just stay open and don't ask for anything...I've just had many moments that were otherwise... when I'm missing him sooo much. I just need to learn to chill during those times too :p

Another Amy...yay! I hardly meet other Amys as well...hehe. :cheers:
aw, it seems like many of you have been getting hugs from michael in your dreams.. I haven´t got a hug yet :( and sometimes in my dreams, he just pops up from nowhere, but has to leave after two seconds or something :( I don´t know, but it feels like he has to go everytime he´s in my dreams.. I don´t get to hug him, or talk to him :( I hope one day he will :)
I know how you feel! Though I've had dreams where I've talked to him...they never felt like real visitations or anything, just a subconscious movie playing. And he never really feels like the happy, playful, friendly Michael...usually it's like "business Michael". So never any hugs either. At least not that I remember.
Just gotta stay open I guess!
I know how you feel! Though I've had dreams where I've talked to him...they never felt like real visitations or anything, just a subconscious movie playing. And he never really feels like the happy, playful, friendly Michael...usually it's like "business Michael". So never any hugs either. At least not that I remember.
Just gotta stay open I guess!

yeah, i´ll try to stay open as possible..

oh, Michael ... If you´re reading this, Please visit me in my dreams, i need to talk to you :(
Re: Cherokee Billie Donation requests

Cherokee Billie has recently asked for donations to her charity cause in MJ's name, now we don't object to that in itself but when she said he told her to do it, then we cross over to fraud and playing to the fans. She does not talk to MJ. He would not talk to those who take advantage of his fans. So I sent her this message. of course its a moderated blog so she did not put it up. But we will be contacting Wordpress as it is a Wordpress blog and they have rules.

Dear Ms. Billie

This is to inform you that you need to start showing written proof
that the money which you claim to be getting from MJ’s fans is going
to this place in the DR. You cannot claim to be getting the
information from Michael because I know for a fact that you don’t talk
to Michael.

If you want to donate in his name that is one thing but to say he told
you to do it is incorrect.

So we need to be clear on this.

Too damn much is said in Michael’s name and we are all sick of it.

Enough already. It is with great respect to you all that I have come forth to mention this. You are the heart. You must be the wisdom also.

Marta Jorgensen MJ2U

Agreed with this. I think it's disgusting what she's doing. I can't believe that's happening. :(

I know Michael was all over the place in my dreams last night, but all I can recall is one of those times seeing him smiling and happy, looking like Dangerous era again and talking to someone. That's enough for me I guess. If he's happy, I'm happy.
I just went to Bonnie's message board, and the topic about him at the top of the list had 111 posts in it so far. Lol...seriously this 111 thing is nonstop! :p

EDIT: found this awesome vid :D

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^ Wow Amy, that's amazing! How intriguing! :bugeyed

About the Cherokee Billie thing....GEEZ! How dare she! See, we were right all the time....funny how all of our intuitions now got factual.
Very very sad....I hope her blog will get down someday soon, I'll go and look if we can flag it or something. I hope many people that believed in her will now understand the thing....but I think there will always be people who have eye caps on.:no:
Feel sorry for Michael.

Anyhow...I just woke up. Got the weirdest dream but I can't remember it yet...maybe later on the day. But I do know that I saw Paris on really large adboards while I was in L.A.....I remember she looked much older, must've been in her 20's.
Makes me think if this is one of the dreams that predict me the future.
I have had several dreams that some years later actually DID happen.
^ Wow Amy, that's amazing! How intriguing! :bugeyed

About the Cherokee Billie thing....GEEZ! How dare she! See, we were right all the time....funny how all of our intuitions now got factual.
Very very sad....I hope her blog will get down someday soon, I'll go and look if we can flag it or something. I hope many people that believed in her will now understand the thing....but I think there will always be people who have eye caps on.:no:
Feel sorry for Michael.

Anyhow...I just woke up. Got the weirdest dream but I can't remember it yet...maybe later on the day. But I do know that I saw Paris on really large adboards while I was in L.A.....I remember she looked much older, must've been in her 20's.
Makes me think if this is one of the dreams that predict me the future.
I have had several dreams that some years later actually DID happen.

Yeah, it makes me think of what Bonnie said about trusting our intuition. If something feels wrong, it probably is.

Interesting about your dream!
I wonder.

Well, I had a really, really emotional night last night. I don't know if it was the stress I've been under, or the full moon or what, but I someone pointed me to an article about the Westboro Baptist Church (those vile "God hates Fags" and "Thank God for dead soldiers" people) -- apparently they protested outside Michael's memorial at the Staples Center. (Did anyone else know this?? I did NOT know this until last night. )

The article included a statement they made about him that was so upsetting I don't even want to post it here. I was infuriated reading it.
Anyway, I was lying in bed later thinking about it and I just started feeling so heartbroken. I felt like I did back in June. I listened to "Will You Be There" and the tears just started flowing. I haven't cried that hard in a while.

But while I was crying I absolutely felt like there was someone with me. It really may just have been that my emotions were running so high, but it's still worth mentioning.
After I was done, I felt a thousand times better. Sometimes crying is just so therapeutic, you know?

Also, in regards to that 11:11 theory, I was reading the article I just mentioned, the address of the Staples Center jumped out at me and I literally got goosebumps: 1111 S. Figueroa St.. Seriously, I just confirmed it on Google Maps.
Anyhow...I just woke up. Got the weirdest dream but I can't remember it yet...maybe later on the day. But I do know that I saw Paris on really large adboards while I was in L.A.....I remember she looked much older, must've been in her 20's.
Makes me think if this is one of the dreams that predict me the future.
I have had several dreams that some years later actually DID happen.
Interesting. You'll probably fully remember it later when the event is actually happening (if it was a prediction dream anyway)...and you get deja vu about it... that happens to me all the time!

Last night I didn't dream of Michael, but I dreamt about my family dog...who was like 15 years old and she ran away a month or two ago. We've hoped that she just found another home and nothing bad happened to her, but I think her spirit was actually visiting me in the dream...:cry:

littlesparrow said:
The article included a statement they made about him that was so upsetting I don't even want to post it here. I was infuriated reading it.
I didn't know that group was protesting outside of Michael's memorial...and I sure don't want to know what they said! Ignorance at it's nastiest I'm sure. Uggh, it makes me so sad that there are still those kinds of people in the world. Hate mongers brought up by hate mongers, creating more hate mongers in their children. Somebody needs to end the vicious cycle... if they could just think outside what they've been taught. When will people start thinking for themselves!!

littlesparrow said:
Also, in regards to that 11:11 theory, I was reading the article I just mentioned, the address of the Staples Center jumped out at me and I literally got goosebumps: 1111 S. Figueroa St.. Seriously, I just confirmed it on Google Maps.
Woah! Seriously?! This stuff just keep coming together :angel:
Interesting. You'll probably fully remember it later when the event is actually happening (if it was a prediction dream anyway)...and you get deja vu about it... that happens to me all the time!

Last night I didn't dream of Michael, but I dreamt about my family dog...who was like 15 years old and she ran away a month or two ago. We've hoped that she just found another home and nothing bad happened to her, but I think her spirit was actually visiting me in the dream...:cry:

I didn't know that group was protesting outside of Michael's memorial...and I sure don't want to know what they said! Ignorance at it's nastiest I'm sure. Uggh, it makes me so sad that there are still those kinds of people in the world. Hate mongers brought up by hate mongers, creating more hate mongers in their children. Somebody needs to end the vicious cycle... if they could just think outside what they've been taught. When will people start thinking for themselves!!
Yeah true, I can always tell when it was a dream when I have a dejavu. And just in general I have these sooo often! I've actually never really searched for theories about dejavus....might be interesting to do that sometime.

I'm sorry 'bout your dog...that's so sad! :( Interesting to hear you think she visited you...I always feel like animals are so spiritual. Just like kids you know, they're not judgemental and have this innocence.

About the people that don't think for themselves; I'm afraid they're always there. It's so sad really, people with eyecaps on are missing out bigtime and are like I feel they are a majority of the people still. Stupid ignorance.
Always makes me feel proud for DO notice and feel. :scratch:

I haven't been visited by our dear Michael in a little while.
Sorry dear...hope you get something soon. :hug:
The article included a statement they made about him that was so upsetting I don't even want to post it here. I was infuriated reading it. Anyway, I was lying in bed later thinking about it and I just started feeling so heartbroken. I felt like I did back in June. I listened to "Will You Be There" and the tears just started flowing. I haven't cried that hard in a while.

But while I was crying I absolutely felt like there was someone with me. It really may just have been that my emotions were running so high, but it's still worth mentioning.
After I was done, I felt a thousand times better. Sometimes crying is just so therapeutic, you know?
I know about that group you're talking about. OMG, I don't have any desire to know what they have to say :no: But wow about feeling someone was with you :angel:

I was also very emotional regarding MJ yesterday and I had some weird stuff happen! First, I felt that presence sensation quite a few times yeterday, the constant feeling like someone was closeby in consciousness somehow (after pretty much not at all for a week). It was so intense at one point I tried to meditate to verify who it was and I heard like whispering in my ear kind of at some point :eek:(couldn't understand the words). But like a dork I still didn't feel for certain who it was. I was like "who are you? Michael? Is it you?" Normally/lately I guess I would have assumed it was him, especially since the sensation came when I was watching something on youtube about his kids. Sorry if you was you, Michael, and I'm seemingly still no good at identifying spirits :smilerolleyes: The night my grandpa died this summer I saw a shadowy arm wave to me from near my bedroom door (and I virtually never see things like this!) and I was still so upset over MJ I didn't think it could be anyone else, really. The next day I got the phone call & realized it must've been my grandfather saying bye and I felt bad.:mello:

Ok, so weird thing number two... late last night we decided to watch the better quality versions of Captain EO & Ghosts that we got recently. We're in the closed up living room, windows closed and door going into the hallway shut tight. The only window open in the place was open just a crack in the bedroom down the hallway and through a second mostly closed door off the hallway. In short, there was no draft, let alone a breeze. At one point I actually got the presence sensation beside me. Hubby didn't feel anything. Later in Ghosts, when MJ is turning to dust on the tile floor hubby started to make a 'joke' about 'spontaneous human combustion' and I thought I was more clever because I began to say "No, that would be spontaneous human comDUSTion" and then suddenly, before I could get the sentence out.... DONK.... the living room door clanged open! I mean like the door, the firmly closed door, sprung open suddenly and loudly from the little catch thing in the frame as if someone had pushed down on the handle in the hallway to scare us (lol) or a BIG-azz gust of wind blew against it. It's funny, because at first we jumped a bit of course and looked behind us, "What the...?!", but then we just continued watching Ghosts, lol. I can't get over the irony of that happening while watching Ghosts :lol: I checked outside then and it had gotten kind of windy, but we still couldn't see how that could've possibly done anything.

We've lived here for over 3 years and I swear to God that NEVER has happened before. And I stand by the statement that our place isn't haunted. And now I just spent the past 15 minutes trying to recreate last night's event and I can't. The door closes so firmly, it just can't come open. No amount of pressure will do it. The only possibility would be if it somehow hadn't latched completely, but I can't get it to stay closed at all in that state and then when it opens it does so just barely, not the 3 inches inward like last night! It's certifiably weird :scratch:Since it happened during "Ghosts" it would make me think 1) MJ or 2) someone else saying, "Hey, speaking of ghosts... clang!"...
amygrace ... whoa, about your dog. I hope she's alright, of course. If not, then I agree it may have been a visit to let you know she's... gone :( Sooo many people have experiences with their pets like that. ... Interesting about the Paris dream. Don't you all kind of just have that feeling about her, like she's going to do something big? Someone else posted a few weeks ago in the Dreams thread about having a dream that Blanket, looking like in his early 20's, was doing a concert. ... Interesting about the Paris dream. Don't you all kind of just have that feeling about her, like she's going to do something big? Someone else posted a few weeks ago in the Dreams thread about having a dream that Blanket, looking like in his early 20's, was doing a concert.
Oh yeah for sure, I mean..they got Michael's genes...they're gonna be geniuses in everything they do probably. ;D

Thinking 'bout them growing up w/o their father makes me sad though....when I look at photo's from the Bad-era or something I'm like....I so badly wish I could have saved you on that moment and erase all the ridiculous stuff that was about to happen then.
If only we could turn back time....just go back...*sigh* :boohoo:Oh god now I'm so sad.
Ha-ha, something to add about the 11:11 thing. Went to the MajorLovePrayer Twitter and it says followers: 211 listed: 11 (2... 11... 11.... ) lol. Now you guys have me looking for 11's, lolol. (But like I said, I was born on an eleventh, so it comes naturally anyway ;)) God, I know. I have fantasies about being able to go back in time to like January 1984. You have to be careful not to give away too much about the future, in theory, so I'd tell him about the 6th take on the Pepsi shoot, then specific names to avoid like the worst plague that's ever existed...
Later in Ghosts, when MJ is turning to dust on the tile floor hubby started to make a 'joke' about 'spontaneous human combustion' and I thought I was more clever because I began to say "No, that would be spontaneous human comDUSTion" and then suddenly, before I could get the sentence out.... DONK.... the living room door clanged open! I mean like the door, the firmly closed door, sprung open suddenly and loudly from the little catch thing in the frame as if someone had pushed down on the handle in the hallway to scare us (lol) or a BIG-azz gust of wind blew against it.
Since it happened during "Ghosts" it would make me think 1) MJ or 2) someone else saying, "Hey, speaking of ghosts... clang!"...
Lol @ "comdustion"...:lol: ...and the door closing, crazy! I woulda jumped out of my seat if it was during Ghosts...haha. Wonder if it was Michael...

Mrs. Music said:
I so badly wish I could have saved you on that moment and erase all the ridiculous stuff that was about to happen then.
Aw you an' I both girl :cry:...I've thought about this many times before. When I see him in those earlier eras...looking so full of joy and light...clueless about the nastiness that was to come in his later years...I just want to go back and change it all so that he could stay that happy forever. On the same kind of note...I remember a couple months ago I had a dream with Michael where it was 3 weeks before his death and I was going to sway him away from Murray so that things didn't go down the way they did. (sigh)
Ha-ha, something to add about the 11:11 thing. Went to the MajorLovePrayer Twitter and it says followers: 211 listed: 11 (2... 11... 11.... ) lol. Now you guys have me looking for 11's, lolol. (But like I said, I was born on an eleventh, so it comes naturally anyway ;))
Hah! Interesting thing I found out yesterday that my life path number is 11!

Btw just for fun...if anyone is interested in finding out their life number, you can do it here:
When I read was so exactly me on every level. I was quite impressed.
Ok, so weird thing number two... late last night we decided to watch the better quality versions of Captain EO & Ghosts that we got recently. We're in the closed up living room, windows closed and door going into the hallway shut tight. The only window open in the place was open just a crack in the bedroom down the hallway and through a second mostly closed door off the hallway. In short, there was no draft, let alone a breeze. At one point I actually got the presence sensation beside me. Hubby didn't feel anything. Later in Ghosts, when MJ is turning to dust on the tile floor hubby started to make a 'joke' about 'spontaneous human combustion' and I thought I was more clever because I began to say "No, that would be spontaneous human comDUSTion" and then suddenly, before I could get the sentence out.... DONK.... the living room door clanged open! I mean like the door, the firmly closed door, sprung open suddenly and loudly from the little catch thing in the frame as if someone had pushed down on the handle in the hallway to scare us (lol) or a BIG-azz gust of wind blew against it. It's funny, because at first we jumped a bit of course and looked behind us, "What the...?!", but then we just continued watching Ghosts, lol. I can't get over the irony of that happening while watching Ghosts :lol: I checked outside then and it had gotten kind of windy, but we still couldn't see how that could've possibly done anything.

We've lived here for over 3 years and I swear to God that NEVER has happened before. And I stand by the statement that our place isn't haunted. And now I just spent the past 15 minutes trying to recreate last night's event and I can't. The door closes so firmly, it just can't come open. No amount of pressure will do it. The only possibility would be if it somehow hadn't latched completely, but I can't get it to stay closed at all in that state and then when it opens it does so just barely, not the 3 inches inward like last night! It's certifiably weird :scratch:Since it happened during "Ghosts" it would make me think 1) MJ or 2) someone else saying, "Hey, speaking of ghosts... clang!"...

Heh I know I totally view that movie differently now. That's pretty wild. Probably would have freaked me out. :lol: Sounds like Michael messing around.

I wish I had a time machine so I could change some things too. I kinda had a dream like that which was kinda interesting

In the dream there was a story going around that a specter (like a ghost) had appeared before which foretold Michael's death and it had also appeared before the Pepsi commercial incident happened. Like a bad omen or warning and some fans had seen it.

Also this isn't really related to Michael, but I thought it was really cute anyway. I was with my family at a restaurant. We were waiting to pick up our dinner order, and I just sat down on the cushioned bench to wait. I saw a mom come in with two girls. One was about 6 or 7 years old and the other was maybe 2 or 3. The older daughter was kind of hyped up and running around and then she saw me sitting there and she said Hi and said her name and then she gave me a hug. It was unexpected to me, but it was sooo cute. :) Then her mom came around and kind of lectured to her saying "you know, normally we introduce ourselves first" so then her daughter shook my hand, said her name and asked me mine, so I told her. lol, then the mom set the younger daughter down and she also said hi to me and I waved and said hi back. Then the mom said to me "Thanks for being such a good sport" because her kids were acting out a little bit. I nodded my head. But wow I just thought it was the cutest thing and it made me happy. Made my night really. :wub:
interesting how we all feel the same so often.. these last a few days ( 2-3 ) i can't feel him properly and i have low energy, lost and lifeless, so empty without it :(
it happened before, looks like it's repeating in circles?

Michael is busy somewhere or during this transition he is goin' higher. i just hope we don't lose this connection? :no:

in my last dreams with Michael a few nights ago i had seen him on stage a lot and then he like had a break drinking water. maybe it's showing he is busy now ( stage ) with spiritual refreshment and healing, which the water represent.

please, don't forget to Pray for Michael always and send him your Love :heart: :flowers:

I did have a weird dream last night. I was on an airplane and it kept going higher and higher to see Michael. It was like my boat dream but this time it was an airplane. :scratch: I wonder if it means anything.

I always pray for Michael :angel: