Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Since we're talking about meditation here, I thought I'd share something I experienced while meditating after the MLP.

It was a "visualization" I guess. I don't really know what to call it. Like having a dream, but being awake, or like watching a vague movie on the inside of my eyelids.

What I saw was someone standing in front of me, with a place behind them that sort of reminded me of Neverland. There were mountains or hills in the background, and there were flowers planted everywhere.
Then suddenly I was in a field. There was only one tree, and I was standing in front of it. The person who was present before was standing between me and this tree.
I couldn't see what he looked like because he was only a silhouette. I do know it was a man though.

Anyway, he pointed to the left. I looked to the left and there was a red brick path lined with flowers. We both walked down it and came to another grassy field.

Right at this moment, one of my roommates knocked on my door loudly and it sort of shook me awake. This is where it ended.

I have no idea what to make of it.
I've only been meditating for under a year, but I've never experienced something vivid like that before.
Is it just a daydream, or what?
:swoon: Ok, ummm... my meditations where I "go" somewhere (i.e. journeys) are like that, with varying vividness (I've never had vivid ones like July into early August, though). And, ummm... I've been a couple of times to a field/meadow filled with grasses and wildflowers and one single tree (always sort of ahead and to the right of where I first 'enter' the meadow). The first time I was there Michael was sitting under the tree with a book. The book was something by Kahlil Gibran, something called "muse" or something that sounds like that. Another time I met MJ in "my" forest clearing and we walked hand and hand talking and ended up in a certain place at Neverland (that I've seen several times -- not sure exactly where this would be for real) and then we kept walking and ended up in the meadow with the one tree again, where we played and ran through the high grasses and flowers, lol. Amazing that you also saw one tree! Either that's an actual location on some plane of existence, it's an amazing coincidence (because I swear to God someone has mentioned this place also in the Dreams thread a while back) or it's some archetypal location deep in the human psyche.

i had a really special dream..
i was at this train station, and i was waiting for my train to arrive. this man stood next to me, i couldnt recognize him, but in a way i still knew who he was. i know that sounds kind of weird, but i cant really explain it. anyway, the train finally came, and i sat down when the man came and sat next to me. i suddenly felt so much comfort and he began speaking to me. i cant remember exactly what he said, but something about having faith. i just felt michael.. im sure it was him!
Cool :):angel:
:swoon: Ok, ummm... my meditations where I "go" somewhere (i.e. journeys) are like that, with varying vividness (I've never had vivid ones like July into early August, though). And, ummm... I've been a couple of times to a field/meadow filled with grasses and wildflowers and one single tree (always sort of ahead and to the right of where I first 'enter' the meadow). The first time I was there Michael was sitting under the tree with a book. The book was something by Kahlil Gibran, something called "muse" or something that sounds like that. Another time I met MJ in "my" forest clearing and we walked hand and hand talking and ended up in a certain place at Neverland (that I've seen several times -- not sure exactly where this would be for real) and then we kept walking and ended up in the meadow with the one tree again, where we played and ran through the high grasses and flowers, lol. Amazing that you also saw one tree! Either that's an actual location on some plane of existence, it's an amazing coincidence (because I swear to God someone has mentioned this place also in the Dreams thread a while back) or it's some archetypal location deep in the human psyche.

Cool :):angel:

Oh I just got goosebumps reading this! That's kind of amazing. Interesting thought, that last one though. That could be one explanation.
Also, Michael reading Khalil Gibran? How interesting.

Your experiences sound really beautiful. :heart:

Gosh I love this thread.
Sometimes I just have days where I'm so certain that everything is connected and everything is meaningful, and I feel like talking with you guys helps me to see those connections sometimes.

Hah! Interesting about the tree thing during meditations. Often times when my Dad "goes under"/get "hypnotized" so he can channel, he meets up with his Guide on a hill with one big tree too. :D I always had the sense it was another spiritual plane thing. My Dad would often meet his guides on the top of mountains too, just because my Dad connects with mountains well. I think whatever places we end up seeing or going to are in direct relation with either what the other spirit likes and is comfortable with...or what they know you will be comfortable with.

You guys are really making me wish I've been meditating more now! :p I'm going to try to get back in the swing of things...starting tonight.
^ Interesting. The meadow I've seen was fairly flat. I don't remember seeing anything in the distance like hills or anything. Maybe it was in Kansas, lolol.
^Your description makes me think of the scenes in "Cry"


I'm glad it made me think of that just now too, cause I haven't watched this video in awhile and watching it now feels sooo good. It's just what I needed...particularly after feeling so disconnected to everyone on the board lately (with the exception of those in this thread). I wish the board could come together like this! It makes me think of the Major Love Prayer too...and the impact it has with so many of us just united in love. :heart:
Nice pic :) You made me think now of going through Flickr or Google and looking for what looks like the meadow, lol. Hmmm... it's awfully late here...
Ok, so I found a whole bunch, lol. None of these are just like it, but this is the general idea of the place I've seen. Grasses and wildflowers, fairly flat, the one tree (green leaves, maybe an oak -- a bigger trunk, more like the tree in the pic amygrace posted above), blue sky with fluffy white clouds :) Seems to be a common image, so it makes sense if was just a common thing in human consciousness. Hmm, or a real place on the other side... a place we'd all like to be sometimes?

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^Hah...I Googled on my own and found that first pic...and have since been just starring at it. It's so pretty...I'd love to meet Michael there any day!
Haha, and now that we've posted pics and more than one person said they've 'met' MJ there (or someone there), it will be in your mind and if you ever experience it you'll be left wondering if it was 'real' or just because of what you've read/seen. Catch-22 about sharing info, lolol ;) You don't know if anyone else has had it until you tell them, but then if they have it they'll wonder if it's because you told them. :lol:
Hi, hope everyone's doing well. :) I was without my internet connection for a couple days, but I read here there's negativity going on elsewhere on this board? I guess I didn't miss much then. :(

I've never really gotten the hang of meditating myself. Well I do get something out of it sometimes. Usually it just makes me feel relaxed afterward, so it works well before going to sleep. But I haven't tried meditating in a while. Still it's hard when you live with some noisy family members to get some peace and quiet. The couple of times I've done it, I seemed to be getting someone guiding me on how to do the meditation, but I don't know if that's like a spirit guide or my own thoughts, or what? I don't know how to tell the difference. I've had vague imagery too, but I can never can make sense of it. It's just random images.
Catch-22 about sharing info, lolol ;) You don't know if anyone else has had it until you tell them, but then if they have it they'll wonder if it's because you told them. :lol:
Agh I know...I hate how that works!

CaptainEoLove85 said:
The couple of times I've done it, I seemed to be getting someone guiding me on how to do the meditation, but I don't know if that's like a spirit guide or my own thoughts, or what? I don't know how to tell the difference. I've had vague imagery too, but I can never can make sense of it. It's just random images.
The more you do it the more you will be able to differentiate between what is your own thoughts and what isn't. That's at least something I know I went through in just trying to develop my intuition, and hearing my guides whenever I call on them any time...not just during meditation; as I've said I don't meditate much. Random images are pretty normal too.
So I found this "astral projection" gif recently ...and was bored so I altered it a bit :p


Hehe. Hope some of us meet with Michael during dream time soon or at least have subconscious awesomeness with him in it. :D

Goodnight guys!
So I found this "astral projection" gif recently ...and was bored so I altered it a bit :p


Hehe. Hope some of us meet with Michael during dream time soon or at least have subconscious awesomeness with him in it. :D

Goodnight guys!

lol. That's pretty awesome, Amy. :)
So I found this "astral projection" gif recently ...and was bored so I altered it a bit :p


Hehe. Hope some of us meet with Michael during dream time soon or at least have subconscious awesomeness with him in it. :D

Goodnight guys!

That is so cool!!!!
So I found this "astral projection" gif recently ...and was bored so I altered it a bit :p


Hehe. Hope some of us meet with Michael during dream time soon or at least have subconscious awesomeness with him in it. :D

Goodnight guys!

i didnt have any luck last night... no michael in my dream. or at least not anything i can remember :(
So I found this "astral projection" gif recently ...and was bored so I altered it a bit :p


Hehe. Hope some of us meet with Michael during dream time soon or at least have subconscious awesomeness with him in it. :D

Goodnight guys!

Amy, that's so cool. :lol:
Amy that GIF is awesome :D

So while I was practising meditating last night, I had all the lights off, I had my eyes closed and then like I had these bright flashes of light which I could see through my closed eyes (if that makes sense). It kinda startled me so I opened my eyes just to check like it wasn't my phone lighting up or whatever. It was weird.
I was just wondering if anyone else has had something like this, or whether its just nothing, or maybe I'm just crazy :lol:

p.s. I just wanna say I really like this thread, it always makes me feel positive and amazed at everyones experiences and that.
Awesome graphic, amygrace :lol:

Hey everyone. Can anone give me some astral projection tips. I have been trying for some time but i havent been able to get out. And sadly i havent really had any Michael dreams or visits.
There a lot of good books on it. I used to try and try and try, every night. I've gotten pretty close, but only out once, and that was totally spontaneous and when I wasn't trying. It was about 14 to 15 years ago. I realized I'd been 'dreaming' of being in a forest clearing in what felt like California (lol), the sky was all streaked with pastel colors, then I was flying backwards at about 10,000 miles per hour and found myself then 100% fully conscious, but floating about a foot above my body. And the trippy part is that I was TWO consciousnesses at the same time. I was completely aware and existing in TWO locations at once. One was my brain, that was pretty amazed at the situation and a little apprehensive about the other part of me coming back. The other was sooooo much wiser than my dumb old brain! I felt freer and really bummed that I had to go back. I felt like I'd lose about 60% of my ability to think by going back to the brain. Then I had the thought, "Wow, this is soooo cool. What an interesting situation to find myself in! I wonder how long I can stay like this?" BAM... back in. And that was my one big experience. But I'll tell you, I was awake, 100% and if you haven't been two minds at the same time, I could never explain it, lol. Whoaaaaaa.

So while I was practising meditating last night, I had all the lights off, I had my eyes closed and then like I had these bright flashes of light which I could see through my closed eyes (if that makes sense). It kinda startled me so I opened my eyes just to check like it wasn't my phone lighting up or whatever. It was weird.
I was just wondering if anyone else has had something like this, or whether its just nothing, or maybe I'm just crazy
I get that sometimes. Sometimes the flashes of light are so bright I think there must've just been one of those asteroid fireballs lighting the sky like daytime. My mom says she gets that every night. She's always thought it was neurons firing because it's like she can see inside her brain somehow. Weird :lol:
I get that sometimes. Sometimes the flashes of light are so bright I think there must've just been one of those asteroid fireballs lighting the sky like daytime. My mom says she gets that every night. She's always thought it was neurons firing because it's like she can see inside her brain somehow. Weird :lol:

Yeah they are pretty bright. I wasn't sure what to make of them really.

I listened to those music samples you suggested a few pages back last night. They were really helpful actually, thank you. Like they helped me concentrate and focus more than my previous attempts :)
Yeah they are pretty bright. I wasn't sure what to make of them really.

I listened to those music samples you suggested a few pages back last night. They were really helpful actually, thank you. Like they helped me concentrate and focus more than my previous attempts :)
Cool, glad they helped. That's the kind of stuff you wouldn't want to listen to just for entertainment or background music, but it works great for meditation.

On a completely different note, maybe a silly one, but yesterday on tv they played Peter Pan, then Return of the Jedi, then E.T. ... then the X-Factor MJ tribute. ~sigh~ God, this line from PP always gets me... "To die would be an awfully big adventure." Yes, I suppose it is. :( Then I noticed that MJ's kind of like our Obi Wan Kenobi in some weird sense :blink: ( ... the legend, the hero, the friend from the other side ... appearing or being heard/sensed from time to time to remind you of the Force). Then there's E.T. You know how some said they always felt 'bound' in some way to MJ? It reminded me a bit of the tie between E.T. and Elliot while I watching... :cry: Ok, so that's my weird tangent for the day. Nevermind, carry on... :cheeky:

P.S. Guess I was wrong. One more weird tangent. My mp3 player came with this cool song called 'Return of the Champion' by Heavyweight Dub Champion. Never heard of the group, so went to find out about them. Turns out the group originated in Boulder, CO (near where I lived as a kid and also, I ended up right next to MJ on the Boulder Turnpike heading north out of Denver on the afternoon of March 24, 1988, so it has special signficance for me. It it was all true, then I was literally FEET from MJ, just couldn't see him). Well, here's what Wikipedia says about the album the song is from:
The album was recorded and mixed in Colorado and Los Angeles and "can safely be called a concept album".[2] [The album] "relates to the coming of the Last Champion, an interdimensional spiritual warrior, who is bringing people together throughout the world to try to elevate consciousness in a way that will focus people on the healing of themselves and the healing of the world, and help put people in a more offensive position." ..."Structurally, the record moves from the announcement of the battle to the rallying calls of the Last Champion's chosen army -- followers who unite to liberate individuals and the Earth..."
Whoa, cool. :angel:Here's the song (but I warn you it's way more impressive when you can actually hear the bass, which is the main line of the song . And no one seems to know all the lyrics, lol. Also love their song Blessed Is the Seed.) Ok, now I'm really done with the odd tangents :lol:
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Hehehe...glad you guys liked the gif. :D

Alas I didn't have any cool experiences last night. Throughout the whole night I had dreams that had to do with Michael or his music, but I was also half awake all night (hate it when that happens!) so I remember thinking at one point if I could actually connect with Michael...and then immediately feeling like he was sooooo far away. For one because I was too much in conscious mode or something, but also because our energies were not resonating any where near each other so it just wasn't possible. Bah.

I was TWO consciousnesses at the same time. I was completely aware and existing in TWO locations at once. One was my brain, that was pretty amazed at the situation and a little apprehensive about the other part of me coming back. The other was sooooo much wiser than my dumb old brain! I felt freer and really bummed that I had to go back. I felt like I'd lose about 60% of my ability to think by going back to the brain.
This is awesome! What an experience. The only time I've experienced myself as two separate consciousnesses, or at least noticed it, was a rather scary "possesion" experience. I don't want to scare anyone here because this only happened by inviting negative spirits in and then giving up my this can't happen unless you do that. But anyway, I remember lying on my bed, and suddenly feeling empty and just not myself. Then I had this vision of my spirit standing next to my bed...and this freaked me out. Within a couple minutes, I felt like I was another woman, and I just started bawling my eyes out, mourning the loss of a lover. I was shaking all over and it was just a creepy and weird situation. At one point I started crying for my spirit cause I could see myself wanting back in my body. :no: Anyway, hopefully next time I experience myself outside my body it's something like your experience! lol...I sure as hell won't have another possession experience...I've since learned how to keep my power.
Well, here's what Wikipedia says about the album the song is from:
The album was recorded and mixed in Colorado and Los Angeles and "can safely be called a concept album".[2] [The album] "relates to the coming of the Last Champion, an interdimensional spiritual warrior, who is bringing people together throughout the world to try to elevate consciousness in a way that will focus people on the healing of themselves and the healing of the world, and help put people in a more offensive position." ..."Structurally, the record moves from the announcement of the battle to the rallying calls of the Last Champion's chosen army -- followers who unite to liberate individuals and the Earth..." indeed!
Hehehe...glad you guys liked the gif. :D
Alas I didn't have any cool experiences last night. Throughout the whole night I had dreams that had to do with Michael or his music, but I was also half awake all night (hate it when that happens!) so I remember thinking at one point if I could actually connect with Michael...and then immediately feeling like he was sooooo far away. For one because I was too much in conscious mode or something, but also because our energies were not resonating any where near each other so it just wasn't possible. Bah.
I had something like that last night as well, but I fell asleep. This morning I woke up very early because my husband was getting up for some reason. I had been dreaming something vivid that faded fast. It had to do with MJ and I think I actually saw him at some point or was talking with him or something. It had to do with we fans having contact with him through dreams. And there was some signifance to shoulders. I don't know what, lol. I just remember shoulders for some reason. It's all blurry, but something like there was a place and many dreamers were there, moving in and out and some people had a little icon on their websites with the MJJ Productions logo, indicating MJ has contacted them, lol. God, I wish I could remember more!! So after I realized what I'd been dreaming I asked my groggy husband what he was doing awake and if he remembered what he'd just been dreaming. Dreaming of MJ per chance??? But he said no. What woke him up is that he heard my voice calling his name loudly in his dream, calling for him like something had happened, then he woke up. (Yeah, probably telling the dork to come see MJ, lolol.)

This is awesome! What an experience. The only time I've experienced myself as two separate consciousnesses, or at least noticed it, was a rather scary "possesion" experience. I don't want to scare anyone here because this only happened by inviting negative spirits in and then giving up my this can't happen unless you do that. But anyway, I remember lying on my bed, and suddenly feeling empty and just not myself. Then I had this vision of my spirit standing next to my bed...and this freaked me out. Within a couple minutes, I felt like I was another woman, and I just started bawling my eyes out, mourning the loss of a lover. I was shaking all over and it was just a creepy and weird situation. At one point I started crying for my spirit cause I could see myself wanting back in my body. :no: Anyway, hopefully next time I experience myself outside my body it's something like your experience! lol...I sure as hell won't have another possession experience...I've since learned how to keep my power.
Yeah, creepy! Do you suppose this person (the woman) had just died or something? My sister's had things like that happen with her. We always call her a "ghost magnet". I think this is the fear that had made me stop doing medium stuff a few years ago. I'd feel a presence intensely and get the zaps in my spine and be like, "Hey! Get away from me now!" Nothing bad ever happened in that time. I was just fearing it. Oh! Oh! Now I remember something. Don't read if you don't like ghost stories... I lived in a way creepy apartment back in the early 90's (man that place was haunted -- wasn't just me who experienced it). One night I was sitting on the couch, totally alive and awake, watching TV. Suddenly I felt like I got freakin' attacked, like something grabbed my... my... astral body (?) from my forehead and was trying to pull me out of my body! I almost blacked out. It was intense. I fought back... this feeling like pulling myself back away from this... entity or whatever. I ended up falling back hard against the couch and then yelled at it that NO ONE has that permission! It never happened again. But that was a case of a freaky haunting, so this isn't like a meditation experience, so please no one get scared because of it! I promise.:agree:If ever you feel scared during anything, just remember that you actually do have the power. It's your body, your energy and you have permission to tell someone to back the heck off. But if you're projecting love and compassion and surrounding yourself white light, well... :angel:I have a past life regression tape and I love a line from it. He has you bring a giant beam of intense white light down around you, completely around you. Then he says, "You exist within a tube of God-Light". Love that line. I use it in my own mind sometimes :angel:
It had to do with we fans having contact with him through dreams. And there was some signifance to shoulders. I don't know what, lol. I just remember shoulders for some reason. It's all blurry, but something like there was a place and many dreamers were there, moving in and out and some people had a little icon on their websites with the MJJ Productions logo, indicating MJ has contacted them, lol. God, I wish I could remember more!! So after I realized what I'd been dreaming I asked my groggy husband what he was doing awake and if he remembered what he'd just been dreaming. Dreaming of MJ per chance??? But he said no. What woke him up is that he heard my voice calling his name loudly in his dream, calling for him like something had happened, then he woke up. (Yeah, probably telling the dork to come see MJ, lolol.)
Interesting about the little icon and what that indicated! I wish you could remember more too. Next time try sending a fax to your hubs so he doesn't wake up from you calling to him :lol:

mjbunny said:
Yeah, creepy! Do you suppose this person (the woman) had just died or something? My sister's had things like that happen with her. We always call her a "ghost magnet". I think this is the fear that had made me stop doing medium stuff a few years ago. I'd feel a presence intensely and get the zaps in my spine and be like, "Hey! Get away from me now!" Nothing bad ever happened in that time. I was just fearing it. Oh! Oh! Now I remember something. Don't read if you don't like ghost stories... I lived in a way creepy apartment back in the early 90's (man that place was haunted -- wasn't just me who experienced it). One night I was sitting on the couch, totally alive and awake, watching TV. Suddenly I felt like I got freakin' attacked, like something grabbed my... my... astral body (?) from my forehead and was trying to pull me out of my body! I almost blacked out. It was intense. I fought back... this feeling like pulling myself back away from this... entity or whatever. I ended up falling back hard against the couch and then yelled at it that NO ONE has that permission! It never happened again. But that was a case of a freaky haunting, so this isn't like a meditation experience, so please no one get scared because of it! I promise.:agree:If ever you feel scared during anything, just remember that you actually do have the power. It's your body, your energy and you have permission to tell someone to back the heck off. But if you're projecting love and compassion and surrounding yourself white light, well... :angel:I have a past life regression tape and I love a line from it. He has you bring a giant beam of intense white light down around you, completely around you. Then he says, "You exist within a tube of God-Light". Love that line. I use it in my own mind sometimes :angel:
I don't know if the woman had just died or not...all I knew was that she was looking for some body to get in so she could properly feel and mourn the loss of her loved one. She really wanted to cry real tears it felt like. It was interesting, because what brought her energy in I'm sure...was the movie..."The Brave One" (man that took forever to remember what the name of that was). I think the woman resonated with the role that Jodi Foster was playing...her emotional state anyway. The guy I was dating at the time brought the movie over and I remember getting a really bad and creepy feeling watching it...I wanted him to turn it off but we ended up watching it all the way through. The possesion experience happened like 10 minutes after the movie ended.
Crazy ghost story you had yourself! Bravo for stickin' it to em by firmly stating they did NOT have that permission :clapping: - that's what I needed to do at the time that I had my experience, but I was too vulnerable and nervous...which is why the woman came to me I'm sure; she knew she could get in during this time.
These negative experiences definitely can't happen if you surround yourself in light, knowing and firmly stating that you are in control and no one can take away your power. You have to really step into your power and see the illusion that negative spirits would want you to believe... they try to get to the fear side of yourself to make you vulnerable, but there will be no fear if you keep in mind that it's all in your ballpark not theirs. They can only get to you if you let them.
whoa, those experiences sound so intense guys.

I've always wanted to like have some sort of experience, but then sometimes I don't because I think I would be too scared :lol:
I have smelt my grandmothers perfume before, so I like to think of that as a little experience cos I believe that we only experience certain things when we are ready for them, if that makes sense? I want to be more spiritual, but I'm just learning things at the moment, so hopefully meditation will help me.
I have smelt my grandmothers perfume before, so I like to think of that as a little experience cos I believe that we only experience certain things when we are ready for them, if that makes sense? I want to be more spiritual, but I'm just learning things at the moment, so hopefully meditation will help me.'s all a process...and you just kinda take it one step at a time. :) Like I really want to be able to see and clearly hear spirits right now. So I was talking to my psychic friend about it in our reading and she just said it's something that will develop the more I learn and go along...that it's just a process. She did say I could already smell them though. I guess that's an easy thing, smelling. It doesn't freak you out or anything :lol:'s all a process...and you just kinda take it one step at a time. :) Like I really want to be able to see and clearly hear spirits right now. So I was talking to my psychic friend about it in our reading and she just said it's something that will develop the more I learn and go along...that it's just a process. She did say I could already smell them though. I guess that's an easy thing, smelling. It doesn't freak you out or anything :lol:

:lol: yeah smelling is good, I guess its also a comfort to some people too, for maybe those people who don't wanna get toooo freaked out.

But as the old saying goes, practice makes perfect :D I guess it's all about developing your skills.
Oh yeah what I was going to ask people is that during meditation, should I protect myself, you know with that whole white light thing? Or does it depend on what I'm using my meditation for? Sorry for all these questions :lol: