Merged: Psychics channel Michael

^ Oh wow, those two things together indeed match up! Thanks guys...knew I could find out a conclusion with some help of you, haha.
Scary...I've really been a bit burnt out these past days & having some emotional struggles.
Guess that was Mike's way of helping me out? Hmm.

Now that I think about it...he had no clothes on his chest, just wore a pyama pants...we talked about that last week here as well, when you dream about a guy being halfnaked. Funny.

Can still 'feel' how gently and sweet he hugged me...aww. :blush:
Heal the World, yeah I've actually had that song pop into my head before when I've been feeling sad. It's like Michael telling me giving back to the world would heal me in that way. That's the way I take it anyway.

I've been dreaming more about Michael too finally. He wasn't in this one, but this is what I dreamed last night

I was coming down the stairs of my house. My mom was sitting on the couch. I told her how I still needed to give a gift to a less fortunate child (this is actually a promise I made to myself to do this year for Christmas). I was getting upset with her because she was giving me this irritated look. Then I found out about this charity called the “Rock With You Charity.” (lol, I know there is no such charity. I looked it up.) My mom, still looking irritated said “How much money?” I said “I would give all my money.” Then I'm at some place with a bunch of swings. My family is with me too. I start swinging on the swings. Sometimes I stand on them and sometimes I sit down. I'm singing the song “Black or White.” It was the whole song too, including the rap. I get really into it and the swings go really high. It's crazy. I also do some dancing too. I felt like I was Michael. Then I just realized I missed a concert on October 28th. I'm not sure if it was a tribute concert for Michael or he was actually doing the concert. Then I'm walking and I see a little boy at a lemonade stand. I was going to give him some money.

Kinda weird and random dream lol
I get that sometimes too. Like FLASH, like lightning, but there's no storm and no thunder. And from July on I'd see little sparkles, like little light flashes across the room or in a streak across the room. Not all the time, of course, but occasionally. I'd love to know more too. I mean, sometimes it can be something weird with your eyes (like if the retina is detaching you'll get that -- eek), but to suddenly have stuff like that happen often when it wasn't happening before... ummm, seems like something. ..

That's true that it could be something because of your eyes, but I doubt it in that case, because I read that many people had this especially in july. That's interesting. I think I'll do some google research :) In this sparkles, I see that too. Still now and then. I always wondered because I NEVER saw them before. They look kind of blue-white. Maybe it is because of all the meditation, trying to open the third eye and expanding the spiritual side (in my case). I can't explain it any other way. ... that calls for research!!! :) I'll post if I have found something interesting.

I feel this is true for me, as I will admit since Michael has crossed over, I have become more spiritial, I started a new job couple months ago and I'm feeling better than ever...I have always been spiritual, but I pray now more than ever...I can honestly say that I DO feel more connected with myself, my spirituality and the direction my life is going...

I also feel Michael is working his magic from the heavens above, to convert his fans to a more of a spiritual life...Don't get me wrong, I am still distraught over his passing, however, I'm looking at the bigger picture here...Although he did so much here on earth, he can 100 times more from the heavens...

That's so true. I have always interest in spirituality but since Michael left us I have changed, including my point of view and I have intergrate spirituality in my life more than ever.

Anyone have anything comforting and spiritual for me? I am having a very hard I feel very sad again...and lost. I really want to see Michael again.:cry: Feel free to PM me or just message back.

We haven't talked to each other yet, but feel hugged :hug: You can write me if you feel like talking to someone.

Hope you all are doing well today...I'm not having the best day myself. Went to record my song about Michael in the studio today...and it ended up being a bust. We're going to try again Sunday. Then I came home from recording and there were some nasty comments waiting for me on YouTube about Michael. I know it's just ignorance but just drags me down. ...

I'm sorry for you that you had to face this mean comments :hug:
Don't worry about them, they just want attention. Hold on to positive comments and feedback :hug:

I finally logged into my Facebook again today (not a big FB fan, lol) and saw this message from a good friend of mine: "I finally saw MJ's movie. I was impressed what a generous, considerate, nice human being he was. All these years the press made him out to be such a freak, but you never saw all the kindness that was portrayed in the film!"

WORD. -_- Just too bad people notice this now and not... when we did years ago...

I was SO frustrated about this for a couple of months....I can't understand how people do see it now and didn't then...what made them change their mind? Why now, when he's dead? It's so cruel! :(
But then I began to think...there are SO many people like this out there now, feeling guilty and all...I think it's special...almost as if Michael personally changed everyone's heart, you know? Can only hope that he feels all this love and that everyone will stay this way.

I know what you both mean. I was very frustrated too. But I get along with the thought.. almost. Still now and then the thought makes me sad and angry at times but it depends really. There are new MJ fans who haven't had an opinion about him before or didn't hear about him much because they were too young and there are new MJ fans who had a bad opinion about him and/or even called him names. The 2nd type it hard for me to get along with because they mostly forgot what they said about Michael before June 25th, and therefore they aren't sorry. but anyway - it's a negative energy and I don't want to think about it... so Love, Love, Love :) :hug:

Recently I had no dreams with Michael in it, unfortunately. I have tried to "contact" him, but no sign :( But I was also asking my guardian angels to contact Lisa Lopes (Left Eye form TLC. I became a TLC fan when I was 10 and Lefty was and still is my fave. she was one of the reason why I read more about spirituality this year before June 25th, but I didn't intergrate it in my life as I'm doing now.) Ehhmm... anyway, when I was meditating I saw little glimpses of her face, like little picure and I heard a part of her lyrics over and over again "cleanse my mind, cleanse my soul". It was suddenly popping in my head. It had nothing to do with Michael, but I thought I could share this expierence.

Love to you all :hug: :hug:
^ Oh wow, those two things together indeed match up! Thanks guys...knew I could find out a conclusion with some help of you, haha.
Scary...I've really been a bit burnt out these past days & having some emotional struggles.
Guess that was Mike's way of helping me out? Hmm.

Now that I think about it...he had no clothes on his chest, just wore a pyama pants...we talked about that last week here as well, when you dream about a guy being halfnaked. Funny.

Can still 'feel' how gently and sweet he hugged me...aww. :blush:

Ooooh was he hot?

*I'm sick even in dreams. LOL!*
Hahah he was! Hot as usual! ;D I remember I saw a lot of Vitiligo patches on his chest.
But I actually didn't pay so much attention to him being halfnaked.
LOL, it was more that mentally bonding that I felt.

Yum Yum. LOL.

I just remembered he was naked or half naked in my dream. I didn't pay attention to it.
Here are my research results on Angels lights/ flashes of lights so far

How can you recognise an angel?Though the numbers of occurrences of angelic visitations is growing rapidly, most angels aren’t seen but are felt. There are different ways to tell if you are in the presence of an angel. Often the pure scent of flowers accompanies their presence. Sometimes an angel will announce its presence with a slight breeze even if all the windows are closed. The breeze is the flutter of angel wings. Sometimes you’ll hear the faint sound of bells or chimes or trumpets. I believe that the reason for the sound is that when angels break from their dimension into ours there is an accompanying sound. Sometimes an angelic presence is seen as a flash of light but the most common way to tell if you are in the presence of angels is by the warm wave of love that washes over you. If you feel an angel is standing behind you, it most likely is.

They exude sparkles and flashes of light, which we sometimes see as the angels move about.

There's also a interesting forum where people talked about that subject and it helped me remindeing that I see lights in the corner of my eyes, like besids me. I always wondered what this is, I kind of forgot it, because I didn't know how to explain it, thought it was something wrong with my eyes and thought it was 'normal'. But a person shared the same expierence, so here's the link

OMG - just found a whole thread about flashes of light in the corner of the eye (but besides they also adviced to see a doc to check the eyes :D should do that too I guess)

I'll do some research about this sparkles aswell - I see them too as I mentioned earlier :)
^ Oh I read such information already a while ago, about the flashes of the corner in your eye....I have that sooo often! Mostly in the same parts of the room as well, like..there's one corner in my room which I just feel has...more energy?
Something like that...hard to describe, it's not so much aware but it does feel differently.
I always see some sort of flashes up there.:mello:

And just overall that happens to me very often, or also the feeling you 'see' someone in the corner of your eye.
Or feel someone/something watching you.
Thanks for the flashy light info, FunkeyJay! :)

I was reading this thread earlier and there were mentions of HTW. I went to the TV and nothing was on, so I kept switching all the way down to the music channels. Upon turning to one, right at the beginning (great timing), I hear: "There's a place in your heart and I know that it is love..." Awwww, Michael :heart: Once the HTW vid was over I switched back to BBC2 right in time to catch a promo for 'Hamlet' right when someone said the word "angels" :angel:

And speaking of seeing things out fo the corner of your eye... remember the guy-in-the-doorway experience I had the other night when waking up? Well, ever since then I swear I keep seeing someone out of the corner of my eye. Not all the time, but I'll be dancing around the living room, turn my head and totally in my peripheral vision it's like there's a person standing there! But they disappear if I try to focus on them or turn my head. I can't say what they're wearing because it's just too quickly, I can't focus on them. I just see sort of dark human figure (like they're a shadow... hehe, I thought of Peter Pan's shadow... or wearing dark clothes). I don't feel afraid, nor do I feel any strong sense that someone's there. I'm pretty sure my eyes haven't gone wacky. I've seen this on both sides, left and right, so it would have to be something up with both eyes ... highly unlikely. Well, I asked the other day to please, please can I someday SEE someone from the other side (preferably MJ, but heck, a guide, a grandparent... someone, lol), like not out of the corner of my eye or when I'm mostly asleep, but like here in front of me so I can say "That was 100% REAL, no doubt whatsoever!" So today I remembered that and kind of laughed, like thanks for trying, but it's still only peripheral, lolol. I'm not scared, so keep at it, I guess ;)

Oh, P.S. ... when I was sitting on my couch just a bit ago, having been caught by the tail end of 'Love Actually' (again, lol) I sort of had the feeling like someone was nearby. I then turned the channel to catch the end of The Abyss. (Sorry it's all about TV today, lolol, but hey, that's what happened!) It was then I felt something stronger and decided to ask for Michael. I totally felt like swooping energy somehow around me and I heard this chime or bell kind of sound for a sec, high pitched, in my right ear. I thought, how interesting (I've been getting high pitched sounds ever since June 25th when I concentrate now -- never had that before -- but this was more of a bell or chime sound). It was right then that on TV, while I sat there with my eyes closed, that the dialogue went something like "There's a message coming in! -- It's him -- No, that's impossible -- No, it's really him! -- Are you sure? -- Yes, it's him!" LOL Cool again :D
Hello everyone, i had been reading on this thread and its rather interesting also comforting at the same time. I just wanted to share a little something that happened a few nights ago. It was a dream. And its suuuppperrr weird. This is how it goes:
I live in the city but in my dream i was like in the rural area, my house was on top of this beautiful hill, and it was sunny and i had a mountain view. The mountains were reddish yellow in color. So i am at home and then a suv rolls in. Guess who?? Not michael jackson but justin timberlake. This is just sooo randomn and soo weird. I am not even a justin fan. I wasnt listening to his songs either before i went to bed and i havent heard justins songs either in a long time. So i am just trying to figure out why i dreamt of him. Any ways, so in my dream i started talking to justin. We just talked about michael, like how much we love him and how much we miss him. I asked justin if he had met michael and he said yes and i said if he ever hugged michael and he said yes he did. Then i hugged justin and he hugged me back. It was sucha warm and intense hug and in my dream i was started to cry sooo much, like tears were dropping down my face and justins shirt was soaked in it. He was crying too. Then i woke up. It was still night, i had a head ache and i felt soo sick and feverish and i had tears, my pillow was wet in tears and i just cried.. :cry: just dont know what to make of this.
Today, I turned on my Ipod and it was on Itunes-> HIStory album (it was probably my mother who used my ipod) , so I browsed through all of his albums and stuff.. And then I clicked on "Planet earth" the spoken poem by him. And it was just a little sample, because you have to buy it to listen to the whole poem. The little sample of it started like this; "You are my sweetheart soft and blue.." and it made me smile, because I had a completely blue tracksuit on (before i had turned on my ipod I changed to my blue tracksuit, because i felt like wearing it , haha). I don´t know if this was a coincidence or something, but it sure made me smile :)

And I have question for the experiment tomorrow;
Are we gonna imagine all of us meeting up? How do I do this ? What do I have to do? :)
Geez get all the cool experiences! ;) However small, and however you may doubt them...they are still cool! :angel:

crazy4umjackson - Interesting dream. Not sure what to make of it either. Sorry to hear it was so sad :cry:
Tinkerbell - in answer to your question about the mediation...
amygrace said:
darlingdear said:
So like, do we just imagine ourselves meeting up with each other? Like actually tell our higher self to connect with everyone? Or do we just let our mind wonder and see what happens? But surely we have to connect with each other?
Yes...ask your higher self to connect/meet up with those of us in this thread. I'd also ask the angels to help open you up to the experience. Then just...remain open and watchful. Try to keep your mind clear starting out too...not specifically imagining anything...just intending a meetup.
I was SO frustrated about this for a couple of months....I can't understand how people do see it now and didn't then...what made them change their mind? Why now, when he's dead? It's so cruel! :(
But then I began to think...there are SO many people like this out there now, feeling guilty and all...I think it's special...almost as if Michael personally changed everyone's heart, you know? Can only hope that he feels all this love and that everyone will stay this way.

Had a strange dream tonight....I was sitting in bed, and all of a sudden Michael (looking Thriller-era) was in my room and jumped on my bed. We, again, didn't talk (!) but for some reason I understood he needed a map of some place to find the way. He was really affectionate and kept hugging me, but then my dream turned to a place where I walked towards my car and saw it was burned out. I ran angry towards this big open square which was surrounded with some old churches and other buildings, and all of a sudden I saw a pack of papers that had words written on it. One of the big buildings began to play Heal The World REALLY loud. Like, the whole city could hear it.
And then I read what was on the top paper of that pack, the lyrics for Heal The World and it had my name on, it was meant for me to read and keep it. :scratch:
Michael wanted to tell me something? Heal the world? I have alwasy been trying my best. He searched for a way...symbolic?
My car was burned out? Wheh....can't make a good conclusion. :lol:

Maybe he meant that you use your car too often :lol: .. And that´s not good for our environment and for our world :)
"You are my sweetheart, soft and blue" -- LOLOL, great.
Does anyone else ever feel like ohhhhhhhhh :wub: when he says "you are my sweetheart"... and then you remember, oh yeah, this is about EARTH. :lol:

Maybe he meant that you use your car too often :lol: .. And that´s not good for our environment and for our world :)
LOLOL :hysterical:

Ok, now the events in the mjbunny household are getting really freaky. Hubby went to a thing with friends tonight, so I was alone all evening. Right after I posted that last post here I was listening to music with high volume and I heard the sound of KEYS jingle. Over the music. So I thought... what? That was loud! Um, is hubby home? No. No one around. A minute later I look toward the glass-paneled door between the living room and hallway and I swear to God I saw someone MOVE on the other side of the door, like an arm move, something in the dim light changed. Again, no one there. So by now I'm getting worried that something happened to my husband! Eeek!

But no, thank God. He called about 30 minutes later to say he's on his way home and got home fine. I then told him about the weird stuff tonight and how I've seen someone out of the corner of my eye several times the last couple days. He said... WHOA... he ALSO has had this in the last two days. Three or four times he's seen someone standing in our house out of the corner of his eye, but when he turned like 'who the heck?' there was no one there. So it's not just me!!!! But neither of us were the slightest bit scared by this, oddly. I don't feel frightened by it, just puzzled. What the heck?
"You are my sweetheart, soft and blue" -- LOLOL, great.
Does anyone else ever feel like ohhhhhhhhh :wub: when he says "you are my sweetheart"... and then you remember, oh yeah, this is about EARTH. :lol:

LOLOL :hysterical:

Ok, now the events in the mjbunny household are getting really freaky. Hubby went to a thing with friends tonight, so I was alone all evening. Right after I posted that last post here I was listening to music with high volume and I heard the sound of KEYS jingle. Over the music. So I thought... what? That was loud! Um, is hubby home? No. No one around. A minute later I look toward the glass-paneled door between the living room and hallway and I swear to God I saw someone MOVE on the other side of the door, like an arm move, something in the dim light changed. Again, no one there. So by now I'm getting worried that something happened to my husband! Eeek!

But no, thank God. He called about 30 minutes later to say he's on his way home and got home fine. I then told him about the weird stuff tonight and how I've seen someone out of the corner of my eye several times the last couple days. He said... WHOA... he ALSO has had this in the last two days. Three or four times he's seen someone standing in our house out of the corner of his eye, but when he turned like 'who the heck?' there was no one there. So it's not just me!!!! But neither of us were the slightest bit scared by this, oddly. I don't feel frightened by it, just puzzled. What the heck?

Wow. I think I might be creeped out by something like that, but since you weren't frightened, maybe it's a good spirit, or Michael? I wonder who the mysterious figure is.
Maybe he meant that you use your car too often :lol: .. And that´s not good for our environment and for our world :)
Hahahah well, I use it only once a month or something so that shouldn't be the case....:lol:
But good point!

"You are my sweetheart, soft and blue" -- LOLOL, great.
Does anyone else ever feel like ohhhhhhhhh :wub: when he says "you are my sweetheart"... and then you remember, oh yeah, this is about EARTH. :lol:

LOLOL :hysterical:

Ok, now the events in the mjbunny household are getting really freaky. Hubby went to a thing with friends tonight, so I was alone all evening. Right after I posted that last post here I was listening to music with high volume and I heard the sound of KEYS jingle. Over the music. So I thought... what? That was loud! Um, is hubby home? No. No one around. A minute later I look toward the glass-paneled door between the living room and hallway and I swear to God I saw someone MOVE on the other side of the door, like an arm move, something in the dim light changed. Again, no one there. So by now I'm getting worried that something happened to my husband! Eeek!

But no, thank God. He called about 30 minutes later to say he's on his way home and got home fine. I then told him about the weird stuff tonight and how I've seen someone out of the corner of my eye several times the last couple days. He said... WHOA... he ALSO has had this in the last two days. Three or four times he's seen someone standing in our house out of the corner of his eye, but when he turned like 'who the heck?' there was no one there. So it's not just me!!!! But neither of us were the slightest bit scared by this, oddly. I don't feel frightened by it, just puzzled. What the heck?
Hahahah I love that part yeah...he tells it so sweet and soft...and then he says 'planet earth'...and I'm like...hmhm.:mello: :lol:

And woah, that's some scary stuff happening! Very, very interesting.
Hahahah well, I use it only once a month or something so that shouldn't be the case....:lol:
But good point!

Hahahah I love that part yeah...he tells it so sweet and soft...and then he says 'planet earth'...and I'm like...hmhm.:mello: :lol:

And woah, that's some scary stuff happening! Very, very interesting.

Wow, all these posts are making me excited about this spiritual meeting we are doing today. I'll try to do some extra chores so I can to get out of the way so I can participate without anyone interrupting me in my house. I'll try to focus and say a little prayer before I go to bed so I can participate.
soo I was all emotional about Michael last night :cry:

I was watching the end of the AMAs and everytime I saw Michael's name I just :cry:
I just kept thinking how he should of been there, and should still be here with his children and family, and of course, his fans.
I just lay awake for a bit, with little tears, and I asked the angels to let Michael know how much he is loved and that, I asked them to take that message to him and send him lots of L.O.V.E. (and I asked to send some to his kids too).
I hope he got the message cos I'm not very receptive with all things spiritual, so I didn't feel anything, you know like some of you guys say you feel warmth or things like that.
I'm not complaining though. I couldn't remember any of my dreams last night either.

Okay, so enough of the negative emotions...

Today I am feeling much better and really looking forward to this meditation later on :)
Hope everyone is goooood, I have enjoyed reading through the posts from yesterday, thanks for sharing your experiences.
Hey loves! Hope everyone is good today! I just woke up...and feel rather peaceful today. Last night I had some pleasant dreams, some of which included Michael's music. I can't quite remember the dreams...just a few glimpses here and there and the overall feeling... I think I may have even talked with Michael but don't know for sure. Anyway, looking forward to the meditation later! :heart:
Peepz, I won't be able to be at the meditation tonight (it's 11pm then here)...I'm leaving to London tomorrow morning early for the exhibition and stuff. But a friend of mine (Sils) is already coming to sleep over here, since we got loads of snow and all the trains/busses/planes are delayed. I'm living 5 mins from the airport soooo....hope all will work out!

Much love to you guys, hope you enjoy the meditation & talk soon! :hug:
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Peepz, I won't be able to be at the meditation tonight (it's 11pm then here)...I'm leaving to London tomorrow morning early for the exhibition and stuff. But a friend of mine (Sils) is already coming to sleep over here, since we got loads of snow and all the trains/busses/planes are delayed. I'm living 5 mins from the airport soooo....hope all will work out!
Wow, good luck :) We've got lots of snow over here in Germany and I heard there are lots of flights cancelled (Air France, KLM and in the UK), Eurostar service, etc. God, I wish I could go to the exhibition too. Just can't afford to travel right now.

I just lay awake for a bit, with little tears, and I asked the angels to let Michael know how much he is loved and that, I asked them to take that message to him and send him lots of L.O.V.E. (and I asked to send some to his kids too).
I hope he got the message cos I'm not very receptive with all things spiritual, so I didn't feel anything, you know like some of you guys say you feel warmth or things like that.
I'm not complaining though. I couldn't remember any of my dreams last night either.
Sweet. Love that you had angels take the message/love to him. (Whoa, lol. As I typed that I heard the word "ANGEL" on TV ... it was an ad for a perfume seemingly.) Anyway, sometimes I write letters to him or 'make' him flowers, visualize it all and put feeling into it and then these cherubs fly down and pick the stuff up to take to him :angel:I just know somehow that he'll get it whenever the time is right.

Wow, I just remembered half an hour ago that the meditation/experiment thing is tonight. I am sooooooooooooo tired today! I keep falling asleep. I'm sitting here yawning. I hope I can stay awake. It's 11pm here. Although that's usually no problem, today... man, I'm drinking caffeine right now in the hopes it will help! ;)

No MJ dreams again. I think he was mentioned or something, but I can't remember anything specific. Darn. I knew the constant MJ dreams couldn't last, but it feels like a major bummer when day after day there's none. But I'm thankful all the ones I've had. :mello:

Oh... haven't had any corner-of-the-eye-guy experiences today. I said out loud last night that unless they're a guide/angel, Michael or a relative or friend... basically, sorry but get out. But then I've been asleep on the couch most of the day, lol, so maybe I just haven't noticed what's around.
I'm real excited for the meditation thing, not long to go now.

(Just a bit taken aback by the passing of Brittney Murphy! :cry: actually cannot believe 2009. what is actually going on?!)
Should be interesting to see what happens after this meditation. Hopefully I won't get interrupted by family members or anything.

Britney Murphy died? Wow. I'm shocked. No, 2009 was definitely not a good year for celebrities. :(
2 hours till the meditation! :)

All these celebrity deaths this year is certainly sad...:no: I'm looking forward to a new energy in 2010. Hopefully we'll all see a better year.
^ People keep tweeting that over and over, about bad year for celebrity deaths. I really like Brittany Murphy. This is insane. God, I wonder what happened...? :no: And now watching all the RIP msgs online I'm getting really sad again. F*** 2009!!! Know what I mean? :cry: I can't believe this was the year we lost Michael, the ultimate love of my life, my light, my... ohhhh. How can it be? No year of mass 'celebrity deaths' could ever be as horrible as 2009. I really hate this year (as I realize it's not over yet... eeeek...)

.... an hour and 55 minutes now until our meet-up meditation experiment ...
F*** 2009!!! Know what I mean? :cry:
Yeah, this is just SICK...and it wasn't even the celebs dying only, there's happened so much more awful stuff! Really unbelieveable!
Makes me wonder what causes all this, you know.

Now I'm afraid to fly tomorrow in this weather, it's such a chaos here....and knowing it's still 2009. Yikes.:ph34r: