Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Yes, as some of you mentioned, it is Michael the PERSON she's talking to, which is wonderful. I am not surprised about his opinion of TII because as I was watching it, even though Michael is AMAZING in it, I was sure he wouldn't want people to see it like that. But I appreciate that he is accepting that a lot of us feel the need to see it.
Yeah I agree that the qs on Egypt and reincarnation were a little weird.. I wonder if she picked qs that were submitted by people or something?
And it made me so happy to hear what he said about the dreams and embracing him..I've had a few dreams where I was hugging him and now I feel even closer to him.
I have just listened to Bonnie Vent's latest message. The part near the end about embracing Michael is just so coincidental (or not?) because a couple of nights ago Michael appeared in my dream. I hadn't been thinking about him that evening, but there he was... and there was a bit of a crowd, all of whom seemed to be attracting his attention. I felt left out and side-lined, since i don't like to push myself forward. But Michael noticed this, and after a long time we had chance to be close and just hugged... I could really feel him. He felt slight, very human if you know what i mean, but good and warm. That was the end of the dream. It felt real. I was reassured after listening to Bonnie that this was not just imagination.
It's so nice to hear finally something from Bonnie! Actually I'm not suprised of this channeling message at all, I was kinda waiting for it. Because so many of us in this thread have been feeling a lot of Michael's presence during last few weeks, including myself.
This is just amazing! I love the man :wub:
And the thing about visiting us... Awww...! For sure I will emrace him next time I see him in my dreams :wub:
I have just listened to Bonnie Vent's latest message. The part near the end about embracing Michael is just so coincidental (or not?) because a couple of nights ago Michael appeared in my dream. I hadn't been thinking about him that evening, but there he was... and there was a bit of a crowd, all of whom seemed to be attracting his attention. I felt left out and side-lined, since i don't like to push myself forward. But Michael noticed this, and after a long time we had chance to be close and just hugged... I could really feel him. He felt slight, very human if you know what i mean, but good and warm. That was the end of the dream. It felt real. I was reassured after listening to Bonnie that this was not just imagination.

Aw, that's really lovely, thank you for sharing. :) I also felt really reassured after hearing about Michael asking to be embraced. Like I said a few posts ago, I've had several dreams where I've been hugging Michael, so that really comforted me. :wub:
Me too, I also feel really comforted :wub: I really feel that he's out there keeping eye on us :)
Aw, it's such an overwhelming feeling hearing this stuff. Gosh, I love him. :wub:
I hope this doesn't sound crazy because I'm having a really emotional day but I just wanted to say I love you guys and I'm happy be getting to know you and sharing these intimate and powerful experiences with you all.
I hope this doesn't sound crazy because I'm having a really emotional day but I just wanted to say I love you guys and I'm happy be getting to know you and sharing these intimate and powerful experiences with you all.

Aw Neeve, that's not crazy! In fact, reading your post made me kinda emotional. :cry: Good emotional though, cause I feel exactly the same. You're all amazing people. :heart:
Thanks everyone, I just needed to share my experience. I read this thread a lot and get comfort from it. I'm sure many of us feel the same way as you do Neeve.

Aw Neeve, that's not crazy! In fact, reading your post made me kinda emotional. :cry: Good emotional though, cause I feel exactly the same. You're all amazing people. :heart:

:wub::wub: :better:
I shouldn't even be here, I'm in the middle of a take-home exam, LOL but I can't stop myself from logging in every now and then.
OK Im off to class...
love you all xxx
I know a lot of people probably think this stuff is totally fake and exploitative, but I really believe Bonnie and I was comforted listening to her...

I feel a little left out though, because I haven't had any dreams or experiences like some of the beautiful things you guys have shared in here. I consider you so lucky.
I want to have an experience like this so badly, because I feel like it will help me feel some closure and comfort and clear away some confusion and frustration.

I guess all I can do is hope he "visits" me one day too. :(
I also want to say that I love you guys, you are the best! :hug:

Littlesparrow, don't worry, I think he is there right beside you :) I know exacly how you feel, I was also hoping Michael to visit me in my dreams whole the summer, but he didn't do that :( I was really frustrated and sad, because I do believe in spiritual things and have experienced some of them in my life before.

But now, out of the blue, I see Michael very often in my dreams..! And to be true I also sometimes "feel" him during the daytime very strongly, especially during this week. I think I might have kinda opened up spiritually lately, but how and why has it happened now, I don't really have any clue... :scratch:
Hi everyone...i've been reading this thread for a long time but this is my first post. I don't know if i believe in all the psychic stuff. I'd like to believe that true psychics exist...but i don't know about the ones discussed here so far...i want to believe sooo bad!!...i mean i do believe that consciousness survives death but i'm just not sure if these people are really contacting Michael..not saying it's not possible. Anyway, being here and reading this thread gives me a lot of's nice to see there are people feeling the same way and searching for the same things...i really enjoy reading all the posts... it's interesting about all the dreams with the embracing...i've had quite a few dreams with Michael since his death...but three particular ones with hugs...

the first one was amazing. It was probably sometime in july. I was at one of his concerts...his look was bad era...he was wearing the black and silver outfit...there were disabled children being brought to the front...and i was just standing there watching the whole thing...and all of a sudden he runs up to me and just stands in front of me with the BIGGEST smile on his face...i was dumbfounded...didn't know what to i just kinda freaked out and hugged him...he hugged back...and can i tell u, i was able to literally feel the whole feel the material of his shirt and all...but then in my dream, i realized i was dreaming and i was like oh my gosssh, it's Michael!!! and i got a little too excited and just started hugging him tighter...i know when u become semi-lucid in a dream..u shouldn't get too excited...but i couldn't help i started to desperately hug him and he was calm down...LOL..i think in my dream, he was like ok, gotta go back to performing...can i go now?? he didn't actually say that but it seemed like he was thinking it cuz he was trying to pull away to go back to his performance..haha..but anyway, once i got too excited, i just woke up...

the second one was from off the wall era...i dont know why i keep seeing him in different eras...he was running out in his pj's to the car to get something...i was outside sitting on a raised sidewalk type of thing and as he was running back inside, i waved at him and he waved back and then went inside...after, a little while, he came outside and just came up to me..and i hugged him...i just held him close to me...and he just allowed me to hold him like was beautiful...

the third one had two parts...the first part was sooo sad...this one's the most recent...i think it was sometime last week or the week before...this time dangerous era look..he was sitting on the edge of the bed...he was wearing black pants...white tshirt tucked in with an opened white button-down over yea, he was sitting on the edge of the bed...he was crying... hysterically crying..he had his hands over his face...( i type this, i wanna cry)..and he was just cryinggg..sooo baadd...and i just put both my arms around him and just hugged him sooo tight and told's ok...i just kept repeating that it was gonna be ok...he wasn't hugging me back...he was just crying...and i was just holding him..and that was the end of that dream. The second part of this wasn't connected but still interesting...he was back to off the wall era..and i think i was married to him..(yaay! haha..i think i've been spending too much time in the manhood thread! lol) and we were just sitting in bed and i asked him something about who he likes the most...and he wrote it down on a piece of paper and gave it to me...i opened it and it went in this was his kids, Katherine, and my name...i took this to mean that to him, the most important things to him are his children, his mom and his fans...

so..those are my dreams with hugs involved...i wonder what these dreams represent...
the third one had two parts...the first part was sooo sad...this one's the most recent...i think it was sometime last week or the week before...this time dangerous era look..he was sitting on the edge of the bed...he was wearing black pants...white tshirt tucked in with an opened white button-down over yea, he was sitting on the edge of the bed...he was crying... hysterically crying..he had his hands over his face...( i type this, i wanna cry)..and he was just cryinggg..sooo baadd...and i just put both my arms around him and just hugged him sooo tight and told's ok...i just kept repeating that it was gonna be ok...he wasn't hugging me back...he was just crying...and i was just holding him..and that was the end of that dream. The second part of this wasn't connected but still interesting...he was back to off the wall era..and i think i was married to him..(yaay! haha..i think i've been spending too much time in the manhood thread! lol) and we were just sitting in bed and i asked him something about who he likes the most...and he wrote it down on a piece of paper and gave it to me...i opened it and it went in this was his kids, Katherine, and my name...i took this to mean that to him, the most important things to him are his children, his mom and his fans...

so..those are my dreams with hugs involved...i wonder what these dreams represent...

Aww, I've had a sad dream very much like that too. I woke up feeling really upset. :cry:
I had a dreamed I hugged him. Just one. And it was back in August, but it did feel very real to me because it was the way in which he looked at me, the way he smiled. It was like he knows who I am, and knew I had been wanting so much to just give him a hug. It was kind of like meeting a long lost friend and embracing.

Other than that though I've had dreams where I try to run up and hug him, but the dream just ends there and I can't get close to him. :(

I just got back from seeing "This is It." I was feeling extremely guilty about seeing it because of Bonnie Vent's message, but I'm glad I did. It was worth it to me.

Man now I really miss him. :cry: Love to all. :huggy:
Bonnie Vent sounds like she channeled MJ in this session. It sounds like something MJ would say. I feel comforted in her explanation of why MJ would want to visit his fans / people he didn't know. She gave a good reason of why he would, to me that sounds like it was honestly what MJ said to her.
Ok, that Egypt part kind of freaked me out a bit because I asked a very personal Egypt-&-MJ-related question last week to my spirit guides, hoping for an answer someday soon. It wasn't answered in any kind of direct way by the content of what Bonnie says she received, but just as soon as I heard her say the word "Egypt" I was like... whoa. My question wasn't about Egyptian symbols, but I wonder if this could this be an answer in some way. I don't mean that she would've asked this or he would've responded just because of me, but I think things work like that in the realm of spirit... that one thing, one answer can serve multiple purposes for multiple people. If that makes sense. And if Bonnie is really communicating with MJ. Sorry, I'm psychic and skeptical at the same time, lol. Or... maybe it's just a coincidence about the Egypt thing. Who knows.

Interesting about This Is It. My feeling about it this whole time has been that of course Michael wouldn't want us to see anything but the finished product, perfected with all the right camera angles and/or lighting. That's him! But I also think that, considering the circumstances (ahem), he'd understand that it's important for us (especially those of us who had O2 ticks) and would therefore be kind of ok with it in the end. I mean, it's not like we'll ever see the final thing :( So I was glad to hear the same general sentiment.

I had a dream a few weeks ago about seeing part of TII. Kenny Ortega and Michael were somehow with me and as I woke up Kenny and I joked together to Michael like, "You always said you wanted to do film next!" and Michael was just laughing and smiling and said, "The whole time we thought we were making a tour, but we were actually making a movie." (It felt sad after I'd been awake for a few minutes, but in the dream it was all just hilarious.)
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I had a dream a few weeks ago about seeing part of TII. Kenny Ortega and Michael were somehow with me and as I woke up Kenny and I joked together to Michael like, "You always said you wanted to do film next!" and Michael was just laughing and smiling and said, "The whole time we thought we were making a tour, but we were actually making a movie." (It felt sad after I'd been awake for a few minutes, but in the dream it was all just hilarious.)

I can imagine Michael saying that :yes:
Wow I was 3 pages behind on this thread since I last posted!
It's so lovely to read this thread hear about your experiences and just your thoughts altogether. Maybe it's cause I watched the TII movie earlier, but something makes me feels so much more connected and grateful for you all today...I LOVE YOU GUYS!

dmj09 - wow, thanks for sharing your dreams. Beautiful...and sad...about the crying one. :cry: Makes me think of what Bonnie had just channeled about how Michael was saying that he gives comfort to some people, while other people give him things that HE needs.
You guys have NO IDEA how ENVIOUS I am of those who have dreamt of hugging Michael. Seriously...every bone in my body down to the core of my soul just wants to hug him!! I've asked so many times...and I haven't gotten anything yet. At least not that I can consciously think of. :cry: I can say I've felt his presence around me before, but I want a hug SOOO's like...I've never wanted anything more. Which may sound so pitiful but that's how it feels. I just want to embrace him and let him feel my love and gratitude for him...I want to FEEL him. I had a dream about him last night...but wasn't a real visitation or anything...just my subconscious reeling a movie that was kinda odd. (sigh)...I MISS HIM.

aww i know exactly what you mean. When i first heard about Michael, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I never thought I would have such a reaction to the death of someone i've never met. It's so surreal the grief i's gotten much better now though. After he passed, I had this desperate need to know that he's ok...that he survives death...I just NEEDED to know. This led me to research lucid dreams and consciousness and all that. I've only been able to be lucid once and it didn't last too long.

As far as the dreams, maybe ur having them and not remembering them? cuz, i was having that problem too. I looked this up and found that keeping a dream journal really helps me to remember. With me, before i go to sleep...i just put the date down and in my head just tell michael to come and visit me...and i've heard that you have to keep telling yourself that you WILL remember it... i actually write it down...i write "i will remember my dream" and the second i wake up, i just write everything down...i find that this really first i wasn't having many Michael dreams...and even now, i don't have Michael dreams all the time..just once every week or two weeks...but in the beginning, i was sooo desperate to see him and hug him that i just kept with the journal thing every single day until one day it happened...
aww i know exactly what you mean. When i first heard about Michael, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I never thought I would have such a reaction to the death of someone i've never met. It's so surreal the grief i's gotten much better now though. After he passed, I had this desperate need to know that he's ok...that he survives death...I just NEEDED to know. This led me to research lucid dreams and consciousness and all that. I've only been able to be lucid once and it didn't last too long.

As far as the dreams, maybe ur having them and not remembering them? cuz, i was having that problem too. I looked this up and found that keeping a dream journal really helps me to remember. With me, before i go to sleep...i just put the date down and in my head just tell michael to come and visit me...and i've heard that you have to keep telling yourself that you WILL remember it... i actually write it down...i write "i will remember my dream" and the second i wake up, i just write everything down...i find that this really first i wasn't having many Michael dreams...and even now, i don't have Michael dreams all the time..just once every week or two weeks...but in the beginning, i was sooo desperate to see him and hug him that i just kept with the journal thing every single day until one day it happened...
Same here! I never knew his death would hit me so hard. Actually it didn't at first...because I didn't really know I do now. It wasn't until I started researching him out, watching all his videos/interviews and stuff that I was just OVERCOME with emotion. It was like...having a father/brother/lover/best friend die. And I had always been spiritual and I knew that his spirit would live on but part of me just HAD to know for sure that he was ok...I felt SO sad that he was gone. The weeks that followed my getting to know him, I actually dreamt of him ALL the time. I can't remember the dreams anymore, but I don't think I ever hugged him...I'd remember that, for sure. Mostly my dreams just involved he was just always around. Man that seems like forever ago now. I don't think I'm dreaming of him and not remembering it...because I often remember my dreams. Lately I've had nothing but creepy/weird dreams. I keep asking my guides to PLEASE let me just hug Michael once and remember it...please! But alas. :( I will try the writing down thing...I'm not giving up!
I love you Michael!
All my dreams so far included a large part on the hugging too!:wub: Amazing...that we all got that same sort of dreams.
I'm trying to go to sleep now...I just got back from the devastated. :cry: It was just a very strange evening, the movie is AMAZING, but it was so stressfull and I immediatly felt a headache.
Kept on trying to feel if Michael would be felt comfortable out there though which was surprising, so maybe he was.
(Got a lil' surprise at the end...a fine on my car! Damnit. :( )
Hope I have a good dream right now....need it so bad.
Hi everyone...i've been reading this thread for a long time but this is my first post. I don't know if i believe in all the psychic stuff. I'd like to believe that true psychics exist...but i don't know about the ones discussed here so far...i want to believe sooo bad!!...i mean i do believe that consciousness survives death but i'm just not sure if these people are really contacting Michael..not saying it's not possible. Anyway, being here and reading this thread gives me a lot of's nice to see there are people feeling the same way and searching for the same things...i really enjoy reading all the posts... it's interesting about all the dreams with the embracing...i've had quite a few dreams with Michael since his death...but three particular ones with hugs...

the first one was amazing. It was probably sometime in july. I was at one of his concerts...his look was bad era...he was wearing the black and silver outfit...there were disabled children being brought to the front...and i was just standing there watching the whole thing...and all of a sudden he runs up to me and just stands in front of me with the BIGGEST smile on his face...i was dumbfounded...didn't know what to i just kinda freaked out and hugged him...he hugged back...and can i tell u, i was able to literally feel the whole feel the material of his shirt and all...but then in my dream, i realized i was dreaming and i was like oh my gosssh, it's Michael!!! and i got a little too excited and just started hugging him tighter...i know when u become semi-lucid in a dream..u shouldn't get too excited...but i couldn't help i started to desperately hug him and he was calm down...LOL..i think in my dream, he was like ok, gotta go back to performing...can i go now?? he didn't actually say that but it seemed like he was thinking it cuz he was trying to pull away to go back to his performance..haha..but anyway, once i got too excited, i just woke up...

the second one was from off the wall era...i dont know why i keep seeing him in different eras...he was running out in his pj's to the car to get something...i was outside sitting on a raised sidewalk type of thing and as he was running back inside, i waved at him and he waved back and then went inside...after, a little while, he came outside and just came up to me..and i hugged him...i just held him close to me...and he just allowed me to hold him like was beautiful...

the third one had two parts...the first part was sooo sad...this one's the most recent...i think it was sometime last week or the week before...this time dangerous era look..he was sitting on the edge of the bed...he was wearing black pants...white tshirt tucked in with an opened white button-down over yea, he was sitting on the edge of the bed...he was crying... hysterically crying..he had his hands over his face...( i type this, i wanna cry)..and he was just cryinggg..sooo baadd...and i just put both my arms around him and just hugged him sooo tight and told's ok...i just kept repeating that it was gonna be ok...he wasn't hugging me back...he was just crying...and i was just holding him..and that was the end of that dream. The second part of this wasn't connected but still interesting...he was back to off the wall era..and i think i was married to him..(yaay! haha..i think i've been spending too much time in the manhood thread! lol) and we were just sitting in bed and i asked him something about who he likes the most...and he wrote it down on a piece of paper and gave it to me...i opened it and it went in this was his kids, Katherine, and my name...i took this to mean that to him, the most important things to him are his children, his mom and his fans...

so..those are my dreams with hugs involved...i wonder what these dreams represent...

Aw, that was really sweet to read.

I want so badly to have dreams like this!
Ever since I was really little I have always have incredibly vivid dreams, sometimes lucid too, and I usually remember them. In fact one of my very earliest memories is a dream I had when I was in pre-school. I can still remember every sight, sound, smell to this day.

Sometimes I literally look forward to crawling into bed later that night because I love getting away for a little while in my dreams (as corny as that sounds), and they are so real that it feels like escaping.

This is why I'm kind of crushed that I haven't had any experiences like these.
I am almost starting feel like I'm not special enough!

I still really enjoy reading about everyone else's.

I don't know. Anyway, I'm going to bed in a short while. Maybe tonight will be the night, haha.

EDIT: AW, amygrace I just read your posts and I feel exactly word-for-word the same way! :hug:
Same here! I never knew his death would hit me so hard. Actually it didn't at first...because I didn't really know I do now. It wasn't until I started researching him out, watching all his videos/interviews and stuff that I was just OVERCOME with emotion. It was like...having a father/brother/lover/best friend die. And I had always been spiritual and I knew that his spirit would live on but part of me just HAD to know for sure that he was ok...I felt SO sad that he was gone. The weeks that followed my getting to know him, I actually dreamt of him ALL the time. I can't remember the dreams anymore, but I don't think I ever hugged him...I'd remember that, for sure. Mostly my dreams just involved he was just always around. Man that seems like forever ago now. I don't think I'm dreaming of him and not remembering it...because I often remember my dreams. Lately I've had nothing but creepy/weird dreams. I keep asking my guides to PLEASE let me just hug Michael once and remember it...please! But alas. :( I will try the writing down thing...I'm not giving up!
I love you Michael!

Oh yeah ditto here. After he died I had an instinctive feeling he still existed after death, but I wanted so much to know for sure it's true and he's ok. Coming to this thread, hearing Bonnie Vent was really comforting. And I think in a way opened me up more spiritually so I can be aware of his presence.

I agree that recording dreams helps. I've been doing that since February actually just because I've always been so into dreams, and trying to figure them out. I often have really bizarre ones, but now days if I don't dream about Michael, they've been pretty ordinary and boring. Hmm. Another good thing about writing them down (or typing them out as I do) is if you have any Michael dreams you can read them over and over again. I like reading the really good dreams over and over because they're lovely. :wub: It really takes me back to that moment in the dream.

I hope you get a hug soon from Michael in your dreams Amy. :)
I hope you get a hug soon from Michael in your dreams Amy. :)
Thank you hun! :huggy:

littlesparrow said:
Sometimes I literally look forward to crawling into bed later that night because I love getting away for a little while in my dreams (as corny as that sounds), and they are so real that it feels like escaping.

This is why I'm kind of crushed that I haven't had any experiences like these.
I am almost starting feel like I'm not special enough!
Same here! :cry:
Havent been in this post for awhile, so hi everybody! :) Just wanted to put my 2 cents in on Bonnie's new video :)

I think it's beautiful! It really made sense to me that Michael wouldn't want us to something less than perfect. I don't think he would be necessarily proud of the film This Is It, but he embraces it and is 'okay' with it because he knows his fans need something. He has to leave us with something or we will never get over being robbed of that big last bang. Yanno what I'm saying? I really think he wants to leave us with something, and This Is It was it. I'm happy with how he handled it :) I really feel 21000% that Bonnie is channeling Michael :)
I have just listened to Bonnie Vent's latest message. The part near the end about embracing Michael is just so coincidental (or not?) because a couple of nights ago Michael appeared in my dream. I hadn't been thinking about him that evening, but there he was... and there was a bit of a crowd, all of whom seemed to be attracting his attention. I felt left out and side-lined, since i don't like to push myself forward. But Michael noticed this, and after a long time we had chance to be close and just hugged... I could really feel him. He felt slight, very human if you know what i mean, but good and warm. That was the end of the dream. It felt real. I was reassured after listening to Bonnie that this was not just imagination.

Now that was similar to my last dream! I posted a dream I had a few days before the release of TII. I saw him on a grassy hilltop and there were fans and children attracting his attention. I felt like "oh I don't want to bother him..but I miss him so much". It was wierd but I ended up approaching him and embracing him..and everyone was sat down in front of him (he was sitting too). He told everyone to gather around and sit by him. Anyway..I posted it earlier.. I don't want to go on.. but I just wanted to say that your dream reminds me of the one I had... it's just cool to hear that other fans are having similar dreams. such a trip! I want to have another dream/visit..:angel: