Merged: Psychics channel Michael

AMYGRACE.. I hope you get your dreams/visits soon. Michael will find you!:better:

I wish we all lived in the same town! Could you all imagine all of us discussing this over coffee?? haha:D I'm in Plymouth UK if anyone wants to have a cuppa! haha..

Peace, love and light to you all. I never say that but it just popped into my head. Off to work!
AMYGRACE.. I hope you get your dreams/visits soon. Michael will find you!:better:
I wish we all lived in the same town! Could you all imagine all of us discussing this over coffee?? haha:D
Thank you dahling :huggy:
And if we all lived in the same town...damn..that would be SO awesome. I wish we all at least lived in the same country then we could easily organize a meetup! I'm so grateful for the internet right wonderful is it that you can connect with people from all over the world? If I didn't have this place to talk with people about Michael, I don't know what I'd do.
Thank you dahling :huggy:
And if we all lived in the same town...damn..that would be SO awesome. I wish we all at least lived in the same country then we could easily organize a meetup! I'm so grateful for the internet right wonderful is it that you can connect with people from all over the world? If I didn't have this place to talk with people about Michael, I don't know what I'd do.

I know!

I feel sorry for Elvis or Monroe fans.
Thank you dahling :huggy:
And if we all lived in the same town...damn..that would be SO awesome. I wish we all at least lived in the same country then we could easily organize a meetup! I'm so grateful for the internet right wonderful is it that you can connect with people from all over the world? If I didn't have this place to talk with people about Michael, I don't know what I'd do.

Oh my goodness, I know! I'm so glad for this would however be so lovely to chat over coffee with everyone! I would love that so much. :heart:

So, I tried focusing all my energy on telling myself "I will meet Michael in a dream tonight" in bed, but instead I just ended up having a terrible nightmare and almost slept through an exam. Fail. :(
I know!
I feel sorry for Elvis or Monroe fans.
Dang I never thought of that...that must have sucked for easy way to reach out to other people who felt the same way! :-/

littlesparrow said:
So, I tried focusing all my energy on telling myself "I will meet Michael in a dream tonight" in bed, but instead I just ended up having a terrible nightmare and almost slept through an exam. Fail. :sad:
Ugh that stinks. I did the same thing last night... I specifically asked my guides AND my higher self, to please let Michael know that I wanted to see him during dream time...just to give him a quick hug. But I ended up having nightmares about the last guy I dated (who I seriously think is haunting joke lol). Better luck next time...
I wrote a transcript of the first question you.
Edit: And the second one as well :)

Q: Do you have anything you'd like to say publicly about this movie (TII)?

MJ: I know the fans have mixed feelings about going to see this movie. They shuld. It only proves that corporate greed is alive and well, not that Michael Jackson is. I should say again that I was healthy enough to perform. I did eat. It would get very busy, and sometimes I needed to remind myself to eat. But noone controlled this. This rumor is not true. I guess I could spend eternity telling you fact from fiction. It seems everyone have an opinion of who I was. You need to ask yourself this question; if Michael Jackson were alive, would he want us to see this movie? Those fans that know me well will know that I would not want the public to see and hear unfinished work. I only want them to see and hear the very, very best of what I offer as a performer. It is out of my hands now, and I do understand you want that last look. If you need this from me; please, take it.

Q: A person has written to me about a man making the statement that you have already reincarnated, and will come back as a white girl. Can you share some knowledge about this topic?

MJ: What a ridiculous thing to say! I still have a lot of work to do here and now. I can be of no use to my children if I'm someone else, living a life there. Just because you leave the physical ground, does not mean that you loose purpose. I have no desire to be a child again. I am still not over the last time. It is important to take time, so to speak, to heal.

Thank you so much André!(are you Brazilian?)

For the first time someone did this to me!

I'm Brazilian and is more easy to me read in English than hear! :(
I can understand much better...

God bless you! :flowers:
Hi sweethearts.
I,m still here.
But sometimes scared for coming out of the things that are happening to me.
I know what i feel and see.
Michael is so close and yet so far.
Dang I never thought of that...that must have sucked for easy way to reach out to other people who felt the same way! :-/

Ugh that stinks. I did the same thing last night... I specifically asked my guides AND my higher self, to please let Michael know that I wanted to see him during dream time...just to give him a quick hug. But I ended up having nightmares about the last guy I dated (who I seriously think is haunting joke lol). Better luck next time...

That has happened to me a few times also. I asked to dream of Michael and somehow my ex pops up in them :bugeyed Then I realize im not going to ask anymore lol. If Michael wants to find us he will. He knows we love him :yes:
the Egypt thing 'got' me as well.. I too have a related personal experience about that,i've only shared it with one person on this board.
That has happened to me a few times also. I asked to dream of Michael and somehow my ex pops up in them :bugeyed Then I realize im not going to ask anymore lol. If Michael wants to find us he will. He knows we love him :yes:
Yeah it's happened to me a few times! (sigh)...I'm not gonna beg *cough* intent has been put out there, so I'll just hope it comes back to me eventually.
That is so strange though, maybe I am trying too hard. When Michael pops in my dreams I dont really expect it, but whenever he does I dont want to wake up lol.

We should try a channel session on Halloween (All Souls Day) like we did on his birthday... We could listen to Thriller.

"It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark. Under the moonlight"
and all look at the moon. What do you think?
the Egypt thing 'got' me as well.. I too have a related personal experience about that,i've only shared it with one person on this board.

It is just another prove that Bonnie is REAL and Michael was speaking to us. This is It.
It is just another prove that Bonnie is REAL and Michael was speaking to us. This is It.

yea... i mean you know i have my 'doubts' with her to be totally honest,but yet I am an intuitive person...and the 'egypt' thing just hit me. I am a believer,just sometimes looking for signs off 'falseness'
That is so strange though, maybe I am trying too hard. When Michael pops in my dreams I dont really expect it, but whenever he does I dont want to wake up lol.

We should try a channel session on Halloween (All Souls Day) like we did on his birthday... We could listen to Thriller.

"It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark. Under the moonlight"
and all look at the moon. What do you think?
That would be awesome! I'm in!
OK I'm not saying I'm being visited by anyone, I'm just wondering.
What does it mean when your shoulders have a burning warmth on them? Sometimes the warmth moves around but it's mostly just my shoulders, really really strong in my shoulders. It's not hot , just really warm. Is it just because of the weather or is something happening?
Not freaking out or anything, just wondering.
I asked under my breath "Is that you Michael? If it is please let me know."
So I waited a few seconds and I felt a sudden rush of warm air on my hand and it stood there for a few seconds than went away. Again I'm not saying I'm having some kind of experience because honestly I never really had one, except when I was younger but I was too freaked out to even recognize it.
It would be very nice if it was him/is him:D The warmth is still here on my shoulders, has been for a few hours now.
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hmmmm Im not sure I wondered that too. Something a little weird happened to me one day. I always wear a dog tag with Michaels picture on it and a couple days ago we were having snow and it was so cold outside and I was out but when I touched the necklace was boiling hott. It was so strange. I would think the cold weather would make the metal cold.
hmmmm Im not sure I wondered that too. Something a little weird happened to me one day. I always wear a dog tag with Michaels picture on it and a couple days ago we were having snow and it was so cold outside and I was out but when I touched the necklace was boiling hott. It was so strange. I would think the cold weather would make the metal cold.

That is strange.
Very cool though.

I don't know if it's because I just got an upgraded siggy or something but I'm just really super happy right now, when just a while ago I was just blah.

I want to post what I'm feeling the sensations but I don't want to just in case it is him because that would be personal wouldn't it? I dunno I'm just so :D:D on cloud 9!

I'm just , I dunno. I don't want to say it's not him and him get hurt, but I don't want to say it's him and just have made a big lie. Some may say if it's him you'll know well, I don't know how these things go.

The last time I had an experience like this was when I was young and my Mom had just passed away like a few days or weeks earlier and I was just laying in my room looking up at the ceiling while the lights were all out and I was trying to sleep actually. I heard singing, and I covered my ears, it was there, I woke up it was there and I freaked out, ran out of my room to tell my Dad someone was in my room but he told me no one was. Well I noticed I think the next day this white streak that was present on an already white wall. It was very comforting. Now that I've moved my room to a different one in the house I found another white streak I believe on the bed post, but that might just be paint, looks like the other streak though.
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That is strange.
Very cool though.

I don't know if it's because I just got an upgraded siggy or something but I'm just really super happy right now, when just a while ago I was just blah.

I want to post what I'm feeling the sensations but I don't want to just in case it is him because that would be personal wouldn't it? I dunno I'm just so :D:D on cloud 9!

I'm just , I dunno. I don't want to say it's not him and him get hurt, but I don't want to say it's him and just have made a big lie. Some may say if it's him you'll know well, I don't know how these things go.

The last time I had an experience like this was when I was young and my Mom had just passed away like a few days or weeks earlier and I was just laying in my room looking up at the ceiling while the lights were all out and I was trying to sleep actually. I heard singing, and I covered my ears, it was there, I woke up it was there and I freaked out, ran out of my room to tell my Dad someone was in my room but he told me no one was. Well I noticed I think the next day this white streak that was present on an already white wall. It was very comforting. Now that I've moved my room to a different one in the house I found another white streak I believe on the bed post, but that might just be paint, looks like the other streak though.
I got the exact same's so hard to understand. I totally feel miserable right now and just wished I could feel something, really strong. :cry:
Lovely story about the streak! Wow. Sorry to hear your mom died though.

About the warm shoulders; sounds very much like something....but then again, hard to judge whether it is or not indeed. In the Bonnie Vent message he said something like you have to believe when you at least feel a little....give it the benefit of the doubt...? So maybe it was.

(Oh god....why did this happen? It feels so lonely. :cry:)
My mother had a MJ dream last night.

She was watching TII and Michael was taking part in a circus...

AMYGRACE.. I hope you get your dreams/visits soon. Michael will find you!:better:

I wish we all lived in the same town! Could you all imagine all of us discussing this over coffee?? haha:D I'm in Plymouth UK if anyone wants to have a cuppa! haha..

Peace, love and light to you all. I never say that but it just popped into my head. Off to work!

I'm in Totnes, just a few miles away from you
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Maybe I'll tell the expereince I had in July.. it's hard to put into detail.. sighs

I'd love to hear it if you're willing to share!

There is one thing I have been wondering about in relation to Michael, but I'm so hesitant to say it was him because I couldn't bear to deceive myself or be let down. :( But here it is anyway...

Every night before I fall asleep I always sort of stare at the ceiling and listen to some music to relax.
On one particular night around last week, I looked up at the ceiling and was kind of startled because the light coming in through the windows made this exact silhouette, from the neck up:

The only thing different about it was that the shape of the face was made up of the light, not of shadows.

I didn't really think a lot of it, I just thought it was a funny coincidence, but it made me smile and I fell asleep.
I noticed it was still there every night until last night... (which, coincidentally was right after I saw TII)

Nothing has changed though - I still sleep with the shades in the exact same position as that night, and the lighting outside the window hasn't changed...
I tried moving the blinds up and down and around to re-create that image, but I can't. It's not there anymore.

It's only now that I'm wondering if it meant anything.
If it did, I feel a little devastated that I didn't pay more attention to it at the time, and now it's gone.

Hm, I don't know.
Just thought I would share.
The only thing different about it was that the shape of the face was made up of the light, not of shadows.
I didn't really think a lot of it, I just thought it was a funny coincidence, but it made me smile and I fell asleep.
I noticed it was still there every night until last night... (which, coincidentally was right after I saw TII)
There are no coincidences ... ;)
I think that's super cool...seems like one of those signs that just assures you Michael is around...whether it was straight from him or not. If you saw the light take form in that exact shape, without purposefully "looking" for it but it just "appeared"...I think it appeared that way to you for a reason. :wub: Don't take these things for granted!
It may have been him last night I don't know.
When ever I asked if it was him to show me something I would feel a sudden warmth on my hand, and some tingling. Again I've never had the experience like that so I don't know.
I asked him if it was him to visit me in my dreams so I could talk to him, and then let me remember but the only real dream I remember of him was some of TII, my mind is thinking Halloween because I remember parts of Thriller from my dream.