Merged: Psychics channel Michael

I am so glad that so many of us are feeling Michael's spirit lately! I still wish I could say I've had dream visit with him (sigh) but, the day before last I was REALLY missing him all the sudden...I had been fine for awhile but the other day I was just so melancholy over him. During this time I was sitting in my room just starring at my poster of him and I felt his presence...then had a little "coincidence" happen during an I-Ching reading that affirmed his presence to me as well. I wonder what he has going on lately that has him feeling so close....
Every year I watch Michael Jacksons Ghosts on Halloween. I think everyone should watch it that day and of course listen to Thriller :)
I am so glad that so many of us are feeling Michael's spirit lately! I still wish I could say I've had dream visit with him (sigh) but, the day before last I was REALLY missing him all the sudden...I had been fine for awhile but the other day I was just so melancholy over him. During this time I was sitting in my room just starring at my poster of him and I felt his presence...then had a little "coincidence" happen during an I-Ching reading that affirmed his presence to me as well. I wonder what he has going on lately that has him feeling so close....

It probably has to do with the Michael Jackson's This Is It movie coming out as Courtney mentioned. I could picture MJ going to the theaters to see how fans react to him being on the big screen.
Every year I watch Michael Jacksons Ghosts on Halloween. I think everyone should watch it that day and of course listen to Thriller :)
I just thought of making this a tradition for me and my daughter earlier today! I actually don't really like the trick-or-treating I wanted to think of something new that me and my girl can do special each year. I think watching Ghosts with popcorn and goodies and having our own Thriller dance will totally rock. :punk:

tarah86 said:
It probably has to do with the Michael Jackson's This Is It movie coming out as Courtney mentioned. I could picture MJ going to the theaters to see how fans react to him being on the big screen.
Probably. I hope he's proud of the movie and happy to see that although he didn't get to finish his project, the world still gets to take part of it in a sense.
For those of you who do believe, I though you may like to read this by a psychic named Cherokee Billie. I personally really like her and her work. She has this message:

I know that so many of you are excited about the documentary that opens October 27. A sweet lady in London, Saba, enclosed a photo of her ticket and booklet to Michael Jackson’s “This Is It” tour that was to take place in London. I think it’s fabulous to be able to see this priceless rare ticket and booklet. She is donating this to a children’s hospital for one of the seriously ill children in London on Tuesday, October 27, 2009. She’s a great lady.

No matter what anyone says you are still going to see the fabulous entertainer at work in this documentary. Michael was always the consummate professional. He never let his fans down.

Michael would want you to enjoy this because you are able to see his last performances. I’m sure that many of you will be moved emotionally, but remember his spirit lives on and he’s still with us.

In his own words, “And my goal in life is to give to the world what I was lucky to receive: the ecstasy of divine union through my music and my dance.”

Be blessed as you watch this documentary, because that’s what Michael would want for you. Remember he loves you.

See this link for more of Michael's channeled messgaes through Cherokee, I find them very comforting and very Michael :pray:
Hi guys,

A new message from Michael through Bonnie. It broke my heart and made me happy all at the same time.

So Michael doesn't want this footage to be released...interesting. However, I'm not surprised. He's a perfectionist and even though he was giving his all in this footage, he probably wouldn't have been that much happy with it in the end. I'm glad he understands why fans want to see it though. He's amazing.
I'm glad Bonnie finally gave us something. I can't believe she asked him that question about reincarnating into a woman. ha. My mouth kind of dropped when she asked that. I can imagine Michael trying to bang his head off a wall when he heard that. :p
I hope he's with his children tonight during the movie. I have no doubt in my mind that he will be. :heart:
^^Could someone tell what Bonnie said on that video,please?My internet is sooooooooo slow!!DAMN!

Thank you!

I wrote a transcript of the first question you.
Edit: And the second one as well :)

Q: Do you have anything you'd like to say publicly about this movie (TII)?

MJ: I know the fans have mixed feelings about going to see this movie. They shuld. It only proves that corporate greed is alive and well, not that Michael Jackson is. I should say again that I was healthy enough to perform. I did eat. It would get very busy, and sometimes I needed to remind myself to eat. But noone controlled this. This rumor is not true. I guess I could spend eternity telling you fact from fiction. It seems everyone have an opinion of who I was. You need to ask yourself this question; if Michael Jackson were alive, would he want us to see this movie? Those fans that know me well will know that I would not want the public to see and hear unfinished work. I only want them to see and hear the very, very best of what I offer as a performer. It is out of my hands now, and I do understand you want that last look. If you need this from me; please, take it.

Q: A person has written to me about a man making the statement that you have already reincarnated, and will come back as a white girl. Can you share some knowledge about this topic?

MJ: What a ridiculous thing to say! I still have a lot of work to do here and now. I can be of no use to my children if I'm someone else, living a life there. Just because you leave the physical ground, does not mean that you loose purpose. I have no desire to be a child again. I am still not over the last time. It is important to take time, so to speak, to heal.
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Very interesting update from Bonnie, though it's sad to hear he would really not want us to see the This is It movie. I know he's a big time perfectionist though and I get that. I don't know, but eh I think the questions asked this time around were kind of random. It was just weird to me. :mello:
Now after hearing what bonnie said what michael said bout "this is it" i am so confused now
OMG...I'm so glad to finally have an update from her! I check her site every day hoping for one! Hearing that makes me miss him even morrrreee :cry: ...but I'm comforted by what he said about visiting people, and that if you felt you had a real experience with him, to not doubt that. :wub::wub:

I also am not surprised that he isn't content with the footage that is being released...knowing what a perfectionist he was. But, I had just figured he'd be upset at first then change his mind over time as he saw how much his fans needed it and how we will cherish it. I thought he'd grow to be happy and excited about it coming out...guess not! :-/ Still, he understands that some of us need to take that that's good.

What I like about these channelings, is that he still seems like Michael the human being...ya know? Like the same Michael who was here...not some magically enlightened spirit man who is prancing about like some other psychics say. :p Messages from Bonnie all just feel so....real.
I just keep listening to this over and over....I love how he mentioned if we meet him in dream..."please embrace me"...:cry: :cry: dear GOD I MISS HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sigh)

I love how she talked to him about Egypt too! Because I was wondering about that. And his response was totally ILLUMINATI. That Michael...he was so there with everything...couldn't put nothin' past him. :p
needless to say that I'm crying very much now. :boohoo:

oh my God how I wish, HOW I WISH that there could be some proof that this is really him. but I just cant believe in it 100%, u know? :boohoo:

"some people will know exatcly what I'm refering to..."
What is it that "he" is refering to? What is "he" talking about?

The part about the visitations was so much of an comfort!!

I'll never doubt it again - next time I feel Michael, It's Michael...:wub:
I want Michael to come back in my dreams badly now :cry:

I did have one dream of him a few days ago and I have to say it feels like he is much closer in spirit this week for some reason. I miss him God :cry: so much
I had woken up a good several hours or so ago from an MJ dream. I don't remember much about it. But I was right there with Michael doing his This Is It Concert. Michael had just looked so very good in my dream. I wish the dream lasted longer than it did. Because I had started to really cry and miss him all over again when I had woken up from it.

As for that psychic. I usually do believe in psychics. Since I am sort of psychic myself. Cause I have predicted things that have come true before. But unfortunately I can not communicate with the dead. I really wish I could though. Then I can contact Michael myself. And tell you guys what Michael had said to me. But hearing what Michael had to say about the movie. I am glad Michael doesn't really want his fans to see unfinished work. Which is why I am not going to see it. I would just get it on dvd but even then I won't watch it. Until I can emotionally handle it. Which won't be for a very long time to come. I am going to believe of what Bonnie had said about Michael is true.
Thanks for posting Bonnie's update :)

The dream part was........ :cry:
I did see something the other day which made me question Bonnie as she was promoting a new dvd she had made about her conversations with Marilyn Monroe.Would a true psychic do this? I suppose she has to make money, I just hope she doesn't make a dvd about her conversations with Michael :(

I had a really vivid dream the other night where I was in this club somewhere or dimly lit hall and there was music playing I can't remember which and Mchael was sat at a table with a few people round him.
I went over and he said hello and I remember he had his hand flat out and i was holding it and stroking it.His hand was very sore and red and I asked him if he had treated it with anything?
He answered no and I remember telling him that Sudocrem was a good cream to use.
He then shouted across the room to a guy and said "you gotta get me some of this sudocrem stuff" :rofl:
He was really thankful and the cream was then brought over for him.

Where the hell all this came from I don't know!!!!!

I remember his nutritionist saying he had very sore dry hands but I thought all your ailments disappeared once you were in spirit?
Can someone PLEASE inform me why bonnie asked 'MJ' about Egypt.. Please?

Shey says he was using Eygptian symbols to protect himself.

I was highly impressed with this one by Bonnie, because she mentioned the Eygptian symbols, from my own interest in this I had also worked out myself that Michael was using them to protect himself,the music industry (illuminati) also uses symbols but not of love and light, like Michael. This has not been covered in the media, so unless she senses the same as I do. Interesting nonetheless.

Michael used to love the number 7 and wear numbers 777, this is a spritual number, and his army was his army of love.
The part about the visitations was so much of an comfort!!

I'll never doubt it again - next time I feel Michael, It's Michael...:wub:

Yea I had some dreams(back after he passed)..and one just a few days ago..I posted it here! They felt so very real!:cry: He was there and I embraced him and he was so real.

Then backtracking a bit now..shortly after he passed..the dream I had he was holding me close (touching his forehead with mine and stroking my head) he kept saying, "Are you ok and are you alright? You sure?" Then he kept saying "Come see me tomorrow." Anyway I am getting off topic..if anyone wants to chat about dreams or whatever please feel free to PM me.

DanceOfZenab1994, yea I agree with you on this one. I just want to cry cause I know I am not crazy. It's a relief.

amygrace OMG...I'm so glad to finally have an update from her! I check her site every day hoping for one! Hearing that makes me miss him even morrrreee :cry: ...but I'm comforted by what he said about visiting people, and that if you felt you had a real experience with him, to not doubt that. :wub::wub:

I am so feeling this. I ambraced him and was I very tearful in my last dream..and he looked as if he was sad for me, like he was going to cry. But he comforted me. It was such a warm feeling.. I got the sense he was telling me not to be affraid, and not to worry! Which is a trip cause I got some stuff personal going on..:cry:and for him to comfort's unbelieveable! I can't spell right now, I am so tired and just in shock.

I want to see Michael again..and knowing it is true..I can maybe open up to him more? This is so interesting!
Shey says he was using Eygptian symbols to protect himself.

I was highly impressed with this one by Bonnie, because she mentioned the Eygptian symbols, from my own interest in this I had also worked out myself that Michael was using them to protect himself,the music industry (illuminati) also uses symbols but not of love and light, like Michael. This has not been covered in the media, so unless she senses the same as I do. Interesting nonetheless.

Michael used to love the number 7 and wear numbers 777, this is a spritual number, and his army was his army of love.

thank you first and i know that cause i've put that together sometime ago. thanks 4 your view as well. but i was just wondering if maybe 'someone' submitted that question? brought up Eygpt.
Wow...that message from Bonnie is truly amazing! The more I listen to it the more it becomes just feels like Michael. Dunnow why, but my intuition is often right.

I'm not surprised by what he said, I know what he's referring to. He wouldn't want us to see the footage, but then again I think he does understand that this is all we got and that we won't judge him for it to be unfinished or not perfect.:no:
Interesting that he notices the Ancient Egypt stuff...:eek: I always felt VERY compassionate and interested in that...amazing that he obviously got that too. Knew that already but it probably means more to him than I thought.

Hope I get some sort of experience soon...haven't felt a while now. :cry: Maybe after the TII premiere where I'm goin' to tonight...guess I'll be completely devastated.
I'll embrace u Michael.... :heart:
Nice to see an update from Bonnie Vent.
I wasn't at all suprised about the message regarding the This Is It movie, I have felt all the time that this movie is not meant to be exited about.. Something is not right, and I still don't know if I will go to watch it.

The part where he talks about visiting fans.. breaks my heart again. I know that all my experiences with him is real, and he has helped me alot through his visits.
Aw, this is so comforting. :wub: I've actually had quite a few dreams where I've hugged Michael, and it was really sweet. :wub: The visitation thing is really comforting though. Gosh, I miss him. :cry: