Merged: Psychics channel Michael

I had a dream a few weeks ago.

I was walking down the street ... There were many people walking.I was sad and crying thinking Michael. Suddenly Michael appears walking towards me .. slowly ... and he had a wonderful smile .. . Michael stopped and hugged me so tight! I rested my head on his shoulder.Then Michael just looked at me and said, "Sssssssshhhh ... It's all right now ... Everything is fine!"

And then I woke up!I could not sleep on that day anymore..
I had a dream a few weeks ago.

I was walking down the street ... There were many people walking.I was sad and crying thinking Michael. Suddenly Michael appears walking towards me .. slowly ... and he had a wonderful smile .. . Michael stopped and hugged me so tight! I rested my head on his shoulder.Then Michael just looked at me and said, "Sssssssshhhh ... It's all right now ... Everything is fine!"

And then I woke up!I could not sleep on that day anymore..

What a sweet dream. :)
Dri, your dream sounds amazing!
It's nice to know that Michael was smiling in your dream:)

Walkaway, thank you for your comment! It's an interesting notice that opening doors and walking stairs might represent moving in spiritual levels...I have never considered it, but now that I think of it it seems very obvious!

I have to say I just love this thread too, I have been lurking here since June but have never had any interesting experiences to share before my recent dream. But I have sure had great time reading your experiences, I think this thread has helped me a lot in my sorrow.
Thank you guys :hug:
This dream has been recent ...

I was with Michael in Steple Center watching the rehearsals.We were just talking and I dont remember what we were talking about exactly ...

But I remember when I asked him about the children.Michael smiled to me and said, "I want you to just look at the screen." There was a large screen in front of us on stage. Suddenly I saw Paris, Prince and Blanket visiting orphanages, they were donating toys for children, food, clothes, medicine ... I saw Paris taking pictures with some children ... They were doing charity as your father!

Then Michael turned to face me and said, "I am proud of my children and I'll have more ..."

So ... I dont remember how my dream ended.
But I have sure had great time reading your experiences, I think this thread has helped me a lot in my sorrow.
Thank you guys:hug:
Couldn't agree more! :yes: Love reading everyones stories & dreams and so on. Even when I'm not commenting, I read everything and please keep sharing! It's awesome.
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Sometimes when I see pictures of the Michael's children on my computer the light turns on and off several times.

Could be him?
Sometimes when I see pictures of the Michael's children on my computer the light turns on and off several times.

Could be him?

Does that only happen when you are looking at his kids' pics?

If so, it could be.
I also love this thread I have not had one dream about MJ or any interesting stories to tell. I like hearing about your stories and dreams please keep sharing them with us.I find it very peaceful in this thread.

Susannah xx :)
In my country there is All Soul's Day on November 2.People go to the cemetery to lay flowers on the graves and pray.I particularly dont like do this because I believe that the person is not there anymore.The spirit of the person is not on the cemitery.Then I feel better pray to the spirit of the person in my home,on the lake...I buy flowers, pray for God and ask for the spiritual guides take my flowers to the person that I love.
I am spiritualist(Allan Kardec) and I know that flowers can materialize to the spirit on beyond. I concentrate and pray listening Enya's songs(I love her!).When I'm hearing this songs makes me relax and makes me very focused.

I pray for Michael listening this song(always):

ENYA - Shepherd Moons

But this song reminds him...I cry cuz that's how I'm feeling now...

If I Could Be Where You Are

Where are you this moment?
only in my dreams.
You're missing, but you're always
a heartbeat from me.
I'm lost now without you,
I don't know where you are.
I keep watching, I keep hoping,
but time keeps us apart

Is there a way I can find you,
is there a sign I should know,
is there a road I could follow
to bring you back home?

Winter lies before me
now you're so far away.
In the darkness of my dreaming
the light of you will stay

If I could be close beside you
If I could be where you are
If I could reach out and touch you
and bring you back home
Is there a way I can find you
Is there a sign I should know
Is there a road I could follow
to bring you back home to me

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Dri!! :hug: I *always* feel your pain! :hug: It hurts me, seriously! :cry:

Hugs to you my dear! :hug:

I love the spiritual world! I'm always searching and wanting to know more. Have you read "Violetas na Janela"? I like it! It's beautiful!!
I love Brian Weiss books too!

Sorry, a litte off topic?

Rest in peace Angel! :angel:
Hello all, it's been a while since I have been on this thread. I am about to go to work, but I just had to write this message.

It's been a while since I have had any MJ dreams (that were clear to remember)..and I had one very early this morning before I woke up.

I met Michael on some grassy hilltop. I dunno where it was. There were a few fans and some children. This time he was in his red shirt and black pants. He sat down on the grass and some fans were trying to hug him..and he was telling everyone to sit down. I went up to him and touched his shoulder and he turned around and told me to lay down and rest my head on his lap. I sat down and kissed him (just a peck) on the lips and he looked as if were going to cry!:cry: I rested my head in his lap and he began talking and petting my head..then..I fell asleep while resting on Michael. SO it's like I fell asleep IN my dream. It was strange. I didn't hear what he was saying.

That dream seemed very real and my other dreams. I dunno what it meant or if it was JUST a dream. I woke up this morning feeling like it was so real! Any thoughts or advice?

It was good seeing him in my dreams again. I have been missing Michael terribly!:(
Aw, cute dream, cyberjackson. :) I don't know if it's just a coincidence or not, but I've noticed that many people who have met him in a dream, have seen him in a field or grassy area. I just thought I'd share my thoughts, as it's something I'd noticed after reading other people's dreams. In fact, I had a dream similar, in which I was with Michael in a field, and we were sitting under a tree. :)
Aw, cute dream, cyberjackson. :) I don't know if it's just a coincidence or not, but I've noticed that many people who have met him in a dream, have seen him in a field or grassy area. I just thought I'd share my thoughts, as it's something I'd noticed after reading other people's dreams. In fact, I had a dream similar, in which I was with Michael in a field, and we were sitting under a tree. :)

I don't remember if my recent MJ dream has a field but I remember, vividly, a HUGE ass golden sparkly mansion. :wub::wub::wub::wub:

Like gold we have never seen on Earth before. :wub:
This time he was in his red shirt and black pants. He sat down on the grass and some fans were trying to hug him..and he was telling everyone to sit down. I went up to him and touched his shoulder and he turned around and told me to lay down and rest my head on his lap. I sat down and kissed him (just a peck) on the lips and he looked as if were going to cry!:cry: I rested my head in his lap and he began talking and petting my head..then..I fell asleep while resting on Michael. SO it's like I fell asleep IN my dream. It was strange. I didn't hear what he was saying.
I'm SO jealous of your dream! and everyone else who seems to have dreams like this with Michael. I've asked my guides and even Michael a few times if I could just give him one hug or be near him during dream time...just once...and yet it never happens! :cry: I miss him so. :cry:

DanceOfZenab1994 said:
I don't remember if my recent MJ dream has a field but I remember, vividly, a HUGE ass golden sparkly mansion. :wub::wub::wub::wub: Like gold we have never seen on Earth before. :wub:
That is so awesome! Haha...he totally would have something like that. Oh what I would give to see it. :sparkle:
I'm SO jealous of your dream! and everyone else who seems to have dreams like this with Michael. I've asked my guides and even Michael a few times if I could just give him one hug or be near him during dream time...just once...and yet it never happens! :cry: I miss him so. :cry:

That is so awesome! Haha...he totally would have something like that. Oh what I would give to see it. :sparkle:

You would have loved it. It was sparkling more than any star or diamond, every sight of the mansion was like that.
I had a dream that I was searching for Michael, I could not find him though. Its strange this is like the 3rd dream I've had like this.
This was my first dream about michael ...

I was walking on the street tonight.I was alone.There were many buildings.In the end of the street, the last building had a light. I was curious and went to see what it was.
When I got close I wanted to get in. Suddenly I was in a wonderful place.There were huge trees and flowers that had never seen before.There were people walking and talking each other.I heard voices and laughter and seemed to be children and another that seemed to be Michael.
I walked a lot and seen him playing with many children.They ran and played ...
I wanted a lot to be near him.I cried a lot when I saw him.. .. but .. I do not know why I cannot left the place where I was.I couldnt get near him.
I was nervous, I cried and he seemed not to hear me.
Suddenly, he looked me.Michael gave me a beautiful smile! He didnt spoke with his mouth but with the thoughts.Seemed to be like telepathy.He told me I could not touch him because was not in my time.He told me that he was happy.He was fine and thanked me for my love and told me to take his love with me.Then he returned to play with the children and disappeared.

It was amazing!!!!And his appearance was diferent.Michael was with the appearance of the video Black or White(90's).
Dri!! :hug: I *always* feel your pain! :hug: It hurts me, seriously! :cry:

Hugs to you my dear! :hug:

I love the spiritual world! I'm always searching and wanting to know more. Have you read "Violetas na Janela"? I like it! It's beautiful!!
I love Brian Weiss books too!

Sorry, a litte off topic?

Rest in peace Angel! :angel:

Aww!Thank you,Petals!

Yes!I loved "Violetas na Janela"!And all Allan Kardec's books.

Thank you for your support,my friend!Love you!

This was my first dream about michael ...

I was walking on the street tonight.I was alone.There were many buildings.In the end of the street, the last building had a light. I was curious and went to see what it was.
When I got close I wanted to get in. Suddenly I was in a wonderful place.There were huge trees and flowers that had never seen before.There were people walking and talking each other.I heard voices and laughter and seemed to be children and another that seemed to be Michael.
I walked a lot and seen him playing with many children.They ran and played ...
I wanted a lot to be near him.I cried a lot when I saw him.. .. but .. I do not know why I cannot left the place where I was.I couldnt get near him.
I was nervous, I cried and he seemed not to hear me.
Suddenly, he looked me.Michael gave me a beautiful smile! He didnt spoke with his mouth but with the thoughts.Seemed to be like telepathy.He told me I could not touch him because was not in my time.He told me that he was happy.He was fine and thanked me for my love and told me to take his love with me.Then he returned to play with the children and disappeared.

It was amazing!!!!And his appearance was diferent.Michael was with the appearance of the video Black or White(90's).

Aw, Dri, what a wonderful dream. :wub:
^^Thanks,my friend..I remember that I woke up and cried a lot of..My husband gave me some water and hugged me...I just cant stop crying...

But on that dream I could feel him...
Wow, I love these beautiful dreams. I miss Michael from my dreams. :( I had a lot of dreams about him in August, like I'd be having one after another, several times in a row. But even when I did have these dreams they were often just about him, and he wouldn't necessarily be in them. Like they would be associated with him somehow, someone that was in his life, or one of his songs would be in the dream. Or he'd be there, but wouldn't even acknowledge I was there. I've only had a few dreams where he actually talked to me, and fewer still that actually seemed like visitations. It's those dreams which I really treasure, and I like to read over them a lot because I have them written down. I knew those ones in particular were probably visits because they were personally significant. I hope I will to get see him again in my dreams eventually. :)
I think this is terrible sad, and gives good professional psychics a bad name. All for the word showbiz, with no respect for the family, the fans and the spirit. This is unsettling for me because I do believe in afterlife, but it's just incredibly sad.

Really dreadful attempt to grab MJ fans. In my opinion the only thing they see is pound signs when they see how many MJ fans there actually was. Cashing in on afterlife. Disturbing.

Thanks for reading, X
my pumpkin is lit up again tonight

I dve felt the presece of don't know what happens to our spirit after we die but I do believe cause I have had visits many times.
Late last night I found this thread, listened to the YouTube and she was so Michael, the mannerisms in which he spoke, sounded if he were speaking to her. I start reading padge 1-10 and by then it was 3:00 in the morning. I couldn't sleep well and what she had said disturbed me, as if he wasn't at peace. He died June 25th and she surfaced on July 2nd I truly believe one's sole is not at peace until they are buried. Poor Michael's body was in a refrigerator until Sept. What she sais about "unfair" is true.
When I woke up I only had slept for 4 hrs. and didn't sleep as comfortable as usual. So I went back to bed and slept all day. I had to share this with my husband and he said he wasn't sure about her but he does believe. He mentioned the movie the 6th sence and that is just it some people have a 6th sence and others do not. Our brain is manufactured with only 5 sences. aamy experience is that I have seen things move, I've heard my toilet flushe when it was just me at home during the day and I was fully awake. These visists occur esrly after ones death.
It strange but I can validate her, or relate. Something happens between the end of life and the beginning of the death proscess...something happens but I will not know until it's my time.