Merged: Psychics channel Michael

What happened to this thread?

I was on vacation for a week, but I still managed to have some Michael moments.

I was feeling kind of sad about leaving this board for a little while and not being able to think of Michael so much, but getting away was probably good for me. I had his music with me still and I was still thinking of him anyway, but I was worried his presence would just disappear when I left or something.

But on the shuttle ride to the airport, the radio was on and one of the last songs was Don't Stop Til You Get Enough, so that was a great comfort to me. Reminding me he's not going anywhere. :)

Then one of the days while I was on vacation a car zoomed by and Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' was blasting from it.

Finally, on one of my last days there, I looked up in the sky and saw a cloud in the shape of a perfect "J" and if I squinted and turned my head, what looked like a cloud shaped like an "M." Of course I could have really wanted it to be an "M" as well.
Just let the sceptics prove that everything we expierience can be explained.
I doubt they can, i know i had a few expieriences that can NOT happen unless someone from 'up there' has something to do with it.
I'm not saying it is Michael all the time tho, it could also be something from a deceased familymember or friend.
I dont feel like sharing most of my expieriences, theyre personal., bt believe me when i say Michael is out there watching over theis earth and the people that care for him.
Dont let the sceptics hurt you but at the same time...dont get lost in this spiritual stuff when you feel it stops you from living your life here.
What happened to this thread?

I was on vacation for a week, but I still managed to have some Michael moments.

I was feeling kind of sad about leaving this board for a little while and not being able to think of Michael so much, but getting away was probably good for me. I had his music with me still and I was still thinking of him anyway, but I was worried his presence would just disappear when I left or something.

But on the shuttle ride to the airport, the radio was on and one of the last songs was Don't Stop Til You Get Enough, so that was a great comfort to me. Reminding me he's not going anywhere. :)

Then one of the days while I was on vacation a car zoomed by and Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' was blasting from it.

Finally, on one of my last days there, I looked up in the sky and saw a cloud in the shape of a perfect "J" and if I squinted and turned my head, what looked like a cloud shaped like an "M." Of course I could have really wanted it to be an "M" as well.
I've mainly heard a lot of MJ songs, but that's probably because they are trying to promote the movie. It's still nice to hear MJs music on the radio.

It was funny on Monday because before I left for school I was thinking about how "PYT" is a great song. When I car in the car I heard it twice on the radio. Those were the only MJ songs I heard that morning. I was flipping stations to find a good song and not hear people talking.

I heard "TWYMMF" another day on the radio, it was odd because I was sad thinking about MJ and when I heard the song I was just smiling ear to ear. I found it odd how I was just smiling for no reason, I guess the beat of the song made me happy.
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Hey guys! I've been peekin' in and out of this thread lately cause I've been so busy with work...glad the recent "drama dude" situation didn't get out of hand. When those type of people come in here I don't say anything anymore...I just silently report them if needed then go on my happy little way. :D

I've had a couple dreams with Michael in them lately...yay! Nothing real "spiritual and meaningful" though...just pleasant. :) Still enjoying reading everyone elses experiences. Hope you all are well! Much love all around! :wub:
HELP. :(

I'm losing faith in this whole thing...I don't know if Mike is watching over me or not. Is there any way I can be reassured? :cry:
I don't know how Derek could prove it was MJ he was talking to. Doing a live seance doesn't sound very convincing to me. If he couldn't contact MJ then he would probably lose money for not contacting MJ, so he could lie about channeling MJ. I wonder who came up with the concept of channeling MJ on tv. Has Derek ever said he has been in contact with MJ before?

I don't know...but I have found this guy to be pretty acurate...but I suppose we will see....I have an open mind so...

I find all this just nonsense, Michael has passed on, let him rest in peace.

is it all nonsense? can you prove it?

Michael is in HEAVEN. Not here, not there, HEAVEN.

and heaven 100% exists then??

cause as far I as know, no one can prove heaven exists either :rolleyes:
I havent had too many michael moments that often recently, but when I leave work I walk past this clothing store everyday that plays Michaels music at top notch and can be heard right to the end of the street - so michael follows me on part of my journey home :)

One thing that occured a few weeks ago that really comforted me, was I was watching some youtube vids of Mike and was crying really upset and I felt something cold covering my hand like it could of been a hand on top of mine - it really comforted me.
Though the skeptic in me says it was a draft from my open window from the other side of my bedroom - though this draft would have had to miss my other hand and just touch my hand on the far side ... Thought i would share
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Well the funny thing I was not being rude, I was giving a friendly warning. But I guess some are to warped to understand the difference. So thought I would let the proffesionals who have the experience and knowledge, give you an insight as to just how dangerous threads like this is for people who are "on the edge" trauma and religion&f=false

I urge anyone to read this, this is a very serious issue and has nothing to do with free speech, but with mental health.
I havent had too many michael moments that often recently, but when I leave work I walk past this clothing store everyday that plays Michaels music at top notch and can be heard right to the end of the street - so michael follows me on part of my journey home :)

One thing that occured a few weeks ago that really comforted me, was I was watching some youtube vids of Mike and was crying really upset and I felt something cold covering my hand like it could of been a hand on top of mine - it really comforted me.
Though the skeptic in me says it was a draft from my open window from the other side of my bedroom - though this draft would have had to miss my other hand and just touch my hand on the far side ... Thought i would share

Aw, thanks for sharing, Katrine. I've had a similar experience to yours with the feeling of someone or something touching your hand, and like you, I found it really comforting. :)
I'm really not sure (still) that I believe that "mediums" can "channel" or speak to/for/with those that have passed on. I've watched videos of of some who have claimed to, and it pretty much seems bogus to me. I mean, they're not saying anything at all that could prove they're talking to MJ, or anyone else for that matter. I'm not saying it's not possible, just saying I haven't seen anything to convince me yet. But I do have some questions, so for those that do believe in this sort of thing, I'd love to hear your thoughts. And I'm just going to ask questions related specifically to MJ.

1. If they can contact MJ, doesn't he have the power to just not "talk" to them? I mean, just because a medium would initiate contact, that doesn't necessarily mean that MJ would have to reply, right?
2. Seems like every medium who tries to contact MJ actually succeeds. Why would he bother to talk to so many of them? What is the point?
3. "MJ" doesn't seem to say anything unique through/to the mediums; it's always the same basic stuff that could be said by anyone (I'm doing fine, so at peace, yadda yadda). And if he does mention specifics, it's always something that is common knowledge--info that could be found anywhere on the web, it's not revelatory at all.

This is the stuff that bothers me, and that makes me skeptical. So I'm just wanting to understand. Hoping those of you that do believe can offer me some insight.
that sadly is something you hve to decide or yourself is he there or not are spirts real or not i think hes still around i think most dead people are but thats just from what ive felt over my life witnh my own feelings and brushes with the other exstantice i wish i could be a comfort.
1. If they can contact MJ, doesn't he have the power to just not "talk" to them? I mean, just because a medium would initiate contact, that doesn't necessarily mean that MJ would have to reply, right?
2. Seems like every medium who tries to contact MJ actually succeeds. Why would he bother to talk to so many of them? What is the point?
3. "MJ" doesn't seem to say anything unique through/to the mediums; it's always the same basic stuff that could be said by anyone (I'm doing fine, so at peace, yadda yadda). And if he does mention specifics, it's always something that is common knowledge--info that could be found anywhere on the web, it's not revelatory at all.

This is the stuff that bothers me, and that makes me skeptical. So I'm just wanting to understand. Hoping those of you that do believe can offer me some insight.

1. No, he definitely does not have to make contact. Just because a medium wants to initiate, that doesn't mean he will answer.

2. This could be answered many ways...because first there's the concept that on the other side there are no limitations and you could be in several places at one time. I don't think Michael has made contact with EVERY medium that has tried to initiate with him, but - I'm sure he's visited many of them - just as I think he's visited many of his grieving fans. It's easy for you to say "it seems like every medium is speaking with him" because there has been a lot...but I bet many have tried and haven't made contact so we just have not heard from them. Also though, I do think that many may THINK they've made contact when in fact they haven't...or, the messages get twisted a bit. This doesn't mean that channeling a spirit isn't real though, this just means that we are all human. The key is to just feel things out for yourself with your own intuition.

As for the point of Michael speaking through mediums, well, does there have to be a point aside from giving some closure or rather a sense of calmness in knowing that he's ok to people? At least that's what it seems to be in most of the mediums cases that I've heard (or in Bonnie's case, she's supposedly helping him with the investigation and relaying personal messages to his family). I don't think that there has to have some kind of "special purpose" when someone is channeling a spirit, though. Just like when we converse with one another here on Earth...I think the same can go for spirits on the other side. From what I've learned myself, spirits hear when someone is talking about them. (which is why in Bonnie's channeling video, she starts talking about bring him around). It's kinda like overhearing a conversation nearby about'd be curious to see what people are saying right? you eavesdrop or whatever. Their conversation pulls you in because it involves you. So the same goes for spirits. Certainly not always, but if someone is talking about them or wants to initiate a channeling with them, they may join in just to join in - no purpose needed.

3. I don't think his concern would be to try and "prove" his existence. Spirits just talk the way they've always talked. Again though, it comes down to feeling things out for yourself. Some mediums I have heard I definitely feel that there messages are too "floofy" and not right...I just get a feeling about them ya know? I'm definitely skeptical of many of the mediums that have said they've channeled Michael. I think it's good to have a healthy skepticism, while also keeping an open mind. Ultimately, I just use my intuition as a compass and guide. :)
Yeah, I think the reason why Michael wouldn't want to go into specific details with mediums is to protect his privacy and also the privacy of his family just as he would when he was alive. Imagine if he shared too much information and the media got a hold of it? I actually think if the medium is getting too specific on what he may be telling them, I'd start questioning their validity because of those reasons I mentioned. As for believing the psychics, I do think there are a lot out there who are in it for the money sure. Or they are not experienced enough. But there are some who aren't. You just really have to go with your gut, what your feelings are telling you as to whether they are genuine or not.
1. No, he definitely does not have to make contact. Just because a medium wants to initiate, that doesn't mean he will answer.

2. This could be answered many ways...because first there's the concept that on the other side there are no limitations and you could be in several places at one time. I don't think Michael has made contact with EVERY medium that has tried to initiate with him, but - I'm sure he's visited many of them - just as I think he's visited many of his grieving fans. It's easy for you to say "it seems like every medium is speaking with him" because there has been a lot...but I bet many have tried and haven't made contact so we just have not heard from them. Also though, I do think that many may THINK they've made contact when in fact they haven't...or, the messages get twisted a bit. This doesn't mean that channeling a spirit isn't real though, this just means that we are all human. The key is to just feel things out for yourself with your own intuition.

As for the point of Michael speaking through mediums, well, does there have to be a point aside from giving some closure or rather a sense of calmness in knowing that he's ok to people? At least that's what it seems to be in most of the mediums cases that I've heard (or in Bonnie's case, she's supposedly helping him with the investigation and relaying personal messages to his family). I don't think that there has to have some kind of "special purpose" when someone is channeling a spirit, though. Just like when we converse with one another here on Earth...I think the same can go for spirits on the other side. From what I've learned myself, spirits hear when someone is talking about them. (which is why in Bonnie's channeling video, she starts talking about bring him around). It's kinda like overhearing a conversation nearby about'd be curious to see what people are saying right? you eavesdrop or whatever. Their conversation pulls you in because it involves you. So the same goes for spirits. Certainly not always, but if someone is talking about them or wants to initiate a channeling with them, they may join in just to join in - no purpose needed.

3. I don't think his concern would be to try and "prove" his existence. Spirits just talk the way they've always talked. Again though, it comes down to feeling things out for yourself. Some mediums I have heard I definitely feel that there messages are too "floofy" and not right...I just get a feeling about them ya know? I'm definitely skeptical of many of the mediums that have said they've channeled Michael. I think it's good to have a healthy skepticism, while also keeping an open mind. Ultimately, I just use my intuition as a compass and guide. :)

wow, nice explanation!

I haven't been posting in this thread lately, just busy with classes and trying to deal with constant headaches...LOL sorry to share that.
Hope everyone's well :wub:
I havent had too many michael moments that often recently, but when I leave work I walk past this clothing store everyday that plays Michaels music at top notch and can be heard right to the end of the street - so michael follows me on part of my journey home :)

One thing that occured a few weeks ago that really comforted me, was I was watching some youtube vids of Mike and was crying really upset and I felt something cold covering my hand like it could of been a hand on top of mine - it really comforted me.
Though the skeptic in me says it was a draft from my open window from the other side of my bedroom - though this draft would have had to miss my other hand and just touch my hand on the far side ... Thought i would share

Aww, that's so sweet.

I felt something on my shoulder when I was crying and feeling bad the other day...:wub:
Aww, that's so sweet.

I felt something on my shoulder when I was crying and feeling bad the other day...:wub:

awww I felt something too on my shoulder the other night when I was crying in bed. I was crying really hard and really emotional. I felt like something pushed on my right shoulder. I feel Michael is around still even if he is so far :cry: I wonder if its possible he knows about the this is it movie and feeling all the positive energy we are having and anticipating seeing him in this movie. Its a silly thought.. but I really do wonder about alot of things.
awww I felt something too on my shoulder the other night when I was crying in bed. I was crying really hard and really emotional. I felt like something pushed on my right shoulder. I feel Michael is around still even if he is so far :cry: I wonder if its possible he knows about the this is it movie and feeling all the positive energy we are having and anticipating seeing him in this movie. Its a silly thought.. but I really do wonder about alot of things.

OMG...everytime I feel something when feeling down about Michael or praying for him, it's ALWAYS on my right shoulder!! I feel like someone is masaging it.


LOL. :wub:

P.S. I think people in the spirit world know about everything concerning them.
I don't know what I believe, but I find your discussion fascinating. I definitely enjoy reading!

I had a Michael dream last night, and I don't have that many, so I wanted to share: I was asleep (in the dream :lol: I dream of sleep I guess since I never get enough), and my phone woke me up (in the dream, still dreaming) and it was his voice on the other end. I was confused for a minute and said "I'm sorry, who am I speaking to?" And he laughed lightly and said "You know who it is, silly!" Then we talked for a few minutes and I kept asking how he was doing and where he was, and his voice sounded soft and happy and reassuring, saying he was fine and I should stop worrying.

Then I had some unrelated dreams, and then I woke up for real.

Thanks for listening guys! :)
I don't know what I believe, but I find your discussion fascinating. I definitely enjoy reading!

I had a Michael dream last night, and I don't have that many, so I wanted to share: I was asleep (in the dream :lol: I dream of sleep I guess since I never get enough), and my phone woke me up (in the dream, still dreaming) and it was his voice on the other end. I was confused for a minute and said "I'm sorry, who am I speaking to?" And he laughed lightly and said "You know who it is, silly!" Then we talked for a few minutes and I kept asking how he was doing and where he was, and his voice sounded soft and happy and reassuring, saying he was fine and I should stop worrying.

Then I had some unrelated dreams, and then I woke up for real.

Thanks for listening guys! :)


That is so cute. :wub: I'd like to think that's Michael's way of communicating with you - through the phone of your dreams. LOL. I'd like to believe it was him because you said he sounded happy and reassuring.


*thinking* 'Maybe they have phones in heaven. :mello: I wonder if he has twitter :scratch: :lol:'
I don't know what I believe, but I find your discussion fascinating. I definitely enjoy reading!

I had a Michael dream last night, and I don't have that many, so I wanted to share: I was asleep (in the dream :lol: I dream of sleep I guess since I never get enough), and my phone woke me up (in the dream, still dreaming) and it was his voice on the other end. I was confused for a minute and said "I'm sorry, who am I speaking to?" And he laughed lightly and said "You know who it is, silly!" Then we talked for a few minutes and I kept asking how he was doing and where he was, and his voice sounded soft and happy and reassuring, saying he was fine and I should stop worrying.

Then I had some unrelated dreams, and then I woke up for real.

Thanks for listening guys! :)

Awesome, you heard what MJ said when he was speaking to you. I wish I could have a dream where I hear his voice. All mine have been no-speaking roles for MJ (of course I'm glad he's in my dreams but it would be nice to hear him talk). I feel like my dreams are the Where's Waldo-MJ version. I still haven't had a strong MJ dream in a while, maybe I need to watch more youtube videos of MJ.

Cool site, thanks. I will have to check it out more later. I've always been very interested in what life after death is actually like. I'm sure I'll never know exactly what it's really like until I pass on. Being limited to our own biased human ways of thinking, I'm sure it's very different from what we'd expect. Still it's fun to speculate.

Now, I want to share this dream my mom actually had about Michael Jackson last night. To my knowledge, it's the first one she's had about him. I also posted it on the "Dreams about MJ" thread

This morning my mom told me she had a dream about Michael Jackson. She's always liked him and sympathized with him. She even bought his Greatest Hits DVD when the trial in 2005 was going on because she believed he was innocent. I don't think she's as big of a fan as I am though. I asked her what the dream was about and this is what she told me

"It was like I could actually see him. There was a lot of hugging going on and I was crying I guess. I told him I was a sensitive person."

Sounded like a really nice dream she had, and the way she was telling it to me made it seem like it might have been more than just a dream. Just thought I would share. :)

I wonder if Michael might have visited her in her dreams. I was talking to him last night a little about my mom.
Can anyone answer this, but i know people who have been to a few mediums through the years and when asked they mostly say that a spirit can't be contacted for the first 6 months after death 'cause the soul goes into shock and they need to go through a healing process till they except thier death.

If this is true then michael CAN NOT be contacted yet, i'm not saying i believe this but it is what i've heard, just wondering if anyone else has heard this? xx
Can anyone answer this, but i know people who have been to a few mediums through the years and when asked they mostly say that a spirit can't be contacted for the first 6 months after death 'cause the soul goes into shock and they need to go through a healing process till they except thier death.

If this is true then michael CAN NOT be contacted yet, i'm not saying i believe this but it is what i've heard, just wondering if anyone else has heard this? xx

I've never heard about that and to be honest, from a spiritual and religious prespective, I think that's total rubbish.
I am confused about all this. I want to belive that he is in a good place now.I have dreams about Michael for years and years.( i love him for more than 27 years ).In some way I can feel his presence, because he was allways in my life. There are some people that I"ve lost ( my best friend ) and I haven"t felt any close contact.I guess some people have the power to comunicate.I don"t know.
I am confused about all this. I want to belive that he is in a good place now.I have dreams about Michael for years and years.( i love him for more than 27 years ).In some way I can feel his presence, because he was allways in my life. There are some people that I"ve lost ( my best friend ) and I haven"t felt any close contact.I guess some people have the power to comunicate.I don"t know.
I truly believe Michael has so much energy, so full of power that no other person (in my view) has. He had such an impact on this world, and I believe that could only become more now that he's gone. He's one with the nature, he lives on through everything around us.
See how many people are now feeling guilty or are opening their eyes after his death and so on? That is not only a continuation on his death, it's also something bigger. I think he's capable of doing what he was here for, but now in a much bigger and actually better way.
Maybe sounds weird or something......but I really feel like that.

(Glad everyone's back in the thread! Love reading the dreams and stories....hugs to you all!)