Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Hi everyone, I'm not really having any experiences lately so I'm just reading mostly.
I was wondering isn't there any news of Bonnie yet?

Last week I was watching a program on tv and Derek Ogilvie (a psychic from the UK if I'm not mistaken) was a guest there.
They asked him if he had spoken to MJ of course and this was his answer:

No I haven't and I'm not trying to any time soon.
I think spirits deserve some time to get used to the spirit world and the family deserves some privacy.
If the Jackson family would ask me to contact him I would do it but I'm not gonna make contact with him without the family knowing.

I think that's very nice and professional of him.
I really believe in everything he does.
Didn't want to quote the entire post again, lol, but just want to say I totally agree with everything you've written. No, he doesn't have to talk with anyone just because they desire contact. If a medium hasn't contacted him, why would they discuss how they haven't, lol? And I see no reason or evidence for limitation outside the physical world that would mean a spirit couldn't contact many minds at once, especially those who had strong emotions like love for them. Yes, it's possible that some of those claiming contact are deluded or charlatans, but isn't that true of other things in life as well? It's possible to download media player software that's actually a malicious program bent on stealing your credit card info and erasing your hard drive, but it doesn't mean all media players are fake. There are scumbags in every profession, unfortunately. From personal experience I certainly believe real contact with those on the other side is possible, but it's not always as easy or clear as we'd like and doesn't necessarily happen as and when we'd like. I also believe skill and talent for receiving this information can vary greatly among people, and perhaps even vary depending on which spirit is sending the info.

awww I felt something too on my shoulder the other night when I was crying in bed. I was crying really hard and really emotional. I felt like something pushed on my right shoulder.
OMG...everytime I feel something when feeling down about Michael or praying for him, it's ALWAYS on my right shoulder!!
That's where I've felt something as well. :) One night I was crying so hard over MJ and felt like someone had their fingers pressing down on my upper back/shoulder area on the right side. I actually stopped crying because I was like, "whoa, umm... is there someone touching me???!", lol. And for many years now, whenever I've felt a spiritual presence it's come to me as a very strong feeling along my right shoulder, along the right side of my head and right ear. My mother has this as well. It feels like someone is standing there, like a millimeter from my skin. They don't physically touch me (with the exception above), but it's unmistakably there.
I had a Michael dream last night, and I don't have that many, so I wanted to share: I was asleep (in the dream :lol: I dream of sleep I guess since I never get enough), and my phone woke me up (in the dream, still dreaming) and it was his voice on the other end. I was confused for a minute and said "I'm sorry, who am I speaking to?" And he laughed lightly and said "You know who it is, silly!" Then we talked for a few minutes and I kept asking how he was doing and where he was, and his voice sounded soft and happy and reassuring, saying he was fine and I should stop worrying.
Wow, this is so cool :) Thanks for sharing! I love the phone thing. For several years I worked very closely with a spirituality group (we met weekly) and one night I had a dream that I got a phone call from a woman with a crazy southern accent, almost yelling at me about how she's been trying to call my friend but my friend refuses to pick up her "damn phone". The woman gave me a message and said it was important. So the next day I called my friend to tell her about the dream and my description of the accent and style of speech perfectly matched my friend's spirit guide, lol. So we have that joke now... about picking up the phone! (Or, if you remember the movie Coneheads: "No, Beldar... the BIG phone!")
Can anyone answer this, but i know people who have been to a few mediums through the years and when asked they mostly say that a spirit can't be contacted for the first 6 months after death 'cause the soul goes into shock and they need to go through a healing process till they except thier death. If this is true then michael CAN NOT be contacted yet, i'm not saying i believe this but it is what i've heard, just wondering if anyone else has heard this? xx
Between my own experiences and those of others I personally know, I can say that communication with people who just passed (hours ago, weeks ago, etc) as well as those who died years before are all possible with no arbitrary time limits. I've read the 'six months' thing somewhere online as well and sorry, but what a bunch of baloney. Maybe one particular psychic cannot contact people until six months later and that's who the info came from originally? I suppose that's a possible explanation. Have you ever heard of Mary Ann Winkowski? She, for example, can see the spirits of those who've recently died and freely talk with them, but once they go to the Light they're just gone for her. Abilities can differ, I guess.
Can anyone answer this, but i know people who have been to a few mediums through the years and when asked they mostly say that a spirit can't be contacted for the first 6 months after death 'cause the soul goes into shock and they need to go through a healing process till they except thier death.

If this is true then michael CAN NOT be contacted yet, i'm not saying i believe this but it is what i've heard, just wondering if anyone else has heard this? xx

I would have to disagree with this for a number of reasons: any psychic or medium will tell you that the presence is most powerful right after death, before the spirit has moved on. This could be because the spirit is confused, or has unfinished business, or anything.
Also, from what I understand of other dimensions, there is no concept of time. So trying to equate it with earth time just doesn't make sense to me..
I'm certainly not an expert, but that's what I understand. Hope I haven't confused you more!

I truly believe Michael has so much energy, so full of power that no other person (in my view) has. He had such an impact on this world, and I believe that could only become more now that he's gone. He's one with the nature, he lives on through everything around us.
See how many people are now feeling guilty or are opening their eyes after his death and so on? That is not only a continuation on his death, it's also something bigger. I think he's capable of doing what he was here for, but now in a much bigger and actually better way.

Maybe sounds weird or something......but I really feel like that.

(Glad everyone's back in the thread! Love reading the dreams and stories....hugs to you all!)

I just wanted to say thanks for this.....:wub:
1. No, he definitely does not have to make contact. Just because a medium wants to initiate, that doesn't mean he will answer.

2. This could be answered many ways...because first there's the concept that on the other side there are no limitations and you could be in several places at one time. I don't think Michael has made contact with EVERY medium that has tried to initiate with him, but - I'm sure he's visited many of them - just as I think he's visited many of his grieving fans. It's easy for you to say "it seems like every medium is speaking with him" because there has been a lot...but I bet many have tried and haven't made contact so we just have not heard from them. Also though, I do think that many may THINK they've made contact when in fact they haven't...or, the messages get twisted a bit. This doesn't mean that channeling a spirit isn't real though, this just means that we are all human. The key is to just feel things out for yourself with your own intuition.

As for the point of Michael speaking through mediums, well, does there have to be a point aside from giving some closure or rather a sense of calmness in knowing that he's ok to people? At least that's what it seems to be in most of the mediums cases that I've heard (or in Bonnie's case, she's supposedly helping him with the investigation and relaying personal messages to his family). I don't think that there has to have some kind of "special purpose" when someone is channeling a spirit, though. Just like when we converse with one another here on Earth...I think the same can go for spirits on the other side. From what I've learned myself, spirits hear when someone is talking about them. (which is why in Bonnie's channeling video, she starts talking about bring him around). It's kinda like overhearing a conversation nearby about'd be curious to see what people are saying right? you eavesdrop or whatever. Their conversation pulls you in because it involves you. So the same goes for spirits. Certainly not always, but if someone is talking about them or wants to initiate a channeling with them, they may join in just to join in - no purpose needed.

3. I don't think his concern would be to try and "prove" his existence. Spirits just talk the way they've always talked. Again though, it comes down to feeling things out for yourself. Some mediums I have heard I definitely feel that there messages are too "floofy" and not right...I just get a feeling about them ya know? I'm definitely skeptical of many of the mediums that have said they've channeled Michael. I think it's good to have a healthy skepticism, while also keeping an open mind. Ultimately, I just use my intuition as a compass and guide. :)

Thanks very much...this helped a lot! I definitely have an open mind, and while I do believe that those who have passed on can contact people left behind, I've just always been a bit more skeptical about the channeling thing. I don't disbelieve it, but just more skeptical. And when that's the case, I just always try to learn more about something that I don't understand or may not totally believe. So again, thanks for giving me your point of view on this! :)
Hi everyone, I'm not really having any experiences lately so I'm just reading mostly.
I was wondering isn't there any news of Bonnie yet?

Last week I was watching a program on tv and Derek Ogilvie (a psychic from the UK if I'm not mistaken) was a guest there.
They asked him if he had spoken to MJ of course and this was his answer:

No I haven't and I'm not trying to any time soon.
I think spirits deserve some time to get used to the spirit world
and the family deserves some privacy.
If the Jackson family would ask me to contact him I would do it but I'm not gonna make contact with him without the family knowing.

I think that's very nice and professional of him.
I really believe in everything he does.
Thank you! Thats what I'm talking about in my previous post!

There are so many beautiful things u can do to him, guys! You can grab some beautiful flower and put near his pic, say a prayer, light a candle and etc. This is much better than calling his name for a contact!
That's where I've felt something as well. :) One night I was crying so hard over MJ and felt like someone had their fingers pressing down on my upper back/shoulder area on the right side. I actually stopped crying because I was like, "whoa, umm... is there someone touching me???!", lol. And for many years now, whenever I've felt a spiritual presence it's come to me as a very strong feeling along my right shoulder, along the right side of my head and right ear. My mother has this as well. It feels like someone is standing there, like a millimeter from my skin. They don't physically touch me (with the exception above), but it's unmistakably there.

Thats exactly how I felt.. I felt a little pressure. It felt so much like someones hand touched me. :wub:

Thank you! Thats what I'm talking about in my previous post!

There are so many beautiful things u can do to him, guys! You can grab some beautiful flower and put near his pic, say a prayer, light a candle and etc. This is much better than calling his name for a contact! :no:

That is a good idea. A lot of times I find my self calling out Michael are you there? Michael are you ok? Please Michael I need you, I miss you.. I havent done that for a while because I want Michael to be at peace. And I truely felt very spirtually connected to Michael in July + August.... so much because of my experiences that I believe that I know he lives on eternally now. Michael :cry: Our Angel :wub:
I just wanted to say thanks for this.....:wub:
Aww thankyou! :hug:

About the contacting thing....I actually found Michael 'doing those things by himself'. I've never really tried to reach to him through doing methods or something. The times I felt like I had some sort of connection always came just like that....I think he is there for all of us who are open for it. We actually don't need to call for him, just think...dream...feel...he's everywhere!:yes:
Thank you! Thats what I'm talking about in my previous post!

There are so many beautiful things u can do to him, guys! You can grab some beautiful flower and put near his pic, say a prayer, light a candle and etc. This is much better than calling his name for a contact! :no:

I do that too.
Aww thankyou! :hug:

About the contacting thing....I actually found Michael 'doing those things by himself'. I've never really tried to reach to him through doing methods or something. The times I felt like I had some sort of connection always came just like that....I think he is there for all of us who are open for it. We actually don't need to call for him, just think...dream...feel...he's everywhere!:yes:

I agree. I don't think there's anything harmful to the spirit by connecting with him. If spirits feel connected even when we think about them, then they must be able to connect freely with multiple people at the same time, and this then clearly does not bother them. And in that dimension where things are so much beyond what we can imagine, I'm sure they can choose if they want to connect.
mjbunny said:
isn't that true of other things in life as well? It's possible to download media player software that's actually a malicious program bent on stealing your credit card info and erasing your hard drive, but it doesn't mean all media players are fake.
Hah...great analogy. And agreed with everything else you said.

So we have that joke now... about picking up the phone! (Or, if you remember the movie Coneheads: "No, Beldar... the BIG phone!")
Lmao...awesome. I'm gonna have to watch Coneheads again now.

Neeve said:
from what I understand of other dimensions, there is no concept of time. So trying to equate it with earth time just doesn't make sense to me.
Also, putting a time frame on how long ALL spirits needs to "adjust" or "heal" is silly I think, because everyone is different. It's just like breakups...some people need a year to get over the relationship and some are over it within hours. lol. I've heard that some spirits pass over quickly after their death, while others don't. Some need a resting/healing period...while others don't. It just depends.

TinaG said:
Thanks very much...this helped a lot!
You're welcome darlin'! :huggy:

Petals said:
There are so many beautiful things u can do to him, guys! You can grab some beautiful flower and put near his pic, say a prayer, light a candle and etc. This is much better than calling his name for a contact!
Of course we all do things like that, but "making contact" is more like simply remaining open to hearing from him. Just because we silently call out to him during moments of despair, or share stories of little signs and special spiritual moments - doesn't mean we are nagging him. I think we all have kept respect for Michael. :)

Mrs. Music said:
The times I felt like I had some sort of connection always came just like that....I think he is there for all of us who are open for it. We actually don't need to call for him, just think...dream...feel...he's everywhere!
Same here. And agreed.
I didn't have no experiences recently. BUT, my mom. I guess, I'm gonna tell it now. Haha, it's quite funny. I laughed so hard when she told me this. She was very excited, and she woke me up early in the morning because she wanted to tell it so badly, haha. But it's short. :D

My mom dreamed about him, she was in the middle of nowhere. There was just emptiness. Then Michael appeared and just walked through her dream. My mum was like 'Why the HECK you just walking through my dream?'. Mike was like '
' and then he just giggled and fade away.

Maybe it's not very funny to read. But when she told me. . haha. :D
I guess it's cute, he wanted to visit her for a short while
Greetings Everyone:

I have received a new message from Michael that may be controversial to some of you. Remember I am just the messenger so please do not shoot me! For those of you that post inappropriate comments, I will remove them.

Remember Michael has changed because he’s transformed into spirit and lives in complete love. His perceptions of things are different then we have. Also he always had a very kind and loving spirit, much different than most people.

I trust that this message will be a blessing for you.

The messenger Cherokee Billie

“This is Michael here. I’m so glad that Cherokee Billie was inspired to post about forgiveness. Please remember to think and act with forgiveness as you read what I have to say. Many years ago I understood how important it was to forgive. That’s why I did not attack people who had hurt me or my family. I knew that by forgiving them I was the stronger person. Many people thought I was very weak, but they have no idea how much I put up with all my life and I did not become embittered, instead I chose the path of forgiveness.

There is going to be controversy about my death for years and years to come. It’s going to take many years before all of the doctors who gave me medications will come to trial. I feel great remorse for Doctor Murray. He had only been in my life for two months and he did his very best to try to get me to cut back on medications and he would also reduce the medications without my knowledge. Whenever he did I knew the difference and would beg him for more. This man really needed the job and I knew I could get him to do things he really didn’t feel right about. Before he was my doctor there was always a doctor who would give me whenever medications I wanted. These were available to me worldwide; it was not only in America.

Today’s society refuses to accept responsibility for their actions and I won’t do that. I used every trick I could to get medications that would totally numb my feelings. After the 1993 incident in Santa Barbara where I was photographed naked by the Sheriff’s department, I became so unhappy that I turned more and more to drugs to kill the pain. This is one of the main reasons why my marriage to Lisa Marie disintegrated. She just could not tolerate what I was doing because it was exactly like what had happened to her father.

I wanted to become a father because I had so much love I wanted to give and I knew that children love unconditionally. Having my children did help me from going over the edge with drugs many years before. Had I not had these wonderful children I probably would have succumbed to a drug death years before my demise. I made sure that they never saw me in a drugged out state. I was able to keep my addiction from most people.

I was so tired that final day and I really just wanted to be completely knocked out. Doctor Murray did try other medications because he really didn’t want to give me the Propofol. I was persistent until he did give me what I wanted. When he realized I was not breathing he panicked and was afraid to call the paramedics. He was really in a state of shock and didn’t think or act correctly. Even if he would have called paramedics I was already gone. I watched everything that happened from above and the fear Doctor Murray felt was enormous. He immediately tried to revive me. When he knew I was gone the panic he felt was overwhelming and he called people he thought who could give him advice about what to do. He knew he was in trouble because of my death. I think his reactions were quite normal and anyone would panic under those circumstances.

The one thing I regret is that he had Prince witness my death. I know that Prince is strong and will recover, but the memory will stay with him forever. Prince is such a remarkable young man and is going to be an incredible leader in my family.

Doctor Murray will have to account for his actions for that day not only to the legal system, but to God. Have mercy upon him and pray for him because he did try to do the best he could with me. If it hadn’t of been him with me that day, it would have been some other doctor. This will be the last time that I address the day that I died and passed into the Divine Light. I will provide at other messages, but do not expect another message or reply about my death.

I was not stressed out about the concerts because performing in front of my fans because this always revived my spirit and soul. I was dependent upon drugs and I had kept this from everyone for so long. This is the private side of me that you did not know. I want you to always remember me through my music and videos. The documentary, “This Is It” is really good and even though it wasn’t finalized I know that you are going to enjoy seeing me in action once again. I felt happy to be able to show the world that I still had my talent.

I beg you not to condemn anyone and to pray for everyone involved in my life. They all need your prayers and support. Do not blame the media, the children who accused me of inappropriate actions, my family, or any of the doctors. I ask that you pray for all of them because they need Divine help.

For those of you who are still finding it difficult to get over my death please understand that it was my time to go and every one of us will eventually die. That’s the natural order of things. Even if I would’ve died at 70 years of age people would have remembered me and paid tribute.

I do visit with so many of you because my death has a higher meaning than my life. I know that sounds strange to many of you, but so many of you are turning to thoughts of God/Allah/The Divine Spirit, who never would have thought of this before. My mission is to help you know that I still live in spirit and that life continues after death. You will live in spirit as well; your soul does not die. It’s a scientific fact that energy does not die, it only changes form, and humans are made up of energy.

I love each one of you more than I ever did when I was on earth, because now my love is completely pure. I’m going to do everything I can to help you have a closer relationship with The Divine. Each one of you is precious to me.

I love you very very much,
“As I have told you many times before pay no attention to the media, right now there’s so much blame going around about my death, doctors, enablers, etc. People are saying I was overworked. In life we all have to work and it isn’t always easy. As I’ve said before I take responsibility for my actions and my life. I knew what I was doing, but felt that I would get away with it as I had for so many years. As it turns out we all pay for the choices we make good or bad.

In life most people work very hard and usually until they die. Only those who are wise are able to retire and not have to work. These are the people who thought ahead and planned for the future.

Yes, I had debt, but I died a multi-millionaire and I really liked working. I always felt happiest when I was on the stage and making so many happy. My biggest problems occurred when I was alone with myself. I know that I’ve brought you great happiness, and it’s hard for you to understand, but inside I was not that happy. Now I am.

Why blame anyone for what happened to me? Some things just are. We usually find out the answers once we pass into spirit. From the day you are born your life is headed to the ultimate, which is death. Your job is to make the best of your life and do no harm to anyone.

I’m glad that you’re going to be able to hear and see my last performances from “This Is It.” I know that if you didn’t get to hear or see these you would feel disappointed. Enjoy my performance as though I was performing on stage just for you and that will make me happy.

What I have learned over here is we all have to take responsibility for our actions and our life. We are put on earth to learn and grow. I did a great deal of learning and growing during my time on earth. If I could live my life over again I would certainly do things differently. So who is to blame for my life? No one, I’m the one who has to answer for my actions in my life. Remember this is your life-make the most of it.

I love you very much,
Psychic says Michael told him, 'I'm surrounded by happiness. I never felt happier.'

King of Pop Michael Jackson is in ‘good spirits’, according to renowned psychic James Van Praagh who spoke to the dead musician. Praagh asked Michael Jackson several questions. One question focused on circumstances regarding the pop icon’s death. Controversy surrounds Jackson’s death on doctor- “enablers’ who allegedly have been giving him addictive prescription pills. Speculation goes that Jackson might have died on drug overdose. Jackson was in his rented home at Holmby Hills, Bel Air when he collapsed reportedly due to cardiac arrest. But Jackson, according to Praagh’s conversation with the pop icon said, there was ‘no foul play in his death’.

“I felt sick that day, very sick. My doctor Conrad told me to rest, but I had to practice moves for my upcoming concert. I was tired, very tired, then I collapsed,” Michael Jackson told James Van Praagh.

The popular King of Pop is scheduled to have a show in London a few weeks from now. And where is Michael Jackson now? How is he doing in the Otherworld? “I am surrounded by happiness. I never felt happier,” said Jackson, according to Van Praagh.

With a world which tried him for child molestation charges and nearly $500 million debt knocking at his doorstep, sleeping finally at rest must have been relieving for the pop icon.

But when asked about his children, Jackson started crying. “I miss them a lot. I want them to be happy. I will be with them… in their hearts, will be looking over their shoulders.”

Van Praagh also asked Jackson where he would like to be laid to rest. Jackson responded, “Neverland Ranch. I do not miss my body. I do not feel anything. I am happier without it. I can only remember pain that my body gave me.”

Talking with the dead person’s spirit is a phenomenon among mediums and psychics from different countries and cultures, when relatives of the dead want to know where they are and what restless issues they could be facing in the Otherworld.
I'm surprised about the part "I watched everything that happened from above...." Remember Bonnie Vent's channeling-- Michael contacted her alittle after 8 PM (PST) and asked her "What happened?" She told him he had died, then he was gone. Hmm, I'm not sure what to think of this.
Dri, thank you for posting. There are some really beautiful messages in there.

However,I'm not sure......

I'm surprised about the part "I watched everything that happened from above...." Remember Bonnie Vent's channeling-- Michael contacted her alittle after 8 PM (PST) and asked her "What happened?" She told him he had died, then he was gone. Hmm, I'm not sure what to think of this.

Yeah that's a good point. I was very much convinced by Bonnie, so anything that conflicts with her, I'm kind of suspicious of. Also, the bit about Prince witnessing it, is that true? I know Dr Murray called for Prince but I didn't think Prince actually saw anything happen...does anyone know?
Oy...we're still quoting Cherokee Billie? :p I know I know, gotta keep an open mind...and I do, but she continually keeps me suspicious. I am just not feelin' anything she says, even if it seems nice. :doh: Just my own gut.
Greetings Everyone:

I have received a new message from Michael that may be controversial to some of you. Remember I am just the messenger so please do not shoot me! For those of you that post inappropriate comments, I will remove them.

Remember Michael has changed because he’s transformed into spirit and lives in complete love. His perceptions of things are different then we have. Also he always had a very kind and loving spirit, much different than most people.

I trust that this message will be a blessing for you.

The messenger Cherokee Billie

“This is Michael here. I’m so glad that Cherokee Billie was inspired to post about forgiveness. Please remember to think and act with forgiveness as you read what I have to say. Many years ago I understood how important it was to forgive. That’s why I did not attack people who had hurt me or my family. I knew that by forgiving them I was the stronger person. Many people thought I was very weak, but they have no idea how much I put up with all my life and I did not become embittered, instead I chose the path of forgiveness.

There is going to be controversy about my death for years and years to come. It’s going to take many years before all of the doctors who gave me medications will come to trial. I feel great remorse for Doctor Murray. He had only been in my life for two months and he did his very best to try to get me to cut back on medications and he would also reduce the medications without my knowledge. Whenever he did I knew the difference and would beg him for more. This man really needed the job and I knew I could get him to do things he really didn’t feel right about. Before he was my doctor there was always a doctor who would give me whenever medications I wanted. These were available to me worldwide; it was not only in America.

Today’s society refuses to accept responsibility for their actions and I won’t do that. I used every trick I could to get medications that would totally numb my feelings. After the 1993 incident in Santa Barbara where I was photographed naked by the Sheriff’s department, I became so unhappy that I turned more and more to drugs to kill the pain. This is one of the main reasons why my marriage to Lisa Marie disintegrated. She just could not tolerate what I was doing because it was exactly like what had happened to her father.

I wanted to become a father because I had so much love I wanted to give and I knew that children love unconditionally. Having my children did help me from going over the edge with drugs many years before. Had I not had these wonderful children I probably would have succumbed to a drug death years before my demise. I made sure that they never saw me in a drugged out state. I was able to keep my addiction from most people.

I was so tired that final day and I really just wanted to be completely knocked out. Doctor Murray did try other medications because he really didn’t want to give me the Propofol. I was persistent until he did give me what I wanted. When he realized I was not breathing he panicked and was afraid to call the paramedics. He was really in a state of shock and didn’t think or act correctly. Even if he would have called paramedics I was already gone. I watched everything that happened from above and the fear Doctor Murray felt was enormous. He immediately tried to revive me. When he knew I was gone the panic he felt was overwhelming and he called people he thought who could give him advice about what to do. He knew he was in trouble because of my death. I think his reactions were quite normal and anyone would panic under those circumstances.

The one thing I regret is that he had Prince witness my death. I know that Prince is strong and will recover, but the memory will stay with him forever. Prince is such a remarkable young man and is going to be an incredible leader in my family.

Doctor Murray will have to account for his actions for that day not only to the legal system, but to God. Have mercy upon him and pray for him because he did try to do the best he could with me. If it hadn’t of been him with me that day, it would have been some other doctor. This will be the last time that I address the day that I died and passed into the Divine Light. I will provide at other messages, but do not expect another message or reply about my death.

I was not stressed out about the concerts because performing in front of my fans because this always revived my spirit and soul. I was dependent upon drugs and I had kept this from everyone for so long. This is the private side of me that you did not know. I want you to always remember me through my music and videos. The documentary, “This Is It” is really good and even though it wasn’t finalized I know that you are going to enjoy seeing me in action once again. I felt happy to be able to show the world that I still had my talent.

I beg you not to condemn anyone and to pray for everyone involved in my life. They all need your prayers and support. Do not blame the media, the children who accused me of inappropriate actions, my family, or any of the doctors. I ask that you pray for all of them because they need Divine help.

For those of you who are still finding it difficult to get over my death please understand that it was my time to go and every one of us will eventually die. That’s the natural order of things. Even if I would’ve died at 70 years of age people would have remembered me and paid tribute.

I do visit with so many of you because my death has a higher meaning than my life. I know that sounds strange to many of you, but so many of you are turning to thoughts of God/Allah/The Divine Spirit, who never would have thought of this before. My mission is to help you know that I still live in spirit and that life continues after death. You will live in spirit as well; your soul does not die. It’s a scientific fact that energy does not die, it only changes form, and humans are made up of energy.

I love each one of you more than I ever did when I was on earth, because now my love is completely pure. I’m going to do everything I can to help you have a closer relationship with The Divine. Each one of you is precious to me.

I love you very very much,

This is utter *cough* bullcrap lol I know for sure very much...Cherokee Billie says complete bullsh*t.:doh:
It's true that you need to keep an open mind and I did again when I read that, but's just very clear.
Oy...we're still quoting Cherokee Billie? :p I know I know, gotta keep an open mind...and I do, but she continually keeps me suspicious. I am just not feelin' anything she says, even if it seems nice. :doh: Just my own gut.
Me too. I was going to say that something doesn't feel right for me either. It's something inside, a gut feeling.
Hi guys,

I was just having my afternoon nap and woke up, and I had this a bit funny dream with Michael in it... Just thought I should share it with you! :D
In my dream I was in some kind of corridor, and I had to open this door ...Don't know why, maybe I was looking for something. When I was opening the door someone shouted me from a distance "No, don't open it, there's nothing in that room!" But I didn't care so I opened the door and went into that room. I noticed it was a bathroom and there was a shower which was covered by a shower curtain. And then I saw someone's feet behind the shower curtain... Yep, it was Michael hiding behind the curtain! :D I realized it was Michael because he was wearing the same boots he had on "Bad"-video. (But he was not in a shower, just hiding! :) )

I pulled the shower curtain aside and said hi to Michael. Then we sat at on the floor and had this discussion, I don't really remember what we talked about but he seemed a little bit worried :( All I remember was that talked me about how he felt he was so haunted by the media all his life and that he wishes it would stop now.
I felt he seemed allright, but a bit busy and worried. I wish I could remember the rest of our conversation...
But I think the way he appeared into my dream was really funny and so Michael-like, I had to smile because of the hiding-thing when I woke up!

I haven't really had dreams about Michael before today, and for so many months I wish I would have! It's maybe beacause I haven't been able to take afternoon naps for ages...I mean, when I am taking my naps I sometimes see and feel really weird things that are about to happen, it sometimes feels like something spiritual is going on.
But from now on I will start to take naps on regular basis if I'm able to see Michael in that way :D
Hi guys,

I was just having my afternoon nap and woke up, and I had this a bit funny dream with Michael in it... Just thought I should share it with you! :D
In my dream I was in some kind of corridor, and I had to open this door ...

Thanks for sharing :). I've had a the occasional dream involving doors and long corridors and they have always been quite spiritual dreams. I think the doors represent our movement onto other levels... just as stairs might. Not sure about the corridors though.

It sounds like you had a pretty open and honest conversation with Michael about his concerns. How lovely!
Nothing too spiritual about this experience, but I wanted to share anyway. I went to Disneyland the other day, and thinking of Michael I went to straight to ride on Peter Pan. I hadn't been on it in a while, but I felt so happy riding it and it seemed better than I remembered. I also saw several people wearing shirts that said peace, or had peace signs on them. They were actually selling these shirts in one of the stores there. Thought that was interesting. I have to say it was the best time I had had at Disneyland in a while and the day was so beautiful. :)