Merged: Psychics channel Michael

whoa how did you make that?? I saw the stencils online but I have no idea how to do it!

I printed out this

taped it to the pumpkin and traced the stencil on the pumpkin and cut out the yellow spaces.

It turned out pretty cool I must say. I light it up at night, it looks like a Zombie Michael. but it scares my dog alot lol!!!
I know exactly what you mean as that happened to me with Human Nature! I'm not sure about This Is It yet was too short of a clip. Wouldn't surprise me if Michael channeled a song that was written long ago in another life or something though...that was just his gift!
Yeah we talked about Human Nature indeed, I have that too with that song...:mello: I've now heard the full version of TII and it's mostly the first minute that got to that popped up earlier in my head or something. Funny. :lol:

@Flor: That guy's name sounds Dutch! Don't know him or the book though. Good plan to go and read books, I should do that more often too....time time time. :(

@Shayla: I absolutely LOVE the pumpkin stencils.
Hey! How are you doing people? :)

I need your help... I've finished with my exams , so now that I have free time , I want to buy some books about channeling,mediums,life after death , all that kind of stuff...
I've heard about one book called Talking with heaven , by James Van Praagh , and I also know he's one of the most recognized mediums in USA.

So , Have anyone read this book? Would you recommend it for a beginner in this subject?
I would really appreciate your help ...

Hugs to everyone :flowers:

Hey, I haven't read that particular book but I recently read his book Ghosts Among Us and it changed my view of the's really a wonderful book, so I would recommend it!!

I printed out this

taped it to the pumpkin and traced the stencil on the pumpkin and cut out the yellow spaces.

It turned out pretty cool I must say. I light it up at night, it looks like a Zombie Michael. but it scares my dog alot lol!!!

oh cool, thanks!!! XD
Hey guys. Well, I recently had a dream with Michael Jackson in it. Actually... it may have been due to the heavy exposure to him. (learning about him every single day for a month).
I always enjoyed his musical works for years. But I wasn't an avid follower to be honest with you and myself.

But it was a nice dream. We were buds and laughed around, playing around but I can't recal why. It felt like we were just shooting the breeze, joking about people in general.
And I was actually in amazement deep inside but didn't want to show it because I wanted him to feel comfortable and trust me, that I could be a true friend to him and never betray him.

Obviously all issues in his real life experiences.

Anyways, its the first time I ever had a dream with him in it.
It was a strange experience. Unique.

I don't know how to feel about some things in general in terms of the fan base as I'm slowly feeling more disconnected as I learn more and expose myself more around here. I think I'm on a very different tip when it comes to my admiration towards MJ.
I can't say I'm a hardcore fan because I'm not always thinking about him and every detail in his life, though I almost got sucked into it a few times.

I think I feel him more like a cosmic energy. Actually, I think we all are. It's taking notice of such greatness and incredible struggle that really captivates me aside from his incredible music and talent with the dance moves...

But that's it. I don't think I can go any further like some of you. It's too overwhelming. So much chaos out there. I just want to enjoy him as I remember him. I don't feel the need to pry into his personal life (if you can call it that) and possibly spoil all the hard work he put out. (i guess I'm saying all this because there's times I feel I can't share in a discussion because I feel I'm not worthy of them from lack of knowledge which I chose not to pry into)

I always imagined MJ wanted people to be happy.
But he was human and Im sure there were times where he was just in disgust and hurt.

I guess through my own personal experience which bares no comparison, really pushes me to respect his space as much as possible. And just enjoy his legacy.

Theres no doubt in my mind that he's out there in the "other world" doing something. But that's not a place I'm willing to dig into.

BTW, those videos shared in the first post are very interesting. I saw them a while back through another youtube user who frequents the board here.
Its pretty dead on if you open up to it.
Like Amy said, we really don't know whats out there. And I too believe that there's much more outside our surface reality.

I hope he's doing well.
I printed out this

taped it to the pumpkin and traced the stencil on the pumpkin and cut out the yellow spaces.

It turned out pretty cool I must say. I light it up at night, it looks like a Zombie Michael. but it scares my dog alot lol!!!
Way cool. I wish Germans did Halloween!!! Heck, if I lived in a house and had something like a front yard or porch here, I would totally put an MJ jack-o-lantern out anyway. To confuse the neighbors, if nothing else, lol :yes:
I find all this just nonsense, Michael has passed on, let him rest in peace.

ok. now you can move on. We, however take much comfort from this thread.

Again what is the relevance in coming in a thread that is 113 pages long, and calling it 'nonsense'? If you disagree with the views expressed in this thread then don't even bother posting anything. :mello:

yep. ^

hey everyone, I just wanted to post this, in view of what happened the other day and people were upset about losing posts. Now I just want to say, I don't know what's going on. This is from the This Is Not It thread,and people there have their theories, but to be honest I'm so confused by it all that I don't know what I believe. I'm just postig this because the board was down for 12 hours and who knows what's going on, so:

Love to all

hmmm...thanks, I hadn't seen that....

MJ thriller pumpkin I made is glowing feels like MJ is in the room with me


that is AWESOME starlight! :D
Mrs.Music: I totally understand you... I love reading , in fact I carry a book wherever I go , but sometimes it's difficult to find time for it...And I like to take my time for it , instead of a quick reading , if you know what I mean...

Neeve: Thanks for your comment! I guess I'll be buying that one too :)

Hugs :flowers:
@ Starlight I love the pumpkin you made!

@ Mrs. Music Halloween is getting to holland a bit more every year.
I've been decorating my house in halloween things for about 3 years now I think, you can get more stuff in shops now then a few years ago.
Not sure how many of you are fond of Cherokee Billie but I was looking on her blog and saw a message she believes she channeled from Michael recently.
I am going to post a new message from Michael Jackson. Last week’s response left me wondering about continuing doing this. If you don’t like what I have to say you don’t have to visit my blog. I will remove any posts that I deem not in the best interest of my blog. The message I had received early last week was quiet amazing to me because late last week Michael’s friend the Rabbi said what I had received from Michael earlier and I’m sure he’s getting a great deal of flak for writing what he knows to be the truth. What Michael said to me early last week was, “I really wasn’t living the last five years of my life; I was simply existing and hanging on as best I could. I loved my children, but even with that love I could not stop my drug usage. I was miserable inside and drugs helped me forget the pain of my life. Now I love my existence and I am happy every moment.”

Michael made people happy and for many it’s hard for them to understand that he was not happy inside. It just was what it was.

Here is the message I received from him today September 30, 2009.

“I am being trained to lead people to God/Allah/Divine Spirit, so people are able to cope with the difficult times that are going to be occurring. Over the next two years I’m going to be helping people become stronger spiritually and because of this they will pass through the difficulties with minimal problems because of their strength. My mission in spirit is more important than anything I ever did while I was living. I’m so thankful that I have been chosen to lead people to the Divine. I never thought being an entertainer would lead me to a position of helping people discover their spirituality and have faith!

Please put into practice your kindness daily, as this is going to help the world and make you stronger. Do for others who are in need and you’re going to find your heart changing and able to withstand anything negative without it affecting you.

I want you to know how much I’m changing for the better and those of you that connect to me will find your strength increasing. I’m thankful that I’m here helping those that loved me and even those who didn’t know anything about me. I will be helping people for eternity and there’s nothing better I could ask for.

I love you far more than you know and will always be there for you.

Just wondering what you all think of her.
I can't remember if she was ever discussed in previous posts in this thread so sorry. Just thought I'd share that message. :)

Starlight That pumpkin is great! Very nice.
I don't agree with the bit where she says the Rabbi, if she means Rabbi Schumely was a friend of MJ, he stole 100.000 from Heal the Kids and was on the list of people MJ felt were out to harm him.

He also breached confidentiality when he released the contents of those tapes to the public for $$$$$$$. If Michael had wanted them released, they would have been released when he was alive.
I don't agree with the bit where she says the Rabbi, if she means Rabbi Schumely was a friend of MJ, he stole 100.000 from Heal the Kids and was on the list of people MJ felt were out to harm him.

He also breached confidentiality when he released the contents of those tapes to the public for $$$$$$$. If Michael had wanted them released, they would have been released when he was alive.
Yeah, I have a problem with that part as well. It seems to me that Shmuley either never really "got" Michael (where he was coming from, what he meant, who he was) at all or he's a bitter ex-friend acting like an outright jerk with this book, because his little interpretations of what Michael said are just bull. In the book Michael says something beautiful and Shmuley twists it into something delusional or even sinister. There's no need for that and I can't imagine that readers would come to those conclusions on their own. (Not to mention all that breach of confidentiality, etc, etc part!) So I also take issue with Cherokee Billie saying he was such a great friend and so right about things. Ummm...
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OMG, I knew this would happen eventually, just not so soon. Derek Acorah (the 'medium' in the show Most Haunted, which airs in the UK and on the Travel Channel in the US ... or at least it did back when I lived there) is going to hold a 'live seance' next month to try to talk with Michael. :smilerolleyes: Or to fake talking to Michael or whatever it is he does. Opinions of him don't seem to be so high, I guess. See thread .
You guys... please notice that people who write things to get you angry then hang out here afterwards (see the names at the bottom of the thread?) to see everyone get pissed off. Then they happily suck up the negative energy they helped create. Don't feed them. Please. From here on out, please just ignore it if it makes you mad. They're not worth the increased blood pressure or the negativity that arises in your heart. In the end, everyone (every one of us -- skeptics too!) will find out about life after death, right? LOL :rofl: So just take a deep breath and let it all go :)
You guys... please notice that people who write things to get you angry then hang out here afterwards (see the names at the bottom of the thread?) to see everyone get pissed off. Then they happily suck up the negative energy they helped create. Don't feed them. Please. From here on out, please just ignore it if it makes you mad. They're not worth the blood pressure increase and the negativity that rises in your heart. In the end, everyone (every one of us -- skeptics too!) will find out about life after death, right? LOL :rofl: So just take a deep breath and let it all go :)

Agreed. I know I replied, but I was just really angry. :lol: Let's just get back on track shall we? :D
You guys... please notice that people who write things to get you angry then hang out here afterwards (see the names at the bottom of the thread?) to see everyone get pissed off. Then they happily suck up the negative energy they helped create. Don't feed them. Please. From here on out, please just ignore it if it makes you mad. They're not worth the increased blood pressure or the negativity that arises in your heart. In the end, everyone (every one of us -- skeptics too!) will find out about life after death, right? LOL :rofl: So just take a deep breath and let it all go :)
Yeah I'm sorry...I ignored the other posts but just was so angry at this one. Have reported the poster so hopefully he/she gets banned now...been enough. But you're right! Let's get positive.

I had a dream few days ago; I was babysitting at a little girl...I actually think that was meant to be me in my early years since she looked the same and just had that feeling. Very strange! But anyway, I went up to her room and she had photos on her of them was Michael and she told me he was there with her every night. He was so nice to her and I should open myself up more cuz I still have the child-like open eyes and I could experience the same as her, she said to me. :mello:
Now I wonder if this has any link with experiences I had when I was a child, I still remember very vaguely....that I would communicate with someone/something. Maybe it's a sort of 'message' that I should be open for it like that way again. Dunnow, strange!
I've sat for 2 hours --chakras open and sppirit exposed and didnt feel the faintest thing. It hurt my feelings and I realize that is silly. I shouldnt have expected anything. the planes of existence are so much more complicated than I want to admit. If he has or develops the ability to touch this plane, i'm sure his efforts will go toward his children. But its still nice to send him our love and energy. I'm sure he receives it all. I'm sure his spirit tingles with love from our thoughts and prayers.
Cool dream, Mrs Music. And the little girl, the inner child... nice :) It reminded me a bit of something in the Dreams About MJ thread from the other day. She said she had a dream about being in a store, browsing through psychic books and then suddenly Michael popped his head out between them and said hello, lol. You know, same kind of vibe... communication with someone on another plane, an 'it's there if you want it' kind of thing. So you would communicate with someone/something in what way? I know you said it was vague, but just wondering what all you remember. I was just thinking yesterday how I guess I've never really felt alone my whole life, like I always felt like someone is with me on some level. I mean, God yes, but maybe also guides, friends on the other side, maybe many members of a soul group of some sort.
I've sat for 2 hours --chakras open and sppirit exposed and didnt feel the faintest thing. It hurt my feelings and I realize that is silly. I shouldnt have expected anything. the planes of existence are so much more complicated than I want to admit. If he has or develops the ability to touch this plane, i'm sure his efforts will go toward his children. But its still nice to send him our love and energy. I'm sure he receives it all. I'm sure his spirit tingles with love from our thoughts and prayers.
I find it ironic-like that I just posted about communication being there if we want it at the same time you posted this about not having any. Doh. :mello: Maybe he's just busy right now? Or now just isn't the right time for you or for him or as determined by your or his guides or who knows? I wouldn't feel too bummed about it, though. I've noticed that sometimes when I do meditation it's like whoooosh, it really goes somewhere and then other times it's like nothing. Same with anything I believe to be communication with Michael. There will be nothing for a while, then something, then nothing. Kind of like friends down here on this plane, lol. Sometimes you leave 10 voicemails and it takes them a week to call you back, sometimes they're picking up the phone on the second ring ;)
Cool dream, Mrs Music. And the little girl, the inner child... nice :) It reminded me a bit of something in the Dreams About MJ thread from the other day. She said she had a dream about being in a store, browsing through psychic books and then suddenly Michael popped his head out between them and said hello, lol. You know, same kind of vibe... communication with someone on another plane, an 'it's there if you want it' kind of thing. So you would communicate with someone/something in what way? I know you said it was vague, but just wondering what all you remember. I was just thinking yesterday how I guess I've never really felt alone my whole life, like I always felt like someone is with me on some level. I mean, God yes, but maybe also guides, friends on the other side, maybe many members of a soul group of some sort.
Oh wow, that's funny! Can't remember what it all was exactly...just 'know' it...pity...but it was maybe more that feeling of something always being around me, just like you said. It's hard putting it into words or try to remember...been such a long time ago. :mellow:
Further I've always had vivid/predicting dreams, strange telepatic/coincidence-stuff and I'm a very high-sensitive person...I have like this radar for things...don't know if you know that type of 'persons', have been written books about I found out.
Remember one time very well though when I was 6 or 7 or something and I constantly saw this little 'man' sitting on my desk and laughing at me, every night again...I couldn't sleep at all, it was so disturbing. ( I may sound weird or something, LOL. :blush:)
Maybe I was just being confused and had less confidence because I couldn't handle all the injustice at that time, long story, always been very sensitive like I said.
(I feel like not posting so much 'private' things here anymore since all these reactions....dang. I'm getting tired of it.)
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OMG, I knew this would happen eventually, just not so soon. Derek Acorah (the 'medium' in the show Most Haunted, which airs in the UK and on the Travel Channel in the US ... or at least it did back when I lived there) is going to hold a 'live seance' next month to try to talk with Michael. :smilerolleyes: Or to fake talking to Michael or whatever it is he does. Opinions of him don't seem to be so high, I guess. See thread .

I don't know how Derek could prove it was MJ he was talking to. Doing a live seance doesn't sound very convincing to me. If he couldn't contact MJ then he would probably lose money for not contacting MJ, so he could lie about channeling MJ. I wonder who came up with the concept of channeling MJ on tv. Has Derek ever said he has been in contact with MJ before?
I don't know how Derek could prove it was MJ he was talking to. Doing a live seance doesn't sound very convincing to me. If he couldn't contact MJ then he would probably lose money for not contacting MJ, so he could lie about channeling MJ. I wonder who came up with the concept of channeling MJ on tv. Has Derek ever said he has been in contact with MJ before?
See, that's what I'm afraid of. You can't do a live show and get nothing (unless you're Geraldo Rivera, lol -- for anyone old enough to remember the Al Capone's vault show). I remember some team from the UK (man, i can't remember who) being on Coast to Coast AM a few years ago talking about some shows they were going to be doing (like 2007-ish) with live seances trying to contact famous people like Marilyn Monroe. Don't think that was Derek, but not sure. I don't get any Sky channels on our sat box, so won't be able to watch anyway.
My own thoughts are that Michael had no peace from people when he was alive and it looks as though people will keep trying to pester him now.

I do believe in the spirit world, but I also believe in treating it with respect and not for entertainment.
My own thoughts are that Michael had no peace from people when he was alive and it looks as though people will keep trying to pester him now.

I do believe in the spirit world, but I also believe in treating it with respect and not for entertainment.

do you really think Michael cannot find peace in heaven? I hope he is somewhere right now. Flying, seeing magical unicorns, rainbows, waterfalls, and having all the candy in the world! I guess my version of heaven is a little different lol!
I mean I dont know how to envision heaven.
I think of a utopia place with everything imaginable and magical things that we do not even know about.

oh and that user I had to put him on my ignore list a while back. bc of something awful he said in the Christian thread. I found it offensive that he intruded in our thread and try to tell us there is no god.. and he only joined to p*ss people off.
This is so uneccesary and unhealthy. Michael is dead and there is no ghost of him, Ghosts don't exist, what you experience or think you experience are things wich are not related to ghosts or anything. You just assume it is so because you want it to be true and you can't take the fact that Michael is dead.

Nothing of what is said here is true and you all know it. Stop pretending you feel Michaels ghost, you know you're not.

Some people actually need help and need to take therapy and you can bet they read all this, and you can bet even more that all this BS is just going to make everything worse for them.

Please stop and think about what you are doing, this is not just some fun game or even helpful, it is none sense and damaging for some people.

I think you need some help. Have a little faith and stop trying to bring ours down. I know exactly who you are and you've been in this thread more than some people think you have...Nice history of posts you have there, none that associate with Michael but instead of you trying to push what you believe onto others.
It's not unhealthy to believe in something that is very possible. When I read posts like yours, I feel like you're basically calling all of us "crazy." It's upsetting.

Sorry guys, I know someone posted that we should ignore these people and not 'feed' them but I really felt I had to say something. I'm done though.

Anyway, don't know how I feel about that live seance stuff. So wrong. :no: I hope Michael realizes what goes on and doesn't truly channel in...
Just another money scandal.
I'd like to kindly ask you to respect other people's emotions and beliefs.
I'm sorry, but can't that person be banned now? It's happened like a 10 times....:doh: Really getting tired of it, he's not only disturbing here as MJstartlight just said! I think these kind of people are a danger for fans that are on the edge. You just don't know what they do read, and these judgemental things are way over the line.
I would've kicked these respectless people out so much sooner...:yes:
I'd have tons of little MJ dreams lately but my stupid memory cannot memorise them!!! URGH!