Merged: Psychics channel Michael

lol alot of the posts are gone, I'm guessing due to the backup being uploaded some of the posts made after 10/2 are gone.
Damn...this sucks. I'm glad the site is back up and running but we made some awesome posts in this thread since then. :p Ah well.

I know, I was just thinking the same.... :(
As you said, at least it's up and running...can you IMAGINE if we'd had to all start from scratch again? whoa!
It is a shame about the lost posts. :( Ah well, at least we're still here, that's all that matters. :)
Did anyone save their posts from the past week, like for themselves on their own computer? If so, please re-post! :(

I had backed up this entire thread about 12 days ago, when it was planned to go down for maintenance on Sept 27th. I just had a bad feeling that things were going to be lost, so I saved every single blessed page of this and the dreams thread. But then the downtime on the 27th got cancelled so all was ok and I hadn't backed it up since then. I wasn't even home yesterday...
Aw man, I posted some really interesting information about the explanation of some of our what it means when you dream about grass and stuff. :( But after that no one responded yet.
I'll search for the information again later on!
I know, I was just thinking the same.... :(
As you said, at least it's up and running...can you IMAGINE if we'd had to all start from scratch again? whoa!

I don't wanna imagine that lol!! I think I would go nuts :(

Oh man I know...THANK GOD we didn't have to start from scratch. I just wish I had a copy of those posts...I'm gonna start saving ones I really like from now on. lol.

yep, me too...I was like 'where's my posts gone??' at first I thought I had done something wrong to have alot of my posts deleted then I read the thread in the news section and it hit home :lol:

The only thing about this that upset me was a thread that I made ( gone now) about my 4 year old daughter thoughts on Michael, and a dream about Michael she was such a sweet conversation we had and I posted it all the minute after she said it so I had it written down here and could never forget it :cry:
I haven't been feeling him much lately either. :( I wonder what he's doing right now. I still feel comfort in the fact that he's always around anyway, even though we can't always feel his presence. :)

That's just how I feel. :)
I haven't had much contact with him lately either.. It went all so calm after the funeral, but there have been times when I have felt a really nice presence, like all of a sudden my room has been filled with such strong, positive energy that felt like Michael.

I didn't try to contact him lately though, so I might try again some day to just get some peace in mind.

I'm sure he is very busy. It's probably hard to contact him if you don't have a really good reason for it.
Just wanting to talk to him might not be enough, but I'm sure he'll be there if he feels that there is someting he can do for someone to make them feel better.
We probably just have to be patient.
Hi guys,

I have only read this thread, not contributed, but I find all of what you say fascinating! I subscribed via email and will now attempt to cut and paste the info from Oct 2-5 in case anyone wants it.
The links aren't going to work because the posts don't exist anymore, but this should be a record of what people said:

Oct 2 email:
Dear jemini515,

You are subscribed to the thread "Merged: Psychics channel Michael" by amygrace, there have been 18 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was Neeve.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: tarah86
On: 02-10-2009 12:00 AM

OMG you guys!! I think Julianna might have really been in contact with MJ. The Los Angeles Times wrote what the coroner found on MJ and one of the things were scars behind his ears. Julianna mentions MJ saying he had a scar behind his left ear at 1:52

*Here's the report, CAUTION, it might be too much for some to read, I edit some of it out.*

Here are some of the findings from the Los Angeles County coroner's autopsy of Michael Jackson:

— He was 5-foot-9 and weighed 136 pounds.

— There were dark tattoos on his eyebrows and around his eyes, a pink tattoo around his lips and what appeared to be a dark tattoo on the front of his scalp.

— He was balding and suffered from a skin disease that reduced pigment and left patches of white skin.

— Osteoarthritis was visible in the lower spine and some fingers.

— He *had multiple scars around his body, including behind his ears*, along one shoulder, at the base of his neck and near his navel.

— His heart was strong but his lungs were inflamed. Other organs appeared,4375002.story (,0,4375002.story)

So what do you guys think about Julianna and the report?
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: Court.ney.x
On: 02-10-2009 12:10 AM

---Quote (Originally by tarah86)---

So what do you guys think about Julianna and the report?
---End Quote---
Honestly, I've been following her videos for a while now and I do really trust her. She's very "real." I definitely think she has made contact with Michael and I remember watching the video of her talking about his scar about a month ago. I thought it was very interesting and wondered if this was something known about him. Guess not. I definitely put my trust in her.
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: MJstarlight
On: 02-10-2009 02:00 AM

oh I didnt know about her.
Juliannas report is very interesting...
thanks for sharing that :)

so today when I was at work a customer gave me a check and it had the peter pan off to neverland design. It was very much like my avatar here. Just thought that was really cool... I NEVER have gotten a peter pan check before in my 3 years being a cashier. hehe!!!

and I ordered that perfume that Michael wears. I did not open the box yet.. but I am curious.
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: CaptainEoLove85
On: 02-10-2009 02:45 AM

---Quote (Originally by tarah86)---
OMG you guys!! I think Julianna might have really been in contact with MJ. The Los Angeles Times wrote what the coroner found on MJ and one of the things were scars behind his ears. Julianna mentions MJ saying he had a scar behind his left ear at 1:52

*Here's the report, CAUTION, it might be too much for some to read, I edit some of it out.*

Here are some of the findings from the Los Angeles County coroner's autopsy of Michael Jackson:

— He was 5-foot-9 and weighed 136 pounds.

— There were dark tattoos on his eyebrows and around his eyes, a pink tattoo around his lips and what appeared to be a dark tattoo on the front of his scalp.

— He was balding and suffered from a skin disease that reduced pigment and left patches of white skin.

— Osteoarthritis was visible in the lower spine and some fingers.

— He *had multiple scars around his body, including behind his ears*, along one shoulder, at the base of his neck and near his navel.

— His heart was strong but his lungs were inflamed. Other organs appeared,4375002.story (,0,4375002.story)

So what do you guys think about Julianna and the report?
---End Quote---
That is intriguing, but I also remember her saying in one of the videos that when asked about who Michael wanted to care for his children, she said "he said" Jermaine. That seems kind of suspect to me. :scratch: I think she's probably contacting Michael, but not everything is coming out right.
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: 8701girl
On: 02-10-2009 02:53 AM

---Quote (Originally by amygrace)---
Hey guys! Last night I had a dream about Michael...figured I'd share here. The vibe of the dream was wonderful, even though it was based around Michael being in a hospital - because we all knew he was going to get better. It felt SO real, I was sad to wake up and realize that Michael wasn't really just in the hospital getting better. :boohoo:

Anyway so it started with him in the hospital - he had suffered from something to do with his heart but was recovering. Me and a few others (that felt like members from this thread, not sure who exactly) were sneaking around the hospital trying to get past security and into Michael's room to visit him. It wasn't allowed but we knew he would benefit from seeing us. We snuck around for awhile and got close many times, but ultimately could not get in to see him. So we all went outside to think of how we could help him to feel our love without going to his room. We also wanted to send our sentiments to his Mother (who also felt like "grandma" during the dream) because I guess he had just gotten news that she was sick or in the hospital too and wasn't in good shape. It was a bright sunny day, and there was this huge rock outside the hospital and below many of the hospital room windows. We all sat on the rock, and started to think. I had the idea to get lots of poster board and paint big "i love you" messages along with "get well" to him and his Mom... then stand outside his window and hold them up. We all agreed he would like this and I knew it would help him to just know that we all cared so much for him AND his family. It felt essential to his recovery. We were getting ready to put it all together when I woke up.

I was incredibly sad waking up not only because Michael was really gone but because it felt like there could have been an "alternative" to his death. Like I immediately felt and thought "NO! he just needed more people to rally around him with love and he would've gotten better!". Maybe the dream was just a compilation of subconscious thoughts - but it's not often I have a dream that feels so REAL, like it felt like an alternate reality. When I have dreams like that it feels like they happen for a reason. Not sure what though. Anyone have any thoughts on it?
---End Quote---

AWW ur dream is so cute but yet sad in a way. Lol all the fans sneaking round to try and find a way to send mike love- that is typical of us fans, but hey we all loved him :wub:
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: MJstarlight
On: 02-10-2009 03:02 AM

---Quote (Originally by CaptainEoLove85)---
That is intriguing, but I also remember her saying in one of the videos that when asked about who Michael wanted to care for his children, she said "he said" Jermaine. That seems kind of suspect to me. :scratch: I think she's probably contacting Michael, but not everything is coming out right.
---End Quote---

hmmm.. yeah I think that when you are channeling its not always easy for the information to come out straight. Its not always easy to hear. Since they are communicating from a distance. Maybe the answers got muffled somewhere along the way.
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: amygrace
On: 02-10-2009 04:49 AM

Interesting read about Julianna! Thanks for sharing Elise!
Odd about the Jermaine comment though. But I agree with the above comments that channeling doesn't ensure clear messages - as we've talked about here before it can go through a filter sometimes or be misinterpreted. When this happens that doesn't mean the medium should be totally discredited though - just means you have to feel out each message for yourself and not just blindly believe. But we should be doing that either way! :)

The part I found interesting about the coroners report was "His heart was strong but *his lungs were inflamed.*" - Maybe his lungs were inflamed because of how the paramedics were working on him, but that comment links up with what the psychic guy said on MTV this January during his celebrity prediction for the year. He said he saw Michael having some sort of serious infection in his lungs - that he would be all over the news and we might lose him. :cry:
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: MJstarlight
On: 02-10-2009 05:15 AM

---Quote (Originally by amygrace)---
The part I found interesting about the coroners report was "His heart was strong but *his lungs were inflamed.*" - Maybe his lungs were inflamed because of how the paramedics were working on him, but that comment links up with what the psychic guy said on MTV this January during his celebrity prediction for the year. He said he saw Michael having some sort of serious infection in his lungs - that he would be all over the news and we might lose him. :cry:
---End Quote---

oh wow.. that is terrible :no:
I remember last January someone made a thread about this.. I was so upset I didnt want to believe it..
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: Petals
On: 02-10-2009 08:04 AM

Please please! Let me know what she says about bipolar here

I'm almost sure he was bipolar! But I dont wanna get in fights, ok? I just wanna understand what she says about it. If he was bipolar, lots of things will make sense, and this could also help people understand more about bipolar and understand some of his attitudes and thoughts (I'm not talking about the accusations).

Please write it for me. I need to read it to be able to understand.

Thank you!!
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: hilliver
On: 02-10-2009 08:47 AM

Are we confident that this 'leak' is genuine, it isn't the first. And it was pretty obvious that his eyebrows were tatood, I thought he used lip stain, the lips are pigmented skin so could be affected by vitiligo, and he was telling the truth when he denied surgery to enhance them.

We know he had a back problem, we know he had bad burns on his scalp which would have destroyed his hair growth, none of this stuff is anything someone couldn't make up. I don't doubt he might have had a face lift, hence scars behind his ears, and if his height is correct then he has shrunk since his arrest! Wasn't he 5'11''?

The superficial stuff, cosmetic if you like is irrelavent, but the inflammed lungs is ineresting, in light of what Ian Halprin was peddling, he exaggerated the problem, but it is odd, makes you wonder if someone wasn't selling medical information about him.

Maybe if you suffocate, and stopping breathing is that, the lungs do look inflammed, certainly nobody who worked with him, talked about him being short of breath, then we have to remember the chef's story about the oxygen.

Clearly there is much more going on than we know about, but the authorities need to look into these leaks, if that is what they are, and not just someone making stuff up.
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: tarah86
On: 02-10-2009 09:39 AM

---Quote (Originally by hilliver)---
Are we confident that this 'leak' is genuine, it isn't the first. And it was pretty obvious that his eyebrows were tatood, I thought he used lip stain, the lips are pigmented skin so could be affected by vitiligo, and he was telling the truth when he denied surgery to enhance them.

We know he had a back problem, we know he had bad burns on his scalp which would have destroyed his hair growth, none of this stuff is anything someone couldn't make up. I don't doubt he might have had a face lift, hence scars behind his ears, and if his height is correct then he has shrunk since his arrest! *Wasn't he 5'11'*'?

The superficial stuff, cosmetic if you like is irrelavent, but the inflammed lungs is ineresting, in light of what Ian Halprin was peddling, he exaggerated the problem, but it is odd, makes you wonder if someone wasn't selling medical information about him.

Maybe if you suffocate, and stopping breathing is that, the lungs do look inflammed, certainly nobody who worked with him, talked about him being short of breath, then we have to remember the chef's story about the oxygen.

Clearly there is much more going on than we know about, but the authorities need to look into these leaks, if that is what they are, and not just someone making stuff up.
---End Quote---
I thought he was 5'10.
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: Neeve
On: 02-10-2009 01:53 PM

---Quote (Originally by Petals)---
Please please! Let me know what she says about bipolar here

I'm almost sure he was bipolar! But I dont wanna get in fights, ok? I just wanna understand what she says about it. If he was bipolar, lots of things will make sense, and this could also help people understand more about bipolar and understand some of his attitudes and thoughts (I'm not talking about the accusations).

Please write it for me. I need to read it to be able to understand.

Thank you!!
---End Quote---
OK so she's saying that he's referring to having depression and anxiety and that no one looked into it. She (NOT Michael) is guessing that he was bipolar, and that explains how he was introverted but then changed onstage.

Now, if I can add my own personal view of this (Ive studied psychology)... that's not symptoms of being bipolar. Bipolar usually means that you go from feeling really depressed to feeling on top of the world, regardless of what's going on around you. So I don't think that fits in with his just being extroverted me, they're unrelated. I'm certainly not an expert, so anyone with more insight, feel free to correct me. But she's also saying that he's telling her he had a neurological issue. ???
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: Mrs. Music
On: 02-10-2009 06:02 PM

---Quote (Originally by hilliver)---
Are we confident that this 'leak' is genuine, it isn't the first. And it was pretty obvious that his eyebrows were tatood, I thought he used lip stain, the lips are pigmented skin so could be affected by vitiligo, and he was telling the truth when he denied surgery to enhance them.

We know he had a back problem, we know he had bad burns on his scalp which would have destroyed his hair growth, none of this stuff is anything someone couldn't make up. I don't doubt he might have had a face lift, hence scars behind his ears, and *if his height is correct then he has shrunk since his arrest! Wasn't he 5'11''?*

The superficial stuff, cosmetic if you like is irrelavent, but the* inflammed lungs is ineresting*, in light of what Ian Halprin was peddling, he exaggerated the problem, but it is odd, makes you wonder if someone wasn't selling medical information about him.

Maybe if you suffocate, and stopping breathing is that, the lungs do look inflammed, certainly nobody who worked with him, talked about him being short of breath, then we have to remember the chef's story about the oxygen.

Clearly there is much more going on than we know about, but the authorities need to look into these leaks, if that is what they are, and not just someone making stuff up.
---End Quote---
The shrunk could be because he had back problems, maybe that caused his posture to change. I already noticed a slight chance in his posture, in the vids from the announcement of TII for instance.

And the inflamed lungs is a sign of lupus, if I'm right.

---Quote (Originally by Neeve)---
OK so she's saying that he's referring to having depression and anxiety and that no one looked into it. She (NOT Michael) is guessing that he was bipolar, and that explains how he was introverted but then changed onstage.

Now, if I can add my own personal view of this (Ive studied psychology)... that's not symptoms of being bipolar. Bipolar usually means that you go from feeling really depressed to feeling on top of the world, regardless of what's going on around you. So I don't think that fits in with his just being extroverted me, they're unrelated. I'm certainly not an expert, so anyone with more insight, feel free to correct me. But she's also saying that he's telling her he had a neurological issue. ???
---End Quote---
I agree, this definitely are not signs of him being bipolar. That wouldn't explain his being extrovert on stage. The fact he got 'depressed' sometimes is, what I think, just because it was hard to deal with things.
But everybody knows what I'm talking about, that's no news... ;D

Actually I'm getting a bit tired of everyone searching for answers about why he behaved like this and that, and giving him illnesses. (Not to attack you, Petals, just overall!)
He was just a very unique person and I don't find anything strange about how he behaved...there's no need to search for 'reasons' or anything.:no:
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: amygrace
On: 02-10-2009 06:05 PM

---Quote (Originally by Mrs. Music)---
Actually I'm getting a bit tired of everyone searching for answers about why he behaved like this and that, and giving him illnesses. (Not to attack you, Petals, just overall!)
*He was just a very unique person and I don't find anything strange about how he behaved*...there's no need to search for 'reasons' or anything.:no:
---End Quote---
Oct 2 subscription email part 2:

Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: MJstarlight
On: 02-10-2009 06:09 PM

---Quote (Originally by Mrs. Music)---

I agree, this definitely are not signs of him being bipolar. That wouldn't explain his being extrovert on stage. The fact he got 'depressed' sometimes is, what I think, just because it was hard to deal with things.
But everybody knows what I'm talking about, that's no news... ;D

Actually I'm getting a bit tired of everyone searching for answers about why he behaved like this and that, and giving him illnesses. (Not to attack you, Petals, just overall!)
He was just a very unique person and I don't find anything strange about how he behaved...there's no need to search for 'reasons' or anything.:no:
---End Quote---

I agree as well... :yes:
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: Louise.
On: 02-10-2009 06:12 PM

---Quote (Originally by Mrs. Music)---
The shrunk could be because he had back problems, maybe that caused his posture to change. I already noticed a slight chance in his posture, in the vids from the announcement of TII for instance.

And the inflamed lungs is a sign of lupus, if I'm right.

I agree, this definitely are not signs of him being bipolar. That wouldn't explain his being extrovert on stage. The fact he got 'depressed' sometimes is, what I think, just because it was hard to deal with things.
But everybody knows what I'm talking about, that's no news... ;D

Actually I'm getting a bit tired of everyone searching for answers about why he behaved like this and that, and giving him illnesses. (Not to attack you, Petals, just overall!)
He was just a very unique person and I don't find anything strange about how he behaved...there's no need to search for 'reasons' or anything.:no:
---End Quote---
I so agree with you. :)
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: strawberrypie999
On: 02-10-2009 07:05 PM

If he was bi-polar then that would explain a lot of things to myself, personally. My father is bi-polar and his brother was bi-polar, I also show some signs of being bi-polar. My uncle's was so severe that he took his own life because he refused to be on the medicines.

This disease can destroy your life if you don't get it under control. It can make you have such hysterical 'highs' that you don't sleep for days. You become 'obsessed' with something and that's all you think about. You can forget about eating even to work on your 'project'. When you have your lows though, you can sleep for days, again you don't eat. You become physically ill. It's a nasty disease but if you get on the right medicines it's like nothing is wrong. In some ways I could see where Michael may have had signs of being bi-polar. Just look at his work ethic. Look at how he would go from nice and fit to kind of thin. Sleepless nights. Roaming around hotels. *Buying things*. My dad goes out and spends at LEAST $1,000 every time he gets on a 'low' because it puts him up on a 'high'. Those things make you feel better sometimes where interaction with people, or being with yourself can not.

Just chipping in my two cents here.
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: Neeve
On: 02-10-2009 09:43 PM

---Quote (Originally by Mrs. Music)---

I agree, this definitely are not signs of him being bipolar. That wouldn't explain his being extrovert on stage. The fact he got 'depressed' sometimes is, what I think, just because it was hard to deal with things.
But everybody knows what I'm talking about, that's no news... ;D

Actually I'm getting a bit tired of everyone searching for answers about why he behaved like this and that, and giving him illnesses. (Not to attack you, Petals, just overall!)
He was just a very unique person and I don't find anything strange about how he behaved...there's no need to search for 'reasons' or anything.:no:
---End Quote---
Thanks for your input. I defintely agree with you.
And you're right, he is unique, not strange or weird. :clapping:

---Quote (Originally by strawberrypie999)---
If he was bi-polar then that would explain a lot of things to myself, personally. My father is bi-polar and his brother was bi-polar, I also show some signs of being bi-polar. My uncle's was so severe that he took his own life because he refused to be on the medicines.

This disease can destroy your life if you don't get it under control. It can make you have such hysterical 'highs' that you don't sleep for days. You become 'obsessed' with something and that's all you think about. You can forget about eating even to work on your 'project'. When you have your lows though, you can sleep for days, again you don't eat. You become physically ill. It's a nasty disease but if you get on the right medicines it's like nothing is wrong. In some ways I could see where Michael may have had signs of being bi-polar. Just look at his work ethic. Look at how he would go from nice and fit to kind of thin. Sleepless nights. Roaming around hotels. *Buying things*. My dad goes out and spends at LEAST $1,000 every time he gets on a 'low' because it puts him up on a 'high'. Those things make you feel better sometimes where interaction with people, or being with yourself can not.

Just chipping in my two cents here.
---End Quote---
OK, that's interesting. there are behavioural similiarities there, and you obviously have personal experience with it. At the same time I would have to say that someone wouldn't have to be bipolar in order to act like that. But it is interesting.
I'm very sorry about your uncle.
Oct 3 subscription email, part 1:

Dear jemini515,

You are subscribed to the thread "Merged: Psychics channel Michael" by amygrace, there have been 23 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was Neeve.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: Petals
On: 03-10-2009 01:15 AM

---Quote (Originally by Neeve)---
OK so she's saying that he's referring to having depression and anxiety and that *no one looked into it*. She (NOT Michael) is guessing that he was bipolar, and that explains how he was introverted but then changed onstage.

Now, if I can add my own personal view of this (Ive studied psychology)... that's not symptoms of being bipolar. Bipolar usually means that you go from feeling really depressed to feeling on top of the world, regardless of what's going on around you. So I don't think that fits in with his just being extroverted me, they're unrelated. I'm certainly not an expert, so anyone with more insight, feel free to correct me. But she's also saying that he's telling her he had a neurological issue. ???
---End Quote---
ok! thank u for explaining that to me! :) I agree (bold)!

---Quote (Originally by Mrs. Music)---
Actually I'm getting a bit tired of everyone searching for answers about why he behaved like this and that, and giving him illnesses. (Not to attack you, Petals, just overall!)
He was just a very unique person and I don't find anything strange about how he behaved...there's no need to search for 'reasons' or anything.:no:
---End Quote---
I know! It hurts you and it hurts me because someone should have noticed that, but I guess noone did. Please I'm not searching for reasons. I have this opinion (of him being bipolar) long ago, but I never said anything.

---Quote (Originally by strawberrypie999)---
If he was bi-polar then that would explain a lot of things to myself, personally. My father is bi-polar and his brother was bi-polar, I also show some signs of being bi-polar. My uncle's was so severe that he took his own life because he refused to be on the medicines.

This disease can destroy your life if you don't get it under control. It can make you have such hysterical 'highs' that you don't sleep for days. You become 'obsessed' with something and that's all you think about. You can forget about eating even to work on your 'project'. When you have your lows though, you can sleep for days, again you don't eat. You become physically ill. It's a nasty disease but if you get on the right medicines it's like nothing is wrong. In some ways I could see where Michael may have had signs of being bi-polar. Just look at his work ethic. Look at how he would go from nice and fit to kind of thin. Sleepless nights. Roaming around hotels. *Buying things*. My dad goes out and spends at LEAST $1,000 every time he gets on a 'low' because it puts him up on a 'high'. Those things make you feel better sometimes where interaction with people, or being with yourself can not.

Just chipping in my two cents here.
---End Quote---
100% right! I know very well what u're talking about! and YES, this disease can destroy your social life, you can lose your job, friends and many others things! it makes u think you can do anything whenever u want. anyway I'll stop here.

I LOVE Michael, no matter what ok?

I'm sorry about your uncle! :-\

Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: strawberrypie999
On: 03-10-2009 01:33 AM

Sorry guys, wasn't trying to depress you about my Uncle or insinuate that Michael was bi polar. Just chipping in my two cents that it is a slight possibility
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: Neeve
On: 03-10-2009 01:44 AM

---Quote (Originally by strawberrypie999)---
Sorry guys, wasn't trying to depress you about my Uncle or insinuate that Michael was bi polar. Just chipping in my two cents that it is a slight possibility
---End Quote---
no, no, please dpnt feel we didn't want you to share! Everyone's opinion is valid. I definitely see now that it is a possibilty....I guess I just don't want to think anymore about possible ways Michael might have suffered... there's only so much I can take...
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: strawberrypie999
On: 03-10-2009 02:33 AM

---Quote (Originally by Neeve)---
no, no, please dpnt feel we didn't want you to share! Everyone's opinion is valid. I definitely see now that it is a possibilty....I guess I just don't want to think anymore about possible ways Michael might have suffered... there's only so much I can take...
---End Quote---
Aww, girl...:hug:
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: strawberrypie999
On: 03-10-2009 02:35 AM

So lately whenever I drive in the car and I listen to his music I feel this 'rush' of *really* emotional energy. Like, I almost had to pull the car over today because my eyes were welling with tears so much. That is very new to me...I have always been very sad over his passing, but I have cried actual tears very little. I feel like my heart has been broken and I am aching internally more than crying on the outside. But lately there is just something about being alone in the car and listening to his music, it can be any song, and I feel like I could turn in to a hysterical mess at any second. It is so overwhelming!
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: littlesparrow
On: 03-10-2009 02:47 AM

---Quote (Originally by strawberrypie999)---
So lately whenever I drive in the car and I listen to his music I feel this 'rush' of *really* emotional energy. Like, I almost had to pull the car over today because my eyes were welling with tears so much. That is very new to me...I have always been very sad over his passing, but I have cried actual tears very little. I feel like my heart has been broken and I am aching internally more than crying on the outside. But lately there is just something about being alone in the car and listening to his music, it can be any song, and I feel like I could turn in to a hysterical mess at any second. It is so overwhelming!
---End Quote---
It's so weird that you posted this, because I have been experiencing the same thing.

In fact, today I was driving home from the cafe I had been studying at and "Rock With You" came on. Right at the little keyboard solo after "rock forever", tears started welling up in my eyes with no warning. I felt kind of alarmed actually, because I just wasn't expecting it, especially in that song.

I ended up pulling over and just taking a breath.
I get really overwhelmed listening to him alone in the car, just as you said.

The day after he passed away, I was sitting on the front porch and this car went flying by my house blaring "Earth Song" (the aaah-ahh-aaaah parts), and I got that same feeling.

I refuse to listen to "Will You Be There" in the car alone, because I know I'll start crying and crash, haha.
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: 8701girl
On: 03-10-2009 02:53 AM

---Quote (Originally by strawberrypie999)---
Sorry guys, wasn't trying to depress you about my Uncle or insinuate that Michael was bi polar. Just chipping in my two cents that it is a slight possibility
---End Quote---

Aww sorry to hear bout ur uncle :( :hug:
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: strawberrypie999
On: 03-10-2009 03:16 AM

---Quote (Originally by littlesparrow)---
It's so weird that you posted this, because I have been experiencing the same thing.

In fact, today I was driving home from the cafe I had been studying at and "Rock With You" came on. Right at the little keyboard solo after "rock forever", tears started welling up in my eyes with no warning. I felt kind of alarmed actually, because I just wasn't expecting it, especially in that song.

I ended up pulling over and just taking a breath.
I get really overwhelmed listening to him alone in the car, just as you said.

The day after he passed away, I was sitting on the front porch and this car went flying by my house blaring "Earth Song" (the aaah-ahh-aaaah parts), and I got that same feeling.

I refuse to listen to "Will You Be There" in the car alone, because I know I'll start crying and crash, haha.
---End Quote---
Aw girl LOL don't crash! hahaha

Maybe it's because we are alone and nothing is really distracting us and are unconciously connecting or something...I have NO idea. It is just really kind of like...boggling me. I almost feel like I don't want to listen to him in the car anymore because it is becoming upsetting.:doh:
Oct 3 subscription email, part 2:

Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: MJstarlight
On: 03-10-2009 03:28 AM

littlesparrow I love the siggy picture.. michael is so glittery :D
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: CaptainEoLove85
On: 03-10-2009 03:32 AM

---Quote (Originally by littlesparrow)---
It's so weird that you posted this, because I have been experiencing the same thing.

In fact, today I was driving home from the cafe I had been studying at and "Rock With You" came on. Right at the little keyboard solo after "rock forever", tears started welling up in my eyes with no warning. I felt kind of alarmed actually, because I just wasn't expecting it, especially in that song.

I ended up pulling over and just taking a breath.
I get really overwhelmed listening to him alone in the car, just as you said.

The day after he passed away, I was sitting on the front porch and this car went flying by my house blaring "Earth Song" (the aaah-ahh-aaaah parts), and I got that same feeling.

I refuse to listen to "Will You Be There" in the car alone, because I know I'll start crying and crash, haha.
---End Quote---
I've experienced a similar thing with his songs, except one of those times I was half asleep at the time and Billie Jean just randomly popped into my head and I burst into tears.

Also I was watching the Bucharest concert this morning with my mom. I had already seen it before, on YouTube, but my mom hadn't so I rented it. Normally I don't have a problem watching his concerts, they make me happy actually. But after watching it this time I was really upset.

It just kind of hit me all over again. Michael as the entertainer is gone. And it's just so depressing knowing we will never see performances like that again. I'm grateful he still lives on in spirit, but it's still hard thinking how he was a once in a lifetime kind of person. No more.

Several of his songs affect me on a deep emotional level, like "Heaven Can Wait" or "Childhood," or "Who is It?" Basically any song where he seems to be crying out. I think "Oh, Michael I wish I could have helped you." :(
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: Neeve
On: 03-10-2009 03:43 AM

---Quote (Originally by strawberrypie999)---
Aww, girl...:hug:
---End Quote---
thanks hun
hugs to you too!!

---Quote (Originally by strawberrypie999)---
So lately whenever I drive in the car and I listen to his music I feel this 'rush' of *really* emotional energy. Like, I almost had to pull the car over today because my eyes were welling with tears so much. That is very new to me...I have always been very sad over his passing, but I have cried actual tears very little. I feel like my heart has been broken and I am aching internally more than crying on the outside. But lately there is just something about being alone in the car and listening to his music, it can be any song, and I feel like I could turn in to a hysterical mess at any second. It is so overwhelming!
---End Quote---

---Quote (Originally by littlesparrow)---
It's so weird that you posted this, because I have been experiencing the same thing.

In fact, today I was driving home from the cafe I had been studying at and "Rock With You" came on. Right at the little keyboard solo after "rock forever", tears started welling up in my eyes with no warning. I felt kind of alarmed actually, because I just wasn't expecting it, especially in that song.

I ended up pulling over and just taking a breath.
I get really overwhelmed listening to him alone in the car, just as you said.

The day after he passed away, I was sitting on the front porch and this car went flying by my house blaring "Earth Song" (the aaah-ahh-aaaah parts), and I got that same feeling.

I refuse to listen to "Will You Be There" in the car alone, because I know I'll start crying and crash, haha.
---End Quote---
are you guys serious?? because in the last 3 or 4 days I've felt the same.. yesterday morning I was listening to MJ (of course) on the bus to campus, and YANA came on, and I had to turn it off because my eyes were filling with tears... and then last night I just fell apart again... the emotion has definitely intensified recently...I wonder what it means? It's so amazing that ye have felt this too. I've felt extra close to MJ lately. Like, even in totally unrelated things like in the middle of my syntax class he'l just come into my head, and I feel like he's beside me.
Has anyone else felt him really close when they're laughing? I guess cos he loves to has happened me a few times that I laugh really hard at something and I suddenly kind of feel his presence..
Anyway, sorry for the essay :doh:
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: 8701girl
On: 03-10-2009 03:46 AM

:hug: neeve
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: Neeve
On: 03-10-2009 03:47 AM

---Quote (Originally by 8701girl)---
:hug: neeve
---End Quote---
*blushes* a hee hee
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: tarah86
On: 03-10-2009 03:53 AM

---Quote (Originally by strawberrypie999)---
So lately whenever I drive in the car and I listen to his music I feel this 'rush' of *really* emotional energy. Like, I almost had to pull the car over today because my eyes were welling with tears so much. That is very new to me...I have always been very sad over his passing, but I have cried actual tears very little. I feel like my heart has been broken and I am aching internally more than crying on the outside. But lately there is just something about being alone in the car and listening to his music, it can be any song, and I feel like I could turn in to a hysterical mess at any second. It is so overwhelming!
---End Quote---
I'm the opposite. I cried so much in June and July, now I rarely cry. I was just listening to Diana Ross's "Missing You" (I've always loved the song and I had it on my youtube playlist) and I felt sad and had to listen to it again. I felt so much pain and just shook my head in disbelief that he's gone. Whenever I see one of his music videos or here a slow song I get sad. It's still hard for me to accept it.

ETA: I tried to test myself and see if I could listen to "Good Times" by the Jacksons and not cry....failed! I tried to hold it in but the tears were streaming down.
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: strawberrypie999
On: 03-10-2009 04:06 AM

Aww...I feel better knowing that I am not alone in this!
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: TheLastTear
On: 03-10-2009 05:32 AM

---Quote (Originally by strawberrypie999)---
Aww...I feel better knowing that I am not alone in this!
---End Quote---

me too... love you all... :better:
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: strawberrypie999
On: 03-10-2009 06:36 AM

---Quote (Originally by TheLastTear)---
me too... love you all... :better:
---End Quote---
awww :hug:
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: Louise.
On: 03-10-2009 11:56 AM

---Quote (Originally by CaptainEoLove85)---

Several of his songs affect me on a deep emotional level, like "Heaven Can Wait" or "Childhood," or "Who is It?" Basically any song where he seems to be crying out. I think "Oh, Michael I wish I could have helped you." :(
---End Quote---
Aw, that's how I feel too. :cry:
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: Miss_star
On: 03-10-2009 01:13 PM

---Quote (Originally by amygrace)---
Interesting read about Julianna! Thanks for sharing Elise!
Odd about the Jermaine comment though. But I agree with the above comments that channeling doesn't ensure clear messages - as we've talked about here before it can go through a filter sometimes or be misinterpreted. When this happens that doesn't mean the medium should be totally discredited though - just means you have to feel out each message for yourself and not just blindly believe. But we should be doing that either way! :)

The part I found interesting about the coroners report was "His heart was strong but *his lungs were inflamed.*" - Maybe his lungs were inflamed because of how the paramedics were working on him, but that comment links up with what the psychic guy said on MTV this January during his celebrity prediction for the year. He said he saw Michael having some sort of serious infection in his lungs - that he would be all over the news and we might lose him. :cry:
---End Quote---
omg I didn't know about that :cry:

---Quote (Originally by strawberrypie999)---
So lately whenever I drive in the car and I listen to his music I feel this 'rush' of *really* emotional energy. Like, I almost had to pull the car over today because my eyes were welling with tears so much. That is very new to me...I have always been very sad over his passing, but I have cried actual tears very little. I feel like my heart has been broken and I am aching internally more than crying on the outside. But lately there is just something about being alone in the car and listening to his music, it can be any song, and I feel like I could turn in to a hysterical mess at any second. It is so overwhelming!
---End Quote---
I know hun. :huggy: ..I was like that for a longtime but the last couple of days if I listen to Michaels songs in the car ( as long as they are upbeat) then I'm fine.

something weird has happened...I can hear the choir part in the beginning of will you be there....not in my head, I can actually physically HEAR IT. It's quite strange

I have been outside to check if it's the neighbours playing it ( they all have the windows open)...but i can't hear anything...i just keep hearing that part randomly :crazy:
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: mjbunny
On: 03-10-2009 07:16 PM

Ah, back to my favorite thread. I've also felt the kind of things you guys are talking about lately. Not the last two days for me, but earlier in the week I was soooo emotional again (of course I was finishing Aphrodite Jones' book, so I had to stop often and cry and think and feel). I still have those moments as well when I'll just burst out in tears spontaneously and embarrassingly. Depends on the day. Nobody who's known me for years would believe it, since I'm always so in control and never cry. Boy I've sure made up for that these last 3 months.

---Quote (Originally by Neeve)---
Has anyone else felt him really close when they're laughing? I guess cos he loves to has happened me a few times that I laugh really hard at something and I suddenly kind of feel his presence.
---End Quote---
Yes, us too! My husband loves MJ as well and we both have felt this, especially if we make any kind of joke or silliness that pertains to Michael in some way. We kind of have our own private fan language, punctuated by "hoooooo!"s and various MJ quotes, gestures and tidbits, lolol. But other times too, like my husband finally got to see Eddie Murphy's James Brown in the hot tub skit earlier (aw, the good old days of SNL) and I could almost feel like Michael was laughing with us :lmao:

---Quote (Originally by DanceOfZenab1994)---
Awwwwwww. Thank you so much for sharing. That is so comforting. But how do you see it? Like how clearly?
---End Quote---
Well, it was during a meditation so it was like a vivid daydream really. But I'm always surprised by these experiences because although I may see something/someone in my mind, it seems so real afterwards thinking back to it. I guess the best way to explain it would be like if you were totally calm and then visualized with the full force of your imagination yourself outside and walking up to your own house and going inside and down the hallway or whatever. You can see it pretty clearly (because you know your own home), but it's not like an outright vision. Like that. I haven't had any experiences lately with MJ that were as vivid and just soooo, soooo real like in July/early August, though. I suppose that's a special time when a spirit hasn't transitioned completely or something. So now I'm going through the phase of questioning it all, you know. Like what if I imagined it all, like it was all some product of a desperate grieving mind and none of it existed and when we die that's it, poof, lights out? (Sometimes I hate my brain, lol.) But then I recall all the 'paranormal' experiences I've had in my life that could not have been imagined, that absolutely happened without any shadow of a doubt and I tell myself... just go with it. I guess that's all any of us can really do. Just go with it. (LOL - I just realized my inadvertent MJ quote, so I'll add "go with it...Jam!" ;))
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: Neeve
On: 03-10-2009 07:29 PM

---Quote (Originally by mjbunny)---
Ah, back to my favorite thread. I've also felt the kind of things you guys are talking about lately. Not the last two days for me, but earlier in the week I was soooo emotional again (of course I was finishing Aphrodite Jones' book, so I had to stop often and cry and think and feel). I still have those moments as well when I'll just burst out in tears spontaneously and embarrassingly. Depends on the day. Nobody who's known me for years would believe it, since I'm always so in control and never cry. Boy I've sure made up for that these last 3 months.

Yes, us too! My husband loves MJ as well and we both have felt this, especially if we make any kind of joke or silliness that pertains to Michael in some way. We kind of have our own private fan language, punctuated by "hoooooo!"s and various MJ quotes, gestures and tidbits, lolol. But other times too, like my husband finally got to see Eddie Murphy's James Brown in the hot tub skit earlier (aw, the good old days of SNL) and I could almost feel like Michael was laughing with us :lmao:
---End Quote---
Oh wow, that sounds really lovely. I love that ye have that fan language, lol!
Hope you're doing ok xxx
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: amygrace
On: 03-10-2009 10:36 PM

---Quote (Originally by strawberrypie999)---
SBut lately there is just something about being alone in the car and listening to his music, it can be any song, and I feel like I could turn in to a hysterical mess at any second. It is so overwhelming!
---End Quote---
Oh man, I've been there. Not lately...but a few weeks after he died when I started to really research him out and I came to know who he really was - it hit me so hard. Any video I watched or song I listened to of his made me go into hysteria, literally. At first I fought it and felt stupid for needing to cry because I had just barely come to really know him...but I finally just let myself let go and cry...and it really helped!

I think you need to just let yourself cry if you feel it...don't stop listening to the music because it brings up the emotions...just go with it...let the emotions flow. That will release that energy from you...and leave you feeling refreshed!
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: Neeve
On: 03-10-2009 10:43 PM

---Quote (Originally by amygrace)---
Oh man, I've been there. Not lately...but a few weeks after he died when I started to really research him out and I came to know who he really was - it hit me so hard. Any video I watched or song I listened to of his made me go into hysteria, literally. At first I fought it and felt stupid for needing to cry because I had just barely come to really know him...but I finally just let myself let go and cry...and it really helped!

I think you need to just let yourself cry if you feel it...don't stop listening to the music because it brings up the emotions...just go with it...let the emotions flow. That will release that energy from you...and leave you feeling refreshed!
---End Quote---
good advice...that's exactly what I do. If I start feeling emotional and feel that I need to let this out, I just put on Halo, then Speechless, YANA, WYTB or some combination, and let it all go. And like you, I feel so much better afterwards.
October 4 subscription email:

Dear jemini515,

You are subscribed to the thread "Merged: Psychics channel Michael" by amygrace, there have been 14 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was Miss_star.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: strawberrypie999
On: 04-10-2009 02:23 AM

---Quote (Originally by amygrace)---
Oh man, I've been there. Not lately...but a few weeks after he died when I started to really research him out and I came to know who he really was - it hit me so hard. Any video I watched or song I listened to of his made me go into hysteria, literally. At first I fought it and felt stupid for needing to cry because I had just barely come to really know him...but I finally just let myself let go and cry...and it really helped!

I think you need to just let yourself cry if you feel it...don't stop listening to the music because it brings up the emotions...just go with it...let the emotions flow. That will release that energy from you...and leave you feeling refreshed!
---End Quote---
Good advice girl!! :better:Thanx !
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: amygrace
On: 04-10-2009 02:41 AM

---Quote (Originally by Neeve)---
good advice...that's exactly what I do. If I start feeling emotional and feel that I need to let this out, I just put on Halo, then Speechless, YANA, WYTB or some combination, and let it all go. And like you, I feel so much better afterwards.
---End Quote---
Totally. I will do the same...if I'm feeling emotional I'll put on a song that pushes everything out. Having a good cry is very healing - you don't wanna hold onto that stuff. I've certainly learned the hard way how keeping your emotions in manifests bad things for your health.

*Casey *- much love dahling! If you express it all, soon you'll be back to enjoying the songs without the pain.
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: DanceOfZenab1994
On: 04-10-2009 07:26 AM

I listen to sad songs too when I need to cry. e.g. Ave Maria by Beyonce, Gone Too Soon, One Day In Your Life, Littlest things by Lily Allen.


I woke up this morning with "Never can say goodbye" in my head.
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: Mrs. Music
On: 04-10-2009 08:17 AM

Actually I don't have a hard time listening to ANY song, but *Human Nature*.:mello:
That one just goes straight through the hurts so much when I hear it. No other song does that, really strange.
For some reason I always make connections with sound (or smells etc) to my feelings for a certain happening or something, I'm really sensitive for that.

Last night I was kind of almost sleeping and this 'almost-dream' came in my mind...I was sitting and crying in the rain in a big grassfield and there was Mike, holding a blanket like the one for the DTD photoshoot.
He came to sit next to me and we just sat there hiding for the rain under the blanket, holding each other.
I could feel and hear his warmth, heartbeat and breathing. :heart:
It was so peacefull...the rain stopped immediatly (like as if the rain stood for my tears?) and I didn't say anything to him because I just wished we could be sitting there forever...:angel:
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: amygrace
On: 04-10-2009 04:11 PM

---Quote (Originally by Mrs. Music)---
Actually I don't have a hard time listening to ANY song, but *Human Nature*.:mello:
That one just goes straight through the hurts so much when I hear it. No other song does that, really strange.
For some reason I always make connections with sound (or smells etc) to my feelings for a certain happening or something, I'm really sensitive for that.
---End Quote---
Oh man I am the SAME way with Human Nature! I'm fine listening to all his music now but Human Nature still does me in. It's all about the *sound* he makes in that song...I have an incredible connection with it...the melody behind the words, and particularly the "whyyyyy" he does with his voice at 2:04 - I just cry...and I feel like..."homesick" in a way, it's odd. I was just telling my Mom this a month or so ago...and I know this may sound stupid feels like that sound was a special melody or something I had heard before coming to Earth...maybe in another life or maybe from angels I don't know... it just feels SO deeply rooted in my soul. This is why I always say Michael was "divinely inspired" with his music. And of course he says it himself, his songs are given to him like gifts. Really, the power in his music isn't just with the lyrics and "cool beats" - he has put out some of the most beautiful sound waves that I think will touch and inspire people more without even realizing it.
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: Neeve
On: 04-10-2009 04:27 PM

---Quote (Originally by amygrace)---
Oh man I am the SAME way with Human Nature! I'm fine listening to all his music now but Human Nature still does me in. It's all about the *sound* he makes in that song...I have an incredible connection with it...the melody behind the words, and particularly the "whyyyyy" he does with his voice at 2:04 - I just cry...and I feel like..."homesick" in a way, it's odd. I was just telling my Mom this a month or so ago...and I know this may sound stupid feels like that sound was a special melody or something I had heard before coming to Earth...maybe in another life or maybe from angels I don't know... it just feels SO deeply rooted in my soul. This is why I always say Michael was "divinely inspired" with his music. And of course he says it himself, his songs are given to him like gifts. Really, the power in his music isn't just with the lyrics and "cool beats" - he has put out some of the most beautiful sound waves that I think will touch and inspire people more without even realizing it.
---End Quote---

I've always felt this about his touches the soul. I agree with him that music was part of creation, because it's so powerful. I know this sounds crazy, but I really believe there are certain,like, musical patterns or chord progressions or something that truly resonate with the human soul.. and some artists, especially Michael, intuitively knew (or were told by a higher power) how to create this. It's so beautiful...
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: Mrs. Music
On: 04-10-2009 04:45 PM

---Quote (Originally by amygrace)---
Oh man I am the SAME way with Human Nature! I'm fine listening to all his music now but Human Nature still does me in. It's all about the *sound* he makes in that song...I have an incredible connection with it...the melody behind the words, and particularly the "whyyyyy" he does with his voice at 2:04 - I just cry...and I feel like..."homesick" in a way, it's odd. I was just telling my Mom this a month or so ago...and I know this may sound stupid feels like that sound was a special melody or something I had heard before coming to Earth...maybe in another life or maybe from angels I don't know... it just feels SO deeply rooted in my soul. This is why I always say Michael was "divinely inspired" with his music. And of course he says it himself, his songs are given to him like gifts. Really, the power in his music isn't just with the lyrics and "cool beats" - he has put out some of the most beautiful sound waves that I think will touch and inspire people more without even realizing it.
---End Quote---
Yeah! Thats EXACTLY my feeling!!! It's just as if I connected it with something else...a happening or anything, but I just don't know why or what exactly. :mello:
That song always tears me up and gives me shivers, it has such an impact that no other song has to's so...hmm hard to put it in words...but it feels like it's just the perfect type of sound in that song that can touch my soul like no other. Indeed that deeply rooted in my soul-feeling. And the way his voice sounds is just as perfect, it's that whole combination that just blows me away.
Oh man, now I'm crying again...:lol:
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: amygrace
On: 04-10-2009 05:07 PM

---Quote (Originally by Neeve)---
I've always felt this about his touches the soul. I agree with him that* music was part of creation, *because it's so powerful. I know this sounds crazy, but I really believe there are certain,like, *musical patterns or chord progressions or something that truly resonate with the human soul.. and some artists, especially Michael, intuitively knew* (or were told by a higher power) how to create this. It's so beautiful...
---End Quote---

---Quote (Originally by Mrs. Music)---
It's just as if I connected it with something else...a happening or anything, but I just don't know why or what exactly.
---End Quote---
Exactly! I love that you guys feel the same way. Of course it's only can the melodies in Michael's music, particularly Human Nature...NOT touch someones soul? It just has those special musical patterns that is like a PART of us.

Man, when I first fully heard Human Nature back in July...I remember it hit me like a ton of bricks...I was like OH MY GOD...I've been waiting YEARS to hear this melody again! And I just started crying the kind of cry that you just can feel DEEP in your heart. I cried for the beauty it brought back to my soul that I had forgotten...kind of like being reunited with a part of myself I lost....and I cried for all the memories that I didn't even remember it was just a truly spiritual experience. :angel:
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: Mrs. Music
On: 04-10-2009 05:21 PM

---Quote (Originally by amygrace)---
Exactly! I love that you guys feel the same way. Of course it's only can the melodies in Michael's music, particularly Human Nature...NOT touch someones soul? It just has those special musical patterns that is like a PART of us.

Man, when I first fully heard Human Nature back in July...I remember it hit me like a ton of bricks...I was like OH MY GOD...I've been waiting YEARS to hear this melody again! And I just started crying the kind of cry that you just can feel DEEP in your heart. I cried for the beauty it brought back to my soul that I had forgotten...kind of like being reunited with a part of myself I lost....and I cried for all the memories that I didn't even remember it was just a truly spiritual experience. :angel:
---End Quote---
Oh wow...I'm so sorry you had to feel like that. :( I have always been listening to it, since I was like a fan from the time I was wearing diapers, LOL..but it hits me more now he's gone.
The fact he's not here anymore just brought all the music to another dimension if it's even more understandable, more beautiful, more powerful in expressing the feelings his music has. I never thought I could even be more understandable etc...and when I thought I knew and heard everything on it's top level, there's this new fase.
That was so strange to feel, it was as if my ears are listening on another frequention now...:scratch:
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: MJstarlight
On: 04-10-2009 05:22 PM

Human nature is so beautiful. The song I have a hard time listening to is Stranger in Moscow. Its my favorite song by Michael but I have not been able to listen to it since before June. That song is so powerful, I can really feel the emotion in the song. But I know im not strong enough to hear it.. :(
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: amygrace
On: 04-10-2009 05:38 PM

---Quote (Originally by Mrs. Music)---
The fact he's not here anymore just brought all the music to another dimension if it's even more understandable, more beautiful, more powerful in expressing the feelings his music has. (....) it was as if my ears are listening on another frequention now
---End Quote---
I agree! I mean I never really listened to a lot of Michael's music before he died...but listening to it now feels so spiritual and more meaningful... like the power in his music has been amplified...I'm not really sure how to explain it. I feel like it's easier for people to be touched by his music now than it has ever been though.

---Quote (Originally by MJstarlight)---
The song I have a hard time listening to is Stranger in Moscow. Its my favorite song by Michael but I have not been able to listen to it since before June. That song is so powerful, I can really feel the emotion in the song. But I know im not strong enough to hear it..
---End Quote---
Aw...I can feel the emotion in this one too. It feels almost magical though, to me...with a kind of beautiful sadness. I like to listen to that song and close my takes me to another plane. That song is more about the sound than the lyrics for me...the strings and the "ahh"s and other little sound effects...they all mesh together in a spiritual kind of symphony that is just...magic.
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: CaptainEoLove85
On: 04-10-2009 05:55 PM

Oh, Human Nature is actually my favorite song of his. I just love the way it sounds and the way he sings it. It's really something special. :) I know he didn't write the song himself, but it feels as though he could have. He sings it with such passion.

I can understand what he's saying where his songs just seem to come from above or from God because there's really nothing like them. I think that's the whole intent. They were meant to reach a whole lot of people, if not on a spiritual level, then maybe an emotional one. They're timeless, and yeah I do look at them in a whole new light now that he's gone.
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: Melundso
On: 04-10-2009 06:14 PM

After his death I couldn't hear Human Nature either. On the 26th (german time) it was used in a tribute which aired on MTV this day. It made me so sad. I'm very sensitive to Human Nature since then. : /
Re: Merged: Psychics channel Michael
Posted by: Miss_star
On: 04-10-2009 09:22 PM

---Quote (Originally by amygrace)---
Oh man I am the SAME way with Human Nature! I'm fine listening to all his music now but Human Nature still does me in. It's all about the *sound* he makes in that song...I have an incredible connection with it...the melody behind the words, and particularly the "whyyyyy" he does with his voice at 2:04 - I just cry...and I feel like..."homesick" in a way, it's odd. I was just telling my Mom this a month or so ago...and I know this may sound stupid feels like that sound was a special melody or something I had heard before coming to Earth...maybe in another life or maybe from angels I don't know... it just feels SO deeply rooted in my soul. This is why I always say Michael was "divinely inspired" with his music. And of course he says it himself, his songs are given to him like gifts. Really, the power in his music isn't just with the lyrics and "cool beats" - he has put out some of the most beautiful sound waves that I think will touch and inspire people more without even realizing it.
---End Quote---
I know exactly what you mean hun :huggy: gives me goosebumps just thinking about that part :wub: and the ending too *floats on air*

---Quote (Originally by amygrace)---
I agree! I mean I never really listened to a lot of Michael's music before he died...but listening to it now feels so spiritual and more meaningful... like the power in his music has been amplified...I'm not really sure how to explain it. I feel like it's easier for people to be touched by his music now than it has ever been though.

Aw...I can feel the emotion in this one too. It feels almost magical though, to me...with a kind of beautiful sadness. I like to listen to that song and close my takes me to another plane. That song is more about the sound than the lyrics for me...the strings and the "ahh"s and other little sound effects...they all mesh together in a spiritual kind of symphony that is just...magic.
---End Quote---
:cry: yeah :cry: amy, the way you type is kinda's beautiful :wub:
Then I don't have a subscription email for Oct 5 for some reason, and then we are all up to date. Hope that helps any of you who wanted to see what you wrote. :)
OMG jemini515...I LOVE YOU!! I just want to give you a hug! Thank you SO much for posting all that...I'm so glad someone kept track. Weeeee! :D
Want to share a brief something from a meditation last night. I was quite deep in meditation, working on my chakras and clearing my mind and such and after a while saw one of my guides. I asked him if there was any way I could see where Michael was. I had the feeling like "he's busy" so I asked for just a glimpse, without bothering him. Then I saw inside a large building, like a great hall and there was a whole crowd of children sitting on chairs and on the floor facing in one general direction (or at least they appeared as kids or maybe were souls who'd died as children or chose to be children?... who's to say...) and in front of them, like teaching them something or reading to them was Michael. He looked so absolutely gorgeous -- reminded me a bit of 1996 with the straightened hair and was wearing something reminiscent of the YANA shirt. :wub: And he was just beaming with happiness. It was as if I was peeking in from above a ways. He seemed to notice me and glanced up and smiled at me, this big beautiful smile, with a sort of "hi" nod and I smiled back and gave a bit of a wave and floated away. And that was all. I felt like I was peeking in the door of a classroom to say hi to the teacher, lol. He was working, helping other souls, busy doing stuff just like he would be busy doing stuff down here. And with kids, who else? :) Of course, I can't say if that's for real or just in my own mind, but I felt quite nice after that.
Like I said, the sprit lives. I will NOT doubt what you are saying. It could be true.
I have been recently praying for some kind of sign/visitation from Michael and today, when I was in the car, we were playing "Baby Be Mine".

Suddenly, a car skipped infront of us and the last letters of the registration were "MJ".

I don't know if it's a sign - but it made me very happy.

I find all this just nonsense, Michael has passed on, let him rest in peace.

Again what is the relevance in coming in a thread that is 113 pages long, and calling it 'nonsense'? If you disagree with the views expressed in this thread then don't even bother posting anything. :mello: