Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Aw that's really sweet flyaway622 :wub:
Thank you for posting the information on the book Neeve, I love those kind of books. :) Aw, the experience you had while listening to Halo sounded so comforting. :wub:
Wow, that was cool flyaway622 ^^

I could really need a nice sign like that now.. I had a really unpleasent dream the other night about Bonnie Vent and Michael, after praying to hear from Michael before i went to sleep :S
I have no idea if it meant anything at all (so please don't take it too seriously), but it scared the bejesus out of me! I was trying to scream out loud, but couldn't so I forced myself to wake up and had to turn the light on for the rest of the night.
Wow, that was cool flyaway622 ^^

I could really need a nice sign like that now.. I had a really unpleasent dream the other night about Bonnie Vent and Michael, after praying to hear from Michael before i went to sleep :S
I have no idea if it meant anything at all (so please don't take it too seriously), but it scared the bejesus out of me! I was trying to scream out loud, but couldn't so I forced myself to wake up and had to turn the light on for the rest of the night.

Aw gosh, I'm sorry you had such an unpleasant dream. :better:
Lately, I've been feeling like someone is tapping me on the shoulder quite regularly, it's always my left shoulder, and it usually happens when I'm looking around this thread! It's so comforting. :wub:
How people can believe this rubbish is incredible. People will believe everything when they are in denial. I feel sorry for people. Accept that Michael is dead and move on.

This is not healthy:(
How people can believe this rubbish is incredible. People will believe everything when they are in denial. I feel sorry for people. Accept that Michael is dead and move on.

This is not healthy:(

um, we know he's dead..that's not in question here. But if you open yourself up to the fact that the spirit lives on, it's amazing what you may find :)
How people can believe this rubbish is incredible. People will believe everything when they are in denial. I feel sorry for people. Accept that Michael is dead and move on.

This is not healthy:(

If you don't believe in it, then why bother posting? There's nothing wrong with believing in it. I don't even know why I'm bothering replying. People are having a hard enough time as it is, without people bashing their beliefs.

That's all I'm gonna say.
So I have been trying to meditate more, and open up more. I really want to hear from Michael, so I have been working at it. Tonight I attempted and was really deep in meditation, I had said 'Michael I am open to anything you would like to share.' I got a chill down my spine and then I felt so so strongly that someone was standing next to me. It was almost eerie. I was starting to focus on that when my dog (who was laying at my feet) started growling. I snapped out of my meditation and she was growling at the side of me where I felt someone was standing.

Ever since I have felt light headed and almost sick to my stomach.

Just wanted to share that, I'm not sure what to think really...

That's pretty scary, but awesome. Sounds like he was stopping by to freak you and your dog out lol.

Guys, yesterday while driving, I was pretty upset on the phone with my friend venting my anger. I soon stopped at a redlight and the car infront of me had this license plate... 051 MJJ. I thought it was so cool it made me smile. I just wanted to tell you all that I love reading your experiences here

Ooh, I've had several instances like that with license plates. Some examples I saw: ET 58 (like for the ET storybook album and his birth year) I've also seen the word "hug" on one of them, and TJ5 (the Jackson 5) and another one 7 7 58 (date of the memorial and his birth year).
Ooh, I've had several instances like that with license plates. Some examples I saw: ET 58 (like for the ET storybook album and his birth year) I've also seen the word "hug" on one of them, and TJ5 (the Jackson 5) and another one 7 7 58 (date of the memorial and his birth year).

Aw, that's really cool. :)
@flyaway622 Wow, 51 and MJJ! That sounds like more than a coincidence.

Since some of you guys are saying you feel like someone(MJ) is touching you, I'll share my experience:

I was at school and there was hardly anyone in the hallway. I was on a school computer when it felt someone gently tug at my shirt from behind. I looked behind me and nobody was there. It made me wonder if it was MJ.
Ever since I have felt light headed and almost sick to my stomach. Just wanted to share that, I'm not sure what to think really...
Hmmm, it definitely sounds like someone was there, yes! I was in a group for several years back home that did a lot of energy work and journeying and here are some of the things that we found helped, so thought I'd share: If you're still feeling queasy and light-headed (or if this happens again in the future), try to focus on grounding and centering yourself, like visualize vines growing from your feet that go through the floor(s) and down into the Earth for a few minutes, just draining off any excess psychic energy and reconnect with the world. Then a good way of centering is to put your hands at your solar plexus and just kind of pull your thoughts and energy into a ball there. Like feel your aura and if it feels like you're all "wheee/floaty" above your head or something, by centering just above your bellybutton, well... it kind of clicks you back into place. If you can, also 'tone' while you do this. Just take a deep breath and while you're breathing out just let go of your voice and let whatever sound comes out with the air come. :)
Now what's this about the live psychic experiment?
The one on British tv? It's amazing, I took part in it and it worked.
Yeah, that one. It was Channel 4. They're doing it again this coming Friday, or something like it. Something about guessing a number in their "beat the casino" show.

This past week they had a lady draw something a week before and it was kept covered and guarded at a museum until Friday's experiment, in which she projected out with her mind what it was she'd drawn and viewers and folks there were supposed to draw whatever they picked up. My husband and I both got it and were surprised. She had drawn concentric circles, with the idea of Stonehenge from above in her her mind. MANY people drew circles. In fact, MOST people had drawn circles. It was crazy. My husband drew a circle within a circle and a "stone bridge" that was two stones with another across the top of them (like there is at Stonehenge!), but also a couple of things that made no sense, lol. I drew what I thought was a city skyline (that we realized at the end looked just like Stonehenge the way they showed it at the end during the credits, from a distance in the dark) and a circle! I felt the circle was made of stone and was maybe on display or something, like a sculpture perhaps. BUT at the end of the show I was kind of pissed off because Derrick Brown (?) revealed that this was some type of suggestion, that in all the major UK newspapers they had printed on Friday a small advert that said "DRAW CONCENTRIC CIRCLES". So it was all easily dismissed as some kind of trick instead of actual remote viewing. ARGGHGHG. We don't freakin' live in the UK! We're watching on satellite from Germany and haven't seen one single UK paper! And I doubt everyone who drew the target had gone through a newspaper page by page that day either. Good grief.
How people can believe this rubbish is incredible. People will believe everything when they are in denial. I feel sorry for people. Accept that Michael is dead and move on.

This is not healthy:(

Wow are you being serious right now? This is your what...4th post and you are here telling us it is 'unhealthy' to be spiritual and have our beliefs?

Seriously, if you're gonna be like that, lemme just quote what I know some others are thinking, GTFO man. I'm totally insulted by what you posted.
This past week they had a lady draw something a week before and it was kept covered and guarded at a museum until Friday's experiment, in which she projected out with her mind what it was she'd drawn and viewers and folks there were supposed to draw whatever they picked up. (.....) BUT at the end of the show I was kind of pissed off because Derrick Brown (?) revealed that this was some type of suggestion, that in all the major UK newspapers they had printed on Friday a small advert that said "DRAW CONCENTRIC CIRCLES". So it was all easily dismissed as some kind of trick instead of actual remote viewing. ARGGHGHG. We don't freakin' live in the UK! We're watching on satellite from Germany and haven't seen one single UK paper! And I doubt everyone who drew the target had gone through a newspaper page by page that day either. Good grief.

Ah, very interesting! Typical of someone to come out and act like there was some trickery behind it though :doh:

Those kind of experiments are great though...I've done the same kind of thing in my "developing your psychic abilities" with Echo Bodine...and it really helps you to recognize your intution!
How people can believe this rubbish is incredible. People will believe everything when they are in denial. I feel sorry for people. Accept that Michael is dead and move on.

This is not healthy:(

It's people like you that makes it extra hard we've lost someone so special to us and your here saying things like this?!
I agree with the comments against the guy who so rudely interrupted our peace - but guys please try to just ignore people like that! Their comments shouldn't be justified with a response and usually it just gives them more gust to make another disrespectful comment.

Keep the love goin'!
I had a very short MJ dream last night.

I didn't see him but I heard him so vividly...It's still ringing in my ears. He was saying the start of his poem "Planet Earth..."

"Planet Earth,
My home, My Place,
A capricious anomaly in the sea of space..." :wub: :wub: :cry:

I wonder what it or he means. Hmmmm.

P.S. I've been praying for a few nights (last night too), asking God to let Michael visit me and let me remember the dream.
Wow are you being serious right now? This is your what...4th post and you are here telling us it is 'unhealthy' to be spiritual and have our beliefs?

Seriously, if you're gonna be like that, lemme just quote what I know some others are thinking, GTFO man. I'm totally insulted by what you posted.

I am too, insulted :depressed:. :dntknw: what gives!! :rant:

just going to ignore it and keep being spirtual :angel: :dancin:
Just wanted to share this with you :)
My husband is a bus driver and he pulled up at this bus stop and this guy got on his bus and showed him his pass and he saw his surname was Jackson then he quickly looked at his first name and it was Michael! He couldn't believe the chances of that happening :shock:
In all the years he has been doing the job he has never had anyone getting on with that name on a bus pass!
Just wanted to share this with you :)
My husband is a bus driver and he pulled up at this bus stop and this guy got on his bus and showed him his pass and he saw his surname was Jackson then he quickly looked at his first name and it was Michael! He couldn't believe the chances of that happening :shock:
In all the years he has been doing the job he has never had anyone getting on with that name on a bus pass!

How cool is that! :D
l have not had any MJs dream since his passing, even though previously l used to have them now and then. Is it because am still in denial? Every now and then l would have a break down. My friend tells me l should stop it cause its causing his spirits so much pain.
There has not gone a day my thought would got to him and l would find myself smiling.:)
l have not had any MJs dream since his passing, even though previously l used to have them now and then. Is it because am still in denial? Every now and then l would have a break down. My friend tells me l should stop it cause its causing his spirits so much pain.
There has not gone a day my thought would got to him and l would find myself smiling.:)

I honestly don't believe his spirit is in pain. In fact, I believe he's at peace and in a place of love. He may be concerned about his children, but I really do not believe he's in any pain, so please don't worry about that. It's good that you can think about him and smile, and you probably have dreamt about him but you don't remember...I would say just talk to him before you go to sleep and see what happens :) Ask God/your spirit guide/whatever you believe in that you can remember your dream. Hope this helps :)

In other news, I just wanted to share that for some reason today I'm happy (maybe it's cos I was at big MJ party last night) and I just had my very own dance off with myself in my bedroom, to Can You Feel It, The Love You Save and I Want You Back...for once, I hope Michael wasn't watching :rofl:
aww that is so cool Neeve

when I was leaving work today I heard the song "Never Can Say Goodbye" playing. in the store... They play alot of Jackson Five songs but never played this one. It made me smile :)
aww that is so cool Neeve

when I was leaving work today I heard the song "Never Can Say Goodbye" playing. in the store... They play alot of Jackson Five songs but never played this one. It made me smile :)

lucky girl! where do you work?? my work plays tonss of janet but they arent showin any mj love :(
Just wanted to share this with you :)
My husband is a bus driver and he pulled up at this bus stop and this guy got on his bus and showed him his pass and he saw his surname was Jackson then he quickly looked at his first name and it was Michael! He couldn't believe the chances of that happening :shock:
In all the years he has been doing the job he has never had anyone getting on with that name on a bus pass!

Wow talk bout being at the right place at the right time! lol
lucky girl! where do you work?? my work plays tonss of janet but they arent showin any mj love :(

awww I work in a big hardware store. Most of the shoppers there are old men so they play alot of old 60s music. I dont mind the music though. whenever a Monkees or MJ song comes on I get really excited!
hi everyone. :)
i wanted to get something off my cheast.
ive posted some of my experiences earlier in this thread, but its quite impossible for me to find it now. i just wanted to say that this thread is helping me so much. before michaels passing i was very skeptical about all these kinds of things, iguess i was afraid of it. but now, after michaels passing ive become extremly curious. ive done my own research and learned so much about spirituality.. my mom has always been fascinated by it, and since she lost her sister few years ago, she has become very curious too.
right when michael passed i felt him everywhere. in my room, at school, everywhere. but now, after michael have been buried i dont feel him any longer. im just longing for a sign from him.. i used to signs all the time, it could be little things like an image of him in the sky, a song being played when thinking of him, a smell... anything.
i dont get that any longer.. :/
I honestly don't believe his spirit is in pain. In fact, I believe he's at peace and in a place of love. He may be concerned about his children, but I really do not believe he's in any pain, so please don't worry about that. It's good that you can think about him and smile, and you probably have dreamt about him but you don't remember...I would say just talk to him before you go to sleep and see what happens :) Ask God/your spirit guide/whatever you believe in that you can remember your dream. Hope this helps :)

In other news, I just wanted to share that for some reason today I'm happy (maybe it's cos I was at big MJ party last night) and I just had my very own dance off with myself in my bedroom, to Can You Feel It, The Love You Save and I Want You Back...for once, I hope Michael wasn't watching :rofl:

Aw, I totally feel the same way you do about Michael being at peace, surrounded by love. :wub: The MJ party sounds great! I also have to admit that I've done the whole dancing to MJ in my room, usually to Smooth Criminal, embarrassingly trying to do the dance routine. :doh::lol: