Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Oh my God! Before Michael died, I hadn't prayed in about 2-3 years but since his death I pray each and every night without fail and I always get that feeling! Oh my...And I'm getting it right now too!!!! :bugeyed

me too! especially when im laying down in bed crying.
I have to tell you guys something...

I was at work today out in the garden center and it was so quiet.. I wanted to try my channeling powers. I got so much into a zone. Just for fun I asked if I could speak with a titanic passenger. I heard a voice... hello.. I asked who is this in my mind. She answered Emily Brown. She told me a bit about the titanic what she rememered and that she was a third class passenger. She told me she survived the titanic and got into a lifeboat and told me some details about the experience.. I thanked her for sharing this info.

I came home to look up the name and I was so much in shock. I knew nothing about Emily before. I dont know why this name popped in my head. I found a page about her even

oh I tried to channel MJ today too. It was muffled but I heard a voice that said I'm fine but im worried about my children. :cry:

Wow that's amazing about the Titanic survivor! Very interesting.
I'm glad Michael's fine and he should know that his children will be too. :heart: Aw Michael. They have the support of his wonderful family and his fans like us. I wonder if any of them feel his presence around them.

Thanks for sharing this. :hug:
And also, in the same house from when I was little, I was about 3 years old and my crib was by the window in my nursery. Every morning when my mom would come in to get me I would tell her these things that a 'man' would come and tell me at night. She said that I was always talking about 'the man' and had stories that were so 'grown up' for a 3 year old there was no way I could make them up.

Wow, I have a story just like that!
I was about 3 years when a man always came to me at night after my bedtime stories with mom and dad. He would tell me about second world war and stuff like that, and I still remember what he looks like.
I didn't remember telling my parents about this, but a few years ago my mom told me that I always asked what "the old man" came to me at night for. She said I complained about him telling the same story each night about his experiences from the war.
It is just no way that a 3 year old can come up with such stories by themselves.
I have to tell you guys something...

I was at work today out in the garden center and it was so quiet.. I wanted to try my channeling powers. I got so much into a zone. Just for fun I asked if I could speak with a titanic passenger. I heard a voice... hello.. I asked who is this in my mind. She answered Emily Brown. She told me a bit about the titanic what she rememered and that she was a third class passenger. She told me she survived the titanic and got into a lifeboat and told me some details about the experience.. I thanked her for sharing this info.

I came home to look up the name and I was so much in shock. I knew nothing about Emily before. I dont know why this name popped in my head. I found a page about her even

oh I tried to channel MJ today too. It was muffled but I heard a voice that said I'm fine but im worried about my children. :cry:

Oh Shayla, that's amazing! Thanks so much for sharing. :)

I've had the feeling of someone touching my shoulder too! It's really comforting. :)
Wow, I have a story just like that!
I was about 3 years when a man always came to me at night after my bedtime stories with mom and dad. He would tell me about second world war and stuff like that, and I still remember what he looks like.
I didn't remember telling my parents about this, but a few years ago my mom told me that I always asked what "the old man" came to me at night for. She said I complained about him telling the same story each night about his experiences from the war.
It is just no way that a 3 year old can come up with such stories by themselves.

So cool! I've heard so many stories of children having experiences with spirits like that. It's easy for children to connect because they have more open minds that haven't been "conditioned" by society yet. I myself don't remember any experiences with spirits when I was little, but - I do remember when I was 3, I took a nap on my Mom's bed and dreamt of a past life. I remember there was dirt ground everywhere, stone houses, lots of lions (?), and everyone dressed in brown cloth. I soon realized I was dreaming during it, so I tried to wake up but couldn't open my eyes! I remember it freaked me eyes felt like they were glued shut it took a minute for me to open them and come out of the dream. I remember thinking it felt like "home"...and I assumed it was another life I had. Weird cause I was only 3...and was never taught about past lives or anything!
I just posted the following in the 'dreams' thread, all the time thinking i was posting it in this thread! Ack! Maybe I'm more tired than I thought I was... lol.


Well, I had the most amazing dream last night and just have to share because I know there are many like-minded souls in this thread and we are all trying to understand and develop....

Michael is related to the dream but only a little... still, I hope you enjoy it!

I was physically woken by foxes at about 2.30am, and went to the window to see if I could spot them in our garden. But I couldn't, so I went back to bed. The next bit felt as if I'd woken up again, but I realise now that it was actually an out-of-body experience... I heard the foxes again so returned to the window to take another look. I parted the curtains and looked out, but instead of seeing the gloom of the night, I saw the most WONDERFUL, bright and colourful scene! Our neighbourhood gardens had formed one massive, beautiful scene of lush green grass, leafy trees, flowers... it was heavenly. There were people everywhere, tending to it, working in it, playing and generally looking happy and relaxed. Then a small boy saw me and came to the window, placing his hand in the other side of the glass. I placed mine over his and could actually FEEL the window under my fingers. It was amazing! The boy smiled and seemed ecstatically happy to see me. It felt like we had connected in some way. Then.... I was back in my bed, and what followed was a series of very deep and convoluted dreams about spirits and souls who had just passed over, or were troubled in some way (my house was full of them, in my dream). These dreams were darker and more troubled and it was actually pretty scary in parts.

Then, before physically waking a second time about 5am, I became aware that although I had seen and spoken to dozens of spirits during my dream I hadn't seen Michael. So i asked why. And the thought that came to me was 'he was in the garden'! I believe this means he has 'moved on' as many here have said already, and was one of the souls at peace in the first part of my experience...

Wow. I've been recovering from this all day (it left me tired)! Thanks for reading
I have to tell you guys something...

I was at work today out in the garden center and it was so quiet.. I wanted to try my channeling powers.

I am SO impressed by this! You must really be very open - and to have Michael coming through too! I am totally convinced there is so much more to life and death if we can only open ourselves to it :)

Sad to hear that Michael is worried about the children though.... :(
I see some of you have had dreams last night or the night before about MJ. Me too! :) Actually I have two things to report. I wrote about them more in the Dreams About MJ thread, though, so I'll try to just summarize here:

One was a meditation two nights ago (wait - maybe 3 nights... it was the night before the night of the cell phone incident, I had just forgotten about it). I ended up in a meadow of wildflowers. There was a tree not far away and I saw MJ sitting underneath it, leaning against the tree reading a book. I walked his direction and he smiled and invited me to sit with him. He was reading a book by Khalil Gibran (really strange for me to just make that up since I have no connection to the name other than a passage of his that was read at my wedding 5 years ago). The book had a word like "muse" in the title. At one point I think MJ and I kissed, lol. But I was falling asleep so I lost concentration in the meditation and can't remember much more. The one thing I found that might match this book was tonight: Gibran's first published work in 1905 was called Nubthah fi Fan Al-Musiqa ("Music")! It was only published in Arabic, but I guess there's no language barrier in Heaven :) Wish it was in English. I'd get it today!

Second, I had a dream late this morning about seeing MJ in an amusement park. Later we ended up sitting beside each other in a private theater watching extras from a kids' movie DVD (don't know what). At one point our hands accidentally touched and I got all fainty, lol. At another point we both responded outloud in unison (same words, same time) to something the commentator on the screen said and we laughed about this, like nice to have like minds. Then later I was eating a big round loaf of bread (lol - why? lol) and I held the bread up and asked MJ, "Want another hunk of bread?" And he said like, "Oh, yeah, thank" and pulled a big chunk off the loaf and took a bite. My husband was sitting on MJ's other side and he also pulled a big piece of bread off the loaf. LOL. Highly weird. Just chillin' with Michael, watching TV and eating... bread. :lmao:

oh lordy that's funny about the bread :lmao: hahaha... and you kissed Michael...:wub: omg, I bet you wanted it to last forever :wub:
Second, I had a dream late this morning about seeing MJ in an amusement park. Later we ended up sitting beside each other in a private theater watching extras from a kids' movie DVD (don't know what). At one point our hands accidentally touched and I got all fainty, lol. At another point we both responded outloud in unison (same words, same time) to something the commentator on the screen said and we laughed about this, like nice to have like minds. Then later I was eating a big round loaf of bread (lol - why? lol) and I held the bread up and asked MJ, "Want another hunk of bread?" And he said like, "Oh, yeah, thank" and pulled a big chunk off the loaf and took a bite. My husband was sitting on MJ's other side and he also pulled a big piece of bread off the loaf. LOL. Highly weird. Just chillin' with Michael, watching TV and eating... bread. :lmao:

Interesting.. Have you ever tried to interpret your dreams? I use to do that if I dream something funny I don't understand.
Giving someone food in a dream means that someone needs your support..
About bread, white bread means symbolize a safe future and dark bread symbolize worries.
I became aware that although I had seen and spoken to dozens of spirits during my dream I hadn't seen Michael. So i asked why. And the thought that came to me was 'he was in the garden'! I believe this means he has 'moved on' as many here have said already, and was one of the souls at peace in the first part of my experience...

Aw, how wonderful! Thanks for sharing!!
mjstarlight... WOW about the channeling experience. Did you hear the voices (I mean, like a physical voice?) or was it more like a voice-thought in your head? Just curious about how it all worked. Way cool.

Wow, I have a story just like that!
I was about 3 years when a man always came to me at night after my bedtime stories with mom and dad. He would tell me about second world war and stuff like that, and I still remember what he looks like.
I didn't remember telling my parents about this, but a few years ago my mom told me that I always asked what "the old man" came to me at night for. She said I complained about him telling the same story each night about his experiences from the war.
It is just no way that a 3 year old can come up with such stories by themselves.
Neat, all these stories! When I was just a year old both of my mother's parents (so my grandparents) were killed in a car accident. It was a couple of years later, so when I was about 2 1/2 - 3 years old, that my parents went on their belated honeymoon to Hawaii and I was left in the care of my other grandparents for a week. I don't remember this at all, but my grandma said she heard me laughing and talking in the next room, like I was having a big conversation with someone who was amusing me. After a few minutes I became quiet and she peeked around the corner and asked me, "Who were you talking with just now?" And I replied that it was my grandparents -- the ones who had died. This totally freaked her out and she got chills, lol, and then asked nervously, "Do you... see them... now?" And I said no, they had left by walking through the wall.:) Wish I could remember this consciously!

Flash forward a few years and my mom was having a very serious surgery and was convinced she was going to die (she didn't, thankfully). Well, that night while she was in the hospital my dad was at home with us sleeping kids. He heard talking in the house and went to investigate. It was coming from my baby sister's room. As he sneekily approached down the hallway he could hear the voices clearly. It was my mom's parents! He said he heard them say things about my sister (like "oh, she looks so sweet", etc -- you see, they had died long before she was born). He creeped up to the door to peek inside and then... silence. No one there. :angel::angel:
I have to tell you guys something...

I was at work today out in the garden center and it was so quiet.. I wanted to try my channeling powers. I got so much into a zone. Just for fun I asked if I could speak with a titanic passenger. I heard a voice... hello.. I asked who is this in my mind. She answered Emily Brown. She told me a bit about the titanic what she rememered and that she was a third class passenger. She told me she survived the titanic and got into a lifeboat and told me some details about the experience.. I thanked her for sharing this info.

I came home to look up the name and I was so much in shock. I knew nothing about Emily before. I dont know why this name popped in my head. I found a page about her even

oh I tried to channel MJ today too. It was muffled but I heard a voice that said I'm fine but im worried about my children. :cry:

That is amazing thank you so much for posting! :)
Just been reading this which is in todays newspaper (I had a quick look while in Asda today)

The part where Latoya says she can smell his cologne and also with the lights flashing :eek:mg:

The lights flashing I have experienced as I already mentioned in this thread.

Its great to know that he is still with us :yes:

Oh wow, thank you so much for posting! How lovely that she's experienced the same things some of us have. :) :wub: The perfume thing especially, I know quite a few people, including me have experienced that.
Thanks for the LaToya article. Wow, the lights in our place flicker around enough on their own (crazy wiring), so a spirit would have a heck of a time trying to get our attention that way, lol. He has to get more dramatic, like putting phones on the floor and stuff :lmao:

Btw, did anyone in the UK watch the "country's first ever live psychic experiment" on Channel 4 last night? I don't want to take over this thread with it, so we could go to the general forum.
mjstarlight... WOW about the channeling experience. Did you hear the voices (I mean, like a physical voice?) or was it more like a voice-thought in your head? Just curious about how it all worked. Way cool.

Neat, all these stories! When I was just a year old both of my mother's parents (so my grandparents) were killed in a car accident. It was a couple of years later, so when I was about 2 1/2 - 3 years old, that my parents went on their belated honeymoon to Hawaii and I was left in the care of my other grandparents for a week. I don't remember this at all, but my grandma said she heard me laughing and talking in the next room, like I was having a big conversation with someone who was amusing me. After a few minutes I became quiet and she peeked around the corner and asked me, "Who were you talking with just now?" And I replied that it was my grandparents -- the ones who had died. This totally freaked her out and she got chills, lol, and then asked nervously, "Do you... see them... now?" And I said no, they had left by walking through the wall.:) Wish I could remember this consciously!

Flash forward a few years and my mom was having a very serious surgery and was convinced she was going to die (she didn't, thankfully). Well, that night while she was in the hospital my dad was at home with us sleeping kids. He heard talking in the house and went to investigate. It was coming from my baby sister's room. As he sneekily approached down the hallway he could hear the voices clearly. It was my mom's parents! He said he heard them say things about my sister (like "oh, she looks so sweet", etc -- you see, they had died long before she was born). He creeped up to the door to peek inside and then... silence. No one there. :angel::angel:

That's amazing! Thanks for sharing this story. :)

Just been reading this which is in todays newspaper (I had a quick look while in Asda today)

The part where Latoya says she can smell his cologne and also with the lights flashing

The lights flashing I have experienced as I already mentioned in this thread.

Its great to know that he is still with us

Wow thank you for posting this article. Very interesting..
mjstarlight... WOW about the channeling experience. Did you hear the voices (I mean, like a physical voice?) or was it more like a voice-thought in your head? Just curious about how it all worked. Way cool.

I heard a voice but it was not my own. It sounded like an older woman.
Sometimes I am able to channel when it happens I will just remain open and fall sort of into a trance. I do not feel like I am thinking the thoughts they are spoken to me. Michael is a hard one to reach though.. Im sure he is busy wherever he is and im also quite positive so many people try to reach him.
wow that is so interesting about the cologne because there were a few fans who said the same thing. very cool!
So I have been trying to meditate more, and open up more. I really want to hear from Michael, so I have been working at it. Tonight I attempted and was really deep in meditation, I had said 'Michael I am open to anything you would like to share.' I got a chill down my spine and then I felt so so strongly that someone was standing next to me. It was almost eerie. I was starting to focus on that when my dog (who was laying at my feet) started growling. I snapped out of my meditation and she was growling at the side of me where I felt someone was standing.

Ever since I have felt light headed and almost sick to my stomach.

Just wanted to share that, I'm not sure what to think really...
Just been reading this which is in todays newspaper (I had a quick look while in Asda today)

The part where Latoya says she can smell his cologne and also with the lights flashing :eek:mg:

The lights flashing I have experienced as I already mentioned in this thread.

Its great to know that he is still with us :yes:
awww, Michael is active!! I'm glad he is communicating with his family, they need some comfort.
Wow, that is amazing that some of you guys are smelling his cologne, and LaToya said she smells it as well.

@strawberrypie999 that sounds spooky. Some being was there for your dog to be growling.
Guys, yesterday while driving, I was pretty upset on the phone with my friend venting my anger. I soon stopped at a redlight and the car infront of me had this license plate... 051 MJJ. I thought it was so cool it made me smile. I just wanted to tell you all that I love reading your experiences here:)
how's everyone in my favourite thread? ;)
I'm glad that lots of people are still having MJ experiences. Just now I was listening to Beyonce on shuffle, and again, the second Halo came on I felt goosebumps all over me. I know that could just be because this song makes me feel emotional, but I defnitely felt Michael was felt like someone hugging me, like tingling all down my arms and spine. It's still there, actually. :wub:

I just started this book: Spiritual Growth- Being Your Higher Self, by Sanaya Roman and already I'm getting a lot out of it. It has meditations for connecting with your higher self, and I tried it yesterday and I really felt this energy entering me...and afterwards, I felt really different. I would recommend it for anyone who's starting to get into all this stuff :)
Just wanted to share that..back to study for me!
Love to all