Merged: Psychics channel Michael

I can understand that some people think that what Cherokee Billie wrote was wishy washy, but honesly....So far, she's the only one I've read who didn't focus on the tragedy that happen or insinuate that there's more info to be said, but won't due to ongoing investigations.

What I feel, and believe, is that he is surrounded by a powerful love, that is unbaised by the range of emotions we are currently all feeling (i.e. anger, sadness, betrayel, etc).

I read a book about near death experiences and people spoke about being surrounded by this essence of complete calm and love. Some religions teach that there are no husbands and wives in the afterlife, that you leave your past associations behind and I believe that its true for the sake of being unbiased.

If anything, based upon my own dream I had of MJ (when he asked for Debbie to be called), his concern was for his children, and if he found out that they were going to grow up okay without him, than he is finally at peace.

When he passed, my own personal thought that flashed in front of me, was him kneeling, he looked up and smile that brillant smile of his. He was happy.

That does not stop me from crying here & there, because death is still hard, but I honestly think he is okay, and I believe Cherokee Billie when she wrote, "I Want You To Know You Don’t Have To Pray For Me. I’m Busy Praying for You."

Can you imagine being apart of that greater plan to help the world in a metaphysical sense? I think it's amazing, but we all have to do what we can while we are here, so that our deeds can be watched and admired just like MJ's was. That's the legacy he left, not the allegations that came after the fact, but the fact of what he still did EVEN when some people were disgracing his name.
Oh and really quick, does anybody know anything about "smudging"? Like Native Americans used to do it to cleanse out bad evergy/negative spirits. I want to know how to "clean my house". I feel sadness all the time, and me and my hubby argue a lot. I feel there is negativity here. It doesn't feel right. I used to be so bright and happy. There needs to be more love here. I found a place to buy sage.. I just wanna know how to do it right. I have Native American blood in me.. I should know more about these things...:scratch: Oh I sound like a disfunctional nut...
Smudging works great, especially when done with intent. But if you don't have a sage stick available you can do it with just about anything. One method I've found that works great is to take a broom (decorative ones work well because of the short handle, lol, or even dried flowers, anything that could function as a type of broom) and sweep the negativity out the window or door. Start in one corner, visualize what you're sweeping out and just move through your house like that. Just "see" and know that the gunk is going OUT. I like to visualize it being grounded into the Earth then where it can be cleansed. I have a friend that does this with cut-open onions, lol. She walks through her house and imagines the ick being sucked into the onion halves where it gets trapped in the layers, then she buries it in the garden or disposes of it in compost. Use your imagination. It's very powerful. Oh, sage works like that as well... I mean, start in one corner or closet of your house (make sure you're holding the burning stuff over a bowl or something so you're not dropping hot embers ;)) and blow lightly to get more smoke. Know that the smoke is purifying everything it touches as it spreads out all through the air.
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Ok, I had something WEIRD happen to me this morning. Well, two things. One could have been my imagination, but the other certainly was not. Now, I'm not saying these were Michael, but who knows. I'm leaving the possibility open...

We usually go to bed very late at night, but my husband's working the stupid early shift this week, meaning he leaves way early and I wake up and then can't sleep again. Ugh. So this morning I lay in bed listening to my slow MJ songs playlist on my MP3 player/headphones. I felt sadder about him being gone than I have for a while. One song ended and then Speechless started. His voice was like a laser beam going straight through me, like vibrating me to the core. Whoaaaa. I instantly started crying, just tears rolling off my face. By the time the music part started I became aware of a strange pressure sensation on my bare upper back/shoulder area. (I was lying on my side.) It was as if someone had their hand (or their fingers at least) pressed against me, but I felt no temperature sensation like warm or cold, just the pressure. It felt so real. It stayed for the first verse or so. By then I wasn't crying anymore because I was more interested in the physical sensation on my shoulder, lol. Then it faded away. Hmmm...

THEN... A while later I finally was sleepy enough to conk out. Beforehand I set the alarm on my cell phone to wake me up and put the phone on the nightstand like usual. It was in the center between my hubby's alarm clock and a flashlight standing upright (two things that would be very easy to knock over). So a few hours later I'm awakened by my phone's alarm (which coincidentally is currently set on my Speechless ringtone!) and I reach over to turn it off and... where the heck is my phone?? I can't feel it on the nightstand. Huh? It's not there, but I hear it loudly. I knock the flashlight over while fumbling for it. I look around the bed. Not there. WTH? I sit up and look toward the floor thinking I had knocked it off the table before awakening. Nope. Not there. Instead it was several feet across the room on the floor and OPEN (it's a flip phone), lying balanced on its side. Huh? :bugeyed First, I never even use my phone (it's basically a glorified alarm clock now), so I'm not in any habit of opening it and I usually just hit the side button while it's closed to silence the alarm. Second, it doesn't come open when it's dropped. It closes tightly and there's a resistance to opening it, unlike some flip phones I've used. No matter how you tried, I think it's physically impossible for it to open by itself if dropped... unless it totally breaks into two. Third, it's not broken or scratched like it's been dropped or flung across the room. Nothing wrong with it. And finally, I have a knee injury that makes it quite hard to get in and out of bed. It always hurts like hell, actually. I don't sleepwalk (that we've ever noticed) and I find it hard to believe that I'd be able to get off the bed and go to the door, leave the phone on the floor and then get back in bed again without waking up or knocking anything over on the nightstand.

So WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED??? I see only two possibilities: 1) I somehow had some highly unusual freaky sleepwalking-like incident and did something quite strange and logistically challenging (ok, so it is possible), or 2) someone from another dimension put my phone on the floor. LOL, what the heck else could it be? It's just WEIRD. (Btw, we've lived in this place for 3 1/2 years and I feel confident saying it's not haunted.)

P.S. Yes, I checked for text messages and calls (both incoming and outgoing, lol), just in case. Nothing. No calls, no messages, so it didn't ring or beep while I was sleeping. Battery is full (so no battery dying beeps) and no reminders on the calendar to beep at me. Figured someone would ask these questions, lol.
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I can understand that some people think that what Cherokee Billie wrote was wishy washy, but honesly....So far, she's the only one I've read who didn't focus on the tragedy that happen or insinuate that there's more info to be said, but won't due to ongoing investigations.

What I feel, and believe, is that he is surrounded by a powerful love, that is unbaised by the range of emotions we are currently all feeling (i.e. anger, sadness, betrayel, etc).

I read a book about near death experiences and people spoke about being surrounded by this essence of complete calm and love. Some religions teach that there are no husbands and wives in the afterlife, that you leave your past associations behind and I believe that its true for the sake of being unbiased.

If anything, based upon my own dream I had of MJ (when he asked for Debbie to be called), his concern was for his children, and if he found out that they were going to grow up okay without him, than he is finally at peace.

When he passed, my own personal thought that flashed in front of me, was him kneeling, he looked up and smile that brillant smile of his. He was happy.

That does not stop me from crying here & there, because death is still hard, but I honestly think he is okay, and I believe Cherokee Billie when she wrote, "I Want You To Know You Don’t Have To Pray For Me. I’m Busy Praying for You."

Can you imagine being apart of that greater plan to help the world in a metaphysical sense? I think it's amazing, but we all have to do what we can while we are here, so that our deeds can be watched and admired just like MJ's was. That's the legacy he left, not the allegations that came after the fact, but the fact of what he still did EVEN when some people were disgracing his name.

I haven't looked up this person, but I appreciate what you have said here. It's very comforting :)

Ok, I had something WEIRD happen to me this morning. Well, two things. One could have been my imagination, but the other certainly was not. Now, I'm not saying these were Michael, but who knows. I'm leaving the possibility open...

I didn't quote the whole post cos it's long, lol...but I definitely believe Michael was with you :wub:
People who are psychic, etc, always say that it's strange things that happen and things that appear to be very coincidental that show us when spirits are around. :wub: I have no doubt!!
Aw mjbunny, that is so amazing! I really believe Michael was with you! :wub:
Guys, I've been reading that blog of the person who (believes she) is channelling Michael....honestly, I don't know what to think about that, but I do definitely find a lot of truth in the message she writes. The latest one says this:

We don't usually incarnate back to into another life right away (if we ever choose to do so) because there is so much that we have to learn about ourselves, and our previous life that we have had.
We review our recent life on earth, and decide if we are happy with what we have learned, or choose to return to another life, and try again in a different situation.
We are the only ones who choose to start a new life.
This is all to help us advance and become spiritually whole.

This idea makes a lot of sense to me....what do you all think?
Ever since literally the day Michael died, I have been digging deeper in to my spirituality and reading and learning. I wanted to make sense of Michael dying, there had to be an explanation behind all of it. I wanted a reason why he would be taken from us, I didn't want to believe that it was all an 'accident'.

Through my learning, I no longer believe that anything is an 'accident'. It was posted in this thread somewhere a loooooong ways back that Michael was a 'lightworker'. I'm not completely sure what this means, but I believe (from what I can understand) that this means Michael had a 'mission' in this life. He was here to complete a mission, and to touch people. To bring love, healing, understanding, compassion and kindness to the world.

I have found a sense of peace, understanding and love for Michael on a whole other level. I really think that he is fully alive in the spiritual sense, and he is working in ways that he couldn't while he was still in the physical form. He can be with every sick child on the planet if he wanted to, spreading his love and his light to them to help them heal. He can be with every fan who is grieving his death, and help them heal as well. Before when he was just one man, he was almost a hurting soul (I believe) because he wanted to do those things, but was confined to his physical body.

I have mourned his death, I have celebrated his life and I feel that now I am ready to understand and celebrate his spirit as well. Even though his shell was beautiful, his soul is a bright and shining beautiful core that holds all the parts of Michael that we truly loved.

Just a little som' som' I thought I would share with all of you :)
I have mourned his death, I have celebrated his life and I feel that now I am ready to understand and celebrate his spirit as well. Even though his shell was beautiful, his soul is a bright and shining beautiful core that holds all the parts of Michael that we truly loved.

That was a great post and I love this part. Made me really smile. I've learned to celebrate Michael too. Sometimes I get these days where I'm sad and gloomy over his death but I don't get them as often as I used to. Michael is more alive now than he ever was and his spirit is probably too beautiful for words.
Beautiful post Strawberrypie999 :D

It is pretty much how I feel about things now as well. ^^
That was a great post and I love this part. Made me really smile. I've learned to celebrate Michael too. Sometimes I get these days where I'm sad and gloomy over his death but I don't get them as often as I used to. Michael is more alive now than he ever was and his spirit is probably too beautiful for words.

Aw thanks girl :dont_mention_it:

I haven't had a 'sad' day since I started having realizations. I have had a lot of happy days because he is doing things he had only dreamed of doing before. He's healing, touching, blessing, gracing, and even still singing to everyone who will let him in their hearts. When he was in his physical body (like I said before) he was only one man who could only know of his fan base. Now that he is in spirit he can know his fan base. I really, truly believe that if you are open and receptive to him, he will 'come' to you, and probably often. :yes:
Aw thanks girl :dont_mention_it:

I haven't had a 'sad' day since I started having realizations. I have had a lot of happy days because he is doing things he had only dreamed of doing before. He's healing, touching, blessing, gracing, and even still singing to everyone who will let him in their hearts. When he was in his physical body (like I said before) he was only one man who could only know of his fan base. Now that he is in spirit he can know his fan base. I really, truly believe that if you are open and receptive to him, he will 'come' to you, and probably often. :yes:

Lovely post, Casey. That's just how I feel. :)
Casey, those posts are very lovely and truthful! Thanks for posting, you got the right words there.
I feel exactly the same way... :angel:
Neeve said:
We are the only ones who choose to start a new life.
This is all to help us advance and become spiritually whole.
Definitely agree with her statement here. I had her site bookmarked just to keep tabs and see how I felt about it as time went on, but she had one post recently that was disappointing to me - it seemed to stem from her own personal beliefs that oddly related with some religious views that I find completely false. I think she connects but has some major filter going on there, or rather - likes to put her own spin on things.

mjbunny said:
So WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED??? I see only two possibilities: 1) I somehow had some highly unusual freaky sleepwalking-like incident and did something quite strange and logistically challenging (ok, so it is possible), or 2) someone from another dimension put my phone on the floor. LOL, what the heck else could it be? It's just WEIRD. (Btw, we've lived in this place for 3 1/2 years and I feel confident saying it's not haunted.)
That story was totally frikkin' awesome. Dimension work goin' on there for sure - ain't no denyin'. :D Thanks for sharing!!

strawberrypie999 said:
I have mourned his death, I have celebrated his life and I feel that now I am ready to understand and celebrate his spirit as well. Even though his shell was beautiful, his soul is a bright and shining beautiful core that holds all the parts of Michael that we truly loved.

When he was in his physical body (like I said before) he was only one man who could only know of his fan base. Now that he is in spirit he can know his fan base. I really, truly believe that if you are open and receptive to him, he will 'come' to you, and probably often.
BEAUTIFUL posts, Casey...Thank you. Your first statement - I've come to do the same, and your last statement - I quite agree! Aw...I'm feelin' the love
Ever since literally the day Michael died, I have been digging deeper in to my spirituality and reading and learning. I wanted to make sense of Michael dying, there had to be an explanation behind all of it. I wanted a reason why he would be taken from us, I didn't want to believe that it was all an 'accident'.

Through my learning, I no longer believe that anything is an 'accident'. It was posted in this thread somewhere a loooooong ways back that Michael was a 'lightworker'. I'm not completely sure what this means, but I believe (from what I can understand) that this means Michael had a 'mission' in this life. He was here to complete a mission, and to touch people. To bring love, healing, understanding, compassion and kindness to the world.

I have found a sense of peace, understanding and love for Michael on a whole other level. I really think that he is fully alive in the spiritual sense, and he is working in ways that he couldn't while he was still in the physical form. He can be with every sick child on the planet if he wanted to, spreading his love and his light to them to help them heal. He can be with every fan who is grieving his death, and help them heal as well. Before when he was just one man, he was almost a hurting soul (I believe) because he wanted to do those things, but was confined to his physical body.

I have mourned his death, I have celebrated his life and I feel that now I am ready to understand and celebrate his spirit as well. Even though his shell was beautiful, his soul is a bright and shining beautiful core that holds all the parts of Michael that we truly loved.

Just a little som' som' I thought I would share with all of you :)

I share so much of what you said :wub:
Definitely agree with her statement here. I had her site bookmarked just to keep tabs and see how I felt about it as time went on, but she had one post recently that was disappointing to me - it seemed to stem from her own personal beliefs that oddly related with some religious views that I find completely false. I think she connects but has some major filter going on there, or rather - likes to put her own spin on things.

Yeah I know what you mean, it seems to be her thoughts more than anything else. But I like reading it.
Thanks for your response!
We usually go to bed very late at night, but my husband's working the stupid early shift this week, meaning he leaves way early and I wake up and then can't sleep again. Ugh. So this morning I lay in bed listening to my slow MJ songs playlist on my MP3 player/headphones. I felt sadder about him being gone than I have for a while. One song ended and then Speechless started. His voice was like a laser beam going straight through me, like vibrating me to the core. Whoaaaa. I instantly started crying, just tears rolling off my face. By the time the music part started I became aware of a strange pressure sensation on my bare upper back/shoulder area. (I was lying on my side.) It was as if someone had their hand (or their fingers at least) pressed against me, but I felt no temperature sensation like warm or cold, just the pressure. It felt so real. It stayed for the first verse or so. By then I wasn't crying anymore because I was more interested in the physical sensation on my shoulder, lol. Then it faded away. Hmmm...

Just want to comment on this because I have had this too, with the shoulder blade area. I feel that pressure there when I feel his presence around me. :)

Also I believe I got a sign today! I was at the pharmacy today waiting to pick up a prescription. There was a radio sitting behind the counter playing muzak. After a little while, I swear I heard the music for "Speechless" come on. It took me by surprise and made me smile. :)
Aw thanks girl :dont_mention_it:

I haven't had a 'sad' day since I started having realizations. I have had a lot of happy days because he is doing things he had only dreamed of doing before. He's healing, touching, blessing, gracing, and even still singing to everyone who will let him in their hearts. When he was in his physical body (like I said before) he was only one man who could only know of his fan base. Now that he is in spirit he can know his fan base. I really, truly believe that if you are open and receptive to him, he will 'come' to you, and probably often. :yes:

I agree completely. Great way of putting it and I love to think of it that way.
Michael knows each and every one of us now. He knows how much we love him and I'm sure he "loves us more." I've been very open to all of us and I've tried to feel it. Very times I have. Very few. I hope I start to feel hm more, the more my mind opens up to it. I was a pretty big skeptic and I still keep and open mind to everything. This, I'm really feeling in my heart. I just can't see Michael's spirit dying at all. He had such a big heart and I'm sure his energy and spirit is just fantastic.
I asked Michael for a dream last night, and had all kinds of crazy stuff going on in my head while I was asleep! But when I woke I thought 'none of that was about Michael' and felt disappointed. Suddenly, an image of Michael popped into my head along with the remembrance of a deep, deep dream that I must have had while fast asleep, buried under all the other stuff.... strange, it just reappeared like a long forgotten memory....

Anyway, it was a fairly sinister scene in my dream, focused on the autopsy... yuk. If anyone wants to know more, or might be able to interpret, please PM me. Oddly the dream didn't upset me, I just keep wondering if it was supposed to mean anything (I take a lot of notice of my dreams - they can be very revealing!).

I don't know what it means...but I just wanted to say I have had the same thing happen..I wake up dissapointed, and then all of a sudden I remember Michael was in the dream somewhere, I just can't remember the details. It really is frustrating :lol:

Aw thanks girl :dont_mention_it:

I haven't had a 'sad' day since I started having realizations. I have had a lot of happy days because he is doing things he had only dreamed of doing before. He's healing, touching, blessing, gracing, and even still singing to everyone who will let him in their hearts. When he was in his physical body (like I said before) he was only one man who could only know of his fan base. Now that he is in spirit he can know his fan base. I really, truly believe that if you are open and receptive to him, he will 'come' to you, and probably often. :yes:

I agree and have the same feeling :hug: up til my experience I had with that song, I was so down and heartbroken, even more so than the first day, I was getting worse and I couldn't possibly see a way to feel better. The pain was almost unbearable :cry:

now, I feel a little more at ease...I am trying to be more 'open' but it worries me that I might become open to more spirits :lol:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I'm really interested in you have any suggestions of where I could find out more? Thanks!

It includes special exercise, meditation and special diet. It is not a secret however good Chinese doctor never will teach a healing power concept evil person.
Ppl leaving In Tibet or some Chinese monasteries are doing this every day as part of routine. When you do your practice the body becomes more sensitive to different kind of energy. As an example the food you eat brings a certain energy to your body. If you are vegan your body gets better energy then if you were meat eater etc. But this is just a concept. Everybody is different. Basically Christianity somehow is the same at this point if you follow the concept. Ppl who used to live in Christian monasteries long time ago used to have some spiritual practice on a daily basis and followed special diet mostly vegetarian. Christianity is just another way to the same thing I guess. It is how I see it.
So when you do your practice, you somehow open yourself and your mind to spiritual world. You become more sensitive and can see better picture in your meditation practice or more vivid dreams. This is about it.
To find out, you just google it. I am sure there is something for you. I learned a lot from my Chinise friend and from the net as well.
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I just saw the post about mjbunnys cell phone thing.

I have had a lot of things moved in my house in the past. I used to leave my iPod laying around and one day I left it laying on the floor, I turned around and it was gone. It was missing for 3 months and one day I came back upstairs and it was in the exact place I had left it at before.

Also I got a box of pearl earrings, necklace and bracelet for my 17th birtday .They came in a really nice jewlery box. I went to Washington DC and I remember taking my earrings out and putting them in that box when I left for my trip. When I came home I went to wear them and couldn't find one of the earrings. I was really upset but didn't say anything to anyone because I didn't want them to know I had lost it. That was the summer before my senior year. Well I packed up and went to college a year later and left my pearls at home because I didn't want to lose anymore pieces to the set. I had an orange candy bowl the entire year that I bought once I moved to college. When I moved back home my mom dumped the candy bowl out on the kitchen counter and that pearl earring fell out of the bottom. I was floored.

In case you didn't catch it 1.) i left all the pearls at home and hadn't brought them to school ever. 2.) i bought that bowl AND the candy at the pearl got in the bottom is beyond me!

It was the matching pearl. I wore it once and put it in the box, and yet again I went to open it to wear them around 6 months ago and the pearl was gone again. I'm starting to get annoyed with it so I just leave them in my drawer now. I don't wear any of the pieces because I don't want something weird to happen to them.

Any explanations for that?

OH and one more...last one I promise.

In our dining room we have a shelf above a long line of windows. On the shelf we have solid crystal cat plates. They are each on their own stand, and they are wayy up on the wall where it is almost impossible to reach unless you are on a ladder. My mom was sitting at the kitchen table and I was standing on the landing to the stairs and one of the crystal plates fell down, hit the chair, hit the table, hit the floor and didn't break. We thought it was strange, until all six of them did it in a row, and not a single one broke. They just went right down the line, falling, hitting all of the same things and landing on the ground.

We were floored yet again.

Anyone got any ideas of what's going on?! I have always wondered but never really had anyone to ask before...
Ever since literally the day Michael died, I have been digging deeper in to my spirituality and reading and learning. I wanted to make sense of Michael dying, there had to be an explanation behind all of it. I wanted a reason why he would be taken from us, I didn't want to believe that it was all an 'accident'.

Through my learning, I no longer believe that anything is an 'accident'. It was posted in this thread somewhere a loooooong ways back that Michael was a 'lightworker'. I'm not completely sure what this means, but I believe (from what I can understand) that this means Michael had a 'mission' in this life. He was here to complete a mission, and to touch people. To bring love, healing, understanding, compassion and kindness to the world.

I have found a sense of peace, understanding and love for Michael on a whole other level. I really think that he is fully alive in the spiritual sense, and he is working in ways that he couldn't while he was still in the physical form. He can be with every sick child on the planet if he wanted to, spreading his love and his light to them to help them heal. He can be with every fan who is grieving his death, and help them heal as well. Before when he was just one man, he was almost a hurting soul (I believe) because he wanted to do those things, but was confined to his physical body.

I have mourned his death, I have celebrated his life and I feel that now I am ready to understand and celebrate his spirit as well. Even though his shell was beautiful, his soul is a bright and shining beautiful core that holds all the parts of Michael that we truly loved.

Just a little som' som' I thought I would share with all of you :)

This is a great post Casey!!! :clapping: :hug:
I had a Michael dream last night :woohoo: I can't remember exactly what happened. In one part I do remember he was wearing blue jeans a red shirt, he had his curly hair but it was just hanging down, and we were running through a store and we were laughing and I was thinking "aww I have a crush on Michael Jackson" LOL

Wish I could remember the rest, this one wasn't as sad as the others have been. But before I went to bed I asked that I could have a dream, and I did! :D
I had a Michael dream last night :woohoo: I can't remember exactly what happened. In one part I do remember he was wearing blue jeans a red shirt, he had his curly hair but it was just hanging down, and we were running through a store and we were laughing and I was thinking "aww I have a crush on Michael Jackson" LOL

Wish I could remember the rest, this one wasn't as sad as the others have been. But before I went to bed I asked that I could have a dream, and I did! :D

Aw, that's really sweet. :D
I had a Michael dream last night :woohoo: I can't remember exactly what happened. In one part I do remember he was wearing blue jeans a red shirt, he had his curly hair but it was just hanging down, and we were running through a store and we were laughing and I was thinking "aww I have a crush on Michael Jackson" LOL

Wish I could remember the rest, this one wasn't as sad as the others have been. But before I went to bed I asked that I could have a dream, and I did! :D

What a sweet, happy dream! I bet Michael would have liked to run through stores - he enjoyed his shopping lol.

Ever had a lucid dream? That you remember your thoughts (about the crush!) makes me think you close to being lucid...
when my alarm went off this morning I was in such a deep sleep, dreaming of Michael...there were loads of us in a room with him, doing an exam or something, lol....and I kept thinking, "I just want to go and talk to Michael, but i know everyone feels the same and there'd be chaos if anyone tried". But I got this strong vibe from him that he wanted to talk to everyone...and, ok, this is going to sound weird, so please don't misinterpret it, but when I woke up I thought... now, he really can get to know us, personally. Is that weird? I got a comforting feeling from it, like at least he's in control now. I mean of course I'd give anything to have him here physically again, but that thought did comfort me.
I had a Michael dream last night :woohoo: I can't remember exactly what happened. In one part I do remember he was wearing blue jeans a red shirt, he had his curly hair but it was just hanging down, and we were running through a store and we were laughing and I was thinking "aww I have a crush on Michael Jackson" LOL

Wish I could remember the rest, this one wasn't as sad as the others have been. But before I went to bed I asked that I could have a dream, and I did! :D
LOL, love it! I always have those dreams where you can just almost get back into the dream, feel that feeling again and remember everything really clear. Have those vivid dreams almost every night, but just had only one were Michael was in it...can still feel it.