Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

Aww, sending you a hug...

Don't dismiss vague feelings or dreams etc. Trust your intuition, the feeling you get in your gut when these things happen. Do the feelings make you smile, tingle, feel warm or just plain loved??? :) If you open yourself up to the little things then they become easier to notice. It's all about paying attention and trusting yourself.

Your experiences are as real & meaningful to you as any of ours are to us ;)
Thank u, appreciate it.:)

I actually do feel like that when I have them, yeah. But I'm just afraid I'm making it look bigger to myself than it is....:(
Or it's just because I'm in such a sad mood right now.
Well, I hope Mike is gonna visit my dreams tonight...really am in need of something. I dunnow.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I actually do feel like that, yeah. But I'm just afraid I'm making it look bigger to myself than it is....:( Or it's just because I'm in such a sad mood right now.
Well, I hope Mike is gonna visit my dreams tonight...really am in need of something. I dunnow.

I can understanding needing more reassurance because you feel so sad right now... Ask for a dream or a message just before you go to sleep - it often works that way for me :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I can understanding needing more reassurance because you feel so sad right now... Ask for a dream or a message just before you go to sleep - it often works that way for me :)
I will...about to go to sleep now. :yes:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Sarah MJ said:
Guys, I love you all! This is a great thread, because it shows over and over that Michael will never die in our hearts.
Today would have been my 2nd concert....I would see him right NOW..... I had a ticket in A1 row E. I just miss Michael so much...
Hug to everyone of you!!
Aww :cry: hugs back to you dahling. May Michael visit you soon and may it make up for the loss of the concert.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I've seen a few posts reading through some pages of people who recently became big fans after his death. I can sort of relate. I always like Michael Jackson, a lot, and I knew what he was all about music wise and I knew little of his charity works. I grew up with his music in my life so when I heard his songs, it was just something I'd sing along too. We Are The World was my favorite song growing up and I knew he was the man behind the song. Once his death came, I seriously couldn't believe he had died. I just didn't see it coming at all except for the fact that I got "feelings" of it before it happened. I've been greatly affected by his death and I love him so much. He definitely is the first person to ever have such a great impact on me and he's changed my life. Even though I became a legit fan after his death, I always admired him and I felt "connected" with him in way. I still feel this way.
That's why I've become more interested in this spiritual/paranormal stuff too. I want Michael to know and feel my love for him. It was always there, I just didn't express it enough. I truly hope he knows and understands.

To be honest, I hardly believed in anything as far as death went, before Michael died. I wasn't an atheist or anything. I take religion class in school but it was all a bunch of "blah" to me. Still kind of is. And I was excruciatingly afraid to grow old and die. But ever since Michael's death, that all changed for me. He taught me a lot of things and I'm no longer afraid of death or anything like that. I actually now believe in something that I feel is right for me. Not just because I think I have to believe in it. My behavior towards certain things have also changed. My friends even have noticed a change in me. I'm glad they do because I feel I really have changed and I'm happy to say that Michael Jackson, no matter what people may think of him, did that for me.

Nicely explained, Courtney.

I completely agree that my view of the afterlife has changed...I always believed in the heaven idea from Church but now I see it as more like separate dimensions, and all based around energies. I defintely feel really close to Michael, and like you said too, I feel different. I feel like I'm sharing more love with people every day and that my energies have improved... if that makes any sense.

This up to you what you feel and what you believe. Just keep in mind that there are other ppl can be right too sometimes. I am a vegetarian myself and many things happened in my life before I became vegetarian. I am kind of sensitive now.
Also, I‘ve learned a lot of thighs from Chinese ppl. Chinese holistic doctors (not fake) work with different kind of energy every day on a regular basic which includes mediation practice. There is a special practice to increase a level of positive energy in your body which has a healing power. So, this is not my own issue. There is a philosophy behind “energy concept” based on 5000 years of experience.
Sorry, if my explonation is not that great.
I'm really interested in you have any suggestions of where I could find out more? Thanks!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Sometimes I feel like OMG what if he's watching me now?..
Damn!!! My beedroom is such a mess!!!

Same here lol. I wonder how much he really does know? I don't mind, but I wonder sometimes. It wouldn't surprise me if he's even aware of this site. I'm sure he knows about it. The way I feel him is almost like an "imaginary friend" thing, but instead of "imaginary," spiritual. Like a spiritual friend. Makes me think of Casper the friendly ghost or something lol.

I hope no feels afraid of posting their personal experiences here. They're all wonderful, no matter how significant or insignificant they may seem. I've seen nothing but positive stories here, so I'd like to see this thread keep going. It's really fun to read. :huggy:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

For those who are interested, the Julianna women has uploaded two more videos talking about Michael. If you don't believe her that's fine. I find her videos quite interesting and I'm keeping an open mind.

"How Did Michael Jackson Die"


I'm confused by all the "negative" stuff too. Whatever it is, I really hope that it isn't harming Michael or his spirit in anyway. I send nothing but love to him and I'll continue to do so. :heart:

EDIT: I just found this. Supposedly Bonnie has another channel.

Her featured video on that channel is her channeling, supposedly, Marilyn Monroe (or a preview of it)?
She left a comment on her other channel while logged into that one and that's how I found it. I have to admit, the way she was speaking and how "out of it" she looked in that video did freak me out a bit...

Her comment about Michael on her other channel is pretty much what she said before but I'll post it again for those who didn't see it.

Michael is calm and looking for justice. There is a criminal investigation in progress so I cannot say any more. I hope everyone understands.
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

^Thanks for sharing. That Julianna woman is interesting....

As for Bonnie's other youtube channel...the video she has on Marilyn Monroe is WEIRD. LOL. She should have just typed up what she channeled...or edited the video a little differently because it makes her look a little whacko. hehe
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Same here lol. I wonder how much he really does know? I don't mind, but I wonder sometimes. It wouldn't surprise me if he's even aware of this site. I'm sure he knows about it. The way I feel him is almost like an "imaginary friend" thing, but instead of "imaginary," spiritual. Like a spiritual friend. Makes me think of Casper the friendly ghost or something lol.

I hope no feels afraid of posting their personal experiences here. They're all wonderful, no matter how significant or insignificant they may seem. I've seen nothing but positive stories here, so I'd like to see this thread keep going. It's really fun to read. :huggy:

I hope I havent been sending negative energy bc I have been awfully depressed. In a way I feel like Michael finds it ok for me to share my experiences with you guys because he wants his fans to feel comforted and feel that hes ok. I've shared most everything that I experienced except for a few things that I couldnt even believe myself. I just hope Michael with stay with me and all his fans. I know even though hes far away I feel he watches over us now. Like an angel. Yet I do really miss him badly.
but Michael is magical and I do believe in his magic.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

The Marilyn Monroe stuff is WEIRD. She is making a DVD of it too?? Must be she got a LOT...
A very controversial subject of psychics and Michael Jackson

View Edit controversial subject of psychics and Michael Jackson

I am very interested to know what people think and feel on this subject? I don't really have an opinion at this point, one way or another. Since MJ has passed I have become curious on the subject. I started researching this topic, maybe in hoping if there was a way for Michael to reach out from beyond and speak to us it would provide comfort. There have been a few who have claimed that they have channeled MJ. I didn't see anything that persuaded me however I did come across one psychic who made me raise an eyebrow. I spent awhile on her site reading her communication with Michael and then went back and read her writings prior to his death. What I did notice was when she was channeling MJ it was very different from her normal way of speaking. Of course this doesn't prove anything, just something I thought about. She is an older Native American women that doesn't look like see has been an MJ fan all her Life. She claims she has been channeling from beyond for over 25 yrs. I wanted to share some
of her posts that, caught my attention. Please don't think I am advocating physics because I am not. Just something to think about........

Channeled Message Received From Michael Jackson on July 27, 2009
July 27, 2009 by Cherokee Billie

Michael Jackson waving
“I want everyone to know how wonderful it is to be here. I am surrounded by the pure essence of love and it’s like nothing I have ever felt in my physical life. I cry for joy at feeling this wonderful love.

I have no feelings of regret, sadness, anger, hatred, jealousy, or fear. I have nothing but feelings of love for my family, my children, personal friends and my incredible fans. It amazes me at how much love and prayers people send to me now. I Want You To Know You Don’t Have To Pray For Me. I’m Busy Praying for You.

I’m going to be sending love to everyone whose life I have touched in some special way. That includes my fans. Without them my life would have been much different and I love each one of them. It doesn’t matter that we never met in person, here in Spirit I know who each one of you are.

The peace and tranquility that I feel in Spirit is something I never had in life. I want everyone to know that they will have this when they pass over into the afterlife. I have dropped away all of my physical aspects and I am just living in pure love.

It doesn’t matter what people or the media has to say about me. Don’t let any of it bother you. I left you my music and videos and that’s all you really need to know to understand who I really was. I did my best to help children all over the world and I will keep working on helping those children from Spirit.

I ask that you work at living your life in love and helping others. I’m going to continue sending peace to the world.

My love to all of you,

August 23,2009

To My Beautiful Loved Ones,

I want you to know how much I appreciate the love you keep sending to me. The sweet perfume of your love is so strong that it fills the spiritual kingdom. Whenever there’s a rush of this perfume, someone delivers a message to me, “See they haven’t forgotten you.” We’re all exhilarated by this love from you. You are all precious and I want you to know this.

I know that many of you pray to me, but please don’t, at this time I am not powerful in The Spirit world and I certainly am not a saint. I am able to communicate with you through little signs such as my music, brief glimpses of me, and even coming into your dreams. As I am trained I’m going to be able to help the world in a way that even I never imagined. My work has begun already because so many of you are starting to believe in life after death, a Supreme Power, and miracles. I always knew that I was meant to help the world, but it hasn’t been until I came into Spirit that I have been shown that I am going to make a tremendous change in the world. My soul is humbled by what I am being told. I never thought that I could make such a difference in the world.

I know that many people have changed their opinion about me from a negative to a positive since I died. I was judged so harshly when I was living and only my family, true friends and my dedicated fans never judged me. I went through so many humiliating experiences the last sixteen years of my life and I pray that no one ever has to go through what I did. All I ever tried to do is help children. I wanted to make them happy and not have to be miserable and feel neglected. Many of you have expressed a desire for Neverland to be a memorial for me. I want you to know that I never want Neverland to be any type of memorial for me. It represents the worst time of my life. That’s why I left, never went back, or gave it a second thought when I was alive.

Someday my family will make a memorial that the fans can go and visit. But you really don’t need a physical memorial to remember me by or to pay homage to, every time you think of me I come alive and I live in your hearts and that is a true memorial!

The greatest happiness I had in my life was my precious children. They really helped me recover from the emotional abuse I took in my life. I’m always going to be around them and I will be their guide throughout their lives. You’re going to see them become well adjusted and compassionate to others as they grow. I am proud of them.

Please remember that I am praying for you and always will. I am continually blessed by each one of you who loves me.

I love you,

Aug 7, 09

Michael Jackson's Angelic Side

“I know that many of you are still grieving for me. Many angels are being dispatched to those who loved me for comfort and to help heal their hearts. There is no reason to grieve for me. I’m so happy now. There’s so many wonderful experiences that I’m enjoying in Spirit that I never could have imagined when I lived. So please don’t be sad anymore. Rejoice in the fact that I lived and created so much music, dances, videos, helped children and inspired others.

My mother is now feeling me with her. I knew she would be the one who would pick up on my spirit first. That’s why I wanted my children left with her. She’s doing a fantastic job of taking care of them. I love them so much and I will always be with them. Also my mother is standing up to Jermaine who keeps insisting that I should be buried at Neverland. My mother knows that I wanted to be buried where there were other celebrities and I did not want a big memorial. I was troubled throughout my life that’s why I wrote the song, “Leave Me Alone,” and I know that a memorial would just cause more problems for my family. At this point as far as I’m concerned I have gotten rid of my body and it’s really not important anymore.

I have not been that close to my brother’s for years. I was closest to my mother, Janet and Rebbie because I knew they would never care to profit off of my death. They understood me the best and I trusted them completely. I know that they are going to be the three that take care of my children. I visit my children every day and the recovery for little Blanket is the hardest. Please pray for him. I’m praying for him every day.

I want you to know I love each one of you because you have blown me away with so much love after my passing. I never realized how many people truly cared about me.

My love to each one of you,
Re: A very controversial subject of psychics and Michael Jackson

woooooow thank you for sharing... :cry: I hope its true.
Re: A very controversial subject of psychics and Michael Jackson

I do believe in Psychics, Mediums and Channeling. Spirits and the other side exist (atleast to me).

I don't, however, buy what Cherokee Billie is selling. A lot of her stuff is much, MUCH too 'wishy washy' and sugar coated. She has even said that 'Michael said' his '2 children were fine' and some other 'facts' were incorrect. If this was coming directly from Michael's mouth, then I'm not buying it.

She may also be 'filtering' what he is saying, which wouldn't be right of her either. If you are going to channel someone you should do it 100% honestly. Don't put your own spin on it, let it be exactly what the spirit was trying to convey.

It is a fascinating subject, and I have always been interested in it. I never really took the time to research it or look in to it until after Michael passed. I needed to know that there was something more lying ahead for him than just being in his casket :cry: I have firm belief and good feelings that he is very much alive in spirit, and is very much still with every individual person who he meant something to.

That's just my two cents...I also understand when people can't 'believe' it or 'buy' it. It is kind of hard to understand at first, but if you really look at it and read in to it, you will really start to come to some realizations.
Re: A very controversial subject of psychics and Michael Jackson

oh wow I am in tears.
Re: A very controversial subject of psychics and Michael Jackson

It is truly beautiful what Cherokee Billie wrote, but I find that just a tad hard to believe... This other lady that posted two videos on youtube of her channeling Michael made a much bigger impression on me. I suppose it's harder with a written word, but this just seems too logical, too 'earthly'...? Written very much like a letter.
Just my opinion.

I wish it was true. I hope he's happy, wherever he is.
Re: A very controversial subject of psychics and Michael Jackson

I fully believe there are people who are able to communicate with people 'on the other side'. Don't always dismiss these psychics.
Re: A very controversial subject of psychics and Michael Jackson

I cant say that I 100% belive it, its like it might be true or not.
Re: A very controversial subject of psychics and Michael Jackson

Personally, I do not believe in "Psychics" or those who claim to "channel the other side..."

Essentially, the very idea itself is totally ridiculous and unrealistic in my opinion. Belief in "Psychics" etc and their "abilities" comes from the fear of your own death. People do not want to believe that this life is it...There has to be something more. Well, Science disagrees with that!...

If you receive some level of comfort from believing these morons, good for you :)...Just do not take them too seriously!
Re: A very controversial subject of psychics and Michael Jackson

You guys should check out the Michael 1958 - Forever board. There's a huge thread called Psychic Channels Michael Jackson. It's interesting.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

i feel the same way wif some of you . I become a fan of him after his death
i heard his songs before but i knew very few things about him
i live my life and i don't really care about celebrity things.
on the day he died...i was in shocked. i was like 'what? he is going to hold a concert! this can't be true!' I started to watch his videos on youtube .i was totally obsessed with him .
I remember when i watched the unauthorized interview of him with latoya , i felt so sad . he was so innocent and i can really see the sparkle in his eyes. it makes me so sad when i think of what happened to him in the later years. i can tell the sparkle in his eyes disappeared. That was the first time I cried so badly for someone i don't even know .i never being so obsessed with a celebrity. I feel like I really know him. he changes me in some ways. He makes me want to be a better person. I never discover his humanitarian side and i feel so guilty...i could have the chance to know him better .like Madonna said i feel like i had abandoned him in some ways...

i do believe there are some ways we can connect with people who died . I feel their presence when i look up to the sky. i don't know i just feel like they become the stars and the moon. they are watching us all the time. Im not so sure about the psychic things but i will keep an open mind on that:)

english is not my first language. sorry for my grammatical mistakes.. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

You know, I found it so amazing that so many people became a fan after he is a usual thing that people realize what they missed out on after someone dies, but this is just huge and beyond that I think!
I have a feeling there are sooooo many people that are regretting, feeling sad and now opened their eyes.
Maybe it's Mike's work...wouldn't suprise me! :cheeky:

(Oh, and nothing happened dream, no sign...guess I just have to be patient.)
I couldn't even watch the whole Bonnie Vent video... she kind of looked /seemed a bit :crazy... Don't know but she seems a bit "iffy" now. I hope she doesn't mess around with the channeling MJ thing now. I hope she is not taking the piss with MJ.

As far as that other video, that was interesting.

I haven't had any more "specific" dreams with Michael in a while...:(. I am not finished yet. I need more understanding of things. Is he just going to leave us alone? I hope not, I hope he is watching out for his family and fans.. I hope he still lets us know that he is ok, and hope he knows that we all think of him. I am afraid of him to leave me alone... I need to feel some kind of comfort. I would hope that he is looking out for us, and even when we are having difficulties with personal things.. that maybe he is like an angel? I probably sound like I am not making any sense. Can someone who knows a little bit more on spiritual things help me out here? Sorry...:boohoo

Oh and really quick, does anybody know anything about "smudging"? Like Native Americans used to do it to cleanse out bad evergy/negative spirits. I want to know how to "clean my house". I feel sadness all the time, and me and my hubby argue a lot. I feel there is negativity here. It doesn't feel right. I used to be so bright and happy. There needs to be more love here. I found a place to buy sage.. I just wanna know how to do it right. I have Native American blood in me.. I should know more about these things...:scratch: Oh I sound like a disfunctional nut...
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I don't know if this was already posted. Julianna put up a video last week concerning the accusations about MJ:

Personally, I believe Julianna the most out of any psychic I have seen that has claimed to be in contact with MJ. Bonnie sounds legit sometimes.
I asked Michael for a dream last night, and had all kinds of crazy stuff going on in my head while I was asleep! But when I woke I thought 'none of that was about Michael' and felt disappointed. Suddenly, an image of Michael popped into my head along with the remembrance of a deep, deep dream that I must have had while fast asleep, buried under all the other stuff.... strange, it just reappeared like a long forgotten memory....

Anyway, it was a fairly sinister scene in my dream, focused on the autopsy... yuk. If anyone wants to know more, or might be able to interpret, please PM me. Oddly the dream didn't upset me, I just keep wondering if it was supposed to mean anything (I take a lot of notice of my dreams - they can be very revealing!).
I don't know if this was already posted. Julianna put up a video last week concerning the accusations about MJ:

Personally, I believe Julianna the most out of any psychic I have seen that has claimed to be in contact with MJ. Bonnie sounds legit sometimes.

Thanks for the link - this is the first time I've come across her and have to say that on first viewing I too find her very believable. Anybody know if Michael had a chldhood friend called Andy?

I just found this vid in which Julianna claims Michael's death was possibly caused by an embolism. Also that he had symptoms as early as 7am that day (including pain over his left eye). She says he suffered anxiety, depression and bipolar (undiagnosed), and over-used painkillers (for joint pain). Some of this makes sense, but what about the embolism bit???

(Cout.ney.x, I just realised you already posted this link :) )
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