Merged: Psychics channel Michael

when my alarm went off this morning I was in such a deep sleep, dreaming of Michael...there were loads of us in a room with him, doing an exam or something, lol....and I kept thinking, "I just want to go and talk to Michael, but i know everyone feels the same and there'd be chaos if anyone tried". But I got this strong vibe from him that he wanted to talk to everyone...and, ok, this is going to sound weird, so please don't misinterpret it, but when I woke up I thought... now, he really can get to know us, personally. Is that weird? I got a comforting feeling from it, like at least he's in control now. I mean of course I'd give anything to have him here physically again, but that thought did comfort me.

No, that's not weird at all! I feel exactly the same about him being able to know us all personally now! :)
Oh I totally think that Michael is taking the time to 'get to know' each of us personally, that wish for him to know us.
Hmm I am not sure what lucid dream is...sounds interesting though!

Lucid dreams are great, and would be even more so with Michael there too!!!

It's when you 'wake up' in the dream. So you know you're dreaming and can control it. It's happened to me a few times (in one of them I ran around asking all my 'dream characters' if they knew they were only in a dream, and they just looked at me as if I was stupid, lol). It's a crazy experience, and some people train themselves to do it. Being aware of your thoughts is a step closer to it.
Neeve, the most comforting thing for me during this whole horrible episode has been the knowledge that Michael can now get closer to all of his fans. So, I totally understand where you are coming from :)
Oh wow I think I do that a LOT. I KNOW that I am dreaming but I just keep on dreamin' anyways lol

You must be a natural! The more you dream and the more vivid the dreams then the more likely you are to become lucid. There are whole forums of people who discuss lucid dreams and I've been fascinated by them for a long time. The mind is a powerful thing!
Lucid dreams are great, and would be even more so with Michael there too!!!

It's when you 'wake up' in the dream. So you know you're dreaming and can control it. It's happened to me a few times (in one of them I ran around asking all my 'dream characters' if they knew they were only in a dream, and they just looked at me as if I was stupid, lol). It's a crazy experience, and some people train themselves to do it. Being aware of your thoughts is a step closer to it.
Oh I have that often too....that I realize in my dream that I'm actually dreaming, and sometimes I also ask them if they know it, LOL!
It appears that I am open to and receptive of a lot of things I never even realized before! LOL I have learned so much through this thread!
I agree. I definitely believe that he does. :)
But when I think about that, I wonder, "Does he know me? Would he know me by name?" etc, etc.

I think he does. I think our emotions full of love for him pulls his soul in and he gets to know of us, how we feel and be with us.

This is my belief on life after death, I believe that when someone dies, their soul visits and watches over whoever has been affected by their departure.
I think he does. I think our emotions full of love for him pulls his soul in and he gets to know of us, how we feel and be with us.

This is my belief on life after death, I believe that when someone dies, their soul visits and watches over whoever has been affected by their departure.

This is how I feel too. :)
I think he does. I think our emotions full of love for him pulls his soul in and he gets to know of us, how we feel and be with us.

This is my belief on life after death, I believe that when someone dies, their soul visits and watches over whoever has been affected by their departure.

Thank you. That is a great way of looking at it.
It's great that we can feel this kind of connection with Michael even though he isn't here physically anymore. It pains us that he's not here anymore in a way that we can see him but now, for once, he can see all of us.
I had a Michael dream last night :woohoo: I can't remember exactly what happened. In one part I do remember he was wearing blue jeans a red shirt, he had his curly hair but it was just hanging down, and we were running through a store and we were laughing and I was thinking "aww I have a crush on Michael Jackson" LOL

Wish I could remember the rest, this one wasn't as sad as the others have been. But before I went to bed I asked that I could have a dream, and I did! :D

aww, that's really lovely dream :wub:

No, that's not weird at all! I feel exactly the same about him being able to know us all personally now! :)

wow, I hope so :D

Lucid dreams are great, and would be even more so with Michael there too!!!

It's when you 'wake up' in the dream. So you know you're dreaming and can control it. It's happened to me a few times (in one of them I ran around asking all my 'dream characters' if they knew they were only in a dream, and they just looked at me as if I was stupid, lol). It's a crazy experience, and some people train themselves to do it. Being aware of your thoughts is a step closer to it.

ah, yes, that has happened to me...not Michael dreams, but other dreams...especially something really crazy and I'm like "uh, guys this is a DREAM and it's rediculous" :lol:
No, that's not weird at all! I feel exactly the same about him being able to know us all personally now! :)

Oh I totally think that Michael is taking the time to 'get to know' each of us personally, that wish for him to know us.

Neeve, the most comforting thing for me during this whole horrible episode has been the knowledge that Michael can now get closer to all of his fans. So, I totally understand where you are coming from :)

I truly believe he knows the fans personally now too. :wub:

I agree. I definitely believe that he does. :)
But when I think about that, I wonder, "Does he know me? Would he know me by name?" etc, etc.

I think he does. I think our emotions full of love for him pulls his soul in and he gets to know of us, how we feel and be with us.

This is my belief on life after death, I believe that when someone dies, their soul visits and watches over whoever has been affected by their departure.

awh, lovely thoughts, guys :wub: I believe it's true too, that he's getting to know us :wub:
Oh yes, I believe he can get to know everyone personally and knows what's going on on earth. Back in July I was trying to do some of his dance moves, mostly from Smooth Criminal, and then that night I had a dream where he was dressed in the Smooth Criminal outfit and he was helping me out with the moves. I don't really think it was just a coincidence I had that dream after I was trying to do his moves lol. I think he's very aware of what's going on. :yes:
Aw mjbunny, that is so amazing! I really believe Michael was with you!
I didn't quote the whole post cos it's long, lol...but I definitely believe Michael was with you
That story was totally frikkin' awesome. Dimension work goin' on there for sure - ain't no denyin'. Thanks for sharing!!
Thanks, you guys. At this point who I am to contest it? It was just too unusual, especially that phone thing. It reminded me of the incident in early July (wrote about it back then in the He Was There thread) when I was awakened by the phrase "there's a little bug" (you know - Munich/Leipzig HIStory) booming through my mind like shouted from a megaphone and the sensation of a bug on my shoulder. Eeek! But no bug found. Rolled over, it happened again. No bug. Got up, inspected entire room. No bug. Later, after lying there for a few minutes I thought, "Nah, I've just seen that MJ-saving-a-bug clip too many times and there must really be a bug in here that I can't find", but then I went ahead and asked, "Michael? Was that you?" No freaking kidding, less than 5 seconds later... SLAM! The bedroom door slammed shut, lol! Now, it was windy and the back door and front window were open, so I can't say it wasn't the wind. But why right then, right at that moment?! But the cell phone incident is still weirder. I mean, it was open and across the room on the floor. I can't find any logical explanation for that. Really, really stange.

I just saw the post about mjbunnys cell phone thing. I have had a lot of things moved in my house in the past............. ...... Anyone got any ideas of what's going on?! I have always wondered but never really had anyone to ask before...
Whoa. Were those things all in one house? Well, except the part about the pearls in the candy dish at college. We had things like that bigtime in a house we lived in when I was 2-3 yrs old, but it was outright haunted. Definitely freaky.
Just want to comment on this because I have had this too, with the shoulder blade area. I feel that pressure there when I feel his presence around me. Also I believe I got a sign today! I was at the pharmacy today waiting to pick up a prescription. There was a radio sitting behind the counter playing muzak. After a little while, I swear I heard the music for "Speechless" come on. It took me by surprise and made me smile. :)
Pressure, really? Like someone's got their hand pressed against you? Wow. What I usually get from spirits is a very strong sensation of a presence along my right side, especially in the shoulder and ear area. I mean very strong, like a person is standing there about 1mm from my skin. Unmistakable. Sometimes my right ear gets warm and sometimes I get like electric zaps in my spine.

I like the part about Speechless. Maybe it's the new Halo :D
Whoa. Were those things all in one house? Well, except the part about the pearls in the candy dish at college. We had things like that bigtime in a house we lived in when I was 2-3 yrs old, but it was outright haunted. Definitely freaky.

Yep, all of those things happened in this house. I used to live in a different house until I was a Freshman in high school. Strange things happened there too. When I was a baby I was sleeping on my parent's bed and just my mom and I were home. She had a TV sitting on a dresser, and somehow the TV was 'pushed' or 'fell' off the dresser towards the direction of me laying on the bed. It fell right on the face of the TV but it didn't break and I didn't wake up. My mom heard a LOUD 'boom' though from the TV falling and it scared her so she ran to check on me. She said that scared her really bad.

And also, in the same house from when I was little, I was about 3 years old and my crib was by the window in my nursery. Every morning when my mom would come in to get me I would tell her these things that a 'man' would come and tell me at night. She said that I was always talking about 'the man' and had stories that were so 'grown up' for a 3 year old there was no way I could make them up.

So...IDK maybe it's just coincidence? lol
I see some of you have had dreams last night or the night before about MJ. Me too! :) Actually I have two things to report. I wrote about them more in the Dreams About MJ thread, though, so I'll try to just summarize here:

One was a meditation two nights ago (wait - maybe 3 nights... it was the night before the night of the cell phone incident, I had just forgotten about it). I ended up in a meadow of wildflowers. There was a tree not far away and I saw MJ sitting underneath it, leaning against the tree reading a book. I walked his direction and he smiled and invited me to sit with him. He was reading a book by Khalil Gibran (really strange for me to just make that up since I have no connection to the name other than a passage of his that was read at my wedding 5 years ago). The book had a word like "muse" in the title. At one point I think MJ and I kissed, lol. But I was falling asleep so I lost concentration in the meditation and can't remember much more. The one thing I found that might match this book was tonight: Gibran's first published work in 1905 was called Nubthah fi Fan Al-Musiqa ("Music")! It was only published in Arabic, but I guess there's no language barrier in Heaven :) Wish it was in English. I'd get it today!

Second, I had a dream late this morning about seeing MJ in an amusement park. Later we ended up sitting beside each other in a private theater watching extras from a kids' movie DVD (don't know what). At one point our hands accidentally touched and I got all fainty, lol. At another point we both responded outloud in unison (same words, same time) to something the commentator on the screen said and we laughed about this, like nice to have like minds. Then later I was eating a big round loaf of bread (lol - why? lol) and I held the bread up and asked MJ, "Want another hunk of bread?" And he said like, "Oh, yeah, thank" and pulled a big chunk off the loaf and took a bite. My husband was sitting on MJ's other side and he also pulled a big piece of bread off the loaf. LOL. Highly weird. Just chillin' with Michael, watching TV and eating... bread. :lmao:
The one thing I found that might match this book was tonight: Gibran's first published work in 1905 was called Nubthah fi Fan Al-Musiqa ("Music")! It was only published in Arabic, but I guess there's no language barrier in Heaven :) Wish it was in English. I'd get it today!

Frikkin' cool about the book! Gah you have such obviously meaningful dreams. And you may have kissed Michael in your dream? :cloud9: Where the heck are my dreams like that? God please let me kiss Michael tonight. :8-25-03pray: LOL.

Oh and I forgot to comment about the sensations on the shoulder area! For the past year now, I will often get a tingling sensation (and omg it seriously just started to do it just now as I'm typing this!) on my shoulder blade. For awhile it was always my left shoulder and now it's my right shoulder. It feels tingly and like someone is pushing 2 fingers on it... I wonder what or who it is exactly...

Also count me in on dreaming of MJ last night! Only I can't remember it. I just remember waking up in the middle of the night for a brief second thinking "yes! I'm dreaming about him!" but couldn't remember in the morning. I just remember feeling him at one point. I do however remember the dreams after Michael that were about my family and VERY symbolic. Interesting night, it was.
I didn't have any MJ dreams last night, haven't had any for a little while now, but something strange did happen last night. I think I was half awake/half asleep at the time, but it felt like Michael was in the room with me and I was subconsciously calling out to him or something. I was just getting really emotional for some reason and the song Billie Jean just popped in my head and my eyes just instantly filled with tears. I hadn't felt that overcome with emotion in a while. Perhaps I did have a sad dream or something about him and I couldn't remember it.

I seem to either not dream at all, or dream about Michael. Hmm

That seems to be the case with me as well. For a while I wasn't remembering any of my dreams except the ones about Michael lol.
I have to tell you guys something...

I was at work today out in the garden center and it was so quiet.. I wanted to try my channeling powers. I got so much into a zone. Just for fun I asked if I could speak with a titanic passenger. I heard a voice... hello.. I asked who is this in my mind. She answered Emily Brown. She told me a bit about the titanic what she rememered and that she was a third class passenger. She told me she survived the titanic and got into a lifeboat and told me some details about the experience.. I thanked her for sharing this info.

I came home to look up the name and I was so much in shock. I knew nothing about Emily before. I dont know why this name popped in my head. I found a page about her even

oh I tried to channel MJ today too. It was muffled but I heard a voice that said I'm fine but im worried about my children. :cry:
I have to tell you guys something...

I was at work today out in the garden center and it was so quiet.. I wanted to try my channeling powers. I got so much into a zone. Just for fun I asked if I could speak with a titanic passenger. I heard a voice... hello.. I asked who is this in my mind. She answered Emily Brown. She told me a bit about the titanic what she rememered and that she was a third class passenger. She told me she survived the titanic and got into a lifeboat and told me some details about the experience.. I thanked her for sharing this info.

I came home to look up the name and I was so much in shock. I knew nothing about Emily before. I dont know why this name popped in my head. I found a page about her even

oh I tried to channel MJ today too. It was muffled but I heard a voice that said I'm fine but im worried about my children. :cry:

Woooah Shayla, that's awesome!! :cheeky:
oh I tried to channel MJ today too. It was muffled but I heard a voice that said I'm fine but im worried about my children. :cry:

Amazing experience with the Titanic passenger, Shayla! You are very tuned in! Message from Michael makes me tear up :cry: things haven't changed there since we heard from Bonnie. Of course he will always care about his kids... I just hope soon there is no need for "worrying".
I have to tell you guys something...

I was at work today out in the garden center and it was so quiet.. I wanted to try my channeling powers. I got so much into a zone. Just for fun I asked if I could speak with a titanic passenger. I heard a voice... hello.. I asked who is this in my mind. She answered Emily Brown. She told me a bit about the titanic what she rememered and that she was a third class passenger. She told me she survived the titanic and got into a lifeboat and told me some details about the experience.. I thanked her for sharing this info.

I came home to look up the name and I was so much in shock. I knew nothing about Emily before. I dont know why this name popped in my head. I found a page about her even

oh I tried to channel MJ today too. It was muffled but I heard a voice that said I'm fine but im worried about my children. :cry:

That is so amazing! Thanks for sharing that. :)
Frikkin' cool about the book! Gah you have such obviously meaningful dreams. And you may have kissed Michael in your dream? :cloud9: Where the heck are my dreams like that? God please let me kiss Michael tonight. :8-25-03pray: LOL.

Oh and I forgot to comment about the sensations on the shoulder area! For the past year now, I will often get a tingling sensation (and omg it seriously just started to do it just now as I'm typing this!) on my shoulder blade. For awhile it was always my left shoulder and now it's my right shoulder. It feels tingly and like someone is pushing 2 fingers on it... I wonder what or who it is exactly...

Also count me in on dreaming of MJ last night! Only I can't remember it. I just remember waking up in the middle of the night for a brief second thinking "yes! I'm dreaming about him!" but couldn't remember in the morning. I just remember feeling him at one point. I do however remember the dreams after Michael that were about my family and VERY symbolic. Interesting night, it was.

Oh my God! Before Michael died, I hadn't prayed in about 2-3 years but since his death I pray each and every night without fail and I always get that feeling! Oh my...And I'm getting it right now too!!!! :bugeyed