Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

Melundso, thanks for sharing your dream story :) That's how I've felt aftewards as well... like touched by heaven, light-hearted, just wonderful the next day. I would say kind of giddy ... like when the person you have a crush on finally talks to you or something, lol. It's hard to explain. It's a definite playful joy inside.

As for negativity and sharing stories... one thing I must point out is that fear is not a positive emotion/state of being. So if people are afraid, then that in and of itself is negativity that could affect communication with the other side. I mean, if you're scared then you're less likely to connect to love, so keeping love and light in our hearts is essential.

I also haven't written about everything I've experiences/received (not that I'm some amazing psychic -- I always feel skeptical about everything that happens, even when it's super vivid :doh:). Some things in the communication seemed more personal and/or involved people in his family and I didn't feel comfortable writing their specific names down, for instance. But that was just my inner guidance about what's general enough and what was more private. (No, I don't have any big secret info I'm holding back, lol. Just want to state that ;)) The main thing most of us have shared since June is just that he's alright, he still exists, he knows we love him and there's still a beautiful connection in spirit. And that's a wonderful, loving and comforting thing, as well as being spiritually inspiring and thought provoking. I just want to say again... THANK YOU all for sharing. Everyone who has here, in the dreams thread or in the couple of other threads (He Was There, etc) that existed before this one back in June/July. I would have felt pretty crazy thinking it was just me, lol! :)

Btw, I had dreams about Michael ALL NIGHT last night. Just random snippets that I can remember. A welcome thing since they'd faded away so much lately :yes:

Great post, mjbunny. :) I so agree about feeling comforted by the fact he's still here in spirit. It doesn't matter if you never got to meet Michael and tell him that you loved him. He can feel everyone's love, and he's watching over every single one of us. That's what I believe anyway, and it's a beautiful feeling. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

As for negativity and sharing stories... one thing I must point out is that fear is not a positive emotion/state of being. So if people are afraid, then that in and of itself is negativity that could affect communication with the other side. I mean, if you're scared then you're less likely to connect to love, so keeping love and light in our hearts is essential.

I was going to say this too. The best protection against anything negative.... is love! Share experiences with the best of intentions and you can't go far wrong (imo).

The main thing most of us have shared since June is just that he's alright, he still exists, he knows we love him and there's still a beautiful connection in spirit. And that's a wonderful, loving and comforting thing, as well as being spiritually inspiring and thought provoking.

Beautifully written :). Many people, myself included, get a great deal of comfort from this thread and Michael would approve of that I'm sure.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I became a fan just after he died. And I'm feeling very bad about this, but I guess thats just the way it goes. The first sunday after the 25th I felt very very sick and devastated because it was just too much and I never thought that this whole MJ-Thing would make me so sad. At first I was like 'Wow, MJ died.' But I've realized I was much more devastated over this than I thought I would be. Well, to make a long story short. I cried and screamed my heart out in this sunday night. It was very painful and it felt like I was feeling the pain he was going through his whole life.
Wow, same exact story here! I didn't know much of Michael until after he died, but I have grieved for that man like he was family. His death hit me so hard in such an unexpected way...all while leaving me more inspired than I have ever been, more open to living and giving in love, and more compassionate toward others. Thanks for sharing.

Pitcorthie said:
I am happy that I had the experiences of Michael that I did.I don't expect anymore as I am sure he has lot's of other work to do now and people to check on. The main message I got out of my experience was "thank you" and I shall be eternally thankful to him for that
Same here! Thanks for your post.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Melundso, thanks for sharing your dream story :) That's how I've felt aftewards as well... like touched by heaven, light-hearted, just wonderful the next day. I would say kind of giddy ... like when the person you have a crush on finally talks to you or something, lol. It's hard to explain. It's a definite playful joy inside.

Yes yes, the way you've written it describes it perfectly. It was feeling like I could do everything. It was amazing. But I kinda miss this feeling in the last few weeks .. hm. Like I said some sites earlier. I don't feel his presence anymore. But I know it's still here. But the 'vibe' is gone. Sadly. :(

I'm listening to Someone In The Dark. I think it fits perfectly in the discussion. I just loooove the song. Such a good feeling to hear it. :)


Your welcome. :) It's great that we feel/felt the same way!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Oh and I completely feel you guys on the light-hearted "touched by heaven" feeling...much like you stated mjbunny, about when a crush first talks to you...haha. Discovering Michael and connecting with him was like discovering the love of my life. While it left me sad that he was physically gone - I've felt his spirit and it left me joyful, playful, exhilarated, giddy, inspired and forever changed. When I feel him around, it's pure bliss.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Glad to see that everyone is back on track and hopefully not so scared anymore. There is nothing to be scared of :) It's just lil ole Michael! :D LOL
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I'm so glad this thread is back on track, I really do love it here. It's so comforting. :) :huggy:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Group hug everyone! :group:

Here's to peace in our thread and ongoing experiences with Michael! :cheers:
I'm signin' off to get back to work.
Keep spreadin' the light ma peeps :sun:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Guys, I love you all! This is a great thread, because it shows over and over that Michael will never die in our hearts.

Today would have been my 2nd concert....I would see him right NOW..... I had a ticket in A1 row E.
I just miss Michael so much...

Hug to everyone of you!!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Guys, I love you all! This is a great thread, because it shows over and over that Michael will never die in our hearts.

Today would have been my 2nd concert....I would see him right NOW..... I had a ticket in A1 row E.
I just miss Michael so much...

Hug to everyone of you!!

Aw bless you. :( :huggy:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Sometimes I feel like OMG what if he's watching me now?..
Damn!!! My beedroom is such a mess!!! :doh:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Sometimes I feel like OMG what if he's watching me now?..
Damn!!! My beedroom is such a mess!!! :doh:

Hahaha how sweet is that.
But I'm feeling the same sometimes, espcially when I'm lurking in the manhood thread. :eek: Not a nice feeling, though. Hihi. But I know he's giggling bout that. :D
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Wow, close to 100 pages... I watched the clips.. don't really know what to believe. I want to, but it scares me too much :(
Re: Psychic channels Michael

aaah, drama, drama, drama. There is NO negative energy in this thread. All the post I had to go through now, with people complaining over negative energy and being scared about posting anymore, THAT'S what I call negative energy. Stop making it, keep posting experiences and feel the love :) haha
I'm glad it's back on track now!

I saw someone say that they became fan after his death, so I just had to share this.. :p It's kind of (maybe) off-topic though.

I have always liked Michael, but never acctually knew anything about him (I'm only 18 yrs), other than all the bad rumors that I found too hard to believe.

All of a sudden in the beginning of June I got some sort of kick and watched everything (videos, movies, interviews...) I could find about him. I fell in love with the talent and personality of Michael Jackson. I couldn't find anything negative about this person, he was just incredible!
And here's the sad part (btw, it was night in Norway when he died): At June 25th I told my mother "My biggest dream is to see Michael Jackson some day, even though I know it's possible, I have a sad feeling I won't.."
The same night I sat awake watching all the news about him being dead. It broke my heart.
I was a real fan for just two weeks while he was alive, and I feel terrible for that..

But I'm glad I am at least a fan, because my life feels very much changed now. He is affecting my decisions in life, and I am more aware of other peoples well being. He has also in some strange way helped me decide what kind of education I want ^^
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Hahaha how sweet is that.
But I'm feeling the same sometimes, espcially when I'm lurking in the manhood thread. :eek: Not a nice feeling, though. Hihi. But I know he's giggling bout that. :D
I have to admit that, yeah, the thread is hard to be ignored... :D
And at first it was like 'What's the difference?! He doesn't know what I am doing anyways!!' and now I'm a bit confused about what he knows...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

aaah, drama, drama, drama. There is NO negative energy in this thread. All the post I had to go through now, with people complaining over negative energy and being scared about posting anymore, THAT'S what I call negative energy. Stop making it, keep posting experiences and feel the love :) haha
I'm glad it's back on track now!

I saw someone say that they became fan after his death, so I just had to share this.. :p It's kind of (maybe) off-topic though.

I have always liked Michael, but never acctually knew anything about him (I'm only 18 yrs), other than all the bad rumors that I found too hard to believe.

All of a sudden in the beginning of June I got some sort of kick and watched everything (videos, movies, interviews...) I could find about him. I fell in love with the talent and personality of Michael Jackson. I couldn't find anything negative about this person, he was just incredible!
And here's the sad part (btw, it was night in Norway when he died): At June 25th I told my mother "My biggest dream is to see Michael Jackson some day, even though I know it's possible, I have a sad feeling I won't.."
The same night I sat awake watching all the news about him being dead. It broke my heart.
I was a real fan for just two weeks while he was alive, and I feel terrible for that..

But I'm glad I am at least a fan, because my life feels very much changed now. He is affecting my decisions in life, and I am more aware of other peoples well being. He has also in some strange way helped me decide what kind of education I want ^^

Aw, thank you for sharing that. I've been a fan since I was young, but it doesn't matter when you became a fan. You're a Michael Jackson fan, and that's all that matters. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Aw, what is it that scares you? :)

Everything about it really.. I can laugh about it and believe in it and whatever when I'm with people or it's light out, but when I'm alone and it's dark out, I really don't want to believe... If Michael's spirit is out there, who knows who else is, you know? I'm a whimp... :blush: lol
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I saw someone say that they became fan after his death, so I just had to share this.. :p It's kind of (maybe) off-topic though.

I have always liked Michael, but never acctually knew anything about him (I'm only 18 yrs), other than all the bad rumors that I found too hard to believe.

All of a sudden in the beginning of June I got some sort of kick and watched everything (videos, movies, interviews...) I could find about him. I fell in love with the talent and personality of Michael Jackson. I couldn't find anything negative about this person, he was just incredible!
And here's the sad part (btw, it was night in Norway when he died): At June 25th I told my mother "My biggest dream is to see Michael Jackson some day, even though I know it's possible, I have a sad feeling I won't.."
The same night I sat awake watching all the news about him being dead. It broke my heart.
I was a real fan for just two weeks while he was alive, and I feel terrible for that..

But I'm glad I am at least a fan, because my life feels very much changed now. He is affecting my decisions in life, and I am more aware of other peoples well being. He has also in some strange way helped me decide what kind of education I want ^^

Yes. I was the one. :D
That's a sad stroy. But I think it's great we discovered his great music. I guess it's never too late. Even if you feel bad about it. Better late than never. Let's just celebrate his music and love each other.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

It's never too late to become a Michael fan :) Even though he is gone, the music will never die. There will be new fans for YEARS and YEARS to come :D
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Great post, mjbunny. :) I so agree about feeling comforted by the fact he's still here in spirit. It doesn't matter if you never got to meet Michael and tell him that you loved him. He can feel everyone's love, and he's watching over every single one of us. That's what I believe anyway, and it's a beautiful feeling. :)

Definitely. That's how I feel too; I feel so close to him :wub:

Glad to see that everyone is back on track and hopefully not so scared anymore. There is nothing to be scared of :) It's just lil ole Michael! :D LOL

hahaha :dancin: brilliant
Re: Psychic channels Michael

aaah, drama, drama, drama. There is NO negative energy in this thread. All the post I had to go through now, with people complaining over negative energy and being scared about posting anymore, THAT'S what I call negative energy. Stop making it, keep posting experiences and feel the love :) haha
I'm glad it's back on track now!


This up to you what you feel and what you believe. Just keep in mind that there are other ppl can be right too sometimes. I am a vegetarian myself and many things happened in my life before I became vegetarian. I am kind of sensitive now.
Also, I‘ve learned a lot of thighs from Chinese ppl. Chinese holistic doctors (not fake) work with different kind of energy every day on a regular basic which includes mediation practice. There is a special practice to increase a level of positive energy in your body which has a healing power. So, this is not my own issue. There is a philosophy behind “energy concept” based on 5000 years of experience.
Sorry, if my explonation is not that great.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I've seen a few posts reading through some pages of people who recently became big fans after his death. I can sort of relate. I always like Michael Jackson, a lot, and I knew what he was all about music wise and I knew little of his charity works. I grew up with his music in my life so when I heard his songs, it was just something I'd sing along too. We Are The World was my favorite song growing up and I knew he was the man behind the song. Once his death came, I seriously couldn't believe he had died. I just didn't see it coming at all except for the fact that I got "feelings" of it before it happened. I've been greatly affected by his death and I love him so much. He definitely is the first person to ever have such a great impact on me and he's changed my life. Even though I became a legit fan after his death, I always admired him and I felt "connected" with him in way. I still feel this way.
That's why I've become more interested in this spiritual/paranormal stuff too. I want Michael to know and feel my love for him. It was always there, I just didn't express it enough. I truly hope he knows and understands.

To be honest, I hardly believed in anything as far as death went, before Michael died. I wasn't an atheist or anything. I take religion class in school but it was all a bunch of "blah" to me. Still kind of is. And I was excruciatingly afraid to grow old and die. But ever since Michael's death, that all changed for me. He taught me a lot of things and I'm no longer afraid of death or anything like that. I actually now believe in something that I feel is right for me. Not just because I think I have to believe in it. My behavior towards certain things have also changed. My friends even have noticed a change in me. I'm glad they do because I feel I really have changed and I'm happy to say that Michael Jackson, no matter what people may think of him, did that for me.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Well...ok sorry I'm talkin' bout this again...but still don't get the thing about 'negative energy'...maybe someone could explain me in a PM? I'd appreciate that, cuz I feel like I maybe did something wrong. :(
I want this to be a positive thread too, I love reading everyones stories. Maybe I shouldn't have shared my 'experiences' cuz now I've been doubting if it actually were experiences...maybe it just was guys seem to really feel and get visits and stuff, I actually don't.
It's just a vague feeling or vivid dreams that I have, but now I just don't know....dang....this confuses me, I wish I could do more on this.
He did change my whole life though, I'm a different person since June 25th.

Sorry, I just miss Michael so much. I feel so sad. :cry:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Maybe I shouldn't have shared my 'experiences' cuz now I've been doubting if it actually were experiences...maybe it just was guys seem to really feel and get visits and stuff, I actually don't.
It's just a vague feeling or vivid dreams that I have, but now I just don't know....dang....this confuses me, I wish I could do more on this.
He did change my whole life though, I'm a different person since June 25th.

Sorry, I just miss Michael so much. I feel so sad. :cry:

Aww, sending you a hug...

Don't dismiss vague feelings or dreams etc. Trust your intuition, the feeling you get in your gut when these things happen. Do the feelings make you smile, tingle, feel warm or just plain loved??? :) If you open yourself up to the little things then they become easier to notice. It's all about paying attention and trusting yourself.

Your experiences are as real & meaningful to you as any of ours are to us ;)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Sometimes I feel like OMG what if he's watching me now?..
Damn!!! My beedroom is such a mess!!! :doh:
I always picture MJ doing the scene from Billie Jean where he is looking down at the lady in the bed when I turn the lights out.:lol:
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

Well...ok sorry I'm talkin' bout this again...but still don't get the thing about 'negative energy'...maybe someone could explain me in a PM? I'd appreciate that, cuz I feel like I maybe did something wrong. :(
I want this to be a positive thread too, I love reading everyones stories. Maybe I shouldn't have shared my 'experiences' cuz now I've been doubting if it actually were experiences...maybe it just was guys seem to really feel and get visits and stuff, I actually don't.
It's just a vague feeling or vivid dreams that I have, but now I just don't know....dang....this confuses me, I wish I could do more on this.
He did change my whole life though, I'm a different person since June 25th.

Sorry, I just miss Michael so much. I feel so sad. :cry:

Aw, don't doubt your experiences. It doesn't matter how big or small they are, you still experienced them and that's all that matters. :) :huggy:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Mrs Music, I sent you a PM. You have nothing to worry about. Do not take thinks that hard pls.