Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

my intuition tells me there were some in this thread as well--whether anyone will admit it or not--they know who they are.

That seems a little silly to get hung up on what you "think" others are thinking. For one it doesn't really matter but for two - everyone is entitled to their own opinions and that's ok. It doesn't mean they are against you, just that they think differently.

Everyone should know it's ok to share your experiences here - however "crazy" you think they are. :p Not all of us think the same but we all respect one another and welcome the thoughts and stories of everyone here.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

That seems a little silly to get hung up on what you "think" others are thinking. For one it doesn't really matter but for two - everyone is entitled to their own opinions and that's ok. It doesn't mean they are against you, just that they think differently.

Everyone should know it's ok to share your experiences here - however "crazy" you think they are. :p Not all of us think the same but we all respect one another and welcome the thoughts and stories of everyone here.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

^ Um, ok? I wasn't being rude or anything. If you've got beef with me, take it up in PM, don't waste good space on the thread with passive agressive silliness.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Shifting the thread back around again...

How are you all today? Anybody have any more experiences they'd like to share?
I came on here this morning after waking up and read such great stories. :) ha, I always look forward to waking up to this thread in the morning.

Anyway, I've been asking my spirit guides and Michael if he would visit me these past two nights in my dreams. The first night, I ended up dreaming that I was in the theater with my friend getting ready to see This Is It. Everybody was singing and dancing like it was a real concert. Then I woke up. Then last night, I asked again and I ended up having a dream that the same friend, in my previous dream, had died...
I hope Michael visits me sometime. Reading these dreams with him sound so amazing. I want to hug Michael. :(
I don't know if the first one had any significant meaning but I only saw him through the movie. But I hadn't seen the movie yet soo...yeah. I don't know...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I love reading everyone's thoughts, dreams, and experiences here. I don't necessarily have similar experiences, but I love to read what everyone else is experiencing. I've always been fascinated by anything relating to the paranormal, and even though I maintain a healthy dose of skepticism on varying things, I am also very open-minded.

I do believe it's possible to make contact in some way with people we have lost. I lost my grandmother in 1989 and had a couple of dreams about her then that very much made me feel like she was reaching out to me that way. I like to believe that anyway. And I'd love to be able to connect with Michael in some way too. But if it doesn't happen, it's nice to be able to read others experiences.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

AAAaaawwww... thanks, hun. You've always been extremely kind and open-minded about everything I say in here. :hug:

Unfortunately, in the past others were not. So... just because I didn't video tape my experiences and broadcast them on Youtube for every moron out there to see doesn't mean they're real, huh? Just because I'm not the "ever great Bonnie" and don't do things for profit and ONLY share my thoughts with the fans--it means I'm full of it, huh? Such a shame.

Don't worry, though, I have people that I talk to that are going through the EXACT same things I am going through. And I can tell you right now that there has definite been some contact made by Michael to a few people in this thread. :yes:


Hey hun :angel:

You will always encounter rude people hun and you know what? They aren't worth it, I've been reading your posts for ages and you have very good intentions and I admire you greatly. I feel its lovely to share your thoughts and I guess if people don't like it, well that's a shame.

^ Um, ok? I wasn't being rude or anything. If you've got beef with me, take it up in PM, don't waste good space on the thread with passive agressive silliness.

anygrace, I don't see where TheOrginalPYT was being passive agreesive as I don't see it at all in any of her posts towards you are anyone else.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I'm respectfully and kindly asking Amygrace & TheOriginalPYT to please ignore one another. We have a function where you can place a member on ignore. Please use it or otherwise do not engage one another. I'm asking before moderator action takes place.

Thanks in advance.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Aw, my favorite thread got turned into a hate party.

Wow seriously confused here. If someone hasn't been posting in the thread about their experiences, how can anyone be 'thinking' anything bad about them?? Just wondering...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Im so sad..... I've been trying to feel Michael but im having such a hard time connecting. I really felt him around me in July and August.. I am so lost. Michael come back :cry:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Im so sad..... I've been trying to feel Michael but im having such a hard time connecting. I really felt him around me in July and August.. I am so lost. Michael come back :cry:

Don't feel sad. Michael wants us to smile for him. I'm sure he can feel the negative feelings from us when they come on. Just smile for him and know that he's happy and safe. I'm sure he comes around. :heart:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Thank you Amy :hug:
I had some amazing experiences in the past. Im sure Michael is busy wherever he may be, im sure he will come around again I hope :cry: I just miss him badly. I keep listening to the song someone in the dark, closing my eyes, such a beautiful song.

Aw I hear you. Even though I know he's around and doing ok, I am just always missing him SO much. Listening to his music with my eyes closed helps a lot. When I do that I visualize us sweetly dancing together and holding each other close. I feel my love for him just emanate from me and I feel like it goes out to him wherever he is. Often times, talking about someone on the other side or visualizing them there with you is like a "calling" to them and can bring their spirit around you. So just keep Michaeling and remain open. :wub:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I'm respectfully and kindly asking Amygrace & TheOriginalPYT to please ignore one another. We have a function where you can place a member on ignore. Please use it or otherwise do not engage one another. I'm asking before moderator action takes place.

Thanks in advance.

Okay , after what trish said , I think this will be the last warning.

Re: Psychic channels Michael

What happened??? :huh:

Lets keep it friendly ;) :group:

one thing I hate to see is Michael fans fighting :(

.....I was just listening to Halo by Beyonce...and I closed my eyes ... I was dancing with Michael...I could see us....he was leading the dance with a smile on his face, so in control :wub: god he looked so gorgeous....he had a red shirt, black trousers and the hat...curls falling down in front of his face :swoon:

then as the song was ending he span me round and he faded away with his arm reached out and still smiling :cry: was like I was watching myself and Michael....all of a sudden I just got overwhelmed with emotion, I just started's such a strong feeling...I don't know what happened here! :cry:

I don't know...I'm not the sort to burst into tears all of a sudden...I just got such a strong feeling of Michael :wub:

I can't stop crying now, :cry:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I don't know...I'm not the sort to burst into tears all of a sudden...I just got such a strong feeling of Michael :wub:

I can't stop crying now, :cry:

Aww, what a lovely experience :). Best to cry and just let it out.... :)

I did a relaxation tape this morning, and at one point was asked to imagine myself in a tranquil environment, so I chose a beach with the ocean in front of me. And Michael walked up and sat down beside me! He was dressed in black, with curly hair and a black fedora on. He didn't say anything. It just felt so calming and peaceful!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I have the same as Starlight and I miss feeling him around me :(

Last thursday I saw a spirit/apparition when I was visiting my mother, it must have been at least 15 years ago when I saw something like that.
I'm glad I saw it and I wasn't scared or anything I'm hoping I'm getting more spiritual, as I've asked my guides some time ago to help me with that.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Im so sad..... I've been trying to feel Michael but im having such a hard time connecting. I really felt him around me in July and August.. I am so lost. Michael come back :cry:

Oh god, thats creepy. I've got EXACTLY the same feeling.
I just dont feel his presence anymore, I feel kinda empty inside. Dont know what happened. : x
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Oh god, thats creepy. I've got EXACTLY the same feeling.
I just dont feel his presence anymore, I feel kinda empty inside. Dont know what happened. : x

Yeah, and me. :( Ever since the funeral, I've hardly felt his prescence at all. I believe that he's still all around us though, even though we can't feel him.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Yeah, and me. :( Ever since the funeral, I've hardly felt his prescence at all. I believe that he's still all around us though, even though we can't feel him.

I believe that too! I think he's finally got into the light or something .. ever since the funeral. But who knows. :(
Re: Psychic channels Michael

What happened??? :huh:

Lets keep it friendly ;) :group:

one thing I hate to see is Michael fans fighting :(

.....I was just listening to Halo by Beyonce...and I closed my eyes ... I was dancing with Michael...I could see us....he was leading the dance with a smile on his face, so in control :wub: god he looked so gorgeous....he had a red shirt, black trousers and the hat...curls falling down in front of his face :swoon:

then as the song was ending he span me round and he faded away with his arm reached out and still smiling :cry: was like I was watching myself and Michael....all of a sudden I just got overwhelmed with emotion, I just started's such a strong feeling...I don't know what happened here! :cry:

I don't know...I'm not the sort to burst into tears all of a sudden...I just got such a strong feeling of Michael :wub:

I can't stop crying now, :cry:

You're not alone, hun. EVERY TIME I listen to Halo, as soon as the piano part comes on at the start, I get goosebumps all over, my eyes fill with tears and I sob my heart out. It's weird that it's that song, sometimes even more than his own songs, that makes me fall apart. I understand you :better:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

You're not alone, hun. EVERY TIME I listen to Halo, as soon as the piano part comes on at the start, I get goosebumps all over, my eyes fill with tears and I sob my heart out. It's weird that it's that song, sometimes even more than his own songs, that makes me fall apart. I understand you :better:

Thanks Neeve :huggy: I don't know what happened...but it's like Michael was here...I can't explain it. The feeling was SO strong, and that song has been on repeat in my mind for days, it's really weird. I only heard it for the first time the other day :cry:

I got this thunderbolt of emotion when we were was like I could feel it,Michael, the whole thing.

I always thought if I saw Michael I would burst into tears lol :wub:

walkaway;2222646[/QUOTE said:
I did a relaxation tape this morning, and at one point was asked to imagine myself in a tranquil environment, so I chose a beach with the ocean in front of me. And Michael walked up and sat down beside me! He was dressed in black, with curly hair and a black fedora on. He didn't say anything. It just felt so calming and peaceful!

:huggy: that sounds wonderful...I wonder if it is our imagination or if it really is Michael.

I would love to think it's Michael.

The funny thing is, the other day I posted in another thread about how I wished more than anything Michael would come back, just once, like in the Demi moore film Ghosts :cry: It makes me wonder...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

:huggy: that sounds wonderful...I wonder if it is our imagination or if it really is Michael.

I would love to think it's Michael.

I would love to think so too :). But sometimes my imagination does run riot, lol. If I have a very vivid dream or experience (like the one you had during Beyonce's Halo) then I take more notice of it and am more inclined to think it's 'real', you know? Or at least that there's a message I need to take notice of.

But something like this relaxation meditation could easily have been my imagination. I don't know. I enjoyed it anyway!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Thanks Neeve :huggy: I don't know what happened...but it's like Michael was here...I can't explain it. The feeling was SO strong, and that song has been on repeat in my mind for days, it's really weird. I only heard it for the first time the other day :cry:

I got this thunderbolt of emotion when we were was like I could feel it,Michael, the whole thing.

I always thought if I saw Michael I would burst into tears lol :wub:

I would love to think it's Michael.

Wow, it's weird that that song has the same effect on you. Because I feel that's like that song calls him or something...that's definitely how I feel when I listen to it. It's, like you said, a sudden surge of emotion and it's like he's hugging me or something. :wub:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

^ Yeah, it's like Beyonce directly and indirectly wrote it for Michael.
Thats the way it turned out for me with you guys.
That Michael feeling.​
I've always liked the song but it has taken on new meaning.
It really is HIS song now! It's a powerful song.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I'm definitely going to have to listen to that song now! :)

do, do! ;)

^ Yeah, it's like Beyonce directly and indirectly wrote it for Michael.
Thats the way it turned out for me with you guys.
That Michael feeling.​
I've always liked the song but it has taken on new meaning.
It really is HIS song now! It's a powerful song.

Re: Psychic channels Michael

I went to Barnes and Noble and purchased 2 books that I feel will really help me in understanding what a lot of people are talking about in this thread. They are called

Heaven and Earth - Making the Psychic Connection by James Van Praagh and
Discovering Your Past Lives - Gloria Chadwick

I also ordered a book online from that amygrace highly suggested but I can't remember what it's called right now.

I will let you guys know if these were worth the purchases (the first 2 from barnes and noble were kind of costly :( but I couldnt NOT buy them once I started reading them) and if I got any good information out of them!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

So I was reading in the book 'Heaven and Earth' and Van Praagh was talking about your auras and the different ways they can be damaged, which can lead to actual physical illnesses.

He describes 'Excessive Auric Energy' as being, "Constant levels of stress and worry that cause excessive auric energy. This is due to too much, or overly dominant, mental energy. This can lead to insomnia, back pain, depression, upper respiratory problems, high and low blood pressure, hormonal dysfunction, lymphatic blockage and sinus and allergy conditions.

I know this is a stretch, but maybe this is a small piece of the reason to why Michael was feeling so much pain and could not sleep? We all know that he was so in touch with his energy, and with the energy of others and the world...I imagine he was always 'buzzing'. Maybe it was starting to become too much and it was breaking/wearing him down...

What do you think??
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I know that some ppl with a negative energy are trying reach Michael’s spirit. I have been told not to share my experience of MJ’s visits anymore. I think others have to be careful too before they post something like that. I know that one person with a negative energy always reads this thread. I am not going to say how did I get this information I just have to let everybody know that it is not that fun anymore. I am not physic like some others here but I know what I have to know. I am not posting my experience with MJ’s visits anymore here. It was a good thread though I loved to come here.
PS. Bonnie I think is not going to say anything unless there is something really important needs to be exposed to the public.