Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

LMFAO!! :hysterical: Too frikkin' funny. And I so needed that imagery in my head today...hahaha. I thought of the Bloody Mary thing too when I first read "mirror gazing" - have never heard of it myself. After looking at the wiki definition - it all sounds too "parlor trick"ish to me. I'm not buyin' it....

Sounds like everyone had one of those days today ehhh. I know it sounded a lot like Bloody Mary so I didn't buy it
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Hmm it sounds really interesting so I will look it up in a little bit! Just from reading your description it sounded like that Bloody Mary thing people used to do in middle school LOL

We'll stand in front a mirror and say "Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson" and then instead of him coming out of the mirror and killing us like Mary he will come out of the mirror and say "love you more!" and scurry away LOL:D

haha, I actually laughed when I read that.

You do have a point there. The more I read into it, the more it did start to sound like that. But there are people who have actually done it (I was reading 'experience' stories) and they said that no spirit comes out or anything. The mirror goes cloudy for the person and they kind of see the spirit? Or if they don't see it, they'll start hearing it....?

I don't know. I never heard of it sounds strange though. :p
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Ohmygoodness, Michael drove me mad this night!:blink:
I was constantly hearing his music, from song to song, seeing visions, pictures, hearing intro speeches, interview parts, just the whole night!
It woke me up minute after minute and I was kinda far away in my sleep so I think I actually kinda talked back to it when I 'woke up'.
Or I have been busy with him the past days a lil' too much (LOL) or he really haunted me... :hysterical:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

That website on Automatic Writing has some good messages, but I'm not at all convinced. I do think that Michael has had a presence with all of the fans whether they knew it or not, but one could read this thread (and others) to know that he has been less present since the funeral. ;)


Yes, People have felt Michael's presence in different ways, whether through oracle cards or dreams or other ways like the person who saw the initials MJ in the clouds, I think we all have different mediums/energy we connect with .
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Hi everyone, this is my first post here but I've been here reading threads everyday since I joined (sorry for not posting, I will try in future)! I just really wanted to share this with all of you...

I have these Angel cards by Doreen Virtue and you use them to ask questions to the angels. There's this one reading where you ask to contact deceased loved ones so i asked to get something from Michael (saying Michael Joseph Jackson in my head). What came out on those 3 cards actually nearly made me cry. It wasn't a message per se but I don't think the cards that came out were from coincidence.

The first card was the card for Archangel Michael and the message the card had on it reminded me of the lyrics to YANA.
The second was an angel who's message that said things about art and entertainment in life to bring joy to others or something like that.
And the third had the message of helping the children of the world.

When I get the chance, I'll post the exact details of the cards but that was the general gist of what I experienced. :)

That is lovely, thank you for posting.

I have that set of cards and during the time after MJ passing I also had cards or they fell out that really seemed too accurate to be just purely coincidental.

The energy that was Michael has communicated with us all in so many different ways
Re: Psychic channels Michael

"I will come to you all in your dreams to give my love and appreciation. Some of you might not remember the dreams, and think that I haven't come, but I have. Please pray to God to help you remember your dreams."

:cry: man I hope this is true, I want to believe it :cry:
I had a dream last night and I KNOW 100% it was about Michael, I could feel it...but, I can't remember it! does that make sense?! lol I know he was there, it was the strongest feeling yet...I have been trying to remember all day but I can't.....

I want to remember, just once... :(

Hi again! I think Michael was a physic himself. His song Morphine a good example.
I do not feel him that close anymore since the buried him, no dreams but before it was like every second day I had a dream.. It is really strange that many ppl feel the same. No news from Bonnie.... . feels sad. It feels like he really far away now.

See, I feel like he's here....not sure why...

I think Michael "came back" for Janet's tribute. I felt it, anyone else? My cable's out (ARGH!) so I can't watch the VMAs on TV. I was messing around online on another forum and lost track of time. I got that sweet perfume smell I haven't sensed in weeks. I was like "whoa," then looked at the clock... the VMAs were about to start! I jumped on the VMA thread here and was able to see it online. Anyway, wow. It wasn't like he came and was hanging out with me specifically, but it felt like he was closer.


I had a few times now where I can smell perfume, a sweet smelling perfume right here in my living room...really strong I can almost taste it. It kind of reminds me of 'obsession' mixed with something else...I can't tell, I'm not up on perfumes :p

I was accusing my son of spraying his body spray around again, but he didn't even have any! I could literally taste it!!! I'm freaking out here lol :woohoo:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I've smelt perfume a few times too! I was laying awake at about 2am, and suddenly I could smell it! It definitley couldn't have been anyone else in the house. After I'd smelt it, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace & calm. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Glad to read that more of you get the smell of perfume!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

:cry: man I hope this is true, I want to believe it :cry:
I had a dream last night and I KNOW 100% it was about Michael, I could feel it...but, I can't remember it! does that make sense?! lol I know he was there, it was the strongest feeling yet...I have been trying to remember all day but I can't..... I want to remember, just once... :(

I know exactly what you mean...I've had this happen to me so many times, it's frustrating....when you wake up and can remember a strong feeling of the dream but not the actual dream itself. Before bedtime, just ask God or your Guides to help you remember your dreams. In any case, if you feel that strongly that your dream was about Michael, I bet you connected with him. So whether you consciously remember or not, it happened and that's what matters. ;)

The perfume thing - you know I've read about you guys smelling perfume for quite awhile and wandered what it smelt like... I hadn't had any experiences like that until a few days ago. Out of nowhere, I think I was in my room doing an I-Ching reading or getting ready for bed - I got a whiff of perfume. I immediately thought of Michael.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Huh, Michael is possessing people now? :lol: j/k but last night I could really feel his energy strongly. I feel no fear then. I said to him "You have a lot of energy, you know that?" Even when watching his performances I can just feel his power, the incredible amount of energy he has. It feels like he and I are one almost sometimes.

hahaha..not really possess,it's just that,idk.i somehow cried and mentioned paris as my 'baby girl'.isnt that weird? true,watching his performances will make me feel like he's around.last night i finally had a dream about him,at least,i think it was.just couldn't remember what it was woke me up twice.once at 3am,the other one at about 5am.when i looked around,my room was slightly brighter and i hear 'human nature' in my head even till i finally woke up this morning.well..i guess he's finally visiting me.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

About the perfume.... check out this thread: Most of the info in the first post has been removed, however, as K.F. didn't like it that the info from her Facebook page had been posted there. In short, Michael wore many different scents as so many were given to him or he'd tried, but in more recent times often wore Tom Ford Black Orchid (LaToya mentioned his room smelling like it in an interview this summer). He wore it, that is, until he discovered Bal a Versailles, which he absolutely loved (according to K.F.). She said she'd buy it for him whenever she found it. He had run out for quite a while and was thrilled when she found some again for him and he mostly just wore this in his last months. It is a women's perfume, btw (as is Black Orchid, not like it matters -- heck, I used to wear my boyfriend's Adidas spray, lol) and it is sweet smelling... a floral mix that fades to a powdery almost candy scent (on me, anyway).

A bunch of us have since bought Bal a Versailles ourselves, lol. I wouldn't know if this perfume made a spiritual appearance in my living room, though, because I've been wearing it daily for weeks now.;) However sometimes I'll get a big whiff and think... where did that come from .. how did it suddenly get strong enough for me to notice?

I didn't like it at first, but I'm strangely obsessed with it now. Don't really know why. You can buy little mini-bottles of it on ebay and some online shops. I can't remember who stated it, but someone said that Michael Bush (MJ's costumer designer) was driven crazy by the mini bottles Michael would carry with him in his pockets because they'd leak sometimes, lol.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Yeah I've looked into the perfumes Michael wore before and they are SO expensive. I've debated on getting the little test bottles on ebay...just so I can at least recognize the smell. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I know exactly what you mean...I've had this happen to me so many times, it's frustrating....when you wake up and can remember a strong feeling of the dream but not the actual dream itself. Before bedtime, just ask God or your Guides to help you remember your dreams. In any case, if you feel that strongly that your dream was about Michael, I bet you connected with him. So whether you consciously remember or not, it happened and that's what matters. ;)

The perfume thing - you know I've read about you guys smelling perfume for quite awhile and wandered what it smelt like... I hadn't had any experiences like that until a few days ago. Out of nowhere, I think I was in my room doing an I-Ching reading or getting ready for bed - I got a whiff of perfume. I immediately thought of Michael.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I guess I'm the only one who smells KFC when he's around. Never really gotten the perfume smell before, maybe once but I could have been mistaken...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

And I said I'm sorry if we are making him blush over the manhood thread :lol: , but it's some peoples way of coping right now. I asked if he could just let me know he is around somehow, but I know I'm just one out of a billion so it's probably unlikely...

and after all that little bit of talking I felt a little better. I said it all out loud. I don't know why I was on about the manhood thread, the words just came sounds crazy random huh? :p

did he hear me? is it even possible? am I nuts?

I don't know...but I hope he was listening, I like to think that :wub:
LOL about the manhood thread ;) I would never think about such things.... harhar *blush*

As for being one in a billion... so is everyone else. So you're no more or less likely than anyone else to be visited, and spirit isn't limited like a human body is. I'm sure you'll have a sign of some kind. You may have had them already and just didn't notice somehow :) Your comment reminded me of something I once read: Whenever you ask, "Why me?" you should instead ask, "Why not me?"
Re: Psychic channels Michael

LOL about the manhood thread ;) I would never think about such things.... harhar *blush*

As for being one in a billion... so is everyone else. So you're no more or less likely than anyone else to be visited, and spirit isn't limited like a human body is. I'm sure you'll have a sign of some kind. You may have had them already and just didn't notice somehow :) Your comment reminded me of something I once read: Whenever you ask, "Why me?" you should instead ask, "Why not me?"

:naughty: LOL!

That's a good sentiment to have...I really should think 'why not me' but I'm a bit of a pessamist sometimes :rolleyes:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Ever since Michael has died, I just feel the need to say "I love you Michael" out LOUD. LOL. It's like, I NEED to say it. It's strange.

Do you guys think he hears me when I do?
I pray he does.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Ever since Michael has died, I just feel the need to say "I love you Michael" out LOUD. LOL. It's like, I NEED to say it. It's strange. Do you guys think he hears me when I do?
I pray he does.
I don't know if he literally hears it each time you say it, I mean like a person standing in the room would. But who knows. In any case, I believe he's heard us all in a spiritual way. Probably in a way that's much cooler than we would ever guess, like really feeling it, not just hearing it. Ok, so short answer: yes ;)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I bought a small bottle of Bal a Versailles through once I found out MJ liked it so much. I personally do not like it enough to wear it...smells like something my grandma would wear. LOL But, I do like to take a whiff of it from time to time, just to think what MJ would smell like.

As for the Mirror Gazing, also called "Scrying," this practice has been around for centuries. Even Nostradamus was supposed to have used that technique. And remember Snow White...."Mirror, Mirror on the wall..." rumor has it that is based on mirror gazing.

I read about mirror gazing about 15 years ago in a book called Reunions, by Raymond Moody. Great book. I have ALWAYS wanted to try it, especially after my grandmother died. But I've been kind of too afraid to try it. But seriously, I've been trying to psych myself up to give it a try ever since MJ passed.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

As for the Mirror Gazing, also called "Scrying," this practice has been around for centuries. Even Nostradamus was supposed to have used that technique. And remember Snow White...."Mirror, Mirror on the wall..." rumor has it that is based on mirror gazing.

I read about mirror gazing about 15 years ago in a book called Reunions, by Raymond Moody. Great book. I have ALWAYS wanted to try it, especially after my grandmother died. But I've been kind of too afraid to try it. But seriously, I've been trying to psych myself up to give it a try ever since MJ passed.

Thanks for that. Interesting.
So this kind of thing does work? And it's safe? I just thought it was kind of strange but it does sound cool. I definitely wouldn't do it alone. lol.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I read about mirror gazing about 15 years ago in a book called Reunions, by Raymond Moody. Great book. I have ALWAYS wanted to try it, especially after my grandmother died. But I've been kind of too afraid to try it. But seriously, I've been trying to psych myself up to give it a try ever since MJ passed.
Ah, yes! I forgot about that. I even have a VHS tape somewhere from the mid-90's (Ancient Prophecies II, I think) in which they showed Raymond Moody and his "psychomanteum" room in which visitors would sit on a chair or couch in a darkened room and look up to a mirror on the wall (above eyes level, so you wouldn't be seeing a reflection of yourself). He said everyone would get something... visions or images of those who'd passed. He has a website (just google his name). Another option to use would be a laptop or dark LCD computer screen. I realized that a while back, sitting here in the dark living room at 4am and turning off the computer. The screen is this shiny, dark mirror, just like something Nostradamus would have used ;)

Personally, I have a sort of almost mirror phobia, lol, so I don't think this would ever be something for me. I can't have any mirrors in the bedroom or that I could possibly see at night when I get up to use the bathroom. Except that damned one over the sink. But I refuse to look into it at night, lolol.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Stranger in Moscow has been playing on repeat in my head for DAYS... IDK if this has relevance to anything or not but it has inspired a ton of creative work on my behalf...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

A bunch of us have since bought Bal a Versailles ourselves, lol. I wouldn't know if this perfume made a spiritual appearance in my living room, though, because I've been wearing it daily for weeks now.;) However sometimes I'll get a big whiff and think... where did that come from .. how did it suddenly get strong enough for me to notice?

That's why I don't want to wear it, lol! :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Thanks for that. Interesting.
So this kind of thing does work? And it's safe? I just thought it was kind of strange but it does sound cool. I definitely wouldn't do it alone. lol.

I worry about the "safety" part of it myself. Just like with Ouija mother always said that you should be careful if you use them, because you don't know who or what you might be communicating with, or what sort of doorway you might be opening when you use it. So I think of that in relation to mirror gazing too. Plus, I've ALWAYS been afraid of the dark (and I still am at almost 43 years of age!), so doing this in mostly dark scares me in and of itself. But when I read about mirror gazing, I haven't really found any horror stories about it. So who knows. One of these days I may give it a try. If I do, I'll be sure to let you all know what happens!