Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

I actually felt Michael two days ago, had a very vivid and powerful dream about him.

It was a dark shadow and out of it a hand appeared, It was Michael's. I knew. He was making the "Victory" sign like he always does. For further confirmation I looked closer and there was that red braclet he always wore around his wrist. :wub: I don't remember if I read or hear this but the message was : LOVE.

:wub: :wub:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

About this process, maybe Gaiaschild can answer this... I was under the impression that it wasn't like the living person hearing the spirit and writing down the words (like Bonnie before direct contact is made), but actual direct contact where he doesn't speak to her, but controls her hand, and she isn't aware of what's being written even if she's not in a trance. Maybe he would write *giggle*, I don't know... it seems off. Again, I wish I could see the writing. For some reason I think he'd doodle a silly face, if anything, rather than write out a laugh.

Yeah from what I understand about automatic writing, it matches up with this:

"Automatic writing is essentially writing that is done in an altered state of consciousness that is attributed to spirits of the dead. It is believed by some that the spirits literally manipulate the writing utensil in the hands of the medium to communicate, as the writer is often unaware of what is being written and often even scrawls out text in handwriting that is markedly different than his own. Others believe that perhaps the spirits may also communicate by forming messages in the mind of the medium, which reproduce on the page. Most likely though, the medium is writing unconsciously and messages are formed from material in the subconscious mind or from a secondary personality that is gifted with extrasensory perception."

In most ways the writer is unaware of what is being written I think...considering what I've read about this process before, and read books that were channeled in that way. The way of "forming messages in the mind" however, though possible - you have to be a pretty spiritually tuned in person to do this. You have to be able to get your own thoughts and opinions out of the way. It may be hard for people to decipher which thoughts are theirs, and which thoughts are of the spirit who is wanting a message out. This is what I think the girl on the blog was doing. Receiving thoughts in her mind, some Michael's...some her own. A lot of the messages got jumbled that way.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

^ Haha...yeah it was kind of odd to see the *giggle* and *laughs* in there...she had to have added that in herself later, remembering that he laughed in certain areas...or her own mind was too into the process to actually be writing those out...which would ultimately make the messages more her own than Michael's. I also did see a few things that were almost exactly what Bonnie had said, and just rehashes of news stories. Overall I think this girl is genuine in that she truly believes she is getting messages from Michael, and I think she actually has at times - but I also think that her own mind and opinions on what she already knows about Michael and the news, are getting in the way.

That's exactly what I thought when I first read her messages..
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Not sure if you have read this. I found this interesting... (I'm just posting the relevant parts):

TB Joshua has made phenomenal predictions in full view of a global audience on the satellite Christian Television, Emmanuel TV and all of them have come to pass. He predicted the death of president Levy Mwanawasa a month before it happened, the disastrous cyclone in Myanmar, the attempted assassination of the prime minister of Lesotho Pakalitha Mosisili, resignation of Pakistan president Pervez Musharaf, the comet slam into planet Jupiter which caused quite a fray in the scientific community and more recently the death of American pop star Michael Jackson.

On Michael Jackson's death, the prophet was seen by a global audience via his television network saying, “I see a star being rushed to the hospital but he wont come back home, the whole world will be shocked. He is a great star in his world”. To add mystery to this prediction, TB Joshua sent a message through the pop star's associates to let Michael come for prayer and deliverance in Nigeria. The associates thought the message a bit misplaced, because Michael was declared medically fit by his doctors and he was billed for a world concert tour beginning July 13. But alas! That was not to be, he died on June 25 before seeing Prophet TB Joshua.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Hi everyone, this is my first post here but I've been here reading threads everyday since I joined (sorry for not posting, I will try in future)! I just really wanted to share this with all of you...

I have these Angel cards by Doreen Virtue and you use them to ask questions to the angels. There's this one reading where you ask to contact deceased loved ones so i asked to get something from Michael (saying Michael Joseph Jackson in my head). What came out on those 3 cards actually nearly made me cry. It wasn't a message per se but I don't think the cards that came out were from coincidence.

The first card was the card for Archangel Michael and the message the card had on it reminded me of the lyrics to YANA.
The second was an angel who's message that said things about art and entertainment in life to bring joy to others or something like that.
And the third had the message of helping the children of the world.

When I get the chance, I'll post the exact details of the cards but that was the general gist of what I experienced. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I have these Angel cards by Doreen Virtue and you use them to ask questions to the angels. There's this one reading where you ask to contact deceased loved ones so i asked to get something from Michael (saying Michael Joseph Jackson in my head). What came out on those 3 cards actually nearly made me cry. It wasn't a message per se but I don't think the cards that came out were from coincidence.

The first card was the card for Archangel Michael and the message the card had on it reminded me of the lyrics to YANA.
The second was an angel who's message that said things about art and entertainment in life to bring joy to others or something like that.
And the third had the message of helping the children of the world.

I have that same deck...and have pulled spreads much like that when asking about Michael! Thanks for sharing. Hope you join in more. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I found the blog/website interesting too (referring to I read every entry from July up to the most recent one. I'm not sure this person is channeling Michael, of course, but a lot of it resonates with what I also received during contact with him in July and August, so it was kind of neat to read. (Not to say I can prove that my contact with Michael was real either ;))

I also was told on more than one occasion in July that his death was an accident. I asked and was told that yes, there were people who wanted to kill him (ouch -- I saw a few 40yrs old+ men high up in business or government and then at least one man wearing white in a middle eastern country), but this incident had been an accident. I hope I got that right and didn't misinterpret anything, because I believe this now. What I actually saw is that Murray left the room and that's when Michael passed. I tried to find a clock at this moment and didn't see one by the bed, but found one (maybe on a stereo or tv?) across the room with a blue digital display that read 9:42. There was also seemingly something missing in the room (a blank spot along a wall), but I don't know what was missing (monitoring equipment? oxygen? or something was stolen?). I got this in early July, before anything about the phone calls and such was on the news. I think there are serious questions about the time of death. Hopefully it will make sense at one point. I read in that affidavit released in late August that Murray claimed he gave MJ the propofol at 10:40, but what I saw was an hour earlier. So either he's lying by an hour or more (which sounds about right to me -- sorry if I don't trust him!) or, I just realized that maybe the time display in the room hadn't been changed to Daylight Savings Time this spring? Just trying to make sense of things.

At the house in Encino in early August Michael told me/showed me about contact he'd had with his children (who were playing out in the yard) and I saw his mother there as well. He said she'd felt his presence on several occasions. This was the same contact experience in which he showed me where his body was being stored at the time and I asked him about when he was buried if we could visit and he said, "Well... not at first, no." I got the impression that this could change over the next few years.

One of the main things I've also picked up is the need to heal the world, to love each other, to quit fighting and unite and to do something to make a difference. The same message he wanted us all to take to heart while he was alive here with us. I also felt that he's been in contact with sooooooo many people all over the world, not just a few, but like all of us. I felt the way it always has felt for me in regard to Michael... like we had all come here to Earth together for something (I mean he and us - friends, fans, supporters) in some kind of effort to change the world together. I know that might sound fantastical, but I always felt something very spiritual like this since I was a kid. Like he helped to remind us all to find each other and to remember our mission. It's certainly true that his death has made so many consider spiritual matters in depth. I wish it wouldn't have had to be this way, though :( I've really tried, though, to stop crying. I even found myself apologizing to him in my mind a couple of weeks ago, for still being so sad for so long. I've felt "better" since the funeral, though. Not great, but better.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Erm, she wrote that Michael said he was there when his children placed flowers on his casket...didn't they place a crown??

IDK this stuff is a little too 'common knowledge' for me
Re: Psychic channels Michael

OH, and last night I was driving in my car...I had a long trip about an hour and a half and it was getting dark and I was getting dangerously tired. I was listening to a remix version of Stranger in Moscow off of a Blood on the Dance Floor The Mix CD or something I just got. I had a window rolled down to keep me awake with the cold breeze and the music was up pretty loud. When that song came on though, my whole body got warm and tingly feeling and I got a 'burst' of energy out of nowhere. I felt fine all the way there, then when I got to my destination I passed out asleep. I think Michael was there and helped out a little :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

:) I also had a couple of experiences yesterday and today when I felt like Michael was near. Both times I was talking about him with my husband and felt energy around me (one time the strongest I've felt for a few weeks). It felt like Michael. Each time it was just for a minute or so, but it was this warm energy like someone standing right next to me. It felt wonderful to feel this again, as I'd felt strangely alone in this respect since the funeral. :angel:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I have always been intrigued by things of a paranormal nature, and I am very open-minded. But I have never been one convinced that someone can channel someone who has died. I'm not saying it's not possible, just that I'm not convinced of it at this point. I do believe it's possible to somehow connect with people who have passed on, but it's the channeling thing that I am not convinced of.

In watching that lady's videos and reading the blog, I'm still not convinced. Too much of that, IMO, is just generalized common knowledge type of stuff. I didn't get any earth shattering revelations from what she said or wrote. And some of the stuff she wrote didn't sound like Michael at all. (Obviously, I didn't really know him, so this is kind of a moot point. ) One thing in particular that bugged me was in one of her blog entries, she says something about Michael buying his mother jewelry for a birthday gift. That seemed rather odd to me, considering his mother is a devout Jehovah's Witness, and as such, did not celebrate birthdays....from what I have read. There were other things that bugged me too, but that really stuck out in my mind as something that was off.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

:) I also had a couple of experiences yesterday and today when I felt like Michael was near. Both times I was talking about him with my husband and felt energy around me (one time the strongest I've felt for a few weeks). It felt like Michael. Each time it was just for a minute or so, but it was this warm energy like someone standing right next to me. It felt wonderful to feel this again, as I'd felt strangely alone in this respect since the funeral. :angel:

That's amazing. :) Nice to know Michael is still around us.
I think I may have had an experience myself (finally).

Today in geometry class, my classmates were mentioning Michael and talking about him a bit. It got me kind of sad (not going to explain why) and I couldn't focus on my work at all because I was just thinking about Michael. Then I got this tingle sensation in my stomach and then it would spread to my whole body. Then my body would sort of twitch. It wasn't a "chill" type thing either. It felt nothing like that at all. And everytime it would happen, I would hear two certain parts from You Are Not Alone. The most being, "I can hear your prayers, your burdens I will bare." And at the ending part where he's ad-libbing saying, "You are not alone, you are not alone. Not alone, not alone!" (you know? haha). It kept happening, over and over maybe about 10 times in 5-7 minutes? The same parts playing over and over. Sometimes it would go as far as, "But first I need your hand..." and then it would start over again. So weird but it felt kind of good. lol. I believe Michael was (finally) visiting me and I could actually feel it for real. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

And everytime it would happen, I would hear two certain parts from You Are Not Alone. The most being, "I can hear your prayers, your burdens I will bare." And at the ending part where he's ad-libbing saying, "You are not alone, you are not alone. Not alone, not alone!" (you know? haha). It kept happening, over and over maybe about 10 times in 5-7 minutes? The same parts playing over and over. Sometimes it would go as far as, "But first I need your hand..." and then it would start over again. So weird but it felt kind of good. lol. I believe Michael was (finally) visiting me and I could actually feel it for real. :)
Nice :)

Suddenly I remembered a song story I have to share. About a week ago I wanted a sign from Michael, but then I gave up and fell asleep. I woke up in the morning with, of all things in the universe, 'Do the Bartman' stuck in my head, lolol. :hysterical: Over and over I'd hear the lines "... start a chain reaction. If you can do the 'Bart', you're bad like Michael Jackson..." and so on. And on and on and on. It just would not go away! I had a doctor's appointment a couple of hours later and on my way back home I had to walk to a bus stop, with 'Do the Bartman' still running through my head. Well, right there at the bus stop was a big billboard like advertisement (for what I don't remember - something in German) and who was on it? A huge big pic of Homer Simpson, lolol. I don't know if that was a joke (nice one, Michael ;)) or a coincidence, but it was hella funny.:lmao:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

You know, isn't it just like Michael to come and visit his fans and the ones who love him and flow love and warmth to them? --- now when we're sad and grieving, and needing his beautiful presence?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I was listening and watching some other YouTube videos with physic “channeling”. I didn’t’ feel convenient about them at all. The same I feel about reading some info of channeling in blogs. I feel so sad that sometimes people say that Michael was not killed, that it was an accident. I do not feel that way at all. I am not physic myself but he used to come to my dreams many times since July and I know he was killed. I think Bonnie Vent when she says about investigations means the same. I feel more comfortable what I heard from Bonnie. I don’t think she is going to say more than that. If it was an accident she would say it from the beginning, but she did not.
Also, I sense that Michael is somwhere very far now.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Nice :)

Suddenly I remembered a song story I have to share. About a week ago I wanted a sign from Michael, but then I gave up and fell asleep. I woke up in the morning with, of all things in the universe, 'Do the Bartman' stuck in my head, lolol. :hysterical: Over and over I'd hear the lines "... start a chain reaction. If you can do the 'Bart', you're bad like Michael Jackson..." and so on. And on and on and on. It just would not go away! I had a doctor's appointment a couple of hours later and on my way back home I had to walk to a bus stop, with 'Do the Bartman' still running through my head. Well, right there at the bus stop was a big billboard like advertisement (for what I don't remember - something in German) and who was on it? A huge big pic of Homer Simpson, lolol. I don't know if that was a joke (nice one, Michael ;)) or a coincidence, but it was hella funny.:lmao:

LMAO...that is awesome!
I have really enjoyed reading your posts. It feels like you are really "tuned in" spiritually. I am amazed at what you saw/felt in detail concerning his death. I've really felt like I've been caught up in the uproar of conspiracy theories on this board, but am now getting back to my center and remembering that ultimately - even if it was murder, we all need to shift our focus from his death, to his life - and the messages he left for march on in changing the world. I agree with you that we all are here together to help with this mission. I think Michael was like a "leader" and initiator for the movement. Each and every one of us who has followed and been touched by him all now have the inspiration/drive/desire/awareness to make change.

Courtney - very cool experience! Thanks for sharing!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I was driving along this afternoon, listening to the Bad album and feeling sad. So I asked for something, a sign.... and immediately a van pulled out in front of me with 'JACKSON' emblazoned on the back! Large letters too.

Thanks Michael :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I was driving along this afternoon, listening to the Bad album and feeling sad. So I asked for something, a sign.... and immediately a van pulled out in front of me with 'JACKSON' emblazoned on the back! Large letters too.

Thanks Michael :)

Aw! So awesome! :wub:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

i don't know whether it's just me or is it really a paranormal experience.a few days ago,when i was talking about paris with my friend,i suddenly mentioned her as 'my baby girl' or something like kinda stunned my friend a little,especially when i started to shed was as if michael had gotten into me until it made me feel that way.idk.that's what i've was before the funeral was really weird.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

i don't know whether it's just me or is it really a paranormal experience.a few days ago,when i was talking about paris with my friend,i suddenly mentioned her as 'my baby girl' or something like kinda stunned my friend a little,especially when i started to shed was as if michael had gotten into me until it made me feel that way.idk.that's what i've was before the funeral was really weird.

Huh, Michael is possessing people now? :lol: j/k but last night I could really feel his energy strongly. I feel no fear then. I said to him "You have a lot of energy, you know that?" Even when watching his performances I can just feel his power, the incredible amount of energy he has. It feels like he and I are one almost sometimes.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I was driving along this afternoon, listening to the Bad album and feeling sad. So I asked for something, a sign.... and immediately a van pulled out in front of me with 'JACKSON' emblazoned on the back! Large letters too.

Thanks Michael :)

I love when these kind of things happen! haha.

He really does hear us. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

So I was reading up on some stuff and I came across I guess a method of seeing.

Have any of you ever heard of mirror gazing (or scrying). Who here has actually tried doing that? Not that I'm planning on doing it anytime soon. lol. I'm just wondering, what is it like and does it actually work? Also, is it dangerous?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

So I was reading up on some stuff and I came across I guess a method of seeing.

Have any of you ever heard of mirror gazing (or scrying). Who here has actually tried doing that? Not that I'm planning on doing it anytime soon. lol. I'm just wondering, what is it like and does it actually work? Also, is it dangerous?

I've never heard of that before but it sounds creepy :| What is it?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I lost the website I was reading about it on but I looked it up on wikipedia.

Hmm it sounds really interesting so I will look it up in a little bit! Just from reading your description it sounded like that Bloody Mary thing people used to do in middle school LOL

We'll stand in front a mirror and say "Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson" and then instead of him coming out of the mirror and killing us like Mary he will come out of the mirror and say "love you more!" and scurry away LOL:D
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Hmm it sounds really interesting so I will look it up in a little bit! Just from reading your description it sounded like that Bloody Mary thing people used to do in middle school LOL

We'll stand in front a mirror and say "Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson" and then instead of him coming out of the mirror and killing us like Mary he will come out of the mirror and say "love you more!" and scurry away LOL:D

Man that would be awesome haha. :lol:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

LMAO...that is awesome!
even if it was murder, we all need to shift our focus from his death, to his life - and the messages he left for march on in changing the world.

Courtney - very cool experience! Thanks for sharing!

Great idea. But before that we have to focus on cleaning up his name from tabloids junkie garbage including false allegations etc. Almost the whole world still think that MJ was a child molester.
If Michael will get a true justice it will be very good thing for his legacy imo.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

strawberrypie999 said:
We'll stand in front a mirror and say "Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson" and then instead of him coming out of the mirror and killing us like Mary he will come out of the mirror and say "love you more!" and scurry away LOL:D
All I can think is Poor Mike! LOL Havin to hop through so many mirrors hahaha :doh:
Gives a whole new meaning to "man in the mirror"

LMFAO!! :hysterical: Too frikkin' funny. And I so needed that imagery in my head today...hahaha. I thought of the Bloody Mary thing too when I first read "mirror gazing" - have never heard of it myself. After looking at the wiki definition - it all sounds too "parlor trick"ish to me. I'm not buyin' it....