Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

I love your examples. They are perfect for how I feel too.
Good way to look at things :cheeky:

Ahh thank you guys, I was kind of like "I wonder if they'd understand what I'm trying to say", lol - I'm glad it was understandable! :)

Hahaha..."I used to get pissed as hell by that" made me giggle. It really is that annoying! lol. I hear you on what you're saying though. For instance, I have road, bad sometimes. lol. But when I'm stuck behind a car that is going insanely slow and I start to get angry about it, I pause and think "maybe this guy is protecting me from a crash"...and I bless him. You never know what is happening for whatever reason. I think there are "blessings in disguises" all around us. If we all surrender and just "go with the flow" in a sense, life is more enjoyable and peaceful.

Haha, am I amusing you? Or just confusing you?! :p
Naw I'm glad I could evoke a little laughter, I sometimes read stuff I've written and laugh at myself also, haha :D

Yeah but I totally agree with what you're saying. I think it's good to find a calm place inside yourself in stressful situations.
Gladly we hardly have any rush hours at all over here, I'd be pissed living in Los Angeles, Tokyo or any of those places where it's jammed all the time.

I mean that's how you've got to look at relationships and all... like, the meaning of an ending relationship is to be able to find a better one, kind of.

BTW, this is kind of out of the blue but I must check out "The Secret" and all about the law or attraction. It seems really interesting.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Bruce - The Secret is AWESOME. I've watched the movie about a hundred times...and highly recommend it to everyone. Haven't read the book yet. But another book worth looking into in accordance to the Law of Attraction is "The Law and the Promise" :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Bruce - The Secret is AWESOME. I've watched the movie about a hundred times...and highly recommend it to everyone. Haven't read the book yet. But another book worth looking into in accordance to the Law of Attraction is "The Law and the Promise" :)

Oh I will definitely check it out! I actually have the movie but have not gotten around to watch it yet for some reason.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

^you MUST. :D Also...have you seen "What the Bleep Do We Know?" ..if not, you should look into that one too. Very interesting stuff. I recommend it to everyone else here too.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

So I am starting to lose hope that Bonnie will ever give us any kind of closure. I think that maybe something happened where she has just decided to 'close' the case without actually giving any closure. IDK man.

I also feel almost less connected spiritually to Michael lately. I used to dream of him all the time, and I had so much energy running through my body compelling me to write things for him and about him, but lately I got nothin'. It's like I am a blank slate all over again. A little part of me really, really believes that some things I wrote down were words FROM Michael. But maybe I am just crazy :D Who will ever know!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Me too. Very interesting that it seems to be this way with so many others as well. The end of June through July it felt like the spirit world was so close I could almost just reach right through. I had a very vivid experience on August 11th and then sometime around mid-August it was all starting to fade, for lack of a better word. My experiences became less vivid and farther away and also less often. I wish I knew the exact answers why. Perhaps the date of August 20th that I got from Michael (which I assumed at the time was the answer to when the funeral would be or when it would be announced) was significant in another way since it seems to be about the point in time we're all talking about. I can totally believe that it's because of Michael moving on to whatever next level/place/state of being, but I also wonder how much it has to do with us and our grief. Like moving through stages, in our minds slowly coming to deeper levels of acceptance and thus "letting go" as well. I just know that I certainly do not want to be demanding or too clingy, lol. I pray he goes on to higher and higher levels where he can make sense of it all and continue his spiritual growth. I'm always open for communication, but will do my best to avoid trying to 'force' it.

Yes. It's very comforting that others are experiencing something similar. I'm not one who 'practices' communicating with spirits actively, though I have had experiences prior to Michael's passing and I guess am open? I wondered if it was all in my head, but the change was striking, very noticeable - I would not have stopped it myself. It got me down, but I knew I had to try and let go. It's not easy. There have been times in the past week or two where I couldn't listen to his music because it made me too sad to think he's really gone - I didn't feel that way at the end of June through most of the summer, even though of course there was a lot of tears and grief. The music kept me going, it didn't make me sad. Fortunately, the music making me sad phase was brief, and I've gotten past it.

Sometimes I write a letter to him in my mind (I mean even visualizing it... I can see the words on the paper) and then either drop it into his postbox on the other side or sometimes a little cherub flies down and takes it from me and flies up to the Light, lol. I like the feeling of this because I can say what I feel I need to and just know that he'll get it at some point, whenever that right time is. (LOL, just thought... it's still like fan mail, lol. Guess he'll get it forever :D)

That's a cool idea. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

^you MUST. :D Also...have you seen "What the Bleep Do We Know?" ..if not, you should look into that one too. Very interesting stuff. I recommend it to everyone else here too.

Never heard of it, but I'm collecting it now!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Never heard of it, but I'm collecting it now!

Oh yeah I highly recommend that movie too. It's great, gets you thinking.

So I am starting to lose hope that Bonnie will ever give us any kind of closure. I think that maybe something happened where she has just decided to 'close' the case without actually giving any closure. IDK man.

I also feel almost less connected spiritually to Michael lately. I used to dream of him all the time, and I had so much energy running through my body compelling me to write things for him and about him, but lately I got nothin'. It's like I am a blank slate all over again. A little part of me really, really believes that some things I wrote down were words FROM Michael. But maybe I am just crazy Who will ever know!

It's unfortunate about Bonnie. I would have liked to get some closure too. :(

Hmm, I seemed to have a period of time go by where I wasn't feeling his presence as strong either, but now it has seemed to have come back again, but it's still kinda different than it used to be. I've still been having multiple dreams about him and I'm not even trying to.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I also feel almost less connected spiritually to Michael lately. I used to dream of him all the time, and I had so much energy running through my body compelling me to write things for him and about him, but lately I got nothin'. It's like I am a blank slate all over again. A little part of me really, really believes that some things I wrote down were words FROM Michael. But maybe I am just crazy :D Who will ever know!

Could it be because he's finally been laid to rest now and guaranteed some peace? I'm not sure, I'm just asking. Maybe he's just taking some time to himself to really think about what he's going to do now? It all seems to final now, as painful as it is. I wonder if he's still contacting Bonnie. He could be telling her private things but an update would be nice.

I don't know. I really need closure right now, though. I'm getting back into that "state" again where I just want Michael to be here and everything to be alright. I need to feel that he's still here. Before, I did feel his presence everywhere even though I had such little experience with him. I still felt his spirit everywhere, you know what I mean? I have started to feel it much less since the funeral. I hope he's still around though. It's comforting to feel his spirit and presence.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

hey guys,
I've been having similar experiences. I had started feeling him a lot less, and I'm wondering if maybe it means we're starting to let him go? I don't know. But today I've felt him around me a lot. So I think we'll all have phases of feeling him and not, depending on our circumstances as well.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

So I am starting to lose hope that Bonnie will ever give us any kind of closure. I think that maybe something happened where she has just decided to 'close' the case without actually giving any closure. IDK man.

I also feel almost less connected spiritually to Michael lately. I used to dream of him all the time, and I had so much energy running through my body compelling me to write things for him and about him, but lately I got nothin'. It's like I am a blank slate all over again. A little part of me really, really believes that some things I wrote down were words FROM Michael. But maybe I am just crazy :D Who will ever know!

me too..I feel like I had alot of energy in July and August. I feel that he was kind of guiding me along with the video project. But as far as creativity goes now Im feeling kind of empty. Like he is becoming further away or something. :cry: I hope not, I hope to get some inspiration again or another sign. :angel:

I was also thinking maybe Michael was a spirit hanging around us this whole time until his burial.. and now he finally is at peace or in heaven?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I haven't felt Michael since mid-august. :cry:

What's happening?!?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I got the same thing! It feels truly empty right now....first I could almost feel him when I just looked up at the sky, but since the funeral....seem to feel so less.:(
But I doubt that he won't ever 'come back'....I think it just has more time between it now, he needs to settle down up there and find things out, that's kinda how I feel it.
He's finally at rest and I hope that he's just quiet cuz he's making plans to guide and heal this world on his higher and different level.

Sorry, can't really explain my feelings about it...:scratch:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I got the same thing! It feels truly empty right now....first I could almost feel him when I just looked up at the sky, but since the funeral....seem to feel so less.:(
But I doubt that he won't ever 'come back'....I think it just has more time between it now, he needs to settle down up there and find things out, that's kinda how I feel it.
He's finally at rest and I hope that he's just quiet cuz he's making plans to guide and heal this world on his higher and different level.

Sorry, can't really explain my feelings about it...:scratch:

very well said.i feel the same way.i knew i cried a river watching paris' speech during the memorial earlier,and still weeping upon watching the videos of michael on youtube,but right now,well,i seem to not feel his presence anymore.maybe he has shifted to the other,i guess it's time for us to let him go.there's no use grieving any further.what we can do now is sustain his legacy in any possible way we're capable of.that's the only way to keep him alive.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

it was so comforting to feel his presence around.
and after funeral i feel him less :(
he is higher somewhere or busy. i just hope he will be able to come from Heaven to visit us from time to time?
it's so hard now and empty :(
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I feel him less after the funeral too. This is a sign perhaps he has fully crossed over to the other side. It is a good thing for both him and us though!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Hey guys, up until last night I would be joining in the "where has Michael gone?" discussion...since I hadn't felt him since July. But last night that turned around for me. I made a short playlist of a few of his slower peaceful songs, laid on my bed, cleared my mind and went into meditation as they played. I was soon overcome with the feeling of wanting to be "back home" where I belonged. I felt the connection of family over there, including Michael who felt like a brother...and I got so emotional in missing them all. But then I was shown how important each one of our roles are a way that made "We are the World" make even more sense than it already did. And I remembered the feeling of choosing to be here. When the songs were over I got up and wondered if Michael was even around me during any of what I experienced. I grabbed my oracle card set called "Messages from the Angels" and asked for a message from whoever was with me in the room. As I was shuffling a card jumped out of the deck. I turned it over and it was "Archangel Michael". I immediately felt assurance that he was around...and then I got the sense to lay down and listen to "Human Nature" again. So I did, and won't really go into what I experienced then as it feels too personal, but it was wonderful. After it was over and came in here to check the psychic thread for some reason, and read a couple responses about people wondering where he is since you haven't felt him in awhile. I felt like Michael had followed me to my computer and read what I read...and I got the sense to assure you guys that he's still around, just keeping busy. There is much to do on the other side as there was in physical form, in terms of helping to raise the vibration of the planet. I feel that listening to his music that inspires you, and carrying that inspiration with you in your the best way to connect with him at this time.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Wow, that transcript-vid of Bonnie Vent is truly amazing...does sounds very much like Michael...just a feeling I get with it.
Truly hope this is real and interesting that Jermaine probably has this spiritual thing, wouldn't thought that!

Oh man....I just litterally broke down again!:no: Especially seeing that footage in the LaToya interview again.
Hadn't had this for days, I was so empty and actually this smiley shows how I felt: :mello:
But now it all came back again....oh man....oh no.:cry:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

OOhh...I'm going to check out that interview now! Thanks for the update Courtney!

Here is the link to the first vid of the 20/20 interview in case anyone is interested

You're welcome. :)
I just finished watching it.

The parts about the children are just heartbreaking. I was in tears. God bless the Jacksons.

I'm still not understanding Bonnie's point though? Does she mean when La Toya was saying that she just doesn't know who killed Michael and all that?
Hmm, I wonder if Bonnie knows something...ha.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I'm still not understanding Bonnie's point though? Does she mean when La Toya was saying that she just doesn't know who killed Michael and all that?
Hmm, I wonder if Bonnie knows something...ha.

I think that since Bonnie referred to that interview in relation to the silence she's kept...that it's because LaToya's feelings are correct; that it WAS murder and maybe Michael is doing what he can, with the help of ensure justice is being served. I'm not sure how much Bonnie knows but, apparently she knows enough to have to protect the information....
Re: Psychic channels Michael

See this is what's tough...part of me wants to think his death was part a bigger "plan" that we can't conceive...that it was his "time" even if through murder. But another part of me feels like it was just wrong. That it didn't HAVE to go down like this. Ugh :cry:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I think that since Bonnie referred to that interview in relation to the silence she's kept...that it's because LaToya's feelings are correct; that it WAS murder and maybe Michael is doing what he can, with the help of ensure justice is being served. I'm not sure how much Bonnie knows but, apparently she knows enough to have to protect the information....

Oh that makes sense. Thank you.

And I agree. I just can't go on thinking this was supposed to happen. I feel it's all very wrong and it shouldn't have happened at all. When La Toya was talking about how the children were crying with Katherine and about Paris and stuff I started saying, "It's not fair. It's just not fair, especially to them." Then another part of me thinks, there's something else out there planned for them and Michael will be able to guide them to it with a much powerful force you know? It's not the same as physically having him here but his spirit is just as strong or stronger. Besides that, I do believe that everything happens for a reason and I believe Michael's death is supposed to teach us all something, no matter what it may be. I mean really, look at the huge impact he's had. Something like this can't just happen for no reason at all, you know what I mean?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Besides that, I do believe that everything happens for a reason and I believe Michael's death is supposed to teach us all something, no matter what it may be. I mean really, look at the huge impact he's had. Something like this can't just happen for no reason at all, you know what I mean?

I know exactly what you mean...I agree! Though tragic, his death has opened many lives up to more love in many ways...which is amazing. I often get tied up between this and my emotions's tough. Nobody wants this kind of thing to happen of course...even if it had a greater "cause". Particularly when I look at what he was about to do - it just breaks my heart...I feel like he should've at least gotten to finish his project. :(
Re: Psychic channels Michael

See this is what's tough...part of me wants to think his death was part a bigger "plan" that we can't conceive...that it was his "time" even if through murder. But another part of me feels like it was just wrong. That it didn't HAVE to go down like this. Ugh :cry:
I wasn't supposed to happen, this is not the way it should be. I truly believe that it was a 'plan' but not a plan from higher spirits...a plan from people who wanted to destroy him.
But maybe, maybe....the higher spirits took him away before it even went worse. Who knows what they could've done to him, let him do to himself, do to his 'image', tore him apart so that the world would forget about him and what he has done for the world....that would be even worse.:no:
Now he died in a moment where he was still respected, where he was up to do a thing that would be bigger than what he already did.....a moment where the whole world would mourn for. And that's nothing less than he deserves after all, a mourning world. A world that regrets things, appreciate things, still learns things from him.
So maybe....he was saved from getting murdered in an even worse way.
That's what I keep telling myself to find comfort. :cry:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Good to see an update of sorts, and it sounds like she still is contacting Michael.

I watched the LaToya interview this morning (recorded it last night). It was really good, although I don't know why Barbara Walters felt the need to bring up the old rumors like whether or not they're his biological kids, but overall it was really good. Justice needs to be served to all who were involved.

And I feel like this really shouldn't have happened either because it was so preventable, but I don't know. Maybe he would have died anyway. I remember someone talking about or I was reading how Michael was saying he was afraid he'd only have a few years left to do what he needed to do here on earth. Maybe he really did know he was going to die soon. For one thing he was afraid the people around him were trying to kill him. And for another thing, the Barbara Walters interview back in 1997 I think he mentions how he sensed before hand that someone else was going to die after Princess Diana. He was afraid it was going to be him, but ended up being Mother Teresa. Here's a link to that interview starting about 1:45

So it makes me wonder being the spiritual person that he is, maybe he knew he was going to die, but maybe not how.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Good to see an update of sorts, and it sounds like she still is contacting Michael.

I watched the LaToya interview this morning (recorded it last night). It was really good, although I don't know why Barbara Walters felt the need to bring up the old rumors like whether or not they're his biological kids, but overall it was really good. Justice needs to be served to all who were involved.

And I feel like this really shouldn't have happened either because it was so preventable, but I don't know. Maybe he would have died anyway. I remember someone talking about or I was reading how Michael was saying he was afraid he'd only have a few years left to do what he needed to do here on earth. Maybe he really did know he was going to die soon. For one thing he was afraid the people around him were trying to kill him. And for another thing, the Barbara Walters interview back in 1997 I think he mentions how he sensed before hand that someone else was going to die after Princess Diana. He was afraid it was going to be him, but ended up being Mother Teresa. Here's a link to that interview starting about 1:45

So it makes me wonder being the spiritual person that he is, maybe he knew he was going to die, but maybe not how.

i was thinking about the same thing.maybe he knew,but he didnt know when and how.or probably he DID know when it's gonna happen.that was why he was gonna do the tour.not to be disrespectful,but maybe he knew after his death,people will be digging for the truth behind his life and death.this cancelled tour will catch the world's attention,and that'll be the only way for him to defend himself.the truth will prevail and justice will be makes sense to me now.well,it's just an oppinion of mine.sorry for any offence.