Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

Wow, Amygrace! I see his face like that everywhere these days. I see his face in the sky formations often, I even saw what looked like MJ written with clouds - took a picture I can post later if you want. I can see the face youre talking about.

And DanceOfZenab1994; I can't see the truck! All I see is Mike :D

Do post your photo...would love to see! Glad you can see his face in the shot I posted. Honestly I didn't even know there was a truck until someone mentioned it. I had to go back and TRY to see the truck! LOL.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Maybe this one will help some to see it better? (click on it to zoom in)


I can't NOT see I wasn't looking for a sign or just appeared and was very obvious to me! :D

Wow, I do see Michael. I had to look again and I really did see it.
Thanks for posting that. He was there that night, with his children and guiding them for sure.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Well, I was out taking pictures in my garden one day, when I suddenly saw a formation on the sky looking like a J, my first thought was ofcourse Mike, so I took a picture.


Since the three was in the way, I started thinking "how cool wouldn't it be if there was an M behind the three. And look what I found, a formation in front of the J making it look like a M and J put together something like in the MJ logo or whatever it's called. :)


Well, to me it's a sign from Michael that he is with us. I see things like this almost every day without even looking for it, which I think is awsome.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

You see what you want to see. But I think we need better proof :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Me too. I always 'believed' (but I have a very skeptical mind, so I'm forever seeking more proof, alternating between belief and thinking it's all in my mind, no matter how much "duh!" experiences I get :smilerolleyes:), but from the moment I knew Michael had passed it was like I just KNEW without any doubt that he still existed. I surprised myself in that I didn't even start to feel any of my usual doubts until a good month or so later, lol. I've had quite a few experiences these last couple of months in which I believe there was contact with Michael and signs that he's ok. But the level of faith I felt that he's alright, that he now truly knows just how much we really love him, etc... it surprised even me. The idea of dying also suddenly felt much less unnerving. I know plenty of people who've felt even more pensive or scared about the 'other side' after a close loved one died, so losing someone I feel so much for doesn't seem to be the explanation. I don't know how to put it all into words, but most days I have a much nicer feeling about the eternal nature of our souls and the universe than before. Most days. Some days, though, that skeptic in me comes back and tortures me for some hours, though...
I know, I got that feeling too! He just feels more near me than ever....I'm experiencing whole new things through his death, I learn so much every single day.
The idea of dying is changed in my mind too. I feel more comfortable with the idea that if I would die, there is something waiting for me. I'm not afraid of it anymore, while before Michael's death only the thought of dying already made me scared. There's something planned for us all, so if the higher thing wants me to take it to another level, than I'm ready for it.

Love to hear about your experiences the last months! :) I don't have that much experiences yet, maybe because when I'm at the point I kinda get scared and try to block it. Think I eventually will get used to that though, and than it will become good.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Glad to see you've joined us! Great story with the awesome. The only kind of obvious "sign" I've gotten from Michael was watching his burial on CNN... the coverage was at the point where we were watching the family's cars drive over to Forest Lawn...and at one moment I thought "I wonder if Michael is there with them or is going to be present at this" and then BAM...the scene changed and his face instantly showed up on the footage! Not many other people seemed to recognize it, but I saw it immediately - it JUMPED at me...and made my heart skip. I was lucky enough to remember to hit my print screen button in those 2 seconds so that I could save it:

Even without these "signs", I don't know how anyone can't truly feel his ongoing existence. I feel it all the time... and I just know he's ok. :angel:

Also, I can't say I'm a "highly sensitive person" - but when it comes to Michael, I'm highly sensitive... I know what you mean about really feeling his pain. I've felt that too...on such a deep level, it surprised me. When I started to research him out after he died, I went through thousands of videos on him. And the more and more I saw of him and heard him talk...saw his beautiful soul and realized what he went through and how he just didn't deserve heart much. I feel great compassion for him. I'm so glad he's now free from the pains this world gave him.
Thank you! Already lovin' this thread!:cheeky: I was looking at the screen for quite a while but couldn't see a face, but the screen with the notes on it made me see! Cool!
I'm really glad to he got out of all the sh*'s time for him to be able to heal himself now. Everytime I look up at the sky I can feel him....the moving of the clouds, the sunset, the's him in it all. You don't indeed need signs to feel that. It's what you want to believe, and if you open yourself for it you know it's true and you are actually really feeling it.

I got another strange thing happening to me...on the 25th of June I was watching MTV and they played Earth Song. Watched his vids so many times, but this time the following came to my mind 'what if he would die soon...before he could even tour...that would be such a chaos, the world would be in shock!'. This exactly! And only a few hours later it was the painful truth.:bugeyed
Re: Psychic channels Michael

The idea of dying is changed in my mind too. I feel more comfortable with the idea that if I would die, there is something waiting for me. I'm not afraid of it anymore, while before Michael's death only the thought of dying already made me scared.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt this way. :)
I used to be really afraid of dying and I would think about it often and how I didn't want to grow old and die. But when Michael died, all of those feelings changed. I still feel his spirit here and that really gives me hope. I'm not scared anymore, just curious to find out what exactly happens.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt this way. :)
I used to be really afraid of dying and I would think about it often and how I didn't want to grow old and die. But when Michael died, all of those feelings changed. I still feel his spirit here and that really gives me hope. I'm not scared anymore, just curious to find out what exactly happens.

me too.. it such a mystery. I really believe there is something after this..
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I'm not afraid of dying either anymore. I figured that there is justice in the other world unlike over here.

I still love life though.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I have moments definately when I feel he is here, but I wish I felt it more. The morning of the 26th the day after...he left, I was in the garden listening to his music and when smile came on my ipod three birds started circling above me, they stayed circling and the last one did not leave until the song had finished. I felt that it was him saying I am ok, at peace and free to go wherever I want to now. It was a sad moment but also comforting.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I have moments definately when I feel he is here, but I wish I felt it more. The morning of the 26th the day after...he left, I was in the garden listening to his music and when smile came on my ipod three birds started circling above me, they stayed circling and the last one did not leave until the song had finished. I felt that it was him saying I am ok, at peace and free to go wherever I want to now. It was a sad moment but also comforting.

That is very nice, thanks for sharing
Re: Psychic channels Michael

The idea of dying is changed in my mind too. I feel more comfortable with the idea that if I would die, there is something waiting for me. I'm not afraid of it anymore, while before Michael's death only the thought of dying already made me scared. There's something planned for us all, so if the higher thing wants me to take it to another level, than I'm ready for it.

I felt like this when my mother died. I was no longer so afraid, realising that she will be there waiting when it's my turn... although I hope that isn't for a long time yet! Also, I think it was Marlon who expressed something similar during the memorial. It is a comfort and a huge sadness at the same time. Mixed emotions I suppose. And a completely normal part of grief.... :(
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I have moments definately when I feel he is here, but I wish I felt it more. The morning of the 26th the day after...he left, I was in the garden listening to his music and when smile came on my ipod three birds started circling above me, they stayed circling and the last one did not leave until the song had finished. I felt that it was him saying I am ok, at peace and free to go wherever I want to now. It was a sad moment but also comforting.

This is lovely...

I felt him around a lot too, in the first few weeks. I think many of us did. He's not around me so much now though. Maybe I'm letting go....
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I have moments definately when I feel he is here, but I wish I felt it more. The morning of the 26th the day after...he left, I was in the garden listening to his music and when smile came on my ipod three birds started circling above me, they stayed circling and the last one did not leave until the song had finished. I felt that it was him saying I am ok, at peace and free to go wherever I want to now. It was a sad moment but also comforting.

That's beautiful.
Thanks for sharing that.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

What do you think of Cherokee Billie? She apparently receives messages from Michael pretty regularly(see what Michael told her about his funeral). I check her website, she seems legit but I'd prefer seeing the channeling on video so I can tell for myself if they're in a trance state.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

What do you think of Cherokee Billie? She apparently receives messages from Michael pretty regularly(see what Michael told her about his funeral). I check her website, she seems legit but I'd prefer seeing the channeling on video so I can tell for myself if they're in a trance state.
I personally kinda laughed about what she wrote....:smilerolleyes:
Everyone could've written that and I think Michael wouldn't tell such a 'simple' story.
It's a very standard type of writing and I don't think Michael would've told these easy things...he would've gone way deeper and mentioning other things. It's written from another persons view very obvious.
And this sentence just did it for me: "I wish that I could have been different in my life and not have used drugs. Unfortunately it was the only way I could deal with the stress of being Michael Jackson.":doh:
It just doesn't feels right for me, so no.....I really don't believe that.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

All this has really made me change my view of "heaven". I've been talking to Michael a lot, and that has made me talk to my grandparents (who died years ago) more too. I feel them closer to me all the time. I'm also doing a lot of reading up on the afterlife and psychics, and I love it! It makes me really happy to know what spirits can come visit us and that we can communicate with them too.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I got another strange thing happening to me...on the 25th of June I was watching MTV and they played Earth Song. Watched his vids so many times, but this time the following came to my mind 'what if he would die soon...before he could even tour...that would be such a chaos, the world would be in shock!'. This exactly! And only a few hours later it was the painful truth.:bugeyed
Wow, this reminds me of my experience the night of the 24th. I had a desire to watch the Geraldo interview from 2005 on YouTube. I had such intense feelings of love during it and also felt kind of weird. Can't explain it, just some strange unsettled feeling. After that, before going off to bed, I watched the O2 press conference. During that I just got this horrid inner chill-like feeling, like a darkness descended upon me, this sense of forboding. And while staring at Michael there at the podium the following quote from Romeo & Juliet boomed through my mind: "O God, I have an ill-divining soul! Methinks I see thee, now thou art so low, As one dead in the bottom of a tomb." It totally creeped me out. But I tried to blow it off and don't think I even mentioned it to my husband. Until a few days later... :(
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Well, I was out taking pictures in my garden one day, when I suddenly saw a formation on the sky looking like a J, my first thought was ofcourse Mike, so I took a picture.


Since the three was in the way, I started thinking "how cool wouldn't it be if there was an M behind the three. And look what I found, a formation in front of the J making it look like a M and J put together something like in the MJ logo or whatever it's called. :)


Well, to me it's a sign from Michael that he is with us. I see things like this almost every day without even looking for it, which I think is awsome.

That is amazing,lucky you.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

What do you think of Cherokee Billie? She apparently receives messages from Michael pretty regularly(see what Michael told her about his funeral). I check her website, she seems legit but I'd prefer seeing the channeling on video so I can tell for myself if they're in a trance state.

Cherokee Billie is full of it! She's been discussed here before... as she had a "channeling" session where she got the number of kids Michael had wrong... :mello: Her ongoing messages only continue to affirm that she's full of BS to me.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Glad to see you've joined us! Great story with the awesome. The only kind of obvious "sign" I've gotten from Michael was watching his burial on CNN... the coverage was at the point where we were watching the family's cars drive over to Forest Lawn...and at one moment I thought "I wonder if Michael is there with them or is going to be present at this" and then BAM...the scene changed and his face instantly showed up on the footage! Not many other people seemed to recognize it, but I saw it immediately - it JUMPED at me...and made my heart skip. I was lucky enough to remember to hit my print screen button in those 2 seconds so that I could save it:

Even without these "signs", I don't know how anyone can't truly feel his ongoing existence. I feel it all the time... and I just know he's ok. :angel:

Also, I can't say I'm a "highly sensitive person" - but when it comes to Michael, I'm highly sensitive... I know what you mean about really feeling his pain. I've felt that too...on such a deep level, it surprised me. When I started to research him out after he died, I went through thousands of videos on him. And the more and more I saw of him and heard him talk...saw his beautiful soul and realized what he went through and how he just didn't deserve heart much. I feel great compassion for him. I'm so glad he's now free from the pains this world gave him.

When I looked at this a few days ago I couldn't see his face at all.I then saw the pic with the arrows on pointing out the different parts but I still couldn't see it clearly and it didn't look like Mike to me at all.I just come across your pic again that someone had quoted and Oh My God I can see him as clearly as anything tonight! :shock:
That is one amazing picture! :yes:
Thanks for posting it!

Edited to say- I just can't get over this pic,I can't stop looking at it! I don't know how I didn't see Michael before,some reason he is really standing out at me tonight!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Well, I was out taking pictures in my garden one day, when I suddenly saw a formation on the sky looking like a J, my first thought was ofcourse Mike, so I took a picture.


Since the three was in the way, I started thinking "how cool wouldn't it be if there was an M behind the three. And look what I found, a formation in front of the J making it look like a M and J put together something like in the MJ logo or whatever it's called. :)


Well, to me it's a sign from Michael that he is with us. I see things like this almost every day without even looking for it, which I think is awsome.

That is beautiful! I have never seen a cloud formation like that before.It is definitely a sign :yes:
Thank you for sharing.I just love this thread! So many amazing experiences :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Just wanted to ask those that go on other MJ forums, is anyone on there talking about experiences like these that we are having?
Just interested in knowing if we are all being visited in some way by Michael :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

When I looked at this a few days ago I couldn't see his face at all.I then saw the pic with the arrows on pointing out the different parts but I still couldn't see it clearly and it didn't look like Mike to me at all.I just come across your pic again that someone had quoted and Oh My God I can see him as clearly as anything tonight! :shock:
That is one amazing picture! :yes:
Thanks for posting it!

Edited to say- I just can't get over this pic,I can't stop looking at it! I don't know how I didn't see Michael before,some reason he is really standing out at me tonight!

Yesss! Glad you can see it now... for me it was clear as day!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I don't buy Cherokee Billie either. Aside from the obvious error of having Michael refer to his two children, she has him comment of everything that happens, even if it's private. "He" described what happened when he died exactly the way Dr. Murray claims it happened, even though Murray's story is full of holes. She posted this corroborating story after the news stories came out. It's irresponsible, IMO.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

When I looked at this a few days ago I couldn't see his face at all.I then saw the pic with the arrows on pointing out the different parts but I still couldn't see it clearly and it didn't look like Mike to me at all.I just come across your pic again that someone had quoted and Oh My God I can see him as clearly as anything tonight! :shock:
That is one amazing picture! :yes:
Thanks for posting it!

Edited to say- I just can't get over this pic,I can't stop looking at it! I don't know how I didn't see Michael before,some reason he is really standing out at me tonight!

wow!! I see it too.. what is that a picture of?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I had something interesting happen while I was falling asleep last night. I had an unknown MJ song pop into my head. I could barely hear any lyrics, but the beat was distinctive and pretty cool electronic sound. Never heard it before, but I know I could hear Michael singing it. The name of the song was (or how I chose to call it) "A Wanted Man" I'm pretty sure it was about Dr. Murray. Wish I could remember how it went, but I don't. :( Just thought it was interesting. I had this happen to me once before where I was just hearing some unknown MJ song in my head.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Love the MJ in the clouds!

CaptainEOLove85, how cool. I've had something similar happen to me a few times, but it's always been like when coming in or out of a dream and then I think... did I just hear Michael singing? You know, some song I don't know. But nothing's been vivid enough or stayed with me enough to have anything to report. Sometimes I wish one could take a little recording device into dreamland, lol.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Glad you posted that CNN pic of the cars with MJ's face, amygrace! :) When you first posted it on the other thread I saw it immediately! lol I was surprised as I'm usually not very good in decoding hidden images! lol Also, glad that other people managed to figure it out eventually! It's such a clear image of MJ's face (almost like a picture) that I got really spooked! lol