Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

Wow, I can't wait to come back from school and read that post before going to work...thank you for posting that in advance :)

I am about to spend 2 hours in the car for school listening to all Michael and J5 :heart:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Michael Jackson Archive Page

July 30, 2009: Michael Jackson's chef account confirms information of channel from Michael Jackson of oxygen tanks being carried down daily, time of death around 8:18AM, and Jamie Foxx connection. Even loss of oxygen that Michael said happened fits perfectly. For more information: Dr. Christian von Lahr's blog and Huffington Post/Associated Press Article

July 29, 2009: CNN and Larry King Live shows the effects of Propofol administered to a patient in the hospital. Within 14 seconds the patient goes unconscious and STOPS BREATHING.

July 10, 2009 :: Labratory Atmosphere Proved Accurrate: Michael Jackson revealed through Dr. Christian von Lähr that his bedroom was set up like a labratory. Now his personal cook breaks his silence that oxygen tanks were carted in and out of the home constantly and his stage handlers reveal that previous tours were set up with traveling IV's holders, drips, and much medical equipement that went from city to city along with Jackson.

July 9, 2009 :: Michael Jackson wanted children with Rowe: 20/20 interview with Joe Jackson airing July 9, 2009 states he will make the children "strong Jackson's" under his care. This is exactly why Michael did not want his parents getting custody - and having his children going through what he experienced growing up.

July 9, 2009 :: Michael Jackson's body not in casket proved correct: Dr. von Lähr stated on July 8, 2009 that the casket at the funeral in the Staples Center did not have the body of Michael Jackson. Entertainment Tonight reports showing footage that the body was delivered to the Funeral Memorial the night before.

July 7, 2009 :: Michael Jackson's Message Regarding his Funeral:

Michael Jackson had this to say:

"My funeral I held myself."

"I invited or otherwise received a small but select group of well-wishers, teachers, guiding influences, and ‘real' luminaries of life as would be commonly known, and some above or beyond common awareness too. My insightful guests were sincere and personal, all genuine, spiritual in total. Their interest was to be with me while I entered my contemplation: appraise myself fully and let surface those things that were [the core] of my being, so that I can know me; contemplate my death, yet not death, and what it meant to [me], as well as others; resolve my challenge ...the complications of stardom that overshadowed my being merely someone expressing themselves through human flaws, yet still truly under the world's floodlights; acknowledge [all] of those who had importance to me, not only significance; evaluate [all] people and persons in that life so as to know their [true] value, meaning(s), motivation, and the mutual benefit(s) to one another we had, if any; recount those many things I was meant to do in that world, yet did not, due to my many imperfections, whether imagined, real or imposed; contemplate what genuine life purpose, or value, I [may] have held; ascertain how I can continue to serve life, and the incomprehensible holiness ─ even in passing ─ to make my unique difference, ... for all time.", help me cherish my own memories; find peace that I might go on."

"My humble eulogy was most compassionately presided over by Mother Teresa, One who always comes to those who suffer in solitude. The angels were her choir and they were splendid. The assemblage could resonate with the rainbow hues of her tribute as sound and color, and emotion and reality are all one in her church."

"Princes Diane shone radiantly at my side and held me firm as I trembled on one knee, much as I did in life. She gave off the glow of strength under futility, and kept me proud when overshadowed by my weaknesses. I listened to my [Truth] and knew that even forever flawed, I would always enjoy relatively perfect guidance."

"My showman was a quintessential personification of musical entertainment. Mr. Liberace played each passage of every song right alongside the ceremony of the real world that I might fully enjoy their message, carried high. Lee took his bow, and bowed to me for the great promise I held for the world, ... in time."

"My Diane, my Elizabeth, my friends. None were forgotten, for we all have our counterparts in this world I now occupy. They were here with me in what others might call "spirit." Brook was able to reach up even though active in the real world. The children, my children, glowed clearly as our hearts reached out to each other. I could experience the [feeling] of my mother - my angel. My father, brothers and sisters joined hands in spiritual harmony once more, and I was complete. There is no number, even here, for the many friends and companions who took great care of me in life, but they were all honored here."

"Before Walt came up to entertain us with visions of wonder and merriment that crossed realms, we received an audience of millions of children from around the world. The sat wherever, with whomever and were followed by the very essence of my fans everywhere. Together, as family, we shared the light of my soul and I lay judged before all. We laughed, we cried, we cheered and we felt woe as the facets of my existence where projected for all to see, hear, and feel."

"My ceremony ended with [complete] peace."

Dr. Christian von Lähr states:

"There are still many surprises and illusions going on in the life of Michael Jackson. Most of what is seen is a pre-meditated presentation of purpose. The trick of the magic casket has yet to be revealed. It will be ever-evident that the life of Michael is a "managed" thing, and any truth we might realize will not be easily revealed, or uncovered without effort."

July 6, 2009 :: Jamie Foxx prediction proved accurate: Dr. von Lähr predicted Jamie Foxx wanted to impersonate and re-inact the dance moves of Michael Jackson which is exactly what he did for the opening of the BET 2009 Award Show. Dr. von Lähr also predicted that Jamie Foxx wants to play Michael Jackson in a movie about his life.

July 6, 2009 :: Green Oxygen Tank prediction proved accurate: In an interview on July 3, 2009, Dr. von Lähr reported a vision of Michael Jackson being hooked up to a green oxygen tank inside his home. FOX News, ABC and Inside Edition all showed the brand new images of just such a tank on July 6, 2009.

Wednesday July 1, 2009 Breaking News :: Nutritionist/Nurse Cherilyn Lee breaks her silence: In an interview reported to Inside Edition and E! News back on June 26, 2009 - Christopher Valentine stated that Jackson had been under the care of Lee in February '09 which she has now substantiated. She also admitted to giving Jackson intravenous C injections also reported a week earlier. See Article. This is the same time period Jackson's camp sought help with MRSA.

Wednesday July 1, 2009 Breaking News :: Dr. von Lähr Makes the Connection: Though people may have forgotten, Michael Jackson suffered from allergies. People of this condition are not intended to be using "Diprivan" the drug Michael asked for near his end. If he was giving this, it could lead to the cause of actual death.

Wednesday July 1, 2009 Breaking News :: MRSA linked with chimpanzee attack: In a violent chimpanzee attack reported ealier this year - it has been found that a MRSA infection ensued. This report found today is similar to the channeled messages received through Christian von Lähr on July 28, 2009 of a connection between Jackson's MRSA infection and his proximity to animals at the Neverland Ranch.

Monday June 29, 2009 Breaking News :: Secret Trust Fund for children proved accurrate: Media reports what Michael Jackson revealed less than 48 hours earlier through Dr. von Lähr.

Sunday June 28, 2009 Breaking News :: Debbie Rowe makes a stunning announcement: Audiences were shocked to hear as Michael Jackson revealed for the first time in his LIVE world-wide interview on Coast to Coast AM through psychic Medium Dr. Christian von Lähr that he did not father his children. Less than 24 hours later Debbie Rowe confirms to the world the truth that Michael and she never consumated their marriage and that she was impregnated by an anonymous donor. See Article.

Saturday June 27, 2009 Breaking News :: Michael Jackson's First World-Wide Interview LIVE: Michael Jackson has tapped world-renowned clairvoyant Psychic Medium and clairvoyant Medical Intuitive Dr. Christian von Lähr to be the Medium for a LIVE media interview he has expressed his wish to conduct. At 12AM Pacific 3AM Eastern the behind the scenes efforts to save Michael Jackson are revealed on Coast to Coast AM heard worldwide along with the first Groundbreaking Interview with Michael Jackson since his crossing-over.

Friday June 26, 2009 Michael Jackson Connects : Michael Jackson has indicated he would like to do a LIVE interview after re-connecting with Medium Dr. Christian von Lähr and giving him pages of detailed information about his life, what it's like on the other side, his assets and a secret trust account set-up for his children.

Thursday June 25, 2009 Breaking News :: The Real Story Behind Michael Jackson's Death: Michael Jackson's death did not come out of nowhere - he has been sick for quite some time with MRSA Disease. Get the behind the scenes information to save him since February 2009:

Dr. Christian von Lähr, a renowned clairvoyant medical intuitive, and psychic Medium had been consulting with a Medical Researcher for some time prior. He foresaw the significance of this major celebrity illness, and the promise of treatment and worked with the researcher to speedily get things to the public. He predicted the date of a major condition with Michael Jackson, and furthered efforts with the Medical group to reach out to get celebrity support. Our client, the developer of the breakthrough treatment method was clandestinely contacted this past February, and a meeting ensued.

2 Representatives from Michael Jackson contacted and met with our client a major Medical Resource company in February 2009 in Los Angeles to treat Mercer Disease that Michael Jackson has been battling with ground-breaking new light-therapy device, one that held the promise of treating Cancer conditions. A famous celebrity has also been involved in behind the scenes activity to save Michael Jackson.

Christian, and myself, Christopher Valentine were immediately in contact with the researcher when the news first broke. Our concern, was that treatment was available, and that Christian - who has the ability to look inside the human body for medical conditions, and even project into the future could see a viable recovery. Our inventor and researcher remains available with details on the attendance, location an time - to which we are somewhat aware as well, as we were in phone consultation with the Researcher at the time. This was partly because Christian had noted this would be the date that this major event revolving around the new medical breakthrough would occur.

MRSA Disease is caused by the over-use of antibiotics caused by so many plastic surgery procedures. Michael Jackson had developed the inability to fight off infections like the common staph bacteria. Christian has medically intuitive and psychic insight, as well, on conditions that lead Mr. Jackson to develop a behavior, focuses, and conditions that contributed to his difficulties with life in the public.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

This Christian guy claimed that MJ's kids wasn't his and MJ told him that supposedly!? Right... It was discussed earlier in this thread and I wouldn't trust him so much... I'd go with Bonnie...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Last night when I was laying in bed at like 4:30 am I saw a strange shadow figure by my dresser. I didnt want to get up I got a little scared. I heard a noise sounded like something hit the wall by my computer and I got up and didnt see anything that fell so I went back to bed. The next day I found the You Are Not Alone single laying on the floor. I wondered how it fell of my shelf.
That's so cool! :)

In regard to Christian V.L., I've been an avid Coast to Coast listener for about 14 years and heard the "channeling Michael" show back in June. I've also read updates on Christian's website (including when he's posted tabloid crap like some guy who was claiming to be MJ's gay lover :rolleyes:). I don't know what to think. There were a few highly interesting moments like when he said on June 27th "I hope the trust works out". This was before the will had been found. How would he know about the MJ Family Trust? However, at the same time there are some things that have been channeled that I just don't buy. I'm on the fence about him. However, I do find it possible that he's not getting everything right. What I mean is that maybe he does channel Michael at times. Maybe some info that comes through is genuinely from Michael, but maybe some of it is Christian's own mind filling in the blanks, who knows. Remember that even the James Van Praaghs and John Edwards' of the world sometimes get info that is just seemingly w-r-o-n-g. Maybe from brain interference or misinterpretations or even info that they don't understand or even gets overlayed from another source. Who's to say.

One thing that amazed me, though (and it could be a coincidence) is that Christian came up with the date August 20th (about something important being announced, a message to fans, etc ... this was posted in this thread two weeks ago). Thing is, a week before that, when asking Michael about where his body was and what was going to happen, I received the message "next Thursday". I thought, next Thursday? Then I got a strong, "Yes, the 20th." I had to pause then and actually count the days to figure out if next Thursday was really the 20th, lol. Yes, it was. I personally interpreted it to mean that he'd be buried on Aug 20th. Or at least it would be announced about when/where on Aug 20th. Both wrong in then end, seemingly, but why? Maybe Michael's response to me wasn't even about the burial and I just didn't understand correctly. Or maybe at that point it was planned to announce when/where on the 20th and then Joe blew it by blabbing to the media early. But even then, the announcement by him and then officially on the 18th was about what turned out to be the wrong date (his birthday). Then consider that LaToya reportedly told a Las Vegas news channel on the evening of Thursday the 20th that the date had been changed to Sep 3rd. This was the night before it was officially announced by the family spokesperson (wish I could find the post where this was said at the time - ok, found a thread here). In any case, finding out that Christian had gotten a message specifically naming AUGUST 20th and so had I really made me wonder. I really don't know what to think.
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

So I just got a chance to sit down and read all that...

Wow! I think a lot of it is BS unfortunately. But, that's just what I think...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Very interesting articles above. Some things definitely hit home with me. Even when messages are spoken from those you may not initially "trust", you have to still take time to feel it out.

I have to agree with this statement...

I do find it possible that he's not getting everything right. What I mean is that maybe he does channel Michael at times. Maybe some info that comes through is genuinely from Michael, but maybe some of it is Christian's own mind filling in the blanks, who knows. Remember that even the James Van Praaghs and John Edwards' of the world sometimes get info that is just seemingly w-r-o-n-g. Maybe from brain interference or misinterpretations or even info that they don't understand or even gets overlayed from another source.

As discussed previously in this thread before, information given to psychics often get "filtered" -as the psychic's own personal views/thoughts affect the message as a whole. That doesn't mean that they weren't truly channeling, just that they're human :p and don't always hear/interpret messages fully and accurately.

MJstarlight said:
The next day I found the You Are Not Alone single laying on the floor. I wondered how it fell of my shelf.

Why to tell you something of course! "You Are Not Alone"!!! :D
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I would like to think that Michael had such a wonderful and grand funeral with the stars...but I just dunno...It all sounds a little fictionalized, and too good to be true. What does everyone else think...?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I would like to think that Michael had such a wonderful and grand funeral with the stars...but I just dunno...It all sounds a little fictionalized, and too good to be true. What does everyone else think...?

That part...I don't know what to think. It does indeed sound like a good story...and I do think that it is possible...but....I dunno...
I lean more towards bullhonkey. I could be wrong though. :p
Re: Psychic channels Michael

That part...I don't know what to think. It does indeed sound like a good story...and I do think that it is possible...but....I dunno...
I lean more towards bullhonkey. I could be wrong though. :p

thaaat's what i'm thinking.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I would like to think that Michael had such a wonderful and grand funeral with the stars...but I just dunno...It all sounds a little fictionalized, and too good to be true. What does everyone else think...?

I think he is a Charlatan and everything he says is BS
for those who dont know - he also had MJ confess to child
molestation in one of his so called channelings .. he attacks
anyone who asks questions and belittles people .. I think the
man is evil ..

he also had Mj calling his parents Mom and pops
which MJ has never called his parents - he also
had MJ say Kathering was very judjmental and
and made him feel guilty for his life choices

His partner on his website believes in and
channels elves and lepraucans ..
so make you own decision _

You need to be very discering in these things
I hope fans would not be so gullible

Plus I dont think his story of Michael having his own
funeral sounds anything like Michael or what he would say
that was silly to me .. i didnt get any good feeling from
it at all ... please be careful :better:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I would like to think that Michael had such a wonderful and grand funeral with the stars...but I just dunno...It all sounds a little fictionalized, and too good to be true. What does everyone else think...?

It sounds more like fanfic than real communication to me.

This Christian guy claimed that MJ's kids wasn't his and MJ told him that supposedly!? Right... It was discussed earlier in this thread and I wouldn't trust him so much... I'd go with Bonnie...

Right. BS detector went off with that. With Bonnie, he was so concerned about his children and that they might heard bad things and how he wanted them to be proud of him... that sounds like Michael. Saying he was guarded with what he said because he knew it would be made public sounds like Michael, an doesn't seem like something a faker would think to say. The Christian stuff doesn't seem real to me. Maybe the guy has psychic ability - he did say some things, like about the oxygen tanks, that are like whoa.... but too much is off.
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

I think he is a Charlatan and everything he says is BS
for those who dont know - he also had MJ confess to child
molestation in one of his so called channelings .. he attacks
anyone who asks questions and belittles people .. I think the
man is evil ..

he also had Mj calling his parents Mom and pops
which MJ has never called his parents - he also
had MJ say Kathering was very judjmental and
and made him feel guilty for his life choices

Yikes...did not know this. *shakes head in shame*...that's just not cool.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Ha yea, I thought BS. That was my first post...just was wondering if anyone else thought the same LOL Michael is not conceited enough to throw a funeral for himself and then brag about it...LOL
Re: Psychic channels Michael

For Real. It's not that I don't believe he's been reunited with friends like Lady Diana and James Brown, but c'mon.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

At this point, only psychic I'm putting my trust on is Bonnie Vent. Most of the rest are probably in it for the money or publicity.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Yea. Maybe Mike is chillin' out somewhere with Lady Di and James Brown and his Gma...but I'm sure he isn't going to channel someone just to TELL them that.

The part about Walt Disney made me random. I know he loved him and all...but what exactly would Walt Disney be doing to 'entertain' people?? LOL Drawing pictures??
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I thought about that too lol. Can Walt Disney make magic in heaven?
this is all so weird to think about
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Hi guys! Thought I might be joining this thread, I kinda read with it from the beginning but never actually responded.:blush:
Since I was little I've been a highly sensitive person. (More info:
I had some troubles in my life cuz I always felt I was different than other people, like I was more intelligent, more understanding, more feeling....only my aunt I felt compassionate with because she feels the same way. I just discovered it had actually kind of a name by last year.
Does anyone know about that 'highly sensitive' thing? Or is anybody out here feeling like that too?:)

Anyway, this highly sensitive part of me always gave me the feeling I needed to do more on this earth, that I can't stay just a normal average person. I have huge ambitions and sometimes I feel touched by something. That's what I admire in Michael so much, I can totally compare myself to him in this! I can almost feel his hurt and can so understand his frustrations of not being understood, that it's almost scary. I feel misunderstood all the time, I feel there's actually no one who really knows me and can be what I search for in a true friend and so on.

So with me being this...I also experienced some strange things over the past. I'm gonna keep it short cuz I'm already talking way too long, LOL, but the last weeks I felt Michael's presence. Probably way not that much like a psychic, but enough to know that he's really taking care of us and is in a better place right now.
Like after the memorial on 7th of July, I went outside (night here) and was just walking around...bringing up memories, singing, and I then looked up at the sky, said 'Hi Michael' and BOOM:bugeyed...just one big thunderlightning! No others that evening. That just was a sign for me.
Michael made me believe in something higher even more than I already did.

Well, that was enough told by me. I love reading about your experiences guys, and I love those tips about meditation!:yes:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

For Real. It's not that I don't believe he's been reunited with friends like Lady Diana and James Brown, but c'mon.

Did you read the Allan Kardec's books?Are you had studied about these things?The Bible?What are you know exactly about life after the death?

When we talk about anything we must have a deep knowledge about it.When we die we can criate our ouwn places and can see ppl that wanted to see.Read the books...You'll know a lot of things.

Re: Psychic channels Michael

Like after the memorial on 7th of July, I went outside (night here) and was just walking around...bringing up memories, singing, and I then looked up at the sky, said 'Hi Michael' and BOOM:bugeyed...just one big thunderlightning! No others that evening. That just was a sign for me.
Michael made me believe in something higher even more than I already did.
Me too. I always 'believed' (but I have a very skeptical mind, so I'm forever seeking more proof, alternating between belief and thinking it's all in my mind, no matter how much "duh!" experiences I get :smilerolleyes:), but from the moment I knew Michael had passed it was like I just KNEW without any doubt that he still existed. I surprised myself in that I didn't even start to feel any of my usual doubts until a good month or so later, lol. I've had quite a few experiences these last couple of months in which I believe there was contact with Michael and signs that he's ok. But the level of faith I felt that he's alright, that he now truly knows just how much we really love him, etc... it surprised even me. The idea of dying also suddenly felt much less unnerving. I know plenty of people who've felt even more pensive or scared about the 'other side' after a close loved one died, so losing someone I feel so much for doesn't seem to be the explanation. I don't know how to put it all into words, but most days I have a much nicer feeling about the eternal nature of our souls and the universe than before. Most days. Some days, though, that skeptic in me comes back and tortures me for some hours, though...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Did you read the Allan Kardec's books?Are you had studied about these things?The Bible?What are you know exactly about life after the death?

When we talk about anything we must have a deep knowledge about it.When we die we can criate our ouwn places and can see ppl that wanted to see.Read the books...You'll know a lot of things.


Maybe you misunderstood what I posted, because I said that I DO believe he has reunited with friends, I just don't believe Christian's story. I do believe mediums communicate with spirits, and I have read about it. I believe Bonnie. I don't believe Christian.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

the last weeks I felt Michael's presence. Probably way not that much like a psychic, but enough to know that he's really taking care of us and is in a better place right now.
Like after the memorial on 7th of July, I went outside (night here) and was just walking around...bringing up memories, singing, and I then looked up at the sky, said 'Hi Michael' and BOOM:bugeyed...just one big thunderlightning! No others that evening. That just was a sign for me.
Michael made me believe in something higher even more than I already did.

Well, that was enough told by me. I love reading about your experiences guys, and I love those tips about meditation!:yes:

Glad to see you've joined us! Great story with the awesome. The only kind of obvious "sign" I've gotten from Michael was watching his burial on CNN... the coverage was at the point where we were watching the family's cars drive over to Forest Lawn...and at one moment I thought "I wonder if Michael is there with them or is going to be present at this" and then BAM...the scene changed and his face instantly showed up on the footage! Not many other people seemed to recognize it, but I saw it immediately - it JUMPED at me...and made my heart skip. I was lucky enough to remember to hit my print screen button in those 2 seconds so that I could save it:

Even without these "signs", I don't know how anyone can't truly feel his ongoing existence. I feel it all the time... and I just know he's ok. :angel:

Also, I can't say I'm a "highly sensitive person" - but when it comes to Michael, I'm highly sensitive... I know what you mean about really feeling his pain. I've felt that too...on such a deep level, it surprised me. When I started to research him out after he died, I went through thousands of videos on him. And the more and more I saw of him and heard him talk...saw his beautiful soul and realized what he went through and how he just didn't deserve heart much. I feel great compassion for him. I'm so glad he's now free from the pains this world gave him.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Oh wow... I didn't see it at first, and just as I was about to move on, it came into focus. Wow. Thanks for the screencap. I don't think I would have had the wits to capture it.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Maybe this one will help some to see it better? (click on it to zoom in)


I can't NOT see I wasn't looking for a sign or just appeared and was very obvious to me! :D
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Maybe this one will help some to see it better? (click on it to zoom in)


I can't NOT see I wasn't looking for a sign or just appeared and was very obvious to me! :D

What the...?? :mello:

I see a truck and a cross on top....
Re: Psychic channels Michael

What the...?? :mello:

I see a truck and a cross on top....

Wow, Amygrace! I see his face like that everywhere these days. I see his face in the sky formations often, I even saw what looked like MJ written with clouds - took a picture I can post later if you want. I can see the face youre talking about.

And DanceOfZenab1994; I can't see the truck! All I see is Mike :D
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Me too. I always 'believed' (but I have a very skeptical mind, so I'm forever seeking more proof, alternating between belief and thinking it's all in my mind, no matter how much "duh!" experiences I get :smilerolleyes:), but from the moment I knew Michael had passed it was like I just KNEW without any doubt that he still existed. I surprised myself in that I didn't even start to feel any of my usual doubts until a good month or so later, lol. I've had quite a few experiences these last couple of months in which I believe there was contact with Michael and signs that he's ok. But the level of faith I felt that he's alright, that he now truly knows just how much we really love him, etc... it surprised even me. The idea of dying also suddenly felt much less unnerving. I know plenty of people who've felt even more pensive or scared about the 'other side' after a close loved one died, so losing someone I feel so much for doesn't seem to be the explanation. I don't know how to put it all into words, but most days I have a much nicer feeling about the eternal nature of our souls and the universe than before. Most days. Some days, though, that skeptic in me comes back and tortures me for some hours, though...

Same here. I was always a spiritual person and open minded about paranormal experiences, but never felt like I really experienced it myself. I was already leaning towards there being an afterlife, but I was still concerned about what happens when we die. What if I'm wrong and you just disappear after death? That's what scared me the most. I was never really afraid to die, but I didn't want to disappear because the human mind just can't contemplate it. When Michael died, some weeks afterward I became even more spiritual than I ever was before. I think a part of me was just wanting for there to be an afterlife because I didn't want to imagine Michael to be really gone. I wanted him to be in a happy place, and not just gone. :( I thought it was kind of foolish to think this way, but I wanted to just start talking to him hoping his spirit really did live on and he could maybe hear me. I just got the feeling that I just knew he was still here in spirit. There are some things in life you just know. They are instinctual and can't be rationalized by logic, it's just a gut feeling. So I felt like I just knew Michael survived after death, and I believe that to be true. I'm very aware of his presence. He's given me signs both in my dreams and my waking life. I really don't fear death, just knowing that he's safe and we do live on in spirit. We still exist and have consciousness after death. I'm very positive of that now. Of course I still rationalize and question things. It's in my nature to do so. It is a human thing to want to know the truth, and I've always wanted to know the truth about everything. And this is something that can not be explained. I don't even understand it myself. I also know science can't explain the afterlife at this moment, but it doesn't mean it can't be explained in the future. I think if it ever does get explained, then it will be explained at the quantum physical level. I know that's a branch of science that's not always taken seriously, but I believe it has merit. I even have my own assumptions about what the afterlife is truly like, but I'm sure they will be proven wrong when I die. No one can ever know what to expect. We can only speculate.