Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

We (me and my sis, both fans..Jenny is also on this forum) went to Derek Ogilvie's show this evening.
He is a known medium over here, talks to spirits..

When his show started they threw in "Can you feel it" from the Jacksons"
Derek was singing and talking along 'Give it up for Michael Jackson, he's here, etc...
It felt pretty amazing (obviously we had asked for a sign and that was it).

Then after the show my sis got the change to talk to Derek and told him his openingsong blew us away and right after she spoke to him about michael her bracelet broke leaving the beads all over the place...LOL.
Derek was still with us and noticed something fell and went HUH WHAT was THAT...
Funny, good to see Michael has kept his sense of humor ;).
Re: Psychic channels Michael

amygrace....thanks for sharing these links....somehow it comforts me to hear those word coming from the medium........for me it sounded like MICHAEL........the real MICHAEL I mean ...not the SUPERSTAR Michael...but the real MAN Michael...the Daddy MICHAEL........I can feel his pains and worries for his children and those he loves the end these are the people that he truly cares about....and it made me respect HIM and love HIM more for that.......
Re: Psychic channels Michael

for me it sounded like MICHAEL........the real MICHAEL I mean ...not the SUPERSTAR Michael...but the real MAN Michael...the Daddy MICHAEL........I can feel his pains and worries for his children and those he loves the end these are the people that he truly cares about....and it made me respect HIM and love HIM more for that.......

Amen to that. Glad you felt it too.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I haven't been on this thread for about a week, cause been busy.

Anyway, something strange happened to me on two different occasions. One was on the 4th of Sept (I remember cause it was my b-day), and I was crawling into bed, and my hubby was turning off the lights in the flat, then I heard a whisper! I dunno what was said.. but sure as sh*t it was a whisper. My hubby didn't say anything, and it sounded like it was literally right by my ear! It sounded like a softly spoken man's voice. Kinda like Michaels. I don't know what it was, but it said something!:blink:

Then like a day later the same thing happened! I was outside and walking out of my mum-in law's house when I heard the same whisper again! It was a little louder, but I still couldn't make out what was said! My hubby probably thinks I am insane.

I have been trying to clear my mind lately and ask my angels or whatever to come forward and just be here with me. I dunno if it was Michael, or an angel or spirits? I dunno.:mello:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I had this dream last night that I felt was really significant so I thought I'd share it here. Before I went to sleep last night I asked Michael if there was anything he wanted to tell me in my dreams, to go for it, but only if he wanted to. So I had this dream, and I thought it was really beautiful

Michael's children were staying with my brother and his gf. I think this is because I have been thinking how they might get married someday and I wouldn't mind having a little niece or nephew. Michael was sitting Indian style in front of the front door of my house. He looked how he did at the 02 press conference. His kids were with him and he was singing. My old radio was sitting on the floor across from him and it was playing a brand new never heard before song. I walked by and said “Oh so you are recording it.” I pointed to the radio. I think he nodded his head or at least acknowledged I was there. He was saying some important words to his kids, and maybe to me. I don't remember what exactly he said but it seemed to be about being happy in spite of the media. Then Blanket was talking about some musician that died and he said “Is that you daddy?” Then he started to cry. Prince and Paris also looked sad, but they didn't cry. Michael then hugged all three of them really tight. Then I started asking Michael questions. I could hear him, but he was really faint and then I couldn't hear him at all. His lips were moving, but I didn't hear a sound and the dream just faded away.

This dream felt like proof absolutely without a doubt that Michael has been visiting and he's aware that I've been (trying to) communicate with him, even though I've been frustrated because I can't really have a direct communication with him.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I love this thread and reading these experiences.. just wanted to say that :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I think that Michael is so intellectually and spiritually in touch with all of his fans that are requesting the contact. He is so bright and well aware of what is going on not only on earth, but I'm sure where ever he is at. He was always so sensitive to feelings while he was here, I am positive he has even more heightened sensitivity. If you feel that you had an experience or a communication with Michael then I really think that you probably did.

I haven't had any communication with Michael in so long...but I haven't really tried for it. He is at rest now, peaceful rest. I may try again though...I am actually really dying to try again.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I had this dream last night that I felt was really significant so I thought I'd share it here. Before I went to sleep last night I asked Michael if there was anything he wanted to tell me in my dreams, to go for it, but only if he wanted to. So I had this dream, and I thought it was really beautiful

Michael's children were staying with my brother and his gf. I think this is because I have been thinking how they might get married someday and I wouldn't mind having a little niece or nephew. Michael was sitting Indian style in front of the front door of my house. He looked how he did at the 02 press conference. His kids were with him and he was singing. My old radio was sitting on the floor across from him and it was playing a brand new never heard before song. I walked by and said “Oh so you are recording it.” I pointed to the radio. I think he nodded his head or at least acknowledged I was there. He was saying some important words to his kids, and maybe to me. I don't remember what exactly he said but it seemed to be about being happy in spite of the media. Then Blanket was talking about some musician that died and he said “Is that you daddy?” Then he started to cry. Prince and Paris also looked sad, but they didn't cry. Michael then hugged all three of them really tight. Then I started asking Michael questions. I could hear him, but he was really faint and then I couldn't hear him at all. His lips were moving, but I didn't hear a sound and the dream just faded away.

This dream felt like proof absolutely without a doubt that Michael has been visiting and he's aware that I've been (trying to) communicate with him, even though I've been frustrated because I can't really have a direct communication with him.

Thanks for sharing. I have no doubt that your conclusion is right. But the part about Blanket made me cry :cry: I'm sure he's been visiting them all the time....and us too :)

I think that Michael is so intellectually and spiritually in touch with all of his fans that are requesting the contact. He is so bright and well aware of what is going on not only on earth, but I'm sure where ever he is at. He was always so sensitive to feelings while he was here, I am positive he has even more heightened sensitivity. If you feel that you had an experience or a communication with Michael then I really think that you probably did.

I haven't had any communication with Michael in so long...but I haven't really tried for it. He is at rest now, peaceful rest. I may try again though...I am actually really dying to try again.

Well said :)
I knida feel like it's not a big effort to communicate with him... almost like he's kindof always there...if that doesn't sound crazy. But I know what you mean, sometimes to get a clearer connection it takes deliberate trying.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

A question:

I was researching more mediums and just reading some channel transcripts (not of Michael, just in general) and I noticed a few of the spirits were mentioning God and stuff. Do some spirits really mention God? What does this mean when "they" do?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Can't believe I've missed this 81 pages long thread.
I've not read through what you guys have written yet though.

But I feel like, this woman actually believes what she's saying - however I don't think Michael actually is connecting with her. I just think she has got some form of mental disorder.
I'm very spiritual myself, and a lot of weird things has happened to me in my life also.
But I think she's crossed a line in what at least I feel is believable.
It's a little bit too much "Ghost Whisperer" over her when she starts to connect with Michael live in front of the camera, right there.

But you know, seeing Michael in different forms and stuff connecting with Michael somehow is something I strongly believe because we as fans are subconsciously always "looking for it".
These snippets of music playing in her head all the time is something I can connect to also, it's like you can get hooked up on a part of a song and that snippet plays and plays until you stumble across something in your day that connects with it.

So anyway, I hope I'm not disrespectful but I think that this lady either have a mental disorder or is trying to put on some weird hoax.
To me it's really like she's trying to promote herself, because in the end of the day there will always be people in situations like this that will believe this enough to contact her and want to be a part of what she's "going trough".

With this said, I absolutely respect anyone of you guys that believe her story.
I'm not the one to judge, I just wanted to express how I feel about this "situation".
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Can't believe I've missed this 81 pages long thread.
I've not read through what you guys have written yet though.

But I feel like, this woman actually believes what she's saying - however I don't think Michael actually is connecting with her. I just think she has got some form of mental disorder.
I'm very spiritual myself, and a lot of weird things has happened to me in my life also.
But I think she's crossed a line in what at least I feel is believable.
It's a little bit too much "Ghost Whisperer" over her when she starts to connect with Michael live in front of the camera, right there.

But you know, seeing Michael in different forms and stuff connecting with Michael somehow is something I strongly believe because we as fans are subconsciously always "looking for it".
These snippets of music playing in her head all the time is something I can connect to also, it's like you can get hooked up on a part of a song and that snippet plays and plays until you stumble across something in your day that connects with it.

So anyway, I hope I'm not disrespectful but I think that this lady either have a mental disorder or is trying to put on some weird hoax.
To me it's really like she's trying to promote herself, because in the end of the day there will always be people in situations like this that will believe this enough to contact her and want to be a part of what she's "going trough".

With this said, I absolutely respect anyone of you guys that believe her story.
I'm not the one to judge, I just wanted to express how I feel about this "situation".

Hi there
I totally respect your comments and opinons but the only thing i didnt like was the mental health bit as i have serve mental health problems but i have been a psychic since i was a little,i just found that part upseting to be honest,dont want to cause any arguyments or anything as im not like that just as a person that has mh problems and is a psychic i found it abit offensive :( x
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Hi there
I totally respect your comments and opinons but the only thing i didnt like was the mental health bit as i have serve mental health problems but i have been a psychic since i was a little,i just found that part upseting to be honest,dont want to cause any arguyments or anything as im not like that just as a person that has mh problems and is a psychic i found it abit offensive :( x

I'm sorry if that offended you, believe me it wasn't my intentions to upset anyone. :hug:
And I absolutely didn't mean that in anyway to belittle someone, especially not her in the video or you.

If I should try to rephrase that without labelling it in any way; what I meant is that I think this lady might believe she's actually have a connection with Michael even though it's just in her head. And if that is true then it's not her fault in anyway, since she's actually believing it.

I mean, sometimes "weird" stuff happens to all of us. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

A question:

I was researching more mediums and just reading some channel transcripts (not of Michael, just in general) and I noticed a few of the spirits were mentioning God and stuff. Do some spirits really mention God? What does this mean when "they" do?

God has definitely been mentioned by spirits! I think God/Source definitely exists...afterall, how would we have come into existence? There had to have been a source from which we came, just as no one can be born on earth, without their body being created and passed through their Mother.

I think it is the perception of God that is misconstrued by many people on earth. Some people automatically relate "God" with a man in the sky. Some relate it to a woman, some relate it to just a light/energy. Of all perceptions, the underlying concept is simply that of an energy from whence we came.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

God has definitely been mentioned by spirits! I think God/Source definitely exists...afterall, how would we have come into existence? There had to have been a source from which we came, just as no one can be born on earth, without their body being created and passed through their Mother.

I think it is the perception of God that is misconstrued by many people on earth. Some people automatically relate "God" with a man in the sky. Some relate it to a woman, some relate it to just a light/energy. Of all perceptions, the underlying concept is simply that of an energy from whence we came.

Yeah, that's how I've always seen "God" myself, as an energy or substance that is undefinable, with consciousness that permeates the universe, or basically is the universe. I've never believed in organized religion's idea of "God." Just used as a tool basically to influence people, but that's really a topic I wouldn't want to get into due to controversy. And I respect everyone's beliefs here.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Yeah, that's how I've always seen "God" myself, as an energy or substance that is undefinable, with consciousness that permeates the universe, or basically is the universe. I've never believed in organized religion's idea of "God." Just used as a tool basically to influence people, but that's really a topic I wouldn't want to get into due to controversy. And I respect everyone's beliefs here.

Very well said! And I completely agree, with your entire statement.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Very well said! And I completely agree, with your entire statement.

you know, being brought up Catholic I always always believed in God as an actual being. But since all this happened with Michael I've been doing a lot of thinking and reading and my whole idea of the afterlife has changed...and I've come to think of God as what both of you just said, like more an energy force rather than a being. I'm really enjoying learning about all this.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I also believe in what CaptainEO said. I have never believed, or even tried to imagine, one being being the 'ruler' of the universe. It's gotta be something even bigger and stronger than a being and energy is the only thing imaginable to myself that could be 'in charge' of all of this mess we call the universe :) LOL
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I'm with you guys about God, I'm also looking at God as the energy that makes this universe go around and make all things function. Kind of like the glue that keeps universe together.

For an example; to me God is like the source of energy that makes you miss a specific bus one day, because if you would've taken that bus you would've held up the bus a specific time while boarding it so it would fit the time frame of a passing truck and they would've crashed.
I know that was a stupid example, but it's kind of how I'm looking at it.
Just like when nature catastrophes happens also.

God is like the force of nature.

Another thing, you know when you've worked your ass off for hours making a delicious meal, and just when you're about to sit down and eat you drop the food to the ground.
I used to get pissed as hell by that, but now I look at it like; "I wasn't supposed to eat that. I would've either got food poisoned or chocked to death by a piece of food".

If you start to look at things like that, that it "wasn't meant to happen", then you'll end up as a person with much more harmony inside yourself :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I'm with you guys about God, I'm also looking at God as the energy that makes this universe go around and make all things function. Kind of like the glue that keeps universe together.

For an example; to me God is like the source of energy that makes you miss a specific bus one day, because if you would've taken that bus you would've held up the bus a specific time while boarding it so it would fit the time frame of a passing truck and they would've crashed.
I know that was a stupid example, but it's kind of how I'm looking at it.
Just like when nature catastrophes happens also.

God is like the force of nature.

Another thing, you know when you've worked your ass off for hours making a delicious meal, and just when you're about to sit down and eat you drop the food to the ground.
I used to get pissed as hell by that, but now I look at it like; "I wasn't supposed to eat that. I would've either got food poisoned or chocked to death by a piece of food".

If you start to look at things like that, that it "wasn't meant to happen", then you'll end up as a person with much more harmony inside yourself :)

I love your examples. They are perfect for how I feel too.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Another thing, you know when you've worked your ass off for hours making a delicious meal, and just when you're about to sit down and eat you drop the food to the ground.
I used to get pissed as hell by that, but now I look at it like; "I wasn't supposed to eat that. I would've either got food poisoned or chocked to death by a piece of food".

If you start to look at things like that, that it "wasn't meant to happen", then you'll end up as a person with much more harmony inside yourself :)

Hahaha..."I used to get pissed as hell by that" made me giggle. It really is that annoying! lol. I hear you on what you're saying though. For instance, I have road, bad sometimes. lol. But when I'm stuck behind a car that is going insanely slow and I start to get angry about it, I pause and think "maybe this guy is protecting me from a crash"...and I bless him. You never know what is happening for whatever reason. I think there are "blessings in disguises" all around us. If we all surrender and just "go with the flow" in a sense, life is more enjoyable and peaceful.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I'm with you guys about God, I'm also looking at God as the energy that makes this universe go around and make all things function. Kind of like the glue that keeps universe together.

For an example; to me God is like the source of energy that makes you miss a specific bus one day, because if you would've taken that bus you would've held up the bus a specific time while boarding it so it would fit the time frame of a passing truck and they would've crashed.
I know that was a stupid example, but it's kind of how I'm looking at it.
Just like when nature catastrophes happens also.

God is like the force of nature.

Another thing, you know when you've worked your ass off for hours making a delicious meal, and just when you're about to sit down and eat you drop the food to the ground.
I used to get pissed as hell by that, but now I look at it like; "I wasn't supposed to eat that. I would've either got food poisoned or chocked to death by a piece of food".

If you start to look at things like that, that it "wasn't meant to happen", then you'll end up as a person with much more harmony inside yourself :)

Good way to look at things :cheeky:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Hahaha..."I used to get pissed as hell by that" made me giggle. It really is that annoying! lol. I hear you on what you're saying though. For instance, I have road, bad sometimes. lol. But when I'm stuck behind a car that is going insanely slow and I start to get angry about it, I pause and think "maybe this guy is protecting me from a crash"...and I bless him. You never know what is happening for whatever reason. I think there are "blessings in disguises" all around us. If we all surrender and just "go with the flow" in a sense, life is more enjoyable and peaceful.

I picture the car with a "safety car" sign above, like the ones they use in formula 1, when the road is wet:)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Last night I tried to meditate before bed since I wasn't too tired. Just trying to clear my mind. I admit that I've wanted/asked for contact with Michael lately and haven't felt anything very strong like before. Someone wrote a week or more ago that they aren't feeling him much now and that maybe he is letting go... or they themselves are. I know the feeling...

Anyway, in my meditation I was greeted by one of my guides. He had me follow a path into a huge cave-like place, like kind of a cathedral, but reminded me of being inside a giant geode with sparkly-ness all around on the walls and ceiling. In the center was a group of about 12-15 people all dressed in loose-fitting white clothing, sitting on the floor in a circle or oval. There was a place for me, so I sat down. I had no clue what was going on, lol. I looked around and saw the others' faces and then realized that sitting directly across from me was Michael. Wow, gorgeous. Reminded me of the '96 WMAs :wub: He was also dressed in white and he smiled at me with recognition. His face and his presence felt quite vivid. That was beautiful. I wanted to talk with him, wondering how he was, what's been going on, etc, but this was hardly the time or place. I guess I kind of gave him a whiny pleading look or something and then he smiled again, a silent laugh and looked at me like, "shhhh, we'll talk later sometime, don't worry... pay attention now, though" ;) The group put our hands up at like 90 deg angles, palm to palm around the circle. I looked into the middle and saw that the "floor" was a big open window through which I could see Earth below us. We chanted something like "love, peace, wisdom" and this white light energy came from above, through our circle (like picking up our chant energy from the center) and then down to Earth. I vaguely got some kind of message like things could get really bad down there soon (next couple of years?) and so many are working to do what can be done to try to raise the vibrations in the hopes that it might at least help to stave off the worst of it. I tried to focus, but got very sleepy suddenly and nodded off.

I'm not saying this was real (in whatever sense real is), just sharing. It was just a meditation, a mind journey. Aside from dreams in which I know MJ is somewhere near (same hotel, same city, etc) but I can't ever see him, this was my only MJ "experience" I can remember the past week or so.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I was seeing visions of Michael right after his passing and a lot during the summer but, in the last month or so..those dreams and visions of him have dwindled. I heard that when a spirit goes higher and higher into Heaven, the visits/communication you have with them gets less and less but, they are always with you and can choose to come visit you whenever they are able to just not all of the time. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Hi All! This is my email below I sent to Bonnie Vent. I have not gotten a response from her yet. I hope you don't think I'm crazy, but I do have some knowledge of these things. I do believe in God and Jesus, but perhaps not in the traditional way. I believe they are powerful, devine beings that help us.

Hello Bonnie!

My name is Jan. I'm a Registered Nurse, have been for 38 years. Mostly I've worked in the critical care areas, CCUs, ICUs and ERs. I've seen alot of people die. I know that when the body dies, the spiritual being lives on, and just about always is there with his family and dead body.

One time I exteriorized from my body. I went up to the corner of the room, the whole room looked tilted, I was looking down at my body. It really scared me! I was back in in a couple of seconds.

Also I've recalled several of my past lives, so I know what happens after death and what needs to be done.

I am not a medium like yourself, I do not have the ability right now of the precise communication that you have. I do perceive the presence of beings, don't have full certainty of who they are. I get concepts and ideas from them. I communicate to them what I'm feeling they want to know, or hear.

I was happy to read your writings and see the videos concerning Michael Jackson. I certainly believe it's true. I really love him, the beautiful person he is, along with the genius of his art. I loved it when you said your purpose was to assist him with any issues. I know, of course, a sudden death like that brings much confusion, grief, loss, etc. If my abilities were greater, I would want to help beings without bodies to come to grips with what has happened and to communicate with loved ones.

On your web site all I can find is 7/30 as being the last time you communicated with him? Anything since then? It's now Sept. Did you get anything from him in Aug or recently? I've perceived his presence approx. 4 or 5 times. I just give info of what to do when he's ready, picking up a new body. I give ideas of how to focus his intention so his loved one possibly could perceive him, or get his concept or thought -- his communication.

Sorry about this long email! I would appreciate a reply if you know how Michael is doing or what's going on.
Thanks so much!
Sincerely, Jan
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I was seeing visions of Michael right after his passing and a lot during the summer but, in the last month or so..those dreams and visions of him have dwindled. I heard that when a spirit goes higher and higher into Heaven, the visits/communication you have with them gets less and less but, they are always with you and can choose to come visit you whenever they are able to just not all of the time. :)

Yeah, me too. I felt a lot of presence (not visions for me, but in other ways) up until about a month ago. I do feel like he's gone higher.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

The group put our hands up at like 90 deg angles, palm to palm around the circle. I looked into the middle and saw that the "floor" was a big open window through which I could see Earth below us. We chanted something like "love, peace, wisdom" and this white light energy came from above, through our circle (like picking up our chant energy from the center) and then down to Earth. I vaguely got some kind of message like things could get really bad down there soon (next couple of years?) and so many are working to do what can be done to try to raise the vibrations in the hopes that it might at least help to stave off the worst of it. I tried to focus, but got very sleepy suddenly and nodded off.

I'm not saying this was real (in whatever sense real is), just sharing. It was just a meditation, a mind journey. Aside from dreams in which I know MJ is somewhere near (same hotel, same city, etc) but I can't ever see him, this was my only MJ "experience" I can remember the past week or so.

That was BEAUTIFUL and matches right up from what spirits have communicated to me and my family, about times getting very bad down here. There are a lot of spirits on the other side working with us to help raise our vibration, and there have been a lot of people born here just for that specific purpose (like Michael). What you explained I think was very real. I am sure this kind of energetic healing through sending peaceful, loving thoughts and light energy to Earth is going on often. It reminds me of the healing Earth sessions that have been done over here with psychic Starr Fuentes. She specializes in "Divine Intervention" and has had many group gatherings to chant and send good energy to different parts of the Earth. You are blessed to have been able to go there with your meditation!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Yeah, me too. I felt a lot of presence (not visions for me, but in other ways) up until about a month ago. I do feel like he's gone higher.
Me too. Very interesting that it seems to be this way with so many others as well. The end of June through July it felt like the spirit world was so close I could almost just reach right through. I had a very vivid experience on August 11th and then sometime around mid-August it was all starting to fade, for lack of a better word. My experiences became less vivid and farther away and also less often. I wish I knew the exact answers why. Perhaps the date of August 20th that I got from Michael (which I assumed at the time was the answer to when the funeral would be or when it would be announced) was significant in another way since it seems to be about the point in time we're all talking about. I can totally believe that it's because of Michael moving on to whatever next level/place/state of being, but I also wonder how much it has to do with us and our grief. Like moving through stages, in our minds slowly coming to deeper levels of acceptance and thus "letting go" as well. I just know that I certainly do not want to be demanding or too clingy, lol. I pray he goes on to higher and higher levels where he can make sense of it all and continue his spiritual growth. I'm always open for communication, but will do my best to avoid trying to 'force' it.

Sometimes I write a letter to him in my mind (I mean even visualizing it... I can see the words on the paper) and then either drop it into his postbox on the other side or sometimes a little cherub flies down and takes it from me and flies up to the Light, lol. I like the feeling of this because I can say what I feel I need to and just know that he'll get it at some point, whenever that right time is. (LOL, just thought... it's still like fan mail, lol. Guess he'll get it forever :D)