Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

Bumping this up.
Anything happening today? :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Hi again! I think Michael was a physic himself. His song Morphine a good example.
I do not feel him that close anymore since the buried him, no dreams but before it was like every second day I had a dream.. It is really strange that many ppl feel the same. No news from Bonnie.... . feels sad. It feels like he really far away now.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Hi again! I think Michael was a physic himself. His song Morphine a good example.
I do not feel him that close anymore since the buried him, no dreams but before it was like every second day I had a dream.. It is really strange that many ppl feel the same. No news from Bonnie.... . feels sad. It feels like he really far away now.

I feel exactly the same too. I just haven't been feeling as "close" to him since he's been buried. :(
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I think Michael "came back" for Janet's tribute. I felt it, anyone else? My cable's out (ARGH!) so I can't watch the VMAs on TV. I was messing around online on another forum and lost track of time. I got that sweet perfume smell I haven't sensed in weeks. I was like "whoa," then looked at the clock... the VMAs were about to start! I jumped on the VMA thread here and was able to see it online. Anyway, wow. It wasn't like he came and was hanging out with me specifically, but it felt like he was closer.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I think Michael "came back" for Janet's tribute. I felt it, anyone else? My cable's out (ARGH!) so I can't watch the VMAs on TV. I was messing around online on another forum and lost track of time. I got that sweet perfume smell I haven't sensed in weeks. I was like "whoa," then looked at the clock... the VMAs were about to start! I jumped on the VMA thread here and was able to see it online. Anyway, wow. It wasn't like he came and was hanging out with me specifically, but it felt like he was closer.

Actually, I did feel something during the performance. I was crying my eyes out and when Janet came on, I slipped on my white glove and I felt a bit of energy around me. It wasn't that intense but I felt something. Michael was definitely there with Janet though. I bet he's so proud of her.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I've watched both the initial two videos and the latest Q&A "session" ... and while I am a huge sceptic, the wording and mannerisms of the answers are just so much like Michael.

I don't know what to believe any more.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

i missed the VMAs,damnn..but am downloading it now,thanks to the member who posted them links up.about the presence,it could be either just state of mind that we have,or it can only be real.i mean,well,muslims believe that during the holy month of Ramadhan,spirits are released to this world to pay their families a visit.there could be a possibility that michael was with janet at the time.idk,just my thought.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I think Michael was definitely at the VMA's last night! I felt it during Madonna's speech. I'm sure he came then and stayed through Janet's performance. :wub:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Oh man, what a day.....this morning I watched the tribute on the VMA's (was night here when it was aired) and I totally felt it too. He must've been so proud, to see Madonna and Janet speak up for him.

After that I had some time left before I had to go to school, so I grabbed my iPod and started listening some songs....I sang and danced along, closed my eyes and pretended like I was giving a concert with Mike (yeah LOL I know) but shit...I felt him sooo much! I was so emotional and singing and dancing so hard at my best that it just felt like he was in me, doing this!:bugeyed It was so amazing!
Then it was time to leave home and I watched up at the sky and got the shivers again that I felt before.....he's so there again.
He found his place, he's watching over us and hopefully with a smile. :cry:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

omg I haven't been to this thread for some time but I thought it was just me who didn't felt him being around after the funeral.
Before I felt his energy so strong (not all the time but when I needed him) and since the funeral there's nothing.
I feel sad because I don't want to let go, although it's better to let go I know, but it's hard.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I think Michael was definitely at the VMA's last night! I felt it during Madonna's speech. I'm sure he came then and stayed through Janet's performance. :wub:

I think it is your personal feelings, only. Madonna is nothing to do with Michael spiritually no matter what she was saying. Look at the past and good thing that one day Michael walked away from Madonna. It doesn't really matter now, but everybody wants to be involved and have a little piece of MJ, even to try his crown on. He was there with Janet maybe, but not with Madonna.
Remember even Bonnie said that what will happened for next few months will become a complete fiction. Bonnie recently even doesn’t' say anything, looks like she cannot share more than she did cuz the real truth is Michael was killed, and she knows more that we know.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I think it is your personal feelings, only. Madonna is nothing to do with Michael spiritually no matter what she was saying. Look at the past and good thing that one day Michael walked away from Madonna. It doesn't really matter now, but everybody wants to be involved and have a little piece of MJ, even to try his crown on. He was there with Janet maybe, but not with Madonna.
Remember even Bonnie said that what will happened for next few months will become a complete fiction. Bonnie recently even doesn’t' say anything, looks like she cannot share more than she did cuz the real truth is Michael was killed, and she knows more that we know.

Seriously? Do you have something against Madonna or...? lol
I mean for one, to say that Madonna has nothing to do with Michael just odd to me. Not that she did but just that it doesn't matter. What matters is that her speech was genuine and heart felt... and spoke good of him. Why WOULDN'T he be there for it? Secondly why even mention what Bonnie said about things being complete relation to Madonna's speech? Madonna was not sitting there talking crap...she was acknowledging the good in Michael.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Seriously? Do you have something against Madonna or...? lol
I mean for one, to say that Madonna has nothing to do with Michael just odd to me. Not that she did but just that it doesn't matter. What matters is that her speech was genuine and heart felt... and spoke good of him. Why WOULDN'T he be there for it? Secondly why even mention what Bonnie said about things being complete relation to Madonna's speech? Madonna was not sitting there talking crap...she was acknowledging the good in Michael.

Sorry, I am not Madonna's fan really I do not like Madonna because I think she has very low values compared to Michael. This about it.
Yes you are right, what Madonna said it is a complete fiction to me, at least I feel that way. You cannot blame me for my feelings. I didn't blame you for yours, I just have my own opinion about MTV crap, Madonna etc.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

So has that psychic had more contact with him, or was that the only time?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

So has that psychic had more contact with him, or was that the only time?

I believe he's still contacting her from what I can make of the the last comment that she posted on one of her videos. She says he's calm right now. I, personally, think that she knows a lot that we don't know or that is being investigated and wants to keep quiet.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I was on Bonnie's website today in the message board section and somebody posted this website in the Michael thread.

What do you all think about this website? Hmm...I'm not too sure...but it's something I want to believe you know? Any thoughts or opinions on this? There was a message posted today and "he" mentions the fans not feeling his presence as much, etc.

Re: Psychic channels Michael

I was on Bonnie's website today in the message board section and somebody posted this website in the Michael thread.

What do you all think about this website? Hmm...I'm not too sure...but it's something I want to believe you know? Any thoughts or opinions on this? There was a message posted today and "he" mentions the fans not feeling his presence as much, etc.


I just checked it out....and I know I defintely WANT to believe it's Michael; it has beautiful messages, made me cry (again). I hope it is him.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I was on Bonnie's website today in the message board section and somebody posted this website in the Michael thread.
What do you all think about this website? Hmm...I'm not too sure...but it's something I want to believe you know? Any thoughts or opinions on this? There was a message posted today and "he" mentions the fans not feeling his presence as much, etc. :/

Well I just spent a good bit of time looking through that blog... at first I was very skeptical, then it started to feel better the more I read....but then there were still some things that didn't feel right. These were my favorites from her messages:

"People are really worrying about the year 2012. I have to tell you all, that the world will not end at that date. There will be much of the same natural disasters that are currently happening today, such as tornadoes, fires, earthquakes, and the gradual warming of the earth. This is all the result of human neglect.
Pollutants are poisoning our environment, mother nature is crying out, trying to heal herself on her own.
We all have to be there to help her heal. To make those changes, before it gets worse.
You must nurture her. You have the power to change the world.
However, as a result of all this, spirituality, will spread to everyone around the world. They will now start thinking "what can I do to change?", "how can I be the best I can be?", "what can I do to help others?" "

I resonate with the above statement because as I've kind of come to look at 2012 as a huge "spiritual awakening/shift" in the world. I've talked about 2012 to many psychics and that was always their take...that it wasn't the end, but the beginning of a more aware society. So many spiritual shifts have already taken place...people really are becoming more aware of themselves and the world they live in - on a higher level.

In regards to dying, this was Michael's response on her blog:
"When you first come over, you immediately go to this building where you will review and reflect on your life, you are surrounded by all your guides and angel's. You view it from your perspective as well as the others who your life has effected. I must say it was very difficult to watch at times. But very healing. You are the only one who judges your life"

This is kinda funny...makes me think of the movie "Defend Your Life". Has anyone seen that? If not you should look into it! It's this same concept...only on a more "comedic" level. It's really good...from the 80's. :p That statement also backs up what other psychics have preached.

This statement was in regards to his birthday. Made me think of the stargazing that a lot of us did together here.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Well I just spent a good bit of time looking through that blog... at first I was very skeptical, then it started to feel better the more I read....but then there were still some things that didn't feel right. These were my favorites from her messages:

"People are really worrying about the year 2012. I have to tell you all, that the world will not end at that date. There will be much of the same natural disasters that are currently happening today, such as tornadoes, fires, earthquakes, and the gradual warming of the earth. This is all the result of human neglect.
Pollutants are poisoning our environment, mother nature is crying out, trying to heal herself on her own.
We all have to be there to help her heal. To make those changes, before it gets worse.
You must nurture her. You have the power to change the world.
However, as a result of all this, spirituality, will spread to everyone around the world. They will now start thinking "what can I do to change?", "how can I be the best I can be?", "what can I do to help others?" "

I resonate with the above statement because as I've kind of come to look at 2012 as a huge "spiritual awakening/shift" in the world. I've talked about 2012 to many psychics and that was always their take...that it wasn't the end, but the beginning of a more aware society. So many spiritual shifts have already taken place...people really are becoming more aware of themselves and the world they live in - on a higher level.

In regards to dying, this was Michael's response on her blog:
"When you first come over, you immediately go to this building where you will review and reflect on your life, you are surrounded by all your guides and angel's. You view it from your perspective as well as the others who your life has effected. I must say it was very difficult to watch at times. But very healing. You are the only one who judges your life"

This is kinda funny...makes me think of the movie "Defend Your Life". Has anyone seen that? If not you should look into it! It's this same concept...only on a more "comedic" level. It's really good...from the 80's. :p That statement also backs up what other psychics have preached.

This statement was in regards to his birthday. Made me think of the stargazing that a lot of us did together here.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I was on Bonnie's website today in the message board section and somebody posted this website in the Michael thread.

What do you all think about this website? Hmm...I'm not too sure...but it's something I want to believe you know? Any thoughts or opinions on this? There was a message posted today and "he" mentions the fans not feeling his presence as much, etc.


I felt a lot of it resonated with me too. I think I will follow her blog to see what other messages she gets before I make my mind up about it.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

i'll pray hard tonight that he'll come to visit me.i'd like to apologize to him for not being much of a help when he was still alive.there are so many things i'd like him to know.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I was on Bonnie's website today in the message board section and somebody posted this website in the Michael thread.

What do you all think about this website? Hmm...I'm not too sure...but it's something I want to believe you know? Any thoughts or opinions on this? There was a message posted today and "he" mentions the fans not feeling his presence as much, etc.


I've had a quick look and I resonated with this person's information. I do channeling through automatic writing too as that is the medium that works for me. I haven't read all of it though, just a little.

I've done one channeling with MJ which I did on his birthday when energies were high and I felt I would get a more accurate message , I did it after my prayer affirmations and sending of loving healing energy into the universe. I did an oracle card reading where I asked for a message and I pulled a mediumship card where it said I was in touch with someone that had recently passed and to write them a letter and ask Archangel Michael to oversee the exchange and protect you and to ensure that you are communicating with the intended person. I hope Bonnie uses such measures because you could be communicating with any spirit if you don't protect yourself and ensure that the person you are intending to communicate is that person. Asking for protection is very important especially to intend that only energies of a light source are who you wish to communicate with.

I did ask MJ whether he was killed and I didn't get a message for ages and eventually the message came to follow the truth in my heart, I felt disappointed because my opinion is he was killed,and I would have liked something more, but I remembered reading that it is not always possible to get that information because they may not be able to interfere with things that have to take their course something to do with free will but they can guide you. I will say that one message I got very clearly was to spread MJ message for healing the world and healing the planet through love and unity and forgiveness, there was a little more but that is all I want to say, so in essence it was very similar to what this person has received. I think this message about being an example for MJ and spreading his message on healing the world is relevant, A couple of experts on channelling that I trust I've read say that no channelling can be 100% accurate because it has to come through our own earth bound minds and it can be like getting static on a satellite receiver and it can cause a misinterpretation of the message. I'm sure some people are more skilled at it, equally some people are just highly skilled frauds and they sound good and professional, but they are fraudulent. Some people may not be as skilled but be genuine.
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

Here in Croatia,there is one women(her name is Vera).In the beggining of 2009,they asked her what does she sees for Michael ( I was watching it on tv ).She did not say anything for few seconds and then she said: ""s strange,I don"t wanna say too much.But everything will depend on him." I can"t stop thinking about that.If I could only erase the past.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I've just read the bit where she says he told her he was on lots of drugs , everything she says around this I don't resonate with that at all or her message has got muddled perhaps. I've done a lot of research and this is just stuff right out of the media, and calling it channelling. It is pretty clear if you do research that things are not right with MJ death. I do both research and use my heart too, and connect the two. In fact I usually go with what is in my heart or gut hunches and then I look for information or it comes to me to support that.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

That website on Automatic Writing has some good messages, but I'm not at all convinced. I do think that Michael has had a presence with all of the fans whether they knew it or not, but one could read this thread (and others) to know that he has been less present since the funeral. ;)

I think it's kind of odd that there are scans of drawings she made of places she visited on the Other Side from memory, but no scans of the channelled writings. I can see typing it out for clarity, but I'd like to see the originals, too. Dee makes a lot of typos and grammar errors that are consistent through "Michael's" writing. It could be the result of transcription, but it makes it iffy to me.

Also, the August 20th post where Michael told her about the drugs that would be found, and they were the same ones that were being reported... wut? And is he really writing *giggle* and *laughs*? Maybe I don't understand how it works.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

^ Haha...yeah it was kind of odd to see the *giggle* and *laughs* in there...she had to have added that in herself later, remembering that he laughed in certain areas...or her own mind was too into the process to actually be writing those out...which would ultimately make the messages more her own than Michael's. I also did see a few things that were almost exactly what Bonnie had said, and just rehashes of news stories. Overall I think this girl is genuine in that she truly believes she is getting messages from Michael, and I think she actually has at times - but I also think that her own mind and opinions on what she already knows about Michael and the news, are getting in the way.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

^ Haha...yeah it was kind of odd to see the *giggle* and *laughs* in there...she had to have added that in herself later, remembering that he laughed in certain areas...or her own mind was too into the process to actually be writing those out...which would ultimately make the messages more her own than Michael's.

About this process, maybe Gaiaschild can answer this... I was under the impression that it wasn't like the living person hearing the spirit and writing down the words (like Bonnie before direct contact is made), but actual direct contact where he doesn't speak to her, but controls her hand, and she isn't aware of what's being written even if she's not in a trance. Maybe he would write *giggle*, I don't know... it seems off. Again, I wish I could see the writing. For some reason I think he'd doodle a silly face, if anything, rather than write out a laugh.