Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

So I'm about to make my first attempt at meditating or 'opening' myself up for real, not just laying half asleep in my bed and talking to myself. LOL I will let you guys know what happens....! I am feeling really optimistic and 'open' lol so I will be back in a little bit to fill you all in ;)

Good luck!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

So my first attempt was extremely short lived but reallllly awesome and relaxing. I turned off all the lights and lit some candles and sat in the middle of my floor cross legged and connected my fingers like I read you should do. I did the breathing and focused on that and I slowly felt my entire body relax. I felt like my whole body was 'buzzing' and then it felt like my head was spinning. Then I felt like my whole body was spinning. When I was starting to really relax I saw what looked like a bright flash inside my eyelids and I opened them (didn't wanna start a fire or anything with my candles somehow lol) and that broke the trance I think, so I started up again. I started to relax again and then a dog barked so I just threw in the towel.

I should note that when I started I had a throbbing headache and headache was gone when I was finished. And also, I didn't 'try' to do anything other than relax really this time around, but I did feel cold 'whooshes' on my shoulders, and none of my windows were open and no fan was on. I don't know if maybe this is just nerve endings relaxing or something lol if that is even possible, but it was crazy. I really enjoyed it...

Oh, and I should also add that I guess I did this for around roughly 25 minutes and it seriously felt like I was doing it for 5.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

VanX said:
What I'm skeptical about is why he would choose this woman out of everyone else, to get his message across? And would he really ask people to respect her more than people than respected him? I believed it up until that part.

Ah yes, this has been discussed a few times here already. Question is - why NOT this woman? If people that have passed over would like to communicate through someone here, they will find those that are most "open" to it, and have the gift. This woman is definitely among many that have the gift...but as he said in the channeling, he's tried communicating with many other psychics and his message never came out exactly as he liked. He liked that there seemed to be no "filter" with Bonnie. And honestly, she's not any less or any better than anyone else. Also, Michael is so loving, it's not at all hard to believe that he would hope people would respect her - even more than himself. He afterall, got a lot of disrespect. And I'm sure he understands how she could be ridiculed for being "crazy" - among other things...that he would hope she doesn't go through any hardships. From his perspective as well - Bonnie is someone that is "helping" him have a voice again by getting his messages out...not only to us but possibly to his family. How could he not respect and be grateful to her for that? :)

mjbunny said:
The only messages per se that I felt I received lately was a heartfelt "thank you" to all the fans and all the people in the world. It was a loving thank you. And also sort of concern over his children. I believe I was shown that one of them has actually seen Michael since he passed, another has had meetings with him in dreams and the third he is having a tougher time with contacting. I think we should not forget to pray for them, that they can find constructive ways to cope, to always remember the love of their daddy, to be able to have contact with him if it would be good for them to have, and for Katherine and the rest of the Jacksons to be guided to do what's best for the kids. Otherwise, I think Michael's doing fine

This all feels spot on. Thanks for sharing.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Yes, I believe he is doing fine in the sense that he's surrounded by love and at peace. I think he will always be concerned for his children though. He is their father and wants the best for them and for them to be left alone. I hope his children are being comforted by his presence and love.

I've actually never stopped feeling presence since the beginning of August. To me he's pretty much always around. It could be because I've always felt I could relate to him, being like a kid stuck in a adult's body. Although I haven't felt him as strong lately. I've never stopped talking to him either.

I've also done some meditation. Not a whole lot of progress on that, but I also get the "buzzing" strawberrypie mentioned. It's really quite nice. :) I also start seeing some weird random images that don't make sense. I sometimes see Michael (like dancing or something) but the images are very vague. It can be hard because sometimes there's a lot of distractions, or I'm not at my most comfortable, so it doesn't always work out the way I want it to. I keep trying though. I'm not sure if I'm even on the right track with it or not.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I've also done some meditation. Not a whole lot of progress on that, but I also get the "buzzing" strawberrypie mentioned. It's really quite nice. :) I also start seeing some weird random images that don't make sense. I sometimes see Michael (like dancing or something) but the images are very vague. It can be hard because sometimes there's a lot of distractions, or I'm not at my most comfortable, so it doesn't always work out the way I want it to. I keep trying though. I'm not sure if I'm even on the right track with it or not.

Nice! I felt like I had cleared my head of all of my concious thoughts (but who knows if I really did or not since this was my first shot lol) and then I realized that I had lyrics rolling through my head from 'Enjoy Yourself' by the Jacksons. I kept hearing 'Enjoy yourself, you gotta enjoy yourself' over and over. LOL Not sure if maybe the song was just 'stuck in my head' or it had a 'higher' meaning...hmm lol
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Nice! I felt like I had cleared my head of all of my concious thoughts (but who knows if I really did or not since this was my first shot lol) and then I realized that I had lyrics rolling through my head from 'Enjoy Yourself' by the Jacksons. I kept hearing 'Enjoy yourself, you gotta enjoy yourself' over and over. LOL Not sure if maybe the song was just 'stuck in my head' or it had a 'higher' meaning...hmm lol

Hmmm when I did it last night, I had a lot of his songs running through my head. I don't really know if they were just stuck in my head or not either. Wish it was easier to tell what you're consciously thinking about and what's actually coming from your "higher self" or "spirit guide" or whoever it may be.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Hmmm when I did it last night, I had a lot of his songs running through my head. I don't really know if they were just stuck in my head or not either. Wish it was easier to tell what you're consciously thinking about and what's actually coming from your "higher self" or "spirit guide" or whoever it may be.

No kidding! I feel like maybe mine was something of a message because I have been so stressed out lately, and that is very unusual to me. Maybe Mike was tellin me to chill out and enjoy myself for once :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Casey .. I heard that same song in my head at work a few days ago. It just kind of randomly popped in my head. This all has been very stressful. It could have been a message that Michael is sending to fans?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Casey .. I heard that same song in my head at work a few days ago. It just kind of randomly popped in my head. This all has been very stressful. It could have been a message that Michael is sending to fans?

Maybe, I would really like to think so. It is a song that I have come to listen to atleast twice a day because I love the simplicity. Just enjoy yourself. It's awesome. I think that Michael just wanted to enjoy himself and is children and his life, and he wants all of us to do the same. Not to worry and stress so much, because stress just wears down your body. You gotta get out there and live it up and enjoy life while you still have it, yanno?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Hey guys, I just did an I-Ching reading concerning Michael.

For those that don't know what I-Ching is, try referring here: or Googling it to find out more.

In summary:
"The I-ching is part of a numerological system, with even numbers as Yin, and odd numbers as Yang. To use the i-ching coins for divination, one side is designated as Yin, the other as Yang. Tossing the coins, and recording the results, forms the hexagram from the bottom line up. Once you have formed your hexagram, then it is time to turn to the Book of Changes for the meaning of that hexagram. There are sixty-four possibilities."

Anyway...I asked if I could please get a message as to how Michael is doing at this time, or if he had something he'd like to communicate to his fans...knowing that I would share the reading information here with you all. What I got out of the reading lined up perfectly with his situation I think, and thus gave a little comfort.

I got Hexagram 33 with line 6 moving. I will mark in red my side comments of how I interpreted the message. Quite amazing to me how spot on it all was.

Hexagram 33 is "Retreat. Withdrawal. Sanctuary" - it reads... "Safe in seclusion. Little pig, stay where you are."

Meaning: Sky over mountain. The strength of the sky has retreated to the top of the mountain to concentrate on developing it's power. Seclusion is appropriate. The different aspect of withdrawing from the world, either by choice or by force of circumstances. (
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I randomly get "You are not alone" in my head at times...


And it's always the chorus.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Loving reading your posts, everyone!

I'm reading Jame van Praagh's Ghosts Among Us and I'm getting so much out of it! :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Ah yes, this has been discussed a few times here already. Question is - why NOT this woman? If people that have passed over would like to communicate through someone here, they will find those that are most "open" to it, and have the gift. This woman is definitely among many that have the gift...but as he said in the channeling, he's tried communicating with many other psychics and his message never came out exactly as he liked. He liked that there seemed to be no "filter" with Bonnie. And honestly, she's not any less or any better than anyone else. Also, Michael is so loving, it's not at all hard to believe that he would hope people would respect her - even more than himself. He afterall, got a lot of disrespect. And I'm sure he understands how she could be ridiculed for being "crazy" - among other things...that he would hope she doesn't go through any hardships. From his perspective as well - Bonnie is someone that is "helping" him have a voice again by getting his messages out...not only to us but possibly to his family. How could he not respect and be grateful to her for that? :)

True - though I think it is more than that. Bonnie is a Spiritual Advocate who actively helps (or attempts to help) spirits who need help connecting back and things like that. She is a researcher as well, and in the initial Channeling session, Michael said that he wanted to help with that research. I think he chose very carefully. If he was as interested in spirits in life as it's been said, he may have been familiar with her work. Or maybe she was the brightest beacon, the most open door, or what have you.

And I agree that what 'he' said about showing Bonnie the respect he didn't get wasn't out of character. He would know she would be subject to ridicule and knows what ridicule is like. She was helping him incredibly, it's believable to me that he would ask that she not be treated in that way.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

True - though I think it is more than that. Bonnie is a Spiritual Advocate who actively helps (or attempts to help) spirits who need help connecting back and things like that. She is a researcher as well, and in the initial Channeling session, Michael said that he wanted to help with that research. I think he chose very carefully. If he was as interested in spirits in life as it's been said, he may have been familiar with her work. Or maybe she was the brightest beacon, the most open door, or what have you.

Oh definitely!...thanks for that post.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I think the only thing that may be hard for him is to not be able to physically protect his not be able to speak up when they need spoken for. But seeing them grow...he is doing that. He's there with them often...I truly feel this. And as I mentioned above, I feel he and his children meetup during dreamtime. Many of us meet up with other souls at night...we just don't consciously remember it.

But of course I mean in the physical sense. He cannot physically be with them as they grow. Giving them advice or sharing his personal stories... it just plain sucks. I have a VERY difficult time grasping the concept of death, so sorry if I sound skeptical at times. I just really can't understand it and it frustrates and scares me.

Amy, I agree with what you said about the 'why NOT this person'. Your reasoning is definitely spot on and makes lots of sense. I just don't know what to believe anymore!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I came across this video of a psychic named Julianna talking about channeling Michael. Some things she says are pretty interesting...

There are several parts, they're all under the same channel. Check them out, what do you think? I'm on the fourth video right now, so I'm still not sure..
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I did a tarot spread for Michael a few nights ago and since reading the past few pages have decided to post it, because it confirms what you've all felt and been talking about. This is the only spread I've done for Michael, and I probably won't do another one because over-using the cards can make things confusing.

I asked him: How are you now? I got the 'nine of cups' upright. Basically he's extremely content, at peace... fulfilled. The card shows a man who is (rightly) proud of his achievements and feels settled having (almost) reaching to end of a cycle.

I asked: Have you a message for your fans? I pulled the 'five of cups' upright. My feeling is that he doesn't want us to forget the positive aspects of his life and work (as if we could :) ), while the negativity surrounding his passing is still present in our lives. Sometimes it's easy to forget the good things, especially at times like now.

The next question was the first one I asked and I hestitate to post because it was a rather blunt question. I asked: accident or murder? The card I pulled was the 'five of pentacles' reversed. Interestingly there are two people on the card, one standing behind the other with his hand on the other's shoulder. They are standing outside a church window and are feeling the cold because of the snowy landscape. These people feel 'shut out' and excluded, lonely, and in need of sanctuary. I feel... and please help me with this if you feel otherwise... that Michael is saying there is no-one to blame as such... that both he & Dr Murray (the two figures?) had there reasons and were both playing out their part for their own reasons. I feel sadness in this card. I don't know... this card has been going round in my head since I did this reading and I'm still not sure :( Perhaps Michael simply doesn't know the answer to my question and he's asking me/us not to judge too quickly.
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

I did a tarot spread for Michael a few nights ago and since reading the past few pages have decided to post it, because it confirms what you've all felt and been talking about. This is the only spread I've done for Michael, and I probably won't do another one because over-using the cards can make things confusing.

I asked him: How are you now? I got the 'nine of cups' upright. Basically he's extremely content, at peace... fulfilled. The card shows a man who is (rightly) proud of his achievements and feels settled having (almost) reaching to end of a cycle.

I asked: Have you a message for your fans? I pulled the 'five of cups' upright. My feeling is that he doesn't want us to forget the positive aspects of his life and work (as if we could :) ), while the negativity surrounding his passing is still present in our lives. Sometimes it's easy to forget the good things, especially at times like now.

The next question was the first one I asked and I hestitate to post because it was a rather blunt question. I asked: accident or murder? The card I pulled was the 'five of pentacles' reversed. Interestingly there are two people on the card, one standing behind the other with his hand on the other's shoulder. They are standing outside a church window and are feeling the cold because of the snowy landscape. These people feel 'shut out' and excluded, lonely, and in need of sanctuary. I feel... and please help me with this if you feel otherwise... that Michael is saying there is no-one to blame as such... that both he & Dr Murray (the two figures?) had there reasons and were both playing out their part for their own reasons. I feel sadness in this card. I don't know... this card has been going round in my head since I did this reading and I'm still not sure :( Perhaps Michael simply doesn't know the answer to my question and he's asking me/us not to judge too quickly.
I think that was a very good reading! :)
As for the last part, I think it resonates on the same frequency as the channelings we've already heard. I feel Michael does not really want to blame Murray and that he forgives him. We know Murray killed him of course and fans are so angry at him, but for some reason I've always felt that Michael somehow can't put the whole blame on him. I've felt this way from the start about this, Michael is such a sweetheart that even he doesn't want to put this burden of guilt on his doctor...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I did a tarot spread for Michael a few nights ago and since reading the past few pages have decided to post it, because it confirms what you've all felt and been talking about. This is the only spread I've done for Michael, and I probably won't do another one because over-using the cards can make things confusing.

I asked him: How are you now? I got the 'nine of cups' upright. Basically he's extremely content, at peace... fulfilled. The card shows a man who is (rightly) proud of his achievements and feels settled having (almost) reaching to end of a cycle.

I asked: Have you a message for your fans? I pulled the 'five of cups' upright. My feeling is that he doesn't want us to forget the positive aspects of his life and work (as if we could :) ), while the negativity surrounding his passing is still present in our lives. Sometimes it's easy to forget the good things, especially at times like now.

The next question was the first one I asked and I hestitate to post because it was a rather blunt question. I asked: accident or murder? The card I pulled was the 'five of pentacles' reversed. Interestingly there are two people on the card, one standing behind the other with his hand on the other's shoulder. They are standing outside a church window and are feeling the cold because of the snowy landscape. These people feel 'shut out' and excluded, lonely, and in need of sanctuary. I feel... and please help me with this if you feel otherwise... that Michael is saying there is no-one to blame as such... that both he & Dr Murray (the two figures?) had there reasons and were both playing out their part for their own reasons. I feel sadness in this card. I don't know... this card has been going round in my head since I did this reading and I'm still not sure :( Perhaps Michael simply doesn't know the answer to my question and he's asking me/us not to judge too quickly.

Very interesting read...thank you for posting! I feel all cards were spot on - the interpretation of the 3rd is questionable all interpretations are, really. Everyone can speculate but no one really KNOWS. I DO resonate with them "both playing out their part for their own reason" - as that speaks to a higher purpose for what happened. Even so though, it could have been murder. But also, even with murder - Michael could still not blame anyone because again - it may all be part of a higher "plan" whether for karma or something else. I mentioned this earlier in the thread a few pages back. A lot of people may not like this idea one bit...but it IS possible.

I know that you did your reading with a different deck than mine - but I looked up the meaning of Five of Pentacles in my book, and I found it interesting that it "supplies a warning of paying careful attention to your financial affairs to guard against loss.... this would not be a good time to enter into new financial commitments or agreements - let caution be your watchword here"
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Doesn't the 5 of pentacles reversed meant avarice, chaos over money?

I did a tarot spread for Michael a few nights ago and since reading the past few pages have decided to post it, because it confirms what you've all felt and been talking about. This is the only spread I've done for Michael, and I probably won't do another one because over-using the cards can make things confusing.

I asked him: How are you now? I got the 'nine of cups' upright. Basically he's extremely content, at peace... fulfilled. The card shows a man who is (rightly) proud of his achievements and feels settled having (almost) reaching to end of a cycle.

I asked: Have you a message for your fans? I pulled the 'five of cups' upright. My feeling is that he doesn't want us to forget the positive aspects of his life and work (as if we could :) ), while the negativity surrounding his passing is still present in our lives. Sometimes it's easy to forget the good things, especially at times like now.

The next question was the first one I asked and I hestitate to post because it was a rather blunt question. I asked: accident or murder? The card I pulled was the 'five of pentacles' reversed. Interestingly there are two people on the card, one standing behind the other with his hand on the other's shoulder. They are standing outside a church window and are feeling the cold because of the snowy landscape. These people feel 'shut out' and excluded, lonely, and in need of sanctuary. I feel... and please help me with this if you feel otherwise... that Michael is saying there is no-one to blame as such... that both he & Dr Murray (the two figures?) had there reasons and were both playing out their part for their own reasons. I feel sadness in this card. I don't know... this card has been going round in my head since I did this reading and I'm still not sure :( Perhaps Michael simply doesn't know the answer to my question and he's asking me/us not to judge too quickly.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Courtney Idk how I feel about that psychic. I felt like everything was just her talking and nothing was directly from Michael. Isn't that what he wanted to avoid? He didn't want a 'filter'. I kept waiting for them to get to the questions that he would answer and they just never came!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

But of course I mean in the physical sense. He cannot physically be with them as they grow. Giving them advice or sharing his personal stories... it just plain sucks. I have a VERY difficult time grasping the concept of death, so sorry if I sound skeptical at times. I just really can't understand it and it frustrates and scares me.

Amy, I agree with what you said about the 'why NOT this person'. Your reasoning is definitely spot on and makes lots of sense. I just don't know what to believe anymore!

me too I cant comprehend it either... Im a logical thinker so I really get scared and frusterated thinking about it alot. I know we are not supposed to know but I keep thinking about how Michael was taken in his sleep.. How does that happen whens its pitch black, how does the soul leave ones body? Thats something I still cant comprehend.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Last night when I was laying in bed at like 4:30 am I saw a strange shadow figure by my dresser. I didnt want to get up I got a little scared. I heard a noise sounded like something hit the wall by my computer and I got up and didnt see anything that fell so I went back to bed. The next day I found the You Are Not Alone single laying on the floor. I wondered how it fell of my shelf.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I think that was a very good reading! :)
I feel Michael does not really want to blame Murray and that he forgives him.

Yes! Thank you. I felt that in Michael's eyes, both he and Murray played an equal part leading to the tragic events. I think I forgot for a moment that it was Michael I was asking ;-), and that his response would be one of compassion and understanding towards Murray.

amygrace (and shimar), the connections of this card to financial affairs are very interesting indeed, and because the card was reversed I took it to mean that the chaos (either on the morning itself, or in the events leading up to it) was at a peak. Sometimes reversed cards can indicate inner processes, in this case Michael's innermost thoughts. This was his perception of the situation but not necessarily the entire truth.

Many thanks for your insights :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I just hope it wasnt Michaels way of saying goodbye to me. I feel like he is so far away.. I keep thinking oh Michael please dont leave us :(
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Michael Jackson predictions air on talk radio days before TMZ, GMA, CNN reports
July 14, 9:00 AM

On the first Saturday following Michael Jackson's death, Coast to Coast AM, a popular late night AM radio talk show, aired an interview with host Ian Punnett and Christian von Lähr, a clairvoyant who had been scheduled previously to discuss the singer's death. It was only a few hours before the show was about to air that von Lähr surprised Punnett by sending him an email that Michael Jackson had contacted him via the astral plane shortly after he died and expressed his wish to be channeled for the show. In the email, von Lähr asked Punnett if Premiere Radio would be interested in accommodating the unusual request, and they agreed, expanding the original 30-minute time slot to one full hour in anticipation that a connection with Jackson would be attempted.

In no way did von Lähr make any promises that he would be able to connect with Jackson, only that he would give it his best attempt and work to fine-tune any information that he received.

For nearly an hour the guest rallied back and forth between his own responses and Jackson's. While speaking beyond the grave is highly controversial, there were a number of things that were said which have since been proven, and some information has not yet been revealed by traditional media but seems to rings true. Jackson (through von Lähr) revealed that he had prepared a family trust account, spoke directly to members of his family and even thanked Oprah Winfrey. He thanked host Punnett as well, quipping that he now has more air time than the host and described a new dance move he calls "the swirl."

On the show, von Lähr said there was a trust fund, and two days later the trust fund story is "broken." The information about an oxygen tank in the room, including its physical description and location in the room is discussed, and just yesterday CNN "breaks" the story of the oxygen tank. And in an interview on Good Morning America last week, Dr. Arnold Klein, Jackson's long-time dermatologist was asked out of the blue if he [Klein] was the biological father of Michael Jackson's two oldest kids, Paris and Prince. Initially posted a story in the early hours of June 30th that Debbie Rowe compared her two pregnancies to that of a surrogate, despite the fact that she and Jackson were married.

Someone needs to ask the following question: Did ABC and Diane Sawyer actually come up with this supposition on her own, or could they be following this story, but are concerned over the possibility of further controversy over the paranormal aspect of it? Is embarrassed to admit that the interview on Coast to Coast AM may have offered some additional fodder for speculation, prompting them to continue aggressive research and questioning of all their sources? And what about the oxygen tanks? Here's what was heard live when the guest, claiming to be speaking on behalf of Michael Jackson, started to describe what he was sensing.

"He (meaning Jackson) seemed confused about the time of his death," saying '... the oxygen tank was 1/2 empty. Did it run out? There's something wrong with the air... it wasn't.. I wasn't gone eight.. eight or eighteen? I'm not sure when I passed. There's something wrong with that.'"

For paranormal enthusiasts and Michael Jackson fans alike, the emotional responses that were coming from the clairvoyant seemed recognizable and plausible, but at the time statements made on the show had not yet come to pass. Since it aired, not only did a witness statement of seeing oxygen tanks make headlines, the drug Diprivan was revealed to have been found at the scene. Diprivan is an injectable drug normally administered in hospital room settings, and oxygen is used as part of a recommended protocol. Detailed information about the drug as well as many more details about the broadcast are in a previous article that posted on Saturday.

While the cause of Michael Jackson's death is still under speculation, some friends and members of the Jackson family are beginning to talk about the real possibility of murder. Results from a private autopsy are known by family members however they aren't talking yet. The Los Angeles coroner could release his autopsy report on Jackson within a week, according to assistant chief coroner Ed Winter, yet it is unknown whether or not Diprivan is detectable in blood and tissue samples.

Since most of the news is purely speculative it opens up ample marketing opportunities for non-traditional information gatherers such as psychics, hypnotists, clairvoyants and mediums. For the fans who are still reeling from the sudden death of their idol, perhaps hearing any news about Jackson is a panacea for their grief, as well as their hunger for data, regardless of the method used in gathering and dissemination. When von Lähr asked Jackson how he was feeling, the response did seem to tug at the heartstrings a bit, perhaps even bringing a little bit of comfort to those who are still grieving.

When von Lähr asked aloud "Michael, can we... find out what's going on with you-- do you have any messages for people or anything you want to say?" Coast to Coast listeners heard the following chilling statement, "Hello! I'm out of my cage! I am somewhere beyond, now. I am in a place that is both carefree and pain free. I take it as a sign... that I'm not so bad, after all."
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Michael Jackson heavenly funeral attended by Princess Di, Mother Teresa, Liberace and Walt Disney
July 10, 12:47 AM

Yesterday I received an email from a clairvoyant I had been working with who claimed that late Wednesday evening following Michael Jackson's memorial, he received a spiritual message from the astral plane. The scene was described as being a spiritual funeral of sorts, where Liberace performed simulcast songs from Tuesday's memorial and millions of well-wishers gathered to pay homage to the singer in life and in death.

Other well-known souls from the past also were there, according to the account, including Mother Teresa who performed his eulogy, and Princess Diana who acted as a spiritual guide. Even Walt Disney was there to entertain the guests with "visions of wonder and merriment," all culminating in a peaceful ending to a service which started with Jackson looking back and evaluating his life for the purpose of self-study and spiritual growth.

I had to think long and hard before I decided to go ahead and report this here and on Phantoms and Monsters, because while I have no reviewing a national talk show where a clairvoyant claimed to be channeling Michael Jackson, or talk about a ghostly image from a CNN news reel I can post a photo still on, I have no evidence to back this story up, only an email and my own trust in the sender, Christian von Lähr, who I only recently have been acquainted with.

And that's where things have taken a different turn, because after I posted this story initially, I received a disturbing email from von Lähr, which made me pause and consider where I went wrong that he would request to have all stories removed, or at least not link him with the story, which of course is impossible after the fact.

But it didn't stop there. He began to post negative comments about me to Lon Strickler of Phantoms and Monsters, and to this website. Lon is nothing less than the kindest of souls who has bent over backwards bringing this story to light, even accommodating von Lähr by switching an airbrushed photo for the original per the medium's request. But when Strickler decided to just remove the photo altogether for reasons of space constraints, things started to go downhill from there and have only gotten worse.

So, for my own sanity and some good advice from my editor to avoid working with uncooperative sources, I have decided to discontinue this series rather than pretend that I still have the same faith in Christian von Lähr than I did when I first started. I am embarrassed over my naïveté, and what may have been perhaps my own interest in wanting to believe that there is an afterlife which caused me to be a bit overly enthusiastic in my presentation.

But then I considered another aspect of my responsibilities as an examiner. When I first started writing articles for this website, I immediately addressed my concern of being lumped in the category of Spirituality and Religion without further clarification of my expertise as a paranormal investigator. My feeling was that I needed a title that reflected more succinctly what I wanted to research and write about and the category was just too vague. I must have made a convincing argument, because I'm proud that my official title now includes the word "paranormal," a title most reporters would avoid.

All too often even the most reputable of writers tiptoe around this topic, or they present it in such a frivolous and playful way that it becomes painfully clear to the enlightened reader that they really didn't mean to have the story be taken all that seriously anyways. I didn't check the Webster's dictionary on the technical meaning, but I think we can agree that paranormal pretty much refers to stuff that isn't normal. So if my title represents and even defines what I should be writing about, then I need to go all across the board- not just stop at the salad bar when dining at the buffet of the paranormal, Capiche?

So now that you understand my motivations a little bit better let me add that I wasn't attracted to the sensational aspect of this story, rather I wanted to produce this piece because I personally was awed by the message itself.

The words shine with pure literary brilliance and bring forth such an inspirational and powerful message that I feel would be doing the readers a grave disservice by censoring the material. So before any readers decide to poke fun at the reporter, I am only suggesting that it's the thought that counts.

So what if the thoughts were suggested to be composed by Michael Jackson, or even imagined by the clairvoyant themselves? All I ask from the dear reader is that you would keep an open mind and remember that my true desire is to share with you something that landed on my desk which I think is just too darn fabulous to keep all to myself.

Before I finish my introduction, some readers who have studied the phenomenon of psychic channeling may be surprised to find similarities in the material to published accounts from other mediums who have claimed to channel spiritual messages. Edgar Cayce, Jane Roberts and even Helen Greaves have been said to speak or write using an antiquated manner of speech, similar to passages from the New Testament of the Holy Bible from the 1800s.

Although the writing doesn't sound too terribly out of date, I will admit that there's enough of a nuance in the pattern of speech to warrant a future article discussing the subject, but that is one which is beyond the scope of this story, at least for today. So without further adieu, what follows are the words from one clairvoyant who tells me that the words were sent for the benefit of the world to hear, compliments of the King of Pop.

"My Funeral I held myself. I invited or otherwise received a small but select group of well-wishers, teachers, guiding influences, and real luminaries of life as would be commonly known, and some above or beyond common awareness too. My insightful guests were sincere and personal, all genuine, spiritual in total. Their interest was to be with me while I entered my contemplation:

to appraise myself fully and let surface those things that were the core of my being, so that I can know me
to contemplate my death, yet not death, and what it meant to me, as well as others
to resolve my challenge - the complication of stardom that overshadowed my being merely someone expressing themselves through human flaws, yet still truly under the world's floodlights
to acknowledge those who had importance to me, not only significance
to evaluate people and persons in that life so as to know their true value, meaning, motivation, and any mutual benefit to one another we had, if any
to recount those many things I was meant to do in that world yet did not, due to my many imperfections, whether imagined, real or imposed
to contemplate what genuine life purpose, or value I may have held
to ascertain how I can continue to serve life, and the incomprehensible holiness - even in passing - to make my unique difference for all time
to help me cherish my own memories
to find peace that I might go on
My humble eulogy was most compassionately presided over by Mother Teresa, One who always comes to those who suffer in solitude. The angels were her choir and they were splendid. The assemblage could resonate with the rainbow hues of Her tribute as sound and color, and emotion and reality are all One in her church.

Princess Diana shone radiantly at my side and held me firm as I trembled on one knee, much as I did in life. She gave off the glow of strength under futility, and kept me proud when overshadowed by my weaknesses. I listened to my truth and knew that even forever flawed, I would always enjoy relatively perfect guidance.

My showman was a quintessential personification of musical entertainment. Mr. Liberace played each passage of every song right alongside the ceremony of the real world that I might fully enjoy their message, carried high. Lee took his bow, and bowed to me for the great promise I held for the world in time.

My Diana, my Elizabeth, my friends. None were forgotten, for we all have our counterparts in this world I now occupy. They were here with me in what others might call "spirit." Brooke was able to reach up even though active in the real world. The children, my children, glowed clearly as our hearts reached out to each other.

I could experience the feeling of my mother - my angel. My father, brothers and sisters joined hands in spiritual harmony once more, and I was complete. There is no number, even here, for the many friends and companions who took great care of me in life, but they were all honored here.

Before Walt came up to entertain us with visions of wonder and merriment that crossed realms, we received an audience of millions of children from around the world. They sat wherever and with whomever and were followed by the very essence of my fans everywhere. Together as family, we shared the light of my soul and I lay judged before all. We laughed, we cried, we cheered and we felt woe as the facets of my existence were projected for all to see, hear, and feel.

My ceremony ended with complete peace."

I asked Mr. von Lähr for a comment prior to his recent request to not be quoted, he sent me the following, "There are still many surprises and illusions going on in the life of Michael Jackson. Most of what is seen is a pre-meditated presentation of purpose. The trick of the magic casket has yet to be revealed. It will be ever-evident that the life of Michael is a "managed" thing, and any truth we might realize will not be easily revealed, or uncovered without effort."

My final comment on the material is that while the message may seem completely out of character for the singer, perhaps it's because we expected to hear only commentary that mirrors the tabloid gossip we've become so accustomed to rather than something so profound and introspective. I do think it's true that in time, all that needs to be revealed will be, and that is in life as it is in passing and in the meantime, we're lucky to be given the chance to enjoy the journey on the long way back home.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

wow that really sounds like Michael narrating his own funeral..

is it true? Michael met Walt Disney??

Michael would be interested in my story of how my Grandpa ate lunch with Walt in the 1950s. My grandpa passed away a couple years ago.