Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

So, there's suspiciously random coins around our house. We find tons and tons of coins just laying around everyday. I know some is probably loose change that falls out of people's pockets, that happens. But we once kept a bag for all the coins we find and it was fully filled in just one day. Sometimes, our table would be completely clean and we'd come over and find a penny that wasn't there before. Or if my parents clean the floors spotless, five minutes later a coin will be on the floor. My parents believe that it's my dad's father, my late grandfather, who's leaving coins and giving us signs that he's there.

This is an awesome thing! Only you and your family can really "feel" out exactly who is leaving the coins, but I'm sure they are deifnitely showing up from others on the other side whether it's family or your angels or whoever else. I've heard many stories about this kind of thing. In fact it immediately reminded me of a story in one of Echo Bodine's books...(she is a psychic that has AMAZING books btw!) where she would always find dimes in odd places when something good was about to happen or something...I can't remember the exact details. I just remember her calling them "God dimes" ;)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Ok, so I know this is slightly off topic since it's not about Michael but it relates somewhat to this thread. I want to know if this type of thing is possibly an experience with a spirit, moreso a loved one.

So, there's suspiciously random coins around our house. We find tons and tons of coins just laying around everyday. I know some is probably loose change that falls out of people's pockets, that happens. But we once kept a bag for all the coins we find and it was fully filled in just one day. Sometimes, our table would be completely clean and we'd come over and find a penny that wasn't there before. Or if my parents clean the floors spotless, five minutes later a coin will be on the floor. My parents believe that it's my dad's father, my late grandfather, who's leaving coins and giving us signs that he's there. They told me this story once when my parents and my aunt and unlce were sitting outside in my yard at a table. They all left for about 2 minutes to get something to drink and when they came back, there was a penny on the table and nobody else was around. Nobody was home and our yard is closed off.

Is it possible? I never heard of spirits or loved ones dropping loose change around but does anybody experience this kind of thing?

Sorry for going a bit off-topic but a lot you seem to know what you're talking about with this stuff. haha.

oh my god I am not alone!

Okay, so my mom's father always carried a dime with him no matter what. When he died they buried him with a dime in his pocket. He said you should never be 'totally' broke and they didn't have much money back then, so he always carried a dime. Anywaysss

He had 7 children. The day of his funeral we found 7 dimes in 7 different places. We were totally floored. We placed a dime at his head stone also.

But anyways...I have found a dime anytime something 'major' is about to happen to me. I found one on the floor of my very first apartment when I walked in. I found one in the seat of my car when I got my license. I found one on the floor at Coach the day I got my job at Gymboree. I found one the night of a great first date once. LOL

My mom and I have a jar we put the dimes in and it is halfway full. I thought we were crazy! So there might be something to this?! We figured it was my Grandpa, but we didn't know it happened to other people!

We only ever find dimes too.

And oh my God the stories I could tell you all of what goes on in my house paranormal wise.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

No this is a very wrong thinking! You defiantly deserved it like other fans who love Michael and didn’t have this experience yet. I think some people a bit less sensitive to spiritual world than others. You just have to keep trying. Besides is good to develop your better spiritual qualities by learning about Michael, other people, trying to understand somebody’s pain etc. Also, try to ask him to come and I believe he will. It worked for me at least once..Also, feelings like jealousy don’t attract pure spirits like Michael. People have to avoid it if they want to deal with his spirit cuz he is very pure soul and it has to be some sort of match. I do not know if I am right or wrong but this is what I feel. Take care.

Thank you, you've helped me understand this a bit more, and I'm thinking more positive now. :)

I agree with this. Of course I can't say for sure, but I think what worked for me was to just keep talking to him. Before I always kind of sensed his spirit was around, but was never really sure if it was him. I kept talking and asking for signs and I feel his presence stronger now than I did before. I feel he's always around all the time. I never feel alone. Whatever you do don't give up hope. I'm positive he will visit all of you guys eventually. :)

I hope it's soon.. I may have to change my attitude towards a lot of things beforehand though.
Thank you :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I'm not an expert, but I actually have heard of this. Dear Abby used to print "Pennies From Heaven" stories sometimes.

Here is a site that has some information about it (scroll down till you see "Pennies From Heaven"):

Thanks for that! :)

This is an awesome thing! Only you and your family can really "feel" out exactly who is leaving the coins, but I'm sure they are deifnitely showing up from others on the other side whether it's family or your angels or whoever else. I've heard many stories about this kind of thing. In fact it immediately reminded me of a story in one of Echo Bodine's books...(she is a psychic that has AMAZING books btw!) where she would always find dimes in odd places when something good was about to happen or something...I can't remember the exact details. I just remember her calling them "God dimes" ;)

Awesome! So this kind of thing is common (in a spiritual sense) I'm assuming? What's the book called that you're talking about?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Court.ney.x said:
What's the book called that you're talking about?
^the book with the dime story is called "A Still, Small Voice: A Psychic's Guide to Awakening Intuition" details here: - great book!!

All of Echo Bodine's books are amazing...I LOVE them. If anyone is interested in reading, here are a few more of her books that I've read and highly recommend:

"Echoes of the Soul: Moving Beyond the Light"

The Gift: Understand and Develop Your Psychic Abilities"

and this one, is a small little handbook full of great stories and insights into "ghosts"/earthbound spirits:

"Relax, It's Only a Ghost: My Adventures with Spirits, Hauntings and Things That Go Bump in the Night"
Re: Psychic channels Michael

^the book with the dime story is called "A Still, Small Voice: A Psychic's Guide to Awakening Intuition" details here: - great book!!

All of Echo Bodine's books are amazing...I LOVE them. If anyone is interested in reading, here are a few more of her books that I've read and highly recommend:

"Echoes of the Soul: Moving Beyond the Light"

The Gift: Understand and Develop Your Psychic Abilities"

and this one, is a small little handbook full of great stories and insights into "ghosts"/earthbound spirits:

"Relax, It's Only a Ghost: My Adventures with Spirits, Hauntings and Things That Go Bump in the Night"

Thanks Amy! I'll go pick it up tomorrow while I'm at the mall. I'm so interested in reading about this stuff, I already bought two other books on it. haha. Haven't started them yet though. :p
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Thanks Amy! I'll go pick up tomorrow while I'm at the mall. I'm so interested in reading about this stuff, I already bought two other books on it. haha. Haven't started them yet though. :p

You're welcome! Happy reading! :D
I actually think I'm gonna pick up her books and read them's been awhile since I first read them...and they are so good! I'm not even a big reader...don't really like to do it. But with Echoes stuff, once I start I can't ever put the book down!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I think I had an experience with possibly a guide or angel (or Michael?) around 3 am this morning.
So I was holding a crucifix necklace and praying like I usually do before I go to bed but this time I was praying to Michael because it was his birthday. I dedicated my whole prayer last night to him. I was sitting on my bed, just talking to him and praying and stuff for about 10 minutes and I got silent just thinking. I started feeling some sort of pressure on my back like somebody was gently pushing it or something. I never felt that before. Then I got that feeling again like somebody was there with me.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I think I had an experience with possibly a guide or angel (or Michael?) around 3 am this morning.
So I was holding a crucifix necklace and praying like I usually do before I go to bed but this time I was praying to Michael because it was his birthday. I dedicated my whole prayer last night to him. I was sitting on my bed, just talking to him and praying and stuff for about 10 minutes and I got silent just thinking. I started feeling some sort of pressure on my back like somebody was gently pushing it or something. I never felt that before. Then I got that feeling again like somebody was there with me.

Aw, that is beautiful that you do that every night :) I need to make more time for stuff like that. I am no professional or anything but it sounds like maybe you had a visit or something, I hope so!! I am planning on doing something of the sort tonight. Lots of candles, no lights, peaceful Michael music :)'s gonna be good. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I saw the most incredible cloud formation tonight. I wish I'd had my camera. I was driving (again - I drive a lot for my job, lol). I was looking for Michael and/or hearts in the clouds, and saw the most amazing... I don't know. It was around sunset. There was like a line of light that was concentrated in one area and got dimmer to the sides... it's hard to describe. There were faint rays, but instead of breaking through the clouds and going down, they went up. It was just gorgeous. Next to it - no lie - I saw an image of Michael in the clouds. Actually it was similar to the image in the forum header, but facing the other direction, and the arms were more foreshortened, like he was turned more to the side. For one moment, the whole image was almost overwhelming. I kept looking over at the cloud, and I could still kind of see him, but it was crystal clear for a second.

I was looking for him in the clouds... but I do that all the time, and never saw anything like that before.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Finally I remember SOMETHING from my dreams again! I have dreamt about Michael alot the last weeks, but never remembered the whole dream, just that Michael was in them.

So, as some of you know, I went stargazing last night with people all over the world like planned in another topic. The energy I felt at that moment was so intense, I had a beautiful experience :)
So, when I got to sleep I dreamt about Michael. I don't remember all of it, but in the dream I sat outside stargazing just like I did the night before, while listening to Michael's music. One of the songs had just started playing (I don't remember which one! :() when Michael suddenly stood right next to me! He told me to not be sad, and how beautiful it was to see all of us stargaze for him at the same moment. Then he started to sing the song I was listening to and told me "I made this song especially for you".

I don't remember any more of it, it really annoys me that I don't remember which song it was.. :( I'm sure that if this was a visit from Michael, that he meant the song was especially for you, as in all the fans, not just me.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

So, as some of you know, I went stargazing last night with people all over the world like planned in another topic. The energy I felt at that moment was so intense, I had a beautiful experience :)
So, when I got to sleep I dreamt about Michael. I don't remember all of it, but in the dream I sat outside stargazing just like I did the night before, while listening to Michael's music. One of the songs had just started playing (I don't remember which one! :() when Michael suddenly stood right next to me! He told me to not be sad, and how beautiful it was to see all of us stargaze for him at the same moment. Then he started to sing the song I was listening to and told me "I made this song especially for you".

Aw this is SO cool...sounds wonderful! I hope he really did take notice of all of us stargazing for him at the same moment... I wish I could say I felt him then but for some reason I didn't. Maybe I was just blocking it. Beautiful that in your dream he mentions the song made "especially for you"... I wish you remembered which song it was, too! It could have been a multitude of songs...he wrote so many for "us"...whether to help inspire us to change the world, or to give comfort to our souls. God I really wish I could have beautiful dreams like this... I miss him so much.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Finally I remember SOMETHING from my dreams again! I have dreamt about Michael alot the last weeks, but never remembered the whole dream, just that Michael was in them.

So, as some of you know, I went stargazing last night with people all over the world like planned in another topic. The energy I felt at that moment was so intense, I had a beautiful experience :)
So, when I got to sleep I dreamt about Michael. I don't remember all of it, but in the dream I sat outside stargazing just like I did the night before, while listening to Michael's music. One of the songs had just started playing (I don't remember which one! :() when Michael suddenly stood right next to me! He told me to not be sad, and how beautiful it was to see all of us stargaze for him at the same moment. Then he started to sing the song I was listening to and told me "I made this song especially for you".

I don't remember any more of it, it really annoys me that I don't remember which song it was.. :( I'm sure that if this was a visit from Michael, that he meant the song was especially for you, as in all the fans, not just me.

Oh my Gosh. That's so beautiful. :(
Was it a song that he already has out or was it like something new that he was singing? That's so cool either way.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Wow...interesting update on Bonnie's website that confirms part of her channeled message previously:

7/22/09 – 4:33pm (channeled Message from Michael):

“I was very confused at first. I had been in similar states of being many times and always came back to my life and went through my schedule just as directed. This time was different. The environment changed suddenly and I was trying to get back. I had done this successfully before but not this time. I can see many people around me but there was no noise... complete silence and it was wonderful… there were also many different kinds of animals… they were the brightest white light I could possibly imagine. I had not seen this before in my other-worldly travels.”

On 7/30/09:
CNN’s Larry King Live Larry asks Deepak Chopra to recall what he termed an “eerie conversation with Michael.” Deepak Chopra proceeded to say to Larry King:
“…very casually over the phone he just dropped a line like Deepak have you heard of this thing that takes you immediately to the valley of death and then brings you right back?...”

Here is the link to that video:

And again, Bonnie's website:

wow really interesting insight


the last few days ive been sad my moods have been changing becoz ive been in pain well as of last night i asked out to michael for help and ever since my room has been icy cold and wherever i go its icy cold but no one else feels cold if you get what i mean
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Oh my Gosh. That's so beautiful. :(
Was it a song that he already has out or was it like something new that he was singing? That's so cool either way.

It was one that is already out ^^
I wish I could just suddenly remember which song it was -.-
Re: Psychic channels Michael

wow really interesting insight

Isn't it? So many things have lined up perfectly with what was channeled through Bonnie...I wish we were hearing more from her/Michael. I tried emailing her just to ask if he was still hanging around her...and got no reply. :(
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Finally I remember SOMETHING from my dreams again! I have dreamt about Michael alot the last weeks, but never remembered the whole dream, just that Michael was in them.

So, as some of you know, I went stargazing last night with people all over the world like planned in another topic. The energy I felt at that moment was so intense, I had a beautiful experience :)
So, when I got to sleep I dreamt about Michael. I don't remember all of it, but in the dream I sat outside stargazing just like I did the night before, while listening to Michael's music. One of the songs had just started playing (I don't remember which one! :() when Michael suddenly stood right next to me! He told me to not be sad, and how beautiful it was to see all of us stargaze for him at the same moment. Then he started to sing the song I was listening to and told me "I made this song especially for you".

I don't remember any more of it, it really annoys me that I don't remember which song it was.. :( I'm sure that if this was a visit from Michael, that he meant the song was especially for you, as in all the fans, not just me.

Lovely dream. I'm glad it seems like he knew we were all doing it. :)

I really enjoyed the stargazing experience too. The temperature was just great for my area. It was really peaceful. I was feeling really awful that second half of the day and doing the stargazing cheered me up a bit. I sang a bit from some his songs and blew kisses to the sky and wished him a Happy Birthday. :)

I had this dream last night. It wasn't anything special, but kinda interesting. I don't think I've had any visitation sort of dreams for a while

I found a Billie Jean jacket on the floor of my room. I picked it up and looked at it. On the back of the jacket was a logo of Michael Jackson's feet doing the standing on the toes pose. But the jacket also had buttons and it was buttoned up. I wanted to see if it still fit me. Apparently I had the jacket for years. Then I saw a flash of Michael Jackson pointing at me and saying something, but once again I didn't remember what he said. He looked more built than he usually did with tied back curly hair, and he was wearing the Thriller jacket and a baseball cap.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Yea, I noticed how Bonnie has been kinda MIA :( Wish she would atleast be like 'Hey guys Michael is done communicating..he wishes you all well!' or whatever...*sigh*
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Yea, I noticed how Bonnie has been kinda MIA :( Wish she would atleast be like 'Hey guys Michael is done communicating..he wishes you all well!' or whatever...*sigh*

Yeah I know! It would be nice to get SOME kind of update. If she's getting private information...fine. If she's done communicating...fine. A head's up as to what the situation is would just be nice. I do hope she responds to my email. I was very kind and made to sure let her know we were respectful of Michael's and her own privacy...we would just like to be informed as to what the situation is.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Yeah I know! It would be nice to get SOME kind of update. If she's getting private information...fine. If she's done communicating...fine. A head's up as to what the situation is would just be nice. I do hope she responds to my email. I was very kind and made to sure let her know we were respectful of Michael's and her own privacy...we would just like to be informed as to what the situation is.

Good :) It's very strange. She was very active and then just like...bam nothing. Hmm.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Ok people, something happened to me last night. I was dreaming about Michael again. He was on stage surrounded by many people as far as could see. And as I remember it was his birthday and it is still August t 29th . It was a great performance and he was wearing his golden pens and some sort of golden jacket on top. I didn’t hear any music it was complete silence for me but I could recognize the song. He invited the girl fan on the stage and DEFF it was “You are not alone”. The girl was very shy and she was wearing a red dress nothing fancy just very regular dress. He asked her to dance with him but she couldn’t really. Then he was staying on his knee in front of her and singing and there were no security so nobody pulled out this girl from him. I was thinking at this moment that I wish to be that girl! I do not know why I couldn’t hear any music but I was standing just beside stage, very very close to him so I could see him very well. I turned my had I saw a huge crowd thousands of people or maybe millions. It was a really huge show. I do not know why I couldn’t hear anything. Maybe somebody can explain this dream? Maybe he was performing in Heaven on his birthday? My dream was around 5am which was August 29th. beautiful to dream this :angel:

beautiful thread :yes:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I doubt she's working with Law Enforcement...she couldn't even get the news to take her seriously. :p But even if she was, that wouldn't interfere with updating people as to whether she's still making contact.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

she couldn't even get the news to take her seriously.

Really? When was this?

And yeah, I agree. She hasn't been updating much but maybe she either has been very busy doing something else or she's trying to hold things back due to protect Michael's privacy and because of the investigation.
I know this is going to sound SO selfish, but I really hope she hasn't stopped making contact with him yet. There's just so many unanswered questions surrounding his death and I hope that she contacts him ONE more time and updates us on how he is doing right now during all of this. Like a final update or something, you know what I mean?