Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

Okay, I have a question...kind of. lol

Everynight for about a week I have 'talked' to my spirit guides. Sometimes just in general, sometimes asking to help me make contact with Michael. Normally I just feel a 'buzzing' feeling in my body, and that's it.

But last night I did this at about 3 AM and I was very tired, so maybe that had something to do with it, but I was asking them to help me dream of Michael because I felt like I had something to talk to him about and in the back of my head I felt like I 'heard' a loud man's voice saying 'I can try'. Okay, I was freaked out. My stomach got very, very twisty and I immediately was like '...'

Now, maybe I was dreaming this? Or maybe this is what you guys mean when you say you will just 'know'. I asked another question saying 'Will I remember?' to see if I would hear it again, and I heard the 'voice' again...but I couldn't understand what it said.

Do ya'll think I was dreaming (because it very well could have been that) or do you think there is something to it?? I am so very new to a little 'guidance' would be much appreciated! I don't want to be 'scared' yanno?? lol

OH. And I know I dreamed of Michael last night again...but just like every night, I never remember. I wake up with little 'blips' or 'visions' in my head of Michael from the night before in my dreams, but as far as conversation I always get zip. Maybe my head is just making it all up! LOL
Re: Psychic channels Michael

How long have you been trying to contact them? And was last night the first time you got a reply? Because it's normal for replies to be hard to understand when you are just starting out. They should become clearer as you meditate more.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

last night I did this at about 3 AM and I was very tired, so maybe that had something to do with it, but I was asking them to help me dream of Michael because I felt like I had something to talk to him about and in the back of my head I felt like I 'heard' a loud man's voice saying 'I can try'. Okay, I was freaked out. My stomach got very, very twisty and I immediately was like '...'

Now, maybe I was dreaming this? Or maybe this is what you guys mean when you say you will just 'know'.

It's natural to second guess things like this...thinking maybe they were in your head. But your intuition knows...try asking it ;) A good way to do this is clear you mind, state your question...(ie "was this all just in my head?") and then listen for a yes or no, which usually comes in the form of your "first impression". So often our first impressions are the truth. Go with whatever you feel about the situation. I would bet you were definitely connecting. For one, because you were in a state of being very tired that your "defenses" were down so you were able to be more open. For two, because you had such a reaction that actually twisted your stomach. If you were just "thinking" of a voice, it probably wouldn't have produced such a result. It's good that you experienced that too - because it may have "broke the ice" for you so you know what to expect and can calm yourself for future connections. There is no need to be freaked out. Remain open...keep trying. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I started meditating on Tuesday to improve and try to begin connecting with my spirit guides. All that really came about was getting a floaty feeling during it.
Yesterday I did the same but i meditated during the afternoon as well as at night and it was the same result.
I just finished a session where I tried automatic writing and nothing happened. I just have a page in my notebook of my writings to them with no replies.
Since this morning ive also sometimes got a short 'butterflies in the stomach' feeling and Im not sure what it is.
Also, when meditating or trying to contact them do you have to have your eyes closed?
Can someone help as to what i should do/try next?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I started meditating on Tuesday to improve and try to begin connecting with my spirit guides. All that really came about was getting a floaty feeling during it.
Yesterday I did the same but i meditated during the afternoon as well as at night and it was the same result.
I just finished a session where I tried automatic writing and nothing happened. I just have a page in my notebook of my writings to them with no replies.
Since this morning ive also sometimes got a short 'butterflies in the stomach' feeling and Im not sure what it is.
Also, when meditating or trying to contact them do you have to have your eyes closed?
Can someone help as to what i should do/try next?

Hay tom
Just wanted to say hun things take time,with connecting it doesnt happening just over night,its like learning and that takes a while,you will get there just have to take each day at a time and those butterflys is ur tummy telling u that u can feel something a connection hun,it will happening for you just takes time xxx
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Yesterday, when I was meditating, I felt a strong energy, I felt like something was moving inside my leg, like a cat in a And I felt pressure on my chest... :shock:...I liked the first one better.

Later that night, when I was praying (not a part of any religion, just a personal prayer), I felt like two people were standing behind me and I felt a rub on the back...

Re: Psychic channels Michael

Yesterday, when I was meditating, I felt a strong energy, I felt like something was moving inside my leg, like a cat in a And I felt pressure on my chest... :shock:...I liked the first one better.

Later that night, when I was praying (not a part of any religion, just a personal prayer), I felt like two people were standing behind me and I felt a rub on the back...


The rub on your back may have been your guardian angels are even the archangels, as angels listen to prayers.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

The rub on your back may have been your guardian angels are even the archangels, as angels listen to prayers.

That's what I thought. It freaked me out but I didn't move, I just continued with the prayer.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

True Pitcorthie, but isnt it harder to switch off while reading because you are focusing/concentrating on the words of the book? and moving your eyes to read it?

I know it sounds weird but I have had most of my spiritual experiences while reading.
I always read in bed before I go to sleep every night as I can't just switch off and go to sleep.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

When you see images, do you see it like a dream or like imagining things during the day?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Lets say you have your eyes closed, do you see it like a dream? as in that vivid and real?

I can sometimes see as in a dream like if i am jewerlly reading but mostly for me i see vivid and real,it is all differernt for ppl to how thay see spirits,i have been a psychic since my teens and now 29 and though those times i have seen spirits in many way like a haze or just senced it or seen a spirit like a person,as i said its differernt for differernt ppl :) xxx
Re: Psychic channels Michael

^^ yeah cuz i was wondering if you should have your eyes open or closed... :S

Well closing ur eyes gives a sence that u r inside ur self if u know what i mean, with the meditating its up to you how to do it,it is wat ever makes u feel comfortable,i havent meditated for a long time,cause now i just see things whenever thay want to show themselves to me,you can get books on meditating,but just remember it can take a long time as everything is about learning :),werid talking about this really as i havent praticed being a psychic for a while,i had to stop doing it for personal reason but it doesnt mean that spirits still dont try to contacted me or i have stop seeing things cause i havent.sorry aboutspellings xxx
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Very interesting!
I have been thinking of it all day, and I am almost positive that I made a connection. It was stunning, but the more I think about it the more I have never had a 'thought' of my own in my head sound like that. It sounded so much like a man talking to me.
I am hopeful now that connections will be easier, and now that I know I suppose what to 'expect' it won't be so scary lol
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Very interesting!
I have been thinking of it all day, and I am almost positive that I made a connection. It was stunning, but the more I think about it the more I have never had a 'thought' of my own in my head sound like that. It sounded so much like a man talking to me.
I am hopeful now that connections will be easier, and now that I know I suppose what to 'expect' it won't be so scary lol

I hope I can experience something like that too. I haven't been able to meditate for a couple of days because there was too much distraction and noises and the other night I just wanted to go to bed because it was late. I'm going to try to do it tonight though. I'm still not sure how you'd be able to tell what's coming from your own thoughts or not, but I guess you just know when it happens.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Very interesting!
I have been thinking of it all day, and I am almost positive that I made a connection. It was stunning, but the more I think about it the more I have never had a 'thought' of my own in my head sound like that. It sounded so much like a man talking to me.
I am hopeful now that connections will be easier, and now that I know I suppose what to 'expect' it won't be so scary lol

If it scares you hunny then it wont happen :),connections do get easier as time goes on then u get to a point where u can switch it on like a light switch if u get wat i mean xxx
Re: Psychic channels Michael

hey everyone
I'm really hurting over this at the every night I meditate and talk to Michael and try to get in touch with my spirit guide. I've definitely had feelings of moving really really fast and my head kind of spinning, and I have felt a bright I guess I'm getting there...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

hey everyone
I'm really hurting over this at the every night I meditate and talk to Michael and try to get in touch with my spirit guide. I've definitely had feelings of moving really really fast and my head kind of spinning, and I have felt a bright I guess I'm getting there...

Aw, you just gotta keep trying ! I am working towards the same goal :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Well closing ur eyes gives a sence that u r inside ur self if u know what i mean, with the meditating its up to you how to do it,it is wat ever makes u feel comfortable,i havent meditated for a long time,cause now i just see things whenever thay want to show themselves to me,you can get books on meditating,but just remember it can take a long time as everything is about learning :),werid talking about this really as i havent praticed being a psychic for a while,i had to stop doing it for personal reason but it doesnt mean that spirits still dont try to contacted me or i have stop seeing things cause i havent.sorry aboutspellings xxx

God, I can SO feel your post! I first got into metaphysics when I was only 17 years old, so I've been studying this stuff for a lllooooooooooooonnnggggg time, LOL! The first couple of years I even had a Spiritual Teacher help me (my mentor). Finding a mentor helped me out so much... I think it's a great idea for those who seriously want to know this stuff to find a good and trusting mentor. It always makes you feel safe and protected when you are studying together. It's like tag-team! :lol: Another thing with this stuff is you never stop learning. I'm still expanding my spiritual knowledge and scope. So if you don't have the patience... then learning this definitely may not be for you at all. ;)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I'm sooo addicted to this thread... :D I find myself coming here every day. All that you guys are talking about is just so interesting. Makes me think about the psychic possibilities in myself, too.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Ok, so I know this is slightly off topic since it's not about Michael but it relates somewhat to this thread. I want to know if this type of thing is possibly an experience with a spirit, moreso a loved one.

So, there's suspiciously random coins around our house. We find tons and tons of coins just laying around everyday. I know some is probably loose change that falls out of people's pockets, that happens. But we once kept a bag for all the coins we find and it was fully filled in just one day. Sometimes, our table would be completely clean and we'd come over and find a penny that wasn't there before. Or if my parents clean the floors spotless, five minutes later a coin will be on the floor. My parents believe that it's my dad's father, my late grandfather, who's leaving coins and giving us signs that he's there. They told me this story once when my parents and my aunt and unlce were sitting outside in my yard at a table. They all left for about 2 minutes to get something to drink and when they came back, there was a penny on the table and nobody else was around. Nobody was home and our yard is closed off.

Is it possible? I never heard of spirits or loved ones dropping loose change around but does anybody experience this kind of thing?

Sorry for going a bit off-topic but a lot you seem to know what you're talking about with this stuff. haha.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Ok, so I know this is slightly off topic since it's not about Michael but it relates somewhat to this thread. I want to know if this type of thing is possibly an experience with a spirit, moreso a loved one.

So, there's suspiciously random coins around our house. We find tons and tons of coins just laying around everyday. I know some is probably loose change that falls out of people's pockets, that happens. But we once kept a bag for all the coins we find and it was fully filled in just one day. Sometimes, our table would be completely clean and we'd come over and find a penny that wasn't there before. Or if my parents clean the floors spotless, five minutes later a coin will be on the floor. My parents believe that it's my dad's father, my late grandfather, who's leaving coins and giving us signs that he's there. They told me this story once when my parents and my aunt and unlce were sitting outside in my yard at a table. They all left for about 2 minutes to get something to drink and when they came back, there was a penny on the table and nobody else was around. Nobody was home and our yard is closed off.

Is it possible? I never heard of spirits or loved ones dropping loose change around but does anybody experience this kind of thing?

Sorry for going a bit off-topic but a lot you seem to know what you're talking about with this stuff. haha.

I'm not an expert, but I actually have heard of this. Dear Abby used to print "Pennies From Heaven" stories sometimes.

Here is a site that has some information about it (scroll down till you see "Pennies From Heaven"):
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Ok, so I know this is slightly off topic since it's not about Michael but it relates somewhat to this thread. I want to know if this type of thing is possibly an experience with a spirit, moreso a loved one.

So, there's suspiciously random coins around our house. We find tons and tons of coins just laying around everyday. I know some is probably loose change that falls out of people's pockets, that happens. But we once kept a bag for all the coins we find and it was fully filled in just one day. Sometimes, our table would be completely clean and we'd come over and find a penny that wasn't there before. Or if my parents clean the floors spotless, five minutes later a coin will be on the floor. My parents believe that it's my dad's father, my late grandfather, who's leaving coins and giving us signs that he's there. They told me this story once when my parents and my aunt and unlce were sitting outside in my yard at a table. They all left for about 2 minutes to get something to drink and when they came back, there was a penny on the table and nobody else was around. Nobody was home and our yard is closed off.

Is it possible? I never heard of spirits or loved ones dropping loose change around but does anybody experience this kind of thing?

Sorry for going a bit off-topic but a lot you seem to know what you're talking about with this stuff. haha.
I've heard of this many times!! It's also signs from heaven, angels etc! :D Lucky you!