Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

Good morning ladies and gents! (atleast its morning here hehe)

I had a Michael dream last night for the first time in WEEKS! I am giddy that I can remember it so vividly, but it was kind of upsetting.

Like many of you have had, I was in an arena or stadium or hall of some sort, and Mike was getting ready to perform or maybe do a sound check. He was wearing the all gold body suit, and his hair was curly and back in a pony tail. There were TONS of girls all over the stage, no one was sitting in the seating. Mike was standing in the middle and he was dancing but there was no music. It was like there was a barrier or some sort because no one could get close to him. He wasn't speaking. All we could hear were girls talking.

Then there was one girl who was HYSTERICALLY crying and screaming and reaching for him. All of the sudden you could hear him saying 'Come here...Come here...' and she could walk to him, unlike everyone else.

He hugged her and kissed the top of her head and she cried and he held her until she eventually just walked away by herself. This made everyone else go CRAZY and you could hear the volume increase.

By this point I was sitting on a bench all by myself directly in front of Michael, not screaming or anything. I was just watching him move. After this fan left he stood with his legs shoulder width apart, arms behind his back, and hung his head a little and just looked at me. His eyes were the SADDEST eyes I have EVER seen.

I remember not crying with sobs, but tears were coming from eyes, and then it looked like a tear came from his. I said I'm sorry and then it all faded away...

I don't think that Mike is sad for himself...I think this was a message that he is so sad that all of us are hurting and missing so bad. I think it tears him up that we want so badly for him to be here again, just be with us, but he can't be. And SO many of us are wanting or trying to connect with him, maybe it is becoming strenuous or upsetting to him on the other side??

IDK...maybe I totally misinterpreted that dream...what do you guys think?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Good morning ladies and gents! (atleast its morning here hehe)

I had a Michael dream last night for the first time in WEEKS! I am giddy that I can remember it so vividly, but it was kind of upsetting.

Like many of you have had, I was in an arena or stadium or hall of some sort, and Mike was getting ready to perform or maybe do a sound check. He was wearing the all gold body suit, and his hair was curly and back in a pony tail. There were TONS of girls all over the stage, no one was sitting in the seating. Mike was standing in the middle and he was dancing but there was no music. It was like there was a barrier or some sort because no one could get close to him. He wasn't speaking. All we could hear were girls talking.

Then there was one girl who was HYSTERICALLY crying and screaming and reaching for him. All of the sudden you could hear him saying 'Come here...Come here...' and she could walk to him, unlike everyone else.

He hugged her and kissed the top of her head and she cried and he held her until she eventually just walked away by herself. This made everyone else go CRAZY and you could hear the volume increase.

By this point I was sitting on a bench all by myself directly in front of Michael, not screaming or anything. I was just watching him move. After this fan left he stood with his legs shoulder width apart, arms behind his back, and hung his head a little and just looked at me. His eyes were the SADDEST eyes I have EVER seen.

I remember not crying with sobs, but tears were coming from eyes, and then it looked like a tear came from his. I said I'm sorry and then it all faded away...

I don't think that Mike is sad for himself...I think this was a message that he is so sad that all of us are hurting and missing so bad. I think it tears him up that we want so badly for him to be here again, just be with us, but he can't be. And SO many of us are wanting or trying to connect with him, maybe it is becoming strenuous or upsetting to him on the other side??

IDK...maybe I totally misinterpreted that dream...what do you guys think?

wow, thanks for posting would make me sad too, seeing him look sad like that....I dunno what to think...I would love to think this was a visit...maybe it was as you remember everything so clearly

I have just asked my friend and she said there is not 'time' on the other side..well there is but it works in a completely different way. And she said that emotions can 'pull' the spirits in which would mean that he would be 'feeling' alot of our sadness right now, but he is not necessarily sad.. ( I hope this makes sense) :blush:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

That's why I don't want to wear it, lol! :)
LOL, I totally get that. I had several experiences with Michael before finding out about the perfume, though, and never got a scent like that, so for me I think it's irrelevant. I have smelled candles a few times since June, though. I mean like suddenly there are candles burning near me and it makes no sense. That could be a sign for the new guide I discovered, though. Not sure at this point. CapnEo's KFC smell cracks me up - LOLOL

..... I remember not crying with sobs, but tears were coming from eyes, and then it looked like a tear came from his. I said I'm sorry and then it all faded away...

I don't think that Mike is sad for himself...I think this was a message that he is so sad that all of us are hurting and missing so bad. I think it tears him up that we want so badly for him to be here again, just be with us, but he can't be. And SO many of us are wanting or trying to connect with him, maybe it is becoming strenuous or upsetting to him on the other side??

IDK...maybe I totally misinterpreted that dream...what do you guys think?
Wow, thanks for posting. I like your interpretation, too. The night of the funeral I just cried and cried, and then from the next day on it was like, ok I'm going to do what I can now to stop being sad, to stop dragging out my feelings. I felt by that point almost sorry to Michael for being so heartbroken still, for breaking down in painful tears daily for over two months. I apologized to him for that because I'd felt worried that all the sad emotions tugging on his soul may affect him somehow, plus you know he wouldn't want us to feel terrible for so long. I'm really trying to be strong and part of it is this weird feeling inside, like one of the reasons for the reduction in tears now is that I promised Michael I'd be strong (maybe in a dream visit that I don't remember?) Or maybe that's just the stage of grief I'm in and how I need to deal with it on some level. I know it works differently with everyone, so please don't think I'm criticizing anyone else's emotions. We all have to get through it in our own way.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I don't believe in psychics, but to all you fans who feel he has visited you whether in a dream or spirit - I feel very, well, jealous. I have yet if ever to feel any kind of sense of him. THats alright though, I would imagine he would want to visit people who are in the most pain over his death. WHile I certainly am, I know I am nothing compared to others.
If you do sense him, God bless, maybe in heaven I will get my chance
Re: Psychic channels Michael

After this fan left he stood with his legs shoulder width apart, arms behind his back, and hung his head a little and just looked at me. His eyes were the SADDEST eyes I have EVER seen.

I remember not crying with sobs, but tears were coming from eyes, and then it looked like a tear came from his. I said I'm sorry and then it all faded away...

I don't think that Mike is sad for himself...I think this was a message that he is so sad that all of us are hurting and missing so bad. I think it tears him up that we want so badly for him to be here again, just be with us, but he can't be. And SO many of us are wanting or trying to connect with him, maybe it is becoming strenuous or upsetting to him on the other side??

IDK...maybe I totally misinterpreted that dream...what do you guys think?

Aw Casey, thank you so much for sharing! I think you interpreted it right on too. Just as I think Michael can feel all the love for him from us here, he can feel all the pain too. If you put any kind of strong emotion toward anyone in particular, it affects them on some level I think. Those of us here on Earth may not be consciously aware of this, but to be on the other side I would imagine they would be very aware of all energies directed at them.

I know Michael want to see any of his fans in pain...I'm sure it pains him to see us in pain. He wants us to be happy. I think we should certainly strive for this, not only for ourselves but for Michael. He's living...he's still around... we just can't see him. Really, for many of us it's kinda the same as when he was living. hehe. I mean, you knew he was around doing stuff... but you never really saw him physically.

VRookshire said:
I would imagine he would want to visit people who are in the most pain over his death. WHile I certainly am, I know I am nothing compared to others. If you do sense him, God bless, maybe in heaven I will get my chance
I highly doubt Michael would want to only visit the people who are in most pain. Michael loves all of his fans and we all love and "need" him, even those who are dealing with his death "better" than others. I think that if you just remain open to connecting with him, he will connect with you. Perhaps, since you don't believe in this stuff though...that is creating a block for you, not allowing it to happen. Try praying for help in opening your heart and mind to connecting with will come.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

He's living...he's still around... we just can't see him. Really, for many of us it's kinda the same as when he was living. hehe. I mean, you knew he was around doing stuff... but you never really saw him physically.
LOL, I love the way you put this. :yes:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

That dream has been stuck in my mind all day. The picture of him in my mind just standing there, looking SO sad is like...haunting. And I can still 'hear' the noise from all the people in my head. Maybe that's what it always sounded like in his head. There was ALWAYS something going on, someone was ALWAYS trying to talk to him or get to him. :(
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I just remembered something I found amusing the other day... I was doing an I-Ching reading about my personal life, and while I was adding up the heads and tails of the coins on my chart...I glanced at the one with all 6 coins being on heads and thought "that would be cool to get all heads...I wonder what that one even means..." It was just a super quick passing thought and I went on with my reading. When I was done I started to think about Michael and I said out loud "can I get some kind of sign?" I waited a minute and got nothing so I figured I'd throw some more I-Ching coins and see what it said and guess what? All 6 coins were heads! I thought that was pretty cool. :D
Re: Psychic channels Michael

thats not bad.. what does it smell like?
im curious lol

It's kind of hard for me to describe the smell, though I do smell musk in it (which I'm not partial to). It's not a bad smell at all...just doesn't fit the kind of perfume I like to wear. My first thought when I smelled it the first time was that it smelled like something my grandma would wear. Here's a description online I found:

"Soft sweet spices, and orange flowers with lower notes of musk, civet and ambergris."
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Well I have a funny MJ(sort of) experience. I read in this thread how spirits try to communicate with you through the radio(from the blog post someone posted some posts back). Anyway, here's my funny experience involving MJ:

I was driving home from school with my brother and "Off the Wall" came on the radio. This radio station has played at least one MJ song at the same time for the last three days I've listened to it(I guess to honor MJ) this was the first of the three days of me hearing an MJ song on the station. I later came home and read in this thread about spirits using the radio to communicate with people and wondered if MJ was doing it with me. After I was done reading I decided to take my tv off mute(I was listening to XM radio on my tv earlier) and guess what song was playing..."Off the Wall" I thought that was funny. The next morning at campus I was in the cafeteria and I read someone's backpack and it had
Off the Wall
" on it. It made my day :lol:.
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

Take this as you will all (I'm tired of holding my tongue for the sake of others' envy or skepticism)... but I just have to say that Michael really does wish that everybody here could hear, feel, or sense him in some way. Do not doubt any experience that you feel you have had with him... whether how big or small it is. And yes... he does go to the fans that he knows are hurting the most. He knows who his TRUE fans and well-wishers are. He definitely knows... :angel: :heart:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

@Casey: Oh man....what a dream:(...but I think you interpreted it right indeed. He always puts others in front of himself, and he cared so much for people that were hurt. I think he just feels so sad that we are all hurting so much cuz of him.

I had a dream this night....(seems like he found a way to communicate again?!:yes:)...I was sitting in a huge beautiful landscape with mountains and rivers, and then there was Mike...with a sort of wings on his back. There were other people there too, but they didn't seem to notice him. So I walked towards him and hugged him and cried, and then he said 'come on, let's fly away', so he put his arms around me and we flew. I felt soooo peaceful, warm, in love, he kept hugging me and it was so good to feel this care around me...and to be able to fly over this beautiful landscape with him. :cry:
I just woke up and my dreams are always very very I can like, still feel it.

I love you Mike!:angel:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Take this as you will all (I'm tired of holding my tongue for the sake of others' envy or skepticism)... but I just have to say that Michael really does wish that everybody here could hear, feel, or sense him in some way. Do not doubt any experience that you feel you have had with him... whether how big or small it is. And yes... he does go to the fans that he knows are hurting the most. He knows who his TRUE fans and well-wishers are. He definitely knows... :angel: :heart:

PYT, thanks for posting this. :)

I love your posts, stop holding them back! lol. But this make me smile. I'm just glad he knows how much we all love him.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Take this as you will all (I'm tired of holding my tongue for the sake of others' envy or skepticism)... but I just have to say that Michael really does wish that everybody here could hear, feel, or sense him in some way. Do not doubt any experience that you feel you have had with him... whether how big or small it is. And yes... he does go to the fans that he knows are hurting the most. He knows who his TRUE fans and well-wishers are. He definitely knows... :angel: :heart:

thanks for posting this, I hope that's true :huggy:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I've encountered a few things that I think might be that Michael visited me:

The first time I think I've encountered him was in my dream, I was coming to a hotel home from some kind of party thing I think and I stepped into the elevator and I'm always scared of elevators that they would get stuck so the doors opened and I was on the wrong floor but I saw Michael sitting across from me he looked like he did in 2005 and he was reading a newspaper and he smiled at me so I walked almost ran over to him and I sat next to him and I told him I love him so much and I gave him a kiss on the cheek and while doing that I felt it so strong I've never experience anything like that in a dream before.
And later on we had some fun with nailpolish smearing it everywhere and we were like finger painting with nailpolish and he stuck two fingers in my eyes and I felt alot of presure on my eyes and I woke up and my eyes really hurt when I woke up.
So I think he was really in my dream, I could feel him I could feel his love and my love for him and I could feel his presence all over.
I've never dreamed so strong about anyone like I had my dream about him that night.
So I think that is the first time he visited me.

The second time I was sitting outside listening to my iPod and ofcourse listening to some Michael songs and I looked up to the sky and I saw two clouds forming some kind of letters and they formed the word ''HI'' and I think that was Michael saying hi to me :D

The third time was yesterday, I was sitting in my room and my mum was still asleep and my dad was away and I was just sitting there and I smelt a stong sence of perfume and I was thinking to myself was that my mum walking by to the badroom so I looked and it was nothing but it was not even a kind of perfume we have in our home it was a different kind of perfume not one that I've ever smelled.
So I think that was Michael too, I've never smelled any of the perfumes that Michael wore on him but like someone else said it smelled a little like musk.

I told my mum this and she thinks I'm nuts, I think other people wouldn't understand anyway except you guys.
So those are my experiences, I really think he is among us all I really believe that!
Thank you Michael for visiting me, I love you so much forever and I know you are here! :heart:
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

I've smelt the perfume too!! I cant believe it!!

I've been away from home this week , so I havent been cheking the forum...

I was looking forward to get home so I could tell you what happened , and now I found out that lot of you have also experienced the smell!!

It happened while I was in the living room studying...My sister was next to me watching a movie , and suddenly I smelt this scent... I asked her if she could smell it , but she said no.
It lasted about 3 minutes...and then just disappear...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I also have another MJ "dream" to add, this was a week ago:
I was in class and was tired(been on this forum too much at night). I was trying to stay awake and I thought to myself MJ would not like me sleeping in class. Less than a second after closing my eyes I saw MJ. But he looked like he did in my avi and the picture below(he sitting like this but his shirt was more buttoned up), he had a bright aura around him like the lighting in my avi. He was sitting on the couch and made an facial expression that I read as "You need to wake up and pay attention in class, don't look at me, look at the teacher". I immediately opened my eyes. What so funny is that it was like he was actually there, like right after my eyelids close I saw him. It looked so real. It was as if Now that I think about it, I wish I kept my eyes close so I could see more of him and maybe talk to him. I've always wanted to see the adult afro-MJ in my "dreams" and I did. This is how MJ looked:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

PYT, thanks for posting this. :)

I love your posts, stop holding them back! lol. But this make me smile. I'm just glad he knows how much we all love him.

AAAaaawwww... thanks, hun. You've always been extremely kind and open-minded about everything I say in here. :hug:

Unfortunately, in the past others were not. So... just because I didn't video tape my experiences and broadcast them on Youtube for every moron out there to see doesn't mean they're real, huh? Just because I'm not the "ever great Bonnie" and don't do things for profit and ONLY share my thoughts with the fans--it means I'm full of it, huh? Such a shame.

Don't worry, though, I have people that I talk to that are going through the EXACT same things I am going through. And I can tell you right now that there has definite been some contact made by Michael to a few people in this thread. :yes:

Re: Psychic channels Michael

AAAaaawwww... thanks, hun. You've always been extremely kind and open-minded about everything I say in here. :hug:

Unfortunately, in the past others were not. So... just because I didn't video tape my experiences and broadcast them on Youtube for every moron out there to see doesn't mean they're real, huh? Just because I'm not the "ever great Bonnie" and don't do things for profit and ONLY share my thoughts with the fans--it means I'm full of it, huh? Such a shame.

Don't worry, though, I have people that I talk to that are going through the EXACT same things I am going through. And I can tell you right now that there has definite been some contact made by Michael to a few people in this thread. :yes:

Whoaw, who said they didn't believe you? You mean with 'here' in this thread? That's stupid...:(
I think you're right in that post about Michael! Don't hold back your replies, I love reading everyones experiences or opinions etc.
(Hope people do like mine too though, LOL...don't seem to get many replies. :blush: )
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I love all these stories and that Michael is visiting so many people. It's nice to not feel alone or crazy. Keep sharing everyone. :)

Michael has seemed to vanish from my dreams. I went back to having just "normal" (well normal in my terms) dreams. I hope not forever, and he comes back sometime. I like being able to see him in my dreams because I can't see him spiritually.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I still feel Michael around, but not so much... he's there when I think about him, or sometimes I just sense him when I'm alone and quiet. His presence makes me smile. I'm still very sad inside. And the recent clips from TII have made me cry again. I feel for him, sense his pain.

I realised something recently. My daughter is still in primary school and recently told me how she 'felt for' a boy in her class who was crying when no-one would play with him. Those were her words, and I knew then that she has a sensitive soul too. I'm glad, yet know how much it will hurt her in the future. Michael had that too, many-fold! How he must have hurt... :(
Re: Psychic channels Michael

AAAaaawwww... thanks, hun. You've always been extremely kind and open-minded about everything I say in here. :hug:

Unfortunately, in the past others were not. So... just because I didn't video tape my experiences and broadcast them on Youtube for every moron out there to see doesn't mean they're real, huh? Just because I'm not the "ever great Bonnie" and don't do things for profit and ONLY share my thoughts with the fans--it means I'm full of it, huh? Such a shame.

Don't worry, though, I have people that I talk to that are going through the EXACT same things I am going through. And I can tell you right now that there has definite been some contact made by Michael to a few people in this thread. :yes:


Yeah, some people are just rude. I wouldn't worry about them. A lot of people who share experiences such as this get some type of backlash, which is wrong. All of us in this thread, I'm pretty sure, has had some experience involving Michael's presence and we know what we feel. It's nobody's place to tell us differently.

Aw, that's a great thing to hear! I hope I'm one of them. ha. :) I feel happy that Michael is that loving to visit his fans, to check up on them. It's such a "Michael" thing to do. lol. He's so amazing. Thank you for posting again.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Hey guys, please don't hesitate to share your experiences and feelings in this thread!
Even though there are some skeptics around, there is still many believers that appreciates your stories and thoughts. I read every single post in this thread and they are all helping me in some way, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way.

I have known about spirits since I was just a little babygirl and don't ever doubt about their existence. I know Michael is still with us.. no skeptics can ever chance my mind about that.

About the perfume-thing; I posted a few weeks back one of my first visits from Michael, about me smelling an unknown perfume all over our home.
Many of you have probably not seen it, so here it is again; I asked my mom about the strong perfume, if she knew what it was, and she couldn't even smell it. One night when I went to bed, with eyes filled with tears over Michael, the smell came back to my room. Even stronger this time, and it seemed to calm me down and made me fall asleep easier. Few days later I bought Bal a Versailles, Michael's favourite perfume, even though I had no idea what it smelled like. And I can tell you, I was pretty shocked when I sprayed it and got the exact same smell that mysteriously showed up in my home earlier.

I have a strong feeling that Michael can be the one teasing you guys too with his perfume in your houses. He obviously really likes that perfume, huh :p
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Aw, I really love this thread. It's a shame that some people disregarded your experiences, PYT. I believe all of your experiences, definitley. I've had a few myself, and I love reading everyone else's! :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I used to spend a lot of time debating things with sceptics, and was quite the sceptic myself at one point. Then I came to accept my own belief (it's a long story) and now I keep well away from confrontation! I love reading this thread... it gives me a lot of reassurance and comfort and I feel at home here, thanks to all the kind souls that have contributed :) :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Unfortunately, in the past others were not. So... just because I didn't video tape my experiences and broadcast them on Youtube for every moron out there to see doesn't mean they're real, huh? Just because I'm not the "ever great Bonnie" and don't do things for profit and ONLY share my thoughts with the fans--it means I'm full of it, huh? Such a shame.

Don't worry, though, I have people that I talk to that are going through the EXACT same things I am going through. And I can tell you right now that there has definite been some contact made by Michael to a few people in this thread.

You must be talking about people OUTSIDE of this thread, because nobody has ever talked down to you here. We've had a few skeptics come in here and there but nobody has disrespected anyone for their own stories or beliefs.

And I think more than just a few people here - if not ALL of us, have had genuine connections with Michael - some just don't consciously remember it.
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

Okay, let us take the focus off of me please, and continue on with your beautiful Michael experiences. I'm sure there were people in other threads that didn't like what I had to say... but I have to say that my intuition tells me there were some in this thread as well--whether anyone will admit it or not--they know who they are. I really don't care anymore... and when I mean "a few" I'm talking about some of the posts I have read that have pretty much hit me in the face. I already stated in a previous post that no matter how big or small the experience is--do not doubt yourself. Now... let us move on... :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I used to spend a lot of time debating things with sceptics, and was quite the sceptic myself at one point. Then I came to accept my own belief (it's a long story) and now I keep well away from confrontation! I love reading this thread... it gives me a lot of reassurance and comfort and I feel at home here, thanks to all the kind souls that have contributed :) :)

I agree. I keep a pretty open mind and there are some days where I get like, "Oh, it just can't be real..." and then I come on here, do more research, etc. and I become so much more sure than I was before. In the end, I feel confident in my beliefs in this and I truly feel that there is something else out there after we die. Most sceptics are very close-minded and really don't look into the fact that there are reasonable and scientific evidence to all of what we're discussing. That's why I'm doing my research paper on this. :D

Everybody, just keep believing. Michael is forever here with us and he loves all who love him.

And Amy lol. For some reason, when I looked at your reason for editing your post, I started laughing. :p Don't you hate how you catch your mistakes AFTER you post it.