Merged: Psychics channel Michael

I find all this just nonsense, Michael has passed on, let him rest in peace.

I know everyone is allowed to have their own opinion, but it's kind of offensive to say this is nonsense, seeing as the people posting in this thread, including me, believe in it. If you don't believe in this kinda thing, then just don't just don't come into the thread.
Im not being offensive to anyone, I just find it ridiculous that Michael Jackson would try and communicate back from the dead, to his family and children, yes, but not to a load of strangers claiming they can talk to the dead. I find this alot more disrespectful to MJ. He has passed on to the other side, he just needs to be left alone to rest in peace.

I've been to these so called mediums etc, they are con artists who work in evil.
I have been recently praying for some kind of sign/visitation from Michael and today, when I was in the car, we were playing "Baby Be Mine".

Suddenly, a car skipped infront of us and the last letters of the registration were "MJ".

I don't know if it's a sign - but it made me very happy.


cool! I haven't had any relevant MJ dreams just MJ making guess appearances in them. Hopefully I have a dream based on MJ tonight.
This is not related to Michael, but just thought I'd mention it. You know how the news just came out that Elizabeth Taylor is about to undergo heart surgery? Well a couple days before that, I had a dream that Elizabeth Taylor had a stroke. I woke up from that dream very scared hoping nothing had happened to her. Now I hear about this heart surgery and I'm freaked out. Like the dream was a warning or something. I really hope she gets through it ok. She is in my prayers and I know that Michael will be watching over her. :pray:
This is not related to Michael, but just thought I'd mention it. You know how the news just came out that Elizabeth Taylor is about to undergo heart surgery? Well a couple days before that, I had a dream that Elizabeth Taylor had a stroke. I woke up from that dream very scared hoping nothing had happened to her. Now I hear about this heart surgery and I'm freaked out. Like the dream was a warning or something. I really hope she gets through it ok. She is in my prayers and I know that Michael will be watching over her. :pray:

Let's just hope that your dream was just a prediction about her having a surgery and that she will be all right after all.
As you say, Michael will be watching over her, so I think (and hope!) she will be just fine.
This is not related to Michael, but just thought I'd mention it. You know how the news just came out that Elizabeth Taylor is about to undergo heart surgery? Well a couple days before that, I had a dream that Elizabeth Taylor had a stroke. I woke up from that dream very scared hoping nothing had happened to her. Now I hear about this heart surgery and I'm freaked out. Like the dream was a warning or something. I really hope she gets through it ok. She is in my prayers and I know that Michael will be watching over her.
Hmmm, I said a prayer for her last night, but was having a feeling llike... I don't know... she may not be doing so good soon... :pray: On another friend front, I had a dream about Gregory Peck last night. Um, that's interesting. Can't say I've ever dreamt of him before, so I don't know why. He had shown up at my house (not my real house) to say a few sentences or something about Michael, but I can't remember what he said.

jemini515: thanks for reposting what you had! :)
Hmmm, I said a prayer for her last night, but was having a feeling llike... I don't know... she may not be doing so good soon... :pray: On another friend front, I had a dream about Gregory Peck last night. Um, that's interesting. Can't say I've ever dreamt of him before, so I don't know why. He had shown up at my house (not my real house) to say a few sentences or something about Michael, but I can't remember what he said.

jemini515: thanks for reposting what you had! :)

I didn't know MJ was friends with Gregory Peck! Interesting dream MJBunny. So Peck just popped out of nowhere and into your dream, odd indeed. I hope to have a MJ dream myself tonight. I haven't had any strong dreams about him and when I do I hardly can remember the dream when I wake up.
Im not being offensive to anyone, I just find it ridiculous that Michael Jackson would try and communicate back from the dead, to his family and children, yes, but not to a load of strangers claiming they can talk to the dead. I find this alot more disrespectful to MJ. He has passed on to the other side, he just needs to be left alone to rest in peace.

I've been to these so called mediums etc, they are con artists who work in evil.

Okay, I would just like to say that

a) you can't really say "I'm not being offensive" when you have already offended someone.
Doesn't matter if you think you are or not, what you say effects who you say it to.

b) I don't think you would appreciate someone crashing a conversation you were having about something you believed in just to tell you were being silly.

c) I'm not totally convinced that Michael is communicating with people from beyond the grave either, but I still find it interesting to hear what others have to say, respectfully keeping an open mind.

I'm sorry to post something unrelated to the topic at hand, but that was just rude and unproductive, and disrespect bothers me.

If you don't have anything productive to say, then don't bother saying anything. :no:

That's all.
Im not being offensive to anyone, I just find it ridiculous that Michael Jackson would try and communicate back from the dead, to his family and children, yes, but not to a load of strangers claiming they can talk to the dead. I find this alot more disrespectful to MJ. He has passed on to the other side, he just needs to be left alone to rest in peace.

I've been to these so called mediums etc, they are con artists who work in evil.

Well, OK, we all have different religions and beliefs, and experiences. So what I'm about to say some of you will think is hogwash, that's your right.

First of all, IRISH_JR, if you think Michael has the ability to "come back from the dead" to his family and children, then he would also have the ability to "visit" anyone else. The "load of strangers" are the loving fans that are devasted, grieving, and crying for him. "Knowing" Michael as I do, he truly cared and loved his fans and would definitely try to comfort and help the people who love him so. Michael would not ignore the crys and "spiritual discomfort" so many people experienced after the death of his body. I think at first he was so overwhelmed, but now he visits and trys to help.

mjbunny --- I wanted to respond to your post about the "classroom and teacher" , but I can't find it now to quote it. It's interesting to me that you saw that. Right after the terrible quake and tsunami that killed so many people recently, I thought about all the shocked and upset spirits of the children, and other people. I thought to myself "I bet Michael's helping!" I bet he did! He's in the spirit world now and can communicate to the people who's bodies recently died, in my opinion.

I have perceived Michael in my space several times. Mostly when I hear a song or read something, and start to cry, I'll call him. Sometimes I feel his presence. I don't like to bother him very much because there's so many people grieving for him.

As I posted one time before, for me, I know this is true. I have exteriorized from my body before (up at the ceiling, looking down) and have remembered some of my past lives.
Let's not pay attention to people who come here and disrespect our beliefs...

Keep going, if you keep replying this will be a spiritual debate and they will just ruin whatever we have here.
Let's not pay attention to people who come here and disrespect our beliefs...

Keep going, if you keep replying this will be a spiritual debate and they will just ruin whatever we have here.

true that. i just always respond (and am usually one of the firsts) because I want them to know that its not okay to be basically 'spamming' the thread and they should take their negativity elsewhere :)
Well, OK, we all have different religions and beliefs, and experiences. So what I'm about to say some of you will think is hogwash, that's your right.

First of all, IRISH_JR, if you think Michael has the ability to "come back from the dead" to his family and children, then he would also have the ability to "visit" anyone else. The "load of strangers" are the loving fans that are devasted, grieving, and crying for him. "Knowing" Michael as I do, he truly cared and loved his fans and would definitely try to comfort and help the people who love him so. Michael would not ignore the crys and "spiritual discomfort" so many people experienced after the death of his body. I think at first he was so overwhelmed, but now he visits and trys to help.

mjbunny --- I wanted to respond to your post about the "classroom and teacher" , but I can't find it now to quote it. It's interesting to me that you saw that. Right after the terrible quake and tsunami that killed so many people recently, I thought about all the shocked and upset spirits of the children, and other people. I thought to myself "I bet Michael's helping!" I bet he did! He's in the spirit world now and can communicate to the people who's bodies recently died, in my opinion.

I have perceived Michael in my space several times. Mostly when I hear a song or read something, and start to cry, I'll call him. Sometimes I feel his presence. I don't like to bother him very much because there's so many people grieving for him.

As I posted one time before, for me, I know this is true. I have exteriorized from my body before (up at the ceiling, looking down) and have remembered some of my past lives.

wow thats really amazing... how were you able to have this out of body experience? I had one too and it was unlike anything I ever felt before. I felt really calm and at peace and it was like I was at the ceiling looking down.

btw I really love this thread. :) I truely do believe in everything here. Michaels magic is very powerful and I know he cares so much about his fans. He even said once his fans mean the world to him. and he means the world to us too.

:angel: praying for elizabeth and going to bed..

night everyone

I love you all :wub:
wow thats really amazing... how were you able to have this out of body experience? I had one too and it was unlike anything I ever felt before. I felt really calm and at peace and it was like I was at the ceiling looking down.

btw I really love this thread. :) I truely do believe in everything here. Michaels magic is very powerful and I know he cares so much about his fans. He even said once his fans mean the world to him. and he means the world to us too.

:angel: praying for elizabeth and going to bed..

night everyone

I love you all :wub:

Well, it's only happened once. In 1977, I was 27 yrs old . It sure scared me because I didn't understand it then. I had come to talk to a counselor, I was very upset over something, I don't remember what it was now. I talked to the lady a while and got a realization, I laughed and felt so much relief. At that time I found myself at the ceiling, the corner, the whole room was tilted, and I was looking down. It lasted just a couple of seconds.
Tell me about your experience?
Wow, no posts today?

I had a weird dream last night about zombies everywhere (not really a nightmare because it wasn't that hard getting away from them). At one point there was a huge army that came into town (maybe to save us all from the zombies?) and guess who was leading it? LOL, yep! I don't know what happened to the zombies at this point, but Michael was leading his Army of Love through the streets, reminiscent of the HIStory promo and it felt like everything would be ok. I think I saw him, but the dream was one of those that went poof the second I woke up. One of the last things I remember was seeing words in front of me, like verses of a poem on a black background, that were supposed to be some explanation of or addition to Another Part of Me. Wish i could remember some words from it, but I woke up singing APoM :)
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hey everyone, I just wanted to post this, in view of what happened the other day and people were upset about losing posts. Now I just want to say, I don't know what's going on. This is from the This Is Not It thread,and people there have their theories, but to be honest I'm so confused by it all that I don't know what I believe. I'm just postig this because the board was down for 12 hours and who knows what's going on, so:

Nearly all Michael Jackson boards were affected at exactly the same time last night. Even some smaller ones. The boards were offline for about twelve hours. Nearly ALL of them. These boards are on many different servers, not just one.

MJJC will address our own security, but what you can do, individually, is back-up data you want to keep, if you are so inclined? In other words, some may want to copy and paste important threads to your desk-tops. As of this morning, MJJC continues to run very slowly, it seems.

What seems likely at this point, is that the attacks were done by more than one person. It would not be possible for a rogue hacker to take down so many boards simultaneously.

We really don't know more than that, as of now.

Love to all
Wow, no posts today?

I had a weird dream last night about zombies everywhere (not really a nightmare because it wasn't that hard getting away from them). At one point there was a huge army that came into town (maybe to save us all from the zombies?) and guess who was leading it? LOL, yep! I don't know what happened to the zombies at this point, but Michael was leading his Army of Love through the streets, reminiscent of the HIStory promo and it felt like everything would be ok. I think I saw him, but the dream was one of those that went poof the second I woke up. One of the last things I remember was seeing words in front of me, like verses of a poem on a black background, that were supposed to be some explanation of or addition to Another Part of Me. Wish i could remember some words from it, but I woke up singing APoM :)

oh this is so lovely, thank you :wub:
Oh gosh :mellow: I was wondering what had happened. Thanks for posting that, Neeve.
Wow, no posts today?

I had a weird dream last night about zombies everywhere (not really a nightmare because it wasn't that hard getting away from them). At one point there was a huge army that came into town (maybe to save us all from the zombies?) and guess who was leading it? LOL, yep! I don't know what happened to the zombies at this point, but Michael was leading his Army of Love through the streets, reminiscent of the HIStory promo and it felt like everything would be ok. I think I saw him, but the dream was one of those that went poof the second I woke up. One of the last things I remember was seeing words in front of me, like verses of a poem on a black background, that were supposed to be some explanation of or addition to Another Part of Me. Wish i could remember some words from it, but I woke up singing APoM :)

oh that is cool!! The past 3 days I have been having really peaceful dreams. One of them I was on a boat sailing somewhere to see Michael. It was so magical. I hope to keep having dreams like this rather than nightmares.
Oh man, I just listenend to the snippet of This Is It for like...a hundred times....but I have this strange type of feeling I know this song already.:blink:
You know that feeling when you meet someone new and feel like you actually already know him/her for ages? That feeling of some sort of spiritual bonding? Maybe a feeling comin' back from an earlier life or anything?
That's exactly the feeling I have with this song....dang! It's kinda scary.
It's like I could sing it along right away....(and no I don't know that Saffire song and haven't listened to it)! :scratch:
Oh man, I just listenend to the snippet of This Is It for like...a hundred times....but I have this strange type of feeling I know this song already.:blink:
You know that feeling when you meet someone new and feel like you actually already know him/her for ages? That feeling of some sort of spiritual bonding? Maybe a feeling comin' back from an earlier life or anything?
That's exactly the feeling I have with this song....dang! It's kinda scary.
It's like I could sing it along right away....(and no I don't know that Saffire song and haven't listened to it)! :scratch:

I believe it's possible that you have heard it before.. I have had this feeling with other songs before, so I know what you mean. It might be something you heard in spirit before :)

Btw, I had a WONDERFUL dream about Michael last night!
Haven't slept so tight in months. I read all the Shmuley interview's yesterday, and I think Michael's words really got into me.
In the dream, he came to me looking like Bad era, with curls in a pony tail, red shirt and black pants. He looked so beautiful, and I felt like he was just a little boy..a boy who needed to be taken care of.
I was helping him to hide away from everything evil, and we were just playing all the time, having water balloon figths and playing hide and seek. We had so much fun, and he was like..SHINING!
MJ thriller pumpkin I made is glowing feels like MJ is in the room with me

I haven't been feeling him much lately either. :( I wonder what he's doing right now. I still feel comfort in the fact that he's always around anyway, even though we can't always feel his presence. :)

That's exactly how I feel, even tho I haven't felt his presence as strong as it used to be a few weeks ago I know he's with me and us he's still around us he's our guirdian angel he watches over each and every one of us! I love you Mike :heart:

I only had a little fight with my parents on Saturday and they both went to bed and I just had a feeling I was alone and I just really felt lonely and I went downstairs in the dark and I've put on a little light and I walked around to get something to drink and I almost cried because I felt so lonely and I thought of Michael and I didn't felt so lonely anymore I really felt he was around me and comforting me in some strange way.

Oh man, I just listenend to the snippet of This Is It for like...a hundred times....but I have this strange type of feeling I know this song already.:blink:
You know that feeling when you meet someone new and feel like you actually already know him/her for ages? That feeling of some sort of spiritual bonding? Maybe a feeling comin' back from an earlier life or anything?
That's exactly the feeling I have with this song....dang! It's kinda scary.
It's like I could sing it along right away....(and no I don't know that Saffire song and haven't listened to it)! :scratch:

That's the exact same feeling I have, I also had a feeling that I knew this song already :shock:
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You know that feeling when you meet someone new and feel like you actually already know him/her for ages? That feeling of some sort of spiritual bonding? Maybe a feeling comin' back from an earlier life or anything?
That's exactly the feeling I have with this song....
I know exactly what you mean as that happened to me with Human Nature! I'm not sure about This Is It yet was too short of a clip. Wouldn't surprise me if Michael channeled a song that was written long ago in another life or something though...that was just his gift!
I know exactly what you mean as that happened to me with Human Nature! I'm not sure about This Is It yet was too short of a clip. Wouldn't surprise me if Michael channeled a song that was written long ago in another life or something though...that was just his gift!

Happened to me too!
MJ thriller pumpkin I made is glowing feels like MJ is in the room with me
Aw! That makes me think of holograms...I bet sooner or later people will be able to easily purchase them to use in their homes. Can you imagine having a hologram of Michael in your bedroom like this? hah...I think it would be so cool!
Hey! How are you doing people? :)

I need your help... I've finished with my exams , so now that I have free time , I want to buy some books about channeling,mediums,life after death , all that kind of stuff...
I've heard about one book called Talking with heaven , by James Van Praagh , and I also know he's one of the most recognized mediums in USA.

So , Have anyone read this book? Would you recommend it for a beginner in this subject?
I would really appreciate your help ...

Hugs to everyone :flowers: