Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Just a quick note... I'm just back from Thrill the World, where I danced the Thriller dance with about 800 people, and guys, I could feel Michael was pretty powerful. We had done lots of rehearsals, but when we were doing the actual one, I felt him so strongly. It was so beautiful to be with so many others reproducing what he did and I'm sure he felt very happy to see so much love for him. :)
Just a quick note... I'm just back from Thrill the World, where I danced the Thriller dance with about 800 people, and guys, I could feel Michael was pretty powerful. We had done lots of rehearsals, but when we were doing the actual one, I felt him so strongly. It was so beautiful to be with so many others reproducing what he did and I'm sure he felt very happy to see so much love for him. :)

Aw Neeve, that's so lovely! Thank you for sharing. I'm sure he loved it! :wub:
Just a quick note... I'm just back from Thrill the World, where I danced the Thriller dance with about 800 people, and guys, I could feel Michael was pretty powerful. We had done lots of rehearsals, but when we were doing the actual one, I felt him so strongly. It was so beautiful to be with so many others reproducing what he did and I'm sure he felt very happy to see so much love for him. :)
If there was ever times when MJ visits I think that is one of them.
Just a quick note... I'm just back from Thrill the World, where I danced the Thriller dance with about 800 people, and guys, I could feel Michael was pretty powerful. We had done lots of rehearsals, but when we were doing the actual one, I felt him so strongly. It was so beautiful to be with so many others reproducing what he did and I'm sure he felt very happy to see so much love for him. :)
Wow, 800 people? That's rockin! And I bet Michael totally chimes in to see these big groups do things like this...I mean how cool, to see so many people come together over him...doing his dance moves. Surely he'd be watching and smiling.
Thanks for posting that! It looks such an amazing experience! I'd love to be involved in something like that! :happy:

glad you liked it :) It was my first time being involved, it was a great experience! You should think about doing it next year, it's an annual thing. Some people just got small groups together in their towns, so you can do it anywhere! You can learn the dance at if you're interested :)
glad you liked it :) It was my first time being involved, it was a great experience! You should think about doing it next year, it's an annual thing. Some people just got small groups together in their towns, so you can do it anywhere! You can learn the dance at if you're interested :)

Wow, thanks for the info, I'm definitley gonna do it next year I think. :)
That's cool. I'm sure he was there watching all of you guys. He must have been proud. :)

I've been dancing every night to his music since September. It's fun to just unwind to his music before I go to bed. Last night the song HIStory came on and it really felt like he was there with me when I was dancing, like I could just feel his energy. :)
I've been dancing every night to his music since September. It's fun to just unwind to his music before I go to bed. Last night the song HIStory came on and it really felt like he was there with me when I was dancing, like I could just feel his energy. :)

I love doing that too! I always feel a powerful, positive energy when I do, and it's amazing. :wub:
That's cool. I'm sure he was there watching all of you guys. He must have been proud. :)

I've been dancing every night to his music since September. It's fun to just unwind to his music before I go to bed. Last night the song HIStory came on and it really felt like he was there with me when I was dancing, like I could just feel his energy. :)

I love doing that! I get especially inspired to dance to The Love You Save, Can You Feel It, and Black or White... a hee hee!
Wow Neeve that's really awesome! Thanks for sharing.
I have no doubt that Michael was there with you all. He was probably smiling and giggling the whole time. :)

And who knows, maybe even doing the dance too. ;)
Wow Neeve that's really awesome! Thanks for sharing.
I have no doubt that Michael was there with you all. He was probably smiling and giggling the whole time. :)

And who knows, maybe even doing the dance too. ;)

:wub::wub:awwwh that's so sweet. I bet he was in every place in the world where it was being done, and joining in with everyone :)

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Hi Everyone!!

The Thrill The World looked like such a great experience. I was watching the one in San Diego and there was this 4 year old boy doing the thriller. It was so cute.
Im starting to feel Michaels presence a little more stronger this week. With the release of this album, movie, and halloween coming up which is his favorite holiday. Michael loved the candy part about halloween and also the scary movies. Im sure he is with us in spirit. Especially those that need comfort after seeing the movie :cry:
Thanks for posting! I bet it was so much fun! I sooo wanted to join in on this this year but couldn't...will have to try for next year!
Loved all the instructions going on...haha... "booty bounce, booty bounce"
LOL yeah it was a ot of fun!! You should do it next year :)

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Hi Everyone!!

The Thrill The World looked like such a great experience. I was watching the one in San Diego and there was this 4 year old boy doing the thriller. It was so cute.
Im starting to feel Michaels presence a little more stronger this week. With the release of this album, movie, and halloween coming up which is his favorite holiday. Michael loved the candy part about halloween and also the scary movies. Im sure he is with us in spirit. Especially those that need comfort after seeing the movie :cry:
Yes I agree, I feel him more too. I'm sure he'll be with everyone who needs him in these days/weeks.
Yeah, I agree with the feeling him more recently. Yesterday night, I was just sitting in my room just thinking silently. I was feeling kinda rubbish yesterday, with it being four months since Michael left us. Then, I felt some kind of pressure on my right shoulder, seriously, it felt so much like someone was actually touching my shoulder. Slowly, that feeling went down to my hand, and it felt as if someone was touching the top of my hand. It was such an amazing experience, and it made me feel better. Who knows, maybe it was Michael. :wub:
Yeah, I agree with the feeling him more recently. Yesterday night, I was just sitting in my room just thinking silently. I was feeling kinda rubbish yesterday, with it being four months since Michael left us. Then, I felt some kind of pressure on my right shoulder, seriously, it felt so much like someone was actually touching my shoulder. Slowly, that feeling went down to my hand, and it felt as if someone was touching the top of my hand. It was such an amazing experience, and it made me feel better. Who knows, maybe it was Michael. :wub:
awwwh :wub: I'm sure it was!
Yeah, I agree with the feeling him more recently. Yesterday night, I was just sitting in my room just thinking silently. I was feeling kinda rubbish yesterday, with it being four months since Michael left us. Then, I felt some kind of pressure on my right shoulder, seriously, it felt so much like someone was actually touching my shoulder. Slowly, that feeling went down to my hand, and it felt as if someone was touching the top of my hand. It was such an amazing experience, and it made me feel better. Who knows, maybe it was Michael. :wub:
Awww... :heart:
I also had a few times last week, two in particular, in which I was thinking of Michael and then experienced a very strong presence on my right side -- shoulder, head, ear. And it stayed with me for a few minutes. One night I just fell asleep like that :angel:

As far as dreams go... it's frustrating. Several times recently I know I've had dreams about him, but they're soooo vague that when I wake up they're gone. Yesterday morning I woke up very early and knew I had been with Michael and we were going somewhere, like crawling through something (?). Another Part of Me was in my mind. I fell back asleep for another couple of hours and had non-MJ dreams. When I woke up I didn't want to get up (I have a cold, bleh) and lay there for a while hoping to fall back to sleep. I kept thinking, "Oh please, can I have a dream of Michael? Please??? Even if it's not actually him, just a dream? I want to hug him. Come on, dream of Michael, dream of Michael." LOL. It was just a whim, you know. I was ok with just a dream, something made up by my brain.

I never was able to fall back asleep again, but then something really weird happened. :scratch:I was lying there, eyes closed, trying to sleep and then I heard a voice. And I mean absolutely heard it, like inside my right ear, and not in that weird "half-asleep" type way where it kind of fades off and you forget it or think it was part of a dream. No. I was still quite awake. What was said was totally clear and distinct, just the voice sounded a bit distorted... like a bit of weird electronic distortion somehow. It was a mid-pitch voice (like one you couldn't say for certain was 'male' or 'female'), American-sounding accent (just pointing that out -- didn't sound like a German or a Brit) and yes, I could hear a bit of Michael-like tone in it, but not enough to say it was him or anyone specifically else. The voice simply said: "I TOLD HIM." Just stated calmly, matter-of-factly. It was soooooo weird, you guys. That just doesn't happen to me. Like once in a blue moon. I was like... huh? Who are you, who is "him" and what did you tell him? :blink: Oh, too many questions, lolol (I thought perhaps "I told him that you wanted a dream with him" ??? Him being MJ? Don't know.)
The voice simply said: "I TOLD HIM." Just stated calmly, matter-of-factly.
That's sooo cool! Because it sounds like it was a guide of yours or something, who was taking your "request" to dream of Michael/speak with him/hug him/whatever... straight to Michael. Awwwz
That's sooo cool! Because it sounds like it was a guide of yours or something, who was taking your "request" to dream of Michael/speak with him/hug him/whatever... straight to Michael. Awwwz
I had an MJ dream last night! I cant remember but he was definatley in it! and Im so happy because I havent had a MJ dream since August. He is definatley back in spirit this week :)
OMG guys, it's really happening! It's so amazing that I have felt Michael's presence so strongly during the last week and you are experiencing the very same thing! :bugeyed
I had a very spiritual dream of Michael few days ago that I told about you earlier, and last night I had a strong experience as well:
Yesterday I was feeling really horrible the whole day, I was crying and missing Michael so badly. I hated it when it got time for me to get sleep because I felt so lonely, sad and anxious. But when I was falling in sleep (or maybe already sleeping, I'm not really sure) I saw Michael standing beside my bed. He looked so beautiful, really calm and sweet, and he was bent over my bed and kinda putting me to sleep. He didn't talk anything, but I understood he was telling me (subconsciously?) that everything will be allringht and I should not worry. Then I slept really peacefully the rest of the night.
It was really beautiful, and he was so amazing! :)
Oh this is just so cool, I almost can't believe it. He really cares about us so much!
OMG guys, it's really happening! It's so amazing that I have felt Michael's presence so strongly during the last week and you are experiencing the very same thing! :bugeyed
I had a very spiritual dream of Michael few days ago that I told about you earlier, and last night I had a strong experience as well:
Yesterday I was feeling really horrible the whole day, I was crying and missing Michael so badly. I hated it when it got time for me to get sleep because I felt so lonely, sad and anxious. But when I was falling in sleep (or maybe already sleeping, I'm not really sure) I saw Michael standing beside my bed. He looked so beautiful, really calm and sweet, and he was bent over my bed and kinda putting me to sleep. He didn't talk anything, but I understood he was telling me (subconsciously?) that everything will be allringht and I should not worry. Then I slept really peacefully the rest of the night.
It was really beautiful, and he was so amazing! :)
Oh this is just so cool, I almost can't believe it. He really cares about us so much!

Aw wow! Yeah I agree, it's so amazing we're all feeling him around these last few days. :wub:
OMG guys, it's really happening! It's so amazing that I have felt Michael's presence so strongly during the last week and you are experiencing the very same thing! :bugeyed
I had a very spiritual dream of Michael few days ago that I told about you earlier, and last night I had a strong experience as well:
Yesterday I was feeling really horrible the whole day, I was crying and missing Michael so badly. I hated it when it got time for me to get sleep because I felt so lonely, sad and anxious. But when I was falling in sleep (or maybe already sleeping, I'm not really sure) I saw Michael standing beside my bed. He looked so beautiful, really calm and sweet, and he was bent over my bed and kinda putting me to sleep. He didn't talk anything, but I understood he was telling me (subconsciously?) that everything will be allringht and I should not worry. Then I slept really peacefully the rest of the night.
It was really beautiful, and he was so amazing! :)
Oh this is just so cool, I almost can't believe it. He really cares about us so much!
How wonderful! :) Thanks for sharing!
Oh wow. Michael coming back for Halloween? (and maybe because of the movie too) I don't see why he wouldn't. I love Halloween, it's my favorite holiday. :D I really want to dress up in the Smooth Criminal outfit for Halloween, but I don't know if that's going to happen. I think I might have a white glove somewhere in my drawer, so I might wear that.

I think I could feel him last night, when I was listening to "Threatened." Sometimes I think I see things in my room like shadows or lights, but I don't know if it's my imagination or not.
youi guys I believe you all, on friday when I stumled upon this thread, I have not been able to sleep. The friday I was reading this thread I was up until 3:00 am I slept but not for long. When I woke up on saturday I was a wreak, I had to tell somebody, any I could about the tapes. I've had an experience before but I't was a long time ago. I told my mom about it, at first she was like mmmm, as if she didn't beleive me. Then I reminded her of her experience, then she became more interested.

My step dad passed in 06 while she was sleeping, somethink woke her up, she saw the imprint of the mattress go dow as if someone got in the bed with her. She was catatonic (SP)? it got in the bed with and put their back close to her and layed it's arm across her leg, hip area, then, it got up and she saw the cover pulled back and the mattress imprint came up, he got out of the bed and left.

She was ssooooooooooooooo scared but she had that feeling that it was her husband. After that, she has had no more visits.
But she ttold my aunt about it and she is a minister, she told her that there are unsettled spirts and she also told her to get rid of all those obitutaries (sp)? the program that are given out when you go to that persons funeral. When she said that, I did the same thing, cause I had relatives who had died and I kept them in my bible. So, I wouldn't be supprised if we all get a visist cause we as fans have collected a lot of Michael's music, tickets, clothes, etc. So be prepared!

After seeing those utube tapes I have't had a good nights sleep. My sleep has been unrestful and I wake up three or four times during the night.

So, yeah, I do believe he will be around FOREVER!
I love the vids! Thanks for posting them! I have had a few encounters with MJ myself and I just stated channeling him last night. I have been channeling spirits for 3 years.