Merged: Psychics channel Michael

oldmoon, welcome to the club. :cool: I've had the shoulder thing too, so you're not alone there. :) I think Michael has been getting around a lot this week.

Ok, I had a couple of cool things happen early this morning. There have been a couple of times where while I was in bed lying there, as I'm waking up or falling asleep I've heard some MJ songs I've never heard before just pop into my head. It happened again this morning, and this time I got a bit of the lyrics. This is what I was hearing MJ sing in my head

Join every ? (didn't get this word)
We can make it happen
You've gotta change
The world's gonna change

I also posted this on the Dreams About MJ thread:

"Last night I had a dream with Michael actually in it. For the first time in about a month! Here's how it went

I was in an empty room with a few people. The room had a wood floor and a big glass window. Michael Jackson was also standing off to the side. He looked so beautiful. Like he was emanating beauty. He was a spirit, but he could still do things physically, like touch people, and people could see and hear him. A couple of ladies walked in asking and pleading for one of us to babysit their twin girls (but there was actually only one girl that I saw), while they went to go do something. We all just stared at them and we were eating something. One of the ladies said “Are your mouths full?” Michael stood there silently for a little bit, his arms folded in front of him. When no one answered, he said “I'll do it.” So he did and he took the little girl with him, who was about 2 years old. He went and did the MTV 10th anniversary special with her. They went on stage and the little girl was looking up at Michael in awe. Then they lined up with his people and he picked the little girl up and held her in the air.

Wow, I didn't know such a beautiful man could get even more beautiful until I had this dream. He looked like this of course, beautiful and hot."

It may have been him last night I don't know.
When ever I asked if it was him to show me something I would feel a sudden warmth on my hand, and some tingling. Again I've never had the experience like that so I don't know.
That's what happens to me. I feel like a strong energy/presence along my back (from my spine off to the right side) and up to the right side of my shoulder and head. When I've asked if it's really him the energy gets even closer, very intensely like someone's touching me, but I don't feel physical touch, just like energy that's sometimes quite warm and with occasional zapping feeling in my spine. It's unmistakeble, though. I mean, it's not like that feeling that someone's watching you or something, something that's subjective and could be all in your mind. This is very tangibly real and there, as if someone emanating heat and and some kind of radiant energy is right next to me, within my own space. This has been my experience with spirits for about 10 years now. I've had co-workers start talking to me about deceased loved ones and then... whooosh... this energy comes. If they need to convey a message I get images and sometimes words in my mind. But someone may also come to you just to comfort you. That's no proof, of course, and I'm not an expert medium or something, but it sure sounds like something similar to what you (oldmoon20) and others here have talked about. I'd just add that if you ever feel in doubt, make sure you've asked for protection, put the white light around you and send out love.
That's what happens to me. I feel like a strong energy/presence along my back (from my spine off to the right side) and up to the right side of my shoulder and head. When I've asked if it's really him the energy gets even closer, very intensely like someone's touching me, but I don't feel physical touch, just like energy that's sometimes quite warm and with occasional zapping feeling in my spine. It's unmistakeble, though. I mean, it's not like that feeling that someone's watching you or something, something that's subjective and could be all in your mind. This is very tangibly real and there, as if someone emanating heat and and some kind of radiant energy is right next to me, within my own space. This has been my experience with spirits for about 10 years now. I've had co-workers start talking to me about deceased loved ones and then... whooosh... this energy comes. If they need to convey a message I get images and sometimes words in my mind. But someone may also come to you just to comfort you. That's no proof, of course, and I'm not an expert medium or something, but it sure sounds like something similar to what you (oldmoon20) and others here have talked about. I'd just add that if you ever feel in doubt, make sure you've asked for protection, put the white light around you and send out love.

It was really amazing, I was in like pure joy when it was happening. I really wanted to know if it was him and I know if it was him he was getting bored of me asking if it was him :laugh:
It was weird to me because lately I've been freezing and last night , part of my back and my shoulders were burning. I wasn't expecting anything when I asked it first if it was him but when I felt that sudden rush of warm air on my hand I was shocked. When I felt tingling later after I felt immense joy.
When I woke up and remembered I didn't have a dream of him I was kinda sad but who knows, maybe I did and just didn't remember.
All I know is last night, was one of the best nights I've had in a while.
oldmoon, welcome to the club. :cool: I've had the shoulder thing too, so you're not alone there. :) I think Michael has been getting around a lot this week.

Ok, I had a couple of cool things happen early this morning. There have been a couple of times where while I was in bed lying there, as I'm waking up or falling asleep I've heard some MJ songs I've never heard before just pop into my head. It happened again this morning, and this time I got a bit of the lyrics. This is what I was hearing MJ sing in my head

Join every ? (didn't get this word)
We can make it happen
You've gotta change
The world's gonna change
That part about him getting around this week, lol. Yeah, I had a 'visit' Wednesday night after seeing TII too. I just felt energy very strongly around me as I sent love and thanks to him. It was very nice :)

I wonder if the lyrics/words have any connection to the Another Part of Me dreams. I don't know why, but that's what popped into my head when I read this. I had a dream a couple of weeks ago and someone else on the Dreams thread had one too about lyrics in APoM. In mine it was like an addition, like he was adding something to it, about love and changing the world. But of course (agh!) I couldn't remember once I was awake.

Oh! And just now I remembered this. Last night my husband and I had been talking about Michael and he was walking back into the living room from the hallway and he heard Michael's voice. He said it sounded like "mA-a-a-o", as if voice training or rehearsing. He stopped and said, "Did you just play MJ???" No, I hadn't. In fact, the sound on the puter was shut off and the TV was muted. I didn't hear anything at all. :scratch:He says it was absolutely Michael's voice, very clearly, without a doubt.
Oh! And just now I remembered this. Last night my husband and I had been talking about Michael and he was walking back into the living room from the hallway and he heard Michael's voice. He said it sounded like "mA-a-a-o", as if voice training or rehearsing. He stopped and said, "Did you just play MJ???" No, I hadn't. In fact, the sound on the puter was shut off and the TV was muted. I didn't hear anything at all. :scratch:He says it was absolutely Michael's voice, very clearly, without a doubt.

Oh man I so want to be able to have something like that happen to me.
I believe the spirit lives but the body returns to the earth until god back we will return to the body.
Oh! And just now I remembered this. Last night my husband and I had been talking about Michael and he was walking back into the living room from the hallway and he heard Michael's voice. He said it sounded like "mA-a-a-o", as if voice training or rehearsing. He stopped and said, "Did you just play MJ???" No, I hadn't. In fact, the sound on the puter was shut off and the TV was muted. I didn't hear anything at all. :scratch:He says it was absolutely Michael's voice, very clearly, without a doubt.
Aw that's so cool! I wish I had experiences like this too...though, I must say I AM very grateful for the experiences I've had so far. :wub::wub: I don't want Michael to think otherwise.

I've really been feeling LIKE Michael the sense of just being so playful and full of love...anyone have the same thing goin' on? Ah I am feelin' a zestiness just writing this....I think I might get off my computer now and go prancing around outside...weeee!
Aw that's so cool! I wish I had experiences like this too...though, I must say I AM very grateful for the experiences I've had so far. :wub::wub: I don't want Michael to think otherwise.

I've really been feeling LIKE Michael the sense of just being so playful and full of love...anyone have the same thing goin' on? Ah I am feelin' a zestiness just writing this....I think I might get off my computer now and go prancing around outside...weeee!

Yeah, but I'm not sure if it's because I watch him so much on YouTube that I'm starting to emulate his behavior. I can't get enough of him really. :D I feel like I think and act like him sometimes, I guess which can only be a good thing. I woke up this morning really energized and hyper, whereas I'm usually just meh in the mornings.

Haha...interesting. When you think about it, the whole event of his movie coming out really is like a big circus...

My mother said he was swinging from one side to the other like a monkey LMAO (not in an offensive way)

Michael has been around alot lately.

The other day, I was in my maths class and really focused on my work but then suddenly i moved my head to the open door as if someone made my head move quick and I felt Michael's STRONG STRONG energy, like he was standing RIGHT THERE. In my mind's eye, I immediately saw him as just leaning his head into the room but not his body. :S

I was so happy.
Yeah, but I'm not sure if it's because I watch him so much on YouTube that I'm starting to emulate his behavior. I can't get enough of him really. :D I feel like I think and act like him sometimes, I guess which can only be a good thing. I woke up this morning really energized and hyper, whereas I'm usually just meh in the mornings.

Me too Im addicted to watching him on youtube lol. Sometimes I feel so much like him in the sense where I cant stop creating!! I have an output of ideas and I cant really sleep. :doh: I just want to create all this magical stuff.

awww Amy that is sooooo cute! :wub:
Since I can't have my hug with Michael in my dreams, I decided to create one this way...

It makes me feel so good looking at that. :cry:

Aww..:better: that's sweet.

That's a cool animation! You are talented! I just know that Michael will visit you one day babe.:yes:

I miss him so's starting to drive me crazy! I just want to cry all the time, and I feel so emotional...:(
omg! I looked up at the sky tonight and I swore I Michaels face by the moon. I told my mom and she saw it too and freaked. I wanted to get a picture of it but by the time I got my camera the figure was gone. Michaels magic is in the air tonight!!!! :wub:
Do you guys know alot about orbs? The picture I took of the face did not turn out but I got some kind of ball of light shadow instead?? what is this about?
omg! I looked up at the sky tonight and I swore I Michaels face by the moon. I told my mom and she saw it too and freaked. I wanted to get a picture of it but by the time I got my camera the figure was gone. Michaels magic is in the air tonight!!!! :wub:
Aw that is so cool girl! Weeee!
And you actually caught orbs in your picture?? Double cool! Orbs are definitely a sure sign of spirits/angels/energy...whatever you want to call it. Could have been Michael for sure... please share the photo if you can!
yes.. It located under the moon where I saw the exact figure of a face that looked like MJs face.. The sky was dark blue and clouds.

I had my flash on so I could not capture the face but I did capture this picture of what appears to be an orb?? I took another picture 2 minutes later and this circular figure did not appear in the image.

Bonnie seems very sane which is why I believe her. There are some physic's who are so damn over the top ready to make $$$$

She's doing it for free on youtube which is cool. Michael must have seen her purity and so decided to talk to her. My aunt is also physic and he's come to her in dreams. When he came to her at first, it was very hectic. He was in turmoil. He was upset. This was a week after his death. He made a few visitations here and there and it was the same. Then the last time Michael came to her, he was content. As if calmer. Then he never came again.

When he first came to Bonnie in that first video in July, he was upset and uneasy. It's a mighty process to know that you're dead :(

I on the other hand only dreamt of Michael once and it wasn't a nice one. I was standing in front of a coffin and he was standing next to me. He kept shaking his head 'no' covering up his face. All he kept saying was 'no' and shaking his head. That was the end of my dream. :(

I wish he would come again hoping that it would be a much nicer dream.
I had my flash on so I could not capture the face but I did capture this picture of what appears to be an orb?? I took another picture 2 minutes later and this circular figure did not appear in the image.
Thanks for sharing the pic! It's pretty faint..but definitely orb-ish. I wonder who it was... ;)
These are nothing to be freaked out about either...I think it's exciting! :D

One time when me and my parents were hanging out, my Mom took some pics of my Dad laying on a bed and they came out with like a million orbs in them...all around was crazy! I need to dig up those pics... they looked exactly like in the grave photo...only a ton more.

starlightdancer said:
I on the other hand only dreamt of Michael once and it wasn't a nice one. I was standing in front of a coffin and he was standing next to me. He kept shaking his head 'no' covering up his face. All he kept saying was 'no' and shaking his head. That was the end of my dream. :sad:
Uggh that is sooo heartbreaking :cry: I'm glad I haven't had any dreams like that. These kinds of things is what makes me just want to give him a big hug... even if he's feeling better now...I just wanna...give him as much love as I can...I feel like he needs it...just love, you know?....always.
I just noticed that I cut part of the picture off. On the other side had another figure to the far left.

That is cool about the picture of your dad! I think its some kind of energy or force. It makes me wonder though if it is someone, and who it is.
I just noticed that I cut part of the picture off. On the other side had another figure to the far left.

That is cool about the picture of your dad! I think its some kind of energy or force. It makes me wonder though if it is someone, and who it is.
Ohh...2 orbs! Cool!
I think it was definitely someone. (*cough* Michael *cough) I wouldn't be good at explaining how it all works...but after my Mom had taken the pic with the orbs, we asked his guides about them during a "session" (my Dad channels, in a way)...and they went on to explain about how orbs are just the energies of spirits/angels.
Something else cool The lyrics of thriller

Under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart
The Orb(?) that I saw was under the moonlight!!! I find them so interesting whatever it is. Maybe I will do some research on it.
Cool, Shayla! :D I don't know much about orbs...should try to find out sometime.

Back on the Egypt-thing...yesterday I was diggin' through my jewelry and found my Ankh-necklace which I hadn't worn for a while. That immediatly made me think of Michael and I thought I had seen him wearing something like that.:scratch:
Then I saw the trailer, and guess's on his red jacket!

The life cross Ankh is the symbol and attribute of all immortal gods. In the written language (hieroglyphs) it symbolises life. It must ensure immortality and health. It was the key for the paradise, for the worship of the gods and for a happy life. It repairs at the same time the vigorous balance and descends all detrimental golves from the body.

AMAZING, don't u think? :) Very fitting for him! Found it so cool he's into that Ancient-Egypt stuff too.
I know for sure, that necklace is gonna be around my neck again and now forever! :heart:

^ I know right!:wub: LOL! But read about the Ankh, I found it amazing...also proves he chose his clothes well-thought.