Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

yes thats what I see.. I see a hand too under it..
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I took a picture of the clouds today
and I believe I saw Michaels eye do you see it?


I kind of see it. :)
I sort of see a face. It's really faint though.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I can see the hand too, I think...It is all really faint, but I think it is there! :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I took a picture of the clouds today
and I believe I saw Michaels eye do you see it?


OMG! That is SSSOOOO beautiful! He's smiling down at us. I can see his eyes and his face clearly. Looks like he's wearing one of his signature military jackets, too, because I can see the strap. Can anyone else see it? I think he knows that we love that look on him. :D Thank you so much for sharing, MJStarlight. :angel:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I dunno how to post pics, but I just took a pic of the clouds and there is clearly a giant "M". I know that they could be just clouds, but I found it pretty neat. I have been looking at the sky a lot.. since he passed away. I have just been taking random shots of the sky. Anyway, I want to have more of those dreams/visits. I have been so stressed out and sad lately, that maybe I can't be as open? Does this happen to anyone? Like can stress and sadness affect dreaming?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I took a picture of the clouds today
and I believe I saw Michaels eye do you see it?

On the top, I can see the profile (sideways) of a bald man (kinda like a philosopher like Plato or Socrates) having his hand in front of his mouth! That's so creepy! LOL I can't see Michael... lol
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

I can see the left eye very clearly with the eyebrow
I have some pictures of clouds too somewhere I'll post them when I get home I'd like to know if you see the same thing as I do.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I took a picture of the clouds today
and I believe I saw Michaels eye do you see it?


Awww I see it! :D, thats so sweet :wub:

Michael is sure looking over everyone of us :wub:

And TheOriginalPYT, I can see the strap you mentioned of his uniform :D
Re: Psychic channels Michael

thank you for sharing :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Emma, what is your meditation technique? I want to try this to see if I can contact a spirit guide but I dont really know where to start in terms of meditation.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I see kind of the top of a face...


Is this what you were seeing, or something different??
wow, i see it...well, its so amazing~~~isn't it???
and its actually beautiful too...Michael was looking at us, he never leave us=]
Thx for sharing
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Asedora said:
Well, I do not believe Bonnie when she says that Michael died because it was his time. “His time” is very abstract form to express something. And it doesn’t really mean anything cuz everybody’s time comes someday even if you take a plane it crashes.
Tell you the truth,till today I was keeping quiet at this tread about my very first vivid dream. A VERY first my post on this forum (in general discussion news) on July 2009 was about conspiracy theory and what killed MJ. I tried to tell people that Michael was killed. I have a very strong feeling about it because I have this gift to feel crime (I even explaned it in my msg) He came to my first dream (one week after he was killed) and said thank you for this way of thinking. He obviously wanted me to post it because he was agree with that. Nobody paid attention to my post at that time. From today’s news everybody knows that MJ case is homicide. I knew he was killed from the beginning and I have no clue why Bonnie and others saying opposite.

First of all...Bonnie never said it was his time. That was the point I was making in that last paragraph. It is OTHERS that have said this...Bonnie has not disclosed any details regarding his actual death, other than what he is now experiencing, and it wasn't what he had initially expected.

Secondly...I never said Michael wasn't killed. In fact I blatantly said I DO think there was foul play. It still could have been designed that way, for whatever reasons. :)

riviera1992 said:
So now it makes sense why Michael was so adamant about getting propofol. My guess is he wanted to experience the Other Side and feel the euphoria of the spirit world where all is peaceful, quiet, loving and white light.

Well, it was only Chopra's guess that Michael was talking about drugs when he made that statement - considering everything that has happened. I'm not sure what I think about that though...I personally don't feel Michael would be taking drugs specifically to "enter the valley of death and come back". That's like addict talk - addicts do it for the experience...the "high". Which hey, maybe Michael WAS an addict...we don't know for sure. But something about him taking the drugs just for that, just doesn't sit right with me. He may have just been astral traveling another way...

jayjackson said:
she told me she just experienced the most weird thing. While she was chatting with me, and having all these amazing thoughts in her mind her nail polish on her table began moving at its place. It was like it was cleaned to her table, but moving back and forth. It was only that thing moving, even though her table was packed with other things. It overturned and fell to the floor.

Hah! Quite interesting indeed. Certainly would be freaky for people who aren't used to this kind of stuff!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I dunno how to post pics, but I just took a pic of the clouds and there is clearly a giant "M". I know that they could be just clouds, but I found it pretty neat. I have been looking at the sky a lot.. since he passed away. I have just been taking random shots of the sky. Anyway, I want to have more of those dreams/visits. I have been so stressed out and sad lately, that maybe I can't be as open? Does this happen to anyone? Like can stress and sadness affect dreaming?

Spiritual experiences / contact with spirits can come to you in moments of sadness just as they could in moments of happiness. Still, often times sadness and stress will cloud your vision, so that you don't see things as they really are...and, as with all energy - it attracts more of the same. So if you decide to keep yourself in sadness for example, sadness is what you will attract, see and experience. Don't stress OVER your stressing though :p Just feel what you need to feel, relax, breathe, and take care of yourself.:better:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I took a picture of the clouds today
and I believe I saw Michaels eye do you see it?


Aww!! Yes!! I see half a face (the eyes are soo mj) and I see a hand too. :wub: :wub:

Hey everyone.
I wanted to share a weird experience me and my best friend have had.
My friend and I were chatting on msn about this whole spiritual thing. I told her to watch Bonnie Vent's videos and tell me what she thought. She watched them, and like me, she told me she got a really weird feeling while watching it. Like this were really him. We then talked further about it, and both got in a really weird unexplainable mood. Suddenly she didnt reply to my messages and 5 minutes later she wrote me JULIE. CALL ME! I called her and she told me she just experienced the most weird thing. While she was chatting with me, and having all these amazing thoughts in her mind her nail polish on her table began moving at its place. It was like it was cleaned to her table, but moving back and forth. It was only that thing moving, even though her table was packed with other things. It overturned and fell to the floor. She said she got so scared and hysterical that her only reaction was to run out from the room. She just stood outside the room with her heart beating like crazy until she decide to go in there again. When she got in there she still felt like there being something in her room. Then she told me to call her. It was the most freakish thing and ever since she's felt like someones wanted to get in contact with her.

I posted my experience earlier in this thread.

Experiences like these just leave me speechless. :mellow:

Oh my God...Mike?!?!

That's amazing.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Aww!! Yes!! I see half a face (the eyes are soo mj) and I see a hand too. :wub: :wub:

Oh my God...Mike?!?!

That's amazing.

I know. But it freaks me out a bit 'cause I have never experienced anything like that before. I think watching these videos from Bonnie Vent actually changed my life a bit. :mellow: My take on spirits and the life after death have changed completly after watching the videos. It opened my eyes. I truly believe and feel that I have been in touch with Michael, and that he is never really gone at all.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I have just started to read 'Ghosts among us - uncovering the truth about the other side' by James Van Praagh, which was mentioned in this thread earlier. I love this book already. James Van Praagh's beliefs and experiences which he describes in this book confirms everything I already believe in.
I would say that all of you guys which is active at this thread have some beliefs or at least interest for the paranormal, therefore I would definately recomend this book for you. If you are seaching for more information about the spiritual world and how things work, this is the right book. ;)

Anyone read it before? What are your thoughts about the book?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Emma, what is your meditation technique? I want to try this to see if I can contact a spirit guide but I dont really know where to start in terms of meditation.

Hi, sorry for taking so long to reply, I haven't be online much today.

There are many techniques but it is what you find the best and what works the best for you. But really meditation is just relaxing your physical body as well as the mind, clearing your mind of all conscious thoughts can be VERY hard at first, all depends on person to person. Some people may get the knack of it after about 2 weeks or so, some may take longer or even some are able to do it naturally.

Spirits cannot communicate with you if you're mind is ticking along 100 miles per hour and there messages and communication is easily missed. When I first started talking to angels one thing I learned from them, is don't try to hard, trying to hard is just forcing things and is noting letting things happen naturally, the angels have a thing called "Divine Timing" where things happen when they are supposed to happen.

But I advise, find some where quiet, night time is the best time, but again depends on you whether the day time or night time, find a comfortable position, such as the floor and have back support, or lay down in bed, but if you prone to falling asleep easily, sit up lol, I lay down as I get back ache rather quickly because of my disability.

Clear your mind of any thoughts, usually the first time you will struggle to do so and you may do so for weeks at a time, but again it all depends on the individual. Take 3-5 deep breaths and release any anger, tension and stress that may have built up through out the day and breath it all out until you feel relaxed and your muscles feel loose and not tensed up.

As for protection, visualize bright white light around you just in case as this blocks any negative energy away from you, if you have trouble visualizing, just say mentally to your guardian angels or even the archangels "Please angels, stand by me during this meditation session" some times you may feel the presence of them or not, but if you don't, don't worry, they will hear you and respond to your request immediately.

One your mind is calm again and you are relaxed, decide which spirit you are calling on, whether it an Archangel, your guardian angel or your spirit guide and kindly ask them to come closer and communicate with you as you'd like to know them better, again if you don't feel a presence, don't worry, sometimes they can speak to you even though they not in our realm. If you feel comfortable enough, try and say "Hello" and see if you hear a hello back, you may hear a hello back via your physical ears or mentally and the voice will be different from your own voice.

If you don't hear an hello, keep trying every night and you will get there eventually. Once you get past the hello stage, you may proceed to ask other questions such as their name, what there purpose is (if you are talking to a guide or angel), and so on, but your questions must be respectful because if you're talking to a guide or angel and you ask a question you may not always receive the answer you may want to hear, but they will tell what you NEED to know.

When I first started talking to Archangel Michael, his voice sounds deep but soft, loving and calming and at first I thought I had totally lost my mind, I used to get emotional, self doubting and as time went on they kept sending me signs to reassure me I was not crazy and everything I was experiencing was very real and everything they told me became true and has helped me with many problems in my life, and now I talk to the angels nearly on a regular basis and I get signs non stop from them, such as clouds, hearing songs involving angels at a particular time such as a shop or doctors appointment.

sorry that was long, I'd talk about this all day if I had a chance LOL :p
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I'm so confused. What exactly is a "spirit guide"? Can it just be a dead person that you really love e.g. a family member, friend, or even Michael (for our case)?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

First of all...Bonnie never said it was his time. That was the point I was making in that last paragraph. It is OTHERS that have said this...Bonnie has not disclosed any details regarding his actual death, other than what he is now experiencing, and it wasn't what he had initially expected.

Secondly...I never said Michael wasn't killed. In fact I blatantly said I DO think there was foul play. It still could have been designed that way, for whatever reasons. :)

Well, I do not remember each Bennie’s word but I remember that I didn’t accept what she said anyways. I think you right that others have said that.It is just BS as we can see now. It doesn’t match anything. If Michael didn’t come to my first vivid dream and didn’t show me that he agrees with my very first msg about the investigation process I would never post it.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I'm so confused. What exactly is a "spirit guide"? Can it just be a dead person that you really love e.g. a family member, friend, or even Michael (for our case)?

A spirit guide is some one who has passed over, it can be a loved one such as a family member, friend. But that guide only guides one person at a time and then you may get another guide coming into your life, all depending what you need to learn in this life time.

Here is a link in more detail.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Emma, that was a very detailed explanation. Thank you. I shall try out sometime.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Well, I do not remember each Bennie’s word but I remember that I didn’t accept what she said anyways. I think you right that others have said that.It is just BS as we can see now. It doesn’t match anything. If Michael didn’t come to my first vivid dream and didn’t show me that he agrees with my very first msg about the investigation process I would never post it.

I think Bonnie's channel is consistent with foul play. "He" was agitated, kept saying he needed help and had to figure out what to do next. Also, Bonnie has not shared all of the tapes publicly because of the investigation. Some of the other, private statements might match, we don't know.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Hey everyone!

Merethe, thanks for the book recommendation, I'm going to check it out!

Emma, thanks for the directions :)

I have thought about the 'purpose' of life so many times...

Michael was bigger than life really, if you think about it. Everyone on the planet knew about him. It didn't matter the language they spoke, the country they were in, what economic social class they were in, or their age. It was just common knowledge who Michael Jackson was, and what he was known for. That hardly ever happens, and will probably never happen again. Music, especially the new artists, is/are so jaded now, it's hardly ever done because it is a love or a passion or a talent, but more so because of what money they can earn and how much 'bling' they can accumulate.

I think that Michael was most definetly a 'gift' from 'above'. He was almost 'inhuman' (and believe me I mean that in such a complimentary way). He had such a kind soul, a giving soul, he had a child's soul. He had gone through so much pain, so much deceit. He had been cheated, his name had been dirtied, he had lost his 'good' reputation. And yet, he could still go out with the same smile that he always did. He could still help the children that he always wanted to help. He gave so much of himself that there was hardly anything left to give. Could it be that it just was, plain and simple 'his time'? His spirit and his soul had given all they could with what they had to work with. Maybe it was time for him to leave his human 'shell' and continue his work without boundaries. Without time limits, without limitations, without hurting and pain. He can do so much more, on a far larger scale, now that he is working free of all his sadness. I know he will miss his chidlren, his family and even his fans, but he never will really leave any of them or us. He is always with anyone who believes in him, as long as they choose to keep him in their heart.

He had such a chaotic, expansive, and memorable life that so many learned so much through, that perhaps (and tragically) his death had to be the same? We learrned so much from him in his life, perhaps he had another lesson to teach us through his death? I hate saying these things because I do not want to sound like I am thankful that he is gone because I most certainly am not, but at times it makes sense to me to think like this.

Like amygrace was saying before, some believe that we choose our own paths of life before we actually are born here to live it. Perhaps Michael took on such a heavy load on purpose, because he knew that his soul and probably only his soul could take on so much pain and still find meaning and love through it all. If anything Michael is loving more, giving more and helping more wherever he is now than he possibly could be doing while spending anymore time on this Earth. I am almost positive of this. I just feel it in my bones that even though he has passed, he has not quit and he could never quit.

Sorry for making such bold statements and maybe even going a little off topic. I just felt I had to share these feelings with you guys.

Yep, you're right. He was hurt so so much and he kept giving, kept loving.... that's pretty spectacular!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I tried meditating a couple of times, and I seemed to get instructions coming in my head on how to do it. Not sure what to make of that, but I want to keep trying it out.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I tried meditating a couple of times, and I seemed to get instructions coming in my head on how to do it. Not sure what to make of that, but I want to keep trying it out.

Oh my God, I done and I freaked out. I felt like floating, I saw him and felt him but I couldn't hear him. I asked him if he was ok and I was overwhelmed by emotions, I felt warmth and love and power and I was crying so much. Then I had to leave and walk down the path again, embrace him and return to the field...

I was crying even more during the embrace.

When the session was over, I was crying even more because I didn't want to leave Mike. I was dizzy for the next 3 hours and all the colours were weird.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Thanks for the explaination Emma! So are you saying that a spirit guide or the person you are trying to contact may actually talk back to you? How do you know it isn't just your imagination, or you thoughts in your head making you think 'hello'?

Im excited to try it out so i would like to know... thanks!

And another quick question. What would happen if you didn't believe in spirits and the afterlife? Would you just not be affected?