Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

Oh, and let's not forget burning sage to clear energy! I sage my house often. :)

Everynight before I go to sleep lately, since I started asking my spirit guides things, I get this almost 'buzzing' feeling throughout my body. It feels like 'energy', like...not like I have energy to get out of bed and go do stuff, but almost like an electric energy running through my body.
I'm just not sure what the buzzing energy thing right before I fall asleep is??

Funny you mention a "buzzing". I get this type of thing often - which gets my legs shaking a lot. For me it would often come up when I was "clearing" myself, doing a meditation, receiving a healing, having a reading done, or facing an issue that needed resolved. It was such a strange reaction for me, because it was much like the signs of being nervous...where your knees start to shake, but I never felt nervous and it would do it uncontrollably. I consulted my psychic about it and she said it was indeed just energy rushing through at a high vibration. I would always try to lock my knees to stop the shaking but she told me to just let go and let my body "buzz" so that it could release whatever it needed to, or take in whatever it needed to.

So anyway, the point's just energy. Let it flow. See what happens. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I feel this a lot of the time. Never alone, or if there are people I'm with, I feel there is an extra person present. Or that someone is behind me. It's not a scary feeling though. I believe it is Michael. :)
Yeah, I get these feelings too! Many people do. :) But chances are this is your guardian angel or spirit guide, not Michael I'm afraid... (not that it's not possible)!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Strawberrypie999...I had a similar experience just last night. It was odd and I said I'm really going have to start writing this stuff down, lol. :cheeky:

The odd part: I felt this heavy weight on me and this complete calm feeling, but it was so overwhelming, that I woke up, but then I got pulled back into unconsciousness. It was such a scary and peaceful feeling all at the same time..

and NO, :tease: i'm not saying I was about to be abducted by aliens, lol.

So, I felt like, this is it, this is my time to ask MJ something that I absolutely can use to verify that is him. So I asked (because I saw his face or what I thought was him) what can I ask Frank DiLeo to get his attention and know that this info is coming directly from you. :fortuneteller:

He said ask him, " about the purple socks." :mello: Or something equally as silly. I'm like okay, this is nothing I can post in the the, "Ask Frank a question" board, lol. :doh:

Although, it's great to read that there are others experiencing this feeling. It makes me want to read/research more about different planes, astral phenomenon, etc. ;D
Re: Psychic channels Michael

So, I felt like, this is it, this is my time to ask MJ something that I absolutely can use to verify that is him. So I asked (because I saw his face or what I thought was him) what can I ask Frank DiLeo to get his attention and know that this info is coming directly from you. :fortuneteller:
He said ask him, " about the purple socks." :mello:, interesting. I bet that really does have some meaning.

I am really interested in knowing whether genuine psychics are receiving genuine information regarding what happened with Michael's death. I do agree that we all have a "time" to I don't doubt that Michael could very well be at peace with his passing, even if there was foul play - because that could've just been the way it was "planned" - as part of his life plan, ya know? But I still want to know what REALLY happened.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I feel this a lot of the time. Never alone, or if there are people I'm with, I feel there is an extra person present. Or that someone is behind me. It's not a scary feeling though. I believe it is Michael. :)

I have someone with me most of the time, I'm quite sure that is my grandmother which is my spirit guide and one more whom I'm not sure who is. But they must be my guides since they are with me whenever I need them.

I believe maybe that the person you feel behind you is your spirit guide. Sure it can be Michael too, I have felt his presence many times, but he isn't with me that often. I now know when Michael is with me, I can smell him.
Try to ask this spirit if he/she can tell you who it is.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Hmm...I thought it would be just energy. I thought maybe it was a strange way of my body relaxing? LOL I have been dealing with more stress than usual lately. I also thought maybe it was just nervous energy. But I have had what you were talking about before amygrace.

My body has just trembled before for absolutely no reason. I can be doing nothing, no reason to be nervous, and I just tremble uncontrollably. It is very irritating and makes me very tired. It hasn't happened lately but used to be an almost everyday thing.
Re: Psychic channels Michael, interesting. I bet that really does have some meaning.

I thought about it. I wondered if the socks was a gift or maybe even what he was buried in.

Another part I remember (since I did go write it down) was that he asked Tohme about a scarf and if he liked the way it felt.

Some psychic I am, lol. If he is talking to me, then he's talking about articles of clothing as opposed to what happened to him.

I feel like Alison Dubouis from Medium (since I got 3 girls too), sometimes she be sooo way off base initially, but right on the tip of being right and not even knowing it.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I have someone with me most of the time, I'm quite sure that is my grandmother which is my spirit guide and one more whom I'm not sure who is. But they must be my guides since they are with me whenever I need them.

I believe maybe that the person you feel behind you is your spirit guide. Sure it can be Michael too, I have felt his presence many times, but he isn't with me that often. I now know when Michael is with me, I can smell him.
Try to ask this spirit if he/she can tell you who it is.

Could be. These experiences have been pretty recent, starting since the beginning of this month. I know when it is Michael because I smell KFC when I'm otherwise thinking of him or watching YouTube, or sometimes at just random moments.

I've been trying to find my spirit guide a bit. I did a meditation the other night and I seemed to be getting instructions on how to do it. Whether this is just my subconscious or a spirit guide I don't know. It's so hard to tell the difference between it being your thoughts or something else.
Re: Psychic channels Michael, interesting. I bet that really does have some meaning.

I am really interested in knowing whether genuine psychics are receiving genuine information regarding what happened with Michael's death. I do agree that we all have a "time" to I don't doubt that Michael could very well be at peace with his passing, even if there was foul play - because that could've just been the way it was "planned" - as part of his life plan, ya know? But I still want to know what REALLY happened.

I do not believe that it was his time I really DO NOT, reriod. And I do not feel that way at all. People who wants to find the truth can go here:
I have a strong feeling that Michael wants the truth about his death to come out. It is VERY important for us and for him.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Could be. These experiences have been pretty recent, starting since the beginning of this month. I know when it is Michael because I smell KFC when I'm otherwise thinking of him or watching YouTube, or sometimes at just random moments.

I've been trying to find my spirit guide a bit. I did a meditation the other night and I seemed to be getting instructions on how to do it. Whether this is just my subconscious or a spirit guide I don't know. It's so hard to tell the difference between it being your thoughts or something else.

KFC?? Whaaa... :lmao:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I do not believe that it was his time I really DO NOT, reriod. And I do not feel that way at all.
I have a strong feeling that Michael wants the truth about his death to come out. It is VERY important for us and for him.

It's understandable to NOT want to believe it was his time. I don't want to believe it. I know he could have and would have offered so much more to this planet. He had children, millions of people that loved him, he was a genuine good soul and probably one of the most giving and loving people to walk this earth and make it better. He deserved to live. And if there was foul play, (which I DO believe, the more I look into things) Michael deserves JUSTICE. Still, however we may not like could have just been part of his life plan. Some children that come to this earth plan their lives to die young. You think the parents of these children would agree it was their time? Certainly not. But there's a lot that we don't understand as to why things are, and what everyone's own personal purpose in life is. And I think Michael knew he wouldn't grow old. Of course we all know on a soul level when "our time" will come, as I believe we ourselves chose it before coming here...but in regards to the comment Michael made to Lisa Marie speaks some to this concept. Also it was predicted by psychics (particularly one that spoke on Mtv I believe) and others with their own personal experiences, that Michael would die this year.

Again though, I'm not saying that just because it may have been "his time", we should all just skip on our way and assume everything is fine. No. Maybe "his time" was designed to bring awareness to others, bring people together, enforce justice and/or reap karma for those involved. My main point was...I, like everyone, want to know WHAT HAPPENED. I'm curious about psychics receiving such details. Like Bonnie has mentioned, she cannot disclose some information she's received due to the ongoing investigation.

On a side note - this is one thing that makes me wonder about some others who claim to be receiving messages from Michael. Not to say that Bonnie is 100% accurate, because that we don't know...but, I've heard many "messages from Michael" from psychics or others, that claim Michael says his death was an accident or that he blames no one and is at peace blah blah blah, happy happy happy. :p Now, I for one do think it's definitely possible that he could be at peace with his death as it may have been designed by himself...BUT, I don't feel he would make such a bold statement to others such as "it was all an accident". For one, because I don't feel it was...but for two, that contradicts Bonnie's messages completely...where again, she won't even discuss the matter out of respect for Michael/his family and in regards to the investigations.

It all just makes you wonder.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Well I tried to talk and get in touch with Michael last night and the other night Lastnight was in my living room and the other night was in my room and I felt like I was gonna faint and I felt heavy and when I was done I felt fine and I wasn't tired now this is new to me and does that mean anything? And I couldn't hear him say anything if it was.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I do not believe that it was his time I really DO NOT, reriod. And I do not feel that way at all. People who wants to find the truth can go here:
I have a strong feeling that Michael wants the truth about his death to come out. It is VERY important for us and for him.

It's understandable to NOT want to believe it was his time. I don't want to believe it. I know he could have and would have offered so much more to this planet. He had children, millions of people that loved him, he was a genuine good soul and probably one of the most giving and loving people to walk this earth and make it better. He deserved to live. And if there was foul play, (which I DO believe, the more I look into things) Michael deserves JUSTICE. Still, however we may not like could have just been part of his life plan. Some children that come to this earth plan their lives to die young. You think the parents of these children would agree it was their time? Certainly not. But there's a lot that we don't understand as to why things are, and what everyone's own personal purpose in life is. And I think Michael knew he wouldn't grow old. Of course we all know on a soul level when "our time" will come, as I believe we ourselves chose it before coming here...but in regards to the comment Michael made to Lisa Marie speaks some to this concept. Also it was predicted by psychics (particularly one that spoke on Mtv I believe) and others with their own personal experiences, that Michael would die this year.

I believe everything happens for a reason. The more I came to think about all of this, the more I started to believe that Michael was put here to test us. I mean, this wonderful, gifted talented person comes to this Earth. He's a child prodigy and lives his whole childhood on stage bringing happiness with his performances. Then he grows up and lives his adulthood the way but with misconceptions in between. This was a man who tried to see the good in all things and saw the world has issues. He wanted to "heal the world" and just make it a better place. He wanted peace among people and lived in a way that people thought was strange. He was very misunderstood.

I mean, he helped millions of people and children, donated millions of his money to charities and even saved some lives. He welcomed people into his home, his private space and provided them with a bed and just pure love. But what does he get out of it? Made up stories, abuse, lies, slander, scandal and accused of child molestation. This is just shows how the world responds to GOOD people who want to do GOOD things for the world. I believe that Michael's death is to teach us lesson. It was random and unexpected and something the world took for granted. Sure there was foul play and I believed from the start that it was murder but then I thought...everything happens for a reason. Michael even knew himself that he wasn't going live to grow old and gray and I think deep down so did we but we didn't want to accept that because he's Michael Jackson. What else was left for him to do? Yes he had the tour and 3 beautiful children. But maybe the tour wasn't meant to happen. He had been performing and making music for over 40 years and maybe God has another plan for the children.

A little off topic but I thought I'd my take on it. :)
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

The more I came to think about all of this, the more I started to believe that Michael was put here to test us.
(...) Yes he had the tour and 3 beautiful children. But maybe the tour wasn't meant to happen. He had been performing and making music for over 40 years and maybe God has another plan for the children.

Well his whole LIFE was a lesson to others. A lesson in love, innocence, compassion, strength, endurance....

His death, I feel had a purpose much like his life raise awareness.

And I agree, those children have another plan. I'm sure before coming to this Earth, they knew they would lose their father while they were young. They chose this life for whatever personal lessons and experiences they needed, for their own personal soul growth.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Well his whole LIFE was a lesson to others. A lesson in love, innocence, compassion, strength, endurance....

His death, I feel had a purpose much like his life raise awareness.

Yeah, that's basically what I was saying. That's what I meant when I said I believe that Michael came to this earth to test us. To teach us a lesson in general with his life AND death.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I have thought about the 'purpose' of life so many times...

Michael was bigger than life really, if you think about it. Everyone on the planet knew about him. It didn't matter the language they spoke, the country they were in, what economic social class they were in, or their age. It was just common knowledge who Michael Jackson was, and what he was known for. That hardly ever happens, and will probably never happen again. Music, especially the new artists, is/are so jaded now, it's hardly ever done because it is a love or a passion or a talent, but more so because of what money they can earn and how much 'bling' they can accumulate.

I think that Michael was most definetly a 'gift' from 'above'. He was almost 'inhuman' (and believe me I mean that in such a complimentary way). He had such a kind soul, a giving soul, he had a child's soul. He had gone through so much pain, so much deceit. He had been cheated, his name had been dirtied, he had lost his 'good' reputation. And yet, he could still go out with the same smile that he always did. He could still help the children that he always wanted to help. He gave so much of himself that there was hardly anything left to give. Could it be that it just was, plain and simple 'his time'? His spirit and his soul had given all they could with what they had to work with. Maybe it was time for him to leave his human 'shell' and continue his work without boundaries. Without time limits, without limitations, without hurting and pain. He can do so much more, on a far larger scale, now that he is working free of all his sadness. I know he will miss his chidlren, his family and even his fans, but he never will really leave any of them or us. He is always with anyone who believes in him, as long as they choose to keep him in their heart.

He had such a chaotic, expansive, and memorable life that so many learned so much through, that perhaps (and tragically) his death had to be the same? We learrned so much from him in his life, perhaps he had another lesson to teach us through his death? I hate saying these things because I do not want to sound like I am thankful that he is gone because I most certainly am not, but at times it makes sense to me to think like this.

Like amygrace was saying before, some believe that we choose our own paths of life before we actually are born here to live it. Perhaps Michael took on such a heavy load on purpose, because he knew that his soul and probably only his soul could take on so much pain and still find meaning and love through it all. If anything Michael is loving more, giving more and helping more wherever he is now than he possibly could be doing while spending anymore time on this Earth. I am almost positive of this. I just feel it in my bones that even though he has passed, he has not quit and he could never quit.

Sorry for making such bold statements and maybe even going a little off topic. I just felt I had to share these feelings with you guys.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Wow...interesting update on Bonnie's website that confirms part of her channeled message previously:

7/22/09 – 4:33pm (channeled Message from Michael):

“I was very confused at first. I had been in similar states of being many times and always came back to my life and went through my schedule just as directed. This time was different. The environment changed suddenly and I was trying to get back. I had done this successfully before but not this time. I can see many people around me but there was no noise... complete silence and it was wonderful… there were also many different kinds of animals… they were the brightest white light I could possibly imagine. I had not seen this before in my other-worldly travels.”

On 7/30/09:
CNN’s Larry King Live Larry asks Deepak Chopra to recall what he termed an “eerie conversation with Michael.” Deepak Chopra proceeded to say to Larry King:
“…very casually over the phone he just dropped a line like Deepak have you heard of this thing that takes you immediately to the valley of death and then brings you right back?...”

Here is the link to that video:

And again, Bonnie's website:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Wow...interesting update on Bonnie's website that confirms part of her channeled message previously:

7/22/09 – 4:33pm (channeled Message from Michael):

“I was very confused at first. I had been in similar states of being many times and always came back to my life and went through my schedule just as directed. This time was different. The environment changed suddenly and I was trying to get back. I had done this successfully before but not this time. I can see many people around me but there was no noise... complete silence and it was wonderful… there were also many different kinds of animals… they were the brightest white light I could possibly imagine. I had not seen this before in my other-worldly travels.”

On 7/30/09:
CNN’s Larry King Live Larry asks Deepak Chopra to recall what he termed an “eerie conversation with Michael.” Deepak Chopra proceeded to say to Larry King:
“…very casually over the phone he just dropped a line like Deepak have you heard of this thing that takes you immediately to the valley of death and then brings you right back?...”

Here is the link to that video:

And again, Bonnie's website:

Oh my...


Re: Psychic channels Michael

I am so convinced that Michael is/was speaking through Bonnie. Michael was so in touch with his spirituality while he was alive (atleast I believe so). I think he had so much insight, more so than he ever let on to anyone...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Last night, before I went to sleep, I said a prayer as I have been saying since he passed. I also asked God to let him always be with me and watch over me...and so I went to bed.

Suddenly, I got a kinda of heavy pressure on only one side on my forehead, It felt "fizzy" lol and it was moving but only on one side. It was very cold at times. It stayed there for a while and it began to fade but then I said "Michael please stay" and it went back to what it was. This happened until I fell asleep, it was there and everytime it was fading i'd say Michael and it came back. :shock:

What do you think it was?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

On a side note - this is one thing that makes me wonder about some others who claim to be receiving messages from Michael. Not to say that Bonnie is 100% accurate, because that we don't know...but, I've heard many "messages from Michael" from psychics or others, that claim Michael says his death was an accident or that he blames no one and is at peace blah blah blah, happy happy happy. :p Now, I for one do think it's definitely possible that he could be at peace with his death as it may have been designed by himself...BUT, I don't feel he would make such a bold statement to others such as "it was all an accident". For one, because I don't feel it was...but for two, that contradicts Bonnie's messages completely...where again, she won't even discuss the matter out of respect for Michael/his family and in regards to the investigations.

It all just makes you wonder.

Well, I do not believe Bonnie when she says that Michael died because it was his time. “His time” is very abstract form to express something. And it doesn’t really mean anything cuz everybody’s time comes someday even if you take a plane it crashes.
Tell you the truth,till today I was keeping quiet at this tread about my very first vivid dream. A VERY first my post on this forum (in general discussion news) on July 2009 was about conspiracy theory and what killed MJ. I tried to tell people that Michael was killed. I have a very strong feeling about it because I have this gift to feel crime (I even explaned it in my msg) He came to my first dream (one week after he was killed) and said thank you for this way of thinking. He obviously wanted me to post it because he was agree with that. Nobody paid attention to my post at that time. From today’s news everybody knows that MJ case is homicide. I knew he was killed from the beginning and I have no clue why Bonnie and others saying opposite.

Here is the link to my very first post on forum in case if somebody is interested.
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

Wow...interesting update on Bonnie's website that confirms part of her channeled message previously:

7/22/09 – 4:33pm (channeled Message from Michael):

“I was very confused at first. I had been in similar states of being many times and always came back to my life and went through my schedule just as directed. This time was different. The environment changed suddenly and I was trying to get back. I had done this successfully before but not this time. I can see many people around me but there was no noise... complete silence and it was wonderful… there were also many different kinds of animals… they were the brightest white light I could possibly imagine. I had not seen this before in my other-worldly travels.”

On 7/30/09:
CNN’s Larry King Live Larry asks Deepak Chopra to recall what he termed an “eerie conversation with Michael.” Deepak Chopra proceeded to say to Larry King:
“…very casually over the phone he just dropped a line like Deepak have you heard of this thing that takes you immediately to the valley of death and then brings you right back?...”

Here is the link to that video:

And again, Bonnie's website:

I was just discussing this exact thing tonight with my friend after watching Larry King. I hadn't seen the link posted above but Chopra basically said the same thing tonight over the phone with Larry and it clicked for me since I've listened to Bonnie's chanelling several times. So now it makes sense why Michael was so adamant about getting propofol. My guess is he wanted to experience the Other Side and feel the euphoria of the spirit world where all is peaceful, quiet, loving and white light.
Heck who wouldn't? Give me some of that will ya.

But now I'm worry that Michael might have moved on to his new duties in the spirit world since there's not been any new message by Bonnie.

And when Michael says not many people knew him, that might be what he's refering to. Being an addict. I sure didn't know. Well I thought he had beat it after he went to detox for pain meds. Maybe he was clean for a while but relapsed. I so wish he would talk to us about it. Tell us his fans the truth nothing but the truth once and for all. He keeps saying the media lies about him even now that he has past. I'm so confused I want to be at peace with his departure and move on but why do I still shed tears for him?

Bonnie where are you? Talk to us please.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Hey everyone.
I wanted to share a weird experience me and my best friend have had.
My friend and I were chatting on msn about this whole spiritual thing. I told her to watch Bonnie Vent's videos and tell me what she thought. She watched them, and like me, she told me she got a really weird feeling while watching it. Like this were really him. We then talked further about it, and both got in a really weird unexplainable mood. Suddenly she didnt reply to my messages and 5 minutes later she wrote me JULIE. CALL ME! I called her and she told me she just experienced the most weird thing. While she was chatting with me, and having all these amazing thoughts in her mind her nail polish on her table began moving at its place. It was like it was cleaned to her table, but moving back and forth. It was only that thing moving, even though her table was packed with other things. It overturned and fell to the floor. She said she got so scared and hysterical that her only reaction was to run out from the room. She just stood outside the room with her heart beating like crazy until she decide to go in there again. When she got in there she still felt like there being something in her room. Then she told me to call her. It was the most freakish thing and ever since she's felt like someones wanted to get in contact with her.

I posted my experience earlier in this thread.

Experiences like these just leave me speechless. :mellow:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I took a picture of the clouds today
and I believe I saw Michaels eye do you see it?

Re: Psychic channels Michael

I see kind of the top of a face...


Is this what you were seeing, or something different??