Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

Something really weird happened to me last night again. Looks like since Michael passed away my mind has became more open for contacts with his spirit. It is just crazy. I am not sure how to deal with it yet.
I had my first “accidental” meditation experience first time in my life. I knew the concept before from one Chinese doctor (she is my friend) who works on spiritual level also. I tried it before following the concept she was teaching me but it never worked out. Yesterday I even didn’t try and didn’t follow this concept but it happened. It was such a strange experience. I will try to post it later. It was very beautiful too. Oh my God!

Can't wait to read it Asedora !!! :)

Hey guys I wanted to share a link to a story of one man's "near death experience" that I just stumbled upon. I have read many near death experiences, and this one is particularly beautiful. It's a little long, but worth the read!

(And Courtney it may help to answer your question about what "the light" is. :) )

Very interesting reading...Thanks for the link amygrace :D

About the "Light"... I've read in a book about angels and near death experiences,that many people at the same time they see this bright light , they experiment a very strong love energy , as this man from the link describes.
Also , some of the testimonies talked about seeing at the end of this "light tunel" a big green field , full of amazing flowers , butterflies...they experience was so vivid and real that they still can smell their perfum...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I think your dreams are hazy and vague because now you have become a bit stressed about seeing him again, but number one rule in psychic communication is to not force yourself about it. :) I remember reading a story from Doreen Virtue, a woman came up to her after a talk and asked her "Why can't I see angels, everyone does! I'm so desperate to see them and I try everything" and Doreen's answer was the same. She was forcing it. Maybe you should just let it go for some time and see what happens...

100 percent agree with this. These experiences almost always happen when you least expect them to. Don't try to push anything. Very cliche', but also very, very true.

Do you have some psychic senses yourself, sunnyday81? You really seem like you could be a natural at some things. :) Keep studying, hun. :hug:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

am a bit worried that i haven't seemed to really get any messages from him :cry: does anybody know how i can?

You could have already gotten a message from him but just don't remember it consciously. ;) The key is to just remain open. You can't force these just keep an open mind/heart about connecting with him and with spirits in general. There are still things you could to help the process along... like try meditating with the intent of connecting to Michael, or having a tarot reading done. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I have seen his books recommended but have never read any...because I know he is a religious man, and often people's religious views skew the messages being received. Can you tell me if he has a "religious background" in this book...or is it approached much like the near death experience I recently linked...where religion is stated more as something some people just choose to live by, but ultimately it doesn't matter. ?

Spirituality and religion are just two very different things. :p

He was raised Catholic, but the books don't have a religious bent at all. They are very New Age, and the messages he received from God reevaluated what he was taught to believe through his religion. They are definitely worth reading for believers and non-believers alike. Not religious at all. He also has a blog here
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Thanks :)
I know someone posted a while back about a book that's good for starting to learning how to get in touch with spirits/explore the psychic side of things... can you remember which one it was? I'm looking for a kind of intro book..

Hmm...I remember previously linking another book by Neale Donald Walsch called "Home with a life that never ends". That can be found here.
Also I believe Doreen Virtues "Angel Therapy" kit was mentioned.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

He was raised Catholic, but the books don't have a religious bent at all. They are very New Age, and the messages he received from God reevaluated what he was taught to believe through his religion. They are definitely worth reading for believers and non-believers alike. Not religious at all. He also has a blog here

Ok cool thanks for clarifying that for me. And thanks for the blog link!
Once I get a better feel for him I'll probably check out his book. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I do believe in out of body experiences, such as being in two places at once.. However I have a condition called Sleep paralysis, which means I can be in the state of my body sleeping but my mind is awake and I feel like Im hovering a foot above my own body, feeling paralyzed, but I can hear everything in my surroundings.. I dont know if anyone else here has experienced the same thing.. Its quite freaky..
Re: Psychic channels Michael

100 percent agree with this. These experiences almost always happen when you least expect them to. Don't try to push anything. Very cliche', but also very, very true.

Do you have some psychic senses yourself, sunnyday81? You really seem like you could be a natural at some things. :) Keep studying, hun. :hug:
Oh I wish! But no. LOL I did have some death premonitions about my father's and also MJ's death a few days before it happened but other than that, that's all. I keep studying and trying though! :hug:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Oh I wish! But no. LOL I did have some death premonitions about my father's and also MJ's death a few days before it happened but other than that, that's all. I keep studying and trying though! :hug:

What premonitions did you have about Michael?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I do believe in out of body experiences, such as being in two places at once.. However I have a condition called Sleep paralysis, which means I can be in the state of my body sleeping but my mind is awake and I feel like Im hovering a foot above my own body, feeling paralyzed, but I can hear everything in my surroundings.. I dont know if anyone else here has experienced the same thing.. Its quite freaky..
Oh I had that in the past a few times! Very freaky indeed!
I think I read an explanation, I found some links. It's connected with the astral projection.

Also I'm copying a nice quote:

Sleep Paralysis is when you PHYSICAL body is asleep but your ASTRAL body and thus MIND is awake. In such a state, you will not be able to move etc, and you might see astral things that is often called hallucinations but in reality is real.

This is also a state, as mentioned above, where people think they are abducted by aliens etc, though in reality it has NOTHING to do with aliens. Actually it is just you experiencing your TRUE BEING, which is the BEING OF MIND AND ASTRAL without a PHYSICAL BODY. This is why you can not move or even scream, because you are out of phase with the physical body.

In this state, it is PERFECT to achieve an OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE or ASTRAL PROJECTION.

As one mention above, Sleep Paralysis is needed for astral projection (I somewhat disagree to this though), but indeed sleep paralysis is a PERFECT state to Astral Project from.

So, in other words, if you find yourself in this state do not panick, it is normal, it is universal, it is you and your soul, it is your physical body (your vehicle) separating from its pilot (YOU, your MIND, your ASTRAL BODY), and from this you can try focus on flying out of body, be outside the house, and so on

And suddenly,you'll find yourself in amazing places.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

What premonitions did you have about Michael?
3 or 4 days before he died (I think I was Monday or Tuesday that week) I woke up in the morning hearing a female voice (in my native Greek language) saying "Michael Jackson will die" (For anyone speaking Greek it sounded like this: "O Michael Jackson tha pethanei"). I didn't pay ANY attention. I was like what the hell, where did that come from? I wasn't even thinking about him lately. And then of course it happened...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Oh I had that in the past a few times! Very freaky indeed!
I think I read an explanation, I found some links. It's connected with the astral projection.

Also I'm copying a nice quote:

Thats very accurate indeed! The paralyzing part is the worst, two years ago I could go through a week with 4-5 times of sleep paralysys, somedays I was afraid to go to bed or wake up because I felt it coming on to me. Its not as bad these days but after Michael died, actually even just the day after Michael died I began to experience sleep paralysis on a daily basis. It hasnt been this bad in 2 years.. I wonder if it has to do with Michaels death?

I wanna do futher investigation on this paranormal.. But because my sleep paralysis is so frightening I dont dare to experiment with it, being paralyzed and not being able to choose when to snap out of this condition is the most frightening feeling ever. Especially when it happens so often.. You'd think I'd get used to it but I get scared everytime..
Re: Psychic channels Michael

3 or 4 days before he died (I think I was Monday or Tuesday that week) I woke up in the morning hearing a female voice (in my native Greek language) saying "Michael Jackson will die" (For anyone speaking Greek it sounded like this: "O Michael Jackson tha pethanei"). I didn't pay ANY attention. I was like what the hell, where did that come from? I wasn't even thinking about him lately. And then of course it happened...

Thats creepy. But you know what the sad thing is? We usually never pay attention to our premenitions. My mom predicted 9/11 but she never paid attention to it and she did not mention it until after it happened.. Because she never took it seriously.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Hmmm...I don't get sleep paralysis, but I occasionally get something that normally goes along with it called hypnagogic hallucinations. Having hallucinations as you're falling asleep. I've seen some really weird stuff let me tell you. They used to scare me, but now I find them interesting and cool.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Thats creepy. But you know what the sad thing is? We usually never pay attention to our premenitions. My mom predicted 9/11 but she never paid attention to it and she did not mention it until after it happened.. Because she never took it seriously.
yeah! Many people did back then! And to think I was there for the MSG concerts! I was stuck there for 2 weeks!

But I think premonitions are usually a way of helping you lessen the shock of a death, not that you could do something about it. (Actually... this reminds me of an American TV series with a guy receiving next day's news with a newspaper at his doorstep every morning. Can't remember the name now... lol He also had a mysterious ginger cat). lol
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

Weird...I dreamed about 9/11 and told my husband before it happened.
He said it was a ridiculous dream, that would never happen.
You can imagine the look on his face a few hrs later.

My husband becomes paralised during his sleep as well, it doens t happen often but its frightening...he feels a presence and is unable to move or snap out of it.
Sometimes he is able to make a sound and when i notice i touch him and he snaps out of it.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Wow thanks for sharing that. Its interesting indeed.. I once heard a psychic say on TV that everything in life has its time, everything is already laid out as to when and how its going to happen and that the paranormal world has no time, everything just happens according to how its going to happen. So in a sence, if you believe in it, like I do, Michaels death was meant to happen. It may make no sence, but it was going to be this way. Those who had premenitions may not have been as shocked, but those who didnt, well it came as a shock to most of us... But it was going to happen.. whether we liked it or not.. We cant stop it, paranormal has no time, they dont go by a clock. You cant stop time.

About sleep paralysis, I do the same, I can make noises and I can try to call for help but no one usually hears me.. I often feel abandoned when no one can hear my cries because I can wake up crying from fear after having a session of sleep paralysis.. I feel like my body is not working together with my mind, its torture somedays..

About hypnagogic hallucinations, yes Ive had that since I was 10 years old. I can clearly remember how I would often look forward to having these hallucinations before I went to bed, I would see fireworks and rollercoasters and amazing things beyond this world.. Now thats something I do enjoy, lol.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

MichaelMySoul, what position do you have when you sleep? Do you sleep on your back? Sleeping sideways or on your belly may stop that. It's much more frequent when you lie on your back.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

3 or 4 days before he died (I think I was Monday or Tuesday that week) I woke up in the morning hearing a female voice (in my native Greek language) saying "Michael Jackson will die" (For anyone speaking Greek it sounded like this: "O Michael Jackson tha pethanei"). I didn't pay ANY attention. I was like what the hell, where did that come from? I wasn't even thinking about him lately. And then of course it happened...

This is really weird. I had this kind of experience for a few times.
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

What kind of illnesses did Michael have? I was taught from an early age not to believe the tabloids, so when people said he had skin cancer, lung diseases and lupus I never believed any of it.. Which of it is true and which isnt? I dont wanna get into MJ's illnesses here.. since its off topic. Just wondering since I never followed the news. But did he really have skin cancer? (Which isnt so hard to believe because his skin was pale and was attracting bad sunlight...)

Sunnyday, yes the paralysis is bad when I sleep on my back, however it dosnt help when I sleep on my side, it feels even worse when Im on my side because it comes with such force and I have an even harder time snapping out of it. Im gonna try sleeping on my belly tonight.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I just got the strangest feeling...

I was laying here in bed and I got like this really sudden feeling like somebody was in the room with me. You know how you get those feelings? Well I have but this time it was a lot more intense and it really felt like somebody was in here with me. It kind of freaked me out at the thought. Then out of nowhere Michael's line from this song popped into my head, "I always feel like somebody's watching me." It was SO weird and it kept replaying in my head. I read that when you get that kind of feeling a spirit could possibly be around you. I just hope it was a nice spirit and not a creepy one. It still feels like someone is here...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I just got the strangest feeling...

I was laying here in bed and I got like this really sudden feeling like somebody was in the room with me. You know how you get those feelings? Well I have but this time it was a lot more intense and it really felt like somebody was in here with me. It kind of freaked me out at the thought. Then out of nowhere Michael's line from this song popped into my head, "I always feel like somebody's watching me." It was SO weird and it kept replaying in my head. I read that when you get that kind of feeling a spirit could possibly be around you. I just hope it was a nice spirit and not a creepy one. It still feels like someone is here...

I had this happen to me last night! (minus that song playing in my head :p ) More often than not I feel my guides with me, but sometimes I get a very distinct feeling of someone else. It's usually easy to recognize if these new presences are souls of "lower vibrations" because you may get creeped out or an unsettling feeling. However, if you are someone who is easily spooked by the idea of any spirits just showing up...then you can't really judge by your initial reaction. It may help to scope out the situation by acknowledging the spirits presence and asking them who they are and if they are of the light....and see what you feel, what impressions you get. You could also ask your guides and angels to surround you with light and give comfort to your heart. If you still feel freaked out you can ask the spirit to leave, or ask your guides to escort them out.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

On the subject of lower-vibration spirits... Is white light enough to be protected from them? Are there any other tips or rituals you could do to keep them away (i.e. salt, crystals etc)? For example I want to go deeper in meditation, how can I be protected??
Re: Psychic channels Michael

On the subject of lower-vibration spirits... Is white light enough to be protected from them? Are there any other tips or rituals you could do to keep them away (i.e. salt, crystals etc)? For example I want to go deeper in meditation, how can I be protected??

I believe clearing your aura and space with your thoughts or with an Archangel's help, and then using white light as a "shield" is definitely enough. Each night I envision my house be covered in a "bubble" of white light, and I ask that guardian angels be assigned to each corner of my house to ensure that our space remains safe and clear of lower energies. You can also create a "crystal map" by placing your crystals in certain places that form a kind of grid. I haven't done this in years though so you'd have to search around for exact information on that.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

On the subject of lower-vibration spirits... Is white light enough to be protected from them? Are there any other tips or rituals you could do to keep them away (i.e. salt, crystals etc)? For example I want to go deeper in meditation, how can I be protected??

I keep white, green, or pink candles burning in my house for the natural light, smell, and protection, obviously. I say a prayer or chant for whatever I am feeling for the day as I am lighting them, too. I seriously need to get some new ones today. Candles always make me feel safe and they 'cleanse' the area/room of negative light/energy. A lot of psychics use candles for protection and enlightening. :wink:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Everynight before I go to sleep lately, since I started asking my spirit guides things, I get this almost 'buzzing' feeling throughout my body. It feels like 'energy', like...not like I have energy to get out of bed and go do stuff, but almost like an electric energy running through my body.

I am also positive that I have dreamed of Michael every night since I started asking my spirit guides to let me meet with him. I wake up just knowing that I had interactions with him, or maybe someone who very closely resembles him...but I can never remember exactly what happened. I think amygrace said that maybe it is not of the greater good for me to remember exactly what happened, and after a lot of thinking I am okay with that. I am just satisifed and happy with knowing that I am (maybe) communicating with Michael at all.

I'm just not sure what the buzzing energy thing right before I fall asleep is??
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I just got the strangest feeling...

I was laying here in bed and I got like this really sudden feeling like somebody was in the room with me. You know how you get those feelings? Well I have but this time it was a lot more intense and it really felt like somebody was in here with me. It kind of freaked me out at the thought. Then out of nowhere Michael's line from this song popped into my head, "I always feel like somebody's watching me." It was SO weird and it kept replaying in my head. I read that when you get that kind of feeling a spirit could possibly be around you. I just hope it was a nice spirit and not a creepy one. It still feels like someone is here...

I feel this a lot of the time. Never alone, or if there are people I'm with, I feel there is an extra person present. Or that someone is behind me. It's not a scary feeling though. I believe it is Michael. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Everynight before I go to sleep lately, since I started asking my spirit guides things, I get this almost 'buzzing' feeling throughout my body. It feels like 'energy', like...not like I have energy to get out of bed and go do stuff, but almost like an electric energy running through my body.

I am also positive that I have dreamed of Michael every night since I started asking my spirit guides to let me meet with him. I wake up just knowing that I had interactions with him, or maybe someone who very closely resembles him...but I can never remember exactly what happened. I think amygrace said that maybe it is not of the greater good for me to remember exactly what happened, and after a lot of thinking I am okay with that. I am just satisifed and happy with knowing that I am (maybe) communicating with Michael at all.

I'm just not sure what the buzzing energy thing right before I fall asleep is??

I can't say for sure but astral body seperating from the physical body can produce this kind of electric energy through your body. It happened to me (but only once) as I was on the verge of astral traveling. I remember seeing my left foot being separated (it was shapeless at first and then started taking form; it had a bright golden glow). I was also in sleep-paralysis mode. Not sure if it's the same with you though...

Btw, thanks for your suggestions about protection everyone! :)