I answered maybe some of this in my reply to Asedora - but of course what I know is only based on what I've read/heard from multiple psychics. I still do not know a whole lot about the transitioning/going into the light thing. Hehe. From what I do understand though anyone can go into the light at any time... of course! Everything is always a choice... and you don't always have to live in the reality you've created for yourself in your mind. So a soul may die and decide they have to be punished for their wrong doings by staying stuck on Earth. They don't have to do that, but that's what they want to believe. At any time they can say no to that reality - and decide to go into the light and begin to advance and grow more. I don't think going into the light is like stepping into another world that you can't come back from. I can't say exactly what the light is as I don't know - but I think it is simply the introduction into the astral plane. Or, maybe it is like what I read in the Beginner's Guide book about our "second death" where we leave our astral body behind and move to a higher consciousness. Nothing has really changed just our energy and shift in consciousness... just like our physical death. But anyway, the bottom line to what you are asking is (as I believe it to be true) yes, anyone can come back to visit Earth....after the light, after transitioning, after whatever.
And I mean this is made evident through psychic readings when we get in touch with old relatives that have died. Or like Bonnie how she channeled Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn is probably at the point of living in a community much like she did here now... just living her life, and learning. She may come back to visit if someone calls her though a reading...or she may even be a guide for someone here.
Oh yeah, I did read that in your posts :lol: but my brain got ahead of myself a bit and just wanted to type.
Thanks for answering though. It all makes sense, I just wanted it clearer in my mind if you know what I mean. I guess nothing does change really, as it does say in that book, it's like a different consciousness etc.
Yeah, I see what you mean about them coming back, I mean of course I
knew it was a possibility, cos spirits come back all the time, cos as you say, through psychics/mediums, I have been in contact with my grandmother. I think I knew that answer all along, I just had to write down my mental thoughts for you all :lol:
I also was just musing as to whether, other spirits who entered the light, can help those who are still attached to earth? Help them with the transition, or maybe the spirit has to learn this themselves.
This kinda stuff is really interesting. It's funny when you stop to think about life after death, like what actually awaits you, all the learning, growth, etc. The idea of creating your own reality too, I mean if you stop and think about that, it's pretty powerful, the power of thoughts, energy and all that.
I also wonder you know, about people who don't tend to believe in the spiritual side of life, I mean everyone is entitled to believe in what they want - for me, I have always been interesting in the mystical, spiritual side of life, it seems so..magical. That fascinates me too, like will those who don't believe get a surprise if they find there is life? Or will we? Or do they just exist in their own reality they created. Y'all don't have to answer this lol, I'm just throwing out my thoughts outloud. And this thread is for sure the place to do it
But yeah, thanks amy for your insight, v cool :flowers:
I just had a thought on the subject of earthbound spirits - those that haven't gone into the light. I wonder if that always has to be negative. I wouldn't think so. Like, maybe a spirit knows it wants to and will go into the light - but first they want to take care of unfinished business - making sure their children get taken care of or whatever. In that case it would simply be like "tying up loose ends". I wonder if this is what Michael did. I remember it had been months since he died and Bonnie channeled him saying he hadn't transitioned yet. Hmm I don't know. It still rises the question though of why, even if a spirit wasn't in distress, would they not go into the light in order to clear some unfinished business - because wouldn't they still be able to do this after they've gone into the light? As I said, I'm sure we can all come back to visit Earth. I wonder where the line is there...if there even is one.
I think this is what I was trying to get at in my post :lol:! Like the bits in bold! Thanks amy, you said it so much more eloquently than I did!
Surely you can still tie everything up in the light? Or do you still have to be in that earthly type, non-transitional phase first? And then you can go into the light?