Speaking of dreams: OMG I had the best Michael dream last night. There was more to it, but I'll skip to the part about Michael.
I dreamed my family and I had invited Michael over for dinner. I was sitting with my parents in my living room. We were watching a movie. It was kind of a tribute to Michael. There was a young black man in the movie wearing the Thriller jacket. Then I heard a knock on the door. I said “Is that Michael?” Neither of my parents were budging to answer the door so I did it. I went up and looked in the peep hole and I could see the shadowy figure. I opened the door and there he was, all smiles. I said “Hi, how you doing?” And he stepped in. I was grinning from ear to ear. I was so excited he came over. The thought popped in my head to give him a hug, but I don't know why I didn't. I think it was because I thought it would be strange to hug someone I had just met, even though Michael never feels like someone I just met. :doh: I think he tried to greet my parents, but they were completely unresponsive. They were acting like old fuddy duddys, just seemed to be in a totally blah mood. I'm thinking "wtf this is Michael Jackson in the house here and you're not reacting!" lol But Michael was still smiling. Then he stood next our chair. Our dogs were laying in the chair. I thought Michael was accidentally going to sit on them for a second there. :lol: They didn't bark at all. Usually they would if a stranger came to the door. Instead they just kinda looked up at him. I thought it was miracle. Then I think he had to use the restroom because he started walking in that direction and he did a little spin lol.
Of course I wake up after this. I wanted to continue the dream, but it didn't work.
He looked similar to this photograph
He was also wearing those fancy black boots.
However, I did try to go back to sleep and saw a vision of me looking at this book with photos of Michael I had never seen before. They looked real too. The last one I looked at was a picture of him sitting on the edge of a planter with purple flowers in it. He was wearing the black fedora, red shirt, and black pants with the white stripe.
I was feeling really depressed after seeing the Jacksons Family Dynasty finale, but I thought I could feel Michael's presence last night. If this dream was his way of cheering me up, then it worked.